Teü It Columns-and Sell It jHERALDWANTADS...

i Teü It in the Classified Columns-and Sell It j HERALD WANT ADS j PhoDe Main 3300 HeraU Want Ad Depart. TOE^jgÄHERALD PubHahed every day !n the year oy Th« sVasr.lrgton Herald Com¬ pany at i"-iM Klaventh street. Washington. D. C. Telephon« Exchange . Call Main 1300. (Por claaclfled advertisements ask for Branch 1). Member Audit Bureau of Circula¬ tion. CLASSIFIED RATES meat ae».> ONE »sures* Situa tlotssv.. «?aa:ed Rocera» snd Board.. ? « Rent Bocas«.aas« Wanteel M-acHacecsja........ Gt» Bas, Maaexllaaeeo,. Lost «ad fotusd. a·**»» ara«, o, lass, on. tun., fee Saaa. aal thre, eessjBseaitì«. urne». *Je. All Oria.e . aaaltlrsll.iai. Per LI·«. l aas,._..._.._......li emt» t Uassa» IW.fllsree?/...U tenu i tittaes» ersresectrti.elT.saaasssa«.1° eerjt» ? Usava, mesa scarp1;.-... · cent» ¦ raar» risa coosssrutiselr.? cent« Mlnirn'vm two Line. PURE1GM REPRKsgSTAnVEI THE 8. a BECKWITB SPECIAL AUSNCt. Issss» Tor» OarVo»............Tnbrjo. B!<K. Chicago Omo»._Trttma« Blrt*. Dartroit Offer».«ti Fard Bid«, «?. Leas, OrBe..Third NitVeraaJ Bant Bla« CENT A WORD (Ìli· lem» Charte, *c HELP WANTED.MALL WANTED-MACHIMISTS TO BC1U> 6M1TH Fonn-a-Tnick attachtassai«« and work on Ford ran. Arspljr RECORD ACTO CO, Inc. US I'«, «a. nw_»ItSt WASTED-CaiLsûRM) BOY TO WORK ÍÑ rwiDtinat office; »ood wage«. HAYWORTH PlBLlSHIS'i HOl'aE, «3» O «t. nw. ari: t WANTED-UOajD RELIABLE ?.??? »'· FXl'R. stead» Job; iood wag«.; on. oser tn. ttraft age Appij ili Ü at- nw. «elT-St «VANTÊD-LABORER8 FOR TRUCK FA Rit emrk- 8.5» per day. Applr 13* Pea at. n». REABRI..IK FARM. N. J. Appai befar, i a. m. tasa raatsrnin«._saTT-lt WANTED.MEN TO LEARN Tíffi most essential industry at the present time. Schools are now being formed to teach the various branches of ship¬ building. Apply to the Virginia Shipbuild¬ ing Corporation's representative Bt the UNITED STATES EMPLOY¬ MENT SERVICE, 1410 Pa. ave., Washington. P. C._sel5-tf BOY WITH BICYCLE TO SERVE HERALD In Cleaeland Park section; »1» per month ear Tascar, oo eommisaatsn basé«. Apply CTB- CCLATIOS MANAGER, Herald office, tti-tl SEVERAL GOOD BOYS WANTED to deliver The Herald; $8 to $10 per month; can make extra money -.oliecting. Apply 1018 K »t. ne. tel* E1ÇJHTH GRADE. OR HIGH SCHOOL BOY as me-emier and clerk. Apply CIRCULA¬ TION HEPT Herald cgica._ WANTED BRAKEMEN FOR POTOMAC laid, si camr, tear Dour, also car reissime», «aaehlniat«. helper,, carpenters, freight brake- Ben, iremen arad ofjaer occupation, at sariou, remata. Pennajleaai, Bailmad. Apviy 10 New Jetwr. «.e ae. snjleVti THE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY 1·»· poaitiem» f"r MECHANICS and LABOB- ERÄ oo car raspear» for main shop, and di.uion car baro«. » Street raiiwar work ha sTaaarngton fas rJassaesd asy tb, «osernment e>5r..NTIAL emplOTment- Attrartisa «igea ani free transportation osraw our anew. Asps» to MASTER MECHANIC at aeon«. tmt M at- nw. au3-ti BOCTE BOY FOR HERALD ROUTE. SP- p!, K. U LEHMAN, »»CBS, lim nw. SUI3-II GOOD ROUTE BOY. APPLY TO H. E. SMITH. 803 C st, sw. tf. WAREHOUSE TRUCKERS $4.18 Per Day. Apply to the Timekeeper, .AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO.. 2nd and Eye sts. ne. HALT! Boys, help Uncle Sam. Earn money to buy W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps by de¬ livering The Herald. $10 a month and $2 a month bonus. Apply Mr. S. TRAVIS, 819 3d st. nw. tf WHITE MEN AS WAREHOUSE- men; full or part time, between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.. at 33 cents oer hour. Apply Mr. USILTON, light delivery clerk, American Rail¬ way Express. 2nd and H sts. ne. tf t^ORERS^FCrTwÀREHOUSE work; $4.18 per day. Apply to Timekeeper. AMERICAN RAIL¬ WAY EXPRESS CO.. 2nd and Eye sts. ne. tf SHEET WRITERS 1taÖmTÄ7\L to 10 A. M.; 35c per hour. Ap¬ ply Delivery Department AMERI¬ CAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. Second" and H its. ne. aul7-tf ANT ll>- BOY TO eXKVE a ERA LIB rones. APPI, Ui COCBTNEY. I G m. nw. HELP WANTED.FEMALE. WAlsTED-TEN ACTIVE WOÎIEN TO WORK ia permití« offic*. HAYWOBTH Pl'BLlSH- ISG HO LSE. «S» G se. nw. ».17-lt WANTED.A MILLINERY MAK- er; one that understands all branches; good salary and all year work. Apply NOUVEAU, 932 F »t. nw. iel5-3t HELP WANTED.MALE. HELP WANTED.MALE. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT EMPLOYMENT OR IF YOUR OCCUPATION IS NOT LISTED AS "ESSENTI^" THE WASHINGTON RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. HAS A PLACE FOR YOU. ESSENTIAL WORK-EXCELLENT PAY. Under our new scale of wages, now in effect, you can make from $30.00 to $35.00 per week as either conductor or motorman. Our new wage scale is as follow·: First three months of »ervice. . 43 cents per. hour. Next nine months.46 cents per hour. Thereafter .4? cents per hour. Thi» is an exceptional opportunity for able-bodied men either within or above the draft age. APPLY ANY MORNING THIS WEEK (,£&,) Between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m. (noon). WASHINGTON RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT. 14th and East Capitol Streets. THE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY Announces Increased Wages First 3 Months of Service. .43c per hour Next 9 Months of Service.. 46c per hour Thereafter.48c per hour This is Essential Wor! Under these rates a large proportion of the runs now operated will pay in excess of $120 at the rate for be¬ ginners, s These rates of pay should offer great inducement to men who have not heretofore considered work of this character. Applications will be considered from rr.en of good di acter betwec *"9 aad 50 years of age. Apply at 2 P. M at General Offices of the. Company, 36th and M Streets Northwest, WASHINGTON. D. C Wanted able-bodied men for the District of Columbia Fire DepL Immediate appointment upon qualifying. Between the ages of 21 and 37 years. Advantages of employment: Essential work, permanent em¬ ployment, free medical attention, free street car rides if in uniform, 2-shift system, full pay when sick, twenty days annual leave with pay, pension system. Firemen when disabled receive pension; firemen kill¬ ed or dies in service, his widow, child or children receive pension. For further information apply Municipal Bldg., Wash., D. C, Room 5. sr4-l4t FURNISHEDROOMSJOR RENT. W ANTEÜ-BY ÏOUNO MAN. ANOTHER TO abajv mea root«« acparat« txaJ·. \Sti L at. nw. «elMt TEMPORARILY, NICELY FURNISHED; hot water beat, oat to tmtb. near car lioaa«; S3.5t par weak. VB Maryland are, no. «trtMt WANTED.ROOMS. RBPlNftD ÏOCNO MAN, "PROTESTANT." wtntj ringi· room ta prtTtt· family; home- lik· suiToutKÜtifi; north»«* tection prcfeiml; beat reference·. Fìnti« Main STO, bnncti Eö. STORAGE SPACE WANTED. STORAGE SPACK WANTED.ABOCT 1.000 ??-aax* í«et» LociUon coo te-i en t lo NtaetMcth f«t tnd r«naayl*»ni* mit nw preff-rred. Ad- tgt¡ CHIEF CLERK D*p-mn-.«nt ot Com¬ inero», or pfeoo« M«¡n 5«Û. brunch S. »ITU REMEMBER THIS! Never Take a Chance! Phone. Police Department.Main 4000 Fire Department.Maw 6000 Department of Justice.Main 196 U. S. Secret Service (night).Columbia 3396 U. S. Secret Service (day).Maia 6400 U.S. Marshal.Maia 2854 WANTED.APARTMENTS. CNFL'BMSHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT; four to sesea room, before November 1. Co!. «82. sell-7t FOR SALE.HOUSES._ fob sale- Delightful Waasiingto« Heights, Near 18th and Kaloram, asa. ·> room«, fin. bath. .i * aarer basât, «side lot. Price. SS.m. Oral, »500 cash. Full commiaeioo to brotara. FOR SALE- | Near litli and Lemotit streets. I atcriesa. 9 room» and bath. Nerar SSO.OOO residence« Frlo». -.< Onlr S750 cae.fi R. W. BEALI.. N«w York ate., nw. Call Main 110). Cal! Residence. Columbia IMS a_at REAL ESTATE. THREE SEVEN ROOM HOUSES IN BALLS- ton. Va.; near station; «arden, chicken yard; «ny teams ressnnable- sacrifice for caah. BOX ?. East F»|l» Church. V«._ «el« » Careful Investments Of morse, In Flrat Deed, of Trust iFlrat Mort- iuta) co Waahimton, V. O.. Real Estate al wan Ht. «a]] totem« promised «nd tb. latan of «p th, nrtndJaB· do·, resTardleasi ui tb. «SAprin« incomes and «ahae, of other areun- tiea. We bas, ban anceessafnllj enaja«ed »akin« the», tneeatmenta for our dient» for esor. Usan . quarter of a century. In»eevt- me»t«. tHO, SUO ? G-?.«*. at < per cent now reedy for delivery. Lar«, meaajuneata made. WM. H. SAUttXRS & CO.. Southern Bvtän,, 807 15th St. REAL ESTATE. CABIN JOHN PARK. ATT-ÏAUT1ÏB eOBUBBAN BOMBS. J S. TOMUN»CN, 3W 80. BLDG. M. tata. Su ce* honte· tnd bungalows ready tot In¬ spection. HMO to C.KO ba«, tanna. LOST. UteT-sMAa lut OHM PURSE IN :- f,!-t ¦¦:¦'( s grocery etor» Moudsj, Hei'temb« 16. 191ft. about 2.30 p. m containing OO bill; ¡»'? heart ahaped told locket and receipt*; finder will be liberally »warded if same la r*- tarsat to Mr». ?G????. 217 We at. »e. «elMt LoST-DOG. SMALL YU.LOWÎSH BROWN .paniti, in nclnlty of Dupont Ortie, Satur¬ day arenine; anasrer* to name of Heuheii." B«*ir4. M. KIN4LOW A fcrjN, i«o M nw. lelT-ft OBHC8Q0B PÌN SL'RROtNDlß R pearla in down town section reward If re- | turned to Mra. HTKEETKR. 1310 L M. dw., « call Franklin -BM. sell-It _mmt t? loan._ yn.in t? loa.«i on approved cm real aatata at lowea* current ratea; apadal rnnleae« wtb r*apr«:t to yrt~ pa/naeata TYLER ? Hl THIRKOitD Inc.. ft lit» at. tl AUTOMOBILES Washington Anto Exchange Automobile··, Tire«, ? <·<·*»« o ri*·. Repair*, Truck*, Trailer·, Si-ar- ¦ |f. Tizia. Auto f.leaa, (,m- rfigri, (itterica, ? te AUTO EXCHANGE. 3-Ton Truck for Hire. ONE WEEK OR LONGER WITH DRIVER. ADDRESS BOX 30.. WASHINGTON HERALD. .12-tf AUTO TRUCKS. «.UARANTY TRUCK ATTACUME.tT» Eoonomiae and conTert »our pieaaure car loto a truck. Handmade hodiew. GUARANTY TRUCK (X)., Mi Pa. aae nw. aalMt TIRES. I,ODO mu· goaraotec ia followiog atxa only -th « . ««.M NATIONAL AUTO BOPP-* CO.. _«r ah g_ aw._ AUTO REPAIRS. .You Are Satisfied. When you hare had an «pert auto mechanic examint/ and rep-air your car. We turn oat only satisfactory work, therefor« our large petrooaft- General auto repairing. All makes. The D. & P. Auto Repair Shop. 1X2 ? st. at Hth._hone Franklin TÜÍ ANÏ SERVICE. ANS TiMK. ANY I'LAL'K. Auto· oc ary make and ige repaired or rebuilt. Fonia flied while yon wait, titorage. HUB BOY MACREY, S13 lOtfa at gX Uncoin 2380. AUTO ACCESSORIES. OAR OWNBBS NOT ONLY KIND OCR location cot renient, but cur kmg eiperieoi-e with auto· ia of great ?alue to the thouaanda ire aerre. Are we aerring your car! Full stock acceeeorif«, uila, greaae», etc. Central Auto Supply Co. 10M Pi. are. Main (7M. GARAGE BUILDERS. OUR LIST OP SATISFIED "GABAGB CON crete" owner» ia growing weekly. Your more. Sc· us now. WILLIAM SERBY, Til 13th at. nw. M-in 3SM. aelMt EDUCATIONAL. ACCOUNTANCY prepare· you fnr d<**ir*Me pci-sítiona. FALL CLASSES NOW FORMING. Call, writ« or ptvne tor Booklet H and a copy of "Your Martet Valu·." PACE INSTITUTE 1001 ? et. nw Main ¦< ;-" B(;ir SINGING «?. ffiirtii rear Mm«. Luci« Horden, iliploma- (raduate ajad formerly a«*L*unl to Lsmpertl (teacher of Hembnchi. i^incip«! I'lrrurn tri- stniction at home. Rorklet en r»qnewt l.'nei- »ultataona, II !.. 1. )«M M «l_ nw. Plsoa, tt. Ttatl. GeOrgetown University The Law School. Sesilon of 1918-1319 begin« October 1, 1918. ftt 6:30 p. m. Secretary'« office open fl*lly from 9, ». m. to 6:30 p. m. for rearl«tratlon and coneultatlon. HUGH J. FEGAN. ?. ?.. LU ?.. Ph. D., Secretary. Georgetown Law School Building 6»ß K St. ?. W. Telephon« M. litt George Washington University. Chartered by ¦'¦·:,--»» CO EDUCATIONAL. OoUet. Tear Befina Serstember ». Art, and Sciences, Dctiineerin,, Educatioo, Medicine, Dentistry, Law, Pharmacy, Veter¬ inary Urdn-iDs. Full day eouraea arad lata a/ternoon eouneea. Abo-]t asssenty-flv, ciaase« in all college and engineering aubjecta meet at S:li and ß p. m STt'DENTS' ABUT TRAINING rnHI'S. CaUersjue, and other lnformallon at 39B Q at. Te ~t. re WesSt 1«4I. George Washington University Law School CO EDI'CATIONAL. Begin, 54th Ye« Sept. 25. 1918 Member Amori a Ü ti of Amen ran Law School*. Strict ataodard*. teien »t ud eut budy. Ir^tTiiutian by mott ayprc'ed nrfJ.mli Spegnai da«·?· for «nploy-ed »«udenti«. Students' Army Training Corps Secretary, Maaonic Tempi*. Main 46«. EASTERN COLLEGB-CO-KD«. THIRTY «uñatea from Wttaoinftoc. G». O. decree. pr« ? aod Junior acbool «rotir»«·; »gt ten ur«*rd; rat· 1060, opena Straber «fi. Dr. ROOP, I'medwt, Maoaittaa. Va., box 4. auS-30t Si-mil Da/ eoa «WreUn« Couraea for Paymaster Examination IN Naval Resen New Courses Sept. 18 Preciara tory for CoUfgc aod Proleaeiural Schocla Office hou«. 9 to 4 JO. aorpt Saturdiy. Mon¬ day, w.-dneaday and Fricay. S JO to « A EMERSON INSTITUTE. jon. rranklln «*3 Ife» ? II » ». REFRIGERATORS, ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS That Are Superior NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO., We build to order any stie refrigerator or cooling room. 611 F St. N. W. Franklin 2757. BUSINESS CHANCES. __ sr.svsi'AprH soute is best ßß?-p?.? ot ru», earning! »'50 per m'.nth p-eeer.l t«*n er »'«l'intani» '" »érale* rraat«nat>)e tenu» Ai rlr CIRCULATION MASA'.ïR. Herald ot- 0«-e. «elî,U FOR SALE.M1.1CELLANE0US. fwTi LAR'.f* PRaU'-.HT HliRif«;-AST) «W'U. ARUN'.Tt'N BOTTLING <" G'? k L «U. nw. aeU-Tt PETS FOR SALE. t.nLDKlsH. PAR'fioTf TÏÏÏTÏ HK',:v, cananea, canned coal', milk, and rallierai« lo all l-inchee. 8CHSIIDS G?? tMIOHL'U. :i2 lttli at. aw. «elMmo WANTED TO BUT. WILL CALL lb MY CKLETTEBED ACTO- motile, atj or mabnrbmn. and ?·· jn-j highe«· .t?-fi for ladies gen llameo s, chiidit» * ¿?» -.»r j«-al· c'o thing, o' aU d sacri pt tona. Addreas í» r* pboee wil! ori». E RICK, L3V "?? at. p*, ? tra BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. WINDOW KUm AND SHADES. WINDOW BHADSH MADE TO OKDtli. Beat Opaine on ? ? Roller». J. G. PRE1SKERT, ID ? a. it Pbona I 41*1 ttt» MOVING, PACKING, STORING. SMITHS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. NORTH ISit. N. S««3. N. 3344. NlKht or Holl-1 Jay. rrankhn 3»11 LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. SAFETY FIRST. AHHOL0TÍ-LT 1.1 ]¦. 1 ??«?«.? nooma, ? aod op. Mc» ia aawt UNITED RTATEa aTORAQE CO. tua-a ¦t. oa Pboera M IE· aad Ftan-lig MS. tt MOVING We furnUb largì pa-ided rana and oarcfu: osea to handle your good·. HACK tit ? mt ffiraitnre. ptaooa, cuica, trims brae, etc. Eii-erteix-ed bib ocly. BH1PPINU to ¦;, part· of the war*. sTÜFtA'.i tot funtat.ir·, puDoa. aod boo» bold gooda. KRIEG'S EXPRESS _DINING ROOMS. _ «ÄSHMORE "HOTEL AND CAFE. 12th «nd EN. W. FS%$%5Z Dining-rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen. Popular Prices. FOR SALE.FURNITURE. CASH T-« ·. CASH credit r umiture credit HOPWOOD'S Popular Price Furni¬ ture and Stove Store. 8tb 4 ? Sta. PERSONALS. WORKINGMES BCT EVERT INVEHTT-A- tioa of Triaca ot new pai.;* p'ainly ahow that we «all lower. Bat think of the amount we bur. We gt-t our "rake off" and pea· it oo to >ou aod tii-m fouine·» growa batter. See what'* bere at C tn ï-t Price tbe great mag met. JI'STHS ol.r» STAND, tl» D. aeiMt DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STREET. OVER 30 YEARS STST-ÄÄ Ner-oue are) Special 1)1.of Men aM Wo-toA. Means Health to You If You Suffer Prom Catarrh. Oboalta, RhromaUat-, Coaaurav tion. Pike. Tbroet. Lunga, Drain. Heart. Blood aod Ekln Vliaeaaee. Nerroaa UUlita. rala» Diaeaiea. Baxkler Ti~u(le, Specific mood Poa- aoning. r".r-;.iiona. Cirera, and All IMtate Dia, eaaea Cared (ar UI« by Bela Ma-ode. Charges Low. Medicine Furnished. CONSULTATION FREE. Private Waiting Koom for Ladies Office Hour·. 10 to 1. 3 b< 4 bandar». M to IX PROPOSALS. UEl'AKTMKNT 5f THE ÌXTF-BJOR. Bu¬ reau of Minea, Wringt'«, beptcmber 1?, mi Sealed prcposala arili be receited in thia bure·· at Room No. IX> until 1 o'clock p. m., Fri¬ day, September 3>, 191%. tot fumili*.ng all labor aod mater1 ß", mud erecting in placa, completai at the LHstrict Treetle. Flrat aod ? etreata northeast, a structure with all neceeaary pl'unb- ing, eewmure and wiring connection*. Form of trcpoaal will be sur-filiad on application. AU propoaala mui-t be eecureay enveloped, marked "Propoaala for Toilet F&cihtiea. Diatnct Ttvrtle." and be addrca-ted to the Director cf tbe Bureau of Mm«. Department of the In¬ terior. Washington, D. C The right ie ra- .erred to rej.rt mnr and all b»d», or to «ccept or reject any part thereof in the diKnü-?? of tba bureau ?. G. HOOD, Acting Director. Bureau of Mine·. ir 17.111» That Rookie from the 13th Squad. By p. l. crosby . HOWTH/\TTf?(rNCH -»CUT WHCN YüW ANO AFTER THE LTT -????.?« JHßT QVtîFl . SPECIAL NOTICES. Pl'BUO eKHonlX or TU« DlMTtlCT or l'olnnabaa. essptasDsisaT H, Wi. The Paras»» kboab o! th. DtStrie* et Oil art«I will ava·* MONDAT. «Ves*»«»·, >. W « I o'ass»ak A. li. ADMISSION TO OSAD*» »??????« New possila ara aatasitud to tia» UassVsawarlaai. AT A MINIVI al AG« OF FIVE TaUjaW. Jad to Usa «e«, mom AT A KlKIMfal AG* OF «IX ïtAR». All «hies»»a M oa II» roil» ot tea» public aciaoola at «as. do» aaf raar aaho desatee· tas «oler th. sjrsadsarj actvtvola ansi Iilerisrus, will vaasA, »rspaaoatioa far mkmtm mo^tStSmt «at «M «sa,»all easts« rnaaassisal a, t* htaem Praradpaia Mil «t «Mr basai.· ms. on Frida» aasd «aatamlar. e»en»esnner fi assi ? Irani I* ts M A. ¦. «sasi frasai I loi» G M. VAIVI NATION L'I«T1F1CATX8 MIHT HE PHKrlJ-NTED Th« law revoira« Usât. No mat anali ta» aatnlttaJ into lia. sviso ahall Bot hav, basrfi deal, stlaerwia» persteasurl spinti aavasllpot." ORADK SCHOOL PLI'IIJ* Ali perptl» » ti" atravdafl «-noose. laat asaar, sscept thoasa aaraassotaai te tea. cui« avboola. will report «o thastr laat jsesr rooass» Iona which tesos, lo tr»nrfefT»d svili ¡se asent tea th. higher eleasaasa. Papua ravosavrate*! to tb» hath school» »rill rcissrt »l tb« isjapasrti». lauri advoca!, at U ?. M. Manli,. tsar S. ADMISSION TO »HIT« HIGH SCHOOLS. All apoucant» (or s 1rs sain» «r far «desnevad alandira, m Ih. Centravi, Western «od Bues ni»» Ua«h fecsaiBevea. »ad th» McKlnlsre Manual Trainala« eVsaool. other than thosss who »taeaadeai th. .¡«fcta «rade, of th. iMatncr. of Color»!»«, «aa»t r»f«»rt to th. Hsffh Sch.<sl Admissaoa Board at th. Franklin esetaool [vn Tbsaradsur, or Friday, esssptarnabsw li aad * bartaasm Use hours eafitollA. MusdiUi I P. M Tb. BoaVrd will sasssaa, patata» U> th, Bismlnattora». Student» etstasrta« th. hiajk asrhaoi Ihroaach live bifh school «aaaaaasssrsm board will . I-¦ br that Bosusl U srastsoa, «tha. Usava Ih» Oantral Hijrh'eìcbnol sweet« in caan, ap- Brosed Ibs th. BVinaarttttavnnwl whet, malean«) barrjahip would nvssxrl fro·» sort «aalcnnBMK Kiaminataoc fur admise,ran to tb« assart t*er et hi«« »ei-aaa. will b» apsen oa 8»tanl»j. Ber- leasbac S at I A. M. at th. Fewjakna School For «rhniassina to th. first raver papila »east ba prepares! to tak. exan.inatwsra» In aftsglush. Olaaaaiai, and . an? «luon. Aritla»? Hi C. ? Bastarr «nd lOesstltuuoea. ansd «aastssssaashT. AB applicants aita« prassssst pmper ces-uracte, or record, of »li saeark oneaapsestad ia other arhaasa». otuearwis« no credit »tj ba ea*en for asscfa aeorfc Examination, asaj tss required, bait credit asaau be raen fur asna, of th. wort don. la othaw achools if cestiaveatas» ara aarasfeertasr«. AD¬ MISSION TO THE Ci.LORI.I. BIUM SCHOOLS Ali candad««», lor "'wiHT'ni «o th« firn reti 11,.»« of Imnlsar 111«« fkhool.. tb, LSepevruneirt of Bsasioea, PracUca. Aissvtiiia, MaouaJ Traiaun« School, excaspt la»tas, Of th» el«!.ti aTXaaaav. «f the schotves of tb» Lutria of Oralunibia. «vili examined try the Hieb «school Adisuasason Board at th, Dunbar Hl«fa School eaa Thoreday or Frtd»y. fseptaanbear li and as), last .aveu th. boas, rsf 2 and S P. M. Th» Board srill «Mua to th. exemlnsuotaa Tb. IsaeulreSBaSBBst» for »d aiiasioa to flrat ya»r elea aee ar. th. aauase ess out- ur.ed «bos. for «hiu ha«h achócala. MOUT SCHOOLS A.NNOr.NCEMENT OF THE OPENING OF N1GBT 80HOOL* WILL BE MADE LATER. (Btcnad* EBNEST U THUBSTON. »«prnctesadssnt of School» avrlilT.a I^ERALJDESIGNS._ appropriate Floral Tokens. ArtasVae- raprons laillwaa»t Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street Pnapi urto tM*»*ao ee.nea FUNERALJMRECTORS. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS Membea by lavitatlOD National lî>ie«rtad Mnr- Lioína. Semoea r«aDdered in all paru mt UM Lotted btaatoa *y¡ apeoa. repr*»eoUf»ee Telephone Main 5*12-5611 1730-22 Pm. V^.^ Avenue. W. W. Cfaaotbrn. W. W. CHAAffiERS CO. 1400 Chapín St. N. W. We Ca· lm.omobi-t «Senior ExrJuaively. alodarm UiapeL Vmg or Ni*bt. Vboo* iZaL DIED. COFlKEr-On Sunday. September 16, 1318, ANN OUav'FKll. iHlovtd mtitfa.r ol OrlTaaale Coffee, aajreaj ? yetar«. Funeral lodar from her Ut« reei¬ dence. Brentwood. Md. CKUTCHET.On September 1«, IMS. at l«J:«i p. m.. ???????-GG?e.. daughter of the late John 1' ana Jeanette Crutchet. Funeral from the residence of her «later. Mr«. Kmma Gibaon, ttst Eaat Capitol «treet. tomorrow at 8:30 a. m., thence to Holy Com¬ forter Church. Fourteenth anal EaVft Capitol street». Relative« and friend» invited. Interment private. Cl'MB ER LAND.On Sunday, Septem¬ ber Ui. li'lv at t.ti a- n, at hi« residence, ill Fifth «treet north¬ east. JOHN A. CUMBERLAND, »on of Charle» C. and Eva Cum¬ berland Funeral from hi» late residence to¬ morrow evoninar at 2:30 o'clock, thence to St Mark'» Church. DORSET.Departed thl» life on Mon¬ day. September 15. IMS. at 12 ¿0 a. m.. «t the residence of hi» mother. 15» Church street north- we»t, DAVID EDWARD, the be¬ loved «on of Lucrett« M. «nd the late John E. Dor»ey, huaband of Grace C. Doreey and brother of Mr«. L. Ch«ee. John R. Dorsey. Jr.. Mr». Irene Claytor and Nor¬ man R. Dor»ey. Notice of funeral lat«r. 'Ne« York. Asbury Park and San Fran¬ cisco paper« please copy.) ELLIOTT.On Saturday, September H 191S, »t SS p. m., JOHN WEr*- LEY, beloved husband of the late Maria L. Elliott, «Bed 81 yfaar». Funeral from reeidence of hi« «on. William F. Elliott, 1335 Tenth ¦treet northwest, today at 2 p. m Relatives and friend» Invited- Confederate Veteran« of D. C. are Invited to attend in uniform. GENSBERG.On Sunday, September 15. Isis, at her residence. 1U3J Sixth »treet northeast, ZIRMA. beloved wife of Sliia Csenaber«. tveed 52 years. She leaves to mourn her loss a devoted husband, three daughters and two «on». Funeral services «vt her 1st« resi¬ dence today at II o'clock a- m. GILL.On Monday. September It lsli. at 7:0Ï p ro.. at hi- rajsioenre. Four Mile Run, Va,, CHARLES F. the beloved husband of Bertha V. GUI. Notice of funeral later. (Ballimor* papers pleas« copy.) HKNNIGAN.Departed thli life, itid- denly, Saturday. Septfmber 14. ISIS, at «v:15 o'clock, at 1507 L «treet northwest, JOHN F.. Jr. beloved son of the lata John Hennigan and Mary H. Moeley. and devoted brother ot the Ut« Netti« ?. Hatea. Funeral from th« re»lcjerice of hl· aunt. Mr«. Bea»ie Jonas, a Myrtl« street northwest, thence to Gal- braith Church, on Sixth street be¬ tween L and M street» northwest. Rev. W. D. Bsttle. pastor, ? Annap¬ olis, Md papers please copy.) HESS.On Saturday. September 14, 1*1«. at 8:30 p. m., at her residence. «M C «treet northeast. MARGARET C. widow of William T. Hess. Funeri»! from her lat« rsewodence. ß,? C. »treet nortrieast. today »t » 30 «. m. Interment In Baltimore, Md. (Balumor· p«per» please copy.) JOHNSON-Depart«««! thi« lif« oa SAturdav. September 14. 1918. »t H30 p. m.. at hi« rsMtdenc«. ia* Linden «treet north«»««t. JAM it* H. JOHNSON. a*ed 41 year» He le»ve» to mourn his loss » loving mother, one brother and daughter and a host of relative» and friend». . Funeral »» 1 G t?. today from Lane M. E. Church. Fourteenth and C »treet» northeast. KINSMAN.On Sunday. September jr 191» at 2 p. ».. at Sananar Laake W Y. WILLIAM G KINSMAN. Notice of ftrnsaral later OCfiN'\'"R-n" ¡Mturel«*' *T*"nr*' 14. 1918, 11'.in a m . e-fjARI.FS O'CONNOR »veloved »or- of the late »Tharle» and «'»therm« O'Connor Funeral from hi« brrtberJ« resl- rtenoe, ??? M »treet northwest, tr- d«v. thenee to P' Stephen » Cetho'lc <-rn!r*-ri. »t *a rr. rritDsU avna relativ«· lnvltea. DIED RIDLET.Budden!). on Sonda« Bep- leinber U, Uli. at U ; it. al » ime, a ]·..,!.«. Mr. :..1-Y RIDLEY. beWved c o«r» o ved »Ito of Joeeph W. Re- malne can be a··« mt the Jamee Broe.' funeral tartete. Interment at Macota. Oe_. Thu racier. September 19. eCHLOeSBR-On »etunlar. Bept em¬ ber 14. tail, at %M p. m.. at Prorlderecïlloeplta-. MARGARET KrHLOMKR, belo««) «rife mt Jamee E F. Rchtoaaer. runerml from Thoa. R Harta» at Son a funeral parlor, 121 Elreeath atreet aotithaaa-t. toéer at I ? aa. Relativa· and friend· rcepertfoUr invited to attend. Interment ait Olenwood Cemeterr. VOLSI.On Bandar. Beutember U. rtts, at I p. m KARL C.t beloved baa- band of Anna reara. Funeral »private) Lee'· Bona. I avenue northweat. tosar at S p. Kindt», omit flower·. TVARFIELD.Entered tato a Iona; Ulne·· at Hoaptta! \t edneedaj.. 11. 1918. Re» JAME« WA1 «levoted huahand of Mr·. Warfleld and aon of Mra. Monroe. Funeral todar from th· Terfh Street Baptirt Oiurch. Borthw·«. at 1 p. m- Friend· and ? alati »a» Invited. WISE-Departed thia Uf· on Mondar. .September H. IDI«, at 111 a. «a. at her reeidence. S. ? etreet nw th- weet Mrs. ELI-EN MOHROK- WIBE. the beloved and mother of Mary M- Martha Mann and RarxMph Moa. roe. foater mother and aunt «tf J. W. Monroe, errane) mother of B-hat Mann and mother-in »law mt Vtr- cinia Monroe Funeral tomorrow at S p ma., froma the reeidence. Reletjvee an4 friend· Invited. DLATH RECORD ?G?G?? Marame I. Cham, Manjar« Schio-m M Oeonja Ham*» at aat. MuiaM 0. Haa· ?, mjt G at- am Annie E Kraft. 1». Martilla « eacna aev lOleORKl» Jaaaa» W. Manhall. » S I A aa Jot» F Reentra. I, Ol l a ta». I .anear WaUcw. «. Tohanaaloaaa SSmI Jaaaaa Wal-etd. 8. ?????-aiira Sfatarle: l>,c» <»ea-BMd-re. W rraadaaae a Reacate] Pillatili W. Dal« ( aBet. IBB Moma ai. aa> BIRTHS REPORTED. wmtrt. John J aad innata« M. W-aaa ka». Joaer* M. aad Mat- T. Bran» bar Bobart J aad rath-nee M. Qaeda taf. T-oaaoe E aad Matao» H Haa.-« «ne» Tboaaaa J. aad Mare K. »o». ta«. Manea C. aad Lebe M Bilflwit. *rl. Baaaaaat M. aad Batafle OttBBBi.Ba. bar tan«· Horaae B aod But- Dear», ber. Kal.ator» aad Rnaalie rtonVho.. fart. Cieora- E aad Ada M Breaket-aat. 0?. CU LOB EU. Freeronr. and Sanale F. Tt«-ne, 0A. Hug- aad t-D-aa Bradford. (M. ¥.\RR1*,GE LICENSES. rnitjo-s Thadaroe Hellr. a. and Ul'-a Ireaa Saut-,. B. bot- ef danadea. Va Be«. J T. H'-ldle. Hune M. AahBad. S. aad Beata D. Ee.ee »an. Si. tnela. of fii»a TMaa K. Dana Han-d B. Kaar. 9. Wi-n-ao.«. aal Baa» In-e Daaa. a. Bara--, M. T. Be·. B.,««.« r. Dona G??-?? Iflaoe O-Braaa. » W Ébna, aa« Minnie Onda fanera ?. » Hai. Ka. Beh Joba R. JoCrtae Ian Careall Ba»·. ? aad Harr Baker .Laarreoea. ?. bora ef Waa-lagtee Be«. Clareace E. "ITherier. Joba Barate Di-ard B. and Mar» MtiliBtl Attera B. botb ef Bulara un n*. Ta. Be«. _-*- ard F. Downa« Benamun Weinnrad M Nol-Mk. Ta. aad Brie. Oaoar. B. aabt-ft-a. let. A. m»l*et maa. Wa.rla_d W. Rpuavaa. B, rb-adatpbla. Pa. and Hilda ? Über, B. W en-el» a. Bav. John Ceaaptoe BalL Ray Leanaa Be-loa. M. and Fìaataa C Pr», r hath of Waak-ertor. Bea. K M. Met). Ba.aa.d Ebartr. 9. aad «.ladra E. «etaa-iaea, a. boU ef Weaeu-ctoa. Be». I B. Bean*. Ba»a-o-d A Wataaa. 3. aad Oraea I. Mar¬ ca-, ?. bot- of V> aaa-atrtor. Be«. Jaaaaa M. O'Hnea. ITillie-i Jaaaea Klinar-r. a. «""tne-a-atl Oa-e, aad Katbr»- T. Bied-rr. B. Weahhaft-e. Baa. Jaaaaa I. MaeAin. Edcar W. r)hen-ed St. aad Atta PtaaB» datv B. both of Waaturar.ae. Ber. J. Baa» nine Ka-BB. Jack Flnloa. V. and Mane Oorda-a Dea-M- aea. W, both of Wo-hiaftee M-flMh E L·. JobnaotL. 8. Adela eie ? rbapmea. ?. Jotio E. Bnuv Biçaetw Mania, a aad Aaaa Ime G?. fei.». M. bath ef WaahiBer-ar- Bot Jaba T. Uoddia W. J. Harper. ? VTaae-ac--. a Knapp, a. Bre-twood. Md. Bar Ja Montgomery Henrr Sidner Beili);. S. Baltana aad Go-he A Ptaarea, Claiaaaitl. Obla. Bar. William Jo-eph Ma Walter M. Labrr. 'both of Waaawnetou. Be». M i.eorra W. Mote. ». ITI le. «nati·. K. C aad Alice ?. -e-iaford, ?. Beap Ta. Baa ??««· E. Pana OOLOBED Fred "Tom«, a, aad Da-raaiaa Tarla« U. both ef Waahtnfftori. Ber. Pbe» Bai«· Theadore UaaaU, ? aad Aanae Pitia, aa, both of VTaa-ioctoa. Be« W J. Rennt Geonja E. Gait-er. SS. Brootnlla MA. aad Hatea S. Hod««. 8. fallarte r*ia, fh. Be·. An-Ua earlea Jaaaaa H. Tt-aBaBna. 8 aad AUaa M. t-aaea 8. both of Horpet-a Ferrr. W. Ta Bea. Aqn-a Sa.« Ira Marorllua Pr/. 8. aad aB.aahe.li Tari« a. both of WaabtaaTtoa. Re». W-Uani J Baaa-A. L. Ttv«ir.aa Hadaa. B. aad Anna -ori. »S, both nt W>'aahin«toa. Be«. A. -b-Baa-a Bentue Milla. 8. aad -optua -baaat. a. baa» of Weehl-fioa Be«. J. J. OT Richard Book. B. both of W'aabmrtoa. Rea. Miai runa ? ?. Jobneoa. Ill aad Flaaata C. a. both of Waahin«-!-. Re«. J. ? Ttm-a Obaiiaa Bottaaa. B. aad Aaraaaa ? Ban. ? both of "It aahiaftoa. Bar. M. W. Oak. Detective Retunu With Stolen Car After Much Joihinjr For a while tha other dar. DataetJ«»· Cornwell. headquarter· detecttv«. wae the target for all aorta of tinptaaaaat remark· and even aaked If ha w«a In .rmpathy with the ? a leer. TUa mt happened hecauae he waa ridtna: la aa automobile on 6unda>. But.the auto waa m etoler. on· Detectiva Cornwall had aromi Pateraon. N. J . to i«Ku»ai tt. car wu the propertr of In tino, of «MT Pent-rj-lvma-a not^»»a»aL The dVetecUvw and the ubbM af tr"1" car went to Pateraot. laat a I r«»c)»iver the car wtiieh ?*» bee· · abandoned on a road near Fmtaraan | On tha war back, the occapaota «a tha ear were ihouted at «rtearr In diatene« hy »mall bor· «aal Broken* persona. It wa» omlr wit» difhrt· ir» that the detective mejtajred to -xp,e at to a tramr mt perwotu Kath«r«a. at L-tnadota ne, Md., that thar ««r· m*t on official buaUiaa» aM not r-Mnr around for fan. Detetrttv» Crirawar waa obHsed to tad ana md'vidua- ta-ai unlee* he dlacontlgjad hia obveorton- aMe lanruare ha would be arraeted ' Frmod Rx« Tip Oro» l-t-»--¿ A fraud ortiar laaaefi in itar aaalaat the former w*ll-kao»-n jocfearr. "Vie" Brltton. for Belilo* lake n-ni »pa I baa now been e al enriad br the Foai- < mee îjepanmeat asetnet hia c-jthe· A L Brttton. who the «>r»«i««unent tli.da ha« orem jaar.Mln« "Vlr ·" «lerTIre for trun, attica "Vrc" waa ptjt out ol -«laineaa. ?

Transcript of Teü It Columns-and Sell It jHERALDWANTADS...

Page 1: Teü It Columns-and Sell It jHERALDWANTADS ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1918-09-17/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · U.S. Marshal.Maia 2854 WANTED.APARTMENTS. CNFL'BMSHED HOUSE OR

i Teü It in the Classified Columns-and Sell It jHERALD WANTADS j PhoDe Main 3300 HeraU Want Ad Depart.

TOE^jgÄHERALDPubHahed every day !n the year

oy Th« sVasr.lrgton Herald Com¬pany at i"-iM Klaventh street.Washington. D. C.Telephon« Exchange . Call Main

1300. (Por claaclfled advertisementsask for Branch 1).Member Audit Bureau of Circula¬


meat ae».> ONE»sures* Situa tlotssv..«?aa:ed Rocera» snd Board..? « Rent Bocas«.aas«Wanteel M-acHacecsja........Gt» Bas, Maaexllaaeeo,.Lost «ad fotusd.a·**»» ara«, o, lass, on. tun., fee Saaa. aal

thre, eessjBseaitì«. urne». *Je.All Oria.e . aaaltlrsll.iai.

Per LI·«.l aas,._..._.._......li emt»

t Uassa» IW.fllsree?/...Utenui tittaes» ersresectrti.elT.saaasssa«.1° eerjt»? Usava, mesa scarpt»1;.-... · cent»¦ o» raar» risa coosssrutiselr.? cent«

Mlnirn'vm two Line.

PURE1GM REPRKsgSTAnVEITHE 8. a BECKWITB SPECIAL AUSNCt.Issss» Tor» OarVo»............Tnbrjo. B!<K.Chicago Omo»._Trttma« Blrt*.Dartroit Offer».«ti Fard Bid«,«?. Leas, OrBe..Third NitVeraaJ Bant Bla«



Charte, *c

HELP WANTED.MALLWANTED-MACHIMISTS TO BC1U> 6M1THFonn-a-Tnick attachtassai«« and work on Ford

ran. Arspljr RECORD ACTO CO, Inc. USI'«, «a. nw_»ItStWASTED-CaiLsûRM) BOY TO WORK ÍÑ

rwiDtinat office; »ood wage«. HAYWORTHPlBLlSHIS'i HOl'aE, «3» O «t. nw. ari: t

WANTED-UOajD RELIABLE ?.??? »'·FXl'R. stead» Job; iood wag«.; on. oser tn.ttraft age Appij ili Ü at- nw. «elT-St«VANTÊD-LABORER8 FOR TRUCK FA Ritemrk- 8.5» per day. Applr 13* Pea at. n».

REABRI..IK FARM. N. J. Appai befar, i a.

m. tasa raatsrnin«._saTT-ltWANTED.MEN TO LEARN Tíffi

most essential industry at thepresent time.

Schools are now being formed toteach the various branches of ship¬building.

Apply to the Virginia Shipbuild¬ing Corporation's representative Btthe UNITED STATES EMPLOY¬MENT SERVICE, 1410 Pa. ave.,

Washington. P. C._sel5-tfBOY WITH BICYCLE TO SERVE HERALDIn Cleaeland Park section; »1» per month

ear Tascar, oo eommisaatsn basé«. Apply CTB-CCLATIOS MANAGER, Herald office, tti-tl

SEVERAL GOOD BOYS WANTEDto deliver The Herald; $8 to $10

per month; can make extra money-.oliecting. Apply 1018 K »t. ne.


E1ÇJHTH GRADE. OR HIGH SCHOOL BOYas me-emier and clerk. Apply CIRCULA¬

TION HEPT Herald cgica._WANTED BRAKEMEN FOR POTOMAClaid, si camr, tear Dour, also car reissime»,

«aaehlniat«. helper,, carpenters, freight brake-Ben, iremen arad ofjaer occupation, at sariou,remata. Pennajleaai, Bailmad. Apviy 10 NewJetwr. «.e ae. snjleVtiTHE CAPITAL TRACTION

COMPANY1·»· poaitiem» f"r MECHANICS and LABOB-ERÄ oo car raspear» for main shop, and di.uioncar baro«.


Street raiiwar work ha sTaaarngton fas rJassaesdasy tb, «osernment a« e>5r..NTIAL emplOTment-

Attrartisa «igea ani free transportation osrawour anew.

Asps» to MASTER MECHANIC at aeon«.tmt M at- nw. au3-ti


GOOD ROUTE BOY. APPLY TOH. E. SMITH. 803 C st, sw. tf.


Apply to the Timekeeper,.AMERICAN RAILWAY

EXPRESS CO..2nd and Eye sts. ne.

HALT!Boys, help Uncle Sam.Earn money to buy W. S. S.

and Thrift Stamps by de¬livering The Herald. $10 a

month and $2 a month bonus.Apply Mr. S. TRAVIS, 8193d st. nw. tf

WHITE MEN AS WAREHOUSE-men; full or part time, between

6 p. m. and 6 a. m.. at 33 centsoer hour. Apply Mr. USILTON,light delivery clerk, American Rail¬way Express. 2nd and H sts. ne. tft^ORERS^FCrTwÀREHOUSE

work; $4.18 per day. Apply toTimekeeper. AMERICAN RAIL¬WAY EXPRESS CO.. 2nd and Eyests. ne. tfSHEET WRITERS1taÖmTÄ7\L

to 10 A. M.; 35c per hour. Ap¬ply Delivery Department AMERI¬CAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. Second"and H its. ne. aul7-tf\« ANTll>- BOY TO eXKVE a ERA LIB

rones. APPI, Ui COCBTNEY. I G m. nw.


ia permití« offic*. HAYWOBTH Pl'BLlSH-ISG HO LSE. «S» G se. nw. ».17-lt

WANTED.A MILLINERY MAK-er; one that understands all

branches; good salary and all yearwork. Apply NOUVEAU, 932 F»t. nw. iel5-3t






Under our new scale of wages, now in effect,you can make from $30.00 to $35.00 per week as

either conductor or motorman.

Our new wage scale is as follow·:

First three months of »ervice. . 43 cents per. hour.Next nine months.46 cents per hour.Thereafter .4? cents per hour.

Thi» is an exceptional opportunity for able-bodiedmen either within or above the draft age.

APPLY ANY MORNING THIS WEEK (,£&,)Between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m. (noon).



Announces Increased WagesFirst 3 Months of Service. .43c per hourNext 9 Months of Service.. 46c per hourThereafter.48c per hour

This is Essential Wor!Under these rates a large proportion of the runs now

operated will pay in excess of $120 at the rate for be¬ginners, s

These rates of pay should offer great inducement tomen who have not heretofore considered work of thischaracter.

Applications will be considered from rr.en of good diacter betwec *"9 aad 50 years of age.

Apply at 2 P. M atGeneral Offices of the. Company,

36th and M Streets Northwest,WASHINGTON. D. C

Wanted able-bodied men for the District of ColumbiaFire DepL Immediate appointment upon qualifying.Between the ages of 21 and 37 years. Advantagesof employment: Essential work, permanent em¬

ployment, free medical attention, free street car ridesif in uniform, 2-shift system, full pay when sick,twenty days annual leave with pay, pension system.Firemen when disabled receive pension; firemen kill¬ed or dies in service, his widow, child or childrenreceive pension. For further information applyMunicipal Bldg., Wash., D. C, Room 5. sr4-l4t


at. nw. «elMtTEMPORARILY, NICELY FURNISHED;hot water beat, oat to tmtb. near car lioaa«;S3.5t par weak. VB Maryland are, no. «trtMt

WANTED.ROOMS.RBPlNftD ÏOCNO MAN, "PROTESTANT."wtntj ringi· room ta prtTtt· family; home-

lik· suiToutKÜtifi; north»«* tection prcfeiml;beat reference·. Fìnti« Main STO, bnncti Eö.

STORAGE SPACE WANTED.STORAGE SPACK WANTED.ABOCT 1.000??-aax* í«et» LociUon coo te-i en t lo NtaetMcth

f«t tnd r«naayl*»ni* mit nw preff-rred. Ad-tgt¡ CHIEF CLERK D*p-mn-.«nt ot Com¬

inero», or pfeoo« M«¡n 5«Û. brunch S. »ITU

REMEMBER THIS!Never Take a Chance! Phone.

Police Department.Main 4000Fire Department.Maw 6000Department of Justice.Main 196U. S. Secret Service (night).Columbia 3396U. S. Secret Service (day).Maia 6400U.S. Marshal.Maia 2854

WANTED.APARTMENTS.CNFL'BMSHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT;four to sesea room, before November 1. Co!.

«82. sell-7t

FOR SALE.HOUSES._fob sale-

Delightful Waasiingto« Heights,Near 18th and Kaloram, asa.

·> room«, fin. bath..i * aarer basât, «side lot.

Price. SS.m. Oral, »500 cash.Full commiaeioo to brotara.

FOR SALE- |Near litli and Lemotit streets.I atcriesa. 9 room» and bath.

Nerar SSO.OOO residence«Frlo». -.< Onlr S750 cae.fi

R. W. BEALI.. !» N«w York ate., nw.Call Main 110). Cal! Residence. Columbia IMS


THREE SEVEN ROOM HOUSES IN BALLS-ton. Va.; near station; «arden, chicken yard;

«ny teams ressnnable- sacrifice for caah. BOX?. East F»|l» Church. V«._ «el« »

Careful InvestmentsOf morse, In Flrat Deed, of Trust iFlrat Mort-iuta) co Waahimton, V. O.. Real Estate alwan Ht. U» «a]] totem« promised «nd tb.latan of «p th, nrtndJaB· do·, resTardleasi uitb. «SAprin« incomes and «ahae, of other areun-tiea. We bas, ban anceessafnllj enaja«ed 1»»akin« the», tneeatmenta for our dient» foresor. Usan . quarter of a century. In»eevt-me»t«. tHO, SUO ? G-?.«*. at < per cent nowreedy for delivery. Lar«, meaajuneata made.

WM. H. SAUttXRS & CO..Southern Bvtän,, 807 15th St.


ATT-ÏAUT1ÏB eOBUBBAN BOMBS.J S. TOMUN»CN, 3W 80. BLDG. M. tata.Su ce* honte· tnd bungalows ready tot In¬

spection. HMO to C.KO ba«, tanna.


:- f,!-t ¦¦:¦'( s grocery etor» Moudsj, Hei'temb«16. 191ft. about 2.30 p. m containing OO bill;*¦ ¡»'? heart ahaped told locket and receipt*;finder will be liberally »warded if same la r*-tarsat to Mr». ?G????. 217 We at. »e. «elMtLoST-DOG. SMALL YU.LOWÎSH BROWN.paniti, in nclnlty of Dupont Ortie, Satur¬

day arenine; anasrer* to name of Heuheii."B«*ir4. M. KIN4LOW A fcrjN, i«o M nw.

lelT-ftOBHC8Q0B PÌN SL'RROtNDlß Rpearla in down town section reward If re- |

turned to Mra. HTKEETKR. 1310 L M. dw., «call Franklin -BM. sell-It

_mmt t? loan._yn.in t? loa.«i on approved cmreal aatata at lowea* current ratea; apadal

rnnleae« wtb r*apr«:t to yrt~ pa/naeataTYLER ? Hl THIRKOitD Inc.. ft lit» at. tl

AUTOMOBILESWashington Anto ExchangeAutomobile··, Tire«, ? <·<·*»« o ri*·.Repair*, Truck*, Trailer·, Si-ar-¦ |f. Tizia. Auto f.leaa, (,m-

rfigri, !ì (itterica, ? te


3-Ton Truckfor Hire.





Eoonomiae and conTert »our pieaaure car loto atruck. Handmade hodiew.

GUARANTY TRUCK (X)., Mi Pa. aae nw.aalMt

TIRES.I,ODO mu· goaraotec ia followiog atxa only


_«r ah g_ aw._AUTO REPAIRS..You Are Satisfied.

When you hare had an «pert auto mechanicexamint/ and rep-air your car. We turn oat onlysatisfactory work, therefor« our large petrooaft-General auto repairing. All makes.The D. & P. Auto Repair Shop.

1X2 ? st. at Hth._hone Franklin TÜÍANÏ SERVICE. ANS TiMK. ANY I'LAL'K.Auto· oc ary make and ige repaired or rebuilt.

Fonia flied while yon wait, titorage. HUBBOY MACREY, S13 lOtfa at gX Uncoin 2380.

AUTO ACCESSORIES.OAR OWNBBS NOT ONLY KIND OCRlocation cot renient, but cur kmg eiperieoi-e

with auto· ia of great ?alue to the thouaandaire aerre. Are we aerring your car! Full stockacceeeorif«, uila, greaae», etc.

Central Auto Supply Co.10M Pi. are. Main (7M.

GARAGE BUILDERS.OUR LIST OP SATISFIED "GABAGB CONcrete" owner» ia growing weekly. Your more.

Sc· us now. WILLIAM SERBY, Til 13th at.nw. M-in 3SM. aelMt

EDUCATIONAL.ACCOUNTANCYprepare· you fnr d<**ir*Me pci-sítiona.FALL CLASSES NOW FORMING.Call, writ« or ptvne tor Booklet Hand a copy of "Your Martet Valu·."

PACE INSTITUTE1001 ? et. nw Main ¦< ;-"

B(;ir SINGING «?.ffiirtii rear Mm«. Luci« Horden, iliploma-

(raduate ajad formerly a«*L*unl to Lsmpertl(teacher of Hembnchi. i^incip«! I'lrrurn tri-stniction at home. Rorklet en r»qnewt l.'nei-»ultataona, II !.. 1. )«M M «l_ nw. Plsoa, tt. Ttatl.

GeOrgetown UniversityThe Law School.

Sesilon of 1918-1319 begin« October1, 1918. ftt 6:30 p. m.

Secretary'« office open fl*lly from9, ». m. to 6:30 p. m. for rearl«tratlonand coneultatlon.HUGH J. FEGAN. ?. ?.. LU ?..

Ph. D., Secretary.Georgetown Law School Building6»ß K St. ?. W. Telephon« M. litt

George WashingtonUniversity.

Chartered by ¦'¦·:,--»»CO EDUCATIONAL.

OoUet. Tear Befina Serstember ».

Art, and Sciences, Dctiineerin,, Educatioo,Medicine, Dentistry, Law, Pharmacy, Veter¬inary Urdn-iDs.

Full day eouraea arad lata a/ternoon eouneea.

Abo-]t asssenty-flv, ciaase« in all college andengineering aubjecta meet at S:li and ß p. m


CaUersjue, and other lnformallon at 39B Q at.Te ~t. re WesSt 1«4I.

George WashingtonUniversity Law School


Begin, 54th Ye« Sept. 25. 1918Member Amori aÜ ti of Amenran Law

School*. Strict ataodard*. teien »t udeut budy.Ir^tTiiutian by mott ayprc'ed nrfJ.mli Spegnaida«·?· for «nploy-ed »«udenti«.

Students' Army Training CorpsSecretary, Maaonic Tempi*. Main 46«.

EASTERN COLLEGB-CO-KD«. THIRTY«uñatea from Wttaoinftoc. G». O. decree.

pr« ? aod Junior acbool «rotir»«·; »gt ten ur«*rd;rat· 1060, opena Straber «fi. Dr. ROOP,I'medwt, Maoaittaa. Va., box 4. auS-30t

Si-mil Da/ eoa «WreUn« Couraea for

Paymaster ExaminationIN

Naval Resen

New Courses Sept. 18Preciara tory for

CoUfgc aod Proleaeiural SchoclaOffice hou«. 9 to 4 JO. aorpt Saturdiy. Mon¬

day, w.-dneaday and Fricay. S JO to «A

EMERSON INSTITUTE.jon. rranklln «*3 Ife» ? II » ».



NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO.,We build to order any stie

refrigerator or cooling room.

611 F St. N. W. Franklin 2757.


sr.svsi'AprH soute is best ßß?-p?.?ot ru», earning! »'50 per m'.nth p-eeer.l t«*n

er »'«l'intani» '" »érale* rraat«nat>)e tenu» Airlr CIRCULATION MASA'.ïR. Herald ot-

0«-e. «elî,U


k L «U. nw. aeU-Tt

PETS FOR SALE.t.nLDKlsH. PAR'fioTf TÏÏÏTÏ HK',:v,cananea, canned coal', milk, and rallierai« lo

all l-inchee. 8CHSIIDS G?? tMIOHL'U.:i2 lttli at. aw. «elMmo

WANTED TO BUT.WILL CALL lb MY CKLETTEBED ACTO-motile, atj or mabnrbmn. and ?·· jn-j highe«·

.t?-fi for ladies genllameo s, chiidit» * ¿?»-.»r j«-al· c'o thing, o' aU d sacri pt tona. Addreasí» r* oí pboee wil! ori». E RICK, L3V "??at. p*, ? tra


WINDOW BHADSH MADE TO OKDtli.Beat Opaine on ? ? Roller».

J. G. PRE1SKERT, ID ? a. itPbona I 41*1 ttt»



SAFETY FIRST.AHHOL0TÍ-LT 1.1 ]¦. 1 ??«?«.?nooma, ? aod op. Mc» ia aawt

UNITED RTATEa aTORAQE CO. tua-a¦t. oa Pboera M IE· aad Ftan-lig MS. tt

MOVINGWe furnUb largì pa-ided rana and oarcfu: osea

to handle your good·.HACK tit? mt ffiraitnre. ptaooa, cuica, trims

brae, etc. Eii-erteix-ed bib ocly.BH1PPINU to ¦;, part· of the war*.sTÜFtA'.i tot funtat.ir·, puDoa. aod boo»

bold gooda.




Dining-rooms for Ladies andGentlemen. Popular Prices.

FOR SALE.FURNITURE.CASH T-« ·. CASHcredit r umiture creditHOPWOOD'S Popular Price Furni¬ture and Stove Store. 8tb 4 ? Sta.

PERSONALS.WORKINGMES BCT EVERT INVEHTT-A-tioa of Triaca ot new pai.;* p'ainly ahow that

we «all lower. Bat think of the amount webur. We gt-t our "rake off" and pea· it ooto >ou aod tii-m fouine·» growa batter. Seewhat'* bere at C tn ï-t Price tbe great magmet. JI'STHS ol.r» STAND, tl» D. aeiMt


804 SEVENTEENTH STREET.OVER 30 YEARS STST-ÄÄNer-oue are) Special 1)1.of Men aM Wo-toA.

Means Health to You If You SufferProm Catarrh. Oboalta, RhromaUat-, Coaauravtion. Pike. Tbroet. Lunga, Drain. Heart. Bloodaod Ekln Vliaeaaee. Nerroaa UUlita. rala»Diaeaiea. Baxkler Ti~u(le, Specific mood Poa-aoning. r".r-;.iiona. Cirera, and All IMtate Dia,eaaea Cared (ar UI« by Bela Ma-ode.

Charges Low. Medicine Furnished.CONSULTATION FREE.

Private Waiting Koom for LadiesOffice Hour·. 10 to 1. 3 b< 4 bandar». M to IX

PROPOSALS.UEl'AKTMKNT 5f THE ÌXTF-BJOR. Bu¬reau of Minea, Wringt'«, beptcmber 1?, mi

Sealed prcposala arili be receited in thia bure··at Room No. IX> until 1 o'clock p. m., Fri¬day, September 3>, 191%. tot fumili*.ng all laboraod mater1 ß", mud erecting in placa, completaiat the LHstrict Treetle. Flrat aod ? etreatanortheast, a structure with all neceeaary pl'unb-ing, eewmure and wiring connection*. Form oftrcpoaal will be sur-filiad on application. AUpropoaala mui-t be eecureay enveloped, marked"Propoaala for Toilet F&cihtiea. DiatnctTtvrtle." and be addrca-ted to the Director cftbe Bureau of Mm«. Department of the In¬terior. Washington, D. C The right ie ra-

.erred to rej.rt mnr and all b»d», or to «cceptor reject any part thereof in the diKnü-?? oftba bureau ?. G. HOOD, Acting Director.Bureau of Mine·. ir 17.111»

That Rookie from the 13th Squad. By p. l. crosby



SPECIAL NOTICES.Pl'BUO eKHonlX or TU« DlMTtlCT orl'olnnabaa. essptasDsisaT H, Wi. The Paras»»

kboab o! th. DtStrie* et Oil art«I will ava·*o« MONDAT. «Ves*»«»·, >. W « I o'ass»akA. li. ADMISSION TO OSAD*» »??????«New possila ara aatasitud to tia» UassVsawarlaai.AT A MINIVI al AG« OF FIVE TaUjaW.Jad to Usa «e«, mom AT A KlKIMfal AG*OF «IX ïtAR». All «hies»»a M oa II»roil» ot tea» public aciaoola at «as. do» aaf U»raar aaho desatee· tas «oler th. sjrsadsarj actvtvola ansiIilerisrus, will vaasA, »rspaaoatioa far mkmtmmo^tStSmt «at «M «sa,»all easts« rnaaassisal a,t* htaem Praradpaia Mil k» «t «Mr basai.·ms. on Frida» aasd «aatamlar. e»en»esnner fi assi? Irani I* ts M A. ¦. «sasi frasai I loi» GM. VAIVI NATION L'I«T1F1CATX8 MIHTHE PHKrlJ-NTED Th« law revoira« Usât. Nomat anali ta» aatnlttaJ into lia.sviso ahall Bot hav, basrfi deal,stlaerwia» persteasurl spinti aavasllpot." ORADKSCHOOL PLI'IIJ* Ali perptl» » ti" atravdafl«-noose. laat asaar, sscept thoasa aaraassotaai te tea.cui« avboola. will report «o thastr laat jsesrrooass» Iona which tesos, lo b» tr»nrfefT»d svili¡se asent tea th. higher eleasaasa. Papua ravosavrate*!to tb» hath school» »rill rcissrt »l tb« isjapasrti».lauri advoca!, at U ?. M. o« Manli,.tsar S. ADMISSION TO »HIT« HIGHSCHOOLS. All apoucant» (or s 1rs sain» «r far«desnevad alandira, m Ih. Centravi,Western «od Buesni»» Ua«h fecsaiBevea. »ad th»McKlnlsre Manual Trainala« eVsaool. other thanthosss who »taeaadeai th. .¡«fcta «rade, of th.iMatncr. of Color»!»«, «aa»t r»f«»rt to th. HsffhSch.<sl Admissaoa Board at th. Franklin esetaool[vn Tbsaradsur, or Friday, esssptarnabsw li aad *bartaasm Use hours eafitollA. MusdiUiI P. M Tb. BoaVrd will sasssaa, patata» U> th,Bismlnattora». Student» etstasrta« th. hiajk asrhaoiIhroaach live bifh school «aaaaaasssrsm board will b». I-¦ br that Bosusl U srastsoa, «tha. UsavaIh» Oantral Hijrh'eìcbnol sweet« in caan, ap-Brosed Ibs th. BVinaarttttavnnwl whet, malean«)barrjahip would nvssxrl fro·» sort «aalcnnBMKKiaminataoc fur admise,ran to tb« assart t*er ethi«« »ei-aaa. will b» apsen oa 8»tanl»j. Ber-leasbac S at I A. M. at th. Fewjakna SchoolFor «rhniassina to th. first raver papila »east baprepares! to tak. exan.inatwsra» In aftsglush.Olaaaaiai, and . an? «luon. Aritla»? Hi C. ?Bastarr «nd lOesstltuuoea. ansd «aastssssaashT. ABapplicants aita« prassssst pmper ces-uracte, orrecord, of »li saeark oneaapsestad ia other arhaasa».otuearwis« no credit »tj ba ea*en for asscfa aeorfcExamination, asaj tss required, bait credit asaaube raen fur asna, of th. wort don. la othawachools if cestiaveatas» ara aarasfeertasr«. AD¬MISSION TO THE Ci.LORI.I. BIUMSCHOOLS Ali candad««», lor "'wiHT'ni «oth« firn reti 11,.»« of Imnlsar 111«« fkhool..tb, LSepevruneirt of Bsasioea, PracUca. r»Aissvtiiia, MaouaJ Traiaun« School, excasptla»tas, Of th» el«!.ti aTXaaaav. «f theschotves of tb» Lutria of Oralunibia. «vili b»examined try the Hieb «school Adisuasason Boardat th, Dunbar Hl«fa School eaa Thoreday orFrtd»y. fseptaanbear li and as), last .aveu th. boas,rsf 2 and S P. M. Th» Board srill «Muato th. exemlnsuotaa Tb. IsaeulreSBaSBBst» for »daiiasioa to flrat ya»r elea aee ar. th. aauase ess out-ur.ed «bos. for «hiu ha«h achócala. MOUTSCHOOLS A.NNOr.NCEMENT OF THEOPENING OF N1GBT 80HOOL* WILL BEMADE LATER. (Btcnad* EBNEST UTHUBSTON. »«prnctesadssnt of School»


I^ERALJDESIGNS._appropriate Floral Tokens.

ArtasVae- raprons l» laillwaa»tGude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street

Pnapi urto tM*»*ao ee.nea

FUNERALJMRECTORS.JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONSMembea by lavitatlOD National lî>ie«rtad Mnr-

Lioína. Semoea r«aDdered in all paru mt UMLotted btaatoa *y¡ apeoa. repr*»eoUf»ee

TelephoneMain 5*12-56111730-22 Pm. V^.^Avenue.

W. W. Cfaaotbrn.

W. W. CHAAffiERS CO.1400 Chapín St. N. W.

We Ca· lm.omobi-t «Senior ExrJuaively.alodarm UiapeL Vmg or Ni*bt. Vboo* iZaL

DIED.COFlKEr-On Sunday. September 16,

1318, ANN OUav'FKll. iHlovtdmtitfa.r ol OrlTaaale Coffee, aajreaj? yetar«.

Funeral lodar from her Ut« reei¬dence. Brentwood. Md.

CKUTCHET.On September 1«, IMS.at l«J:«i p. m.. ???????-GG?e..daughter of the late John 1' anaJeanette Crutchet.

Funeral from the residence of her«later. Mr«. Kmma Gibaon, ttstEaat Capitol «treet. tomorrow at8:30 a. m., thence to Holy Com¬forter Church. Fourteenth analEaVft Capitol street». Relative«and friend» invited. Intermentprivate.

Cl'MBERLAND.On Sunday, Septem¬ber Ui. li'lv at t.ti a- n, at hi«residence, ill Fifth «treet north¬east. JOHN A. CUMBERLAND,»on of Charle» C. and Eva Cum¬berland

Funeral from hi» late residence to¬morrow evoninar at 2:30 o'clock,thence to St Mark'» Church.

DORSET.Departed thl» life on Mon¬day. September 15. IMS. at 12 ¿0a. m.. «t the residence of hi»mother. 15» Church street north-we»t, DAVID EDWARD, the be¬loved «on of Lucrett« M. «nd thelate John E. Dor»ey, huaband ofGrace C. Doreey and brother ofMr«. L. Ch«ee. John R. Dorsey.Jr.. Mr». Irene Claytor and Nor¬man R. Dor»ey.

Notice of funeral lat«r. 'Ne«York. Asbury Park and San Fran¬cisco paper« please copy.)

ELLIOTT.On Saturday, SeptemberH 191S, »t SS p. m., JOHN WEr*-LEY, beloved husband of the lateMaria L. Elliott, «Bed 81 yfaar».

Funeral from reeidence of hi« «on.William F. Elliott, 1335 Tenth¦treet northwest, today at 2 p. mRelatives and friend» Invited-Confederate Veteran« of D. C. areInvited to attend in uniform.

GENSBERG.On Sunday, September15. Isis, at her residence. 1U3J Sixth»treet northeast, ZIRMA. belovedwife of Sliia Csenaber«. tveed 52years. She leaves to mourn herloss a devoted husband, threedaughters and two «on».

Funeral services «vt her 1st« resi¬dence today at II o'clock a- m.

GILL.On Monday. September Itlsli. at 7:0Ï p ro.. at hi- rajsioenre.Four Mile Run, Va,, CHARLES F.the beloved husband of Bertha V.GUI.

Notice of funeral later. (Ballimor*papers pleas« copy.)

HKNNIGAN.Departed thli life, itid-denly, Saturday. Septfmber 14.ISIS, at «v:15 o'clock, at 1507 L «treetnorthwest, JOHN F.. Jr. belovedson of the lata John Henniganand Mary H. Moeley. and devotedbrother ot the Ut« Netti« ?.Hatea.Funeral from th« re»lcjerice of hl·aunt. Mr«. Bea»ie Jonas, a Myrtl«street northwest, thence to Gal-braith Church, on Sixth street be¬tween L and M street» northwest.Rev. W. D. Bsttle. pastor, ? Annap¬olis, Md papers please copy.)

HESS.On Saturday. September 14,1*1«. at 8:30 p. m., at her residence.«M C «treet northeast. MARGARETC. widow of William T. Hess.

Funeri»! from her lat« rsewodence.ß,? C. »treet nortrieast. today »t» 30 «. m. Interment In Baltimore,Md. (Balumor· p«per» pleasecopy.)

JOHNSON-Depart«««! thi« lif« oaSAturdav. September 14. 1918. »tH30 p. m.. at hi« rsMtdenc«. ia*Linden «treet north«»««t. JAM it*H. JOHNSON. a*ed 41 year» Hele»ve» to mourn his loss » lovingmother, one brother and daughterand a host of relative» andfriend».

.Funeral »» 1 G t?. today from LaneM. E. Church. Fourteenth and C»treet» northeast.

KINSMAN.On Sunday. September jr191» at 2 p. ».. at Sananar LaakeW Y. WILLIAM G KINSMAN.Notice of ftrnsaral later

OCfiN'\'"R-n" ¡Mturel«*' *T*"nr*'14. 1918, n· 11'.in a m . e-fjARI.FSO'CONNOR »veloved »or- of thelate »Tharle» and «'»therm«O'Connor

Funeral from hi« brrtberJ« resl-rtenoe, ??? M »treet northwest, tr-d«v. thenee to P' Stephen »

Cetho'lc <-rn!r*-ri. »t *a rr.rritDsU avna relativ«· lnvltea.

DIEDRIDLET.Budden!). on Sonda« Bep-

leinber U, Uli. at U ; it. al» .· ime, a ]·..,!.«. Mr. :..1-YL» RIDLEY. beWved a· c o«r» oved»Ito of Joeeph W. ?µ Re-malne can be a··« mt the JameeBroe.' funeral tartete.

Interment at Macota. Oe_. Thuracier.September 19.

eCHLOeSBR-On »etunlar. Bept em¬ber 14. tail, at %M p. m.. atProrlderecïlloeplta-. MARGARETKrHLOMKR, belo««) «rife mtJamee E F. Rchtoaaer.

runerml from Thoa. R Harta» atSon a funeral parlor, 121 Elreeathatreet aotithaaa-t. toéer at I ? aa.Relativa· and friend· rcepertfoUrinvited to attend. Interment aitOlenwood Cemeterr.

VOLSI.On Bandar. Beutember U. rtts,at I p. m KARL C.t beloved baa-band of Annareara.

Funeral »private)Lee'· Bona. Iavenue northweat. tosar at S p.Kindt», omit flower·.

TVARFIELD.Entered tatoa Iona; Ulne·· atHoaptta! \t edneedaj..11. 1918. Re» JAME« WA1«levoted huahand of Mr·.Warfleld and aon of Mra.Monroe.

Funeral todar from th· TerfhStreet Baptirt Oiurch. Borthw·«.at 1 p. m- Friend· and ? alati»a»Invited.

WISE-Departed thia Uf· on Mondar..September H. IDI«, at 111 a. «a.at her reeidence. S. ? etreet nw th-weet Mrs. ELI-EN MOHROK-WIBE. the beloved andmother of Mary M-Martha Mann and RarxMph Moa.roe. foater mother and aunt «tf J.W. Monroe, errane)mother of B-hatMann and mother-in»law mt Vtr-cinia Monroe

Funeral tomorrow at S p ma., fromathe reeidence. Reletjvee an4friend· Invited.


Marame I. Cham,Manjar« Schio-m MOeonja Ham*» at aat.MuiaM 0. Haa· ?, mjt G at- am

Annie E Kraft. 1». Martilla « eacna aevlOleORKl»

Jaaaa» W. Manhall. » S I A aaJot» F Reentra. I, Ol l a ta».

I .anear WaUcw. «. Tohanaaloaaa SSmIJaaaaa Wal-etd. 8. ?????-aiira Sfatarle:l>,c» <»ea-BMd-re. W rraadaaae a Reacate]Pillatili W. Dal« ( aBet. IBB Moma ai. aa>


John J aad innata« M. W-aaa ka».Joaer* M. aad Mat- T. Bran» barBobart J aad rath-nee M. Qaeda taf.T-oaaoe E aad Matao» H Haa.-« «ne»Tboaaaa J. aad Mare K. »o». ta«.Manea C. aad Lebe M Bilflwit. *rl.Baaaaaat M. aad Batafle OttBBBi.Ba. bar tan«·Horaae B aod But- Dear», ber.Kal.ator» aad Rnaalie rtonVho.. fart.Cieora- E aad Ada M Breaket-aat. 0?.

CULOBEU.Freeronr. and Sanale F. Tt«-ne, 0A.Hug- aad t-D-aa Bradford. (M.


rnitjo-s Thadaroe Hellr. a. and Ul'-aIreaa Saut-,. B. bot- ef danadea. Va Be«.J T. H'-ldle.Hune M. AahBad. S. aad Beata D. Ee.ee

»an. Si. tnela. of fii»a B» TMaa K.DanaHan-d B. Kaar. 9. Wi-n-ao.«. aal Baa»

In-e Daaa. a. Bara--, M. T. Be·. B.,««.«r. DonaG??-?? Iflaoe O-Braaa. » W Ébna, aa«

Minnie Onda fanera ?. » Hai. Ka. BehJoba R. JoCrtaeIan Careall Ba»·. ? aad Harr Baker

.Laarreoea. ?. bora ef Waa-lagtee Be«.Clareace E. "ITherier.Joba Barate Di-ard B. and Mar» MtiliBtl

Attera B. botb ef Bularaun n*. Ta. Be«. _-*-ard F. Downa«Benamun L» Weinnrad M Nol-Mk. Ta. aad

Brie. Oaoar. B. t» aabt-ft-a. let. A. m»l*etmaa.Wa.rla_d W. Rpuavaa. B, rb-adatpbla. Pa.

and Hilda ? Über, B. W en-el» a. Bav.John Ceaaptoe BalLRay Leanaa Be-loa. M. and Fìaataa C Pr»,

r hath of Waak-ertor. Bea. K M. Met).Ba.aa.d Ebartr. 9. aad «.ladra E. «etaa-iaea,

a. boU ef Weaeu-ctoa. Be». I B. Bean*.Ba»a-o-d A Wataaa. 3. aad Oraea I. Mar¬

ca-, ?. bot- of V> aaa-atrtor. Be«. Jaaaaa M.O'Hnea.

ITillie-i Jaaaea Klinar-r. a. «""tne-a-atl Oa-e,aad Katbr»- T. Bied-rr. B. Weahhaft-e. Baa.Jaaaaa I. MaeAin.Edcar W. r)hen-ed St. aad Atta 1» PtaaB»

datv B. both of Waaturar.ae. Ber. J. Baa»nine Ka-BB.Jack Flnloa. V. and Mane Oorda-a Dea-M-

aea. W, both of Wo-hiafteeM-flMhE L·. JobnaotL. 8.

Adela eie ? rbapmea. ?.Jotio E. BnuvBiçaetw Mania, a aad Aaaa Ime G?.

fei.». M. bath ef WaahiBer-ar- Bot Jaba T.UoddiaW. J. Harper. ? VTaae-ac--. a

Knapp, a. Bre-twood. Md. Bar JaMontgomeryHenrr Sidner Beili);. S. Baltana

aad Go-he A Ptaarea, Claiaaaitl. Obla. Bar.William Jo-eph MaWalter M. Labrr.

'both of Waaawnetou. Be». Mi.eorra W. Mote. ». ITI le.«nati·. K. C aad

Alice ?. -e-iaford, ?. Beap Ta. Baa ??««·E. Pana

OOLOBEDFred "Tom«, a, aad Da-raaiaa Tarla« U.

both ef Waahtnfftori. Ber. Pbe» Bai«·Theadore UaaaU, ? aad Aanae Pitia, aa,

both of VTaa-ioctoa. Be« W J. RenntGeonja E. Gait-er. SS. Brootnlla MA. aad

Hatea S. Hod««. 8. fallarte r*ia, fh. Be·.An-Ua earleaJaaaaa H. Tt-aBaBna. 8 aad AUaa M. t-aaea

8. both of Horpet-a Ferrr. W. Ta Bea.Aqn-a Sa.« IraMarorllua Pr/. 8. aad aB.aahe.li Tari« a.

both of WaabtaaTtoa. Re». W-Uani J Baaa-A.L. Ttv«ir.aa Hadaa. B. aad Anna -ori. »S,

both nt W>'aahin«toa. Be«. A. -b-Baa-aBentue Milla. 8. aad -optua -baaat. a. baa»

of Weehl-fioa Be«. J. J. OTRichard Book. B.

both of W'aabmrtoa. Rea. Miairuna ? ?. Jobneoa. Ill aad Flaaata C.

a. both of Waahin«-!-. Re«. J. ? Ttm-aObaiiaa Bottaaa. B. aad Aaraaaa ? Ban. ?

both of "It aahiaftoa. Bar. M. W. Oak.

Detective RetunuWith Stolen Car

After Much JoihinjrFor a while tha other dar. DataetJ«»·

Cornwell. headquarter· detecttv«. waethe target for all aorta of tinptaaaaatremark· and even aaked If ha w«a In.rmpathy with the ? a leer. TUa mthappened hecauae he waa ridtna: la aaautomobile on 6unda>.But.the auto waa m etoler. on·

Detectiva Cornwall had aromiPateraon. N. J . to i«Ku»ai tt.car wu the propertr of Intino, of «MT Pent-rj-lvma-anot^»»a»aLThe dVetecUvw and the ubbM af tr"1"

car went to Pateraot. laat a

I r«»c)»iver the car wtiieh ?*» bee· ·

abandoned on a road near Fmtaraan| On tha war back, the occapaota «atha ear were ihouted at «rtearr Indiatene« hy »mall bor· «aal Broken*persona. It wa» omlr wit» difhrt· ir»that the detective mejtajred to -xp,e atto a tramr mt perwotu Kath«r«a. atL-tnadota ne, Md., that thar ««r· m*ton official buaUiaa» aM not r-Mnraround for fan. Detetrttv» Crirawarwaa obHsed to tad ana md'vidua- ta-aiunlee* he dlacontlgjad hia obveorton-aMe lanruare ha would be arraeted


Frmod Rx« Tip Oro» l-t-»--¿A fraud ortiar laaaefi in itar aaalaat

the former w*ll-kao»-n jocfearr. "Vie"Brltton. for Belilo* lake n-ni »pa

I baa now been e al enriad br the Foai-< mee îjepanmeat asetnet hia c-jthe·A L Brttton. who the «>r»«i««unenttli.da ha« orem jaar.Mln« "Vlr ·"«lerTIre for trun, attica "Vrc" waa ptjtout ol -«laineaa.
