Locol «nil Special. Tho sun ahinca. Beautiful went lier. Monilay is salcsdny. What about your Thanksgiving turkey9 Have you neon VanWyck's carpet ox- hibitor ? Gov. Richardson lins appointed Mr. lt. W. Pieper, <»f Walhalla, a Notary Public. Mr. Oldridgo White is now employed ns assistant in the Walhalla post ellice. Wo aro indobtcd to Mr. John M. Jolly, of Marlin, Kalls county, Texas, for late Texas papers. Mi. li. F. Perry, of Greenville, tonk $:180 in prizes on his stock at the Atlanta Exposition. Mr. Janies .Simpson, of Anderson county, was one of Walhalla's visitors last week. Mr. W. Derry Hoggs, of Central, was in Walhalla last week visiting relatives nnd friends. The Legislature of South Carolina will convene in regular session on tho fourth Tuesday in November. Mrs. ('. Wendelkin left at our oilier last week (ive large yam potatoes, weigh lng fourteen pounds. Next Monday is salcsdny, at whlcl time several tracts of valuable land wi! be sold by the Master. Mrs. John Haw and family left foi their home in Darlington on Wednesday morning, after spending tho suminei months in our delightful climate. Hov. J. K. Pognrlio and Maj. S. 1" Dendy are in attendance upon the Sou tl Carolina Synod, which met in Spartan "burg last week. A jug of w hiskey was shipped Iron hore the oilier day marked "Hell A- Co. Chester, S. C." lt was very properly la .holed.- Dallas (.V. C.) KtujU: Atlanta is having a great many of tin 1,4triggest days" of ber history, if Hie re porta <d* thu Piedmont lix posit i on hy lin local papers he true. Mr. IL H. Amis, of New York, was ii Walhalla last Friday, and invested ii red estate in our town. Ho expresse» himself as much pleased with our lowi and county. The County Hoard of Examiners hav determined to leave Hie matter of open ing and closing the public schools will Hie respective Hoards of Trustees a heretofore. Col. Johns. Vornor, Comptroller (¡cm ral, will deliver an address before th School Trustees of York county on th occasion of their meeting for purpose connected with Hie free schools. Tickets will be sold for the Stale Kai in Columbia November 11-15*good lo ri turn until Novcnibeii H>. * l'are from Wa' balla for round trjp aiu^prm admission I the fair grounds,*#).Ô0. Married, October hi. issn, by Kev. Jon Chambers, at the residence of Mr. Spell cor Chambers, Rev. H. A. Hates, < Lowndes county, Alabama, to Mis Elizabeth Chambers, of Oootioo. Mr. A. H. McGuflhi, thc Steward of th Poor llouso, has made Ibis year abor (SOO bushels of corn, -l,(«M> bundles < fodder, three or four bales of colina, hi sides other articles of farm produce. Tickets will he on sale for the Charle.' ton gala week from November l-s, goo to return until November 12. Karo hi round trip from Walhalla $0.00; Senee: $5.80. .*. collision look place on the West sid of Kcowce, at ti o'clock, on the inorniu of tho 25th instant, between two froigli trains on the Air Lino Railroad. Ono < the engines was badly crippled and som of Hie train men were pretty badly er and bruised. Mr, C. W. Wieoking, Jr.. who has bee nt (¡rand Island, Nebraska, pracliein law for over a year, rot urned lo Walhall this week on a visit lo his parents. "Will is looking well and reports good for bin self in the Wesl. Ile expects lo reniai until after Christmas before returning I Nebraska. Wo have sent out a number of account to our debtors and trust (hey will respou promptly. The crop ls good and Iii small amounis due should he paid. \V have not annoyed any one during (li duli season, hut now is the lime lo pa lip. Tito Agricultural Department of Soul Carolina reports a very large yield ( corn for thc Stale, the crop being o vt twenty million bushels. This yield wool give each inhabitant of (he Slate abut twenty bushels apiece. The next large: yield since tho Warnas made in 1882. Mr. Kredorick Theilkuli), who came Walhalla during the summer willi tl company of Hermans, is a profession tailor, and has established himself lu for this business. We have seen some his work and can pronounce il first chis Head his advertisement and give him call. Mr. James C. Sullies, of Coonee, wi remove lo Texas in a few days lo heron a citizen of (hal Slate. Mr. Sullies is young gentleman of linc character at bright prospects. We are sorry lo loo: so good a citizen, hut we know he will < honor lo his adopted SI a h We com mer Mr. Sullies lo the good people of Texa In Hie ease of Price vs. Hu; Richmoii A Danvill Railroad Company, which wi tried in Columbia last week before Jud«. Norton, Hie jury rel urned a verdict i $0,071 for tho plaintiff, Mrs. Price, wi sued for K-jo,<K)t>, for (he death «d' lu husband, a conductor, caused hy ncc denton tho defendant's road. Afr. S. M. VanWyek rel ni ned lasl Sa imlay from (Jau'ney City, where he wei lo make arrangements lo procure i! tent for the purposes of a revival ince ing in Walhalla tho latter pari of Noven her. We learn 'he arrangement has bc< perfected and the teni will bo shippi here in lime lo begin services on (he la Friday in November. The lumbermen of Westminster Inn done a handsome thing for Mr. W. I Cole, of Seneca, who recently had h dwelling burned in thal town. Thc hu was heavy for Mr. Cole and there was n insurance on his properly. Thc linnhe mon of Westminster have presented M Cole with a large quantity of linnhe which will enable him lo rebuild at a parly day. 'liiuru wus.ti meteoric ox plosion In Picken» county Inst Thursday that was heard for fifty miles. There will ho services at tho Walhalla Episcopal church this (Wednesday) eve¬ ning :d X o'clock. Tho public aro cordi¬ ally invited so attend. This will lie the last service during the week. On Tuesday I'resident Harrison ap¬ pointed Walker W. Kussel! postmaster at Anderson, and Dr. Virgil P. Clayton postmaster at Columbia.. Dr. Clayton is acceptable to the people <»f Columbia, as he is a man of character. Mr. Clayton has been Secretary of the ''independent*' Republican party of South Carolina, ami lias been "Independent" ever since ISIS, rather Iban Republican, being associate«! with Mcl.ane and Russell. Mr. Edmund Poster, of Richland, sent us this week a sample of tho molasses which he made this season from a new kind ol* cane which has recently been in¬ troduced into tho county, known as thc Orango cane. Tho sample is of a golden yellow color and tastes very much li Ut tho old Unto New Orleans syrup. Th ll new variety of cane is very prolilic, am it is thought will make more and of bet ter quality than the old fashioned sor ginini cane. A paper must receive patronage ii order to be lirst class and firs! c'a:-:.i pa trouage consists in a man's paying bi: subscript iou in advance* In nearly ever; town there are people who are willing ti lend their moral support to a newspaper hut in a Html wind up moral supper doesn't pay for print, paper or ink. Thon are people who come in and subscribe ti help you along, hut who fail lo (bin! thal unless they pay for their paper the; an; asking von to lend them so niue] cash. Mr. V. I». Norman returned to Walhall this week, aller an ahscenee of on mouth in Georgetown. He is now ci gaged in moving his slock of drugs dow Main street to thc Mickler store. Th Norman Millinery and Kailey (louds Con puny will occupy Ute nhl stand, whet Hie Norman Drug Company have so lon done a big drug business. Thc stock ( millinery and fancy goods is being ri moved from thu Pischesser stand to th largi' and commodious storo room, whei Miss Selina Norman and Miss Minn Monts will he pleased lo meid their man friends and pal rons. On last Thursday evening the cngii and .tender of Ibo passenger h ain we derailed bel wei n here ami Seneca, nei Mr. Thomas llihh's. The breaking of rail is said to have caused thc accidci No one was hurt ami no damage don except the smashing ol' the tender tu mail eur*somewhat, although Ibo Ira was running at model ale speed. Tl train ititi md reach Walhalla thal nigl hut the mail and passengers were sent hy private conveyance. ".Pun Todd, of Walhalla," is just m thc fruitful theme of some of our I.a lens cotomporarics. They allege th .lim has been appointed postmaster, ('linton, in that county, and that hu a seallawag «d' the ll rsl water. The eli ton Auront doveles nearly a column .lim. Rut ".lilli Todd" is not from W halla, and we have never had a citizen dial name. Cotomporarics (ry il on .1 Todd, of Pacolet, as the Newberry ( si'rrvr reports it, ami see how that w til, and thereby render scant justice Walhalla. II. A. ll. Hibsoii, Esq., lof, al ofllcc this week three ears «d' coi n w hi weigh three and three-fourth potim One ear measures one foot in length, a one, eight anda half inches in eireumi cin e. The cursare well lilied and grain 'Squire (îihson informs us thal these average ears which were taken Iron lot of lilly bushels that was raised on aire of his bottom landon Keow cc Riv This yield was made without any mair or fertilizer w hatever and with only th ordinary workings. Ile thinks his ci of coin on this farm will average twin live bushels to thc acre. The Synod of South Carolina mel thu Presbyterian church, at Spartanbti on the night ol' Hie 2"itli instant. ( hundred and forty-one members were rolled at the first Session. Rev. .1. Rose and Rev. T. R. English were no lulled for Moderator. Mr. English \ elected hy eight majority. There is int ¡nial ion in the papers thal these g fiemen represented thc Woodrow anti-Wood row feeling in thu Synod. Rose is anti-Woodrow. Rut we are g to see that thc question has not h sprung in that body, ami we hope il ' he allowed lo «lie out. Tho business Synod is lining dispatched rapidly. I .1. K. Pogartie and Maj. Dendy rc| Hunted Ibu Walhalla church. Thu Dall}/ Uazvlli; published at Tm loosa. Alu., October 20, ISSU, says: "< Sony on last Prida> appointed ('baric: Vernor, of Ibis city, .lustice of thu Pi ami Notary Public. Thu appointm-Mi ia good one." Here is another ii , ! boy who is bound to risc, ('barb's is youngest son of Mr. K. P. Vernor, Richland, one of our oldest anil ii highly respected citizens. Itu weill Alabama a bon I a year ago, and is nu rising young attorney of Ibo Tuscnh har. Knowing the high order of la with which he is endowed, w e predict him a successful career in the prin tie the law. His many Car dina friends he pleased lo learn of this early ruco lion of h's merit in his adopted st and hopi' thal success may crown every effort. dur Mr. I). A. Smith has recently ccived three large photographs from Fred. II. Ilaysehlcn, of Honolulu, ca) ol' the Hawaiian or Sandwich Isla showing three différent views of Hie mains of the late Waller M. (iib Prime Ministerin the Hawaiian Isla as (hey hty in slate at bis rcsidenc Honolulu. Appropriate honors \ pa iii his memory hy I he Hau aban Hov nient, and Hie pictures show the or plume hearers, all nativo Hawaii as they kept walch over the remains and night for a week. The huhil't plumes were made from tho fenthci rare and small hirds of (he islands, one of large size was made by her li Highness, Princess l.ilinokolnni, hell parent lo thc throne, and sister ol' I Kalakaua. One of the pictures sim man sitting against the wall of the rt w ho, wc are informed, is M r, .jesse Mi heath who weill from Anderson coi lo the Sandwich Islands several y ago with Hie Hon. Walter M. tilt when be returned <>u a visit to rei,il ami friends living in Anderson and nee counties, Cou l-l is in session ul Anderson this | wook ami Buvora\ criminal cuso» of minor importance have been disposed of. Messrs. W. A. Strother & Co., of Wost Union, ntiiko an Important announce- inont Ulis week. See advertisement. And still tho weather is .dry, with wann days, eool nights, and slight frosts. Re¬ markable ! Remarkable ! ! Mrs. MoCorklo, mother of Mrs. J. E. Kognrlic, of Walhalla, left this week on a visit tu her son in Alabama. Court of Common Pleas and (ieneral Session* for Oconeo County will convene on Monday, November ll. We undcrsland that Mr. J. \V. Hollo- mau, County Treasurer, luis not been collecting much tax money on his rounds over the county. Married, lit the residence of tho bride's parents, near Riebland, hy Rev. M. L. Carlisle, on Tuesday afternoon, 2l>th in¬ stant, Mr. Robert Smithson, West- mini ter, lo Miss Lucy (¡illison, eldest daughter of Mr. John M. (¡illison. Rev. T. I«'. Gadsden, pastor of thc Wal¬ halla Episcopal church, ((inducted servi¬ ces in the new Episcopal oh im-h Tuesday ami Wednesday. There w is preaching t wice each day. in the morning at ten o'clock, and evening at oigut. \V. I>. Wiggins, of Picken-, county, was arrested Monday on a wurrum, cnarging lum with p<:i::oidng his wife with blue vitriol. She died tue 2-ltb instant, and lhere are many suspicions circumstances looking to his guilt. Rev. .1. .1. Neville, editor of the Seneca Fri i /Vi.«, accompanied by Mrs. Neville and Mrs. Dr. Thomas h. Lewis, was in Walhalla on Tuesday. Ile paid our sanc¬ tum a much appreciated call. We were pleased lo see our brother looking so well, and lo learn that his health is now unusually good. The labors of the tripod most surely agree willi Ililli. Wc hear considerable complaint about the heavy frost three weeks ago injuring the cotton crop throughout the county. The young hillls were generally killed so that they will not open. This will neces¬ sarily cut short the yield to what was expected, since there was a great deal of late cotton. Tho cool, dry spring neces¬ sitated the replanting «d' many Pohls, and this late cotton has suffered the worst. However, a goml average crop iias generally he« n made. Miss Kate llollcmaii bas gone to An¬ derson wheiewe learn she will spend the winier lea« bing school at MoiVallsvillo. sin- Inis taught w illi milch success several schools in Oi-onec since, her graduation from the Walhalla lYinale College three' years ago. li is to be regretted that six; (lid not romain iii charge of some good school in our county, for weean ill alford lo part with such an oflicioiit teacher. Wo commend her to the good people of our sister county as a cultured Christian holy and capable teacher. Tho Railroad Commissioners on thc .Jiith instant sent a letter to the di deren t railroad agents throughout the State re¬ questing thal separate coaches bo furn¬ ished for the white ami colored passen¬ gers on the trains,currying passengers to and from the Stale fair in Columbia. Also, that a special conductor or police nib, er be provided f«>r each coach, and that no intoxicated or disorderly person be a Rowett to enter.« coach occupied by laities ami children. This is a timely and proper order which wc hopo to see strictly enforced hythe railroad authori¬ ties. Many have heretofore failed to at¬ tend the stale Kair on account of being thrown with such disorderly mobs on the trains. We received a letter this week from Mr. .lohn M. .lolly, ol' Marlin,Falls county, Texas, enclosing postal note for a year's subscription to the Cou Ul KU. Mr. Jolly went from Town ( leek, Andoi son coun¬ ty, to Texas, soon after the war and bas become one of the most worthy and hon¬ ored citizens of the "Lone Star Stale." Ile is now Clerk* of Court of Kalis coun¬ ty, olio of thi-largest and most prosper¬ ous counties in thc State. Ile mentions Henry Lew is and .lim Lewis, w ho also went from Anderson county to Texas many years ago. They are both well-to- do citizens ol' Dallas county. Henry be¬ ing the efficient Sherill' ol' that county. Sam Howden, who also went from Ander¬ son to Texas since Hie war, lives in Hood county, and is doing well. All these families have many friends in Anderson and Oconeo counties, who will be pleased lo hain of the gi.M-l fortune that has crowned their lite in their adopted homes. Mi. Jolly went through the war and was one of Hie color guard of the regiment thal commenced the lirst tight at Manassas, the first important engage¬ ment ol' the war in many respects. Of this cohn guard be is the only ono now living. Relit Jurors. The following aro Hu; petit jurors drawn «ni the -.'lilli instant lo serve for I he November terni ol' court: John T. ION. Wm. A. Holcomb, R. I!. Hayes, W. I'. Hai ker. Headen ('. Mt Alister. John I*. Mall, Hugh W. Whitaker, Thomas Patterson, Russell T. Jenkins. W. I). Stliblhlg, C. II. Conley, J. J. Davis, Jas¬ per N. Adams, Patten K. Phillips, W. o. Hamilton, Samuel H. Keith. Wm. N. Woolbrlght, ll. W. Pieper. Ooo. R. Pike, I'. I'. Sharp, W.H. Lindsey, Reuben ll. Aldrich, A. IL Millson, John I). Sheldon, Robt. M. Morgan, David K. Smithson, Nathaniel Phillips, Jesse (i. Laiming, J. P. I.eill.etler. Wm. C. MeOarley, Allen K. Marci. Josiah M. Hil!. Thomas P.ibb, J. A. hester, M. A. 'i'erroll, Samuel Edens. Dr. Webb will sell, at public salo, in Hartwell, fin., c»li the lirst Tuesday in November next, on easy (erins, all thc valuable farming lands of tho Into Judge Webb, thc lust in I ho county, well im¬ proved, mi Shoal Creek, 0 miles from Hartwell, I mili s of Lav.mia, :; milos of Rowersville, ?.'miles from Parker's mills; Methodist and liilptisl churches, !l miles from Shoal ( Heh i'm dory, .Ve. Parties thal aro Indebted to us will phase eoine howard and make settle¬ ment al once, as all liens and notes be¬ come due < lelnbor 1st and wo are obliged to have our molli y. T. N. c.\ ni |-;u iv Co. I ''MM lt, KUM I: ! ll you want good Hour from .-.'..">" ami upwaids, cati on T. N. t A M KN «v ' « >. WAXIT.II.-20,000 bushels of Cotton Seed in the next thirty days at ¿il cents per bushel, c. sb. T. CAHTKU & Co. A Hidden Hund. Thor« in nonio mulo inglorious wire-puller in ibo State. Ile ir; only known by ïiia works. The postofllco appointments at Prosperity niul nt Clinton ure evidently tho work of the same unknown schemer. A man from Peak ; *oves to Prosperity and starts a little storo, and in 'three weeks ho receives tho appointment of postumster. A mun from Pacolot moves to Clinton and starts a little sloiv, and in three week* ho is ap¬ pointed postmaster. It is all done so quietly that nobody suspects the new comer, in either case, of even be¬ ing an applicant. Of course the moving and the lit¬ tle store were all part of the arrange¬ ment, so as to secure a claim to resi¬ dence ; for the rules of the postónico department forbid the appointment of a non-resident as postmaster. What understanding or bargain exists between the new appointees and the powers, eau only be inferred. But there is very little doubt in the public mind on the Bllb- ieet. The trustees of the Peabody Edu¬ cation Fund held their twenty-sev- eut i annual meeting at the Fifth Av jnue Hotel, New York, October 8, The report of the distribution of inc une showed that in Alabama, for selie?",rah ips and instiluties, #8,370 was expended ; Arkansas, $ 1,0(50 ; Georgia, $-1,000 ; Louisiana, $5,725 ; North Carolina, $G,83f> ; South Caro¬ lina, $9,932 ; Tennessee, * I fi,718 ; Texas, $3,800 ; Virginia, $0,750 ; and West Virginia, 4(4)885. Tin total sum disbursed by the Fund during the fiscal year ending Octo¬ ber 1, 1889, was $09,033. Ffbm \ population of 332,313, and an oren of 1-LJ- square miles, in 1SS0, Baltimore has grown to 500,000 liv¬ ing on a territory of 31 tiqua re milos. Last year St. Louis alone surpassed her in the proportionate increase of building, lier commerce is said lo include the mos', extensive coasting trade in t he conn'.ry, while the for¬ eign trade to Europe and South America is very large and remarka¬ bly steady. From Baltimore go out every year millions of cans of oysters and peaches, and other fruits of the lield and the sea, to olimos less fa¬ vored by nature for the production of these wholesome delicacies. A wonderful development in len years of manufacturing industries is also recorded to the credit of the beauti¬ ful city. - -- The first session of tho Legislature held at tho" present ç dîtal, Colum¬ bia, began in January, u79(), and con¬ tinued six months, Charles Pinckney being Governor. Wilburn Moultrie was Governor in 17X5-80 when the capital was located at Columbia, then only a house or two in the woods. . Mr. George Í. Scncy, of Brooklyn, N\ Y., has given to various educa¬ tional, benevolent, and religious ob¬ jects about $3,000,000. Texas marriage notices are quite ill the national style of manners: "No cards, no cake, no Howers, no thanks, no regrets, nobody's busi¬ ness:' Sl'OKTIN'O PuoilAUII.ITIKfl.- If the court down there knows itself, it looks as if Sullivan and Kilrain would again meet in Mississippi, but more in sorrow than in anger. The Secretary of the Treasury is getting ready lor the meei mg of Congress, and calls upon his col¬ leagues lo forward the estimates for their respective departments. T'ii'ty thousand person««, mostly foreigners, are employed in manu¬ facturing tobacco in New York City. Lyons, Franco, is just now com¬ pleting tho largest dam in thc world, which was begun a century ago. It is 1,000 feet long. * There are ruins near Gallup, Cal., the foundation walls of which can be traced for two ' miles, indicating the existence of a large town in the locality in by-gone times. . To exaggerate tlx- misdoings or shortcomings of a brother in thc hope thal you may profit by his overthrow, is to place the Haming sword of God's own Justice between you and real promotion, Kine colognes ¡iud soaps, at Darby A ( 'o's. liest chowing tobacco, ¡it Dnrbv ... Co's. leo cold soda witter, :,. ts :i glass, nt Darby A Co's. Pure drugs mid medicines, nt Dnrbv A Co's. Milk shakes, ."n ts a tflilss, at Darby A 'o's. For a good .Vis cignr, e;o to Darby A- For a good han brush, tooth brush, dinving brush, or blacking brush, call on Darby A Co. Mineral water, a gund summer modi- .inc, al Darby A Co.'s Fresh French candy a' Darby A Co's, In some vecent cases of typhoid in England, which bavo been traced to impure milk, it .seems that the primary source of Infection W,1H tho Btngnant water of the ponds from which the cow drank. -«»»- - The search for thc North Pole is to bo resumed next year by Dr. Nan¬ sen. Ile has been greatly encour¬ aged by recent explorations in thc interior of Greenland, and has suc¬ ceeded in securing subscriptions amounting to *100,000 for'an expe¬ dition next year. P CaPYALItWljl POWDER ÄivSÜ*LJ«V"!y Miiro- Tltls powder never varies. A marvol of purity, strength anil wholesomeness. .More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot tic sold tu competition with tho multitude nf low test, short weight, nhill! or phosphate powders. Kohl (Illly III CHUB. ItOYAI. IlAKIMI I'OWDKll CO., UH» Wall street, New York. Estate Sale. 1)1' RSC ANT to ¡in order, made by tho Judge of Probate, I will sell, to Hie highest bidder, at tho late residence of Janies Neal, deceased, on TUESDAY, thc "»lh day <>f November, 1880, One Tract of Land, containing FIFTY ACHES, moro or less. on Crooked Creek, adjoining hinds of estate of Umeko, lands late of the estate of Garrott, Havocs and others. Also, the PERSONAL PROPERTY of said deceased, consisting of One Horse, Household and Kitchen Furniture, «fcc. TERMS-For the land, one-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest, to bo secured hythe note of the purchaser and a mortgage of thc premises. The personal property will be soid for cash. HORT. A. THOMPSON, Administrator with Will annexed. October Kl, ISSI». tl-:,t Champion -FOR- Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Chickens. Sold Under a finarantM. SURE PREVENTIVE FOR HOG ÎCHOLERX. Best Condition Powders on the market; will increase your Butter and Milk, and you will have Eggs the entire year. H. D. A. BIEIA1, SOLE AGENT. -A I.SO- HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCE¬ RIES, HARDWARE, FARM¬ ERS' SUPPLIES, BUGGIES, HARNESS AND SADDLES. Just Received, A PULL AND REA UTI FIT. HINE OF HATS -ANT)- CLOTHING, All of the latest styles with prices to suit all. My new FALL STOCK Mies' Bress Goods Will soon be complete, and remember that thc celebrated Bay State Shoes Can always be found at my store. Hoping you will give nie a call at your earliest opportunity, I nm yours respect¬ fully, Ci L REIDi Notice,Notice! VLL persons indebted to nie arc re¬ quested to make prompt payment, They eau lind their Notes and Accounts in my office at my old stand, where they will timi my sou, who is authorized to make settlements. All who fail to pay or make sonic satisfactory arrangements hythe 2.Mli day of December next, will Mini their Notes and Account** In the hands of au oflicer for collection. Money saved is money made. Take due nol|CQ md govern yourselves accordingly, Respectfully, J, P. Mickler. October 10, 1880, 41 :hn THE CHEAPEST PLACE IH TOWN. Puts the Broad-Axe to Prices This Month :-Xot-: Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Jeans in aban¬ dalice. Also a nice nea) line of Hardware and Gro¬ ceries. m'CALL ,//.A'7> SKJ& ME.J£% MOTTO : -».BEST GOODS FOIS; THE LEAST (5&Sö.«4 ^ÄLWftYS ÄHEftD Or THOSE WHO Pl^ETEQD TO LEñD.^ Very respectfully, ?. w. 1»! TC II If cum. Do You Want .* A ll li A IMS! --?-0:0- IK so come and sec us. Wc have a largo and woll selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE. Our DliV (ÏOODS DEPARTMENT is largo and varied. Wo reel assured (hat wc eau please thc ladies in DH ESS MOODS, WOHSTKI) HENEI- ETTA GOODS and (inc HASH M EUES as cheap as can bo bought anywhere. Our NOTION DEPAl'TM EXT is as complete as can bo found anywhere Sn tho up-country, with prices tl nt defy competition. CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! ! Wc call special at cation to our slock of CLOTHING. SHITS from $3.50 up. Thc latest and nobbies' styles. Don't you forget that wc have thc largest »tock of JEANS and GA DIMERES ever brought to this market. Como and sec our SHOE DEPARTMENT. Wc can lit as well as please you. HATS at greatly reduced prices. .Just received amargo assortment of CROCKERY, to bc sold cheap. Also, a big linc of HARDWARE, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED and MACHINE OIL, «fee. HARNESS from $2.50 up. BU IDLES, SADDLES, «Sc. cheap. FURNITURE! Don't fail lu MX our stock of EU RN ITU RE, and if yon wanta COFFIN wa can flt you up. Wc koop a nice linc of BURIAL SUITS, for Men and Ladies. A nice linc of TRUNKS from 50 cents np, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Thanking our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of tho same in tho future, wo aro Respcctsully, T. N. Carter & Co., Westminster, S. C. October 10, ISSI). Wo extend to the. ladies a cordial invitation to come and look through our beau¬ tiful lino of Dress Hoods, consisting of Henriettas, Cashmeres, Ladies' Cloths, Flannels, Cheap Worsteds, otc, etc., of every stylo and quality. Kidordowns in different shades for Children's and Misses (Toaks. Our Specialty. CANTON FLANNELS in all shades, stamped, double-faced and plain, for Cur¬ tains and Draperies. These goods must bc seen to bc appreciated. JERSEYS in all styles and qualities. Our Jersey Cloth Short Jacket is a daisy. Wo arc still headquarters for SHOES. ñ.noü pairs in stock cheaper than over before, though our trade has been larger than over. Tho largest and best selected stock of Men's, Youth's and Hoy's CLOTHING ever brought to Oeonee. Will compele with anybody, il wo don't undersell all. Hig assortment of Men's Underwear and a nobby linc of Neckwear. HATS and CAPS of every description. THUNES and VALISES cheap, cheap ! Nield & Harrison. October 10, 1S8!>. No Danger of it Toppling or Falling if lt Was Hung On Double Hooks. Come and see tho mallabie wrought stool redoubled back action don't kick never fails to fire and hold up all tho folks you can expect one bed to hold up. I am continually getting in NEW GOODS. Call and see them. MATTRESSES, in one, two and th roo sections. Something now. I want, every lady, poor or rich, homely or handsome, old or young, (I hope you arc not left out,) to come and see my CARPET EXHIBITOR. Later I will send tickets to my excursion. I um here todo business and when I can't make fifty cents I scoop in a dime. I will ¡nut do live and let live. Special juices are made on the HEARSE, in connection with Collins and Caskets, nil grades, ito. My trimming will sh'- / for itself. I don't follow any one. Thoy have to "git thar" to keep up. I want to sell $20,000 worth of Furniture. I drive trade for all it is worth. Treat, mo as a brother that has bought, Anti ! WÍ11 trent von ns hvn brothers ought. "SELL bTHiNITCliK" is my pass word. Come and seo mo. . S. M. VanWyck.

Transcript of TCII A IMS!

Locol «nil Special.Tho sun ahinca.

Beautiful went lier.

Monilay is salcsdny.What about yourThanksgiving turkey9Have you neon VanWyck's carpet ox-

hibitor ?

Gov. Richardson lins appointed Mr. lt.W. Pieper, <»f Walhalla, a Notary Public.

Mr. Oldridgo White is now employedns assistant in the Walhalla post ellice.Wo aro indobtcd to Mr. John M. Jolly,

of Marlin, Kalls county, Texas, for lateTexas papers.Mi. li. F. Perry, of Greenville, tonk

$:180 in prizes on his stock at the AtlantaExposition.

Mr. Janies .Simpson, of Andersoncounty, was one of Walhalla's visitorslast week.Mr. W. Derry Hoggs, of Central, was

in Walhalla last week visiting relativesnnd friends.

The Legislature of South Carolina willconvene in regular session on tho fourthTuesday in November.

Mrs. ('. Wendelkin left at our oilierlast week (ive large yam potatoes, weighlng fourteen pounds.Next Monday is salcsdny, at whlcl

time several tracts of valuable land wi!be sold by the Master.

Mrs. John Haw and family left foitheir home in Darlington on Wednesdaymorning, after spending tho sumineimonths in our delightful climate.

Hov. J. K. Pognrlio and Maj. S. 1"Dendy are in attendance upon the Sou tlCarolina Synod, which met in Spartan"burg last week.

A jug of w hiskey was shipped Ironhore the oilier day marked "Hell A- Co.Chester, S. C." lt was very properly la.holed.- Dallas (.V. C.) KtujU:

Atlanta is having a great many of tin1,4triggest days" of ber history, if Hie re

porta <d* thu Piedmont lix posit i on hy linlocal papers he true.

Mr. IL H. Amis, of New York, was iiWalhalla last Friday, and invested iired estate in our town. Ho expresse»himself as much pleased with our lowiand county.The County Hoard of Examiners hav

determined to leave Hie matter of opening and closing the public schools willHie respective Hoards of Trustees aheretofore.

Col. Johns. Vornor, Comptroller (¡cmral, will deliver an address before thSchool Trustees of York county on thoccasion of their meeting for purposeconnected with Hie free schools.

Tickets will be sold for the Stale Kaiin Columbia November 11-15*good lo ri

turn until Novcnibeii H>. * l'are from Wa'balla for round trjp aiu^prm admission Ithe fair grounds,*#).Ô0.

Married, October hi. issn, by Kev. JonChambers, at the residence of Mr. Spellcor Chambers, Rev. H. A. Hates, <

Lowndes county, Alabama, to MisElizabeth Chambers, of Oootioo.

Mr. A. H. McGuflhi, thc Steward of thPoor llouso, has made Ibis year abor(SOO bushels of corn, -l,(«M> bundles <

fodder, three or four bales of colina, hisides other articles of farm produce.

Tickets will he on sale for the Charle.'ton gala week from November l-s, gooto return until November 12. Karo hiround trip from Walhalla $0.00; Senee:$5.80.

.*. collision look place on the West sidof Kcowce, at ti o'clock, on the inorniuof tho 25th instant, between two froiglitrains on the Air Lino Railroad. Ono <

the engines was badly crippled and somof Hie train men were pretty badly er

and bruised.Mr, C. W. Wieoking, Jr.. who has bee

nt (¡rand Island, Nebraska, praclieinlaw for over a year, rot urned lo Walhallthis week on a visit lo his parents. "Willis looking well and reports good for binself in the Wesl. Ile expects lo reniaiuntil after Christmas before returning INebraska.

Wo have sent out a number of accountto our debtors and trust (hey will respoupromptly. The crop ls good and Iiismall amounis due should he paid. \Vhave not annoyed any one during (liduli season, hut now is the lime lo palip.Tito Agricultural Department of Soul

Carolina reports a very large yield (

corn for thc Stale, the crop being ovt

twenty million bushels. This yield woolgive each inhabitant of (he Slate abuttwenty bushels apiece. The next large:yield since tho Warnas made in 1882.

Mr. Kredorick Theilkuli), who cameWalhalla during the summer willi tlcompany of Hermans, is a professiontailor, and has established himself lufor this business. We have seen some

his work and can pronounce il first chisHead his advertisement and give himcall.

Mr. James C. Sullies, of Coonee, wiremove lo Texas in a few days lo herona citizen of (hal Slate. Mr. Sullies isyoung gentleman of linc character at

bright prospects. We are sorry lo loo:so good a citizen, hut we know he will <

honor lo his adopted SI a h We com merMr. Sullies lo the good people of Texa

In Hie ease of Price vs. Hu; RichmoiiA Danvill Railroad Company, which witried in Columbia last week before Jud«.Norton, Hie jury rel urned a verdict i

$0,071 for tho plaintiff, Mrs. Price, wisued for K-jo,<K)t>, for (he death «d' luhusband, a conductor, caused hy ncc

denton tho defendant's road.

Afr. S. M. VanWyek rel ni ned lasl Saimlay from (Jau'ney City, where he weilo make arrangements lo procure i!tent for the purposes of a revival ince

ing in Walhalla tho latter pari of Novenher. We learn 'he arrangement has bc<perfected and the teni will bo shippihere in lime lo begin services on (he laFriday in November.

The lumbermen of Westminster Inndone a handsome thing for Mr. W. ICole, of Seneca, who recently had hdwelling burned in thal town. Thc huwas heavy for Mr. Cole and there was ninsurance on his properly. Thc linnhemon of Westminster have presented MCole with a large quantity of linnhewhich will enable him lo rebuild at a

parly day.

'liiuru wus.ti meteoric oxplosion InPicken» county Inst Thursday that washeard for fifty miles.There will ho services at tho Walhalla

Episcopal church this (Wednesday) eve¬ning :d X o'clock. Tho public aro cordi¬ally invited so attend. This will lie thelast service during the week.On Tuesday I'resident Harrison ap¬pointed Walker W. Kussel! postmaster

at Anderson, and Dr. Virgil P. Claytonpostmaster at Columbia.. Dr. Clayton isacceptable to the people <»f Columbia, ashe is a man of character. Mr. Claytonhas been Secretary of the ''independent*'Republican party of South Carolina, amilias been "Independent" ever since ISIS,rather Iban Republican, being associate«!with Mcl.ane and Russell.Mr. Edmund Poster, of Richland, sent

us this week a sample of tho molasseswhich he made this season from a newkind ol* cane which has recently been in¬troduced into tho county, known as thcOrango cane. Tho sample is of a goldenyellow color and tastes very much li Uttho old Unto New Orleans syrup. Th llnew variety of cane is very prolilic, amit is thought will make more and of better quality than the old fashioned sorginini cane.

A paper must receive patronage iiorder to be lirst class and firs! c'a:-:.i patrouage consists in a man's paying bi:subscript iou in advance* In nearly ever;town there are people who are willing tilend their moral support to a newspaperhut in a Html wind up moral supperdoesn't pay for print, paper or ink. Thonare people who come in and subscribe tihelp you along, hut who fail lo (bin!thal unless they pay for their paper the;an; asking von to lend them so niue]cash.

Mr. V. I». Norman returned to Walhallthis week, aller an ahscenee of onmouth in Georgetown. He is now cigaged in moving his slock of drugs dowMain street to thc Mickler store. ThNorman Millinery and Kailey (louds Conpuny will occupy Ute nhl stand, whetHie Norman Drug Company have so londone a big drug business. Thc stock (

millinery and fancy goods is being rimoved from thu Pischesser stand to thlargi' and commodious storo room, wheiMiss Selina Norman and Miss MinnMonts will he pleased lo meid their manfriends and pal rons.

On last Thursday evening the cngiiand .tender of Ibo passenger h ain wederailed bel wei n here ami Seneca, neiMr. Thomas llihh's. The breaking ofrail is said to have caused thc accidciNo one was hurt ami no damage donexcept the smashing ol' the tender tumail eur*somewhat, although Ibo Irawas running at model ale speed. Tltrain ititi md reach Walhalla thal niglhut the mail and passengers were senthy private conveyance.

".Pun Todd, of Walhalla," is just mthc fruitful theme of some of our I.alens cotomporarics. They allege th.lim has been appointed postmaster,('linton, in that county, and that hua seallawag «d' the ll rsl water. The eliton Auront doveles nearly a column.lim. Rut ".lilli Todd" is not from Whalla, and we have never had a citizendial name. Cotomporarics (ry il on .1Todd, of Pacolet, as the Newberry (si'rrvr reports it, ami see how that wtil, and thereby render scant justiceWalhalla.

II. A. ll. Hibsoii, Esq., lof, alofllcc this week three ears «d' coi n w hiweigh three and three-fourth potimOne ear measures one foot in length, aone, eight anda half inches in eireumicin e. The cursare well lilied and grain'Squire (îihson informs us thal theseaverage ears which were taken Ironlot of lilly bushels that was raised onaire of his bottom landon Keow cc RivThis yield was made without any mairor fertilizer w hatever and with only thordinary workings. Ile thinks his ciof coin on this farm will average twinlive bushels to thc acre.

The Synod of South Carolina melthu Presbyterian church, at Spartanbtion the night ol' Hie 2"itli instant. (hundred and forty-one members wererolled at the first Session. Rev. .1.Rose and Rev. T. R. English were nolulled for Moderator. Mr. English \

elected hy eight majority. There isint ¡nial ion in the papers thal these gfiemen represented thc Woodrowanti-Woodrow feeling in thu Synod.Rose is anti-Woodrow. Rut we are gto see that thc question has not hsprung in that body, ami we hope il '

he allowed lo «lie out. Tho businessSynod is lining dispatched rapidly. I.1. K. Pogartie and Maj. Dendy rc|Hunted Ibu Walhalla church.Thu Dall}/ Uazvlli; published at Tm

loosa. Alu., October 20, ISSU, says: "<

Sony on last Prida> appointed ('baric:Vernor, of Ibis city, .lustice of thu Piami Notary Public. Thu appointm-Mi

ia good one." Here is another ii ,

! boy who is bound to risc, ('barb's isyoungest son of Mr. K. P. Vernor,Richland, one of our oldest anil ii

highly respected citizens. Itu weillAlabama abon I a year ago, and is nurising young attorney of Ibo Tuscnhhar. Knowing the high order of lawith which he is endowed, w e predicthim a successful career in the prin tiethe law. His many Car dina friendshe pleased lo learn of this early rucolion of h's merit in his adopted stand hopi' thal success may crown

every effort.

dur Mr. I). A. Smith has recentlyccived three large photographs fromFred. II. Ilaysehlcn, of Honolulu, ca)ol' the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islashowing three différent views of Hiemains of the late Waller M. (iibPrime Ministerin the Hawaiian Islaas (hey hty in slate at bis rcsidencHonolulu. Appropriate honors \

pa iii his memory hy I he Hau aban Hovnient, and Hie pictures show theor plume hearers, all nativo Hawaiias they kept walch over the remainsand night for a week. The huhil'tplumes were made from tho fenthcirare and small hirds of (he islands,one of large size was made by her liHighness, Princess l.ilinokolnni, hellparent lo thc throne, and sister ol' IKalakaua. One of the pictures simman sitting against the wall of the rtw ho, wc are informed, is M r, .jesse Miheath who weill from Anderson coilo the Sandwich Islands several yago with Hie Hon. Walter M. tiltwhen be returned <>u a visit to rei,ilami friends living in Anderson andnee counties,

Cou l-l is in session ul Anderson this |wook ami Buvora\ criminal cuso» of minorimportance have been disposed of.

Messrs. W. A. Strother & Co., of WostUnion, ntiiko an Important announce-inont Ulis week. See advertisement.And still tho weather is .dry, with wann

days, eool nights, and slight frosts. Re¬markable ! Remarkable ! !Mrs. MoCorklo, mother of Mrs. J. E.

Kognrlic, of Walhalla, left this week ona visit tu her son in Alabama.Court of Common Pleas and (ieneral

Session* for Oconeo County will conveneon Monday, November ll.

We undcrsland that Mr. J. \V. Hollo-mau, County Treasurer, luis not beencollecting much tax money on his roundsover the county.

Married, lit the residence of tho bride'sparents, near Riebland, hy Rev. M. L.Carlisle, on Tuesday afternoon, 2l>th in¬stant, Mr. Robert Smithson, oí West-mini ter, lo Miss Lucy (¡illison, eldestdaughter of Mr. John M. (¡illison.

Rev. T. I«'. Gadsden, pastor of thc Wal¬halla Episcopal church, ((inducted servi¬ces in the new Episcopal oh im-h Tuesdayami Wednesday. There w is preachingt wice each day. in the morning at teno'clock, and evening at oigut.

\V. I>. Wiggins, of Picken-, county, wasarrested Monday on a wurrum, cnarginglum with p<:i::oidng his wife with bluevitriol. She died tue 2-ltb instant, andlhere are many suspicions circumstanceslooking to his guilt.

Rev. .1. .1. Neville, editor of the SenecaFri i /Vi.«, accompanied by Mrs. Nevilleand Mrs. Dr. Thomas h. Lewis, was inWalhalla on Tuesday. Ile paid our sanc¬tum a much appreciated call. We werepleased lo see our brother looking sowell, and lo learn that his health is nowunusually good. The labors of the tripodmost surely agree willi Ililli.Wc hear considerable complaint about

the heavy frost three weeks ago injuringthe cotton crop throughout the county.The young hillls were generally killed sothat they will not open. This will neces¬

sarily cut short the yield to what wasexpected, since there was a great deal oflate cotton. Tho cool, dry spring neces¬sitated the replanting «d' many Pohls,and this late cotton has suffered theworst. However, a goml average cropiias generally he« n made.Miss Kate llollcmaii bas gone to An¬

derson wheiewe learn she will spend thewinier lea« bing school at MoiVallsvillo.sin- Inis taught w illi milch success severalschools in Oi-onec since, her graduationfrom the Walhalla lYinale College three'years ago. li is to be regretted that six;(lid not romain iii charge of some goodschool in our county, for weean ill alfordlo part with such an oflicioiit teacher.Wo commend her to the good people ofour sister county as a cultured Christianholy and capable teacher.Tho Railroad Commissioners on thc

.Jiith instant sent a letter to the di deren trailroad agents throughout the State re¬

questing thal separate coaches bo furn¬ished for the white ami colored passen¬gers on the trains,currying passengers toand from the Stale fair in Columbia.Also, that a special conductor or policenib, er be provided f«>r each coach, andthat no intoxicated or disorderly personbe aRowett to enter.« coach occupied bylaities ami children. This is a timelyand proper order which wc hopo to see

strictly enforced hythe railroad authori¬ties. Many have heretofore failed to at¬tend the stale Kair on account of beingthrown with such disorderly mobs on thetrains.

We received a letter this week fromMr. .lohn M. .lolly, ol' Marlin,Falls county,Texas, enclosing postal note for a year'ssubscription to the Cou Ul KU. Mr. Jollywent from Town ( leek, Andoi son coun¬ty, to Texas, soon after the war and basbecome one of the most worthy and hon¬ored citizens of the "Lone Star Stale."Ile is now Clerk* of Court of Kalis coun¬ty, olio of thi-largest and most prosper¬ous counties in thc State. Ile mentionsHenry Lew is and .lim Lewis, w ho alsowent from Anderson county to Texasmany years ago. They are both well-to-do citizens ol' Dallas county. Henry be¬ing the efficient Sherill' ol' that county.Sam Howden, who also went from Ander¬son to Texas since Hie war, lives in Hoodcounty, and is doing well. All thesefamilies have many friends in Andersonand Oconeo counties, who will be pleasedlo hain of the gi.M-l fortune that hascrowned their lite in their adoptedhomes. Mi. Jolly went through the warand was one of Hie color guard of theregiment thal commenced the lirst tightat Manassas, the first important engage¬ment ol' the war in many respects. Ofthis cohn guard be is the only ono nowliving.

Relit Jurors.The following aro Hu; petit jurors

drawn «ni the -.'lilli instant lo serve forI he November terni ol' court: John T.ION. Wm. A. Holcomb, R. I!. Hayes, W.I'. Hai ker. Headen ('. Mt Alister. JohnI*. Mall, Hugh W. Whitaker, ThomasPatterson, Russell T. Jenkins. W. I).Stliblhlg, C. II. Conley, J. J. Davis, Jas¬per N. Adams, Patten K. Phillips, W. o.Hamilton, Samuel H. Keith. Wm. N.Woolbrlght, ll. W. Pieper. Ooo. R. Pike,I'. I'. Sharp, W.H. Lindsey, Reuben ll.Aldrich, A. IL Millson, John I). Sheldon,Robt. M. Morgan, David K. Smithson,Nathaniel Phillips, Jesse (i. Laiming, J.P. I.eill.etler. Wm. C. MeOarley, AllenK. Marci. Josiah M. Hil!. Thomas P.ibb,J. A. hester, M. A. 'i'erroll, SamuelEdens.

Dr. Webb will sell, at public salo, inHartwell, fin., c»li the lirst Tuesday inNovember next, on easy (erins, all thcvaluable farming lands of tho Into JudgeWebb, thc lust in I ho county, well im¬proved, mi Shoal Creek, 0 miles fromHartwell, I mili s of Lav.mia, :; milos ofRowersville, ?.'miles from Parker's mills;Methodist and liilptisl churches, !l milesfrom Shoal ( Heh i'mdory, .Ve.

Parties thal aro Indebted to us willphase eoine howard and make settle¬ment al once, as all liens and notes be¬come due < lelnbor 1st and wo are obligedto have our molli y.

T. N. c.\ ni |-;u iv Co.

I''MM lt, KUM I: ! ll you want goodHour from .-.'..">" ami upwaids, cati onT. N. t A M KN «v ' « >.

WAXIT.II.-20,000 bushels of CottonSeed in the next thirty days at ¿il centsper bushel, c. sb.


A Hidden Hund.

Thor« in nonio mulo ingloriouswire-puller in ibo State. Ile ir; onlyknown by ïiia works. The postofllcoappointments at Prosperity niul ntClinton ure evidently tho work ofthe same unknown schemer. A man

from Peak ; *oves to Prosperity andstarts a little storo, and in 'threeweeks ho receives tho appointmentof postumster. A mun from Pacolotmoves to Clinton and starts a littlesloiv, and in three week* ho is ap¬pointed postmaster. It is all doneso quietly that nobody suspects thenew comer, in either case, of even be¬ing an applicant.Of course the moving and the lit¬

tle store were all part of the arrange¬ment, so as to secure a claim to resi¬dence ; for the rules of the postónicodepartment forbid the appointmentof a non-resident as postmaster.What understanding or bargain

exists between the new appointeesand the powers, eau only beinferred. But there is very littledoubt in the public mind on the Bllb-ieet.

The trustees of the Peabody Edu¬cation Fund held their twenty-sev-eut i annual meeting at the FifthAv jnue Hotel, New York, October8, The report of the distribution ofinc une showed that in Alabama, forselie?",rahips and instiluties, #8,370was expended ; Arkansas, $ 1,0(50 ;Georgia, $-1,000 ; Louisiana, $5,725 ;North Carolina, $G,83f> ; South Caro¬lina, $9,932 ; Tennessee, * I fi,718 ;Texas, $3,800 ; Virginia, $0,750 ;and West Virginia, 4(4)885. Tintotal sum disbursed by the Fundduring the fiscal year ending Octo¬ber 1, 1889, was $09,033.

Ffbm \ population of 332,313, andan oren of 1-LJ- square miles, in 1SS0,Baltimore has grown to 500,000 liv¬ing on a territory of 31 tiquare milos.Last year St. Louis alone surpassedher in the proportionate increase ofbuilding, lier commerce is said loinclude the mos', extensive coastingtrade in the conn'.ry, while the for¬eign trade to Europe and SouthAmerica is very large and remarka¬bly steady. From Baltimore go outevery year millions of cans of oystersand peaches, and other fruits of thelield and the sea, to olimos less fa¬vored by nature for the productionof these wholesome delicacies. Awonderful development in len yearsof manufacturing industries is alsorecorded to the credit of the beauti¬ful city.

- --

The first session of tho Legislatureheld at tho" present ç dîtal, Colum¬bia, began in January, u79(), and con¬tinued six months, Charles Pinckneybeing Governor. Wilburn Moultriewas Governor in 17X5-80 when thecapital was located at Columbia,then only a house or two in thewoods..

Mr. George Í. Scncy, of Brooklyn,N\ Y., has given to various educa¬tional, benevolent, and religious ob¬jects about $3,000,000.

Texas marriage notices are quiteill the national style of manners:"No cards, no cake, no Howers, nothanks, no regrets, nobody's busi¬ness:'

Sl'OKTIN'O PuoilAUII.ITIKfl.- If thecourt down there knows itself, itlooks as if Sullivan and Kilrainwould again meet in Mississippi, butmore in sorrow than in anger.

The Secretary of the Treasury isgetting ready lor the meei mg ofCongress, and calls upon his col¬leagues lo forward the estimates fortheir respective departments.

T'ii'ty thousand person««, mostlyforeigners, are employed in manu¬facturing tobacco in New York City.

Lyons, Franco, is just now com¬pleting tho largest dam in thc world,which was begun a century ago. Itis 1,000 feet long.* There are ruins near Gallup, Cal.,the foundation walls of which canbe traced for two ' miles, indicatingthe existence of a large town in thelocality in by-gone times.


To exaggerate tlx- misdoings orshortcomings of a brother in thchope thal you may profit by hisoverthrow, is to place the Hamingsword of God's own Justice betweenyou and real promotion,

Kine colognes ¡iud soaps, at Darby A( 'o's.

liest chowing tobacco, ¡it Dnrbv ... Co's.leo cold soda witter, :,. ts :i glass, nt

Darby A Co's.Pure drugs mid medicines, nt Dnrbv ACo's.Milk shakes, ."n ts a tflilss, at Darby A'o's.For a good .Vis cignr, e;o to Darby A-

For a good han brush, tooth brush,dinving brush, or blacking brush, call onDarby A Co.Mineral water, a gund summer modi-

.inc, al Darby A Co.'sFresh French candy a' Darby A Co's,

In some vecent cases of typhoidin England, which bavo been tracedto impure milk, it .seems that theprimary source of Infection W,1H thoBtngnant water of the ponds fromwhich the cow drank.

-«»»- -

The search for thc North Pole isto bo resumed next year by Dr. Nan¬sen. Ile has been greatly encour¬

aged by recent explorations in thcinterior of Greenland, and has suc¬ceeded in securing subscriptionsamounting to *100,000 for'an expe¬dition next year.


POWDERÄivSÜ*LJ«V"!y Miiro-

Tltls powder never varies. A marvol of purity,strength anil wholesomeness. .More economicalthan the ordinary kinds and cannot tic sold tucompetition with tho multitude nf low test,short weight, nhill! or phosphate powders. Kohl(Illly III CHUB. ItOYAI. IlAKIMI I'OWDKll CO., UH»Wall street, New York.

Estate Sale.1)1' RSCANT to ¡in order, made by thoJudge of Probate, I will sell, to Hiehighest bidder, at tho late residence ofJanies Neal, deceased, on TUESDAY,thc "»lh day <>f November, 1880,

One Tract of Land,containing FIFTY ACHES, moro or less.on Crooked Creek, adjoining hinds ofestate of Umeko, lands late of the estateof Garrott, Havocs and others.

Also, the PERSONAL PROPERTY ofsaid deceased, consisting of One Horse,Household and Kitchen Furniture, «fcc.TERMS-For the land, one-half cash,balance on a credit of twelve months,with interest, to bo secured hythe noteof the purchaser and a mortgage of thcpremises. The personal property will besoid for cash.

HORT. A. THOMPSON,Administrator with Will annexed.October Kl, ISSI». tl-:,t



Horses, Cattle, Hogsand Chickens.

Sold Under a finarantM.SURE PREVENTIVE FOR HOG

ÎCHOLERX.Best Condition Powders on

the market; will increase yourButter and Milk, and you willhave Eggs the entire year.







CLOTHING,All of the latest styles with prices to

suit all. My new

FALL STOCKMies' Bress Goods

Will soon be complete, and rememberthat thc celebrated

Bay State ShoesCan always be found at my store.Hoping you will give nie a call at your

earliest opportunity, I nm yours respect¬fully,

Ci L REIDiNotice,Notice!VLL persons indebted to nie arc re¬quested to make prompt payment,They eau lind their Notes and Accountsin my office at my old stand, where theywill timi my sou, who is authorized tomake settlements. All who fail to payor make sonic satisfactory arrangementshythe 2.Mli day of December next, willMini their Notes and Account** In thehands of au oflicer for collection. Moneysaved is money made. Take due nol|CQmd govern yourselves accordingly,Respectfully,

J, P. Mickler.October 10, 1880, 41 :hn

THE CHEAPEST PLACE IH TOWN.Puts the Broad-Axe to Prices

This Month:-Xot-:

Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Jeans in aban¬dalice. Also a nice nea) line of Hardware and Gro¬ceries.m'CALL ,//.A'7> SKJ& ME.J£%


Very respectfully,?. w. 1»!TCII Ifcum.

Do You Want .*

A ll li A IMS!--?-0:0-

IK so come and sec us. Wc have a largo and woll selected stock of GENERALMERCHANDIZE. Our DliV (ÏOODS DEPARTMENT is largo and varied. Woreel assured (hat wc eau please thc ladies in DHESS MOODS, WOHSTKI) HENEI-ETTA GOODS and (inc HASH M EUES as cheap as can bo bought anywhere.Our NOTION DEPAl'TM EXT is as complete as can bo found anywhere Sn thoup-country, with prices tl nt defy competition.

CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! !Wc call special at cation to our slock of CLOTHING. SHITS from $3.50 up.Thc latest and nobbies' styles.Don't you forget that wc have thc largest »tock of JEANS and GADIMERESever brought to this market.Como and sec our SHOE DEPARTMENT. Wc can lit as well as please you.HATS at greatly reduced prices..Just received amargo assortment of CROCKERY, to bc sold cheap.Also, a big linc of HARDWARE, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED and MACHINEOIL, «fee.HARNESS from $2.50 up. BUIDLES, SADDLES, «Sc. cheap.

FURNITURE!Don't fail lu MX our stock of EURNITU RE, and if yon wanta COFFIN wa canflt you up. Wc koop a nice linc of BURIAL SUITS, for Men and Ladies.A nice linc of TRUNKS from 50 cents np, and many other articles too numerousto mention.Thanking our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of thosame in tho future, wo aro


T. N. Carter & Co.,Westminster, S. C.October 10, ISSI).

Wo extend to the. ladies a cordial invitation to come and look through our beau¬tiful lino of Dress Hoods, consisting of Henriettas, Cashmeres, Ladies' Cloths,Flannels, Cheap Worsteds, otc, etc., of every stylo and quality. Kidordowns indifferent shades for Children's and Misses (Toaks.

Our Specialty.CANTON FLANNELS in all shades, stamped, double-faced and plain, for Cur¬

tains and Draperies. These goods must bc seen to bc appreciated.JERSEYS in all styles and qualities. Our Jersey Cloth Short Jacket is a daisy.Wo arc still headquarters for SHOES. ñ.noü pairs in stock cheaper than over

before, though our trade has been larger than over.

Tho largest and best selected stock of Men's, Youth's and Hoy's CLOTHINGever brought to Oeonee. Will compele with anybody, il wo don't undersell all.Hig assortment of Men's Underwear and a nobby linc of Neckwear.

HATS and CAPS of every description.THUNES and VALISES cheap, cheap !

Nield & Harrison.October 10, 1S8!>.

No Danger of it Toppling or Falling if lt WasHung On Double Hooks.

Come and see tho mallabie wrought stool redoubled back action don'tkick never fails to fire and hold up all tho folks you can expect one bed tohold up.I am continually getting in NEW GOODS. Call and see them.MATTRESSES, in one, two and throo sections. Something now.I want, every lady, poor or rich, homely or handsome, old or young,(I hope you arc not left out,) to come and see my

CARPET EXHIBITOR.Later I will send tickets to my excursion.I um here todo business and when I can't make fifty cents I scoop ina dime.I will ¡nut do live and let live.Special juices are made on the HEARSE, in connection with Collinsand Caskets, nil grades, ito. My trimming will sh'- / for itself.I don't follow any one. Thoy have to "git thar" to keep up.I want to sell $20,000 worth of Furniture. I drive trade for all it isworth.Treat, mo as a brother that has bought,Anti ! WÍ11 trent von ns hvn brothers ought."SELL bTHiNITCliK" is my pass word. Come and seo mo. .

S. M. VanWyck.