Taxonomy Branch of Biology dealing with classification and naming of living things.

Taxonomy Branch of Biology dealing with classification and naming of living things

Transcript of Taxonomy Branch of Biology dealing with classification and naming of living things.

TaxonomyTaxonomyBranch of Biology

dealing with classificationand naming of living things

Species of Organisms

• There are an estimated 3 to 100 million species of organisms (most agree with 11 million)

• This is only 5% of all organisms that ever lived!!!!!

• New organisms are still being found and identified


Carolus Linnaeus 1707 - 1778

-- aka “Father of Taxonomy”

-- Based on structural similarities

-- Early classification system: only 2 categories…

-- Developed naming system used today (binomial nomenclature)

** Origin & Evolution video clip 27-29:19 **

Binomial NomenclatureBinomial Nomenclature

Homo sapiens or

Homo sapiens


1.Write using genus and species

2.Capitalize genus, lowercase species

3.Underline OR italicize

4.H. sapiens for short (in text)

Criteria for ClassificationCriteria for ClassificationLinnaeus used structural


As technology and knowledge changed• Biochemical information

DNA (genetic information), protein analysis

• Cytological information-cell structure• Embryonic development• Behavior

Linnaeus used structural similarities

As technology and knowledge changed• Biochemical information

DNA (genetic information), protein analysis

• Cytological information-cell structure• Embryonic development• Behavior

Why use scientific names?

Why use scientific names?

-More precise/accurate-Universally accepted-Specific to organism

Chimp vs Human

Chimp Human• Animalia • Chordata• Mammalia• Primate• Pongidae• Pan• troglodytes

• Animalia• Chordata• Mammalia• Primate• Hominidae• Homo• sapiens


Binomial NomenclatureBinomial Nomenclature

Which TWO are more closely related?

Taxon Levels

• Taxon (taxa – plural) is a category into which related organisms are placed

• There is a hierarchy of groups

from broadest to

most specific


• DDumbumb• KKinging

• PPhilliphillip

• CCameame

• OOverver

• FForor

• GGooseberrooseberryy

• SSoup!oup!



• BroadestBroadest, most inclusive taxon, most inclusive taxon• ThreeThree domains domains• Archaea and EubacteriaArchaea and Eubacteria are are

unicellular prokaryotes (no unicellular prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound nucleus or membrane-bound organelles)organelles)

• EukaryaEukarya are more complex and are more complex and have a nucleus and membrane-have a nucleus and membrane-bound organellesbound organelles



• BroadestBroadest, most inclusive taxon, most inclusive taxon• ThreeThree domains domains• Archaea and EubacteriaArchaea and Eubacteria are are

unicellular prokaryotes (no unicellular prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound nucleus or membrane-bound organelles)organelles)

• EukaryaEukarya are more complex and are more complex and have a nucleus and membrane-have a nucleus and membrane-bound organellesbound organelles



Domain: ARCHAEA• Probably the 1st cells to evolve• Live in HARSH environments• Found in:

– Thermal or Volcanic Vents (thermophiles)

– Very salty water (Dead Sea; Great Salt Lake) (halophiles)




Domain: EUBACTERIA• Some may cause DISEASE• Found in ALL HABITATS except

harsh ones• Important decomposers for

environment• Commercially important in

making cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, etc.


Live in the intestines of animalsLive in the intestines of animals


Domain: Eukarya – Domain: Eukarya – Divided into KingdomsDivided into Kingdoms

• ProtistaProtista (protozoans, algae…) (protozoans, algae…)• FungiFungi (mushrooms, yeasts …) (mushrooms, yeasts …)• PlantaePlantae (multicellular plants) (multicellular plants)• AnimaliaAnimalia (multicellular animals) (multicellular animals)


ProtistaProtista•Most are Most are unicellularunicellular•Some are Some are multicellularmulticellular•Some are Some are autotrophicautotrophic, while , while others are others are heterotrophicheterotrophic•AquaticAquatic


FungiFungi• Multicellular,Multicellular,

except yeastexcept yeast• Absorptive Absorptive

heterotrophsheterotrophs (digest food (digest food outside their outside their body & then body & then absorb it)absorb it)

• Cell walls Cell walls made of made of chitinchitin


PlantaePlantae•MulticellularMulticellular•AutotrophicAutotrophic•Absorb Absorb sunlight sunlight to make glucose – to make glucose – PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis•Cell walls made Cell walls made of of cellulosecellulose



• MulticellularMulticellular• Ingestive Ingestive

heterotrophsheterotrophs (consume (consume food & digest food & digest it inside their it inside their bodies)bodies)

• Feed on Feed on plantsplants or or animalsanimals


Taxonomic Keys• Tools used to identify organisms

already classified by taxonomists

• a.k.a. dichotomous keys

• Consist of a series of paired statements that describe alternative characteristics of the organism

• Statements describe presence or absence of a characteristic/structure

Smallmouth Bass

Scientific classification

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Genus: Micropterus

Species: M. dolomieu

Binomial name

Micropterus dolomieu

Largemouth BassScientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Centrarchidae Genus: Micropterus Species: M. salmoides Binomial name Micropterus salmoides

Striped Bass

Scientific classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ActinopterygiiOrder: PerciformesFamily: MoronidaeGenus: MoroneSpecies: M. saxatilisBinomial nameMorone saxatilis

* The Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata, a member of the perch family, Percichthyidae.

* The black sea bass, Centropristis striata, a member of the family Serranidae.

* The giant sea bass Stereolepis gigas, also known as the black sea bass, a member of the family Polyprionidae.

* The Chilean sea bass, Dissostichus eleginoides, more commonly known as the Patagonian toothfish.

* The European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax.* The Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides* The Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui.* The Striped bass, Morone saxatilis* The Spotted bass, Micropterus punctulatus

Many species that are known as basses include:

Prokaryote Eukaryote



Multicellular-specialized cells/tissues

Level of Organization:Cell tissue organ Organ system organism

Mode of nutrition•Heterotroph

– Absorption– Ingestion

•Autotroph– Photosynthetic / chemosynthetic