Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

{ Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop Cloud Security Service Offered by Convicted Felon August 2012 http://



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Page 1: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop


Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Cloud Security Service Offered by Convicted Felon August 2012

Page 2: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Walter Anderson Wants to Be Your Cloud Provider “I am going to be actively pursuing the VCaaS business which I have been … (Virtual Computer as a Service). … desktop and then store it in the cloud for access from any device, anytime, anywhere, and to offer high level encryption to assure complete privacy. I expect to have beta product available for customer to try by March of 2013” …

Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop,28804,1891335_1891333_1891331,00.html

Page 3: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

No, not joking … SERIOUSLY: Criminal Fraud and Tax Felon Walt Anderson Wants to Be Your Cloud Desktop Access Provider “I am going to be actively pursuing the VCaaS business which I have been … (Virtual Computer as a Service). … desktop and then store it in the cloud for access from any device, anytime, anywhere, and to offer high level encryption to assure complete privacy. I expect to have beta product available for customer to try by March of 2013” …

Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 4: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

On March 7, 2011, the U.S. Tax Court issued a decision ordering Walter Anderson to pay $141,497,773 in tax deficiencies and $105,984,341 in penalties for a total of $247,482,114 owed to the IRS. Additional interest on the $247,482,114 Anderson owes could amount to an estimated$248,962,929. [6]

CNBC television program "The American Tax Cheat," April 14, 2011 featured Walter Anderson speaking in an interview from federal prison. [7]

Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 6: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Criminal Tax Felon Walt Anderson:

“ Virtual Computer as a Service). … desktop and then store it in the cloud for access from any device, anytime, anywhere” Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 7: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 8: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Washington Times: Has anyone checked on yet another offshore trust or “foundation”?

Desktop Controls for Tax Fraud and Convicted Felon proceeds land there? “Smaller World” again:

Page 9: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

“ On this round of Appeal, Mr. Anderson apparently wanted to reduce his restitution (not yet determined in amount, as noted above) to extrapolate from IRS concessions for certain years in the Tax Court to a complete victory for all years in the Tax Court (even the remaining undecided years). He packaged the argument in three subsets (collateral estoppel, last in time rule, and rule of judicial admissions. Of course, the arguments failed.

Addendum on 3/30/11:  By decision document dated 3/7/11, the Tax Court determined deficiencies and fraud penalties (75%) in the aggregate amount of $247,482,114 for the years 1998 and 1999.  Interest on those amounts would double it (my rough and ready interest calculation shows aggregate interest on those amounts of $248,962,929 calculated through 3/7/11, and of course interest continues until paid). “

Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 10: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Cloud Access for Desktop Controlled by Convicted Federal Fraud & Felon ???Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

Page 11: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Your Computer/Phone Cloud Access for Desktop Controlled by Convicted Federal Fraud & Criminal

Tax Felon ???Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop

$1/4 billion criminal tax evader Walter Anderson -- Tangled Skein 200 info blog: on twitter

Page 12: Tax fraud criminal wants your desktop

Your Computer/Phone Cloud Access for Desktop Controlled by Convicted Federal Fraud & Criminal

Tax Felon ???Tax Fraud Criminal Walt Anderson Wants Your Desktop