tawjihi 12

ل ص ف ي ن ا ث ل اA- The Franks and Muslims met in a great battle at the Horns of Hittin in Galilee on 4 th July 1187 the Crusader army was annihilated almost all of the great crusader lords were either killed or taken prisoner the king of Jerusalem himself Guy de Lusignan was the chief captive lords included Reynald de Chatillon the flower of the Crusading spirit was wiped out in a blow . Contrasting sharply with the barbarity of the Crusaders, Saladin’s treatment of the prisoners was lenient and courteous with most being allowed to purchase their freedom- with one single important exception Salahdin received the great captive lords and barons in his tent on the field of Hittin after the battle. He greeted them graciously with king Guy himself being seated next to Salahdin. Salahdin himself then handed Guy a goblet of iced rose –water to refresh him after the battle Guy drank gladly from the cup before handing it on to Reynald de Chatillon the other most important survivor of Hittin. Seeing this Salahdin quickly said tell the king that he gave that man drink not I, for by the laws of Muslims hospitality to give a man drink meant that he then enjoyed the protection of his host. Salahdin then rose and personally chopped off Reynard's head king Guy trembled thinking his own turn was next, but Salahdin calmly re-assured him that a king does not kill a king, but that he felt Reynard's arrogance and treachery had gone too far. This battle enabled Salahdin to liberate Jerusalem shortly afterwards. Question 1-when and where did the battle happen (occurred- take place)? ن ي ى وا مت ركة مع ل ا ت ث حد- At the Horns of Hittin in Galilee on 4 th July 1187 2- What did the writer describe the Crusader army after battle? ف ص ا و ماذ ركة مع ل عد ا) ب ى) ت+ لي ص ل ا ش ي) ج ل ا) ت ثلكا ا-the flower of the Crusading spirit was wiped out in a blow. 3-In which century did the battle of Hittin take place? ركة مع ت ث حد رن ق ي ا ى ف ن حطي-12 century. 4-Write down a sentence which shows that Salahdin was communicated with the captives through the a translator? م) ج ر مت واسطة) ب ري س ع الأ م م كل ت ي لأح ص ن ا ن+ ي) ث ي ى لت ا لة م) ج ل ا) ب ت ك ا- tell the king that he gave that man drink not I. 1

Transcript of tawjihi 12

A- The Franks and Muslims met in a great battle at the Horns of Hittin in Galilee on 4th July 1187 the Crusader army was annihilated almost all of the great crusader lords were either killed or taken prisoner the king of Jerusalem himself Guy de Lusignan was the chief captive lords included Reynald de Chatillon the flower of the Crusading spirit was wiped out in a blow. Contrasting sharply with the barbarity of the Crusaders, Saladins treatment of the prisoners was lenient and courteous with most being allowed to purchase their freedom- with one single important exception Salahdin received the great captive lords and barons in his tent on the field of Hittin after the battle. He greeted them graciously with king Guy himself being seated next to Salahdin. Salahdin himself then handed Guy a goblet of iced rose water to refresh him after the battle Guy drank gladly from the cup before handing it on to Reynald de Chatillon the other most important survivor of Hittin. Seeing this Salahdin quickly said tell the king that he gave that man drink not I, for by the laws of Muslims hospitality to give a man drink meant that he then enjoyed the protection of his host. Salahdin then rose and personally chopped off Reynard's head king Guy trembled thinking his own turn was next, but Salahdin calmly re-assured him that a king does not kill a king, but that he felt Reynard's arrogance and treachery had gone too far. This battle enabled Salahdin to liberate Jerusalem shortly afterwards. Question 1-when and where did the battle happen (occurred- take place)? - At the Horns of Hittin in Galilee on 4th July 1187 2- What did the writer describe the Crusader army after battle? -the flower of the Crusading spirit was wiped out in a blow. 3-In which century did the battle of Hittin take place? -12 century. 4-Write down a sentence which shows that Salahdin was communicated with the captives through the a translator? - tell the king that he gave that man drink not I. 5-Compare between Crusaders treatment and Saladins treatment. - Saladins treatment of the prisoners was lenient and courteous but Crusaders treatment was barbarity. 6-Why did Salahdin give (hand) Guy iced rose water, give two reasons? - Salahdin handed Guy a goblet of iced rose water to refresh him and also according the laws of Muslims hospitality to give a man drink meant that he then enjoyed the protection of his host. 7-Write down the sentence which indicates that Salah Has tolerant (good) behaviour with enemies.- Saladins treatment of the prisoners was lenient and courteous with most being allowed to purchase their freedom

8-what was the importance of the battle after that? - This battle enabled Salahdin to liberate Jerusalem shortly afterwards 9- What did Salahdin do after arresting (catching) Ronald, and why? -Salahdin chopped of the head of Reynaldo, because Salahdin felt Reynaldos arrogance and treachery had gone too far 10-How could Salahdin calm king Guy after chopping Rolands head? -He re-assured kink Guy that king doesnt kill king and he felt Reynaldos arrogance and treachery had gone too far.

11-What is the law of Muslim hospitality to give a man drink? -A man enjoyed the protection of his host. 12-How was Salahdin lenient and courteous to the captives? - Salahdin allowed them to purchase their freedom- with one single. 13-What does the underline word refer to? 14-Write down the word which means. -a large drinking vessel (goblet. - uncivilized behavior (Barbarity) 15-What does the underline of the word mean? -Lenient: - mercy. -Treachery: - betrayal of trust. -Arrogance:- feeling better than others -annihilated:- destroy. -liberate :-set free. 1

B- The name Philadelphia has an important place in history. It was the ancient name of Jordans capital, Amman. There was another great city called Philadelphia in ancient Egypt. And it was at a third Philadelphia that one of the important events in modern history occurred. The American War of independence against the British lasted six years. During the course of the war, 24 battles were fought between British and American forces and the British surrendered two enemies. British loses amounted to 25000 men, while American loses were no more than 800. But the main event of the war was not the battles nor the surrenders but a meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 4th July 1776 between delegates from the thirteen colonies of America. These delegates met to endorse a document written by Thomas Jefferson called the Declaration of Independence. The declaration was adopted unanimously, and the meeting renounced all allegiance to the British government and declared the thirteen America colonies to be independent under a new name. The name chosen was the united states of America , then a narrow strip of land facing the Atlantic Ocean with a population of only two and a half million. It was the greatest defeat ever suffered by British imperial power, and the birth of a new world power. Question 1-How many cities that had been given the name of Philadelphia and where? -Three, the ancient name of Jordans capital, Amman, in ancient Egypt, and American. 2-How long was the war of independence? And Who was involved in the American war of independence? - Six years, and involved in the American war of independence was the American and British 3-How many colonies (states did America consist of at the time of independence) that signed the document, and where? - Thirteen colonies of America, - In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 4th July 1776 4-what was the main event of the war ( the most important result of the war)? - The Declaration of Independence. 5- who wrote the document , and Why did the delegates meet in Philadelphia? - to endorse a document was written by Thomas Jefferson 6-How many battles happened between British forces and American volunteers? -24 battles. 7-Compare between the loss of British and American forces in 24 battles. - British loses amounted to 25000 men, while American loses were no more than 800. 8-What were the results of Philadelphia meeting? - The declaration was adopted unanimously, and the meeting renounced all allegiance to the British government and declared the thirteen America colonies to be independent under a new name. The name chosen was the united states of America. 9-What were the results of the deceleration of independence? - It was the greatest defeat ever suffered by British imperial power, and the birth of a new world power. 10-Write down the sentence which shows that the meeting was successful, and Who attended the meeting? -The declaration was adopted unanimously and the meeting was attended by delegates from thirteen colonies of America. 11- Write down the sentence which indicates the important of declaration of independence for U.S.A. -It was the greatest defeat ever suffered by British imperial power, and the birth of a new world power. 12-At which ocean is the united states of America occurred (faced)? -At a narrow strip of land facing the Atlantic Ocean. 2

13-Write down the words which indicates the British was powerful (dominated) on the almost countries before this battle. - British imperial power 14-What does the underline word refer to? 15-Write down the word which means. -Paper that gives information (document) -moving away from country (retreat) - a person who represents a group (Delegate) 16-What do the underlines words mean? - declaration:-a statement of information - Endorse: - approval to. - Surrender: - Admit defeat. -Allegiance: - loyalty. -Renounce :- give up. -Imperial:- ruling C-It was not an unusual thing for Mr. Lestrade of Scotland Yard to call on us in the evening on his way home. His visits were welcome to Sherlock Holmes, for they enable him to keep in touch with all that was going on at the police headquarters. Holmes was always ready to listen with attention to the details of any case the detective was working on, and was often able to give some helpful advice based on his own vast knowledge and experience of detective work. The first case was reported four days ago. Theres an art gallery on the Kennington Road. The assistance had left the front shop for an instant, when he heard a crash, and hurrying in, found a plaster statue of Napoleon lying smashed in pieces on the counter. He ran out into the road but couldnt see anyone. It seemed like an act of vandalism and the statue wasnt valuable, so no investigation was carried out. The second case concerns a Dr Barnicot, a well-known and respected doctor. He is also an enthusiastic admirer of Napoleon and his house is full of books, pictures and statuses of the French Emperor. Sometime ago he bought two plaster statues from the art gallery on Kennington road. He put one in his house which is near the art gallery and one in his clinic at lower Brixton, about two miles away. Last night, Dr Barnicot was burgled. Nothing had been taken, except the plaster statue of Napoleon, which had been taken into the garden and smashed into pieces on the ground.. Question 1-Why was the visiting of Mr. Lestrade important to Sherlock Holmes? -His visits were welcome to Sherlock Holmes, for they enable him to keep in touch with all that was going on at the police headquarters 2-The advice (consult) of Sherlock Holmes based on two things, what are they? - vast knowledge and experience of detective work 3-Why odes Lestrade tell Holmes about the cases? -because he was often able to give some helpful advice based on his own vast knowledge and experience of detective work. 4-Where did Mr. Lestrade work? and what is the career? -In Scotland Yard, detective man. 5-Where did the first case of smashing statue of Napoleon happen (take place ), and when? - The first case was reported four days ago. Theres an art gallery on the Kennington Road. 6-Why wasnt investigation carried out in the first case of smashing statue of napoleon? - It seemed like an act of vandalism and the statue wasnt valuable, so no investigation was carried out 7-Why did the burglar smashed the statue in the garden not in the house? -In order not to wake up anyone. 8-Write down two characters (qualities) of a Dr Barnicot. 3

-Dr Barnicot, a well-known and respected doctor. 9-Write down the sentence that shows a Dr Barnicot is concerning (like) about Napoleon. - He is an enthusiastic admirer of Napoleon and his house is full of books, pictures and statuses of the French Emperor. 10-Write down the sentence that shows the thief (the burglar) cares about the statues. - Dr Barnicot was burgled. Nothing had been taken, except the plaster statue of Napoleon. 11-What is the nationality (originate-come from) of Napoleon? -French. 14-What does the underline pronoun refer to? 15-Write down the word which means. - who likes something (Admirer) 16-What does underline word mean? -Smash: break into piece. -Headquarter: the main place of police. -Vandalism: damage D-A traditionally day to get married is Saturday. Often on the evening before, the bride has held a hen party for her women friends and the groom has held a stage party for his men friends to mark their last day of being single. On the wedding day itself, the bride is dressed, helped by her mother and the bridesmaids-it is considered very unlucky for the groom to see the bride in her dress before seeing her in the church. The bride is taken to the church and walks up the aisle to be given away to the groom by her father. The priest marries the couple and they promise in the eyes of God to love and honor each other until they are parted by death. In British law, the marriage is a civil contract and so after the service the newly-weds are taken to a room at the back of the church to sign the register. When the couple come out of the church there are numerous photographs taken usually by a professional photographer and then the wedding party moves on to the reception where there will be eating, speeches and dancing, Before leaving for honeymoon, the bride throws her bouquet over her shoulder and the girl who catches it will be the next one to get married. Question 1-Who married the couple? -The priest 2-What did the couple recommend (promise) the priest? - He promises them that the couple in the eyes of God to love and honor each other until they are parted by death. 3-write down the customs after the service newly-weds. -After the service the newly-weds are taken to a room at the back of the church to sign the register. 4-Why do the couple sign the register? - In British law, the marriage is a civil contract. 5-What is happened after the couples come out (appear) the church? -There are numerous photographs taken usually by a professional photographer and then the wedding party moves on to the reception where there will be eating speeches and dancing 6-What is the character of photographer? - A professional photographer 7-What is happened in the wedding party moves on to the reception? - Eating, speeches and dancing. 8-What is the belief for throwing bouquet over her shoulder? Why does the bride throw bouquet over her shoulder? - The girl who catches it will be the next one to get married. 4

9-What is the difference between a hen party and a stage party? -The bride has held a hen party for her women friends and the groom has held a stage party for his men friends. 10-Write down two sentences showing two things having something to do with luck. - it is considered very unlucky for the groom to see the bride in her dress before seeing her in the church -the bride throws her bouquet over her shoulder and the girl who catches it will be the next one to get married. 11-Why do the couple hold parties? and Who helps the bride on her wedding day? - to mark their last day of being single, and the bride was helped by her mother and the bridesmaids 12-What does the underline word refer to? 13-What does underline word mean? -mark: show an important events - bridesmaids: helpers friend to bride -aisle: passenger between any row of seats -Register (record of marriage) -reception (receives something) -bouquet (a bunch of flowers). E-In the past, all marriages were arranged by a go-between. Nowadays, the couple will often have met independently, but it is still customary to gain approval of the families. Traditionally there are six rituals which have to be observed to ensure a good marriage. Firstly, the bridegrooms family offers a gift to the brides family. If this is accepted, usually by means of a return gift, then the serious negotiations can start. The second ritual is to exchange horoscopes. If the horoscopes are compatible, then they are placed before the ancestor tablets. This is the third ritual. The fourth ritual is the payment of the bride price. The brides family has to be compensated for the trouble of bringing up the bride, who is now to leave the family. At this ceremony it is common to have special dragon and phoenix cakes, symbolizing the world forces of good and evil. Once the price is accepted, the betrothal is sealed. The date of the wedding is chosen by careful attention to the stars- this is the fifth ritual. The wedding itself takes place in the home of the bridegroom. The bride enters, usually wearing a red embroidered silk jacket. The marriage consists of prayers and offerings to the bridegrooms ancestors. This is the sixth ritual and now the bride is part of the new family. Question: 1-What is the role (purpose) of go-between? - In the past, all marriages were arranged by a go-between 2-what time (when) does the serious negotiations start between two families? - If a gift is accepted, usually by means of a return gift. 3-Compare between the marriage in the past and nowadays. - In the past, all marriages were arranged by a go-between. Nowadays, the couple will often have met independently. 4-Write down the custom of marriage that still in past and nowadays. -It is still customary to gain approval of the families. 5-Mention the fifth ritual. -If the horoscopes are compatible, then they are placed before the ancestor. 6-What do dragon and phoenix cakes symbolize? - Symbolizing the world forces of good and evil 7-when the betrothal is considered to be sealed? -The price is accepted, the betrothal is sealed. 8-Why does the bridegrooms family pay the price of the bride? - to be compensated for the trouble of bringing up the bride 9-Wrte down the sentence that shows that the rituals of marriage in Japan are mostly religious. -The marriage consists of prayers and offerings to the bridegrooms ancestors. 5

10-When is the bride considered to be part of her newly family? -After sixth rituals. 11-How do they choose the wedding day? - The date of the wedding is chosen by careful attention to the stars. 12-Where does the wedding take place? - The wedding itself takes place in the home of the bridegroom. 13-What did the bride wear (put on) when entering? - The bride enters, usually wearing a red embroidered silk jacket. 14-What does the underline word refer to? 15-What does the underline of the word mean? -Negotiation: -discussion between people. -Gain approval: -agree -Go between: -person who takes massage between couple. -Embroidered: -sewn with pattern. -traditionally: the customs and beliefs gained from past. -Rituals: -things happen on an occasion. -Horoscopes: -a chart to foretell someones future. - Observed: - obey or follow. -Compatible: -suitable. -Tablets: - a stone with words curved. -Offering: -something given as a sacrifice.. -Dragon: -imaginary animal that breathe fire. F- Building work is under way on information superhighways for the modern age. In past decades to get an economy moving, the answer was to get traffic moving. But we have entered the Information age and the need is now not to move people and goods but data. The idea of high-speed communication networks is not new but sending vocal and visual messages down cables was too slow. The solution was to turn the analogue network into a digital one. Computing technology developed much faster than governments and telecommunications suppliers thought possible. Now computer experts are arguing for the construction of wholly new, fiber optic based, broadband, interactive networks, connected to essentially all homes and places of work. This will mean that not only will telephone and television companies be competing in the same areas of operation, but also there will be fierce competition between companies with different standardizations. In addition, the message from the politicians is being received loud and clear: the information highway will be built, paid for and funded by the private sector. Questions 1-What is the reason (cause) of turning the analogue network into digital one? - Vocal and visual messages down cables were too slow but into digital are high-speed. 2-What are the characteristics of the new network? - Faster, connected to essentially all homes and places of work and loud and clear. 3-Who will fund the information highway building process? -private sector 4-What distinguishes the information Age from the past? - In past decades to get an economy moving, the answer was to get traffic moving. 5-Computer experts think that there are certain qualities (elements) of the future network. Write down three of them. , - Fiber -optic based, broadband, interactive networks 6-What is the advantage of the politician will achieve from building a new communication network? - Loud and clear 7- 6

- There will be fierce competition between companies with different standardizations. In addition, the message from the politicians is being received loud and clear and connected to essentially all homes and places of work 8-What did the experts do to make visual and vocal message fast? -Use fiber optic based, broadband, interactive networks as good standardizations. 9-How was sending messages speeded up? -by using digital network. 10-What is the attitude of governments towards the new network? -The information highway will be built, paid for and funded by the private sector. 11-What does the pronoun refer to? -One (high-speed communication networks) -this (construction of wholly new) 16-Write down the word which means. -Glass sends information (fiber optic). -Provide money for (fund) -bundle of wires (cables) -a large amount of information.(broadband) 17- what does the word underline means? -Fierce (strong, intense). -Analogue: -using varying electrical signal. -Essentially (basically) G-Jack Draw, who runs a research laboratory believes that the global information superhighway will be the source of a social as well as a technological revolution. Drew predicts that by the first quarter of the 21st century, most home will have terminals that are capable of receiving 500 channels of information. Services and television as well as being cheap and convenient. The technology will give consumers the power to select their entertainment, educational and information sources. They will no longer be the passive recipients of choices made by profit-motivated individuals in command of TV stations, cinema corporations and magazines. Drew went on to say that the key benefit of the interactive 500-channels TV future will be the opportunity to socialize without needing to be in the same place. From his home in Sydney, Australia, he will be able to use the information highway and associated technologies to spend an evening with his daughter in Rome, Italy. They could go shopping for a video camera in stores from London to Los Angeles and watch a film together or see if Dad is still better at chess than his daughter . Fred hart is caution about when the information highway will become an international reality. " people have to understand how experimental all of this is. People may be shocked when they discover that some of the wonderful things being talked about don't work. Question 1-What is the career of Jack Draw? -He runs a research laboratory 2-Which will cause the social and technological revolution? - Information superhighway 3-Which machine that helps consumers to transfer (move) from shop to another without traveling? - a video camera 4-Write down two advantages, that Jack Drew talked about for using the 500 channels of information. -It will give consumers the power to select their entertainment, educational and information sources, cheap and convenient 5-What does the Jack Drew predict at the first quarter of the 21st century? 7

- Drew predicts that by the first quarter of the 21st century, most home will have terminals that are capable of receiving 500 channels of information. Services and television as well as being cheap and convenient. 6-What will be the most important advantage of the future interactive television? - Cheap and convenient. 7-According to Drew, who are in control of the media at present. -by profit-motivated individuals 8-Where did the Jack Drew and his daughter live? - Jack Drew lives in Sydney, Australia, and his daughter lives in Rome, Italy. 9-What can Draw and his daughter play together? - a chess 10-When may people be shocked? - People may be shocked when they discover that some of the wonderful things being talked about don't work. 11-What does the underline word refer to? - They (people) -this (information highway) - he (Fred Hart) -it (changes) 12-Write down the word, which means. -Terminals:- computer that can receive information -global:- whole world. -Convenient:- suitable. -recipients:-person receives something -corporations:company -key:- important. - socialize:-talk and be friendly.

H-The aim of the survey was to investigate the attitudes of engineering employers to the question of career breaks for women engineers. In addition, the survey also set out to identify best practice among employers who had had experience of situation and to identify any particular problems. One point that appeared in many of the employers response to the specific questions on career breaks was the willingness to carry out more than their statutory obligations. For example, over 80% of the employers said that they would be prepared to hold a job open for longer than the statutory maternity period. Almost all of the employers said they would give some sort training and updating to career break returners. The generally feeling was that employers were keen to retain good stuff and would take a flexible approach where possible. Some employers could not be a flexible as others. For instance 43% from employers could not consider career break as part time work because of the teamwork nature of engineers work and the need to be there at the same time as everyone else in order to liaise. Only very small minority hostile to the whole idea. In conclusion this generally positive response to career breaks for women engineers indicates that the introduction of career break schemes may allow highly skilled women to remain in the work force. Questions1-What is the aim (objective, purpose) of the survey? - The aim of the survey was to investigate the attitudes of engineering employers to the question of career breaks for women engineers. 2-The survey wants to investigate about two things, what are they? -The survey was to investigate the attitudes of engineering employers to the question of career breaks for women engineers. In addition, the survey also set out to identify best practice among employers who had had experience of situation and to identify any particular problems. 3-From where was the survey started (set out), and why? -The survey set out to identify best practice among employers who had had experience of situation and to identify any particular problems. 4-Whose group was the survey concerned (concentrated)?


-Engineering employers and women engineers.

5-Write down the sentence that shows the tendency (sympathy feeling\ good response) of employers

to the women engineers. -The employers response to the specific questions on career breaks was the willingness to carry out more than their statutory obligations. 6-What did the majority (almost) employers say (recommend) about women who take career break? - Over 80% of the employers said that they would be prepared to hold a job open for longer than the statutory maternity period. Almost all of the employers said they would give some sort training and updating to career break returners. 7-Why couldnt some employers consider career break as part time work? - Because of the teamwork nature of engineers work and the need to be there at the same time as everyone else in order to liaise. 8-Write down the percentage that couldnt consider (make) career break as part time work. -43% from employers could not consider career break as part time 9-What did the almost employers say about career break? -The employers said that they would be prepared to hold a job open for longer than the statutory maternity period.

10-What is the point that appeared in many the employers response about career break? -The employers response to the specific questions on career breaks was the willingness to carry out more than their statutory obligations. 11-How many employers were hostile (disagree-against) to the career break? -very small minority. 12-What is the responding that indicates for career break? - This generally positive response to career breaks for women engineers indicates that the introduction of career break schemes may allow highly skilled women to remain in the work force. 13-What is the generally (common) feeling from employers about career break? -The generally feeling was that employers were keen to retain good stuff and would take a flexible approach where possible. 14-What does the pronoun refer to? 15-Write down the word which means. -get together and keep informed ( liaise) (statutory) 16- what does the word underline means? -Maternity:-The time that women have baby. -Investigate: - find out. -Set out: -begin.

- easy to adapt (flexible)

- laid down in law

-Updating: -make a new work method. -Hostile: -not happy with

Unit (16) A-Exam time is approaching. You might be feeling a little anxious or perhaps even a little excited at the prospect of all the changes to your life. It is important to keep calm and to feel that you are in control. There is a popular view that exams are designed to trick into showing how little you know. In fact, exams are meant to give you a chance to show what can you do. The Tawjihi gives the opportunity to show the adult world what you have learnt during your school career. To make the best use of this opportunity, it is very important to prepare for the exams properly. In the time preceding the exams, your teachers will give you revision time both at home and at school, it is vital that you organize the time well. Your teacher will help you as much as they can. But the real responsibility for preparing for the exams is yours and yours alone. Your first step should be to decide how to spend your revision time. Look back over your past work and find out where your strong points are and where your weak points are; you will need to spend more revision time on your weak points. Once your have decided what you need to revise, divided up the available time and draw up your own timetable. When you are ready to start revising, it might seem an enormous task. Do not sit down and endlessly read through your notes-this is not an effective learning technique. You must never attempt to memorize something you do not understand, and you must remember that extra lessons and translating are not short cuts to understanding and learning technique. 9

Question: 1-What chances (opportunities) does the Tawjihi exam offer you? -The Tawjihi gives the opportunity to show the adult world what you have learnt during your school career

2-What might the students feel when the exam time is approaching? -You might be feeling a little anxious or perhaps even a little excited at the prospect of all the changes to your life

3-What is the most important thing that you should invest well? -Time preceding the exams. 4-What should you do in the time preceding the exam? -It is very important to prepare for the exams properly and it is important to keep calm and to feel that you are in control

5-What is common rumor (thing / believe) about the Tawjihi exam? -That exam is designed to trick into showing how little you know 6-What did the teacher do before the Tawjihi exam? -Teacher will give you revision time both at home and at school and teacher will help you as much as they can. 7-Give the sentence that indicates about responsible of student for this exam.

-The real responsibility for preparing for the exams is yours and yours alone. 8-What is the purpose of exams? - Exams are meant to give you a chance to show what you can do. 9-Write two advices on how to prepare for the Tawjihi exam? -You should be to decide how to spend your revision time. Look back over your past work and find out where your

strong points are and where your weak points are. 10-What is disadvantage for just reading from your notes? - This is not an effective learning technique. 11-What should the first step be done? -first step should be to decide how to spend your revision time. 12-Why did the writer ask you to look back over your past work? -To find out where your strong points are and where your weak points are; you will need to spend more revision time on your weak points. 13-What did you do if you have weak points? - You will need to spend more revision time on your weak points. 14-What did you do about available time before exam? -Divide up the available time and draw up your own timetable. When you are ready to start revising 15-What did you feel when you want to revise? - It might seem an enormous task. 16-What did you do to understand or remember something in your lessons? - You must never attempt to memorize something you do not understand, and you must remember that extra lessons 17-Some learning techniques are not effective. Write down the sentence that gives an example of one of these techniques. - Do not sit down and endlessly read through your notes-this is not an effective learning technique. 18-What does the pronoun refer to? -You :- student -this:- Tawjihi exam -it:- revising


QA {remarkable, endorse, liaise, marine, on hand} 1-There was nothing--------about the play we saw last night. Nothing out of the ordinary 10

2-----------man still staying in the coast to protect the people from the sea. 3-You need someone to act as a link between the two parties in other word to--------between them. 4-We have more staff------------Ill call one to help you. 5-Israel and Palestine-----------the documents of papers peace. QB {horizon, concluded, disguise, gain approval, apartheid} 6-The killer was in----------, so the police couldnt recognize him. 7-Before being married, a couple has to -------of their two families. 8-The---------is the line at which the earth and sky appear to meet. 9-We -------------that one of components was broken. 10- -------------was a policy of segregation and a form of political, economic and social discrimination. QC {self-image, covet, ritual, identical, crumbling} 11- National sovereignty and independence from foreign rule enhance the -------------of all nation 12-Winning the world cup in a football is an achievement------------by most countries. 13-The 20th century witnessed the---------of the most forms of colonialism. 14-Those two brothers are very much alike, they must be ------------twins. 15-Slaughtering a lamb on Aid Al Adha is a --------- ceremony observed by Muslim societies. QD {Corporation, screened, temptation, consistently, crack} 16-The new ------ will export food to Gulf. 17- I had much work to do last night. I couldnt resist the---------- of going to bed. 18-All through the school year, this student has worked ------------- hard. 19-The--------in the wall of building may happen by natural things. 20-The world cup final is--------in countries throughout the world. QE {unplug, embroidered, caution, undertaken, vocal, maternity} 21-Her nicely --------dress attracted the attention of all the guests. 22-If you telephone keeps ringing all day and you are in no mood to answer it. Just----------it. 23-When handling an electric wire, you have to be extremely------------. 24--Modern airports provided passengers with visual as well as---------instruction. 25-career break for----------are statutory in Jordan. 26-The research was --------- in difficult conditions. QF {access, hostile, socialize, vocal, graciously, concentrate, interactive} 27-Are you------to the idea of having woman as city mayors? 28-People need to ------- with each other. 29-The only------------to the farmhouse is through that farm. 30-Learning is an----------- process between teachers and students. 31-Some children suffer from-------------problems. They cant pronounce some sounds. 32- People in Jordan received our national football team and greeted them------------. 33-While reading, you should--------- to understand what you read. 1-remarkable. 2-marine. 3-liaise. 4-on hand. 5-endorse. 6- disguise. 7- gain approval. 8-horizon. 9-concluded. 10-apartheid. 11-self-image. 12-covet. 13- crumbling. 14-ritual. 15-identical. 16-Corporation. 17-temptation. 18- consistently. 19- crack. 20-screened. 21- embroidered. 22-unplug. 23-caution. 24-vocal. 25- maternity. 26-undertaken. 27- hostile. 28- socializes. 29-access. 30- interactive. 31-vocal. 32- graciously. 33-concentrate. 1B. Choose the correct form of the word from those given in brackets to complete each of the following :-

1-The late king Husseins (significance) role in Jordan history can be seen clearly. 2-The pollution is (continue) rising, leading to increased demands on limited water resources. 11

3-they were prepared to consider almost any (arrange) to keep their staff. 4- I should have an (alternate) plan in case I dont get the necessary grades. 5-The soldiers crossed the damaged bridge (curious). 6-The crown held their (breathe) as the player ran up to take. 7- I couldnt (resistance) the temptation to put on the mask and flippers for a quick look. 8-1-If you dont drive (responsible) they will take away your license. 9-Ali hopes that the company will consider his application (favour) 10-Some (tradition) custom may cost much money. 11-She was (apology) about her behavior. 12-My brother is an (enthusiasm) admirer of Um Kalthoum. C. Choose the suitable answer from those in brackets to complete each of the following items, 1-My friends call me for the conference of pollution last week. (invite, visit, happen, keep) 2- politicians have always talked through the problems of political world (told, demented, draft, discuss) 3- We participated in collecting money to set up the building of cancer medical.(begin, establish, get) 4-Ahmed made of the result of election of Engineering (think about, carried out, get, take) 5- he usually keeps in touch when he goes abroad. (forgets, communicates, progresses, controls). 6-Apartheid closed to all prospects to black South Africans. (finish, get, not allow, keep) 7- Butcher chopped off sheeps head to sell it for the customer. (give, cut, put, release) 8-In an old story, a frog turned into a prince. (finished, got, allowed, became) 9-The British people were slow to take to the football game.(reject, like, relate, prevent) 10-Which sentence is not reduce relative clause:a-I read the letter that Ali wrote b-I found the book which you lost. c-I read a book which consists of 200 papers 11-Huda was writing a letter to his family when she arranged (watch, to watch, watching, watched) movie. 12-Mary denied (commit, to commit, committing, committed) the installation of the virus into the companys computers. 13- Do you remember (learn, to learn, learning, learnt) to walk when you were a child? 14-After (have studied, having study, having studied, had studied) English, he got asleep. 15-80% of employers were willing to keep jobs open for women on maternity leave. This (shown, shows, showed, is showing) that the majority of employers are interested in career breaks schemes. 16-His ambitions are certainly (different, the same, like, similar) from mine. 17-I go to (a, an, the, x) mosque five times day 18-Boxing is for the type of person (which, who, whose, whom) enjoys fighting. 19-The doctor (suggested, recommended, reassured, explained) me that my body is getting better. 20- Ive got as (more, much, most, least) money as he. 21-Alis grandmother is in (a, an the, x) hospital, so we went to visit her last night. 22-I would be thankful to you if you let me (know, knew, had known, could know) the truth. 23-(The, An, A, X) American university of Beirut was established to issue the education in Middle East. 24-Ali is very cautions; he takes (few, a few, little, a little) risks. 25-The principle thanked the students for (participating, participated, participate, participates) in the national competition . 26-The commandant (boasted, ordered, stated, suggested) the soldiers to put down their weapons. 27-My friend attempted (pass, to pass, passing, passed) the exam last week, and he did. 28- In spring----------of birds arrive back in Britain after spending the winter in Africa.( herd, crowd, flock , pack) 29-The secretary deferred (posts, to post, posting, posted)) the application yesterday. 30-My father is careful. He made (few, a few, little, a little) accident. 31-The teacher (who, whom, whose, which) you want to see has left school. 32-The village (who, where, when, which) I was born is in the north of Jordan. 34-I enjoy reading stories at (a, an, the, x) night. 35-You should avoid (drove, driving, to drive) the car at a high speed. 36-The general (recommended, demanded, ordered, asked) that the soldier should be put in prisoner. 37-Ali sent a letter to the author (who, whom, whose, which) books was read by millions of people. 38-Your drawing is (bad, well, worse, the worst) than my drawing. 12

39-Jordinians people enjoy (helps, helping, to help, helps) old people. 40-Unfortunately, (few, a few, little, a little) people were killed in the earthquake. 41-Although the exam was very difficult, (few, a few, little, a little) students were able to succeed. 42-Ali is starting (a, an, the, x) college in July. 43-Amers project won the prize for being the (good, better, best, well) of all. 44-Theres (few, a few, little, a little) cake left. Would you like some? 45-The captain (informed, explained, said, talked) the passengers that they would land on time. 46-The study of the mind and the way that people behave, is called{psychology, physics, Physiotherapy, psychiatry, Physiology} 47-Study of the functions and physical characteristics of living things and their parts, is called{psychology, physics, Physiotherapy, psychiatry, Physiology} 48-The farmer took his---------of cows to the river to drink {herd, flock, bunch, Suite} 49-The minister occupied a--------of rooms at the hotel. {herd, flock, bunch, Suite} 50-He gave her----------of flowers. {herd, flock, bunch, bundle} 51-Having (be, been, being, were) a generous person, he bought presents for every one. 52-I heard only (few, a few, little, a little) news about my friend in Iraq. 53-the people not the building (who, whom, whose, which) were in the train were friendly.C. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it

".I wish I was a millionaire"-1 He------------------------------------------------------------------------regretted ---------------------------------."Never leave the children alone"-2-My wife asked me-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-why does you not eat anything the doctor suggested that-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Do you drive this bus yesterday? He wanted to know-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------."I have never seen a ghost"-5

----------------------------------------------------------------------------that ------------------------."It is good to take milk before going to bed"-6-The doctor recommended that I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- Being so popular that it soon expanded to become international Award program. Because------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-How did they take her to hospital in such a bad weather? My friend asked me---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9-Lessons will not help you. You don't pay attention to them -Formal -Informal 10-The problem was complex. I was interested in it The problem in--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-Ali is 21 old, Ahmed is 21 old. -Ahmed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-First the taxi will come and then well lock up the house. -As soon as---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-brush it off when it get dry -He commanded his son------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

John denied-

14-There is no one in town as generous as Ali -Ali is-------------------------------------------------------in town. 15-Since he didnt study well, he has got bad grade. -Not------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16-Ali had washed the face before he ate breakfast. -Having-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17- Was the first prize won by the best racer in marathon 1999? -My friend asked----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------18-Working during the summer holiday is more useful than wasting time. - Wasting time -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19-She finalized the report, then the manager arrived -Before--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20-If I were you, I wouldnt drive without license. -The police warned me-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21- Having finished exam, he went to a picnic. -Because------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22-Dont eat too much chocolate. -The mother advised her son-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23-Ali was so self-confident. The students chose him as a leader. -Being----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


P.O Box Amman Jordan Date Dear friend: Thank you very much for your lovely letter, I am really looking forward to seeing you. I think that computer is very important in our life now. Most of things need to use it, you can get information from it easily and it makes easy work, but you must make control about your time and keep away from dangerous facts, specially for underage. I want to tell you about the importance of sport in our life like (football, riding horse,etc) that you can get healthy and fit body, and it protects your body form many diseases. In the end my very best wishes to all your family. Yo ur sincerely Young \ child \ sport/woman Each country must realize the importance of the young, If the country needs to become strong and improve the abilities of economics and sociopolitical field, By some procedures:-It must give the good teaching and studying for them. -It must care about primary teaching and how to keep the childhood from the bad treatment. -it must realize the importance of rearing children and keep them from psychical ills. -it must care about the relationship between the sport and national identity that the young can give our culture. -it must increase the conception and awareness of the young by using new technical information -women as mother , girl and sister can stand and face many problems that can deal with them as wise and poise.

P.O Box Amman Jordan Date Dear friend: Thank you very much for your lovely letter, I am really looking forward to seeing you. I want to tell you about journey with friends school, we decided to go to the deserts of Wadi Ram. It is very big and beautiful. But I asked my teacher how to solve this problem in the rid area, he told me it should plant a few trees and makes some dams to hold water. Also I want to tell you about the importance of trees in the world that keep the earth from erosion and it increases the rate of O2. diseases. In the end my very best wishes to all your family. Your sincerely


QUIZ Q1 Choose the correct form of the word from those given in brackets to complete each of the following :-

1-The late king Husseins (significant, significance, signify) role in Jordan history can be seen clearly. 2-The pollution is (continuous, continue, continually) rising, leading to increased demands on limited water resources. 3-They were prepared to consider almost any (arrange, arrangement, arranged) to keep their staff. 4-Can you show a little more (flex, flexibility, flexible) in your attitude? 5-The soldier lost his rifle and was completely (defense, defensive, defenseless) Q2. Choose the suitable answer from those in brackets to complete each of the following items, 1-My friend call me for the conference of pollution last week. (invite, visit, happen, keep) 2-Huda was writing a letter to his family when she arranged (watch, to watch, watching, watched) movie. 3- Do you remember (learn, to learn, learning, learnt) to walk when you were a child? 4-After (have studied, having study, having studied, had studied) English, he got asleep. 5-His ambitions are certainly (different, the same, like, similar) from mine. 6-The doctor (suggested, recommended, reassured, explained) me that my body is getting better. 7-Alis grandmother is in (a, an the, x) hospital, so we went to visit her last night. 8-I would be thankful to you if you let me (know, knew, had known, could know) the truth. 9-The principle thanked the students for (participating, participated, participate, participates) in the national competition . 10-The secretary deferred (posts, to post, posting, posted)) the application yesterday. 11-The village (who, where, when, which) I was born is in the north of Jordan. 12-I enjoy reading stories at (a, an, the, x) night. 13-The general (recommended, demanded, ordered, asked) that the soldier should be put in prisoner. 14-Ali sent a letter to the author (who, whom, whose, which) books was read by millions of people. 15-Unfortunately, (few, a few, little, a little) people were killed in the earthquake. 16-The boys was going to school ------------------- it began to rain heavily. a-when b- while c-but d-in spite of. .It began to rain, ------------I didnt have my umbrella -17 a-because. b-so. c- but d- despite 18-We planned ------------- football with my opponent team a-playing b-play c- plays d-to play 19-I heard only (few, a few, little, a little) news about my friend in Iraq. 20-A horse cant run so --------- a tiger. a-quickly b-more quickly as c-quickier d-quickly asQ3. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it

1- Being so popular that it soon expanded to become international Award program. Because------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Lessons will not help you. You don't pay attention to them -Formal -Informal 3-Ali is 21 old, Ahmed is 21 old. -Ahmed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-There is no one in town as generous as Ali -Ali is-------------------------------------------------------in town. 5-Ali had washed the face before he ate breakfast. -Having-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-First the taxi will come and then well lock up the house. -As soon as----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Choose the correct form of the word from those given in brackets to complete each of the following :-

1-Some (traditional, tradition, traditionally) custom may cost much money. 2-On joining Al-Sabilah will increase your self - (confidence, confident, confidently) 3- Various societies define (successful, success, succeeding, succeed) in many rather complex ways. 4-My brother is an (enthusiastic, enthusiasm, enthusiastically) admirer of Um Kalthoum. 5-When the information highway will become an (intonation, international, intentioned) reality. B. Choose the suitable answer from those in brackets to complete each of the following items, 1- politicians have always talked through the problems of political world -----------a-told. b-demented. c-draft d- discuss 2-She ------------down for a rest after she had finished working.. a-lie b- lay c-had lain d- lying 3-I go to -------------mosque five times day. a-an b- the c-a d-x 4-We lived in rented accommodation before ------------- this house. a- bought b- had bought c- buy d- buying. 5-You should avoid ----------- the car at a high speed last week.. a-drove b- driving c- to drive d-driven 6-Ali is very cautions, he takes -----------risks. a-few b-a few c-little d-a little 7- All Christians went to ----------- church to pray on the Pope. a-an b- the c-a d-x 8-My friend not the dog -----------eating my meat from the fridge. a-whos b- whom c-whose d-which 9- In spring----------of birds arrive back in Britain after spending the winter in Africa---------a-herd b-crowd c- flock d-pack 10-Although the exam was very difficult, --------------- students were able to succeed. a-few b-a few c-little d-a little 11-He gave her----------of flowers. a-herd b-flock c- bunch d-bundle 12-The captain ------------the passengers that they would land on time. a-informed b- explained c- said d-talked 13-The study of the mind and the way that people behave, is called--------------a-psychology b-Physiotherapy c-psychiatry d-Physiology 14-Having ------------a generous person, he bought presents for every one. a-be b-been c- being d- were 1 5-This picture is ------------drawn than that one. a-well. b-better c- the best d-good 16-80% of employers were willing to keep jobs open for women on maternity leave. This --------- that the majority of employers are interested in career breaks schemes. a-shown b-shows c-showed d-is showing.C. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it

".I wish I was a millionaire"-1 He------------------------------------------------------------------------regretted -----------------------------."Never leave the children alone"-2-My wife asked me----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-The problem was complex. I was interested in it The problem in--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Ali was so self-confident. The students chose him as a leader. 17

-Because of-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-brush it off when it get dry -He commanded his son----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-Working during the summer holiday is more useful than wasting time. - Wasting time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-My house was built in Amman, I left to it -After----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------