Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development...


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Page 1: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.
Page 2: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Tawara D. Goode

National Center for Cultural Competence

Center for Child and Human Development

Georgetown University Medical Center

September 24, 2009

Gainesville, FL

Employing Organizational Change Frameworks to Enhance Cultural and

Linguistic Competence

Page 3: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Cultural & Linguistic Competency within the Context of Organizational Change

Page 4: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Considering Cultural & Linguistic Competency within the Context of Organizational Change

Does making progress require

changes in people’s values, attitudes

and or habits of behaviors?

Adaptive Challenge vs.

Technical Challenge

Reference: Heifetz, R.A. (1994). Leadership Without Easy Answers. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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“If I am asked to learn about cultural competence, then they must be implying that I am incompetent!”

“If we really get into this my colleagues will discover that I don’t know as much as I think I need to know.”

“I am a person of color. I know what it means to be culturally competent. I don’t need any special training.”

“There are too many cultures. I can’t possibly learn about all of them. This is futile.”

“If I am authentic about this, I will stir up a hornet’s nest in this place. Then there will be repercussions. I am not willing to take that risk.”

“I may discover I have more biases than I care to admit.”

Fears and Concerns about Cultural & Linguistic Competency

“I have examined studies about various cultures, changed some of my thoughts, and now I feel competent.”

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Organizational Change Theories Applied to Cultural & Linguistic Competency

Resistance is a characteristic of any major organizational change effort and a major reason why organizational change efforts fail. (Prochaska, Prochaska and Levesque, 2001).

Resistance should be expected in different stages of multicultural organizational change because the topics of prejudice, discrimination and oppression are controversial and emotionally charged. (Brantley, Frost and Razak, 1996).

The Transtheoretical Model of Change suggests that it is counterproductive to forge ahead with action without addressing issues such as resistance, that stand in the way of individual and organizational readiness for change.

Data Source:Mayeno, L. Multicultural Organizational Development: A Resource for Health Equity, in Cultural Competence in Health Care Series, The California Endowment and Compasspoint Nonprofit Services, April 2007.

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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“Of all the forms of inequality,

injustice in health is the most shocking and most inhumane.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2008

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Diffusion of Innovations

Data Source: Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations: Fifth edition. New York, NY: Free Press

Diffusion is the process in which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system.

The communication is not simply announcing or promoting innovation. It is a two-way process that leads to diffusion.

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Diffusion of Innovations

Data Source: Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations: Fifth edition. New York, NY: Free Press






Stages of Diffusion

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Diffusion of InnovationsStages of Diffusion

Data Source: Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations: Fifth edition. New York, NY: Free Press

Knowledge Let others know the innovation exists

Persuasion Word/acceptance from within one’s trusted network. Do people like me accept it?

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

Page 11: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Diffusion of Innovations

Data Source: Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations: Fifth edition. New York, NY: Free Press

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

Stages of Diffusion: Decision/Adoption

Attributes of Innovation Evaluation of Attribute

Relative Advantage Is the innovation better than their usual approach? Is it easier, more convenient, more effective, less expensive?

Compatibility Is the innovation consistent with existing values, past experiences, and needs?

Complexity Is the innovation perceived as easy to understand and use?

Trialability Can people try the innovation on a limited basis? Are there longer term commitments or expectations?

Observability Is the innovation and its benefits visible? Do adopters know others who have used and liked the innovation?

Re-invention Can the innovation be changed to suit the adopters’ needs?

Page 12: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Stages of Change

Data Source: Prochaska, J.O., Redding, C.A. & Evers, K.E. (1997). A Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change. In K. Glanz, F.M. Lewis, B.K. Rimer (Eds.) Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory Research and Practice a(2 nd edition) (pp. 60-84). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.






Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

Page 13: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Stages of Change

Data Source: Prochaska, J.O., Redding, C.A. & Evers, K.E. (1997). A Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change. In K. Glanz, F.M. Lewis, B.K. Rimer (Eds.) Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory Research and Practice a(2 nd edition) (pp. 60-84). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.






Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

no intention to take action in the foreseeable future

intention to take action in the near future – 6 mos.

intention to take action in the immediate future – 1 mo.

made overt changes within the past 6 mos.

work to prevent relapse

Page 14: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Managing Complex ChangeManaging Complex Change

Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = CHANGE

Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Confusion

Vision + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Anxiety

Vision + Skills + Resources + Action Plan = Gradual Change

Vision + Skills + Incentives + Action Plan = Frustration

Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources = False Starts

Used with permission: © The Leadership Spectrum : Targeting Result, Enterprise Management Limited 1994.

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Organizational Change and the Work of the Leader

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Leadership to advance and sustain cultural and linguistic competency must be cultivated at all levels of an organization, system, or community.

Some individuals lead through position, others through influence; both are valued and necessary and must be recognized.

The traditional role of the leader must be revisited and adapted to address ongoing or emerging challenges: organizational change processes, differences across and within cultures and resulting dynamics, resistance, and differences in power.

Leadership: Lessons Learned

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2009

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Eliminate the perception of cultural and linguistic competency as “add-ons” by ensuring principles and practices are woven into the culture of the system or organization. Establish a clear business case for cultural and linguistic competency within the specific contexts of the system, organization or program.

Promote the understanding that cultural and linguistic competency are integrally linked to quality of care—you can’t have one without the other.

Institutionalize cultural and linguistic competency in policies, structures, practices, procedures and dedicated resources within systems and organizations.

Establish bench marks and measure progress at regular intervals.

Weave into the Fabric of the Organization and Lessons Learned

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2009

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Get on the Balcony Identify the Adaptive Challenge Regulate Distress Maintain Disciplined Attention Give the Work Back to the People Protect Voices from Below

The Work of the Leader

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2008

Reference: Heifetz, R.A. (1994). Leadership Without Easy Answers.

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Creating a Culturally and Linguistically Competent Health

Care Organization

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In five years, what is your vision for cultural and linguistic competency within the PPC?

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Use the categories presented in the framework to design the PPC as a culturally and linguistically competent entity.

Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Framework for Cultural and Linguistic Competency







Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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Value Policies Structures Practices Behaviors Attitudes

Community members are full partners in decision-making.

Community participation is required in

planning, implementation, evaluation of organization’s activities

Community participation in: - committees - governing boards- task forces - focus groups- grant reviews - ad-hoc

committees- IRB committees

Provide accommodations

and other supports to assure participation(e.g.


stipends, meetings held in accessible venues).

Provide training to ensure that necessary information for meaningful participation is

equally shared.

Actively acquire community


Diverse perspectives


solicited, welcomed, and and respected

A Framework for Putting Values into Policy & Practicein Health and Mental Health Care Settings

T.D. Goode

Slide Source: The National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

Page 24: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Value Policies Structures Practices Behaviors Attitudes

Systems and organizations must assure theincorporation of cultural knowledge into policy making, infrastructure and practice.

Pre-service and inservice training and professional development are required for all:

- Board members

- Program staff

- Volunteers

- Human resources training/professional development division

- Conference & meeting planning groups

- Annual staff development interests & needs survey or query - “Community of Learners”

- Tuition support and/or reimbursement

The system or organization:

-integrates content oncultural and linguistic competence into its training activities;

- provides incentives for participating in workshops, courses, or seminars and sanctions for non- participation

- assigns staff to serve as coaches andmentors

Achievement of professional development goals are acknowledged in staff performance evaluations, specialrecognition awards, merit pay or bonuses,

Acquiring cultural knowledge is an ongoing rather than a discreet process

A Framework for Putting Values into Policy & Practicein Health and Mental Health Care Settings

Slide Source: The National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

T.D. Goode

Page 25: Tawara D. Goode National Center for Cultural Competence Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University Medical Center September 24, 2009.

Cultural competence and linguistic competence

are a life’s journey … not a destination

Safe travels!

T.D. GoodeSlide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2009

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National Center for Cultural Competence


[email protected]