Task 5 media

Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Alex Pereira, Alex Dwyer & Millie West

Transcript of Task 5 media

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Task 5 Lauren Rosenfeld, Alex Pereira, Alex Dwyer & Millie West

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Audio trackWhen making the music video, one of the most important resources we will need is the audio track. Without the song it is not a music video. We will need the song because the brief given to us by Sony Music UK states that we need to create a music video of one of their artists’ unreleased songs. We will be creating a music video for an unreleased track from an artist as if the track already has a video, then we may take ideas from it. However, doing it this way ensures that our ideas are original, we can analyse the lyrics and interpret and create it in our own way. We have chosen the track Back From The Edge by James Arthur. This is a brand new track from his album, thus, it is not clear if a music video will be released for it, therefore, we have a back up track in place if a music video is released for the track. The backup track we have chosen to do is Raging by Kygo and Kodaline.

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Source of finance During the production we will need funds for various things that we will not be supplied. For example, video cameras, tripods and editing software will be lent to us to use in the making of the video. We will have to fund our own transport, props, costumes and makeup. Therefore, we will look online to buy our props and costumes and have a budget, where all group members will pitch in. As a group we will create a finalised list of the finances we will need and the total cost of all the items listed. We will then split the cost of these items. The budget for the production we have decided is £50. This will cover our costs of production, including all listed above. The £50 budget will come from our own pockets, two of us have part time jobs and we all receive pocket money that will go towards the budget. We will use Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet to add up all the purchases. This ensures that we will not go over budget, as after every purchase, we will add it to the database.

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Resources A video camera is essential for the production of the music video, as there would not be a way to film and then edit it together on a computer professionally without it. Once the group have filmed all footage, and completed filming, we will then be able to digitally download the footage onto the computer and begin the editing process on Final Cut Pro. Using a video camera and filming in a high quality, will make the production look and feel more professional. The video camera that we will use during filming is a Panasonic HC-V750 camcorder. This camera can shoot full HD which is the best for viewing it also is more attractive to look at compared to a low quality video. High definition is also a bonus as it makes the video more professional and has a more detailed picture, which is the main goal. The equipment given to us is compact which is perfect for the task we have been set. With different locations transport of equipment will be effortless.

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Resources A photo camera will be used during pre production of the music video in order to take pictures of locations. Using these pictures, we can then access the locations as a group and evaluate if these will be suitable for filming. By using a photo camera, we can also create a photo storyboard; this will be a picture of each shot to show how the story progresses and any notes on the specific shot. Using a photo storyboard will be less time consuming than drawing a storyboard and can help decide what camera angles to use. With a photo camera we can also practice the scenes before recording the actual scene. A photo camera is easily accessible, as most group members have a smartphone. Therefore, many members can take pictures of locations and possible camera angles, then put them online for other group members to view and discuss. A photo camera is also useful for practicing how to film, as on a smartphone, you can add a grid and easily film. This is good for experience, as some members are not very experienced in this field.

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Resources During pre production of the music video, we will scout out some filming locations. We will need to find filming locations before we can start the music video, in order to be prepared and complete the music video on deadline. Therefore, we will discuss and find several locations that are a possibility of filming and take pictures of these locations. We will further discuss and evaluate if these locations are suitable for the video and narrative, and if they are then we will return to these locations. By taking pictures and reviewing theses locations, we can decide if they suit the genre of the song. During scouting of these locations, we will create a risk assessment to decide if it is suitable and safe for filming.

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ResourcesThe editing software we will be using to edit the music video is Final Cut Pro. The reason for choosing this editing software is because it is used by professionals in the industry and features several functions which will make the editing process smooth. There are many advantages of digitally editing software. For instance, a benefit is the ability to improve and enhance light and sound issues and adding in transitions. It can convert imported videos into other format so that media players and portable devices can read and play smoothly and this software will help us edit the video with flexibility and fast speed. Internet access is required for the production of the music video. There are many reasons why the internet is essential. For instance, researching, communication and to document work. There are many things to research for the music video, such as places to film and what props/costumes to buy for the cast of the music video. The group can also access documents over the internet, through Google Drive and have the ability to share these documents with each other. This makes it very effective for reviewing other group members work.

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Desktop Publishing Software During the production of the music video we will need to use a variety of software to effectively complete it. Some of the software we will need is Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel; we will also need to use Adobe Photoshop . We will need to use Microsoft Word to create a script. We will need Powerpoint to create a storyboard, and we will need to use Excel to create and document the budgets and the costs. We will need Photoshop to create a logo for our production company . The reason we will need to use the software is so the that we can document things clearly and efficiently; this will help alot with the planning of the music video as well.

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British Board of Film ClassificationYoutube and Vevo have partnered with the BBFC, in order to age rate music videos, by artists signed with Sony Music UK, Universal Music UK and Warner Music UK that is unsuitable for young children. These ratings appear on both Vevo and Youtube online and on smartphone apps. The aim of the BBFC is to rate music videos, other media content and to improve consumer awareness about the content of what they are about to watch.

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BBFCThe BBFC have two main principles:

To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuitable content.

To empower consumers, particularly parents and those with responsibility for children, to make informed viewing decisions.

The BBFC will classify music videos for including -

Drug misuse

Dangerous behaviour presented as safe

Bad language

Sexual behaviour and nudity

Threatening behaviour and violence

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British Board of Film ClassificationIn order to rate a piece of media, whether it be a music video or film, 2 parties need to be involved. 2 people will watch the same item, and based on a range of factors such as discrimination, drugs, horror, dangerous and easily imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex and violence, a decision will then be made as to what it should be rated. If the parties disagree on a decision, then a third party will get involved or someone of higher authority. A final decision will then be made.

If it is a DVD that is being reviewed, then it is most likely that only one person will make a rating decision due to the fact that it will most likely already have a rating. DVDs are rated more strictly compared to films. This is because there is more freedom in the home and so they feel as though the restrictions on age limits will be ignored, therefore they take rating more seriously than usual, and much harsher.

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Copyright Design and Patents Act - 1988The copyright act gives the creators of forms of media rights to control how they’re used and distributed. It is currently the UK’s copyright law. The rights act covers the use of broadcasting, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies, as well as the public performance of the original material. Normally the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and possessor of the work. The copyright act arises when an individual or organisation creates work that is original, takes time, skill and judgement. Names, colours and phrases are not normally covered under the act but other creations such as logos are.

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Copyright Design and Patents Act - 1988 The individual or group of people who created the work own the rights. Although if the work was done as part of an employment scheme, then the copyright is not owned by the company but the individual himself. There are many ways in which you can avoid copyright infringement. Some of the ways that we will be avoiding infringement will be by emailing Sony and asking them for permission to use one of their artists and their songs. Only once they have said yes, will we go ahead with using their song. If we want to include sound effects, we must email the rightful owner of whom the effects belong to. Or we can use royalty free material, which would exclude us from risk of copyright infringement.

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TimeOne of the key features that we need to consider when creating this music video is the timings and deadlines. The importance of deadlines is that they are a guideline for when everything needs to be finished. If deadlines are missed then you will be behind and need to catch up; this can cause things to be rushed as you will need to make up for lost time. Time management is also essential, this means using our time effectively and efficiently. If we don’t manage our time effectively it could lead to work being missed or not being produced to the highest standard possible. Therefore, time management and planning are essential, meaning that we will plan out every part of production during pre production, so that we have the possibility to create the best possible production.

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Contributors The contributors are the people that are going to be involved in the making of the music video, these can range from actors to a time keeper. Part of the contributors are the crew. This involves the planners, people operating the cameras, timekeepers and others. These are very important roles as they are going to be the ones ensuring that everything is running smoothly and working correctly. Another part of the contributors are the cast; these are the actors and actresses. It is very vital that we choose the correct cast as they need to be reliable and committed. We are going to be using a range to be actors and actresses. We may not necessarily feature in the video as we will be focusing on the camera work along with other aspects. We will decide if someone is right for the role by questioning them during a casting, and asking questions such as if they are free, have any experience in the acting field and if they are willing to be in it. We will then discuss who we believe is good for the role and discuss when to start filming with them.