Task 5

Task 5 Swara Sawirs

Transcript of Task 5

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Task 5

Swara Sawirs

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Images sourced from books:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:The advantages of sourcing images out of a book is that you will find special content and personal experiences that you may not find anywhere else. Books hold a special connection, they will be written by someone or a team of people who would have researched the topic, gone out in the world and got their own images and that is what creates a more personal connection with the audience. The audience know those images are definitely real, they are not fake.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:You may not find the type of book you're looking for, or it might take you a while. Finding the right book which will contain the information or topic you're looking for could be tricky. So therefore, you may have to research online, go to library's and other places such as museums until you find the right book. It can take a lot of effort and time to find exactly what you are looking for.

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Images sourced from google images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Sourcing images from Google images is great because it’s very easy and simple. You can search for exactly what you want and Google will do it’s best to try to show you all the images that may interest you. It’s very easy, all you have to do is just type in what you are looking for then save the image/s you like. Google can show you images of anything and everything, whether it’s a celebrity, a location, a rare animal specie or even a certain cake. It’s very useful and helpful.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Disadvantages of sourcing images from Google images is that the image may not be copyright free so therefor, if you use the image anywhere, try to take credit for it, display it or edit it at all, you could be done for copyright. To avoid this issue, you have too filter your research which could be a challenge if you are on a short time limit.

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Images sourced from stock image library:

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Images sourced from copyright free site:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:The images are copyright free, which means they are available for reuse and modifications. It means you can select the image you want and use it. Stock image library is great because it stores all your images online, which means your work will be backed up.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Copyright free images are good, however, they could be hard to find. It may take a lot of time to find the right image which will be copyright free. Stock image library's means that your work will be saved online but if someone finds it, they can use it which won’t be very helpful if your images were going to be used for a certain project.

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Images sourced from your own existing images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Advantage of taking your own images is that you get to see the real location or event with your own eyes. You could take a picture of a rare sunset and you would of witnessed it yourself, sometimes you could be lucky enough to witness something special happen and then be able to capture it on camera. The images you take, are yours. You don’t have to worry about copyright or how you use your images. They are yours to play around with and display wherever you want.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Disadvantage of capturing images yourself is that you could lose your camera anytime or lose the software you saved the images on, which will mean that your work could be lost and if you haven't backed it up somewhere else, that could be an issue. You could struggle with capturing your own images if you don’t know how to use a camera and it’s settings very well, which means you will need to take time out to learn how to use the camera and the settings.

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Processing Images

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Original image:

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Cropped image:

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Scaled images: A4

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Scaled images: A5

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Scaled images: A6

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Resolution image:

300dpi for print 72dpi for web

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Advantages of different resolutions:Having different resolutions is good because it helps you maintain the quality of the image in case you decide to crop it or print it out. Using different resolutions will help you adjust the size of the image. The internet uses small resolution images which will help it work faster on the internet.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:Small images with small resolution means that the image can be very pixelated and can then result in a bad quality image.

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Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:I used Dodge tool to make the image lighter as it was lacking light on the ground aspect of the image. I then played around with the contrast and levels to make sure the image had the right balance of contrast and black. It took me a while but after a while, I managed to achieve a overall good image. I then used black and white to simply turn the image from colour to black and white. Then I used hue saturation to bring out certain colours in the images such as the greens, reds and yellows. This helped me make certain parts of the cloud stand out as well as the ground looking lighter and clearer than before.