Task 4 final images landscape review

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4) Landscape: Image No: 1.

Transcript of Task 4 final images landscape review

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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4)


Image No:1.

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Theme or focus of image & reasons for choice1. The focus in this image is the building even though the bridge is also in the image

the building is the thing that stands out the most it’s the colour of the building everything surrounding is all similar colours, the reason for this image is because the building it’s such a big unusual looking shape and style and colour that it’s something people notice because it’s so close to the Lowry mall which is one of the main attractions to Salford quays also the bridge stands out because there are several bridges located around Salford quays all different shapes they look good framed in the image.

2. The main focus for this image is the bridge I wanted to show off the bridge from the side because you get to see the surroundings including the water and the odd building; I think it shows off Salford quays because it shows off what’s there and how nice the view is especially looking across the water. Because the bridge is such a huge part of the things you see it was good to capture this, it’s also familiar because it’s hard to miss when you go there.

3. The purpose of this image is to show media city because of how far away I am from media city its fits all of the main part into one picture you can also see the surrounding areas so you get to see the rest of Salford quays. I chose to capture this because it’s such a huge part of Salford Quays and one of the main reasons people go to see the BBC and ITV buildings they are important to the area.

4. The main focus in this image of this image is the water leading up to the bridge its shows of another section of Salford quays which includes the Lowry part of the museum and the quay west building all of these are main places to visit at Salford quays the reason I took this image is because it’s such a large part and I’ve fitted a

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lot into one I’ve taken this from one of the other bridges in the area so I’m above the water to get a different angle.

5. The main focus is the bridge in this image it’s the first thing you look at when you see it the photo was taken from one of the other bridges which is opposite to the one in the picture I wanted to get the bridge in this picture but I zoomed in slightly to make it more framed I also wanted to include the building to add a bit more in the photo instead of just a white bridge.

6. The main focus in this photo was the happy sign I tried to make it centred as much as I could so the trees would be all around I wanted to show of the colours and make the path look like it was leading up to the sign, the reason I took it because it reflected Salford quays in a nice way the building is part of ITV and the Salford University it also shows slightly some of the food places in the area, it also looks clean because of how I edited it I cleaned up the path so it would look more appealing to people wanting to visit.

7. The main focus in this image was the BBC building, I wanted to include the BBC signs so you would know what the building is used for instead of it just being a plain building also I wanted to include the trees and the colours to make the image stand out more, the trees sort of frame the image because of how they are all around the edges and the BBC building in centre of the image. It shows what’s at Salford quays and including the BBC logo makes people interested because it’s such a recognizable logo.

8. The main focus in this image are the buildings also I including some of the trees below and the ‘happy’ sign you can also slightly see some of the food places along the bottom, I included the ITV building and the Salford university building, the reason I took this is the show more of what it looks like when you are in Media city what the surrounding areas are around it.

9. The main focus in this image is media city and the bridge to the left of it and the ITV in the far left I wanted to include it as much as possible I wanted to get the bridge in as well so you can see more fitting a much as I can and making sure I centred it, the reason for it was to show off media city as you can see the big sign saying the studio and also the ITV logo and the BBC building I wanted to include them all in.

10. The main focus in the image is Media city even though I couldn’t fit all of Media city in it I still got the Media city UK sign in also all of the BBC buildings are in the image as well including the water in the photo as well so it didn’t look so crowded it fits in-between the sky and the water. The reason I took it from far away and from across the water was to show how nice it can look.

Techniques used1. I used the rule of thirds with this image because I wanted to frame it correctly so

the bridge would fit a certain way over the building behind the look as if the person looking at the image is walking along the bridge, I also had to make sure the exposure of the image was right so i wouldn’t get to much light and make the image look over exposed.

2. I used the rule of thirds with this image I wanted it framed correctly this helps show more of the bridge as well as several buildings and the water running underneath, I also made sure that the ISO settings were right so the image wouldn’t take in too

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much light making the image look over exposed.

3. I used the rule of third with this image because I was taking the picture of media city as well as its surroundings I wanted the buildings in the image to be centred I also made sure my ISO setting was right so the picture wouldn’t be over exposed.

4. I used the rule of thirds in this image because I like to frame the images to try and show off as much of Salford quays.

5. I used the rule of thirds again with this because I wanted to bridge to me the main focus as well as the building I purposely wanted the bridge to me in the middle so that I could get the water and the image equal above and below the bridge.

6. I used the rule of thirds again because I wanted to get the happy sign in the middle of the image and I wanted to frame the image with the trees and grassy hills I think it looks better when it’s been framed

7. I used rule of thirds with this image again the trees frame the image and the BBC signs are involved in this image the four columns in the image I wanted to be in shot also using the 3x3 grid helps place them.

8. I used the rule of thirds again with my image I think this is one of the most important things to use for a landscape image because of the point of focus in an image, having lots of things in its good to have a few main focuses that’s what I tried to get across with this image.

9. In this image I used the rule of thirds I wanted to try and get the building in the middle as centred as possible it being a main focus and also the bridge to the left and the studios to the right framing the image to try and get as much of the main things at Salford quays into one image.

10. I used the rule of thirds again with this image I wanted enough of the sky and the water in the image also I wanted to show as much as media city in this image as I could because it such a big part of Salford quays so I had to frame I a lot of the main points in this image are the buildings like the BBC and the studios.

Strengths & suggested improvements1. The strengths In this photo Is the way I’ve framed it I think the way it looks through

the bridge instead of being stood outside looks better than being outside the building because it looks as if you walking across the bridge towards it.The weaknesses are the lack of colour it was hard to capture much colour in the photo because of the weather and the fact that the bridge is white I chose to keep it like this because I wanted it to show a realistic look on Salford quays because its already a nice place and I didn’t want it to look unrealistic I wanted my them to look ‘clean’.

2. The strengths in this photo is the way I’ve framed it with the bridge going across to the other side and the water beneath it also that you can see almost all of the bridge you get to see it all in the image.The weakness is the lack of colour the sky makes the image look very dull even though I have brightened it up I didn’t want to mess up the image by making the sky a unrealistic colour.

3. The strengths in this image are what I’ve included in the image I think it shows off

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what you can see if you went to Salford quays also because I’ve cleaned up the path it looks ‘clean’.The weakness again is the lack of colour again the weather wasn’t the best maybe if I made something stand out with a bright colour might make it look attractive but I wanted to keep it realistic looking.

4. The strengths in this image is the framing of it, I like how I’ve taken it from behind the wall of the bridge I’m standing on you can see both sides the bridge leads to showing more in one image.The weakness in this image is how dull the sky looks if the day was sunnier it would of made it look a lot nicer.

5. The strengths in this image is the framing of it I’ve fitted the whole bridge in as well as the building to the left, also the how the bridge goes along in the middle of the image whilst the sky and the water are both above and below.The weakness is the dull colour in the sky I didn’t want to change it too much but there is a difference compared to the original.

6. The strengths in this image are the colours and how bright and the autumn colours also how clean the ground looks, the happy sign being in the middle of the image makes you look at that first which was the aim.The weakness in this photo is how maybe if you saw this photo on its own and you weren’t familiar with the area you possibly wouldn’t know where it was.

7. The strengths in this photo are the colours I like how the trees frame the image slightly as they are in both corners and them the BBC building is in the middle of the image also a good point in this photo is the fact I included the BBC sign in it because it’s such a big part of Salford quays.The weakness in this photo is the dull sky it would have made the image even more colourful.

8. The strengths in this image are the colours of the trees and the grass also the happy sign they stand out in the image also the surroundings look very clear also because I’ve edited the people out it makes it look less messy, also the framing of the image I’ve included some of the ITV building and the BBC building.The weaknesses in this image is again the sky I didn’t want to take away the realistic look even though It could of looked a lot better with a bright blue sky.

9. The strengths in this photo are the things I’ve included being the water and the bridge also how you can see the ITV sign and the BBC sign also ‘The studios’ I think this promotes it very well because it shows what you can see if you came.The weakness is the dull sky makes the image seem very grey.

10. The strengths in this photo is that it shows quite a large part of media city and what’s there it includes a lot of the BBC buildings and a big sign saying Media city UK the water looks very blue and makes it look clean.The weakness in this photo is the sky if it was better weather the photo would look brighter and more attractive.

Editing details1. I started on the building adding a colour to it which was similar to its original colour

but I just slightly made it more vibrant, then I make the bridge slightly lighter so the white looked cleaner then I also brightened up the sky as best as possible take

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away some of the grey. Once id changed the colours I decided to edit out some one walking along the bridge who was centred in the image I thought this was a small distraction so I removed the person from the bottom of the Image.

2. I again started with the colours in the image I added a blue tint to the water to make it look cleaner and more attractive I then slightly brightened up the sky I them made the bridge appear whiter. I noticed some people walking across the bridge who I thought were a distraction I wanted the bridge to be empty so I edited out three of the people who were walking along I feel like this was successful because you can’t see where they were.

3. I started one the sky making it look slightly lighter so it would take away the dull/grey look I then decided to get rid of the chipped paint and other worn away parts I did this on the steps and the black box towards the right of the picture I thought it would look more attractive if it looked neat, I then wanted the path to look clean so I removed the fallen leaves and bits of rubbish also the bits of moss growing on the bricks and some plants growing near the black box, I think the path looks looked after and cleaner than it originally is.

4. I started on lightening the sky because the weather wasn’t the best on the day we took them, I then added a blue tint to the water making it look a lot cleaner adding a slight bit of colour makes the image seem a lot more attractive

5. I brightened up the sky to take away the grey and dullness I then added a blue tint to the water to make It look cleaner I didn’t want to change it too much because I didn’t want a unrealistic image of Salford quays.

6. I started to add colour to the trees and the grass I wanted to give them more colour so I made the colours brighter I added oranges, reds and greens I added a red colour to the happy sign so it would stand out a lot more, I then noticed some people in the image a woman to the left of the image who I removed I didn’t want anyone in the image because I just wanted it to be Salford quays I also removed another person who was in the back in a bright red coat, I then removed some of the leaves and rubbish on the grass and on the ground to make it look more cleaner, and finally I make the small section of sky brighter.

7. I started on the trees around the image I added colour to them all making it look more ‘autumn’ I wanted to add as much colour as I could to distract from the grey sky which I slightly lightened to make more white. The columns in the image I made slightly more vibrant using the vibrant tool it brought out a purple colour to them which I liked because it brought out more colour.

8. I tried to lighten the sky slightly to get rid of some of the grey I then focused on the trees and the grass I added more colour to them so they would stand out more I then also changed the colour of the happy sign to purple so it would stand out also, I then edited around the grass and on the ground to remove some fallen leaves I just think doing this made I look a lot more cleaner. Then I moved onto the people in the image who were crowded in the back on the image I wanted to just have Salford quays I think the people distract so I used the clone tool to remove them.

9. There were only small changes in this image I added a slight blue tint to the water to make it look cleaner from what it originally was which was like a brown dull colour, also I slightly lightened the sky as much as I could to take away the

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10. I started with the sky making it slightly lighter so it wouldn’t look so dull, I then added a blue tint to the water so make it look cleaner, I noticed that someone had stood slightly in shot there was a shoulder just bottom right of the image which covered a large amount of water so I edited that out using the clone tool.

Capture LogSetting Shutter Speed ISO Aperture1. Manual

2. Manual

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10. 5.6