Task 4


Transcript of Task 4

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Self DiscoverySpace

New Places

Lost ItemsAfter-life

Conflicting personalities



Journey through life

Negative feelingsPositive




Use props and a model

Use Photoshop to create the illusion of something not human

Though a telescope

Landscape of night sky with a foreground



Models and Photoshop



No after-life


Dream land

Hazy filters using PhotoshopA mixture of different

images from different places to create one unique new place


A number of different landscapes

‘joiner’ method to create a landscape which would be made from smaller images of landscapes

From the item’s point of view

Being found

Perspective change – tilt shift

Large scale

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I researched into the artist Ferdrico Bebber and found a collection of images that he had created which were called ‘Mad on World’. I think that they have a very strong air of inner anguish within them and think that I could use this technique of using an emotional model with smoke within Photoshop to create my own images with the theme of Self discovery. I could develop this idea into the concept of human beings having to deal with their own emotions and people can sometimes feel like two different sides of their personality are conflicting – this is a major part of self discovery through life. I could depict this through using a model and having a slow shutter speed or using two different images and merging them together to show a split in conflicting emotions and use a prop and colours which would be appropriate for that emotion, such as fire for passion and the colour green for envy. I could even decide to produce a series of images which would represent the seven deadly sins, I would use one model with different props and colours in each image to show that all seven of these emotions are current within the subject. Below are a collection of images which represent the 7 deadly sins, I do not particularly like the way in which they have been done however I could create my own images which would represent the self discovery of the seven deadly sins.

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SPACEI think that using the theme of discovery I would be able to

create some very imaginative photographs if I were to produce images of something that has never been seen – like an ‘alien’. The discover of alien life form is something that has always interested the human kind and I think that this subject will allow me to be extremely creative and let me interoperate the subject however I want, because of the fact that there is not a specific way in which aliens should or shouldn’t look, whatever I produce will suit this criteria. I could use props, lighting and make-up with a model to create a subject that no longer looks human, the image could be very stylised and I could use post production techniques within Photoshop to warp the image so that the subject’s features do not relate to those of a human being. Also there could be a possibility that I choose to create an image that is looking up to the sky at night when the stars are visible to represent the discovery of space. I could use a remote shutter release to track the star trails as they move in orbit around the earth – this is a very effective form of photography as the patterns that they create look very different to what we usually see in the sky, therefore this is furthering our discovery into space. I could decide to use post print techniques while the ink is still wet and scratch a pathway into the photograph then put some colourful, inks into the image, the ink will then take the path of the scratches and will give a very experimental look to the product.

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AFTER-LIFEThe discovery of after-life is a very personal experience and

can only be experienced by on person’s perception. This subject would give me a chance to express my interoperation of the after life or my own theories on the controversial subject. I could take a number of different routes with this, I could decide to express my own representation of an angel or satin, using models and props to create clouds, mist, wings, horns and fire. I would need to make sure that the image has a pure and angelic feel or an eerie/evil feel, I could use Photoshop to add filters to any image that I take and could decide to use multimedia to make my product more interactive and interesting, I think it would be a good idea to use paints to emphasise certain parts of the images that I create. I could also decide to create an image that is a representation of what some people call ghosts or spirits, I would use a model and chose a place which looked derricked or eerie then could us a slow shutter speed and have my model moving around to create the illusion of them being see through and non-existent. This would be a very important part of the image taking process so I would have to try many different positions and sites in which to take my images, I could decide for the scene to be hot in a woods to make the spirit seem lost and looking for the after-life which may or may not exist, which would support the theme of discovery.

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LOST ITEMSI thought that the discovery of lost items would be a really

interesting subject to base my images on because I focus on two different perspectives, that of the person finding the item, and then the perspective of the item being found. I thought that if I were to produce an image from the perspective of the item, the image would have to be large scale, so all of the small things would look large because of the fact that the image would look like it was taken in a place where sometime could be lost. I could use a fish eye lens to create the effect of everything surrounding the lost item is very large. I’d like the viewer of the image to feel like they are there with the lost item and are waiting to be found. I could take the image out of focus to add to the feeling of the item being lost as it will mean that the audience will not be able to see the item clearly and therefore it would be even more lost and waiting to be discovered. I could create an image from the perspective of someone who has discovered an item they had been looking for, I could even create a series of images of one person’s possessions, the person would be a well known person, for example I could produce a series of images of Snow White’s lost possessions, so would have items such as an apple and a broom which are lost, the concept would only work with a person or character who is well known as it means that the person would be able to be identified by looking at certain items and not the person themselves.

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I think that creating an image which represents discovering a new world or place within a dream or dreamlike state is a very interesting concept and gives me room to be as experimental as possible because anything can happen in dreams. I could decide to create some photographs of a landscape within a dream, this means that I could mix many different landscapes together and create an image that would not actually exist in reality, for example I could take separate images of a woods, a field and the sea, then using Photoshop I could merge the three scenes together and make a completely new and unique landscape. Also I could decide to use a model and have them dressed in their night wear then take the photographs in the woods or a similar place and pose them in a sleeping position somewhere making sure that the image is structured in a certain way that will represent a dream state and I would take the image slightly put of focus to give the hazy illusion of a dream. I would then be able to use Photoshop to add different colours and textures that would not be seen in reality, for example coloured smoke or a different texture of the trees instead of bark. All of the images that I produce will have very vivid colours and hazy lighting, I may need to use props such as a smoke machine to create the dream like effect that I want my photographs to possess.

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I have decided that I am going to create a series of three images with the theme of discovering a new place within a dream, I will be discovering the different places that people will go within their dreams and the environments that people’s subconscious will create when in a dream like state. The images will be a mixture of landscapes and human form photographs where I will pose the model in a particular scene where their environment will be an imaginary place which features certain aspects which mean that the place cannot be real, such as velvet tree-bark. I would like my images to be dreamscape and have an almost psychedelic feel to them as parts of the image will seem to be an optical illusion, the colours will be extremely vivid, and I may decide to have a film of smoke over the images, if I do not do this I will have my camera slightly out of focus when taking the photographs to create a hazy effect. I will make my images seem warped by using mostly the liquify option on Photoshop, however I will only use it subtly to create the illusion that the photograph is warped however not enough to be immediately noticed, this means that the photograph will cause slight confusion for the viewer, I think this is a good thing as because the image will be depicting a dream like state it will be a good thing that the image has the same effect on the viewer. I will be using a DSLR camera to ensure that I have the right lighting and quality to produce a good image, also I may decide to take an image of the night sky for one of the backgrounds to my images, therefore in will need a DSLR camera with a remote shutter release and a tripod to make sure that I capture the desired scape. I will take my photographs in the village of Dacre Banks as the village is surrounded by fields and woodland areas which will be a perfect scene to have my photography shoot in.