Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking...

Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Transcript of Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking...

Page 1: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Tashkent Medical Academy

Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of

drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Page 2: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

The purpose of employment:

Acquainted with the scheme of treatment facilities of the river water and the organization of the Legislative Council.

Seize the methodic of sanitary inspection head river water supply treatment plants (Boz - Su).

Familiarize themselves with organizations LPK quality of drinking water.

Learning to be a description of the head sanitary sewage treatment plants river water supply (the act. Sanitary inspection.).

Learn to develop preventive measures for the protection of water sources.

Page 3: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

The student should know:

The meaning and legal rules governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment.

Apply the basic provisions of each document in its significance.

Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment.

Page 4: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

The student should be able to:To carry out the current sanitary supervision on

controlled utility facilities.Justify their

actions in solving the problem.

Conduct sanitary inspection of

supervision and make the

appropriate accounting and

reporting documentation.

Page 5: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

motivationMandatory element of current health surveillance phenomenon sanitary inspection of water sources of different structures of centralized water supply and water supply facilities in general.

To minimize the element of subjectivity in the sanitary survey sanitary doctor is a special card with sanitary inspection scheme water sources and the construction of a central water supply on the basis of those. hygienic requirements that are listed in official regulations.

Use or to standardize the methodology for conducting sanitary surveys and integration of data, as well as not to miss the essential elements of the program survey of water sources and water supply.

Page 6: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

In-depth examination of the following methods:


plumbing with water sampling



Page 7: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Sanitary topographical survey of surface water

sources - a visual, analytical and

questionnaires to study the water source and its

surrounding area, complemented by

laboratory and instrumental studies

describing san situation and hygienic conclusion

on the extent of epidemiological water


Page 8: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

The objectives of sanitary and topographic survey are:

identify existing or potential sources of pollution,

assessment of their health and epidemiological risk,

clarify the magnitude of pollution of water sources,

definition of the scope of the program and laboratory studies,

delineation of contamination, determination of the Legislative Council,


Page 9: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

San topographical survey of surface water sources produce upstream from the site of water intake. The length depends on the subject portion of the water flow in the river flow rate L (usually not less than 1 km).

Page 10: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Sanitary examination of surface water source -

the study of compliance device and operating

facilities centralized and local water supply

hygiene requirements.

Page 11: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Sanitary-epidemiological study of surface water sources we produce in

order to identify the population bacillicarriers or persons suffering from

infectious diseases, factor in transmission of which may be water.

Page 12: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

New educational technology used? In class

The method of "Daisies"      Indulges in a circle "Daisy" a ruler

chamomile written questions on past topics. Each student pulls itself option issue and sends another daisy. All write down their answers. Then there is a discussion. Cross out the wrong answers. By the number of correct answers assess students' knowledge.

Page 13: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

The method of "Round Table"Divide the group into small groups of 2-3

people, each MG offer sheet with the issue and ask for 1-2 minutes, write the answer to the question, and then pass another piece of

MG and MG to take from the other, and so the next question Thus, if arrange 5 mg (2

students for 1 table), the teacher hands out of 5 questions, and ultimately each piece should

be 5 replies. After 12 minutes, the teacher collects all sheets, analyzes the quality of the answers aloud and exposes the evaluation of

each MG.

Page 14: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.


“Fish skeleton " s






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ly …

Water quality does not meet the GOST 950-


A Organization of the SOA

To establish the boundaries of the

SOA necessary sanitary

topographical survey

To improve water quality prenimaetsya

coagulation, filtration and disinfection

Development of preventive measures

Page 15: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

test questions:


• What are the purpose of sanitary - epidemiological survey of water sources?


• What are the stages of water treatment to improve its quality?

3• Types of settlers

and operation of the device?

4 • Device abstraction

from surface water sources?

Page 16: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.


1.SH T. Otaboev TI Iskandarov "Kommunal hygiene" T.1994y

2.Akulov KI Bushtuevoy KA "Communal Hygiene" M. 1986.

3. "Guide to laboratory work on environmental sanitation." EI Goncharuk AM 1990

4. "Health" Edited by prof. Demidenko IM 2002.

Page 17: Tashkent Medical Academy Chair: Communal Hygiene On the topic: Introduction waterworks of drinking water for the population of Tashkent.

Further reading:

The laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek State Standards, SRN, KMK, JV orders.

Tutorials on the EMC.

lecture materials.