Target audience research - Analysis of results

Target audience research I created a survey on, containing 10 questions to find out more about my target audience. I know that my audience will be indie music listeners, so I only asked people who listen to indie music to take part in the survey to gain further knowledge on their identity. I got a total of 46 responses


Target audience research - Analysis of results

Transcript of Target audience research - Analysis of results

Page 1: Target audience research - Analysis of results

Target audience researchI created a survey on, containing 10 questions to find out more about my target audience. I know that my audience will be indie music listeners, so I only asked people who listen to indie music to take part in the survey to gain further knowledge on their identity.I got a total of 46 responses

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What are your interests?The majority enjoy listening to music (95%) and browsing the internet (82%).From this, we can tell that the target audience enjoy their music, as well as spending time on their leisure activities.

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Do you like going to gigs/fesitivals/musical events?

From this we can see that only 3 out of the 46 participants do not enjoy musical events, whereas the other 43 do.

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What platforms do you listen to music on?We can see that the majority listen to music through the internet (84%), though there is a variety in all, and evident that the target audience do not only use the internet, or their phones.

This suggests that people who listen to indie music, prefer to listen to it in different ways, and on different platforms.

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What brands do you like/associate yourself with? If any

Many of the participants said high street brands, however the majority of them said brands such as American Apparel and Urban Outfitters (which I have categorised into High Street Stores). This category of High street stores can be further broken down because brands such Acne and American Apparel are much more 'high brand' than H&M and Primark, especially considering price and style of clothing.

I have colour coded the higher fashion brands (mostly by price), as blue, and the lower as red.

The musical associations are interesting, because we can see how music influences their individuality.

Looking at the high fashion is also interesting, we can see how the target audience are influenced by such brands.

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Do you use a lot of social media? If so, which?On this question, all participants had answered yes, to using social media. The one no answer was clearly an incorrect answer as the individual went on to select the social networks that they use.

The most popular social networking sites include Instagram (82%) and Tumblr (80%), with Blogger (13%) and Facebook (56%) being the lowest. This tells us that the target audience enjoying sharing and interacting online.

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What kind of clothes do you wear? What is your style?

I tallied the results, and grouped them as ‘similar’ by the colours. The red is to show the more ‘normal’ fashion, such as current fashion trends in popular shops. The purple shows the style of clothing that is alternative (which is clearly the majority). The dark grey shows the more minimal and aesthetically pleasing styles, which also seems quite popular. The light pink shows more of a style for comfort.

I asked this question because it gives an insight into the persons expressed identity.

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Do you think music makes up a part of who you are? – the way you dress, act etc.

63% of the participants had responded with yes, in contrast to the 15% of no’s (7 participants).However, 17% had also said that it is a mixture of both.

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What does music mean to you?The majority said that music has a meaning in their life, with only 3 saying it hasn’t.15 people said only that it meant something (but did not specify).I have categorised the results, with the pink

showing why they listen to music, and the green showing what music does/means to them.

The majority said that music is a way of expression, and is comforting. Being able to relate to the lyrics also means that they have a stronger connection to the song.

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Do you listen to the lyrics of songs?The majority had answered with yes (95%), and only 2 people (4%), answering with no.

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What are your future plans?Here, I colour coded the answers: blue is to work in fashion; purple is the general category of studying and university degrees; yellow is to show the more international plans; pink shows the more art-based plans, and the red shows more personal, home based plans, such as buying a car or getting a job.

The majority of participants responded with wanting to go on to higher education at university, studying subjects such as Marine Biology and a Politics and history degree. With fewer people wanting to go into fashion or travel.

This helps me build up a further knowledge of my audience.

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What are your future dreams?I colour coded the answered, so that yellow is something they aspire to be (career related); red is something art-based; blue is something personal, for example being happy, or raising a family; and pink being associated with travel or university.

The highest response was to travel, with the next being art – showing that my audience is interested in culture and expression.

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I conclusion, by exploring all these linking questions, I am able to gather an audience profile and establish the identity of my target audience, as well as seeing whether music has any influence on individuality, or vice versa, and seeing if there is a correlation.