Target audience


Transcript of Target audience


Research Our film has elements of a teen drama which is one of our main

themes in our short film and is a key demographic audience. The main target audience will be teenagers aged 11 to 18 most who might be at school or college who will feel that this film will relate to them which we want the film to do in terms of how the characters will communicate to the audience that we are targeting.

We will watch a number of short films and how mise-en-scene used in each film, the different ways those characters in the films act and are portrayed, also how the storyline is used to attract the target audiences furthermore using different short films to aid our group in terms of what they used and how they used it to their advantage such as attracting the audience and their response to the film as well.

Research Film reviews For our ancillary task we

were told to create a film poster and film review, for example looking at Empire and Total films to see how they rate films and offer the word of mouth to the audience to go and see new films.

Planning Stages As a group this is how we planned our ideas for the short film. 1. Main target audience- looking at the different ways will get the film across to

the main target audience and how the film will portray different communications towards the audience.

2.School based and relates to how people feel in terms of their emotional and passionate feelings, maybe it can relate to a real life situation and may inspire them to do something right.

3. The relation to the characters and the audience such as getting the point across through dialogue, body language and camera angles and shots, moreover how these points will aid us in getting our communication across to the audience.

4.Secondary audience- people who like teen films, buddy movies or a love film (niche market) looking at different parts of the market not only looking at the main target audience but also the niche target audience as well.

5.The genres of the film e.g. will it be a basic love film or will we add a more rom-com feel to the film to expand our target audiences, plus getting their reaction at the end such as a questionnaire.

6. Organisation of locations, props and soundtrack, and how all these three will aid our group in terms of getting different types of communication towards the audience

Potential Audience and Demographic Using different media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and

Twitter to reach out to the demographical audience and get their views on the film and the script idea and to find out if our movie appeal to our main audiences and will the niche market find it interesting enough to go out and watch the movie.

We will also go around our school to ask for peoples options on the film and our idea, also giving the finish product of the script of members in the 6th form and other people to read the script and see what they think about the script and if there is any changes how as a group can change it and adapt it to the suitability of the audience.

Moreover at the end of the final product of the film and when showing it to the audience at the end there will be a questionnaire and get the comments from the audience who watch the film and see what they liked about the film and if it a way related to them.