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Transcript of Taratsacamp

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Taratsa Camp v17/7/2011

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wifi : TARATSA CAFEpassword : 11031960

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Hi!How are you?

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what is this?

TaratsaCamp! ( *camp event )

=> open, participatory, user-generated


=> v1

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what is this? cont.


=> give a talk or demo

=> ask questions

=> take pictures/video

=> blog, tweet #tcamp→

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Page 7: Taratsacamp

Brought to you by

your friendly lug


=> coffee every Saturday, 15:00 at kipos cafe

=> subscribe to our mailing list!(http://lists.chania-lug.gr/mailman/listinfo/public)

Page 8: Taratsacamp


share & learn!

=> projects, war stories, wins, fails

=> network, collaborate

=> geek out

=> grow

=> kick start a local tech-community

Page 9: Taratsacamp


=> My Summer Project: Βιβλίο για τη Διδασκαλία UNIX στα ΕΠΑ.Λ.

=> Host your Ruby on Rails CMS on the Cloud - for free!

=> OCR Ελληνικών κειμένων με ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ

=> LaTeX για εκπαιδευτικούς

=> η δικιά σου!