Taoism2 Study Guide -...

Taoism _________________________________________ Name : Study Guide __________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Section: Buddhism Notes (write your notes below) 1. What does the text mean when it says “Confucius was born at a difficult time?” 2. What was the divine (supernatural) vision that preceded (came before) Confucius’ birth? 3. Why do you think that Mr. Sullivan looks up to Confucius so much, besides the fact that they were locker partners ion High School? Taoism Study Guide Page 1

Transcript of Taoism2 Study Guide -...

Taoism! _________________________________________Name :

Study Guide! __________________________________________Date:

! ________________________________________Section:

Buddhism Notes (write your notes below)

1. What does the text mean when it says “Confucius was born at a difficult time?”

2. What was the divine (supernatural) vision that preceded (came before) Confucius’ birth?

3. Why do you think that Mr. Sullivan looks up to Confucius so much, besides the fact that they were locker partners ion High School?


4. Locate on a MAP the following areas: - India, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan


5. Which country has the highest population of Taoist believers?

6. What great Chinese philosopher (thinker) was the actual founder of Taoism?

7. Why did Lao Tzu write the Tao Te Ching? What is the book about?

8. Describe what the “Tao” is like.

9. What did Lao Tzu believe to be the great treasures of life ?

10. What were Lao Tzu’s thoughts about religious superstitions and rituals?


Claim Statement: There are five basic types of human relationships. The most important one is Parent to Child

Topic Sentence #1: The most important relationship is between parent and child.

Brief Description: Confucius believed there were five basic types of human relationships: (1) Parent and child; (2) Husband and Wife; (3) siblings; (4) emperor and subject; and (5) between friends.

Direct Quote (Document): “These are the major relationships in our lives: Parents to Children; Husbands to Wives; brothers to sisters; rulers to citizens; and friend to friend. Each relationship must contain mutual respect and recognition in order for the relationship to work. The most important relationship is between parents and their children. Parents must love their children and children must love and respect their parents. If this relationship is healthy, than the other four will also be in good order. Each of us has a moral obligation to perform our role to the best of our ability.”

How does this quote support the thesis/claim?










Claim Statement: The Tao is the eternal “Way,” the basic life force of the universe, the way of “no action.”

Topic Sentence #1: Taoists believe that people should allow nature to take it’s own course, to “go with the flow.”

Brief Description: The principle of non-action, the Tao, is frequently mentioned in the Tao Te Ching. Simply stated, it says the best solution is not to act at all, and when action is needed, to do as little as possible. Most things in the world will correct themselves, given time. When impatience makes us hurry to solve them, we may make things worse.

Direct Quote (Document): Forty Three - “The softest in the world surpasses the hardest in the world. What has no substance can penetrate what has no opening. Thereby I know the value of non-action. The value of teaching without word and accomplishing without action is understood by few in the world.”

How does this quote support the thesis/claim?











11. The type of Taoism created by Lao-Tzu was concerned only with the “natural” order of life. Followers of this type of Taoism tried to “go with the flow” and become one with the natural world. However, after Lao-Tzu, another type of Taoism developed. What was it called? Who was its greatest contributor and teacher?

12. Explain how “Popular Taoism” and “Natural Taoism are different in three sentences.







13. Who was Chang Tao Ling? What was his “nickname?

14. What’s an “Elixir?” How did Chang Tao Ling discover the “Elixir of Immortality?”

15. What were three of special “abilities” Chang Tao Ling after drinking the Elixir?

16. Who was one of Chang TaoL Ling’s most dedicated students? How did he prove his devotion to Taoism and his teacher?


17. Identify the names and abilities of these Eight great Immortals (Plus One) of Taoism.











1. Explain the Taoist religious customs involving birth:

2. Explain the Taoist religious customs involving Marriage:

3. Explain the Taoist religious customs involving Death:

4. How were people discouraged from being Taoist by today’s dictators in China.

5. According to the Chinese Calendar and Zodiac, describe your personality.

6. Identify this famous Taoist Symbol - Explain it’s meaning.Explain the Taoist religious customs involving Marriage:

7. How did Taoist ideas influence George Lucas to create his Star Wars Movies?
