Tangible benefits of electroplating


Transcript of Tangible benefits of electroplating

Page 1: Tangible benefits of electroplating
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The electroplating service refers to a way that is used to coat a base metal with another one; in most cases the base metal can be a relatively cheap one such as lead or tin but the covering metal is almost always a pure expensive metal that has the desired properties or perhaps one of a number of alloys. The electroplating service is a form of NADCAP metal finishing process that is usually used when making different components for industrial uses or at other times for merely decorative purposes. There are different kinds of tangible benefits that are associated with the electroplating service and most people get surprised when they get to learn the entire list.

Page 3: Tangible benefits of electroplating

During the electroplating service there is need for a solution that is called the electrolyte to be prepared; the kind of electrolyte that will be prepared will very much depend on what kind of metal is being plated. For instance, during NADCAP gold electroplating, you need a gold salt electrolyte. The metal that needs to b electroplated will then get dipped inside the solution together with a small piece of the plating metal before they can get connected to a source of electricity; the positive lead gets connected to the plating metal while the metal that is being plated is connected to the negative lead. When the electric current is allowed to pass through it begins to break the last apart so that the ions that are positively charged start getting attracted by the item that is already charged negatively; they will gather around and coat with the result being an item that us electroplated.

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One of the greatest benefits accrued from the electroplating service is the reduction of costs. If for instance you were only interested in the luster of silver and not anything else, you can get the same benefit by choosing silver plating services instead of spending more cash buying an item that is 100% silver; the electroplated one will not look any different from the original one. What this means therefore, is that tin can be taken through the cadmium plating and it will end up with the same amount of conductivity like silver. Also, since silver is highly resistant to tarnishing it means that the same electroplated piece will be used in places where maintenance if not practical or feasible just like pure silver would be used.

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Apart from matters to do with cost, there are several other benefits that are associated with the electroplating service with main one being enhanced electrical conductivity. For a huge number of mass produced pieces the electroplating service applies gold or silver plating services in order to enhance electrical conductivity on a budget.

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