Tampa Preparatory School Brochure

Tampa Preparatory School



Transcript of Tampa Preparatory School Brochure

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: Cover 1

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

Tampa Preparatory School

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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: Cover 2 and page 1

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

More than a springboard to university, Tampa

Preparatory School equips its students to lead

rich, fulfilling and generous lives. Our faculty is

not only highly credentialed, but also highly

compassionate. Our diverse student body

learns not only from the syllabus but also from

one another. Our lessons reach beyond the

confines of campus to the surrounding

community and to the wilds of North Carolina

and elsewhere. Our curriculum punctuates a

firm grounding in the basics with

opportunities for advanced specialization, and

our athletic and extra-curricular activities

foster personal growth. Our legacy is manifest

in our outstanding alumni, who have gone on

to enrich the world in myriad ways — and who

maintain a close connection to this very special


Tampa Preparatory School727 West Cass StreetTampa, Florida 33606Tel 813.251.8481Fax 813.254.2106www.tampaprep.org

Welcome to Tampa Preparatory School

Right: A sixth-grade science

class performs research on the

nearby Hillsborough River.

Bottom: Matt Guanio pays close

attention to the classroom

discussion. Opposite: The front

of the campus’ main entrance

during construction.

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Tampa Preparatory School was founded in 1974 by a group of citizens dedicated to

the idea of an independent secondary school rigorous in its college-preparatory

curriculum but also committed to the arts and athletics. Their goal was the raising

of centered, inquisitive and selfless adults through contact with diverse experi-

ences and people.

Housed in its early years on the University of Tampa campus, the school benefited

from the university library and other resources, and its proximity to downtown

Tampa affords access to the city’s many cultural assets, including the Tampa Bay

Performing Arts Center, the Tampa Museum of Art and Tampa Theatre.

To embrace a larger segment of the community, the school added seventh- and eighth-

grade levels to its program in 1991, and a sixth grade in 1997.

In 2002, Tampa Preparatory School realized a lifelong dream: completion of its own,

custom-designed campus across the street from its former location. Today, the 150,000-

square-foot school complex — including a 32,000-square-foot sports complex — affords

Tampa Preparatory School students an unparalleled learning and training environment

and unsurpassed amenities.

Tampa Preparatory School is governed by a diverse Board of Trustees composed of parents,

alumni, and business and civic leaders in the Greater Tampa Bay area. Trustees are nomi-

nated by committee, elected by vote of the current board, and serve three-year terms.

Tampa Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or

ethnic background or religion. The school is accredited by the Florida Council of

Independent Schools and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is a member

of the National Association of Independent Schools, the Secondary School Admission Test

Board, the National Association of College Admission Counselors, the National Association

of Principals of Schools for Girls, the Council for the Advancement and Support of

Education and the Southern Association of College Admission Counselors.

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 2 and 3

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

A place to Think

Where a rigorous grounding in skills and knowledge is just the

beginning – where teachers and students share inquiry, reflection and

analysis on the path to personal understanding.

A place to Create

Where people celebrate the imagination in geometric proofs and

formal essays, on canvas, computer and stage, in poetry readings and

morning assemblies.

A place to Be Yourself

Where people respect differences and can find their place in

a diverse community.

A place to Aspire to Excellence

Where students develop winning attitudes in academics,

athletics and arts.

A place to Go Beyond

Where Florida Keys, North Carolina mountains, museums, concert

halls and community service become classrooms that foster deeper

understandings of one’s self, others and the world.

Tampa Preparatory School is an

independent, coeducational day school for

students in grades 6 through 12.

The student body numbers 600 students,

180 in middle school, 420 in upper school.

The faculty-to-student ratio is

approximately one to ten. Average class size

is 15 students.

Opposite: Tampa Preparatory School swimmer

Jill Guidera keeps warm between events. Left:

Guest lecturers can provide a new perspective

to classroom discussions.

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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 4 and 5

Draft 11 (17SEP02)


Our Philosophy

Adolescence is a remarkablybrief, intense and demandinglife stage, and the way onenavigates it fundamentallyshapes one’s future.

Tampa Preparatory Schooldefines itself as not only anacademic institution but also abeacon for youth across thiscritical passage. A rigorous,engaging academic program isthe framework upon which ourmission is built. We hold highexpectations and return highrewards — not merely in testscores or on sports fields, butin character, responsibility,

maturity. Our teachers stressthe development of self-confi-dence, industriousness anddiscipline — at age-appropri-ate levels. Our students thrivein an environment of idealism,humor and warmth that is atthe same time challenging andearnest. Tampa PreparatorySchool commits fully 10 per-cent of its operating budget toneed-based financial aid,ensuring that eagerness andachievement determine whofinds a place here — not familyaffluence.

Gifted teachers, creative lessonplans, rich resources and adiverse, inquisitive studentbody unite to forge a culturethat instills broad thinking,strong values, leadership andcompassion. TampaPreparatory School succeeds asan institution not only whenits students matriculate atHarvard or Princeton,but also when they emerge ascreative, productive andhumane adults.

Opposite: In his roles as

administrator and teacher,

Head of School Gordon

MacLeod encourages

students to participate

fully in the life of the

school. Right and far right:

Students Brian Menke and

Sydney Stephens share the

school experience in

unique ways.

Tampa Preparatory School

Tampa Preparatory School encourages students to have their own ideas. When newstudents come in who are maybe a little different, or have different interests, theyare not looked upon as strange — the kids embrace them. Ours is a friendly school.


We respect

gordon macleod, head of school

our studentsas individuals.

We respect

gordon macleod, head of school

our studentsas individuals.

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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 6 and 7

Draft 11 (17SEP02)


Our Graduates are Our Legacy

Right: Tampa Preparatory

School graduate Emily

Diaz is now a student in

the Tisch School of the Arts

at New York University. Far

right: One-on-one

interaction is a common

sight at the school.

Opposite: Dean of Faculty

Donald Morrison lectures

to a captivated audience.

Tampa Preparatory School

I know most of my students are not going to become historians. I wantthem to be successful in whatever they pursue, and make them aware oftheir responsibilities to other people.


Where does the road fromTampa Preparatory Schoollead? Our graduates typicallychoose from among some ofthe country’s finest collegesand universities, and — as tes-tament to the broad scope ofthe Tampa Preparatory Schoolexperience — they migrate toall fields of endeavor. TampaPreparatory School graduatesare Air Force pilots and play-wrights, CEOs and cinematog-raphers, Guggenheim Fellowsand novelists. They are physi-cians and firefighters; attor-neys, comedians and civil engi-neers. Their thirst for new chal-lenges and new experiencestakes them to all corners of theglobe: Japan, Pakistan, Czech

Republic, Belize, Taiwan, Israel— and, occasionally, right backhere to Tampa PreparatorySchool.

Scores of Tampa PreparatorySchool graduates have main-tained a close connection tothe school: mentoring, offeringinternships and career coun-seling. An impressive numberhave returned on a permanentbasis, as teachers and coaches,bringing the skills first honedhere home again. The school’sprowess on the sports fieldsand courts has earned manystudents scholarships and fos-tered professional athleticcareers. Its emphasis on a well-rounded experience manifestsitself in the Renaissancenature of its alumni: an attor-ney turned professionaltriathlete, or an advertisingexecutive who also trainsservice-dogs.

In short, there’s no stock profileof a Tampa Preparatory Schoolgraduate. The school’s aim is tobroaden minds, to encourageinquiry, to nurture strong bod-ies and strong character.Tampa Preparatory School’slegacy is not in pointing a

student down a particularpath, but in shaping an indi-vidual who is prepared andconfident to tackle obstaclesand build a life rich in the ele-ments of his or her choosing.

We talk a lot about

donald morrison, dean of faculty

herebut we emphasize


individualismWe talk a lot about

donald morrison, dean of faculty

herebut we emphasize



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Diversity of Student Population

There are no uniforms here,nor is there a single studymethod or approach to learn-ing. Tampa Preparatory Schoolis a mélange of voices, styles,colors and beliefs. Our missiongoes beyond academic per-formance to enriching thewhole individual, and to thatend we encourage self expres-sion. An independent school,Tampa Preparatory School wel-comes students of all races,religions, and backgrounds.While it promotes no religionor culture, it recognizes thespiritual core of humankind,and urges understanding,

respect and interest in thebeliefs and customs of others.

Critical thinking is the rootgoal of all Tampa PreparatorySchool lessons, and noisydebate is not squelched herebut encouraged. From class-room discussion to the fieryTerrapin Times student news-paper to vocal ad hoc studentmovements, the campus isalive with complex issues,opposing views and vigorousdebate. Students learn to ques-tion themselves, to form opin-ions, to confidently expressthose opinions and to appreci-ate the opinions of others.They learn to judge people onthe value of their ideas and noton their appearance or skincolor. They learn about con-flict, persuasion, resolutionand accommodation.

The outlets for expression aremany — artwork, dance, theliterary magazine on one hand,and Student Council and thedebate team on another.Students are empowered toseek out whatever vehicle bestsuits their personality to makethemselves heard. By support-

ing a vital marketplace ofideas, Tampa PreparatorySchool cultivates in its stu-dents maturity, introspection,and regard for different per-spectives.

The school’s commitment

to grants based on

demonstrated financial

need fosters a diverse

student body. The diversity

of the student population

enhances the diversity of

the curriculum and other


Tampa Preparatory School

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 8 and 9

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

You are able to have different people influence you and you experience differentthings. Certain people are very into their work, very dedicated. You can feel devotedto your own work without feeling different.


You learn

cameron white, student,class of 2005

beside studentsof different races

social classes.and

You learn

cameron white, student,class of 2005

beside studentsof different races

social classes.and

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The School Community

Many of the most importantlessons taught at TampaPreparatory School don’tappear on the syllabus. That’swhat sets us apart from mostother schools. Intangibles, likecharacter, honor and duty arean integral part of what TampaPreparatory School cultivates,shaped every day by our cam-pus environment, our colle-giate atmosphere, our meth-ods and example. Our motto,“Preparation for life with ahigher purpose than self,” isinfused in all we do. While itmay be impossible to scoredefinitively our success in thisarena, certain patterns prevail.

While Tampa PreparatorySchool does not believe inrequiring community service,more than three-quarters ofour students do volunteerwork. They serve as peer coun-selors within the school, men-tor disadvantaged children inthe community, organize funddrives, food drives and partiesfor hospice patients and thehomeless. More than 20 per-cent of our student body isinvolved with the Key Club, aservice organization sponsoredby the Kiwanis. Others partici-pate in Teen Court, serving asjudges and lawyers in a circuitcourt-system program foryoung, first-time offenders.Many more volunteer throughtheir churches, synagogues ormosques.

Tampa Preparatory School stu-dents are making an impacton the community in otherways as well. Our seniorinternship program has shownreal benefit both for studentsand the workplaces they join.Each year more and more busi-nesses and professionalsinquire about the three-weekprogram.

Tampa Preparatory Schoolrejects the idea of prep schoolas rarefied enclave of the elite— placing instead heavyemphasis on communityimmersion, good citizenshipand service.

Student involvement in

the academic and

extracurricular life of the

school extends beyond the

walls of the school campus

and outward to the Tampa

Bay community.

Tampa Preparatory School

Our kids are the backbone. They are prosecutors, defense attorneys, jurors. TeenCourt is a huge success for Hillsborough County, and at the same time, ourstudents gain self-esteem, public speaking experience and real legal experience.


This program

bob bradshaw,teen court advisor


on us.relies

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 10 and 11

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

This program

bob bradshaw,teen court advisor


on us.relies

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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 12 and 13

Draft 11 (17SEP02)


Opportunities for Students

Tampa Preparatory School’srigorous academic curriculumstands on its own. Classroomwork, however, is just one facetof the Tampa PreparatorySchool learning experience.Through extended class tripsto places as far away as Maineand Seattle, students reinforceand augment textbook knowl-edge, make connections acrossmultiple disciplines, learn fieldskills and teamwork, and forgelife-long bonds.

The week-long trip to NorthCarolina for sixth-graders ispart environmental fieldschool and part personal chal-lenge. Students learn not onlyecology and Native Americanculture, but also test their

strength and conquer theirfears, through activities suchas rock climbing and whitewa-ter rafting. Seventh gradersfortify their marine sciencestudies with a swim with man-atees and a trip to the FloridaKeys.

Athletics, with their unsur-passed capacity to instill disci-pline, determination, team-work and maturity, are an inte-gral component of TampaPreparatory School. Studentsmay choose from more than adozen different sports, fromcross country to crew — andnearly seven in eight do.Multiple teams within sportsassure that every student whowants to play may. Award-winning coaches regularlyshepherd Terrapin teams to

district, regional and statechampionships, and many stu-dents receive athletic scholar-ships to college.

Students can explore all man-ner of other interests throughthe numerous clubs and com-petitions available throughTampa Preparatory School:drama, music, art and creativewriting, as well as debating,chess, languages and comput-ers, to name just a few. Nearlyall students at the school areactive in one or more extra-curricular activities.

Tampa Preparatory School

offers its students

involvement in a variety of

sports including volleyball,

cross-country, baseball,

soccer, crew, golf,

swimming, diving, tennis,

basketball, wrestling, track

and field, and softball.

Other activities include

student council, Teen

Court, the school

newspaper and yearbook,

Peer Counseling, chess, Key

Club, Thespians, dance,

bowling, French Club,

S.A.D.D. and Conduct

Review Board.

Tampa Preparatory School

The classroom gives you the tools for intellectual ability. Then when you goout into the forest during First Week, for example, you use those tools, andyou develop intellectually and reflect on what you have learned.


zach bercu,class of 2000

experiencethe world.

Not only was I havinga good time,

I was beginning to

zach bercu,class of 2000

experiencethe world.

Not only was I havinga good time,

I was beginning to

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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 14 and 15

Draft 11 (17SEP02)


Our Broad Curriculum

A rigorous academic programis the mainstay of any prepara-tory school, and TampaPreparatory School is no excep-tion. All of our subjects aretaught at the Honors,Advanced Honors or nationallyrecognized AdvancedPlacement levels. MiddleSchool students receive inten-sive yet compelling instructionin foundation subjects thatinclude poetry, computer liter-acy, Latin, life sciences, worldgeography and algebra. At thesame time, teachers focus onthe development of learningand study skills. Upper Schoolstudents complete four yearsof English, three to four yearsof mathematics, history, sci-ence and foreign language, as

well as coursework in fine arts,physical education and com-puters. Within those subjectareas are specialized sections— be it animal behavior ormicro economics — designedto captivate and challenge stu-dents with a keen aptitude orinterest in the field.

But just as important as thecourse offerings is the depth ofinstruction and the richness ofsupporting resources. Smallclass sizes ensure that no stu-dent gets left behind. Teachersare encouraged to emphasizeexperiential as well as tradi-tional learning — devisingcontests, field trips, experi-ments and special events toenliven their lessons.Individual counseling meansthat course selection is tailoredto the unique abilities andinterests of each student.Advisors strive for a balanceof fulfillment and enterprise,urging students to make themost of their opportunitiesand stretch their academicboundaries.

The program hits its mark. AllTampa Preparatory School stu-dents are accepted to college;approximately 15 percent ofthe graduating class qualifies

as finalists, semifinalists orcommended scholars throughthe National Merit ScholarshipCorporation.

Far right: Martha Miller’s

energy in the classroom

fully engages middle

school art students.

Tampa Preparatory School

My math teacher wrote his own textbook, and he still strays from it. Textbooksare a guideline; the teachers lecture on stuff descending from their ownknowledge. They are not there for the job, they really care about what they do.


cool thing:

jonathan druckerstudent, class of 2004

the teachers arereally dedicated.

Anothercool thing:

jonathan druckerstudent, class of 2004

the teachers arereally dedicated.


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my day

anne giles, english teacher

I spend

with geniuses.my day

anne giles, english teacher

I spend

with geniuses.

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 16 and 17

Draft 11 (17SEP02)



The finest facilities, the cut-ting-edge equipment — theseare worthless without theinfectious enthusiasm of animpassioned teacher. That iswhy Tampa Preparatory Schoolplaces such a firm emphasison its faculty — insisting notonly on exceptional scholar-ship, but on creativity and agenuine student empathy.Tampa Preparatory Schoolteachers live what they teach— breathing life into wholenumbers and half-notes,genetic sequences andgerunds — fueled by their ownongoing quest for knowledgeand mastery. They travel theworld, often on their own timeand at their own expense, totake part in a world sympo-

sium on choral music, a profes-sional soccer clinic, an Africansafari — all the better toenrich their students as well asthemselves.

More than instructors, TampaPreparatory School teachersare role models, coaches andconfidants. The intimate envi-ronment of Tampa PreparatorySchool’s small classes meansteachers know each student,their struggles and successes.They have the patience, thewits and the drive not only toeducate, but truly engage, eachand every individual. They ani-mate their instruction withguest lecturers, fieldwork,debate. In the process, theyteach not only Latin or litera-

ture, but critical thinking, col-laboration, leadership. Becausefaculty members also act asclub advisors and coaches, theyembody a core TampaPreparatory School principle:that scholarship is but onefacet of a rewarding life —that the arts, exercise, andpublic service all must be pres-ent to complete the picture.

With more than fifty

instructors — two-thirds

of whom hold advanced

degrees — the curriculum

is approached in a

consistently professional

and engaging manner.

Tampa Preparatory School

Every day I am allowed to see the everyday transcended. A student will expressan awareness, make a connection, or create an image with such wisdom andnobility that I am moved to tears.


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Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: pages 18 and 19

Draft 11 (17SEP02)


School Facilities: Tools for All

Completed in Spring 2002,Tampa Preparatory School’snew $22 million campus fulfillsa wish list almost 30 years inthe making. With substantialinput from school officials,teachers, coaches, alumni andstudents, the architectsdesigned a facility uniquelysuited to the needs and cul-ture of Tampa PreparatorySchool. A dramatic, domedresource center is the focalpoint of the 150,000-square-foot complex. The MiddleSchool now boasts an entirewing of its own. The 36 class-rooms, six science laboratories,four computer laboratoriesand two lecture halls are out-fitted for the latest and emerg-ing technologies.

Tampa Preparatory School’straditional emphasis on thefine arts is supported by visualarts studios, darkrooms, exhib-it areas and a state-of-the-artblack-box theatre with a sceneshop and cast room. Its power-ful athletic teams now condi-tion, train and compete in aseparate, 32,000-square-footstate-of-the-art sports center,including a 15,000-square-footgymnasium and wrestling,weight and fitness/trainingrooms. A competition-sizedswimming pool and divingwell and lighted soccer andbaseball fields complete theeleven-acre campus.

Just across Cass Street from itsformer home on the Universityof Tampa grounds, the schoolstill enjoys a close relationshipwith the university. DowntownTampa, with its public libraryand renowned performing artscenter is right across theHillsborough River.

Far right: The blackbox

theater offers the

opportunity for middle

and upper school students

to participate in dramatic

and musical performances

throughout the year.

Tampa Preparatory School

The land use of our new campus is extremely economical-including green spacesrolling to the river. Inside, we have whole-class computer tasking for the MiddleSchool, and wireless networking capabilities in all classrooms and common spaces.



The school was

stephen garrett, business manager

committedremaining a downtown


The school was

stephen garrett, business manager

committedremaining a downtown


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Tampa Preparatory School’s twelve-acre campus is situated on the bank of the Hillsborough River,

directly across from the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center and immediately to the north of the

University of Tampa. The main academic structure, located in the northwest corner of the property,

boasts both a middle school wing and an upper school wing. The Smith Blackbox Theater and the

Walter Athletic Complex, both located directly south of the upper school wing, complete the facility.

Sports fields for soccer and baseball are located on the eastern end of the property.

Visit Tampa Preparatory School

Like every good school, Tampa Preparatory has a unique personality that goes farbeyond the ability of any publication to capture. A visit to the school and a meetingwith a memeber of the admissions staff is a wonderful way to build upon what youalready know about the school and further explore the opportunities we are able tooffer our students. A day of classes can offer insights into our teachers’ skills that sim-ply cannot be obtained in any other manner. While the admissions process requires aformal application with supporting materials and testing as well as an on-campusinterview, it is not intended to confuse or intimidate. Please call us at 813.251.8481 withyour questions, to request additional information or to schedule a visit.

Tampa Prep Information Brochure (SQN Job No. 010744). Finished Size is 11.0 by 8.5 Inches; Prints 4/4 or 5/5, Bleeds all Four Sides: page 20 and Cover 3

Draft 11 (17SEP02)

COLOPHON: Design, production and print management by

SQN Communications Design, Inc. All photography by Gabriel Amadeus

Cooney. Writing by SpotOn Communications.

Copyright 2002 by Tampa Preparatory School.

Tampa Preparatory School20

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Draft 11 (17SEP02)

Tampa Preparatory School727 West Cass StreetTampa, Florida 33606Tel 813.251.8481Fax 813.254.2106www.tampaprep.org

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