Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti turismiosakond

Tourism in Tallinn 2007 In 2007 2.34 million tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments, 49% of whom stayed in Tallinn. Arrivals in Tallinn: 1,141,000 (-2%) Bednights in Tallinn: 2,102,000 (-0.5%) Foreign tourists: 965,000 (-4%) Bednights of foreign tourists: 1,778,000 (-3%) Estonian citizens: 176,000 (+9%) Bednights of Estonian citizens: 325,000 (+12%) Changes in bednights of foreign tourists Primary markets: Finland: -5% or -33,600 nights Sweden: -18% or -24,400 nights Germany: -9% or -11,800 nights Great Britain: -9% or -12,900 nights Norway: +15% or +15,200 nights Russia: -15% or -17,400 nights Latvia: +21% or +10,800 nights Secondary markets: Spain: +21% or +5,400 nights Italy: -4% or -2,400 nights France: +4% or + 1,100 nights Denmark: -7% or -1,800 nights USA: +8% or +3,400 nights Japan: -18% or -2,500 nights China: -12% or -500 nights Other markets: Lithuania: +24% or +8,300 nights Poland: +21% or +4,600 nights Hungary: +74% or +5,500 nights Czech Republic: +30% or +2,000 nights Ukraine: +37% or +2,100 nights Austria: -45% or -8,800 nights Tourists’ length of stay in Tallinn still growing The average length of stay for tourists in Tallinn in 2007 was 1.84 nights (+1%). Foreign travellers: 1.84 nights (+1%), Domestic travellers: 1.85 nights (+3%). Among the main markets, British tourists continue to stay in Tallinn for the longest periods (2.55 nights), and Finns stay for the shortest length of time (1.44 nights). In 2007 67% of nights stayed were for leisure travel Foreign tourists spent 71% of their overnights in Tallinn for leisure purposes, 20% for business, 3% for attending a conference and 6% for other purposes. Domestic tourists spent less than half of their nights for purposes of leisure (45%), 40% for business, 7% for attending conferences and 8% for other purposes. Visitors in Tallinn’s “gates” Tallinn Airport received a total of 1.73 million visitors (+12%) in the year 2007. The number of passengers passing through Tallinn Old Harbour totalled 6.46 million (- 2%), of whom 85% were travelling on the Tallinn-Helsinki line. Cruise passengers visiting Tallinn numbered 292,200, showing a decrease of 5%. Visits to Tallinn Tourist Information Centres grew by 8% Last year 162,600 visitors (+8%) visited Tallinn’s two Tourist Information Centres. The greatest growth was among visitors from Norway (+151%), Latvia (+50%) and Finland (+43%). Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau 1


Cruise passengers visiting Tallinn numbered 292,200, showing a decrease of 5%. Foreign tourists: 965,000 (-4%) Bednights of foreign tourists: 1,778,000 (-3%) In 2007 2.34 million tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments, 49% of whom stayed in Tallinn. Estonian citizens: 176,000 (+9%) Bednights of Estonian citizens: 325,000 (+12%) Nights spent in accommodation establishments in Tallinn (thousands), 1997-2007

Transcript of Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti turismiosakond

Tourism in Tallinn 2007

In 2007 2.34 million tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments, 49% of whom stayed in Tallinn.

Arrivals in Tallinn: 1,141,000 (-2%) Bednights in Tallinn: 2,102,000 (-0.5%)

Foreign tourists: 965,000 (-4%) Bednights of foreign tourists: 1,778,000 (-3%)

Estonian citizens: 176,000 (+9%) Bednights of Estonian citizens: 325,000 (+12%)

Changes in bednights of foreign tourists

Primary markets:

Finland: -5% or -33,600 nights Sweden: -18% or -24,400 nights Germany: -9% or -11,800 nights Great Britain: -9% or -12,900 nights Norway: +15% or +15,200 nights Russia: -15% or -17,400 nights Latvia: +21% or +10,800 nights

Secondary markets:

Spain: +21% or +5,400 nights Italy: -4% or -2,400 nights France: +4% or + 1,100 nights Denmark: -7% or -1,800 nights USA: +8% or +3,400 nights Japan: -18% or -2,500 nights China: -12% or -500 nights

Other markets:

Lithuania: +24% or +8,300 nights Poland: +21% or +4,600 nights Hungary: +74% or +5,500 nights Czech Republic: +30% or +2,000 nights Ukraine: +37% or +2,100 nights Austria: -45% or -8,800 nights

Tourists’ length of stay in Tallinn still growing

The average length of stay for tourists in Tallinn in 2007 was 1.84 nights (+1%).

Foreign travellers: 1.84 nights (+1%), Domestic travellers: 1.85 nights (+3%).

Among the main markets, British tourists continue to stay in Tallinn for the longest periods (2.55 nights), and Finns stay for the shortest length of time (1.44 nights).

In 2007 67% of nights stayed were for leisure travel

Foreign tourists spent 71% of their overnights in Tallinn for leisure purposes, 20% for business, 3% for attending a conference and 6% for other purposes. Domestic tourists spent less than half of their nights for purposes of leisure (45%), 40% for business, 7% for attending conferences and 8% for other purposes.

Visitors in Tallinn’s “gates”

Tallinn Airport received a total of 1.73 million visitors (+12%) in the year 2007.

The number of passengers passing through Tallinn Old Harbour totalled 6.46 million (-2%), of whom 85% were travelling on the Tallinn-Helsinki line.

Cruise passengers visiting Tallinn numbered 292,200, showing a decrease of 5%.

Visits to Tallinn Tourist Information Centres grew by 8%

Last year 162,600 visitors (+8%) visited Tallinn’s two Tourist Information Centres. The greatest growth was among visitors from Norway (+151%), Latvia (+50%) and Finland (+43%).

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau


Tourists in Tallinn’s accommodation establishments

In 2007, Estonian accommodation establishments hosted a total of 2.34 million tourists (+4%), according to data from Statistics Estonia. Of those, nearly half (49%) stayed overnight in Tallinn. Altogether a total of 965,000 (-4%) foreign visitors stayed overnight in Tallinn’s accommodation establishments, as well as 176,000 (+9%) Estonian citizens. This reflects a fall in numbers of people in accommodation of 2%, or 20,000 tourists (both foreign and domestic), compared to 2006. Nights spent showed slightly more positive results. Tourists stayed in Tallinn’s accommodation establishments for a total of 2.1 million nights (-0.5%). While foreign tourists spent 3% fewer nights in Tallinn (totalling 1,778,000 nights), Estonian citizens stayed 12% more nights (for a total of 325,000 nights).

Nights spent in accommodation establishments in Tallinn (thousands), 1997-2007
















1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Foreign tourists Domestic tourists


+15%+18% +9% +6%+9%


+9% -1%

Source: Statistics Estonia

Tallinn’s major markets (Finland, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Russia and Latvia) accounted for 79% of the total number of foreign visitors during 2007. Finland retains its hold on the largest sector of the market (49%), but the proportion of Finns has declined each year since 2002. The explanation for this proportional decrease lies mainly in the growth of other foreign markets, but Finnish tourists are also the most knowledgeable about this destination, and they increasingly prefer to visit other regions in Estonia besides Tallinn.

In addition to the decrease in numbers of Finns, the proportion of Russian tourists also fell, by 1%. Among the primary markets, the only ones that saw relative growth were Norwegians and Latvians. Proportional numbers of tourists from Sweden, Germany and Great Britain remained the same as in 2006.

In terms of country of origin, the greatest fall in absolute numbers was again on the Finnish market, where numbers accommodated fell 6%, by 30,700 tourists, for a total of 474,500. Nights spent by Finnish citizens fell by 5%, or 33,600, coming to a total of 685,400 nights. This can primarily be attributed to a satiation phenomenon with respect to neighboring countries, as several new competing destinations have come to the horizon. There are not enough new attractions within Estonia to interest return visitors from Finland. Likewise, Estonia is losing its attractiveness as a cheaper shopping destination because of ongoing inflation.

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau 2

Visits from the second in importance of the priority markets, that of Sweden, have begun to decline since 2006. In 2006, the number of people accommodated through the year was unchanging, while in 2007, numbers fell 14%. Tallinn accommodated 63,100 Swedes, which marked a fall of 10,400 from the year before. Although 2007 began with rising numbers, the increase stopped in April, when the numbers began to fall. Bednights in Tallinn by Swedish residents, however, fell even more, and in every month throughout the year. Altogether, a total of 111,700 nights were spent, showing a decline of 18%, or 24,400 nights. One factor which plays a role in the declining figures from Sweden, as from Finland, is the lessening attractiveness as a cheap destination.

The declining trend on the German market which began in 2006 continues through this year. Data from IPK International, a leading, internationally operating consulting group which specializes in tourism, show a modest rising tendency (+2%) in 2007 among Germans for trips abroad, but vacation trips abroad declined (-1%), just like the previous year. Germans’ trips to Tallinn with an overnight stay also declined, by 10% or 6,400 tourists. At the same time, results from 2007 were more positive than a year earlier.

Country of origin Arrivals

Change 2006/2007 Bednights

Change 2006/2007

Length of Stay

Finland 474 500 -30 700 -6% 685 400 -33 600 -5% 1,44 Sweden 63 100 -10 400 -14% 111 700 -24 400 -18% 1,77 Germany 55 400 -6 400 -10% 120 600 -11 800 -9% 2,18 Great Britain 50 600 -4 200 -8% 129 300 -12 900 -9% 2,55 Norway 45 800 +7 200 +19% 114 600 +15 200 +15% 2,5 Russia 40 700 -8 700 -18% 101 900 -17 400 -15% 2,5 Latvia 36 000 +5 000 +16% 62 300 +10 800 +21% 1,73 Total foreign tourists

965 200 -35 500 -4% 1 777 600 -46 300 -3% 1,84

Estonian citizens

175 500 +15 100 +9% 324 600 +35 400 +12% 1,85

Grand Total 1 140 800 -20 300 -2% 2 102 200 -10 900 -0,5% 1,84 Source: Statistics Estonia

The British market fell in 2007, just like the German one. In 2006, 3% fewer tourists from Great Britain visited Tallinn than in 2005, but in the past year, British tourist numbers have fallen even more sharply (-8%, or 4,200 tourists).

The British market is characterised by the popularity of low-fare airlines, and this is supported also by the frequency of flights from Britain. Of the low-fare airlines, only EasyJet currently flies to Tallinn, and in Britain, only from London. This affects the decreasing attractiveness of Tallinn as a destination, while new, competing destinations enter the market.

The riots which took place in Tallinn in April, and received much media attention and caused much debate about relations between Russians and Estonians in Estonia, had the greatest impact on numbers of tourists from Russia. The numbers of Russians in Tallinn’s accommodation establishments began to fall in April 2007 (-11%) and this decline lasted through the end of the year. Altogether, the numbers of Russians visiting Tallinn fell by 18%, or 8,700 tourists, and the nights spent dropped by 15%, or 17,400 nights. In addition to the events of April 2007, reasons for this decline include greater difficulty in obtaining visas and crossing the border from Russia.

A remarkable increase in foreign tourists in 2007 was in the Norwegian market. Trips to Tallinn by Norwegian citizens have grown yearly, and last year they increased by 19%, or

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau


7,200 more tourists than in 2006. More modest growth was seen in nights spent by Norwegians, which increased by 15% or 15,200 nights. Trips by Norwegians to Tallinn have increased primarily thanks to good flight connections, but also thanks to the relatively high standard of living in Norway, making Estonian prices remain favorable for Norwegian tourists.

Besides Norway, recent years have also seen a notable increase in trips to Tallinn by Latvian citizens. Last year, the numbers of Latvians in Tallinn’s accommodation establishments grew by 16%, or 5,000 tourists, and nights spent increased by 21%, or 10,800 nights. The largest growth was seen in May and December, respectively 43% and 59%.

In other European markets, the most notable results were in Lithuania, Poland, and Spain. The number of Lithuanian tourists in Tallinn’s accommodation facilities has begun to grow apace with the Latvians. In 2007, a total of 24,400 tourists of Lithuanian origin were accommodated here, marking a growth of 28%, or 5,300 tourists. Poland surprised us with an even larger growth percentage: 37%, or 3,900 more tourists in accommodation facilities than the previous year, amounting to a total of 14,500 tourists. Numbers of tourists in Tallinn from Spain also showed growth tendencies. While Spanish tourists had decreased in 2006 by 5%, this year saw a growth of 16%.

Length of Stay in Tallinn

Although the numbers of tourists accommodated in Tallinn fell last year, the average length of stay continued its growth trend. The average length of stay for tourists in Tallinn was 1.84 nights in 2007. The average trip length among foreign tourists grew from 1.82 to 1.84 nights and the average length of trip among domestic tourists grew from 1.8 to 1.85 nights.

The average length of stay for tourists in Tallinn, January-December 2007


1,86 1,86

1,83 1,78 1,82 1,78


1,83 1,68


1,74 1,79 1,75

1,94 2,002,04

1,851,83 1,78


















ne July
















Foreign tourists Domestic tourists

Source: Statistics Estonia

Month by month, August saw the most growth last year in length of stay of foreign tourists, reaching 1.98 nights (+7%). This growth was due, above all, to tourists from Spain and Italy. The length of trip of foreign tourists shortened most in November (-6%), averaging 1.68 nights. The longest stays, however, were in January, when the average was 2.17 nights. It is worth mentioning that January has the longest length of stay primarily thanks to Russian tourists who spend a long Christmas holiday in Estonia.

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau 4

The numbers of bednights by domestic tourists grew noticeably in the first five months, while in June, Estonian citizens’ trips to Tallinn began to shorten. The month with the longest trips was June (2.04 nights), and the shortest average was in December (1.59 nights).

Purpose of Trip

Analysis of the length of tourists’ stay, together with the purpose of trips to Tallinn, shows that leisure trips made up 67% of all tourists’ nights spent, business trips comprised 27%, and other trips 6%. In comparison with results from 2006, nights spent for purposes of business travel grew by a percentage point, while leisure travel nights shrank.

Foreign tourists' bednights spent by purpose of visit, 2007





other purpose


Among foreign tourists, leisure travel made up 71% of the total nights spent. Tourists in Tallinn for business purposes accounted for 23% of nights spent, of which 3% consisted of conference attendance. Travel for other purposes made up 6% of the total nights spent.

In comparison with a year earlier, foreign tourists’ business travel to Tallinn has grown, while conference participation has fallen by a percentage point.

Domestic tourists' bednights spent by purpose of visit, 2007

other purpose






Nearly half (45%) of nights spent in Tallinn by domestic tourists were connected with leisure travel. Business travel accounted for 47% of nights spent, of which conferences made up 7%. Estonians who were in Tallinn for other reasons made up 8% of the total.

In comparison with results from 2006, leisure travel by Estonian citizens has dropped by a few percentage points, while business travel has grown by about the same amount.

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau


Accommodation establishments in Tallinn

As of December 2007, Tallinn had a total of 395 registered accommodation establishments. Compared to a year earlier, the total number of establishments grew by 9%, and the number of hotels grew by 8%. A total of 1,027 rooms and 2,326 beds were added. The room occupancy rate decreased from 2006 by 3%, according to data from Statistics Estonia.

Accommodation establishments 2005 2006

Change 2005/2006 2007

Change 2006/2007

No. of accommodation establishments

301 364 +63 / +21% 395 +31 / +9%

Incl. number of hotels 46 48 +2 / +4% 52 +4 / +8% No. of rooms in accommodation establishments

5 668 6 049 +382 / +7% 7 076 +1 027 / 17%

Room occupancy rate 60% 58% -2% 55% -3% No. of beds in accommodation establishments

10 945 12 130 +1 185 / +11% 14 456 +2 326 / +19%

Bed occupancy rate 52% 49% -3% 47% -2%

Sources: Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau, Statistics Estonia

As of December last year, 8 of Tallinn’s hotels were conference hotels; Swissôtel boasts the largest conference hall, with a capacity of up to 674 conference participants.

Visitors in Tallinn Airport

A total of 1.73 million visitors passed through Tallinn Airport in 2007. Passengers on international flights accounted for 98.8% of all visitors; domestic flights carried 1.2% of visitors. In comparison with 2006, the number of travellers grew by 12%, or 186,600 travellers. A year earlier, the growth was 10%, and the estimate for next year is 9.5%.

Passengers in Tallinn Airport, 2000-2007 (thousands)

1378 1519 1708

554 568 591 700979

6 5 1516






2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

International flights Domestic flights

Source: Tallinn Airport

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau 6

A monthly breakdown reveals the largest growth in numbers of passengers in Tallinn Airport in October (+19.5%), and in general, the growth in visitor numbers was greatest in the final months of the year. A study which has been conducted by Tallinn Airport for several years shows that Estonians make up nearly 40% of all regular international air travel. Of the international tourists, the largest proportions of visitors come from Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Russia.

As of 2007, regular flights flew from Tallinn to 27 destinations. The highest demand from Tallinn Airport was for flights to London, Helsinki and Stockholm. Nearly half of the airport market is in the hands of the national airline, Estonian Air, whose passenger numbers grew by 9% last year, reaching 745,600 passengers.

Visitors in the Port of Tallinn

The number of passengers passing through Tallinn Port has decreased in recent years, especially in numbers of Finnish tourists. In 2007, the number of passengers in Tallinn Old City Harbour was 6.46 million, marking a decrease of 2%, or 130,000 tourists.

The clear majority of visitors in Tallinn Harbour travel on the Tallinn-Helsinki line, making up 85% of the total numbers of passengers (5.49 million visitors). Passengers on the Tallinn-Stockholm line accounted for 10% of the total visitors passing through the port.

Passengers in Tallinn Old City Harbour, 1997-2007





68556588 6458


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007






+14%-6% +3% -2%

+4% -4%-2%

Source: Port of Tallinn

Cruise passengers made up 5% of visitors in the Old City Harbour in 2007, amounting to a total of 292,200 cruise passengers. This year showed a surprising fall in cruise passengers in contrast to earlier years, when the numbers of cruise passengers have shown remarkable increases. The total numbers of cruise passengers (together with Saaremaa Harbour) fell by 6%, or 19,000 travellers, and the proportion of those who had visited Tallinn showed a fall of 5% from last year.

Cruise ships made a total of 268 calls to Tallinn in 2007, amounting to 31 fewer harbour visits than a year earlier (-10%). The greatest number of cruise ships calls occurred in August (71 calls, 78,000 passengers).

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau


Cruise ships and passengers in Tallinn

138186 187 173 175 165

236 232

324299 268












1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007












No. of cruise ship callsNo. of cruise passengers

Source: Port of Tallinn

According to data from the Border Service, 24% of cruise passengers visiting Tallinn were from the USA, 18% from Great Britain, 16% from Germany, 9% from Spain, 7% from Italy, 5% from Sweden, and 4% from Canada. Compared to a year earlier, the numbers of cruise passengers fell most in the largest markets: the USA (-18%), Great Britain (-13%) and Germany (-17%). Growth was seen in numbers of passengers from Spain (+23%), Sweden (+21%) and Italy (+3%).

Receipts from inbound tourism

Total receipts from international tourism (that is, all travel-related expenditures in Estonia made by foreign visitors and their payments to Estonian transport companies) in 2007, according to data from the Bank of Estonia, totalled 1.03 billion euros, of which Tallinn’s proportional income is estimated to be nearly 877 million euros.

Total receipts from international tourism, 2000-2007 (millions of euros)

440 455 468 481568 601 646 600

162 173 190 185180

209267 277



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

International travel receipts International fare receipts

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau 8

In comparison with 2006, Tallinn’s international travel receipts fell by 7%, or 46 million euros, altogether amounting to 600 million euros. If we add to that Tallinn’s international fare receipts, the total export of tourism in Tallinn comes to 877 million euros, which is 36 million euros (4%) less than in 2006.

Although receipts from travel services and receipts from international tourism in general both decreased, payments from international tourists to Estonian transport companies continued to grow (+3.5%).

Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau


Arrivals and numbers of bednights in Tallinn

Country of origin Arrivals Change 2006/2007 Bednights Change 2006/2007 Austria 4 351 -3 744 -46% 10 664 -8 781 -45% Belgium 4 823 +334 +7% 9 521 -907 -9% Bulgaria 749 +135 +22% 2 004 -184 -8% Spain 14 899 +2 016 +16% 30 982 +5 432 +21% Holland 8 842 -958 -10% 21 158 -1 285 -6% Croatia 898 +390 +77% 1 974 +471 +31% Ireland 2 886 -488 -14% 8 213 -1 061 -11% Iceland 1 907 +319 +20% 5 851 +1 185 +25% Italy 20 060 -2 396 -11% 51 321 -2 356 -4% Greece 2 484 +978 +65% 5 999 +2 276 +61% Lithuania 24 365 +5 304 +28% 43 138 +8 330 +24% Luxembourg 396 -38 -9% 924 -105 -10% Latvia 36 007 +5 023 +16% 62 270 +10 750 +21% Norway 45 838 +7 180 +19% 114 590 +15 152 +15% Poland 14 459 +3 903 +37% 26 419 +4 616 +21% Portugal 2 362 +4 +0% 5 236 +458 +10% France 13 235 +600 +5% 30 168 +1 084 +4% Sweden 63 108 -10 445 -14% 111 702 -24 368 -18% Romania 864 +239 +38% 2 367 +219 +10% Germany 55 358 -6 445 -10% 120 570 -11 817 -9% Switzerland 3 851 -82 -2% 8 391 -34 0% Slovakia 596 +49 +9% 1 657 -107 -6% Slovenia 780 +39 +5% 1 899 +344 +22% Finland 474 540 -30 671 -6% 685 438 -33 579 -5% Great Britain 50 646 -4 164 -8% 129 275 -12 942 -9% Denmark 10 982 -921 -8% 23 472 -1762 -7% Czech Republic 4 162 +759 +22% 8 589 +2 005 +30% Turkey 786 +313 +66% 2 320 +770 +50% Ukraine 3 055 +611 +25% 7 939 +2 138 +37% Hungary 2 853 +83 +3% 12 939 +5 511 +74% Russia 40 716 -8 695 -18% 101 945 -17 408 -15% Other European countries 13 854 +3 091 +29% 33 641 +6 451 +24% African countries 816 +262 +47% 2 361 +820 +53% Asian countries 10 310 -742 -7% 21 188 -3 535 -14% Incl. China 870 +7 +1% 3 469 -482 -12% Incl. Japan 6 218 -1 035 -14% 11 307 -2 468 -18% Incl. South Korea 711 +125 +21% 1 461 +105 +8% USA 19 001 +2 170 +13% 46 367 +3 430 +8% Canada 2 658 +539 +25% 6 722 +1 217 +22% South and Central America 1 769 +335 +23% 3 701 +916 +33% Australia, Oceania 4 859 +705 +17% 11 491 +1 580 +16% Incl. Australia 4 162 +720 +21% 9 687 +1 460 +18% Other countries 1 107 -1 066 -49% 3 168 -1 228 -28% Total foreign tourists 965 232 -35 474 -4% 1 777 574 -46 304 -3% Estonian citizens 175 532 +15 125 +9% 324 648 +35 418 +12% Total 1 140 764 -20 349 -2% 2 102 222 -10 886 -0,5%

Compiled by: Mai-Liis Mägi, analyst, Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau

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