Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale...

Talks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the story of its design and construction. Recording Handout ABC of Stellar Evolution A look at the birth, life and death of stars. What are the three critical factors (the ABC) that determine why stars are the way they are and why they evolve the way they do? Recording Handout Apollo 13 * In 1970 the Apollo 13 mission "had a problem". The heroic efforts of mission control to rescue the three astronauts are well documented. This short talk covers some of the perhaps not-so-well-known aspects of the mission. Recording Handout

Transcript of Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale...

Page 1: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Talks and Presentations


The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain hasbeen in operation for the past 70 years. This is thestory of its design and construction.

Recording Handout

ABC of Stellar Evolution

A look at the birth, life and death of stars. What arethe three critical factors (the ABC) that determine whystars are the way they are and why they evolve theway they do?

Recording Handout

Apollo 13 *

In 1970 the Apollo 13 mission "had a problem". Theheroic efforts of mission control to rescue the threeastronauts are well documented. This short talk coverssome of the perhaps not-so-well-known aspects of themission.

Recording Handout

Page 2: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the


Photographing the night sky without ridiculouslyexpensive equipment. What can be done with a digitalcamera, a tripod, a bit of ingenuity and very littleelse?

Recording Handout

Beginning of Everything

A brief description of the origin and the very earlyhistory of the Universe. It took about three minutes tokick-start the Universe. If this happened 13.8 billionyears ago, how can we be so sure?

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Building a Tellurion *

A tellurion is a model of the Earth-Moon-Sun systemthat demonstrates the changing seasons, the phasesof the Moon, and predicts eclipses.

Recording Handout

Page 3: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Dark Matter

More than 80% of all the matter in the Universe isdark matter. What is the evidence that makes us thinkthat dark matter exists? Why is it dark? What is itmade of? Does it matter? What are the consequencesif dark matter does not exist?

Recording Handout

Eclipse of the Sun

Why do solar eclipses happen and what determineshow often they occur? An explanation of the theoryand an account of a trip to the Sahara Desert in 2006to observe and photograph a total eclipse.

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Fiat Lux

A talk on the nature of light with measurements of thespeed of light and the wavelength of light, anddemonstrations of splitting light into its componentcolours and different types of polarisation of light.

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Page 4: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Fiat Lux II

A sequel to Fiat Lux, this talk looks at how the natureof light has influenced the design and construction ofoptical telescopes.

Recording Handout

Fiat Lux III

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will surveymany billions of galaxies, stars and planets and willaddress the most profound questions concerning oursolar system, our Milky Way galaxy, and enigmaticdark matter and dark energy.

Recording Handout

Great Moon Hoax

As we all know, the Apollo moon landings of the late1960s and early 1970s were faked by NASA. What isthe 'evidence' that supports this claim and does itstand up to scientific scrutiny?

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Page 5: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Image Analysis in Earth Sciences

An overview of how images can be analysed toprovide information about a wide range of materials,including geomaterials, and a short introduction to thenature of light shows how specialist microscopes canbe used to reveal the crystalline structure of rocks.

Recording Handout

Just a Second *

What is a second, what can happen in one second,and why do we need leap seconds?

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Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope

A brief history of the Hubble Space Telescope and adescription of its legacy in terms of its scientificcontributions to our understanding and the way that ittouched the public consciousness.

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Page 6: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Lighter Side of Astronomy

A light-hearted look at astronomy and astronomers,plus some of the weird and wonderful telescopes thatthey use.

Recording Handout

Putting People Under the Microscope

From a world of atoms to a world of living matter. Thistalk describes how microscopes, that can resolvefeatures from microns down to less than a nanometre,can be used to image atoms and molecules, and canbe applied in the earth sciences and medical sciences.

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Ramble Through the Night Sky

A general interest talk on astronomy andastrophotography. A description of what's up there,how you can find your way around, how you can seemore and how you can photograph the night sky.

Recording Handout

Page 7: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Science of Santa *

A short tongue-in-cheek 'stocking-filler' talk for thefestive season. Is Santa Claus real? Can the myth bereconciled with scientific reasoning?

Recording Handout

Star of Bethlehem *

A light-hearted look at the Gospel of St Matthew.What are the astronomical candidates for the Star ofBethlehem? How well do they fit the account? Doknown events fit the timeline of the nativity?

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Unidentified Flying Objects

Are there any images of UFOs that need anextraterrestrial explanation? This talk looks at someimages that may have more down-to-earth origins.

Recording Handout

Page 8: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Warping Space and Time

The science fact and science fiction of black holes.How are they formed, what are their properties andhow can we 'observe' them? What about TV and themovies? Does Hollywood ever get it right?

Recording Handout

Week Above the Clouds *

Every year astrophysics students from Liverpool JohnMoores University and the University of Liverpool aretaken on an astronomy field trip to Teide Observatoryon Tenerife.

Recording Handout

Weird World of the Very Very Small

How do we describe the world on a scale of atoms andmolecules? The concepts underlying quantummechanics seem to be at odds with common sense,but quantum theory describes reality on the atomicscale.

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Page 9: Talks and Presentationssdb/Talks/Outreach-talks.pdfTalks and Presentations 200@70 The 200" Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain has been in operation for the past 70 years. This is the

Wildlife Photography

Illustrated with images taken over many years ofAfrican safaris, this talk describes how wildlifephotographs can be improved by consideringcomposition, focus, lighting, shutter speed and lensaperture.

Recording Handout

Steve Barrett June 2020

[email protected]

Talks are nominally 75 minutes in length except forthose marked with a * which are about half that.

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