Take-out Salsa: Donations 101

TAKE-OUT SALSA: DONATION PAGES IN ~30 MINUTES Jake Patoski Salsa Labs Training & Learning


Learn how to set up and use a donation page in less than 30 minutes! (Video available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nA0yMocrOU)

Transcript of Take-out Salsa: Donations 101

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Jake Patoski

Salsa Labs Training & Learning

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Prerequisites / Getting Started

• The guide for this webinar! https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/23494632-Quick-Start-Guide-Donation-pages

• A merchant gateway account

• A template to use• Determining tax status• Get started! Navigate to

your Donations package, and click the Create a Donation Page link

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Content tab•Enter a Reference Name – only seen on the Salsa backend

•Header section is your main content area

• Include information about the donation campaign you’re running

• Also include any information your supporters should know before they donate (tax-status, receipts, how the money will be used, etc.).

• Content can be created using the WYSIWYG or by composing/pasting HTML code.

•The Footer section is often left blank, but is a good spot for legal disclaimers or other non-critical information.

•Click save & continue to advance to the User Info tab.

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User Info tab

•Salsa requires the seven fields you see listed in grey on this tab.

•Click the add another field link at the to add additional fields to your page.

•To require a supporter to fill out a field, check the ‘Required?’ checkbox to the right of each field.

•If you would like to automatically add donors from this donation page to a group, click + Add a group. Then click the magnifying glass icon or the field itself to bring up your group selection window.

•Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add additional groups as needed.

•Click save & continue to advance to the Amounts tab.

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Amounts tab•Determine the suggested donation options by typing them into the Comma delimited Amounts section.

• Nothing but numbers in this box!

•Optional - allow supporters to make a recurring payment by checking the Include Recurring Payments box, or make it only recurring payments.

• Merchant gateway dependent!

•In the Merchant Gateway dropdown menu, select the appropriate merchant gateway installed on your account.

•Click save & continue to advance to the Follow Up tab.

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Follow Up tab

•Here you can decide to:

• Sent a receipt

• Alert your staff to a new donation

• Redirect your donor to take further action

•Click + Add a new response to create an autoresponse from scratch within the donation page workflow; or click + Add an existing response to reuse a previously created autoresponse.

• Here’s a quick receipt example: Donation Summary:Confirmation Code: [[PNREF]][[RPREF]]Donation Amount: $[[amount]]Donation Date: [[CURRENT_DATE]]Donation Made By: [[First_Name]] [[Last_Name]][[Street]] [[Street 2]][[City]] [[State]] [[Zip]]

•Decide whether to 1) display a thank you message to your supporters after donating or 2) send them to a web page of your choosing (don’t forget to include http://)

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View and test your donation page

• To retrieve the page URL:

• Salsa 2: Show Publishing Tools in the upper right of your screen, then click the View Page link within that box

• Salsa Classic: click the View Page link in the upper right.

•A new tab/window will open up with your ready-to-share donation page. Copy the URL of that page to share with your supporters.

•To test the donation page workflow, enter all 1’s in your credit card fields.

• This will skip the merchant gateway process and just test the workflow of the Salsa page itself.

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Check out your donations and donors

•Places to review donations coming in:

• Donations -> List all donations

• Report -> Donation report

• Supporter Management -> query for donors (this returns supporter values, not donation values)

•What should you do with donors?

• Suppress them from successive donation emails

• Report back on the success of the campaign

• Ask them for a higher donation next time – seriously!

•Other ideas:

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Random thoughts…

•A good baseline measurement of fundraising: $1 raised per active member per year.

•Consider asking supporters to share your donation pages around birthdays/holidays – instead of a gift, give donations!

•Analyze your donors outside of Salsa – do they have lots of followers/friends on Twitter/Facebook? Reach out personally and ask them to share the donation page link.

•‘Gamify’ your fundraising:

• The top donor gets naming rights

• Enter a custom field for “Referral” – the supporter with the most referral donations wins a prize

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Additional resources

• Adding a dropdown designation on donation pages - https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/22526051-Adding-a-drop-down-list-of-designation-options-to-Salsa-donation-pages

• Autofill fields on donation page through email link - https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/22543883-Autofill-supporter-information-on-forms

• Donation FAQ - https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/22544947-Donation-FAQs

• Tracking your donations - https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/22544937-Tracking-Codes-Tags-and-other-tracking-mechanisms

• Donation reporting – https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/22527882-Donation-Reports

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Read, learn, discuss – help.salsalabs.com

Training & Learning Team – [email protected]

Salsa Support – [email protected]

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