Take jesus christ to stock markets

Case Study of Plug and Go Financial Intercessory Business Services Give a Portion to 8 by King Solomon (Eccl 11:1-2) Core Course 201: Stock Market Intercessors Full Training @ http://marketchaos.co.za/ school The Greatest Stock Market Intercessor of all times was King Solomon. God made it so that no other business on earth will be greater than those established and operated by him. In this way God enforced us to always go back to his books. So stop deceiving yourself with your MBA degrees from Harvard or Oxford, go back to the Books written by King Solomon. God is not stupid!

Transcript of Take jesus christ to stock markets

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Case Study of Plug and Go Financial Intercessory Business Services

Give a Portion to 8 by – King Solomon (Eccl 11:1-2)

Core Course 201: Stock Market Intercessors

Full Training @ http://marketchaos.co.za/school

The Greatest Stock Market Intercessor of all times was King Solomon. God made it so that no other business on earth will be greater than those established and operated by him. In this way God enforced us to always go back to his books. So stop deceiving yourself with your MBA degrees from Harvard or Oxford, go back to the Books written by King Solomon. God is not stupid!

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Wouldn't it just be better for believers and the Church to stay away from the stock markets filled with devilish, wicked, manipulating hearts where evil deeds of men causes markets to bubble and burst every now and then?

This is the wish of Satan.Satan and his agents would wants people and the entire world to remain in fear and in captivity to financial losses and sins.

Or as most people will tell me, take the Bible out of it.

God has nothing to do with the stock markets. Markets were created by man and for man alone. It is evil. Jesus drove money exchangers out of the temple. You only want to scam gullible Christians.

There nothing like gullible Christians but foolish ones that are listening to atheists.

Defensive plans of Satan: Irrelevant arguments pushed into hearts of people to keep them retaining carnal knowledge, in order prevent the spread of the Gospel to the hearts of stock market investors? Christians most times falls for it.

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

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Paul called  Christians to cast down any human thought that does not exalt God:

2 Corinthians 10:5 ...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

God of All Possibilities:

Replace Darkness or Dark Heart with the LIGHT of the World

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

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What God wants is that, you, the saints (believers on earth) are supposed to be working in partnership with the Holy Spirit to be casting down satanic strongholds, setting people held captive free of worldly investment thoughts, and re-educating them properly on Heavenly thoughts and the will of God for man in the financial markets. Nobody will do this, not atheists, carnal universities or schools or other religions but you the chosen one who are elected, and specially prepared to war against darkness in any system, anywhere on earth."Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 18:18)

You are supposed to be sending out Gospel materials on the evils of depending on worldly knowledge of investments to people around the world. The hearts of almost 100% of men and women of this world including that of believers are currently bound, filled and inhabited with strong carnal knowledge of investments which are wrong and self destructives.

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

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The Bible says that as the wicked one tighten his grip over the earth (financial markets), so shall the Lord released more saints, and more Grace – Wisdom, Knowledge, LIGHT through the Power of the Holy Spirit unto His saints to counter Satan and his worldly power ( 2 Thessalonians 2:8).

“And then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”

The LIGHT will reveal the lies behind the inefficiencies of worldly systems like financial markets, Wall Streets, academic institutions, governments, etc.

As we approach His second coming, THE LIGHT WILL GROW BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER, penetrating the hearts of the captives of the financial markets for example, and the entire world.


Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God - which is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to

test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will. ROM 12:1+2

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It is you through the Power of the Holy Spirit who shall revealed the wicked one to the rest of the world through teaching and re-educating - the minds of the academics, atheists, unbelievers, Wall Street Traders, Investors, presidents, kings, queens, governors, individuals, etc, all whom the  wicked one  has held captives for ages.

A revelation of Biblical ways of doing things as against the general worldly held thoughts that are opposed to God’s ways and economic principles.

“And then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”

"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. For all manners of doing businesses on earth shall fade away. “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

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You are called to be interceding for the stock and other markets, first, by renewing your own mind, and then helping other people to renew their minds on Biblical ways of doing things as against the general worldly held thoughts that are opposed to God’s ways and economic principles.

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

I do not know how these financial Gospel materials can quickly change the hearts millions of people and the hearts of investors in the stock and other financial markets for them to forsake their worldly weapons, and start investing according to the will of God. But I have God's promise in Isaiah 55:11, that these materials will surely cause millions of souls to reject satanic thoughts, and accept investment principles of Jesus Christ.

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." —Isaiah 55:11

If you start interceding for me today by sending them out the quicker many hearts will be changed, renewed and transformed.

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And through your 7 friends, they will help me to get the Gospel to reach the hearts of at least +823,543 people worldwide. With God all things are possible.

Through you, I want to spread financial Gospel materials to reach the hearts of only 7 people. That

is all I asked of you! Do it for Christ, Not for me!

Are you sure of this calling of taking the Gospel to the hearts of people?

Satan will not call me to take the Gospel to where he is having a control over the hearts of people. You can pray about this 1000 times the

Lord will only direct you back to Matthew 28:19-20. The call is for all who want to war against darkness anywhere, anytime, to start today.

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The system is like “face-book suggest a friend,” and will go on to suggest your project to +823,543 people receiving the materials

through viral friends of your 7 friends. They will each give up their first fruits or referral commission of $15.00. Technically speaking,

they will give up $15 x 823,543 or $12.3 million to God’s business in your country.

We suggest that people should choose God’s businesses like the Bible Society Project or the Gideon’s Bible Project in their local areas.

It only cost $25.00 to initiate our giving system. $15.00 from your referrals is sown unto God’s business in your area.

Christians failing to seek, know, speak and spread the LIGHT = DARKNESS

But because people have been condition to think that the Bible is inferior to human wisdom of investing in the stock markets, many Christians are afraid to even spread

out the materials to other people!

Built in incentives and partnership or referral commission to assist participants in financing God’s project in their local areas or for their needs.

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The inbuilt “give and it shall be given unto you” is a kingdom principle allowed in heaven. The rewarding system will appeal and minister to +823,543 people to give up their first $15.00 commission they earned from referring 7 to start spreading the Gospel. The system will sow this $15 to Bible Society, Gideon’s project, or any other God’s business in your area. You will raise between $12million to $86million to any God’s project that your heart desire. It is possible if you set your heart to spread the Gospel materials. No APPOLOGY TO THOSE WHO DOUBT IT! In a life time it is possible or in the generation of unborn children. John 17:20

It only cost $25.00 to gain access to Biblical investment materials to renew your heart, and the hearts of others!

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Why am I so sure of that this will generate up to $12milion to +$86million. God’s Business is settled forever more! Ps 119:89

LeTourneau started from here with God

If God worked for LeTourneau, He will also worked for me, irrespective of man’s opinions. The business of spreading the Gospel to dark places is forevermore until the end of times. If I die, my children will continue and their offspring will go on with it if they died. JUST JOIN US IF YOU TRUST THAT GOD’S WORD IS FOREVERMORE!

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INSIDE THE GIVE IT SHALL BE GIVEN SYSTEM – Presentation from here is better to understand with the recorded video version.

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Queen of Sheba heard about this wisdom, but she did not believe it but set out to find out (1kings 10:7-9) 8. Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom.

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"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. For all manners of doing businesses on earth shall fade away. “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”

The work of the spreading the Gospel is rough, tough, dangerous, name callings, persecutions, defamatory, etc. You will face rejections, accusations, scorn by even armchair brethrens and seminary teachers, pastors, and sometimes you will wonder!

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If you are unashamed of the Gospel, send this presentation to 7 people today. By the end of the day, it will get to +823,543 people worldwide, because you took a stand for Jesus Christ. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's power is.

But sending the presentation to others without you having knowledge or renewing your mind is nothing.

Visit http://marketchaos.co.za/school Subscribed to become partner with just only $25, and start helping God in financing various Bible projects in your country.Only His Knowledge can Bring LIGHT to the financial markets. We too have been afflicted, wounded, etc, in the course of enlightening people about this opportunity. I need your support in prayers, resources and financially as well to get this ministry properly off the ground. Subscribe to our training and sow in 1000s to our course. It is a worthy call to be enlisted in breaking down walls of satanic strongholds in the stock markets.