Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1917 ... · has been authorized to spend...

PTIIE MERRY CHRISTMAS STORE. SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE 250 Pieces Fine Ivory Ware ALL HIGH QUALITY I O r_t7t7 WARE lO SELL Al *"*> v^* F —Tlie purchase included a salesman's samples, representing America's largest and best known dealer in this popular toiletware. •\u2666Every piece is in perfect condition and high grade imitation ivory ware, showing beautiful natural grain and high finish. —An opportunity that gift buyers will be prompt to take advantage of. —THE SALE INCLUDES— Toilet Trays from $1.00 to $3.50 \ Choice Mirrors from $1.50 to $5.00 Hair Brushes from $2 to $11.00 I I / Pin Cushions from 65c to $5.00 Hair Receivers from 85c to $2.75 \ J. I Perfume Bottles from 75c to $4 Photo Frames from $1.50 to $3.50 / -=y / Jewel Boxes from . ,65c to $7.50 Dressing (Vimbs from 50c to $1.15 1 *\ \ Cloth Brushes from $1.25 to $7.95 Buffers from 69c to $2.00 I *-* J Puff Boxes from . .SI.OO to $3.75 Soap Boxes from ... 25c to $1.25 OFF \ And numerous small items. All articles selling for $1.00 and over willbe engraved free of charge. Choice of 29 tints. All work done by expert engraver. Fine Coat Weather and Fine Coats Selling at HALF PRICE A -\\ liich is also fine coat and Christmas news, because lots /^H\ of sensible folks are intending to give a warm, handsome A. coat for a gift to some one in the family circle. r V f 11 —Therefore, "Coats at Half Price" is mighty welcome / A f-^n news, and right now—tomorrow or the next day—is the \\ I Trt best time to buy. \A^ r \ SUCH WONDERFUL COATS pT I —With great, warm collars of handsome fur or fabric fur, I I and others with collars of self-material. Belts that buckle, / button or tie, and pockets inset or patched. / / The Coatingg Are— •• // / —Velour, Broadcloth, Burella, Silvertone, Pompon, // / / Bolivia, Plush, Mixtures. Jill The Colors Include— \ \ l —Wistaria, Burgundy, Beetroot, Pekin Blue, Navy, fAM\^_*^oor^ Green, Taupe, Brown. - . *_« _-a a w^^^^l OOATS PRICED AT Hnlf Pl*f ng>\ L\ $19.50 TO $100. FOR liUl' M ***-^\ J^ J|gk $1.59 to $1.75 WWm) House Dresses $1.29 \f7 l fvltlraKT —With cotton goods of every nature touching new liish price levels l/i [!«ot jV "'^ "fft'r takes on very ppecial value, and at gt.'M every busy house- l\ A 1'SwirPV *if'" B,lould *>et * fu" eiPPly- jf H__\>\ R.fJffi,^''A —There's the usual run of neat Htyleg made of standard percales In Clßffl ll IrW ' i' l\ light and medium dark designs. l__sv| I 'V-':'' 'Jl'm —Also several styles msde of fine chambray and gingham ln neat 1I 111 - '''''.'lilll "tripe and check pattern*. AND SEVERAL. APRON STYLES Tuj —Bungalow aprons of pink and blue percale with whlta collar, and "\u25a0J j dress aprons with elastic belt. U —Our regular $1.50 to f 1.75 values, choice $1.20. ISTART PROBE I AT HALIFAX , (Called I'rm Leased Wire.l '/\u25a0HALIFAX, N. S., Dec. 12.— \u25a0\u25a0teen hundred men, women and \u25a0ildreii died in the Halifax tils Spter, according to official estl- Bates today based on recovery of MDdies and tboro checking up at \u25a011 identification stations. A big Percentage of the recovered dead >_iave not been identified. Justice Drysdale of the su- \u25a0renie court expected to start his Itvestigatton into causes of the •etartroplie tod;r>. WitnesM' of . iwiii Cough Remedy Mad* from Globe Pine MmAr Mad* at Hose. Very Economical irSjlllsllT Good Ist Children Trocar* two ounces of glycerine and a tm— ounce of Globe Pine Compound jOsaeentrated Pine) from jrour druKR«- --m Mix these with sis heapirar taWospoonfuls of aranulsted sugar in half a slaas of water. X, Take a teespoonful as often aa *m E BSBSSSSIT to give relief. Be sure H to set Globe Pin* Compound \u25a0^(Concentrated Pine). No other Bkwill answer tha purpose la Mile w^^m formula which comes from eminent _L»^medical source and makes Uie _ t ____\\\ Hmoat elToetlre, pleasant and "\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"••"prompt-aetlnsr umidr for coughs •\u25a04 seMe affecting the huni-UI tube* me throat. As can be aaaa tt contains no amraatul drug* aad mar ke vmmt treat-- Ores Pi o__n|i I. Lsstlmg Ksssks \u25a0la lysMiii eat eunea of Taata Cass- \u25a0lions ounce of ftTrupef SarsaparilUl aim A Simple -Hair. Tama a taala. *A tarn mum AA,* AAm* the colislon between the French munitions ship Mont Blanc and' the Belgian relief steamer lino said that the Mont Blanc flew no red flag, as prescribed by regula- tions, when she entered the har- bor. Relief work Is going forward rapidly. Threatened distress from lack of food has been averted. Tbe homeless are all being shel- tered and warmly clothed. Sup- plies are coming In steadily. Ad- ditional surgical volunteers and nurses arrive on every train. Reconstruction of buildings needed for shelter has begun. Military, naval and civilian parties are continuing the search for bodies, but snow Is hampering them. . ! Glen. Kaledines Arrests a Red Representative II ii 11 e, I Prm Imar,! Wire.) jl PETROGRAD, Dec. 12.—Gen. . Kaledines promptly arrested one j of a committee of bolsheviki naval ' representatives sent to talk with i him by the maximalist commls- jjsioner of the Black sea fleets, according to word received here. ! j Commissioner Atkins 1 Can't Find the Care i Altho he has been In Chicago and other middle western cities for several days, Commissioner Atkins has not yet found any street cars that would be suKabl* for the Tacoma municipal line, ac- cording to a telegram received at the city hall Wednesday. He Is going to St. Louis, where some cars have been offered. Atkins has been authorized to spend 985,- --000 for second hand oars. mmwmmw g mmmmmmmu Melbourne TODAY AXD TOMORROW Anita Stewart America's Daintiest Actress —IN— Clover's Rebellion Showing that love will find a way la spite of dukes and riches, aad the ambitions of sehenii»([ relative*. l»y James Oliver Curu<M>d "Travelogue" "THE RAO BABY" Ooiaedy Feature With GALKS OP LAVGHTKR Wednesday, Dag. 12,1917.-THE TACOMA TIME&- Page light PREPARE GENERAL WALKOUT h alio, frcaa Leased Wlra.t MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 12.— Thirty thousand union labor men today were prepared to strike at 10 a. rat. tomorrow and cripple every industry in the Twin Cities. Two thousand guards patrolling the streets of the two cities were prepared for any eventuality. Hundreds of employers were trying to import thousands of workers to ruplace those who will strike. A general strike order, calling upon every union man in tlie Twin Cities to leave his Job ln sympa- thy with locked out union street car men has been signed. Only concession to their demand for federal arbitration will prevent Die general tie-up, union leaders said today. Only union men handling food- stuffs are to be exempted from the strike order. Union men in prac- tically every railroad shop in the Twin Cities will be affected. If they strike it ls considered only a matter of time before railroad traffic In the northwest would be I suspended and government action fun cil Wearing of union badges is the cause of the trouble here. Dur- ing the summer months, street car employes organized a union. Two months ago they struck for recognition and wage Increases. Lloyd George to Talk on War Aims Soon (I'nitod Press l_eascd Wire.) liONDON, Dec. 12.—Pre- mier Lloyd George will make a .statement on the war before the < 'lvi _.slii»u.h iidjiin ill men I of parliament. Chancellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law made the announce- ment in the house of commons late today. It had been expected that the premier himself would speak and, that he would outline very fully the war aims of England. Wheeler-Osgood Will Build a Spur Track In order to facilitate the move- ment of large timbers for use ln shipbuilding work, the Wheeler- Osgood Co. asksd the city council Wednesday for permission to build a spur track on East D st. I to Its saw mill on the city water- way. A temporary permit was issued. In the Editor 's Mail An Important Event!' EDITOR THE TIMES: The world will probably never ], again witness such an exhibition i as will be staged under the aus- j pices of the Remount Depot at] Caniii Lewis next Saturday aud t Sunday. At ibis time, thru the operation]: of the army culUtmi tit and select- i Ive service, the cream of the rough ! riders of American plains have'i been gathered at Camp Lewis and,! they are going to give a hliow that will dwarf Buffalo Bill's best ef- forts in comparison. r These cowboys will probably never be all together again and by the time the war is over condi- tions will iirobably have changed so that the cowboy rough rider will never reach his former sta- tion, so there may never in the history of the world again be an- other such show as this. Tacomans therefore will have a great opportunity right now of seeing the great horsemen who for' 'years have been winning tlie prizes' !ln the great events at Pendleton, Cheyenne, Miles City, California, I Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver and other points where there have, been contests. In recognition of the Import- ance of this event the governors of all the western states from which | troops wlio will take part In the exhibition have come, have been invited to be present and an ef- fort will be made by the soldiers to give their show national signifi- cance. In view of the nature of this en- tertainment to be given Tacoma! and the fact that we will never, again have a chance to see its equal, 1 want to call the attention I of our citizens to their opportiin-j ity of now witnessing what in fu- j ture years will probably be of hls- troical significance. i A. V. FAWCETT. I Want City to Help in Financing Day Nursery With thF establishment of a branch day nursory at 406 East 29th st. this month, the Tacoma Day nursery has asked the city council to resume its donation of |60 a month to help maintain the institution. The city discontin- ued its donation last year when it was learned that it could not legally give any money to such SURVEY FOR MORE POWER In order to increase the capacity of the municipal power plant at. LaGraude, the city will iihmerti- ately make asurvey of available] storage facilities on the Nlsqually! I river and prepare to construct ad- ditional reservoirs. On request of Commissioner I Gronen, tho council Wednesday | voted to retain an expert engineer] at |MI a month, starting January , 11, to'make a complete lnvestlga-1 'tion and survey of the posslbil'th.;. I The plant needs a large storage 'reservoir, in which can be kept in sufficient quantities to keep the ! power plant running at full capa-; city dur'ng periods of low water ,ln the river. The grave danger from low wa- | ter was felt this year worse than at any other time, when the city was forced to cut off some of its; largest power customers because there wasn't enough water in the Nlsqually to turn all the turbines of tlie plant. ___—_—_— f.soc Saving^ We are In the habit of giving | our tAAtaagam a benefit of I at LEANT BOc on a pair ot SHOES. We discount our I bills nnd save our friends I the money. 1 Samuelson & Berg 1 1110 South X Street I Reliable WrislWatches Elgin movements, A 4 C our low price <A I «* OTHERS $10 TO 945 A Mlerow Guarantee With Every Watch. A. Mierow 1142 Pacific Aye. I CHRISTMAS | I cl GREETING 1 fl "X CARDS f| I I I"' Pos>als 1 JJ •«"* CMer Cfff ' bi- Jjp 2 for 5c >-;^ and 5c each. SuggeStWnS M KODAKS, KODAK ALBUMS, ~ 1 FINE STATIONERY, LEATHER GOODS, M g FINE PLAYING CARD CASES, g 5 HANDSOME FELT AND SILK NOVELTY & $| PILLOWS, PENNANTS, STREAMERS— |J §£ (CAMP LEWIS OR TACAMA) W. 6 CALENDAR KODAK MOUNTS, || 13 GREETING CARD KODAK MOUNTS, D fl EVERSHARP PENCILS, FOUNTAIN PENS, ' \u25a0; [ MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS, 1-^1 ZBBBy POCAHONTAS INDIAN MOCCASINS - r**-i _^^Ji REST TIRED FEET, g~ ™j' ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. j M 1 Central News Co. 9 H 206 SO. 11TH STREET, g jg TACOMA, WASHINGTON gf *Th*ftPr*_»K* »M* ***** Broadway and lil'iJb'itreef Double -W Stamps Till Noon Thursday--Singfe Stamps From 12 Till 6 Kerchiefs For Gifts Vmi never can make a mistake If you decide on giving hand- kerchiefs, for M one ever lias too many. Women's Ocpe tie Chine Kerchiefs, In pink, blue or white, with dainty plcnl edge—wlfmen's sheer lawn kerchiefs with flowered designs or initial lined kerchiefs (not nil initials OCp in Ihe lot, choice of tin we three styles at each _L vIL Women's* lln ml Kmbrotdered Kerchiefs, worked on pure linen, slightly soiled, therefore the) go at t\(_t* RRp half price—wiling now at tJXti* A UOU Ht<nd Embroidered Kerchiefs, pi i< c.l 9Ca Kfl/t at WUU .V WWW Handkerchiefs ln colored bor- der designs or pure while, priced at, QCn 2 for WWW I awn Kerchiefs, with dainty colored or plain designs, 10c each or QKn three for _Lul» Japanese llandkerrhiefs. In neat boxes, 3 in Rflp the box for JUL Kmhroidered Kerchiefs, six in dainty box, very 7*__T* giKid gifts, box f ww CHILDREN'S KERCHIEFS 3 dainty Kerchiefs IRfi in box I wb 2 colored Kerchiefs 4 ftm ln box IUL 2 in Ihix, with imitation cro- cheted edge, OKr 2 boxes for tub Single Kerchiefs, In animal and floral designs, C_ at each wb Children's Plain Initial Ker- chiefs, 3 In a box, ORf* special, box _Lww Pink Corsets THE NEWEST IN WARNER OR REDFERN MODELS t//^*~\ Many a woman would be delighted to have Iter husband, father or brother present her with'a fine corset for Christmas. We'll he pleased to sell the corset now ami make fittings on ex- change after Christmas. Plan to come in Thursday morning and make the pur- chase before noon. Same prices here as you pay anywhere— and Double Stamps in the fore- noon. Warner Corsets, front or Aft ft ft back lace, in pink tOLtUU UP XKuar-rroor, Hcdfern Corsets, front or PC f\ft Abdominal l wck j,,^ i„ v | nll JiUU UP STONE-FISHER TRIAL BEGINS The trial of the Stone-Fishe; Co. on a charge of having "Intox- icating liquor ln Its possession with unlawful Intent to sell it," began in Judge Card's department of ihe superior court Wednesday morning with the selection of a jury. The company was represented by Attorney Harry G. Rowland, the state by Deputy Prosecutor Thompson. The specific charge Is an al- leged sale of a quart of whisky on a pint prescription to A. A. Rlggs, special investigator for the city, on Oct. 1. Because of this method of pro- curing evidence, there was some difficulty selecting Jurors A. Sadler and Elizabeth Broknw both were challenged by the state and dismissed by Judge Card because they declared they were biased against an investigator of this kind. Germans Are Active in the Verdun Sector (Tutted Preaa l.eaanl Wire.) PARIS, DeDc. 12. —Unusual German activity around the Ver- dun sector was reported ln today's official statement. On both banks of the Meuse, the war office satd, there waa considerable artlllerylng. North of Hill IS 4 4 the Germans unsuc- cessfully attempted a raid. W Low N? f Excursion * Fares For the Holidays licccinircr 20 to 115. return up to January 8 BETWEEN AM, POINTS IN WASHINGTON, IDAHO, OREGON And December SI to 2H, return limit January in TO CAMFOHNIA POINTS Northern Pacific Ry. Let us give you details now to where you want to go k\^ TICKETS: 025 Paelftr Aye. Pho«e A >^X Main 128. _/ 0. B. FOSTER, C. P. A., Th. oina. yTj JB#Jfc_X. *• ••• CHARI/TON, A.O.P.A. _SJ_,\_\ ____[__Q_\\ Portland, Ore. _^ fl\*

Transcript of Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1917 ... · has been authorized to spend...

Page 1: Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1917 ... · has been authorized to spend 985,---000 for second hand oars. mmwmmwgmmmmmmmu Melbourne TODAY AXD TOMORROW Anita Stewart



250 Pieces Fine Ivory WareALL HIGH QUALITYI O r_t7t7WARE lO SELL Al*"*> v^* F

—Tlie purchase included a salesman's samples, representing America'slargest and best known dealer in this popular toiletware.•\u2666Every piece is in perfect condition and high grade imitation ivory ware,showing beautiful natural grain and high finish.—An opportunity that gift buyers willbe prompt to take advantage of.

—THE SALE INCLUDES—Toilet Trays from $1.00 to $3.50 \ Choice Mirrors from $1.50 to $5.00Hair Brushes from $2 to $11.00 I I / Pin Cushions from 65c to $5.00Hair Receivers from 85c to $2.75 \ J. I Perfume Bottles from 75c to $4Photo Frames from $1.50 to $3.50 / -=y / Jewel Boxes from . ,65c to $7.50Dressing (Vimbs from 50c to $1.15 1 *\ \ Cloth Brushes from $1.25 to $7.95Buffers from 69c to $2.00 I *-* J Puff Boxes from . .SI.OO to $3.75Soap Boxes from ... 25c to $1.25 OFF \ And numerous small items.

—Allarticles selling for $1.00 and over willbe engraved free of charge.Choice of 29 tints. Allwork done by expert engraver.

Fine Coat Weather and Fine Coats Selling at

HALF PRICE A-\\ liich is also fine coat and Christmas news, because lots /^H\of sensible folks are intending to give a warm, handsome A.coat for a gift to some one in the family circle. r V f 11—Therefore, "Coats at Half Price" is mighty welcome / Af-^nnews, and right now—tomorrow or the next day—is the \\ I Trtbest time to buy. \A^ r \SUCH WONDERFUL COATS pT I—With great, warm collars of handsome fur or fabric fur, I Iand others with collars of self-material. Belts that buckle, /button or tie, and pockets inset or patched. / /The Coatingg Are— •• // /

—Velour, Broadcloth, Burella, Silvertone, Pompon, // / /Bolivia, Plush, Mixtures. Jill—The Colors Include— \ \ l—Wistaria, Burgundy, Beetroot, Pekin Blue, Navy, fAM\^_*^oor^Green, Taupe, Brown. - . *_« _-a a w^^^^l

OOATS PRICED AT Hnlf Pl*fng>\ L\$19.50 TO $100. FOR liUl' M ***-^\ J^

J|gk $1.59 to $1.75WWm) House Dresses $1.29\f7 lfvltlraKT —With cotton goods of every nature touching new liish price levels

l/i[!«ot jV "'^ "fft'r takes on very ppecial value, and at gt.'M every busy house-

l\ A 1'SwirPV *if'" B,lould *>et * fu" eiPPly-

jf H__\>\ R.fJffi,^''A —There's the usual run of neat Htyleg made of standard percales In

ClßfflllIrW ' i'l\ light and medium dark designs.

l__sv| I 'V-':'' 'Jl'm —Also several styles msde of fine chambray and gingham ln neat

1I 111 - '''''.'lilll "tripe and check pattern*.

AND SEVERAL. APRON STYLESTuj —Bungalow aprons of pink and blue percale with whlta collar, and"\u25a0J j dress aprons with elastic belt.

U —Our regular $1.50 to f 1.75 values, choice $1.20.


, (Called I'rm Leased Wire.l'/\u25a0HALIFAX, N. S., Dec. 12.—

\u25a0\u25a0teen hundred men, women and\u25a0ildreii died in the Halifax tils

Spter, according to official estl-Bates today based on recovery ofMDdies and tboro checking up at\u25a011 identification stations. A bigPercentage of the recovered dead>_iave not been identified.

Justice Drysdale of the su-\u25a0renie court expected to start hisItvestigatton into causes of the•etartroplie tod;r>. WitnesM' of

. iwiiiCough RemedyMad* from Globe Pine

MmAr Mad* at Hose. Very EconomicalirSjlllsllT Good Ist Children

Trocar* two ounces of glycerine and atm— ounce of Globe Pine CompoundjOsaeentrated Pine) from jrour druKR«-

--m Mix these with sis heapirartaWospoonfuls of aranulstedsugar in half a slaas of water.

X, Take a teespoonful as often aa*m E BSBSSSSIT to give relief. Be sure

H to set Globe Pin* Compound\u25a0^(Concentrated Pine). No otherBkwill answer tha purpose la Mile

w^^m formula which comes from eminent_L»^medical source and makes Uie_

t____\\\ Hmoat elToetlre, pleasant and"\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"••"prompt-aetlnsr umidr for coughs

•\u25a04 seMe affecting the huni-UI tube*me throat. As can be aaaa tt contains noamraatul drug* aad mar ke vmmt treat--

Ores Pi o__n|i I.Lsstlmg Ksssks\u25a0la lysMiii eat eunea of Taata Cass-

\u25a0lions ounce of ftTrupef SarsaparilUlaim A Simple -Hair. Tama a taala.*A tarn mum AA,* AAm*

the colislon between the Frenchmunitions ship Mont Blanc and'the Belgian relief steamer linosaid that the Mont Blanc flew nored flag, as prescribed by regula-tions, when she entered the har-bor.

Relief work Is going forwardrapidly. Threatened distress fromlack of food has been averted.Tbe homeless are all being shel-tered and warmly clothed. Sup-plies are coming In steadily. Ad-ditional surgical volunteers andnurses arrive on every train.

Reconstruction of buildingsneeded for shelter has begun.Military, naval and civilian partiesare continuing the search forbodies, but snow Is hamperingthem. .

!Glen. Kaledines Arrestsa Red Representative

IIii11e, I Prm Imar,! Wire.)jl PETROGRAD, Dec. 12.—Gen.. Kaledines promptly arrested onej of a committee of bolsheviki naval' representatives sent to talk with

i him by the maximalist commls-jjsioner of the Black sea fleets,according to word received here.

! jCommissioner Atkins1 Can't Find the Carei Altho he has been In Chicagoand other middle western citiesfor several days, CommissionerAtkins has not yet found anystreet cars that would be suKabl*for the Tacoma municipal line, ac-cording to a telegram received atthe city hall Wednesday. He Is

going to St. Louis, where some

cars have been offered. Atkinshas been authorized to spend 985,---000 for second hand oars.



AnitaStewartAmerica's Daintiest Actress


Clover'sRebellionShowing that love will finda way la spite of dukes andriches, aad the ambitions ofsehenii»([ relative*.

l»y James Oliver Curu<M>d


"THE RAO BABY"Ooiaedy Feature With


Wednesday, Dag. 12,1917.-THE TACOMA TIME&-Page light


h alio, frcaa Leased Wlra.tMINNEAPOLIS, Dec 12.—

Thirty thousand union labor mentoday were prepared to strike at10 a. rat. tomorrow and crippleevery industry in the Twin Cities.

Two thousand guards patrollingthe streets of the two cities wereprepared for any eventuality.

Hundreds of employers weretrying to import thousands ofworkers to ruplace those who willstrike.

A general strike order, callingupon every union man in tlie TwinCities to leave his Job ln sympa-thy with locked out union streetcar men has been signed. Onlyconcession to their demand forfederal arbitration will preventDie general tie-up, union leaderssaid today.

Only union men handling food-stuffs are to be exempted from thestrike order. Union men in prac-tically every railroad shop in theTwin Cities will be affected. Ifthey strike it ls considered onlya matter of time before railroadtraffic In the northwest would be Isuspended and government actionfun cil

Wearing of union badges is thecause of the trouble here. Dur-ing the summer months, streetcar employes organized a union.Two months ago they struck forrecognition and wage Increases.

Lloyd George to Talkon War Aims Soon

(I'nitod Press l_eascd Wire.)liONDON, Dec. 12.—Pre-

mier Lloyd George will makea .statement on the war beforethe < 'lvi _.slii»u.h iidjiinillmen Iof parliament.Chancellor of the Exchequer

Bonar Law made the announce-ment in the house of commons latetoday.

It had been expected that thepremier himself would speak and,that he would outline very fullythe war aims of England.

Wheeler-Osgood WillBuild a Spur Track

In order to facilitate the move-ment of large timbers for use lnshipbuilding work, the Wheeler-Osgood Co. asksd the city councilWednesday for permission tobuild a spur track on East D st.

I to Its saw mill on the city water-way. A temporary permit wasissued.

In theEditor 's

MailAn Important Event!'EDITOR THE TIMES: |»

The world will probably never ],again witness such an exhibition i

as will be staged under the aus- jpices of the Remount Depot at]Caniii Lewis next Saturday aud t

Sunday.At ibis time, thru the operation]:

of the army culUtmi tit and select- • i

Ive service, the cream of the rough !riders of American plains have'ibeen gathered at Camp Lewis and,!

they are going to give a hliow thatwill dwarf Buffalo Bill's best ef-forts in comparison. r

These cowboys will probablynever be all together again and bythe time the war is over condi-tions will iirobably have changedso that the cowboy rough riderwill never reach his former sta-tion, so there may never in thehistory of the world again be an-other such show as this.

Tacomans therefore will have agreat opportunity right now ofseeing the great horsemen who for''years have been winning tlie prizes'!ln the great events at Pendleton,Cheyenne, Miles City, California, IWinnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver andother points where there have,been contests.

In recognition of the Import-ance of this event the governors ofall the western states from which |troops wlio will take part In theexhibition have come, have beeninvited to be present and an ef-fort will be made by the soldiersto give their show national signifi-cance.

In view of the nature of this en-tertainment to be given Tacoma!and the fact that we will never,again have a chance to see itsequal, 1 want to call the attention Iof our citizens to their opportiin-jity of now witnessing what in fu- jture years will probably be of hls-troical significance. i


Want City to Help inFinancing Day Nursery

With thF establishment of abranch day nursory at 406 East29th st. this month, the TacomaDay nursery has asked the city

council to resume its donation of|60 a month to help maintain theinstitution. The city discontin-ued its donation last year when itwas learned that it could notlegally give any money to such

SURVEY FORMORE POWERIn order to increase the capacity

of the municipal power plant at.

LaGraude, the city will iihmerti-ately make asurvey of available]storage facilities on the Nlsqually!

I river and prepare to construct ad-

ditional reservoirs.On request of Commissioner

I Gronen, tho council Wednesday

| voted to retain an expert engineer]

at |MI a month, starting January ,

11, to'make a complete lnvestlga-1

'tion and survey of the posslbil'th.;.I The plant needs a large storage

'reservoir, in which can be kept in

sufficient quantities to keep the

! power plant running at full capa-;city dur'ng periods of low water

,ln the river.The grave danger from low wa- |

ter was felt this year worse thanat any other time, when the city

was forced to cut off some of its;largest power customers becausethere wasn't enough water in theNlsqually to turn all the turbinesof tlie plant.„ ___—_—_— —

f.soc Saving^We are In the habit of giving |our tAAtaagam a benefit of

Iat LEANT BOc on a pair ot

SHOES. We discount our Ibills nnd save our friends Ithe money. 1

Samuelson & Berg 11110 South X Street I

ReliableWrislWatchesElgin movements, A 4 Cour low price <A I«*

OTHERS $10 TO 945A Mlerow Guarantee With

Every Watch.

A. Mierow1142 Pacific Aye.

I CHRISTMAS |I cl GREETING 1fl "X CARDS f|I II"' Pos>als 1JJ •«"* CMer Cfff ' bi-Jjp 2 for 5c >-;^

and 5c each. SuggeStWnSM KODAKS, KODAK ALBUMS,~



1 Central News Co. 9H 206 SO. 11TH STREET, gjg TACOMA, WASHINGTON gf

*Th*ftPr*_»K* »M******

Broadway and lil'iJb'itreefDouble -W Stamps TillNoon Thursday--SingfeStamps From 12 Till 6

Kerchiefs For GiftsVmi never can make a mistake Ifyou decide on giving hand-kerchiefs, for M one ever lias too many.Women's Ocpe tie Chine Kerchiefs, In pink, blue or white,with dainty plcnl edge—wlfmen's sheer lawn kerchiefs withflowered designs or initial lined kerchiefs (not nil initials OCpin Ihe lot, choice of tinwe three styles at each _L vILWomen's* llnml Kmbrotdered Kerchiefs, worked on purelinen, slightly soiled, therefore the) go at t\(_t* RRphalf price—wiling now at tJXti*A UOU

Ht<nd Embroidered Kerchiefs,pi i< c.l 9Ca Kfl/tat WUU .V WWWHandkerchiefs ln colored bor-der designs or pure while,priced at, QCn2 for WWWI awn Kerchiefs, with daintycolored or plain designs,10c each or QKnthree for _Lul»Japanese llandkerrhiefs. Inneat boxes, 3 in Rflpthe box for JULKmhroidered Kerchiefs, sixin dainty box, very 7*__T*giKid gifts, box f ww

CHILDREN'SKERCHIEFS3 dainty Kerchiefs IRfiin box I wb2 colored Kerchiefs 4 ftmln box IUL2 in Ihix, with imitation cro-cheted edge, OKr2 boxes for tubSingle Kerchiefs, In animaland floral designs, C_at each wbChildren's Plain Initial Ker-chiefs, 3 In a box, ORf*special, box _Lww



t//^*~\Many a woman would be delighted tohave Iter husband, father or brotherpresent her with'a fine corset forChristmas. We'll he pleased to sell the

corset now ami make fittings on ex-change after Christmas.

Plan to come in Thursdaymorning and make the pur-chase before noon. Same priceshere as you pay anywhere—and Double Stamps in the fore-noon.Warner Corsets, front or Aft ftftback lace, in pink tOLtUU UP

XKuar-rroor, Hcdfern Corsets, front or PC f\ftAbdominal lwck j,,^ i„ v|nll JiUU UP

STONE-FISHERTRIAL BEGINSThe trial of the Stone-Fishe;

Co. on a charge of having "Intox-icating liquor ln Its possessionwith unlawful Intent to sell it,"began in Judge Card's departmentof ihe superior court Wednesdaymorning with the selection of ajury.

The company was representedby Attorney Harry G. Rowland,the state by Deputy ProsecutorThompson.

The specific charge Is an al-leged sale of a quart of whisky ona pint prescription to A. A. Rlggs,special investigator for the city,on Oct. 1.

Because of this method of pro-curing evidence, there was somedifficulty selecting Jurors A.Sadler and Elizabeth Broknw bothwere challenged by the state anddismissed by Judge Card becausethey declared they were biasedagainst an investigator of thiskind.

Germans Are Activein the Verdun Sector

(Tutted Preaa l.eaanl Wire.)

PARIS, DeDc. 12. —UnusualGerman activity around the Ver-dun sector was reported ln today'sofficial statement.

On both banks of the Meuse,the war office satd, there waaconsiderable artlllerylng. Northof Hill IS 4 4 the Germans unsuc-cessfully attempted a raid.

W Low N?f Excursion *

FaresFor the Holidays

licccinircr 20 to 115. returnup to January 8



And December SI to 2H,

return limit January in


Northern Pacific Ry.Let us give you details now

to where you want to go

k\^ TICKETS: 025 Paelftr Aye. Pho«e A

>^X Main 128. _/0. B. FOSTER, C. P. A., Th. oina. yTj

JB#Jfc_X. *• ••• CHARI/TON, A.O.P.A. _SJ_,\_\____[__Q_\\ Portland, Ore. _^fl\*