Tachyon-The General Quiz - Prelims


Transcript of Tachyon-The General Quiz - Prelims

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Tachyon - The GENERAL






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X of Calcutta was a small dungeon in the old Fort William inCalcutta, where troops of the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj ud-Daulah,held British prisoners of war after the capture of the fort on 20June 1756. It was a room 18 feet long and 14 feet wide, and it hadtwo small windows.

One of the prisoners, John Zephaniah Holwell, claimed that 123prisoners died out of 146 held, from suffocation, heat exhaustionand crushing. However, the precise number of deaths, and theaccuracy of Holwell's claims, have been the subject of controversy.

According to Hong-Yee Chiu, a long-time astrophysicist at NASA,the X of Calcutta was the inspiration for the same term in physics.

Q.1 Id X

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Black Hole

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A sculpture by this artist shows a woman leaning on a largequartz crystal while holding a diving rod, was inspired by the 1849Gold Rush, and is entitled California. A marble work by this manshowing a woman clad only in a Native American skirt is entitledLast of the Tribe. He depicted a certain woman holding an apple toher chest in one work and grasping her chest after making a fatefuldecision in another; those sculptures are Eve Tempted and EveDisconsolate.

The Venus de Medici served as the basis for his most famoussculpture, which depicts a nude woman holding a chain with alocket and a cross on it while her hands are shackled together.

Q.2 Id the sculptor and the work.

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Hiram Powers, The Greek Slave

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Charles Vanel plays a nosy private detective who laterinspired the TV character, Lieutenant Columbo. Paul Meurisseplays Michel Delassalle, the headmaster at a boys’ school whoabuses his Venezuelan wife, Christina. Christina and herhusband’s mistress Nicole team up to drown him in a bathtub.Then they dump the body at the school swimming pool.Christina later faints when she discovers that her husband’sbody can’t be found after draining the pool.

A major influence on Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. RobertBloch, the author of the novel Psycho, has stated in aninterview that his all-time favorite horror film is X.

Q.3 Id the film.

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Diabolique(Les Diaboliques)

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Q.4 Id the logo?

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X is the historical name for a medical professional who formulatesand dispenses materia medica to physicians, surgeons and patients—a role now served by a pharmacist.

In addition to pharmacy responsibilities, they offered generalmedical advice and a range of services that are now performed solelyby other specialist practitioners, such as surgery and midwifery. Xoften operated through a retail shop which, in addition to ingredientsfor medicines, sold tobacco and patent medicines.

The work of X may be regarded as a precursor of the modernsciences of chemistry and pharmacology.

They used their own measurement system, the Xs' system, toprovide precise weighing of small quantities. X also were known toaccept special requests for viles and poisons.

Q.5* Id X

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John Byrum’s Inserts, Mario Bava’s Rabid Dogs, Heinz Schirk’sThe Wannsee Conference, Richard Linklater’s Tape, JamesToback’s Two Girls and a Guy, Robert Wise’s The Set-Up, LouisMalle’s My Dinner with Andre, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope,Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7, and John Badham’s The Nickof Time all have this unusual feature. Often used inconjunction with close-ups of analog and digital clocks.

What is this story-telling technique shared with the Westernmovie High Noon and episodes of the TV show 24?


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Filmed in real time

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They live by hunting and fishing, and they observe a highlyanimistic religion. A bear is captured and sacrificed at awinter feast, and this spirit is said to guard over the tribe.Descended from Caucasoid peoples, they are European inappearance, though intermarriage has added some Asianfeatures. Presently most of these people live in the KurilIslands, on Sakhalin Island, and on Hokkaido.

They believe that everything in nature has a kamuy (spirit orgod) on the inside. The most important include Kamuy Fuchi,goddess of the hearth, Kim-un Kamuy, god of bears andmountains, and Repun Kamuy, god of the sea, fishing, andmarine animals.


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X is an epic 1993 Indian Malayalam psychological thriller filmwritten by Madhu Muttam, and directed by Fazil. The film dealtwith an unusual theme which was not common in Indian cinemabut proceeded to become a high grosser at the box-office. X isconsidered as one of the best thrillers ever made in India as wellas one of the best Malayalam films ever made. X was remadeafter nearly 10 years in various languages, including Kannada(Apthamitra), Tamil and Telugu (dubbed) (Y), Bengali (Rajmohol),and Hindi(Z), all being commercially successful.

In a 2013 online poll by IBN Live, X was listed as the No:2greatest Indian film of all time. The poll was conducted as part ofthe celebrations of Indian cinema completing 100 years. The pollconstituted a list of 100 films from different Indian languages.

Q.8 Id X

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Manichitrathazhu (The Ornate Lock )

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This man first distinguished himself as a cavalry commanderagainst Aristobulus II. He attempted to invade Parthia aspunishment for their support of his political enemies, but wascrushed when his Armenian allies deserted him. WithEgyptian support, he was later able to exact revenge on theArmenians. He fought alongside his future enemy at Philippi,and with his most important patron at Pharsalus. He wasmade Master of the Horse following his service in the GallicWars.

Identify this Roman leader who was crushed in 31 BC at theBattle of Actium, along with his lover Cleopatra.


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Marc Antony

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X and his wife lived in Minamata from 1971 to 1973, with thespecific aim of bringing Minamata disease to public attention. Duringthose three years X took thousands of photographs, leading to theproduction of numerous magazine articles, exhibitions and a book. Xrealized that a single, striking photograph was required to become asymbol of Minamata disease.

The iconic photograph was taken on a chilly afternoon in December1971. Upon publication the photo became world famous,significantly raising the international profile of Minamata disease andthe struggle of the victims for recognition and compensation.

Many commentators regard Y as X's greatest work. The black-and-white photo depicts a mother cradling her severely deformed, nakeddaughter in a traditional Japanese bathroom.

Q.10* Id X & Y

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X - W. Eugene SmithY - Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath

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Q.11 What has been blanked out?

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Gandhi - Bot

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A major centre of worship of this deity was the city ofNekhen. This deity was adapted to Greek mythology, inwhich he was given the name Harpocrates. One story tellsof how he tricks his rival into eating his semen by spreadingit on a piece of lettuce. He also loses his left eye in a fightwith that rival, explaining why the sun is brighter than themoon.

This deity was conceived after his mother fashioned agolden phallus to attach to the reconstructed body ofOsiris. This god of war and of the sky is associated with thesymbol of the wadjet eye.


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X is a comedic art form that originated in 1949 in New Yorkand has been adapted across the world since.

In metallurgy X is a step of the processing of certain ores.More specifically, X is a metallurgical process involving gas–solid reactions at elevated temperatures with the goal ofpurifying the metal component(s).


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Q.14 Whose Filmography ?

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X was a Roman Catholic priest. He initially studied civilengineering at the Catholic University of Louvain, but hisstudies were interrupted when he served as an artilleryofficer with the Belgian army in WWI; for which he receiveda Military Cross. He later studied physics and mathematics,obtaining his doctorate in 1920 and his priesthood in 1923.He then developed a then controversial theory, thenopposed by Einstein and Eddington. His theory is nowknown as something else and someone else, whodeveloped the theory two years later, albeit withexperimental proof, is known for this work.

Q.15* Id X & theory.

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George Lemaitre and Big Bang.

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X was an Indian professor and rationalist who gained prominenceafter retirement for his campaign to expose as frauds various Indianand Sri Lankan "god-men" and so-called paranormal phenomena. Hisdirect, trenchant criticism of spiritual frauds and organized religionswas enthusiastically received by audiences, initiating a newdynamism in the Rationalist movement, especially in Sri Lanka andIndia.

In 1963, X announced an award of Rs. 100,000 for anyone whocould demonstrate supernatural or miraculous powers underfoolproof and fraud-proof conditions. The challenge listed 23miracles or feats that god men claimed to perform, such as readingthe serial numbers from currency in sealed envelopes, materializingobjects, predicting future events, converting liquids from one kind toanother, and walking on water. Main character in a 2014 film (Y) isinspired by X.

Q.16 Id X & Y

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Abraham Thomas Kovoor , PK

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Q.17 Funda?

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Controversy over replacing German in the curriculumas third language. (Sanskrit vs German controversy)

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There are hardly any instances of a practical real-timerepresentation of an ‘Einstein-Rosen Bridge’. The Sangam,possibly represented such a ‘________ ‘in an ancient time, forthem, possibly existed a third river, the now invisible,Saraswati. When Yamuna (space) and Ganga (time) are foldedalong a third dimension of Saraswati, an Einstein-RosenBridge is believed to have been created. Thus, in ancienttimes, just taking a dip at such a confluence would havehypothetically transported a man or a woman physically intoa parallel universe, thereby liberating him/her from the birth-cycle.


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X was an Indian Nationalist and a friend and colleague of SubhasChandra Bose. X was born in Kerala, spent much of his life serving theIndian Independence movement in Europe.X had been working in Europe as a left-wing journalist for some timewhen the Second World War broke out. In the 1930s he had beenbeaten up by Nazi stormtroopers, imprisoned, and then deported.

According to MI5 documents that remained classified until 2014, theBritish believed X was a Soviet spy before the war. The documents showthat a Soviet defector in the 1950s said X had been an agent of the GRUin the 1920s.

After the war he was given an Indian passport by Nehru's InterimGovernment. In 1951 he was appointed the first Indian Ambassador tothe Federal Republic of Germany. X finished his career as Europeancorrespondent of the Hindustan Times.


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A.C.N Nambiar

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It claims to be the world's most basic cell phone, allowing theuser only to make and receive calls, with none of the features ofmodern smartphones such as a camera, Internet access and textmessaging; the address book is a paper pad and a pen, built intothe back of the device. It is marketed as being ideal for children,the elderly, and technophobes. In 2010 Fast Company wrote thatthis phone made it in the top 12 of the Year's Best Ideas inInterface Designs.

Although the phone has been promoted as being "the world'ssimplest phone“ and "the anti-smartphone" by the tech media, ithas also been criticized for being rather overpriced for its so-calledsimplicity, for rough plastic moulding, and for poor ergonomics.


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Johns phone

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X refers to a form of independent filmmaking characterizedby low budgets, skeleton crews, and simple props usingwhatever is available. Often scenes are shot quickly in reallocations without any warning, and without obtainingpermission from the owners of the locations.

X is usually done by independent filmmakers because theydon't have the budget to get permits, rent out locations, orbuild expensive sets. Larger and more "mainstream" filmstudios tend to avoid X tactics because of the risk of beingsued, fined or having their reputation damaged due tonegative PR exposure.

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Guerrilla filmmaking

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X-arms are robotic arms originally developed by country X toload fuel in nuclear reactors. It later attracted NASA’sattention to develop, Shuttle Remote Manipulator System‟and found the application in space such as to move andretrieve satellites/payloads and provide support forastronauts during spacewalks etc. This is the most famouscontribution by X to space research.

Q.22 Id X.

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X-Canada, Canadarm.

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Talking to Spanish newspaper El Mundo, X says he has no doubt about where Y is:I've located where they threw him away. I'm the only

one with this information. He's 200 miles to the west of the Indian city of Surat.

Q.23 Who, about whom?

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X- Bill Warren , Y – Osama Bin Laden

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X began his business career in 1992 as a Management Trainee forPhilip Morris in US. In 1993 he was entrusted with the promotionof the international cigarette brand, Marlboro, while still at PhilipMorris. He launched Colorbar Cosmetics in 2004, home-growncosmetics brands that could compete with internationalbehemoths in the Indian beauty industry.

In 2005, X continuing his entrepreneurial vein launched Y —India'sfirst of that kind. X marketed Y as a one-stop shop for all daily andgeneral necessities of the modern-day double-income family. Ycurrently has 40 outlets in the National Capital Region and hasplans to open 5,000 stores by 2019.

Q.24 Id X and Y.

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X - Samir Modi & Y - Twenty Four Seven

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Q.25* It all began here ! What?

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Kiss Of Love

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