Tac Proposal

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  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


     TACTeach A Child

    Giving a Child a Second Chance


    Elizabeth Gomez, Jordy Flores, Karawan Hamdan, Jeanetta Harris

    Prepared for

    Dr. Karen Patton

    Business ommuni!ation

    "o#ember $%, $%&'

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    Table of Contents

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    :Edu!ation is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belon;s to the people who

    prepare for it today.<

      = -al!olm >


  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


      )s adults, we are ;i#en a powerful !hoi!e that allows us to flourish in our ;i#en

    so!ieties by !ontributin; throu;h our !areers and?or personal philanthropy. Howe#er, the

    @ey word to @eep in mind is !hoi!e, for without freedom how are we eApe!ted to eApand

    our minds to find our true potential. -any people ta@e this well fou;htfor freedom for

    ;ranted without e#er as@in; themsel#es what if they !ouldnCt ma@e the appropriate

    de!isions in their daily li#es. +ithout uestionin; it too hard, we were basi!ally in these

    powerless shoes up until most of us turned & years of a;e. *n the Bri;htside, many of

    were raised by either our lo#in; parents or family members. +e would li@e to raise one

    uestion as a ;roup, and that is to as@ who is loo@in; out for the !hildren who arenCt

    blessed with !arin; lo#ed ones ) #ariety of s!enarios o!!ur on the daily that put

    !hildren in harmsway. 0t is time that we stop turnin; the other !hee@ and step up for the

    !hildren in need. )s employees of 0ntuit we are eA!ited to announ!e that we !hose to

    partner up with Dallas asa to !reate :ea!h ) hild< )I.

    I. Background

    Dallas Casa

     )fter the i#il +ar, the Bolles family !ame and settled on the !urrent

    Dallas asa Property. his family made it a point to ser#e the !ommunity,

    and they wanted this property to !ontinue to ser#e by !arryin; on their

    le;a!y of philanthropy. o this day, Dallas asa !ontinues to ser#e those

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    in need by supplyin; these !hildren with a healthy and safe en#ironment.

    ases at !asa #ary ;reatly, but !hildren should not be sufferin; at the

    hands of others. he laws of attra!tion should allow these !hildren to

    embra!e a positi#e lifestyle instead they are abused and ne;le!ted.

    Depression and anAiety play Lust as bi; of a role in these horrendous

    situational ni;htmares, Lust as mu!h as pedophilia and ba!@lash an;er.

    Dallas asaCs mission is to support these !hildren with a positi#e role

    model?ad#o!ate who is willin; to loo@ after these !hildren as an older

    brother or sister.


    +e wor@ for 0ntuit, a te!h !ompany that fo!uses on simplifyin; the

    business of life. hrou;h forms su!h as urbotaA, 7ui!@Boo@s, and -int

    we allow users a new way of fo!usin; their time and tra!@in; new

    eApenses throu;h a more te!hnolo;i!ally profi!ient manner. *ur mottohere 0ntuit is that, :Mou ha#e to be 0ntuitN< -eanin; we embra!e the idea of 

    inno#ation and !reati#ity. Great minds wor@ best in a !omfortable

    en!oura;in; en#ironment.

    II. Proposal

       A. Objectives and Goals

    &. Finan!ial (esponsibility

    Finan!ial responsibility is one of our main

    obLe!ti#es. Fifty per!ent of eman!ipated !hildren

    li#e at or below the po#erty le#el, after lea#in;

    foster !are or transitional housin;. +e plan to tea!h

    !hildren at a youn; a;e on how to maintain their

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    finan!es that !an transition with them into the world

    of independen!e.

    $. /elfEsteem and Growth

    /elfEsteem is our main ;oal with this pro;ram.

    Helpin; a !hild identify their stren;ths and

    wea@nesses is @ey to a !hildCs ;rowth. Knowin;

    what they are ;ood at !an help them establish

    boundaries in their futures. /elfEsteem is built

    when ea!h !hild be;ins to find hope in their own


    Community eed

     )!!ordin; to Dallas asa, $%,%%% !hildren are in need of assistan!e on an annual

    basis. hese !hildren suffer from abuse and ne;le!t in their homes. urrently $'&,%%%

    !hildren ha#e an asa #olunteer. *ur plan is to implement a summer pro;ram that will

    allow ea!h !hild who ualifies the opportunity to understand their finan!ial

    responsibility to themsel#es and their !ommunities after lea#in; foster !are or

    transitional housin;. Below we will eAplain how our pro;ram wor@s, how we plan to

    implement the pro;ram, and the entry pro!ess for any !hild who ualifies to attend the


    B. The M&M’s of it all  


    &. -int.!om

    Ea!h !hild will re!ei#e a psuedo mint.!om a!!ount

    in order to maintain any deposits, withdrawals,

    assets, and debts they a!uire durin; the wee@ of

    !amp. )ll of the inputs are fi!tional transa!tions, no

    real !urren!y is eA!han;ed durin; the learnin;

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    !amps. -int.!om is a 0ntuit owned software

    appli!ation used by many to maintain their personal

    finan!es. Ha#in; the ability to tea!h a !hild about

    personal a!!ountin; software will allow them to

    ta@e these foundational !on!epts and apply them to

    any other software used in the future for personal

    finan!e monitorin;.

    Fi;ure &


    $. -onopoly

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    Fi;ure $

    E#eryone @nows about the ;ame of -onopoly, as it

    applies to an indi#iduals finan!ial life. earnin; the

    art of finan!ial responsibility in real estate,

    ne;otiation, strate;y, and business in ;eneral is a

    lifelon; eAperien!e. he !on!epts behind the ;ame

    of monopoly !an transfer to many areas of a

    personCs life. 0n!orporatin; the foundation of this;ame while eApandin; those !on!epts to real life

    issues, will allow the !hildren to thin@ broader and

    more !riti!ally. +e plan to !ombine the psuedo

    mint.!om a!!ount with the board ;ame of

    monopoly. his form of ;ame play is different, more

    eApanded, real life. 0n this ;ame there are no ;ame

    pie!es or boards used, only the room, @ids, and

    real life s!enarios written on the !han!e and

    !ommunity !hest !ards.

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    Fi;ure 3 -onopoly in the par@, /an Jose, )., 1nited /tates

    Game Play 

    0ma;ine the ;ame board abo#e on the floor inside of a !lassroom or offi!e floor. 0nstead

    of usin; ;ame pie!es, ima;ine ea!h !hild playin; represents a ;ame pie!e, usin; !olor

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    !oded hats or #est for identifi!ation. heir will be a moderator or ban@er who will @eep

    s!ore, property, and !ard !ontrol durin; ;ame play. )t the be;innin; of the wee@ when

    the @ids arri#e, !oordinators will set up the @ids indi#idual psuedo mint.!om a!!ounts.

    Ea!h a!!ount will start with a runnin; balan!e around fi#ehundred dollars. his runnin;

    balan!e will apply to the ;ame play for pur!hases, ne;otiations, trades, et!. )fter

    tea!hin; a lesson on how to use their psuedo mint.!om a!!ounts used for all of their

    deposits, withdrawals, assets, and debts, the ;ame will be;in.Ea!h !hild will roll the di!e

    and mo#e to the determined suare. he differen!e with this ;ame would !ome when

    the !hild lands on their rolled suare. For eAample, he !hild rolls the di!e, then mo#es

    the suare rolled. 0n the re;ular board ;ame the suare may ha#e par@ pla!e on top.

    Mou then ha#e a !hoi!e to pur!hase the property or not. 0n amp ), the ;ame suare

    would ha#e a !hoi!e of rentin; an apartment for shelter purposes or buyin; a new !ar

    for transportation. he real life s!enario will !ome with a spe!ifi! dollar amount

    atta!hed. 0f the !hild only has two hundred dollars to spend and the suare reuires a

    minimum of one hundred and ninetyfi#e dollars, then whi!h would be the better !hoi!e.hose are the eAamples of the type of !hoi!es the !hildren will ma@e in real life. he

    obLe!ti#e is to ;et them to understand that ha#in; shelter and the finan!es to maintain

    that shelter is more important that dri#in; a ni!e !ar. he ;ame play will !ontinue

    -onday throu;h Friday, with the wee@ly play endin; on that Friday. *n the final day, all

    totals will be added up to see who made better !hoi!es with the money they had to

    sur#i#e. Durin; re!ap, the !hildren will ha#e the opportunity to eApress to the !amp

    !oordinators what they learned and how they !an tea!h others the ;ame.

    !o" to Participate

    Dallas asa !urrently assist o#er $'&,%%% !hildren who suffer from abuse and ne;le!t.Ea!h !hild is !onne!ted with a asa #olunteer who be!omes an eAtra #oi!e for that

    !hild. 0ntuit !urrently holds pro;rams for battered and abused women, this pro;ram will

    be an eAtension of that, ;eared toward helpin; the !hildren understand life and their

    responsibilities after lea#in; foster !are or transitional housin;. he pro;ram will be

    offered to e#ery !hild with a asa #olunteer within the a;e ;roups of ten years and

    fifteen years of a;e. he #olunteer would then re!ommend the !hild for entran!e into

    the pro;ram. )fter re!ei#in; the appli!ation to parti!ipate, we will !onta!t the asa

    #olunteer and the !hild for a meet and ;reet with other !hosen parti!ipants. )lthou;h the

    pro;ram is ;eared toward the !hildren of asa, their #olunteers are wel!ome to

    a!!ompany them to the !amp for support and reassuran!e.

    The Process of #ntry

    &. Fill out appli!ation with asa sponsor or #olunteer $. omplete a phone inter#iew with !amp !oordinator 3. )ttend or;anization meet and ;reet with other parti!ipants

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    Fi;ure 4 Graph of imeline from $%&6 $%& Parti!ipants in !amp


    he !amp will operate on an annual basis. he parti!ipants !hosen in $%&', the pilot

    year, will be thirty to forty !hildren. he hope is to eApand beyond this !ap within the

    neAt three years as follows

    &. '%6% parti!ipants in year $%&6$. 9%% parti!ipants in year $%&93. O%&%% parti!ipants in year $%&

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    III. Budget % Staffing

     ). First supportin; information for the subtopi!&. Detail of the information

    $. Detail of the information


    B. /e!ond supportin; information for the subtopi!

    &. Detail of the information

    $. Detail of the information

    IIII. Authori&ation

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal


    TAC in partnership with Intuit and CASA is very confident of the success that will arise from

    Camp Teach A Child. The camp is assured to be a great option for the Dallas Chamber of

    Commerce “Businesses ive bac!" competition. #ith a $%&''' investment& Camp TAC could be

    up and functioning by the upcoming summer. The children of CASA they have faced nothing but

    hardships in their short lives. They lived in bro!en homes and dangerous situations. #hile the

    volunteers at CASA are helping with any emotional issues& we at Intuit can give them the

    !nowledge to succeed financially. (inancial !nowledge will be taught to these children so that

    once they have “grown out of the system" they will be able to be stable financially in the future.

    This educational and fun camp can be the !ey to happiness and success for these children. It

    would help in promoting the issue of neglected children and in return be very beneficial for the

    City of Dallas by)

    *.  +eeping young adults out of the streets with stable ,obs.

    -.  aving less young adults in prisons and shelters& saving Dallas ta/ money.

    0.  These children will grow into ta/1paying adults and will ultimately fund Dallas.

     Camp Teach A Child will have a huge benefit for the City of Dallas by creating awareness for

    neglected and abused children and essentially putting a stop to it. These children are our future so

    let2s ma!e this future bright3



    Targeted 'uestions % Ans"ers

    What is Camp TAC?

    Camp Teach A Child is an educational finance camp that teaches neglected children

    valuable skills to succeed in the future through fun, realistic activities.


    Who can attend Camp TAC?

    Currently only children who are with the CASA program between the ages of !"#

  • 8/18/2019 Tac Proposal



    $ow many children will attend Camp TAC?

    Around %# children will be able to attend the camp being split into three groups by age.

    $owever, after the first year Camp TAC will evaluate and see if more children can be

    accepted for the following summer.


    $ow long will Camp TAC be?

    The camp will be for two weeks.


    What activities will be done?

    A mock version of &onopoly tweaked to fit Camp TAC and a mock version of &int.com to

    record earnings or losses.


    What is the goal of Camp TAC?

    To show that anything can happen in the real world but with financial knowledge,

    budgeting and money managment that will 'ust be one less but very crucial thing to worry



    Will Camp TAC be beneficial to (allas?

    Absolutely, we are giving these children the financial knowledge to be stable in the future.

    They have never lived in a stable situation so we are offering life"changing skills. These

    skills will save the City of (allas so much money in the long run.