Table of Contentssssda

sdfghrffdffsdsd fsf asdad Section 6 DEPTH CONVERSION Section 7 MAKE ZONES Section 8 LAYERING sdfghjhg Section 9 GEOMETRICAL PROPERTY MODELING Section 10 SCALE UP WELL LOGS Section 12 FACIES MODELING Section 13 PETROPHYSICAL MODELING Section 14



Transcript of Table of Contentssssda

sdfghrffdffsdsdfsf asdadSection 6DEPTH CONVERSIONSection 7MAKE ONESSection !"A#ERIN$sdfgh%hgSection &$EOMETRICA" PROPERT# MODE"IN$Section '(SCA"E )P *E"" "O$SSection '+,ACIES MODE"IN$Section '-PETROPH#SICA" MODE"IN$Section '.DE,ININ$ ,")ID CONTACTSSection '/VO")ME CA"C)"ATIONSection '6P"OTTIN$Section '7*E"" DESI$NSection '!*E"" "O$ DISP"A# AND *E"" CORRE"ATION