Table of Contents - Western Washington University · 2019. 11. 15. · William Lyne . Kevin Majkut...

Table of Contents Western Washington University’s Comprehensive NWCCU Accreditation Self-Study Report, 2008 INTRODUCTION Message from the President i Overview of Self-Study Process ii Eligibility Requirements vi Glossary ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STANDARD ONE – Mission and Goals, Planning and Efectiveness Mission and Goals 11 Planning and Efectiveness 112 Summary and Analysis 126 Supporting Documentation 129 STANDARD TWO Educational Program and its Efectiveness Overview and General Requirements 21 Educational Program Planning and Assessment 216 General Education Requirements 243 Graduate School 255 Graduate Faculty and Related Resources 261 Graduate Records and Academic Credit 263 Continuing Education Credit and Special Learning Activities 267 Non-Credit Programs and Courses 273 College Overviews 277 STANDARD THREE Students Organization 31 Mission and Goals 34 Human, Physical, and Financial Resources 36 Recruitment and Admissions 320 Financial Aid Programs 330 Academic Advising Services 333 Western Washington University, NWCCU Self-Study Report, 2008

Transcript of Table of Contents - Western Washington University · 2019. 11. 15. · William Lyne . Kevin Majkut...

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Table of Contents Western Washington University’s Comprehensive NWCCU Accreditation Self-Study Report, 2008

INTRODUCTION Message from the President i Overview of Self-Study Process ii Eligibility Requirements vi Glossary ix


STANDARD ONE – Mission and Goals, Planning and Efectiveness Mission and Goals 1 1 Planning and Efectiveness 1 12 Summary and Analysis 1 26 Supporting Documentation 1 29

STANDARD TWO – Educational Program and its Efectiveness Overview and General Requirements 2 1 Educational Program Planning and Assessment 2 16 General Education Requirements 2 43 Graduate School 2 55 Graduate Faculty and Related Resources 2 61 Graduate Records and Academic Credit 2 63 Continuing Education Credit and Special Learning Activities 2 67 Non-Credit Programs and Courses 2 73 College Overviews 2 77

STANDARD THREE – Students Organization 3 1 Mission and Goals 3 4 Human, Physical, and Financial Resources 3 6 Recruitment and Admissions 3 20 Financial Aid Programs 3 30 Academic Advising Services 3 33

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Career Services 3 35 Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services 3 37 Housing and Dining Services 3 40 Co-Curricular Activities and Programs 3 43 Recreation Services 3 45 Bookstore Services 3 47 Student Media 3 48 Intercollegiate Athletics 3 49 Summary and Analysis 3 54 Supporting Documentation 3 60

STANDARD FOUR – Faculty Faculty Selection, Evaluation Roles, Welfare, and Development 4 1 Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity 4 17 Summary and Analysis 4 21 Supporting Documentation 4 24

STANDARD FIvE – Libraries Libraries 5 1 Facilities and Access 5 7 Personnel and Management 5 12 Planning and Evaluation 5 13 Summary and Analysis 5 26 Supporting Documentation 5 29

STANDARD SIx – Governance and Administration Governance System 6 1 Faculty Role in Governance 6 11 Student Role in Governance 6 14 Staf Role in Governance 6 15 Summary and Analysis 6 17 Supporting Documentation 6 21

STANDARD SEvEN – Finance Organization, Management, and Planning 7 1 Adequacy of Financial Resources 7 14 Financial Management 7 25 Fundraising and Development 7 32 Summary and Analysis 7 37 Supporting Documentation 7 42

STANDARD EIGHT – Physical Resources Instructional and Support Facilities 8 1 Facilities Planning 8 24 Summary and Analysis 8 30 Supporting Documentation 8 36

STANDARD NINE – Institutional Integrity Institutional Integrity 9 1 Summary and Analysis 9 9 Supporting Documentation 9 11

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On behalf of the Western Washington University community, I am pleased to welcome the evaluation committee from the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges for our 2008 ten-year accreditation review, and to present the self-study prepared for this review. Te executive summary that follows is a convenient guide to the comprehensive self-study.

Tere is much national interest in accreditation, as the public and government want to know how well we achieve our mission, particularly as measured by student outcomes. I take pride in the fact that every academic department has identifed the learning outcomes they hope to achieve and are measuring student success in these outcomes.

Members of the university community at all levels have been integrally involved in preparing the self-study report. I appreciate the efort; it was time and energy well expended. While the report reviews how we have developed since 1998, the process also prepares us well for the future as we continue to build toward becoming the pre-eminent comprehensive university we strive to be. Tis evaluation provides an excellent opportunity to learn how the Western community can strengthen its mission and programs.

We trust that upon the completion of your review, Western Washington University’s accreditation will be reafrmed through 2018.I thank the campus and the accreditation team for participating in this process, which will afrm the strong prospects for an extraordinary future for this university.


Karen Morse, President

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Western’s NWCCU self-study process began in fall 2006.Te University’s main goal was to accurately and critically analyze Western’s strengths and challenges in the key areas relative to accreditation eligibility requirements and standards, and also to create a useful self-study report that would serve to guide the University in future planning eforts. Since this process occurred during a time of transition to a new Mission and Strategic Action Plan—and also during a time of change in administration at the highest levels—the self-study process took on renewed importance as a measure of progress and as a way to articulate specifc plans of action for the University as a whole.

Western aimed to create a self-study with the broadest participation possible from the campus community and to keep this process as open and transparent as possible.To this end, the Executive Planning Group was made up of both administrators and faculty, and these committee members enlisted help and support from a wide variety of faculty, staf, community members, and students. Accreditation team members worked diligently to give guidance and support in the information-gathering process, communicate regularly with campus stakeholders, and provide multiple opportunities for feedback and revision.

Fall 2006

• Ten Provost Andrew Bodman forms Accreditation Executive Planning Group.

• Executive Planning Group Chair Kris Bulcroft, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), reports on accreditation process to Faculty Senate.

Winter 2006

• January 26: Accreditation Executive Planning Group frst meeting.

• February 2006: NWCCU annual meeting and workshop on preparing for self-study attended by Kris Bulcroft and Beverly Jones.

• March 9, 2006: NWCCU preliminary visit to WWU, Albert Johnson.

Spring 2006

• Brenda Miller (Associate Professor of English) hired as self-study editor.

• April 20: Executive Planning Group meets to debrief on Al Johnson’s visit, upcoming NWCCU meetings, and a standards matrix.

• August 31: Executive Planning Group receives specifcations on format and graphics.

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• Accreditation headquarters established in College Hall 237. • Accreditation Resources website developed and linked from the

President, Provost, and VPUE websites ( dept/vpue/accreditation/).

• Accreditation email established: [email protected]. • Kris Bulcroft and Brenda Miller report to the Board of Trustees on

the progress of the self-study.

Summer 2006

• Accreditation editing team works to develop “how to write self-study reports” as guiding documents to gather information from individual Colleges, departments, and programs. Western makes these documents available to deans and chairs via hard copy and the Accreditation Resources website. Kris Bulcroft reports on the process at the Deans Council.

• Accreditation Editing Team works with Western’s Publishing Services to develop design standards and print/production timeline for fnal accreditation report.

Fall 2006

• September 2006: President and Provost provide leadership at Fall Luncheon and Leadership venues regarding accreditation self-study process.

Winter 2007

• January: Workshop on preparing self-study attended by editor, Brenda Miller.

• Individual self-study reports from Colleges, departments, and programs are submitted to the editor.

• Drafts of chapters, by Standard, are submitted by members of the Executive Planning Group to the editor for feedback.

• Accreditation editing team meets during winter and spring quarters with individual authors to revise and edit frst drafts.

Spring/Summer 2007

• Editor Brenda Miller works with Kris Bulcroft to edit and revise complete draft of Volume I.

• Clerical staf coordinates collection of exhibit materials from academic departments and programs. Researchers in Ofce of Survey Research and Ofce of Institutional Assessment, Research & Testing gather and analyze data and prepare tables.

• Kris Bulcroft and Brenda Miller report to the Board of Trustees on the progress of the self-study and on the role of the Board in the site team visit.

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Fall 2007

• September 25: Draft of Volume I is posted and printed in draft form for campus and community review and comment.Hard copies are circulated to colleges and departments, and electronic copies are available for download via the Accreditation Resources website.

• Articles in campus publications explain both how to get the draft and give feedback. A link to a discussion board is added to the accreditation website,for those who wish to post comments publicly. Memos are sent to key constituent groups—such as the Faculty Senate,Associated Students,Professional Staf Organization,SEC, and College Deans—asking for their specifc review and feedback. An article appears in the Bellingham Herald about the self-study process.

• October 4: Executive Planning Group meets to discuss release of frst draft of self-study and process for feedback and revisions.

• October 12: Executive Planning Group Chair Kris Bulcroft and Self-Study Editor Brenda Miller present frst draft to Western’s Board of Trustees.

• Accreditation editing team meets with Executive Planning Group members individually, standard by standard, to work on revisions/ feedback for the frst self-study draft.

• October 31: Public comment period for the frst draft is closed. Accreditation editing team continues to work with individuals and constituencies to incorporate feedback and collect additional information.

• November: Editing team oversees preparation of Executive Summary and preparation of fnal draft for delivery to the print plant.

• December 1, 2007 – Volume I to print shop.

Winter 2008

• January 15, 2008: Volume II to print shop. • February 14, 2008: Copies ready for distribution to NWCCU

evaluation team and campus community. • February 18, 2008: Leadership Retreat sponsored by Provost to

discuss self-study results and prepare for NWCCU site visit. Vice Presidents/Provosts, Deans, Directors, and department chairs in attendance.

• March 2008: Evaluation team site visit organized and travel arrangements for team made.

Spring 2008

• April 7–9, 2008: Evaluation team visits Western; Beverly Jones in charge of logistics and travel for the ten-member team.

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Spring-Fall, 2008

• Follow-up session with campus and Bellingham communities on the results of the NWCCU accreditation evaluation. Begin development of action plans based on recommendations.

See Self-Study Process Exhibits for documentation of Western’s self-study process.

Acknowledgements Te following people were instrumental in completing Western

Washington University’s 2008 NWCCU Self-Study Report:

Executive Planning Group

Kris Bulcroft, Chair

Barbara Fasser, Standard One

Joseph Trimble, Standard Two

Stephanie Salzman, Standard Two

Sherry Malory, Standard Three

Moheb Ghali, Standard Four and Graduate


Kathleen Kennedy, Standard Four

Bela Foltin, Standard Five

John Farquhar, Standard Five

Rick Osen, Standard Five

Kathy Knutzen, Standard Six

Jay Teachman, Standard Six

Mary Carlson, Standard Seven

Paula Rustan, Standard Seven

George Pierce, Standard Eight

Tim Wynn, Standard Eight

Bob Frazier, Standard Nine

Buff Schoenfeld, Standard Nine

Brenda Miller, Editor

With invaluable support from:

Marian Alexander

Melinda Assink

Barbara Audley

Linda Beckman

Rick Benner

Remigijus Biciunas

Jerry Boles

Stephanie Bowers

David Brunnemer

Stefanie Buck

Rick Bulcroft

Clara Capron

Anna Carey

Ann Carlson

Kirsti Charlton

Sarah Clark-


Diana Cline

Renee Collins

Karen Copetas

Nancy Corbin

Tim Costello

Eileen Coughlin

Laura Diehl

David Doughty

Paul Edgeman

Terry Ely

Lucy Elenbaas

Erin Emry

Kirk England

Ramiro Espinoza

Al Froderberg

Elaine Furlong

Emily Gibson

Elva Giddings

Lynda Goodrich

Sue Guenter-


Willy Hart

Angie Harwood

Kim Herrenkohl

Marty Hitchcock

Jamie Hoover

Greg Hough

Ira Hyman

Mark Iozzi

Beverly Jones

Butch Kamena

Christine Kendall

Rob Lopresti

Tina Loudon

William Lyne

Kevin Majkut

William Managan

Lara Mann

April Markiewicz

Elizabeth Mason

Barbara Mathers-


Gary McKinney

Janet McLeod

Tom Nerini

Jeff Newcomer

Rose Marie Norton-


Kunle Ojikutu

Megan Otis

Donna Packer

Liz Partolan-Fray

Andrea Peterson

Nancy Phillips

Ted Pratt

John Purdy

Kevin Raymond

Kay Reddell

Renee Roberts

Ernie Sams

Marie Sather

Katrina Schaeffer

Sharon Schmidtz

Jim Schuster

Randy Senf

Gayle Shipley

Shonda Shipman

Lisa Spicer

Chris Stark

Heather Steele

Joe St. Hilaire

Paul Storer

Seth Vidana

Geri Walker

Carmen Werder

Susanna Yunker

With additional thanks to President Karen Morse, the Board of Trustees, Provost Dennis

Murphy, all College Deans—Arlie Norman, Carol Edwards, Ronald Kleinknecht, Brian Burton,

Bradley Smith, Stephanie Salzman, Roger Gilman, and Ron Riggins—and all department

chairs and program directors across the University.

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Western Washington University, in its self study for NWCCU accreditation, has assessed itself against the Commission’s essential eligibility requirements and fnds itself in compliance with them.


Western Washington University has authority from the state of Washington to grant degrees. Title 28 B,Chapter 28B.10 in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) grants authority to Western Washington University as one of four regional universities in the state to ofer undergraduate and masters-level degrees. See Standard Six.

mission and Goals

Western’s mission is determined by the Board of Trustees, as part of a campus and community-based process that requires periodic review of the strategic goals and mission of Western Washington University. Western’s current Mission Statement and Strategic Action Plan was adopted in 2006. Tis published plan acts as a guide for resource allocation and all actions of the University. See Standard One.

Institutional Integrity

Integrity is a core value in Western’s Strategic Action Plan, and Western has shown that ethics, codes of conduct, non-discrimination policies, and academic freedom all play important roles in University planning and in day-to-day operations. See Standard One and Standard Nine.

Governing board

Western has a high-functioning Board of Trustees responsible for the quality and integrity of the institution, and the Board ensures that the institution’s mission is being achieved.Te Board’s Rules of Operation outline the general powers,duties,and responsibilities of Board members.Te makeup of the Board is representative of the public interest and includes a student trustee, who is appointed by the governor, following the recommendation of an on-campus student review committee. See Standard Six.

Chief Executive Ofcer

Te President of Western Washington University is appointed by the Board of Trustees, has a full-time appointment, and is regularly evaluated by the Board.Te President serves as the chief executive ofcer of the University. See Standard Six.


Western provides the administrative and support services necessary

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to achieve its mission and meet its goals. Western is organized into fve administrative divisions: Academic Afairs, Business and Financial Afairs, External Afairs, Student Afairs, and University Advancement, and the President is supported by an efcient staf. Routine business is consistently handled in timely and thorough ways, and administrative responsiveness to unanticipated issues and external constituencies has been open, cooperative, and consistently reliable. See Standard Six.


Western employs a strong core of full-time, professionally-qualifed faculty, and its size is adequate for the institution to fulfll its mission and meet its goals. Faculty workloads refect Western’s commitment to quality undergraduate education, and faculty are involved in curriculum development, policy development, and institutional planning. Faculty are regularly evaluated according to unit evaluation plans. See Standard Four.

Educational program

Western is a regional, comprehensive, primarily undergraduate university, with select graduate programs. Programs are ofered in keeping with institutional mission and goals. All programs are based on recognized felds of study; are of sufcient length and content; are efective in the use of library and information resources; and are conducted at levels of quality and rigor appropriate to the degrees ofered. See Standard Two.

General Education and Related Instruction

Western requires that all undergraduate students complete a set of General Education Requirements. Tis is a common set of requirements, with the exception of Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies, where a separate core program is required. According to transfer agreements in the state of Washington, all students transferring to Western with a completed Associate of Arts degree from an accredited Washington State community college are deemed to have completed their General Education Requirements. Approximately 60 credits are needed to fulfll these requirements. Western undertook signifcant reform of its General Education Requirements in the last decade. See Standard Two.

library and learning Resources

Wilson Libraries contain 1.4 million volumes, and currently ofer access online, in print—or in both formats—to more than 12,000 journals. Te library resources and services are generally adequate to support the curricular oferings of Western’s programs, as well as meet the needs of faculty scholarship and creative activity. More recently, the library has met the challenge of addressing the needs of both the main campus and those programs that are ofered in fexible modalities such as the Internet or of-campus. See Standard Two and Standard Five.

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Academic Freedom

Te Faculty Handbook clearly states, “All the ranked and unranked members of the faculty are guaranteed academic freedom as set forth in the 1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure, formulated by the Association of American Colleges and the American Association of University Professors.” Te college Unit Evaluation Plans further support this tenant of academic freedom. See Standard Four and Standard Nine.

Student Achievement

Western has identifed and published expected learning outcomes for all major felds of study for all degree programs and Academic/Student Afairs enrichment programs.

Te Ofce of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Testing (OIART) has worked closely with academic Colleges and departments to provide the foundations for meaningful and rigorous outcomes assessment. See Standard Two.


Western publishes its admission policies in the catalog, in print and in online form. Tis document is available to prospective and current students. Te admissions policy refects the University’s commitment to enroll students with diverse interests and backgrounds who demonstrate ability, motivation, and creativity. Western adheres to its admissions policy, and Washington State residents generally are given admission priority. See Standard Tree.

public Information

Western’s catalog is published annually and provides students with information about the admissions process, academic program requirements, students’ rights and responsibilities, fnancial aid, academic and co-curricular oferings, student support resources, and policies and procedures. Also, the Ofce of Public Information works in concert with all divisions of the University to ensure that timely and accurate information is available to the public. See Standard Two and Standard Tree and Standard Nine.

Financial Resources

Western has a strong and stable fnancial base,and the institution manages, allocates, and increases fnancial resources in alignment with the University’s mission and strategic goals. Strong planning processes are in place that include input from a wide variety of constituencies. See Standard Seven.

Financial Accountability

Western maintains a strong focus on both internal and external controls, with oversight by a state audit agency. Western responds to audits in a timely and efective manner. See Standard Seven.

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Institutional Efectiveness

Western’s Strategic Action Plan is a guiding document that assists in the planning and budgeting processes. Academic program assessment is conducted in a systematic and purposeful way, as mandated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board, and internal program assessments are frequently conducted to provide decision-makers with data necessary to make strategic decisions regarding fscal allocations, personnel, and program change. See Standard One, Standard Two, Standard Tree, Standard Seven, Standard Eight, and Standard Nine.

Operational Status

Western is currently regionally accredited by the NWCCU and has been since 1921.


Western has disclosed and will continue to disclose to the NWCCU any and all information it needs to carry out this evaluation and accreditation functions.

Relationship with the Accreditation Commission

Western accepts the policies and standards of the NWCCU and agrees to comply with these standards and policies. Te University agrees that the Commission may make known the nature of any action it takes regarding this evaluation as part of the accreditation process.

AAC Academic Advising Center ACC Academic Coordinating Commission ADCAS Alcohol and Drug Consultation and Assessment Services ADMCS Admissions and Administrative Computing Services AIC Academic Instructional Center ALL Academy for Lifelong Learning AMSEC Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center A S Associated Students ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers ATUS Academic Technology and User Services BFA Division of Business and Financial Afairs BMAR Backlog of Maintenance and Repair BRAIN Biomedical Research Activities in Neuroscience CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAPP Curriculum, Advising, and Program Planning CAS College of Arts and Sciences (restructured into two

new colleges: CHSS and CST, see below) CASAS Crime and Sexual Assault Support Services CASE Council for the Advancement and Support of Education CATL Committee on the Assessment of Teaching and Learning (subcommittee of ACC) CBAC Capital Budget Advisory Committee CBE College of Business and Economics CEM Certifed Emergency Manager CCTST California Critical Thinking Skills Test

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CFPA College of Fine and Performing Arts CGS Council of Graduate Schools CHL Center for Healthy Living CHSS College of Humanities and Social Sciences CII Center for Instructional Innovation CJTC Criminal Justice Training Commission context Newsletter from the President’s ofce COP Certifcate of Participation CSEQ College Student Experiences Questionnaire CSHEMA Campus Safety Health and

Environmental Management Association CSL Center for Service Learning CSRDE Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange CST College of Sciences and Technology CSXQ College Student Expectations Questionnaire CTAG Critical Thinking Assessment Group DAC Disability Advisory Committee DBTAC Disability Business Technical Assistance Center DCMP Draft Comprehensive Master Plan DRS disAbility Resources for Students DTA Direct Transfer Agreement EADA Equity in Athletics Data Analysis EDGE Encouraging the Development of Groups through Experience EESP Extended Education and Summer Programs EHS Environmental Health and Safety Engaged Excellence Title and theme of Western Washington University’s

Mission and Strategic Action Plan (adopted 2006) EOO Equal Opportunity Ofce EPSO Exempt Professional Staf Organization ESC Ethnic Student Center ESD Educational Service District ETS Educational Testing Service FacMan Facilities Management Program FAMIS® Facilities Management System FASt Faculty and Staf Newsletter FCI Facilities Condition Index FIGs Freshman Interest Groups FISAP Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate FMDS Finance, Marketing and Decision Sciences Foundation Shortened version of

Western Washington University Foundation FTE Full-time Equivalency FTEF Full-time Equivalent Faculty FTES Full-time Equivalent Students FTIC First Time in College FYE First-Year Experience (specialty courses aimed at freshmen) GEC General Education Committee GER General Education Requirements GETF General Education Task Force GP Georgia Pacifc Corporation GUC General University Classroom GUR General University Requirements HECB Higher Education Coordinating Board HERI Higher Education Research Institute IFCS Integrated Facilities Component System ILN Integrated Laboratory Network IMP Institutional Master Plan IMPAC Institutional Master Plan Advisory Committee IPE International Programs and Exchanges IPEDS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ISDS Integrated Signal Distribution System IT Information Technology ITL Information Technology Literacy

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JAOG Joint Access Oversight Group JLARC Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee LEAD Learning Environment Action Discovery LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LibQUAL+ A suite of services to solicit, track, understand, and act upon

users’ opinions of service quality in libraries LIT Library Information Tutorial LTF Limited-Term Faculty NASM National Association of Schools of Music NCATE National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education NCOSP North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership NCTID Northwest Consortium for Technological

Innovation and Development NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF National Science Foundation NSSE National Survey of Student Engagement NWCCU Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities OFM Ofce of Financial Management OIA Ofce of Institutional Assessment (became part of OIART) OIART Ofce of Institutional Assessment, Research, and Testing OIR Ofce of Institutional Research (became part of OIART) OSPI Ofce of the Superintendent of Public Instruction OSR Ofce of Survey Research (became part of OIART) OUC Ofce of University Communications PEHR Physical Education, Health, and Recreation PIER Public Information Emergency Response PLUS Parents Loans for Undergraduate Students PPDR Professional Performance/Development Review PPRC President’s Planning and Resources Council Praxis Newsletter from the ofce of Vice Provost

for Undergraduate Education PSE Public School Employees PSE Public Service Employees PSIL Professional Studies and Independent Learning PSO Professional Staf Organization PWS Prevention and Wellness Services QSR Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning QUE Quality Undergraduate Education (QUE) Task Force RCW Revised Code of Washington RD Resident Directors ResTek Resident Hall Network RHA Residence Hall Association RHAC Residence Hall Association Committee ROP Board of Trustees’ Rules of Operation RSP Ofce of Research and Sponsored Programs

(formerly Bureau for Faculty Research) SA Summer Academy (part of SMATE, see below) SAO State Auditors Ofce SBDC Small Business Development Center SCUP Society for College and University Planning SEC Staf Employees Council SHC Student Health Center SLO Student Learning Outcomes SMATE Science, Math, and Technology Education Program SOS Student Outreach Services SPMC Shannon Point Marine Center STC Student Technology Center STF Student Technology Fee STFC Student Technology Fee Committee STS Scientifc Technical Services WAP Wireless Access Points

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SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TASC Tutorial and Academic Skills Center TLA Teaching-Learning Academy UBAC University Budget Advisory Committee UDT Usability/Design Team UFWW United Faculty of Western Washington UIC University Instrument Center UPC University Planning Council UPD University Police Department VPUE Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education VRI Vehicle Research Institute WAG Writing Assessment Group Web4U Web-based method for accessing WWU

related information for Students, Staf & Faculty WELS Western Educational Longitudinal Study Western Western Washington University “Western Experience” Catchphrase for the unique experience

Western ofers its students Western Front Campus newspaper Western Foundation Early name for Western Washington University Foundation Western Washington University Foundation generates private support for the beneft of Western

Washington University WFSE Washington Federation of State Employees WIS Writing Instruction Support WP Writing Profciency WTA Whatcom Transit Authority WUE Western Undergraduate Exchange

WWU Western Washington University

Administrative divisions at Western Washington University

Academic Afairs

External Afairs

Business and Financial Afairs

Student Afairs and Academic Support Services

University Advancement

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