TABLE OF CONTENTS - School of the Nations · TABLE OF CONTENTS Escapade in Thailand ... School...

Photograph from Mr Leong TABLE OF CONTENTS Escapade in Thailand F5 CAS Trip (Retrospection) - Page 2 Art and Poetry Honey Jar (Comic) - Page 4 My Breeze to a Hot Summer’s Day (Poem) - Page 4 End of- (Poem) - Page 5 Time Personified (Comic) - Page 5 Wholesome Memes Collection - Page 5 Award Notice -Page 5 Articles School Play: Schoolhouse Rock (Interview) - Page 6 SON Entrance Day Exams (Interview) - Page 7 創新來自模仿 (Opinion) - Page 8

Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS - School of the Nations · TABLE OF CONTENTS Escapade in Thailand ... School...

Photograph from Mr Leong

TABLE OF CONTENTSEscapade in ThailandF5 CAS Trip (Retrospection) - Page 2

Art and PoetryHoney Jar (Comic) - Page 4My Breeze to a Hot Summer’s Day (Poem) - Page 4End of- (Poem) - Page 5Time Personified (Comic) - Page 5Wholesome Memes Collection - Page 5Award Notice -Page 5

ArticlesSchool Play: Schoolhouse Rock (Interview) - Page 6SON Entrance Day Exams (Interview) - Page 7創新來自模仿 (Opinion) - Page 8

Escapade in Thailand“A unique experience.”


“An unforgettable memory!”


“I liked the 12K hike because it was physically challenging.”


“Time passed like a blink of an eye”


The Form 5 class had their CAS trip on the 24th to 31st of March. At first many of us were not enthusiastic about going on the same trip many classes before us had gone on. However, as time passed without a decision being made, we had more and more apprehension about losing the possibility of any trip, so we eventually agreed on Thailand.

On the night of our arrival we stayed in Chiang Mai and spent the night near a night market. We ate sticky rice, enjoyed the lively atmosphere, and some of us might’ve emptied out our wallets splurging on dried mango, clothes, and trinkets. The next day we arrived at the Maekok River Village Resort Education Center. Quickly we were familiarized with our rooms, instructors, and active schedule. We participated in a 3K hike, a 12K hike, community service, biking, rock climbing, archery, and some of us completed the dreaded confidence course. Every one of us accomplished something outside of our comfort zone. Whether it was camping in the wild, walking for 12 kilometers straight, or going biking, we strove to give encouragement to anyone in need.

Photographs from Mr Leong

by Sophie Wagle (F5)

One of the highlights of the trip was the community service. We learned about the Thomas House project and appreciate the opportunity we were given to be a part of this charitable cause. The thought of what we can contribute nulled the pain in our joints as we dug holes and colored our skin under the searing rays of the Thailand sun. The nosebleeds incurred by the dry Thai air were but a small price to pay.

The staff and chefs at our residence were very helpful and understanding, asking us after every meal if we enjoyed the food and wanted seconds. The resort itself was beautiful; we made good use of the swimming pool, snack shop, and indoor

recreational area, “Bamboo Club”. Most of our nights comprised of us claiming we would stay up late and have fun but then submit to our exhaustion much sooner. We hit it off with the instructors so well that some of us also played football with them during free time. However, before we departed, we did leave behind a page consisting of drawings representing our experience and quotes of our thoughts of the trip. Needless to say, it was hard saying goodbye and even harder coming to accept that we had to go back to Macau. All of us are grateful for the CAS trip and the memories we shared- they will stay with us long after we graduate.

My Breeze to a Hot Summer Day-An Original Piece by David Li

I met her on a fine summer dayWishing eagerly for her to stay

I got to know her in a breezeShe seized my heart with tranquil ease

I know that she fancies looksYet all I contain are memorized books

Looking in the mirror I feel despairMy hands clasped I gave a prayer

“Give me requited love, just this one time”For which I swear to cherish as prime.

Art and Poetry

Honey Jar-Milk

Old Dali, Yunnan, ChinaPhotograph by Johnson Ng (F6)

Barefoot by the Lake, Croatia

Wholesome Memes Collection-with your boy XC

Wishes of tomorrowShine on unseen paths;Grip the time we borrowed.Embrace the aftermath.

A leaf, a breeze,Fluttering heart-A smile, a tease,Soon we depart.

End of-

我校初三學生林芯廷同學 (Tiffany Lam) 榮獲 “第22屆澳門中學生讀後感徵文比賽”初中組優異獎。她的得奬作品是《在浮躁的世界中尋覓漸逝的記憶》。頒獎典禮在澳門教科文中心舉行, 4月22日。

Award Notice


Antonio: Who are involved in the upcoming play? What is the process of production like? Mr Murat: Primary and Middle School students are involved in the Schoolhouse Rock JR. Live! They have been practicing the songs and dances since the beginning of the second semester with Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Shoko. Recently, we started to work on the stage with the whole group, putting together everything they had learned. Antonio: Can you briefly describe the plot of the play? Mr Murat: Schoolhouse Rock JR. Live! is based on an Emmy Award-winning Saturday morning cartoon series. The show is a loose structured revue following Tom, a young school teacher who is nervous about his first day of class. He tries to relax by watching TV; various characters representing facets of his personality emerge from the television set to show him how to win his students’ favor with music and imagination.

Antonio: What are some of the themes or morals portrayed in the play? Mr Murat: My favorite theme in this play is illustrated by the quote: “Every person we’ve ever met, every place we’ve ever been, everything we’ve ever known makes us who we are.”We only need to realize how many wonderful ideas we have for the betterment of the world. Antonio: What aspects of this play make it a must-watch? Mr Murat: I think the theme is very interesting. Teaching and learning can be so much more interesting for both teachers and students - you only need to put in a little imagination! What I want to highlight is that we can find so many artistic and interesting methods to teach students in any subject. I particularly like dramatic methods like singing, dancing, acting, playing, etc. What is more, the theme of the play itself reflects what we are doing- it reflects the benefits of teaching students about drama through the production of a play!

Image retrieved from ABC News

On the 11th of March, 2017, the Entrance Exam for students of SON was held. I interviewed a participating parent, Mrs Marit Lee, for her thoughts.

Why did you decide to send your child to SON?

SON is the only Baha'i inspired school in Macau. It has heavy focus on character building and spiritual guidance. The students I have met are all exceedingly polite and humble, and are proficient in both English and Mandarin Chinese. It is also Macau's oldest international school. It brings together students from across the world, offers the International Baccalaureate examinations, and directly interacts with other international schools. The students responsibly do their homework independently and their English is among the best in Macau. Most importantly, I think that this school is the only one that calls attention to all parts of a child's education. The students all seem so happy to be here. I cannot think of any other school with these qualities.

How do you feel about the entrance day activities?

The entrance day activities effectively communicate the importance of service. The activity guides always listen attentively to both students and parents, and are very considerate of the pre-examination stress. I find this very commendable.

What were the main goals for these activities?

To relieve the stress of both parents and students and to make them understand that the school is a friendly community. To share the Baha’i principles of education with the parents

Do you have any suggestions or remarks about the entrance exam?

The ‘stress relieving station’ really helps make the students more relaxed. I suggest implementing a station to remind when and where students are interviewed after they have finished with the games and activities and to give information about any frequent misconceptions. For example, parents may not know when it is their child’s turn to be interviewed, or misunderstand that only one parent can accompany their child. The interview itself was very nice- it puts the child in center field, even when looking into the role of their family members. This is especially important because nowadays the stress of education is very heavy on students, and the relief of this should be a major focus. The realization of the family’s role in student stress relief is a good start.

Which was the most successful activity at the entrance day?

Of all the activities, the colouring station was the most successful. Almost all the children were willing to participate, yet this did not distract them so much as to make them unwilling to leave and be interviewed. Also, in the storytelling station, some parents took initiative to read to the children, which helped with the atmosphere and kept the children calm. I think both are very nice activities.

2017/2018 School Year Entrance ExamKayla Chan (P6)

很多人說,創新和模仿是對立的兩件事。創新是無中生有,是打破傳統;而模仿只是重蹈覆轍而已。然而我就不如此認為:要打破規則,首先就要了解規則。任何偉大的創新都是從模仿的基礎上開始的。 不過,我亦不是一朝一夕就領悟這個道理的。小時候的我是天馬行空的頭號粉絲,不守規則是我的簽名,更別提學什麼基本功了。就算我深知這樣做會捕捉不了美感,亦會表達不出我想要的效果,但我仍心想:「管它呢,有創意就行!」而結果便是我很多的美好點子只可以化作飄過的雲彩。 一切的改變,還要從我的畫開始說起。 我自小從澳門長大,澳門記載了很多我成長的回憶。出於對澳門的熱愛,我想畫一幅代表澳門文化的畫。可是一向自稱「點子王」的我竟然不知如何是好;這是一幅我真心想畫好的畫,我再也不能像以前般一樣胡亂下筆了。 我緊張地四處踱步,渴望靈感可以從窗邊飛向我; 然而並沒有,所以我把手中的畫筆轉了又轉,直至有一個人拍拍我的肩膀。「女兒,為何你不四處走走去獲得一些靈感呢?」於是,我便走遍澳門的大街小巷,像個遊客般去尋找獨特的,只屬於澳門的美。在我的觀察下,澳門最大的特色便是中西合璧。它既有東方的韻味,同時亦因為曾經是葡萄牙殖民地的特殊歷史,具有西方的風采。 在林林總總的建築物中,我首選葡京為代表性建築物。眾所周知,澳門最著名的莫過於是博彩業。葡京不但只是澳門博彩業的代表、澳門的經濟之柱,更是一個歷史悠久、中西合璧的建築物。巍然聳立的它在黑夜中散發五彩繽紛的光芒,照亮了黑夜中的城市。它奇特的外型更是表達出澳門的地理---蓮花寶地;因此我毫不猶豫地選擇了它。其後,我又選擇了中銀商業大廈。它是現代中國政府在澳門的

地標,亦代表着澳門回歸後中國政府在澳門的地位。單一筆直的光在夜色勾出它的輪廓,讓它在夜色中宣示着它在澳門現代建築中的地位。 除此之外,我還選擇了一座葡式建築物--- 大三巴牌坊。歷史的車輪已在它身上留下痕跡。在黑夜中它也顯得有些黯然無光。但是它依然是一個民族的特色,澳門專有的文化遺產;所以我選擇了它。 接着,我便進入了構圖的部份。由於這三個具代表性的建築是不同時代創新下的產物,於是我便把主題定為創新。 「可是要如何才能表達出創新的精神呢?」我托着下巴。「啊,有了!」我想到探索過程中看到的澳門夜色。「 既然澳門是一座不夜城,而光又來自燈,為何不用燈泡來作為象徵呢?而且燈泡一直被視為創新的符號呢!」 「爸爸,爸爸,我想好了!」爸爸聽到我的點子之後喜出望外,但他轉眼間又面色一沉,「你的思想很好,但沒有基本功,一切都是空談!」 我們同時望向書桌上略佈塵埃的素描鉛筆。 我一改以往地仔細地臨摹着爸爸的筆觸,過程當然還是沉悶,但我明白到,我現在的一筆一劃都是畫出我夢寐以求的畫的台階。 在作品名稱旁寫上「創新之城」後,我振臂一呼:「終於大功告成了!」 這一幅畫是如此的:在一個巨大的燈泡上噴射出火花四濺的火焰。火焰上發出色彩點點的煙火,漸漸填滿在燈泡中的三座純黑建築物, 葡京居中,中銀居右,大三巴居左。望着眼前這一幅畫,我不禁感概萬千,陷入了深深的反思之中。創新二字看似簡單,卻不單純是一個人的創意。 反之,它是凝聚了對前人智慧的觀察與模仿後,再加上個人想法的結晶。如果要將我此刻的感想說出來,我會説:「創新來自模仿!」



Editors: Mrs Jones, David Li, Johnson NgGraphic Design: Johnson Ng, Patricia Riofrio


Got anything you’d like to see in the newsletter? Send them to [email protected]

The newsletter can be viewed on the glass windows outside the main staircase on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, as well as the main glass doors of the ground floor. This is the last issue for the 2016/2017 school year, and the last issue before I head off to university.

I hope that you, the readers and students, take up the torch and apply for the newsletter group among after-school activities in the coming school year. You can contact Mrs Carla Jones in the 4th floor staff room for details.

I would like to give a big thank you to everybody who participated in the making of this newsletter, interviewing, writing, photographing, editing, and designing. Without your individual efforts and contributions, this wonderful project would not be possible.

Good job, team!- Johnson Ng

Antonio Chiu (F5)

Mrs Jones (Teacher)

David Li (F5)

Johnson Ng (F6)

Kayla Chan (P6)

Patricia Riofrio (F5)

Sophie Wagle (F5)

On behalf of the entire newsletter team, thank you to all of the readers for your readership.