Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking...


Transcript of Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking...

Page 1: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life


Page 2: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Table of ContentsAbout Sara Estelle Pages 3-4What is Flower and Vibrational Medicine? Pages 5-6Stock vs Dosage Bottles - which is best? Page 6-7How to take and Use Flower Essences Page 8-9How to Make an Essence Mister and Cream Page 9-11Can anyone use Flower Essences? Page 11What do Flower Essences do? Page 12-13Which range of Flower Essences shall I use? Page 14-15Top Ten Essences:

#1 Star of Bethlehem and Rescue Remedy Page 16-19

#2 Purification Page 20

#3 Fringed Violet Page 20

#4 Cerato Page 21

#5 Lady’s Mantle Page 22

#6 Wild Oat Page 23

#7 Dandelion Page 24#8 Northern Lady’s Slipper Page 25#9 She Oak Page 25#10 Pink Camellia Page 26

Where to purchase these essences Page 27Further Resources Page 28-30


Page 3: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Welcome!Hello I am Sara Estelle and I am so delighted that you have chosen to find out more about how Flower Essences and Vibrational Medicine can enhance your personal life and healing practice.

In the following pages is an introduction not only to flower essences but also to why I believe this modality is one of the medicines of the future and has an important place in ALL homes and complementary health practices.

I’ll also be sharing 10 vibrational essences that I believe can enhance and transform you as a person, as a Practitioner and also support your clients during and between treatments – whatever modality you practice.

A little Bit About Me...

My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life continued. Years later I experienced infertility and miscarriage and flower essences supported my heart during this difficult time. At the same time something within me was being awoken and as I healed, I was opened to the gift of transforming my own health and life path with flowers, gems and the nature kingdom as my guide.

Since that first moment, I have worked and studied with flower essence producers from all over the world and obtained professional qualifications in this modality. Some of my favourite ranges are Healing Herbs (Bach), Alaskan Essences, Flora Corona, FES, Indigo and Australian Bush Essences. I also have my own range of essences – Moonflower Essences™

In 2011 I founded my own training company called Essentially Flowers with the aim of raising awareness of this life-changing modality to as many people as possible.

One of the key courses I facilitate via Essentially Flowers is a Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences, accredited by the British Flower and Vibrational


Page 4: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Essence Association. At the time of writing this ebook, we have over 55 Graduates and 18 other healers in the process of the Diploma. I feel very honoured to be witness to the amazing transformations that take place in the lives of these brave soul pioneers as they travel through the Diploma and take this modality out into the world as professionals.

I also support healers who are passionate and ready to be of service create nourishing and aligned businesses so that they can become empowered change makers in the world through my Magical Business Programmes. This was borne out of my own journey of needing to translate what I had learned over the years of taking many qualifications into a way of sustaining myself and my family with an income that both nourished us and also allowed me to expand my vision of reaching millions of people with the healing powers of the nature kingdom.

In 2015 my family and I re-located from the UK to South West France - where my healing business now sustains and nourishes us. I am so grateful to the nature kingdom for allowing me to do the work I love and support others to do the same.

I love having the privilege of guiding other natural health therapists transform their complementary health practices into sustainable and nourishing businesses.

I also have the honour of holding the current Chair for the BFVEA.

So I hope you can see how passionate I am about helping YOU find out more about the world of Flower and Vibrational Medicine.

Let’s explore the world of nature together - SHE is ready and waiting to help you and the beautiful work you offer...


Page 5: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

What is Flower & Vibrational Medicine?

Flower Essences are traditionally made by floating fresh flowers in pure water in the sunshine. This is the method that Dr Edward Bach used and is still used today by the Bach Foundation and many other essence producers.

To make a flower essence in this way, permission is first sought with the overlighting energies of the flower/plant/tree and once this is received, flowers are removed from the plant and floated in spring water in a bowl in unbroken sunshine for around 3 hours.

The flowers are then removed from the water and the water that is left is combined with brandy and this becomes the mother tincture.


Page 6: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Other Types of Vibrational Medicine

There are other ways of making essences - some producers do not cut the flower and hang the blossom over the water bowl. My own range of essences - MoonFlower Essences - makes essences in moonlight. Other kinds of Vibrational essences are:

Gem essences (made with crystals)

Environmental essences (where bowls of water are placed in certain environments that capture the energy of the land)

Sound essences

Channelled essences

Stock and Dosage Essences: Which should I use?

There are two types of vibrational essence sold today and these are called – stock and dosage (or remedy) dilution.

Stock essence is the first dilution of the mother tincture and is often sold in 10-15ml bottles.

If you are a practitioner and are going to be using essences with clients, always purchase stock essence as it the most cost effective and gives you the ability to make up your own dosage bottles for clients.

You can use stock essence directly - for example place a drop in a glass of water or under the tongue. However if you are sensitive yourself and are working with clients, it is best to use dosage dilution.

As a stock bottle also contains a higher percentage of brandy than a dosage bottle, it it best to dilute when using with children or anyone who is sensitive to alcohol.

Dosage or remedy dilution is a ready to go bottle and is the dilution that as a practitioner, you would make up for clients. This is often a 30ml bottle.


Page 7: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Making up dosage bottles for yourself or your clients is THE most cost effective way of using your stock and taking care of your own and your client’s energy.

Learn how to make up your own dosage bottles here:

You can watch a video here of how to make up your own dosage bottles from stock dilution.

Click on this link (or cut and paste the link into your browser:


Page 8: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

How to Take and Use Flower Essences

Using Them Internally

The traditional way of taking flower essences is internally. Most flower essence bottles (either stock or dosage) will give usage instructions on the bottle itself. These are usually:

Take 7 drops twice a day OR 4 drops 4 times a day OR 5 drops morning and evening (or something similar - each producer gives their own guidelines).

Taking flower essences is a very intuitive process and there are no real rights or wrongs - only what is right for the person. Some people may notice 1 drop of dosage dilution working very quickly; another person may take several drops of stock essence and not be

aware of any shifts.

The key is always :

- Trust your own intuition.

- Regularity of dosage is much more important than how many drops you take.

- Seek professional advice if you are working with emotional challenges that feel too unwieldy to cope with alone.

- Experiment as a practitioner as to what feels right for YOU. And then pass this onto your clients.


Page 9: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

With my own range of MoonFlower Essences, here is the dosage that I usually recommend:

5 drops twice a day, morning and evening. Take more regularly if you feel the need and also drop your dosage down to e.g. 1 drop per day in water if you are very sensitive.

You can place the drops directly under the tongue (as in photo above) or place in a glass of water and sip throughout the day.

Using Essences in Misters

I love to use flower essences in this way and for me it is one of the most useful and empowering ways to keep my own energy clear and that of my workspace.

Using essences in misters is really helpful as you can use them with people of all ages - including children and the elderly – and people who are unwell.

Essential oils can also be added for a more physical effect….although for discreet use (such as when travelling or

at work), using essences alone is great as no one knows what you are doing!

So here are some ideas for making a mister to use to help you stay feeling safe, centered and grounded as you go about your day - whether you are at home or working in your practice.

There are some ideas for essences to put in your misters in the Top Ten Essences section below - in particular on pages 18-20.


Page 10: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

What you will need to create your mister:

– An atomiser.

– Your chosen flower essences.

– Spring/purified water.

– A label (optional, but always a good idea especially if you make lots of misters as I do).

It is very easy to create – add a couple of pipettes of your essence into the mister, top up with water, add a label to your bottle and you are ready to go.


Flower and Vibrational Essences can also very easily be added to creams - such as face, hand or for any part of the body.

As with a mister, this is very easy to do and you don’t need to worry about dilutions as we are working with vibrations.

To make a cream, add, for example, a pipette full of your chosen essence to a pot of cream and stir well and then use as usual.


Page 11: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Here are some ideas for creams:

- Use an essence such as She Oak or Pink Camellia (see page 25-26) to help you feel good about yourself as a woman.

- Use Purification essence (see page 18) in a hand cream if you work or travel in places where there are many people.

You can also add essential oils to your cream to enhance the effect - flower essences work beautifully alongside essential oils. If you’d like to know how to make your own products using essential oils safely and effectively, then please see the Useful Information section at the end of this ebook for more information.

Can Anyone Use Flower Essences?

Yes absolutely. This is one of the few modalities that can be used by the very young to the very old, during illness and pregnancy. As we are working with pure vibration, you can do no harm at all. Animals love flower essences too.

During pregnancy or with the very young or old - it is recommended to use dosage dilution and to add drops to water so that the effect of the brandy is minimised.

Flower Essences are preserved in brandy (or sometimes vodka) and so if you/your client does not wish to ingest alcohol, then you can use the essences topically, for example in misters or creams.


Page 12: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

What Do Flower Essences Do?

Vibrational medicine is one of the oldest kinds of medicine known to man. For centuries flower essences have been used to harmonise emotional trauma. Dr Edward Bach reintroduced the world to healing of flower essences back in the 1930s and now there are hundreds of flower essences from all the over the world.

Flower essences are liquid plant preparations which carry the unique imprint of the healing properties of the flower.

Each flower carries a unique message of healing – whether it is a large, sun-loving brightly coloured flower or a tiny, pastel flower growing in the shade. Science is now confirming that we too (our cells, molecular structures and atoms) are made up of vibrating energy and that each part of our body vibrates at a different rate.

Every plant, flower, tree also vibrates at a certain frequency and therefore by ingesting the essence or by applying it topically, our bodies and minds are reminded of the “correct” frequency, “healthy” vibrational patterns are reintroduced and our bodies are reminded of a more perfect model of health.

Science is also now confirming that our vibrational patterning begins in the womb and that our cells carry the memories of our parent’s emotions, of our birth, childhood and so on.

Every thought, experience you have ever had is recorded in your energy system. We all experience trauma in our lives of some kind whether it is caused by illness, accident, abuse, chronic stress levels just to name a few.


Page 13: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Modern society teaches us to bury our emotions and to get on with our lives – however, it is now becoming more and more apparent – with the early onset of chronic sickness, allergies and autoimmune diseases – that our bodies and minds are no longer coping.

Looking after our physical bodies through diet, exercise and appropriate therapy is invaluable – however true healing is only restored when we also include our emotional health.

Flower essences have the ability to harmonise emotional trauma. This is the unique gift of the flowers – they enable us to gently let go of the trauma stored in our cellular memory, they teach us to face our life challenges with an open heart, with love, openness and forgiveness for others but most importantly for ourselves.

Flower essences help us to remember who we really are, to understand how we have played a part in creating our life situations and to offer our unique gifts to the world. When we are more at peace with ourselves, our energy flows more easily and the physical body is able to begin to heal.


Page 14: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Flower Essences From Around the World: Which Range of Essences Should I Use?

Many people feel quite overwhelmed when they realise just how many flower essence ranges are available today. “How do I choose which range to use?”, is a question I am often asked.

There is no easy and quick answer to this question – except to say that most of the time the range you need right now is the one right under your nose as for whatever reason this energy has found its way into your life.

When I first began using flower essences, it was the Bach range that I used, introduced to me at the time by my hairdresser. For several years I read everything I could about the Bach Essences and used many of the essences very successfully on myself, friends and family.

Today many years later I still use the Bach range almost daily. I find they are particularly useful to treat different personality types and with some research and perseverance, we can all usually find our constitutional type essence in this range.

For example, if you are someone who worries continuously about those around you, you may be a Red Chestnut (photo featured above) type. Taking Red Chestnut will help you envision more positive outcomes for those you love, freeing your and their energy up to move forward.

Another example is how you are when you have, for example, a cold. If you are impatient to get well and dislike resting, you may be an Impatiens type. If you ignore your bodily symptoms and keep pushing forward (often ending in exhaustion), you may be an Oak type. Or if you like to be left alone and withdraw into yourself, you may be a Water Violet type.

Finding your own constitutional type can be a lot of fun!

In the courses I run, we encourage you to learn about and experience many different ranges of flower essences. There are so many beautiful flower, plant, tree and mineral energies just waiting to be of help. Our Practitioner Diploma gives extensive information about 12 different ranges, including the Bach range.

In this e-book, essences from 4 different ranges are mentioned. Here is a brief overview:


Page 15: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Bach Essences (see above for more information).

Australian Bush Essences - Created by Ian White, this range of essences is widely used throughout the world and is known for its amazing combinations and strong, vibrant energy.

Alaskan Essences - Created by the late and much missed Steve Johnson and known for their purity and ability to work with deep, soul issues.

MoonFlower Essences - This is my own range and are unique in that they are made in sunlight and moonlight. As a sensitive person myself, this range also works very well for sensitive people - offering gentle yet profound shifts in consciousness. These essences (not surprisingly..) also have specific essences that have been co-created to support healers as they create and grow their own healing businesses.

The range you should begin with is always the range that your heart calls you to which one is it?


Page 16: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Discover 10 Flower Essences to Infuse your Healing Practice with the Magic of

the Nature Kingdom

So here are the flower essences that have chosen to come forwards to give you a taste of how this amazing modality can empower you and your practice. It was really hard choosing just 10 …...and I’ve done my best to keep this really practical and usable from the outset.

The Essences below are not in an order of popularity and the order in which these essences are presented are not in any order of which essence you should buy first - meaning that the Essence at # 10 is no less “important” than the essence at #1.

Having said that though, I do believe that in general if we only ever had one essence, it would a type of “Rescue Remedy”.

You can find full details of how to purchase all essences on Pages 27-28 below, including a special thank you coupon if you’d like to purchase any of the MoonFlower Essences.

I have also arranged the essences into areas of importance for any Complementary Health Practitioner and Practice.

Dissolving shock and trauma with “Rescue Remedy”

EVERYone needs a bottle of “Rescue Remedy” in their homes.

Is there a time in your life when something sad or traumatic happened to you and you feel that you have never totally recovered?

A friend shared with me that he had not felt truly well since a bereavement of one of his pets over 10 years ago. Of course we all have life experiences which stay with us forever in our hearts and we would not want it any other way – however, the kind of life event I am talking about here is more an inner knowing that something


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shifted out of synch within us at that time of shock or trauma...and stayed that way.

I believe that having a bottle of essences that you can take immediately to ease any shock or dis-ease from your energy system is of such healing benefit to you.

And if you are a health professional, you will be meeting many clients who are consulting you as a result of a health challenge, bereavement or similar situation.

What is a “Rescue Remedy”?

The phrase “RESCUE Remedy” was first used by Dr Bach and this is the name he gave his combination of healing flowers designed to ease shock and stress in the energy system. RESCUE Remedy is now the registered name of the combination produced and sold by Nelsons Natural World.

Many flower essence producers now have their own combination of flower (and sometimes gem) essences that are especially created to be taken at the time of shock and trauma.

“I jumped out of my skin!”

Flower Essences work on our energy bodies – the layers of subtle energy that surrounds each of us and includes our chakras and meridians.

You may well have heard some of the common phrases we use when something happens that upsets or shocks us – such as “I jumped out of my skin” or ” I was beside myself”.

This phrase gives us a picture of exactly what happens when we experience shock or trauma – as a healing mechanism to help us cope more easily at the time of the shock, the alignment of our energy bodies changes so that we don’t feel so acutely and our heart is protected from the rawness of the situation.

This is how it should be for that time – however, if we do not process the shock/digest these emotions, then years later, our energy bodies may still be out of alignment.

So here are some easy ways to help yourself, those you love and of course your clients:


Page 18: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

1. Taking essences will not change what happened but will help dissolve the shock from your energy system.

Take it as soon as you can – or give it to the person affected. Drops under tongue, in water or the wrist if the person is not able to take orally. You can take as often as you wish – you cannot take too much of a flower essence.

2. If the shock is deep, keep taking the essence for several weeks – even months after the event. This can only help you process how you feel and support you as you move forward.

3. Use your own personal favourite combination in your bath, in your body lotion, make a mister and spray in your personal space – this is very soothing to your energy system.

4. Keep the bottle in your bag so that you can use it quickly and easily; keep another at home and at work. You just never know when you might need it.

Star of Bethlehem (photo on the left) is one of the flower essences in Rescue Remedy.

She is also a wonderful essence to take singly and brings peace and solace to your heart and soul during challenging times.


Page 19: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Here are my favourite “Rescue Remedies”:

Essence #1: Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence

If you are looking for simplicity and solace, Star of Bethlehem offered as a single essence can help to ease a broken heart, and keep the person calm and focused whilst experiencing life challenges.

Healing Herbs Five Flower Combination. This is the “Rescue Remedy” that I use in my practice and prescribe often to clients as a first essence - especially when trauma/shock/sudden illness has been experienced and they are new to flower essences.

Alaskan Essences Soul Support. Like Star of Bethlehem and the Five Flower Combination above, this essence can be offered to anyone who has experienced a life challenge and will support beautifully. I tend to use this essence with people who have already experienced how a flower essence works and may be processing a life challenge on a soul level.

Keeping Your Energies and Space Clear with Fringed Violet and Purification

Do you feel easily overwhelmed? Feel drained after seeing clients? Feel extra sensitive in the lead up to or during your menstrual cycle? And even decide not to do certain activities or accept invitations as you know this will knock you off balance?

Many of us feel easily overwhelmed by the pace of life, drained by going into places where there are many people or discordant energies such as hospitals, shopping centres and workplaces. Even over use of mobiles and computers can contribute to just being plain exhausted by the end of the day.

And if you run a busy practice and see clients all day most days, it will be highly important for you to keep your own energy vital and for your practice room to be kept clear energetically between clients.

If any of the above resonates with you - here are two wonderful essences that can help to protect you energetically:


Page 20: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Essence #2: Purification (Alaskan Essences)

Purification is a combination of flower, gem and environmental essences from the Alaskan system. It contains Cattail Pollen, Chalice Well, Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Labrador Tea, Malachite, River Beauty, Ruby and White Fireweed

It’s really useful to use as a simple and highly effective space clearing mister in your practice room (see pages 9-10 for instructions to make a mister). Mist yourself before and after each session to ensure your own energies are clear and also mist

your healing space.

This essence combines Black Tourmaline, Fireweed, Portage Glacier and Sweet grass which release old, outdated energy from all parts of your energy system (including spaces in your home or practice) and introduce fresh, pure energy to re-energise and bring balance.

Essence #3: Fringed Violet (Australian Bush Essence)

Fringed Violet is a flower essence from the Australian Bush range and is wonderful for anyone who is sensitive to energies and may feel drained when surrounded by many people or by “strong” energies.

As a healer if you see client after client, Fringed Violet take internally (put some in your drinking water and sip throughout the day) will

help you stay calm and grounded in your own energy.

You can also make up a space clearing mister and use this to mist around your body at the beginning and end of each day. (See pages 9-10 for instructions to make a mister).

Fringed Violet has the ability to seal any leaks in your subtle energy bodies - now who would NOT want to have this essence as a friend?


Page 21: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Feel empowered and confident as a practitioner

Do you ever feel disempowered as a practitioner? Doubt your gifts? Think others are better than you? Not trust that you are offering the right advice to clients?

Taking flower essences on days when you might have a tendency to doubt your intuition can make the difference between a great day and an average day. Here is a lovely essence that can help you feel confident and trust in your own intuition...

Essence #4: Cerato (Bach Essences/MoonFlower Essences)

Cerato Flower Essence puts you back in touch with your intuition and heart’s knowing - so that you listen to you and take your own counsel.

She is such a useful essence for practitioners, enabling you to respond authentically and with confidence when working with clients.

Being a blue flower she also has the ability to calm and soothe you - and is the perfect essence to take if you feel anxious and are doubting your own inner wisdom.

You will also no doubt have clients who suffer from anxiety and who doubt their own capabilities and having your own bottle of Cerato for your practice will be invaluable.


Page 22: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Life purpose

Dr Bach believed that many of our health challenges resulted from us not doing what we came here to this earth to do.

How many of us are engaged in jobs we dislike, in relationships we feel unable to disentangle ourselves from and feel powerless to change our situations?

If this feels true to you - or if you have clients who you feel may benefit from courage and strength to make life changes, then the following two essences could be very helpful...

Essence #5: Lady’s Mantle (Alaskan/MoonFlower Essences)

Lady’s Mantle is a gently uplifting essence and - just like her name - surrounds you with a cloak (a mantle) of protection so even when you are in situations that do not feel comfortable or where you feel unable to express yourself authentically, you stay connected to your core truth and therefore to who you really are.

From this place, empowerment is born and you can take the first steps towards change.


Page 23: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Essence #6: Wild Oat (Bach Essences)

A key Bach essence for truly finding out why you are here on earth is the Bach Wild Oat essence.

For the Practitioner Diploma that I run, I interviewed many different producers and heard often that Wild Oat instrumental in opening the path forwards to discovering what they were really here to do.

So if you - or your clients - have a big question such as:

What am I really here to do? What is my purpose in life?

Or a somewhat smaller but nonetheless really important question such as:

What is my next step in life?

...Wild Oat is an easy and profound essence to use.


Page 24: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Letting Go of the Past

True health is all about embracing change and to move on, we must all also choose to let go of any parts of ourselves that are no longer serving. Easier said than done - and resisting change is one of the most common reasons we can feel unwell on any level.

As a complementary health therapist, you will be meeting clients dealing with change each day and so here are two essences that can help...

Essence #7: Dandelion (Alaskan/MoonFlower Essences)

For many people resistance to change is mirrored in the physical body and one of the places we can hold tension is in the muscular system.

Flower essences do not treat the physical yet if we can become aware of where we are staying stuck in life, then we can take steps to move back into the flow of life and allow our body to relax.

Dandelion can be taken internally and is also particularly effective used topically on tight areas of the body as one of her gifts is to help us Let Go. Make up a cream using Dandelion and allow her to show you her message for you. (see page 10 for how).

If you are a massage therapist or body worker, you can use dandelion in your massage oils or reflexology waxes. This can make all the difference and will get you many repeat clients.


Page 25: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Essence #8: Northern Lady’s Slipper (Alaskan Essences)

Change can also bring about profound anxiety in the body, resulting in lack of life quality, relationships, sleep and all round health.

One of the gentlest and most blissful essences I know to help with anxiety is the Alaskan Northern Lady’s Slipper.

Taking this essence internally - or putting a few drops in your bath - helps the soul to feel safe in the physical body, allowing a relaxation and a letting go at a deep soul level.


Essence #9: She Oak (Australian Bush)

A high percentage of people who consult complementary health practices are women - and most women at certain times of their lives experience hormonal challenges - such as infrequent or painful menstrual cycles, infertility and/or menopausal difficulties.

As a therapist you will know how linked the endocrine system is in a woman to feelings of well-being.

Now if there was an essence that was easy to take, that could allow women to feel better about themselves and thereby ease some of the challenges mentioned above, would you like to know about it?

I thought so…..and this essence is She Oak.

When I first began practising as a Flower Essence Practitioner, this was THE most prescribed essence in my practice and many women came back again and again asking for a repeat bottle as they just FELT better when taking it.


Page 26: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

She Oak has been successfully used to help women overcome infertility and is also a key component of the Australian Bush Essence Combination, Woman Essence and is helpful for women of all ages.

A bottle of She Oak in your practice will be so helpful to support women between treatments - just put 7 drops of the stock essence in a dosage bottle, with one third brandy and fill up with spring water and guide them to take 7 drops twice a day. I guarantee you will have women coming back for more.

Essence #10: Pink Camellia (MoonFlower Essences)

And last but not least here is another flower essence that is all about feeling good. Pink Camellia teaches us about self-love and can be used when you wish to unfurl your full potential and offer it out to the world. It is perfect for use at any age.

It’s a lovely essence to help at any age with confidence and to impart an inner knowing that it is safe to offer your gifts to the world.

Many women also love to use this essence in face and body creams to impart a rosy glow to skin. Just place a pipette in a base cream and stir well - as you apply to the skin, take a moment to savour how this feels and over the next few days, watch your confidence

grow and the compliments arrive.

If you have clients who struggle with self-esteem, this could be an invaluable and unique way to support them between visits to you.

I really hope you have found the information in this e-book inspiring and valuable for yourself and especially as an extra way to treat your clients and manage your complementary health practice.

I’d love to welcome you on board one of our courses to learn more about the world of Flower and Vibrational Medicine. Full details are below...


Page 27: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

How to Purchase Your Chosen Essences

Bach Essences

Bach Essences are made by many producers today and so if ease of buying is important to you, you may find Bach Essences in your local pharmacy or health food store.

In my practice and on the Practitioner Diploma that I facilitate, I use and recommend the Healing Herbs Essences. You can buy all 37 of the Bach Essences here. International stockists of these essences can be found here.

MoonFlower Essences

MoonFlower Essences are available here and can be shipped to most countries in the world.

As a thank you for downloading this e-book, here is a 20% discount coupon code for MoonFlower Essences, please use the following code in the online shop when ordering: Moonflower (Please note that this coupon can be used once only.)

Australian Bush Essences and Alaskan Essences

If you live in the UK/Europe, both of the above ranges can be purchased from here.

If you live outside the UK/Europe, please visit the individual sites to find your nearest stockist or to purchase online:


Page 28: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Useful Links

Sara Estelle is passionate about helping healers experience the full magic of their true potential and live meaningful and authentic lives with the nature kingdom as their guide. To find out more about the training courses we run, please visit and explore how you can support yourself with Flower and Vibrational Medicine.

Become a Professional Flower Essence Practitioner

Would you like to add flower essences to your professional practice and become an expert in this gentle yet life-changing modality?

You can find out all about our Practitioner Diploma here, access a full course description, read testimonials from Graduates and book a Clarity call with Sara Estelle to find out if this is the right course for you.

And if you’d like to have a no-obligation chat with me to see if our Diploma is right for you, please apply HERE

Sara Estelle is also the current Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association and has her own Nature Connections podcasts, where you can listen to over 80 interviews with Flower Essence Producers and Users.

You can listen to her show here.


Page 29: Table of Contents · My flower journey began in 1988 following the early loss of my father. Seeking help from an essence practitioner, my energy and well-being returned – and life

Create Your Own Magical Healing Business

If you have a dream of running your own healing practice OR are already running your own healing practice and are looking for heart-centered ways to reach more people with less effort, you might like to explore our Create a Magical Business programmes.

I am a Certified Sacred Money Archetype Practitioner and am passionate about empowering healers share their gifts widely with the world AND allow their practices/healing businesses to nourish and nurture them.

Find out about our Create a Magical Business programme here

And if you are ready to take the leap from being a healer to being an empowered and feminine business owner, spending your days doing what you love, serving your clients to the highest level and being able to sustain yourself and your family, then I invite to join me for my FREE Training

“5 Secrets to Transform your Healing Practice into a Thriving Business”

Just click HERE to register for your FREE place now.

I look forward to seeing you there