Table des abréviations et acronymes -...

Table des abréviations et acronymes 4D-VAR Four Dimensional Variational method ACE Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACP Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics journal ACVE Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of Envisat workshop AFGL Air Force Geophysics Laboratory AK Averaging Kernel AMT Atmospheric Measurement Techniques journal ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (DE) BASCOE Belgian Assimilation System of Chemical Observations from Envisat BUV Backscatter Ultraviolet Cal/Val Calibration and Validation CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CFC Chlorofuorocarbon CHEOPS-GOME Climatology of Height-resolved Earth Ozone and Profiling Systems for GOME CHMI Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CZ) CINAMON Characterisation, Interpretation, Application and Maturation of En- visat data CIRA COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere CLAES Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) COSPAR Commitee On Space Research CQD Centred Quartile Distance CRISTA CRyogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmos- phere CRPSM Centro di Ricerca Progetto San Marco - University of Roma (IT) DEA Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies DFS Degree of Freedom of the Signal DIAL Differential Absorption Lidar DISORT Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer model DLR Deutsches zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DE) DMI Danish Meteorological Institute (DK) DOAS Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy 229

Transcript of Table des abréviations et acronymes -...

Table des abréviations et acronymes

4D-VAR Four Dimensional Variational methodACE Atmospheric Chemistry ExperimentACP Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics journalACVE Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of Envisat workshopAFGL Air Force Geophysics LaboratoryAK Averaging KernelAMT Atmospheric Measurement Techniques journalATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis DocumentAWI Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (DE)BASCOE Belgian Assimilation System of Chemical Observations from EnvisatBUV Backscatter UltravioletCal/Val Calibration and ValidationCEOS Committee on Earth Observation SatellitesCFC ChlorofuorocarbonCHEOPS-GOME Climatology of Height-resolved Earth Ozone and Profiling Systems

for GOMECHMI Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CZ)CINAMON Characterisation, Interpretation, Application and Maturation of En-

visat dataCIRA COSPAR International Reference AtmosphereCLAES Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon SpectrometerCNES Centre National d’Etudes SpatialesCNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)COSPAR Commitee On Space ResearchCQD Centred Quartile DistanceCRISTA CRyogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmos-

phereCRPSM Centro di Ricerca Progetto San Marco - University of Roma (IT)DEA Diplôme d’Etudes ApprofondiesDFS Degree of Freedom of the SignalDIAL Differential Absorption LidarDISORT Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer modelDLR Deutsches zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DE)DMI Danish Meteorological Institute (DK)DOAS Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy



DORIS Doppler Orbitography by Radiopositioning Integrated on SatelliteDU Dobson UnitDWD Deutscher Wetterdienst (DE)EC European CommissionECC Electrochemical CellECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsECV Essential Climate VariableEnSci Environmental Science CorporationENSO El niño Southern OscillationEnvisat ESA ENVIronmental SATelliteEOS-Aura Earth Observing System - Aura platformERA-40 A Forty-Year European Re-AnalysisERBS Earth Radiation Budget SatelliteERS European Remote Sensing satellitesESA European Space AgencyESABC ENVISAT Stratospheric Aircraft and Balloon CampaignsEUMETSAT European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satel-

litesEUROSOLVE Improved understanding of stratospheric ozone loss by collaboration

with the SAGE III ozone loss and validation experimentFMI Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI)FP6 Sixth Framework Programme of the European CommissionFRESCO Fast Retrieval Scheme for Cloud ObservablesFTIR Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometerFTS Fourier Transform SpectrometerFWHM Full Width at Half MaximumFY-3 FengYun 3 chinese satellitesFZK-IMK Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - Institut für Meteorologie und Klima-

forschung (DE)GAS GMES Atmosphere ServiceGAW Global Atmospheric WatchGBMCD Ground-Based Measurements and Campaign DatabaseGCOS Global Climate Observing SystemGEO Group on Earth ObservationsGeo-fit Retrieval analysis of a complete orbit into a simultaneous fitGEOMON Global Earth Observation and Monitoring of the atmosphereGEOSS Global Earth Observation System of SystemsGMES Global Monitoring for Environment and SecurityGMTR Geo-fit MultiTarget Retrieval modelGOME Global Ozone Monitoring ExperimentGOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of StarsGOPRWG GOME Ozone Profile Retrieval Working GroupHALOE Halogen Occultation ExperimentHFC HydrofluorocarbonHITRAN HIgh-resolution TRANsmission molecular absorption database


IASB-BIRA Institut d’Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique - Belgisch Instituut voorRuimte Aëronomie

IASI Interféromètre Atmosphérique de Sondage InfrarougeIFAC Istituto di Fisica Applicata "Nello Carrara" (IT)IFOV Instantaneous Field of ViewIGACO Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation strategyIMGW Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (Institut of Meteoroly

and Water Management, PL)INPE Insituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (BR)INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in EuropeINTA Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (ES)IPCC/GIEC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / Groupe d’experts in-

tergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climatIPF Instrument Processing FacilityIR InfraredIRM-KMI Institut royal météorologique de Belgique - Belgisch Koninklijk Me-

teorologisch Instituut (BE)ITCZ Inter-Tropical Convergence ZoneIUP Bremen Institut für Umweltphysik - Universität Bremen (DE)JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JP)JGR Journal of Geophysical ResearchJMA Japan Meteorological Agency (JP)JOSIE Jülich Ozone Sonde Intercomparison ExperimentJPL NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (US)KNMI Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (NL)KOPRA Karlsruhe Optimized and Precise Radiative transfer AlgorithmLidar Light Detection and RangingLIDORT Linearized Discrete Ordinate Radiative TransferLOS Line of SightLRZ Leibniz Rechenzentrum (DE)LTE Local Thermodynamic EquilibriumMACC Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and ClimateMAESTRO Measurements of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Tropos-

phere Retrieved by OccultationMASI Model Assimilation and Satellite IntercomparisonMCH MeteoSchweiz - MétéoSuisse (CH)ME Met Éireann - The Irish Meteorological Service (IR)MetOp METeorological Operational satellitesMIPAS Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric SoundingMLS Microwave Limb SounderMSC Meteorological Service of Canada (CA)Multi-TASTE Technical Assistance to ESA and Third Party Missions validationMW MicrowaveMW MicrowindowNAO Northern Atlantic Oscillation


NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)NAT Nitric Acid TrihydrateNDACC Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition ChangeNH Northern HemisphereNIES National Institute for Environmental Studies (CA)NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NO)NIMBUS Series of american meteorological satellitesNIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research (NZ)NNORSY Neural Network Ozone Retrieval SYstemNOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US)NPOESS National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite SystemNRT Near Real TimeNSIDC National Snow and Ice Data CenterNSMC National Satellite Meteorological Center (CN)O3M-SAF Ozone and Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring - Satellite Applica-

tion FacilityOE Optimal EstimationOFL Off-LineOMI Ozone Monitoring InstrumentOMPS Ozone Mapping and Profiler SuiteOPERA Ozone Profile Retrieval AlgorithmPFC PerfluorocarbonPMD Polarization Measurement DevicePOAM Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement instrumentsPRODEX PROgramme de Développement d’EXpériences scientifiquesPROMOTE PROtocol MOniToring for the GMES Service Element : AtmospherePSC Polar Stratospheric CloudsPTR Phillips-Tikhonov RegularizationQA4EO Quality Assurance framework for Earth ObservationQBO Quasi Biennal OscillationQWG Quality Working GroupRIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (NL)SAGE Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas ExperimentSAO Semi-Annual OscillationSAWS South African Weather Service (ZA)SBUS Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet SounderSBUV Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet InstrumentSCD Slant Column DensitySCIAMACHY SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric Carto-

grapHYSCISAT Canadian scientific satelliteSECPEA Space-based Exploration of the Chemistry and Physics of the Earth’s

AtmosphereSESAME Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude ExperimentSH Southern Hemisphere


SHADOZ Southern Hemisphere Additional OzonesondesSNR Signal to Noise RatioSOLVE SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation ExperimentSPARC Stratospheric Processes And their Role in ClimateSPC Science Pump CorporationSPE Solar Proton EventSPOT Satellite Pour l’Observation de la TerreSRON Space Research Organisation of the Netherlands (NL)SSBUV Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet instrumentSZA Solar Zenith AngleTASTE Technical Assistance to Envisat Validation by Spectrometers, Radio-

meters and SondesTEMIS Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet ServiceTES Tropospheric Emission SpectrometerTHESEO Third European Stratospheric Experiment on OzoneTOA Top Of AtmosphereTOMS Total Ozone Mapping SpectrometerTOU Total Ozone UnitUARS Upper Atmosphere Research SatelliteULB Université Libre de BruxellesULg Université de LiègeUN United NationsUNEP/PNUE United Nations Environment Programme / Programme des Nations

Unies pour l’EnvironnementUNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change /

Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur le Changement ClimatiqueURAP UARS Reference Atmosphere ProjectUTC Temps universel coordonnéUTLS Upper Troposphere Lower StratosphereUV UltravioletVINTERSOL Validation of INTERnational Satellites and study of Ozone LossVIS VisibleVMR Volume Mixing RationWCRP World Climate Research ProgrammeWMO/OMM World Meteorological Organisation / Organisation Meteorologique

MondialeWOUDC World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data CentreWP WorkpackageZSW Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung (DE)



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