T206-Script for final project

1 INT. APARTMENT OFFICE – NOON 1 MEGAN, a single and successful woman lives in downtown Detroit and she has just arrived home from her job, which is head chef at a luxurious downtown restaurant. As a hobby she writes horror stories on her blogs, and has a lot of followers. She is currently talking to her dog while waiting for JANE, her best friend since kindergarten and she is currently wearing a gray with black trim skirt suit, and smells of the kitchen. MEGAN Wow, look at this bud. We have ten thousand more followers than last week. One day there’s going to be millions of people reading my stories. Oh I forgot to feed you, I’m so sorry. I have a special meal for you today! Megan feeds the dog a bloody piece of meat as Jane Walks through the door. MEGAN Hey, what’s going on? Read this story and tell me what you think. Jane begins to read the article. MEGAN So how do you like the story so far? JANE I don’t really get it, please explain. MEGAN Well the main character is Jack. His mother died from a heart attack a month ago in his house. Ever since her death some eerie things have been happening around the house. One night as he was sleeping he felt a rush of cold air travel up his spine. He woke up terrified and saw his mother’s ghost standing at the door. She let out a horrendous screech; out of fear Jack calls the police-


INT. APARTMENT OFFICE – NOON 1 MEGAN Wow, look at this bud. We have ten thousand more followers than last week. One day there’s going to be millions of people reading my stories. Oh I forgot to feed you, I’m so sorry. I have a special meal for you today! Megan feeds the dog a bloody piece of meat as Jane Walks through the door. Jane begins to read the article. 1

Transcript of T206-Script for final project

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MEGAN, a single and successful woman lives in downtown Detroit and she has just arrived home from her job, which is head chef at a luxurious downtown restaurant. As a hobby she writes horror stories on her blogs, and has a lot of followers. She is currently talking to her dog while waiting for JANE, her best friend since kindergarten and she is currently wearing a gray with black trim skirt suit, and smells of the kitchen.


Wow, look at this bud. We have ten thousand more followers than last week. One day there’s going to be millions of people reading my stories. Oh I forgot to feed you, I’m so sorry. I have a special meal for you today!

Megan feeds the dog a bloody piece of meat as Jane Walks through the door.

MEGAN Hey, what’s going on? Read this story and tell me what you think.

Jane begins to read the article.

MEGAN So how do you like the story so far?

JANE I don’t really get it, please explain.

MEGAN Well the main character is Jack. His mother died from a heart attack a month ago in his house. Ever since her death some eerie things have been happening around the house. One night as he was sleeping he felt a rush of cold air travel up his spine. He woke up terrified and saw his mother’s ghost standing at the door. She let out a horrendous screech; out of fear Jack calls the police-

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JANE What did the police do? There’s no way they believed him.

MEGAN Well at first they didn’t because nothing was there when they visited. But a week later the power in Jack’s house went out. Jack didn’t think anything of it and decided to light candles around his house. Just as he is about to fall asleep he not only wakes up to his mom’s ghost again but also to a house fire, which ultimately ends up taking his life.


Ooo, that was pretty spooky, Megan. I like it.

MEGAN Thanks a lot Jane, you really know how to show some support.


Megan is currently sitting on her leather sofa, eating leftovers from the restaurant, while drinking wine and watching TV. She is wearing a sports bra and sweatpants. She begins to flip through the channels when the phone rings. Jane is on the other line.

JANE O my god, Megan are you watching the news

right now? MEGAN No, what is it?

NEWS ANCHOR Tonight around 10:30 the first floor of this house caught a blaze killing a twenty one year old man named Jack. There is no evidence as to how the fire started-


Oh my god, is that Jack Canolli’s house?

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JANE You think it’s just a coincidence and how did you know that?


What do you mean? JANE Well, it’s exactly like the story you wrote today. MEGAN Are you trying to say my story came to life? Jane I think you need some sleep. There is no way my story had any relations with Jack’s house burning down. It’s just impossible and plus fires happen everyday.


But his name was Jack, just like the main character of your story. MEGAN Jane please, there is no chance in hell that this fire is someway connected to my story. I am going to bed now. Goodnight.

JANE Your right, I’m just freaking out for no reason. I guess your story really did spook me. NEWS ANCHOR We just found out that several candles

started the house fire. Unfortunately, Jack is yet again the center of news. A while back he was accused of raping a young child-


Jane, just get some rest. My story has obviously gotten you revved up. There’s nothing to worry about, or is there? Now you’re making me wonder… JANE I doubt it, it’s just a coincidence. I’m sorry for making you paranoid. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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3 INT. MEGAN’S BEDROOM - MORNING 3 The next morning, Megan wakes up with an urge to write

another horror story for her blog. The news from last night has filled her head with ideas. She opens up her laptop and begins to write. After writing the story she feeds her dog and calls Jane to come over.

MEGAN You like that, huh? The dog barks, and Megan begins to dial Jane’s number.

MEGAN Hey Jane, can you come over and read my new story? JANE I don’t know Megan, you know what happened last time I heard your story. MEGAN Oh come on; well at least come over for some coffee. JANE Ok! I’ll be right over.


Fifteen minutes pass by and there’s a knock on Megan’s apartment door. Megan rushes to the door, eager to let Jane in. She quickly unlocks the door without even looking through the peephole. She opens the door and is startled to see that it’s a tall white man in a long khaki trench coat holding up a detective’s badge.

DETECTIVE MOONEY Hello, are you Megan McCarthy? MEGAN Yes, can I help you? Megan is standing behind the chain locked door.

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DETECTIVE MOONEY I work for the Detroit Police Department and I am investigating the fire that caused Jack Canolli’s death. It was brought to my attention that you write horror stories, is that correct? MEGAN Uh yes, I have my own blog and I write horror stories from time to time, but I write a plethora of things, why? DETECTIVE MOONEY Well first, can I come in? I just have a few questions for you. I won’t take up much of your time.


Oh, and I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is detective Brian Mooney.

They shake hands and she seats him in her lazy boy chair. While talking to the officer she discretely walks over to her computer and logs out.

MEGAN Would you like some coffee or tea detective Mooney? DETECTIVE MOONEY You can call me Brian, and no thanks. I won’t be long. MEGAN Ok, what can I do for you? DETECTIVE MOONEY Are you aware of what happened last night? It was on the late night news.

He pulls out a pen and booklet to jot notes on.

MEGAN Yes, I heard something about it.

The detective tells her the whole story, which is old news for her, but she played it off as if it were her

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first time hearing the news. After explaining the situation the detective continues to question her.


Well, now that you are aware, you can see that your horror story is all too similar to Jack Canolli’s. MEGAN (concerned) Oh my god, they do sound similar. Well, what are you trying to say? I was- DETECTIVE MOONEY Well Ms. McCarthy- MEGAN Oh, you can call Megan. DETECTIVE MOONEY Well Megan, can you tell me where you were last night at 9 p.m.? MEGAN Actually, I was finishing up my story to post on the blog. DETECTIVE MOONEY Yes, I have here that you posted you story at 10:00. Well Megan, this could have easily been any of your followers. Do you know exactly who reads your blogs? I’m only asking you this because there are a lot of freaks out there that love the thrill of stories like this and want to actually act them out in real life.

At first, Megan doesn’t know what to say, but then she quickly blurts something out.


Well there is no way for me to know every follower on my blog. But yes, I do keep in contact with a few, and they would never do such a menacing act. But if we could wrap this up I have a few things I wanted to finish before my friend came over.

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She starts to get up to walk him out of her apartment as he looks a little bit startled but satisfied with her answers at the time being. As soon as she opens the door to let Detective Mooney out, Jane shows up.

JANE Hey, what’s going on? MEGAN

Oh nothing! Detective Mooney was just leaving.

JANE Oh, okay nice to meet you detective. DETECTIVE MOONEY

We’ll be in touch. I might need your assistance in the future, if that’s all right with you? MEGAN That’s fine with me. Just let me know and it should be no problem.

Megan closes the door on Mooney and falls against the inside of the door, while releasing a big sigh.

JANE What was that all about?

MEGAN I opened the door to him thinking it was you. Then he began questioning me about my blog and if I was close to any of my followers. Oh god! JANE Just calm down Meg! Does he think it is a follower of your blog that did this?

5 INT. MEGAN’S WORK KITCHEN -NIGHT 5 Megan is wearing sleek business attire with the chef’s

uniform over it and a tall white hat. It is a busy night and Megan is forced to kick out a rude customer.


Lets go people! This food is not going to serve itself. We got a lot of customers

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coming in tonight so I want everyone to bring their A game. C’mon stop standing around and get to work!


Megan, there’s a real asshole on table 3. He is being very loud and obnoxious and has been knocking over dishes just to be difficult.


All right just point him out to me and I’ll take care of it. Thank you for notifying me about the situation. Now get back to work, I see customers at the front waiting to be seated. There is an open table in the back. GO.

Megan leaves the kitchen and begins to greet some of her usual guests then proceeds to the rude customer.

MEGAN Excuse me sir, but some of the customers have been complaining about your behavior tonight and I am going to have to ask you to politely leave. CUSTOMER Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous.

The customer creates a scene by kicking his chair over and storming out of the restaurant with his date. At the same time, the entire restaurant applauds for Megan’s actions.

MEGAN I hope you have a nice trip home. 6 INT- APARTMENT OFFICE -NIGHT 6

While Megan is typing her new horror story, her computer begins to malfunction and the setting begins to dissolve from her apartment office to an abandon city street. We see a man walk out of an apartment. He sparks up a cigarette, while waiting for a taxi.

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CUSTOMER Can I help you with something? MYSTERIOUS FIGURE

You know it’s not nice to treat people like that.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now fuck off so I can get home.


You guys are all the same. Hey it makes my job a hella lot easier.

Within a split of a second, the mysterious person

delivers a lethal blow to the customer’s head. The assailant then disappears into the dark alley.


Megan and Jane are both on their lunch breaks and are sitting at a petit table on the outside of the café. It is a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. They begin talking about everyday things, and Megan announces her recent accomplishments.

MEGAN Hey, so how was your day? JANE

People can be so rude, sometimes. I just don’t understand why.

MEGAN (laughing) Well I’m glad you had a good day. JANE

Wait a minute, why are you so happy? MEGAN My boss asked me if I wanted to be his


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JANE Wow that’s great, Megan. I’m so proud of you.


That’s not all, I also met someone at work… he’s gorgeous. JANE Wow. What’s his name? God! I’m so jealous, you know I hate you right? MEGAN (laughing) Frank the Tank; just kidding it’s Frank Richards. He’s the boss’s son. JANE (laughing) Does not surprise me at all. MEGAN Now what were you saying about rude people?


The next few minutes are clips of the past 9 killings spliced together with clips of Megan and Frank going out on dates and detective Mooney slowly putting together the murders. The shots are very short and sporadic, at the end of the montage we find out that the serial killer has murdered 9 people and is still at large. The killer is shown in each murder, but it is too hard to make out their face. During the last murder the killer made the huge mistake of leaving their first clue behind.


The cops have taped off the north side of the park and Mooney’s partner, Brett Keeler, who is very loyal and a hard working detective, finds the first clue left behind by the killer. For some reason the victim is not at the scene, but there is traces of the victim’s blood everywhere.

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DETECTIVE KEELER Hey, you guys I think I found something.

Detective Keeler bends over and picks up a bloody 9mm and places it into a plastic bag. The other cops begin to run over to him.


All right, good job! Lets bring it back to the station to run some tests on it.


We are inside the police station, in the analyst’s room. The room is well light, and is filled with random gadgets and evidence. The police analyst, a skinny tall fellow with glasses, traces the fingerprints and blood on the gun. DETECTIVE KEELER So what did you find? Police Analyst

Plenty my friend, we have fingerprints and two blood types. One belongs to our victim and another to a Frank Thomas. DETECTIVE KEELER Thank you, that’s all we need. DETECTIVE MOONEY Hmm, are you sure about that?

As if the police analyst knew Mooney was going to ask that question he quickly nods his head yes.

DETECTIVE KEELER What’s wrong Mooney? We finally have our guy. Lets go visit this Frank Thomas. DETECTIVE MOONEY I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right. I mean why did our guy screw up now and why was it so obvious?

The two file a warrant and with back up break into Frank’s house and arrest him. They find him eating

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breakfast in his kitchen. At the precinct, Frank denied everything but the cops didn’t believe him. They find out that Megan is currently talking to Frank so they call her in once more to question.

DETECTIVE KEELER Hi Megan, you’ve met my partner Mooney

before. We have been told that you have had relations with Frank Richards, is this correct?

MEGAN Yes. Why do you ask? What happened to him? DETECTIVE MOONEY We have reason to believe that he is the

serial killer we have been chasing all along. Have you seen anything out of the ordinary lately or at all since you have been with him? And how did you come to meeting Frank?

MEGAN (sobbing) Oh my god, he can’t be… DETECTIVE KEELER Have you noticed anything strange lately? MEGAN I’m not sure. We have only been seeing each

other for a couple of weeks. Do you think he will try to kill me? Oh god, how could I let him get so close to me?

Detective Mooney walks into the interrogation room. DETECTIVE MOONEY Just relax Megan, now can you tell us

anything out of the ordinary that you saw in the past couple of weeks?

MEGAN I don’t think I can be much help. Actually,

there was a room. DETECTIVE KEELER What do you mean?

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MEGAN (sobbing) There was a room in his basement. For some

reason he would never let me in it. He said that it was for his job.

We see the cops back in Frank’s apartment. They open

a door in the basement and to their surprise they find the body of the last murder.


Frank has been charged with all nine murders and is currently sitting in the courtroom. He is wearing a orange prison outfit. We see Megan sitting in the audience with Jane. The room is very stuffy and primarily light by its windows. JUDGE

Do you have any last words Mr. Richards? FRANK I promise you, you guys are making a big mistake. I am not a killer! JUDGE Frank Richards you are here by sentenced with the death penalty by way of lethal injection.

The judge pounds his gavel while the guards are

escorting Frank to his holding cell.


We see two cops sitting in their cop car, at a red light. The two cops, Mooney and Keeler, are talking about the serial killer’s sentence and if he really was the right one, while patrolling the streets of Detroit.


Do you really think Frank was the killer we were chasing? I mean I know the clues lead

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us to him but something just didn’t feel right about it. DETECTIVE KEELER Oh come on man, you don’t really believe that. What makes you think that we caught the wrong guy?


I don’t know, when I saw him in the courtroom pleading innocent, I actually believed him. His face was so- DETECTIVE KEELER (laughing) You okay their buddy? I think your just tired- DISPATCH A disturbance has been called in on the corner of 4th and Washington.

Detective Mooney looks over to detective Keeler with a weird grin on his face. They proceed to speed off into the distance.


The cops are walking around an ex-mobsters house inspecting the scene. The back door is broken and there is glass all over the ground. We see a blood trail to the back door.

COP1 This is where the body was, and from the

blood trails you can see that he was dragged to the back door. DETECTIVE MOONEY

Shit, this work looks very similar to our guy. DETECTIVE KEELER

Yea, that’s exactly what I was thinking. You think it was a copycat?

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DETECTIVE MOONEY It has to be a copycat, it’s either that, or we caught the wrong guy. COP1 We have some witnesses for you over here sir. DETECTIVE MOONEY Lead me to them.

13 EXT. FRONT YARD OF MOBSTER’S HOUSE- NIGHT 13 Two guys are standing at the foot of the driveway.

They are both wearing a silk suit with a black undershirt and both have a gold necklace. There are cop vehicles of all sorts surrounding the house. The two detectives are walking towards the men.

DETECTIVE MOONEY All right guys, so what can you tell me? BODYGUARD2 That bitch killed our boss. Bodyguard1 slaps bodyguard2 in the back of the head. BODYGUARD1 What he meant to say is, it was a girl, and

yes we saw her. She was five feet away from me, but the lights were busted. So I couldn’t really see her face.

DETECTIVE KEELER So, what are you trying to tell me? Did you see her face or not? BODYGUARD2

Nope. She was a pro, I only saw a glimpse of her.


I truly was surprised once I saw that some girl had the skill and determination to take out our boss. She definitely knew what she was doing.

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DETECTIVE KEELER Do you have any idea what direction she ran off too? BODYGUARD2 None, she started shooting at us once she realized we were there. Damn near hit me right in the chest. DETECTIVE MOONEY (holding card out) All right thank you for your time, you have helped us tremendously to this point. If you have any more information, you can reach us at this number.

14 INT. APARTMENT 14 The two detectives are called to a location unknown to

us. They walk into the apartment and Mooney almost instantly recognized it. The apartment is very dim, and smells rancid. There is a dog crying in the background.

DETECTIVE MOONEY (hand over mouth)

It’s her apartment. DETECTIVE KEELER Whose apartment? DETECTIVE MOONEY It’s Megan’s, do you listen to anything I say. DETECTIVE KEELER Wait are these cases tied together-

15 INT. MEGAN’S APARTMENT – NEXT NIGHT 15 Megan is sitting at her desk trying to write her next

story. She begins to have trouble coming up with an idea, and the same scary story comes to mind.

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MEGAN Why can I not think of a story? Pretty soon I’m not going to have any more hair. As if the computer was answering her question, her

conscious displayed text on the screen. CONSCIOUS/COMPUTER

Because an innocent man died on your behalf. MEGAN I had to use him as a decoy, otherwise Mooney would have-

Text begins to appear on the computer screen again. COMPUTER/CONSCIOUS Would have what? If he were to catch you,

it would have been your destiny. MEGAN But the world needs me; there are too many

bad people out there. COMPUTER/CONSCIOUS Did need you, you have become one of those

bad people you fought against all this time.