t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail...

r w As IE 4 sa !'& M ?T?fe IS' U .sra . wr a J Jv v o 1 ,fA WBUEAggi ramgf ,i sea grxmr.riigjaBiiii''BE'5TrBfWJg KttiaPTWS'aiawjiHajjjw ttj-wt-i Vol. Xrir. No. 1898. HONOLULU, H. L. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1888. CO OENTQ 8UD60RIPTION PER MONTH. fck w. f ? -- i J I4 f THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at tho ofllce, Quccu Strcot, Honolulu, II. I., ovory afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents pot Month. Addicis nil Communications Daily BlUJiliTIN. Advertisements, tc unsuio inscitlon, should ho handed in before ono o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor JAS G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 2DG Mutual Telephone No. 250 Daily Bulletin Summary Published twice a Month. An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to CO column-- ) of reading matter on local top- ics, and a complete resume of'IIonolulu and Island News. It is tho best paper tmbllshcd In the Kingdom to send to friends abioad. Subset iption (mailed) S2.G0 a year. Commission Merunants. TT JEXA.CH:iri3JL.D & Co., General Commission Agents. (7G ly Honolulu G. W. MACFAE.LANE & Co. MPOIVTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen Btrect, - - - 1618 C- - BREWER & COMPANY, . (Limited) Ukkjuial Meucantile and Commission Agkits. wst of ofk1ckks: P. O. Jokes, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oaiitkb .Treasurer & Scorotary diuectoiis: Hon. O. It. Uisuop. S. C. Allen, H. WATKBIIOUSli. 33b ly J"OHN T. WATERHOUSE, t) Importer and Healer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cistle.-- J. B. Athcrlon-- G. P. Castle & Cooke, Castle Shippiug and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 Kiug st., Honolulu. 1 Clanu Sprcckels. Wm. Q. Irwin. Irwin & Company, WGt. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, SaP, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. fort aud Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 QRINBAUM St CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, aud 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. K. Lowers, Y. J. Lowioy, 0. II. Cooke. L EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importors and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Gonsalves &t Oo., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Heaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of tho New Store3 in tho 'JLMioniu ISIock, King Street, Three doors from Castle & Cookcs', Whore ho is proparcd to mami (acinic all ilnds rf Jewelry, 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I aiutual Tel. an. . Hell Tel. 30S5. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. OrJers taken for Newspapers, Period!, call, Books, Music, etc, from any part of (ho world, having made all arrange-incut- s thciofor whilst In San Finnclscu, lied Rubber Slumps to Order. 71 jTF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advertiso it iu the Daily Bulletin Prorcssionals. M. THOMPSON, A.ttovnoy-itt-Xjn-- Olllcc in C.uupbell'8 mock, Cor. Foit & Merchant SI-.- , Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. tSJ" When ilcsii id, will nivc the law in a written opinion, as to tho probable ie-su- it of the contention upon the tacts slated. lflSSlv M. MONSARRAT, ATTOBNKY AT LAW and Notary Public, llcil Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Lonn3 ucgotla ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant St. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 BROWN, Attoinernnd Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgmouts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant ttreet, Hono-'nl- u. 1 J, Alfred Magoon, AT 1 OHNE1 AT LAW. 178 4'J Moichnnt street, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HAS3INGER, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllcc, Honolulu. VETJEllTNAltY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, xjl" 'Veterinary ytiifjeon. Oilleo and Itesidence: 1G0 Kiug street Mutual Telephone US-I- Oidors left at Hotel Stabes will bo rcceivcti and promptly attended to. 43 lim T H. SOPBB, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner SiMh and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, Snu Fiauoibco, 23 MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLSC For the Islnud of Oahu. Ofllce, Gov't Building, Honolulu. aotf It. M. BISNSOM . G. W. bMITII. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Booiiclio & Scecblk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Stclccckci's Perfumes and Toilet . licqulsites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WnOLESALK AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, nono-21- 0 Honolulu, U. I. WENNER & CO. SIunuDivtui'iiis .Jeweller, NO. 03 i'OKT STiiaSIST. Conet'intly on hand a largo assortinen of every descriptionof Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Waro, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities', is prepared lo till orders at short uotice. ISol tf iraiii CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all houis.dnynnd night. Rnddlo Horses, Buggies, Wngonpttes and Village Carts witu stylish and gpntlo horses lo let. FOll SALE. A fow Hoises, givirantncd. Second hand Hacks, Ojicn and Top Buggies, Caitsand llnruees. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring 'up Telophone H3, or apply ft MIMiS & IIAY03Y. 1R74 lv Steam Works, Sunnv South 'J'olo, Bell 173,ilutualSlG Depot, Mcrohnnt Sticet Te)o, Bill 112, Mutual MO. Fnnhi The undersigned halng puiclnsr-- tho business of the Tahiti Lcmmimlo Works, lho depot has beeii removed to No. 23 Sleichnnt Street. All orders for Aerated Waters maim factuicd uttlio uhoveeitablishmeut m11 receive prompt aticniion. J. E. BltOWN L Co. P. O. Box 409. 1829 NOTICE. MU. John Magrou Is authorized to collect for our account, and sign Hf.olpts J. 13 BltOWNitGO. Jan. 10, 18S8. im TF YOU LOSE, ANYTHING, X advertiso it iu the Daily Bulletin. Boaver y4jalii Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooffee at 11 Hours The luostBiM dot Cigars & 1 ohacco always on hand. H. J. NOLTJD, Proprietor. STEAM CANDY FACTORY V3VX XIA.JC33IfST. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. Xer38T Telephone 74 WM. MeCAWBIESM, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Jtcor, Toal, aiiitton, S'lHli, Ac, &p Family and Shipping Ordcricaiofully attended to. Live stock furnished to vcosels at shoit notice, and Vegetables nf nil kinds supplied to order, "4(1 ly TJCJID Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 It D. ICIEMIB k Co. Amission j lercliants SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval Stores Sz Groceries ItrlcIiH, Iilmo JSl Cement. Families nnd Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. EST ISLAKD ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 470. No. 20 Fort st,, op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf. 1800 tf PolM lips SM Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heifer Calves from 1 0 tu 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, June 21, 1837. 70 Continental and Colonial AGEMCY. 36 Rue doDunkorque, - -- Paris. Executes Indents for every description of Tiench, Belgian, Swis, GemiHU, and English Goods, at tho best Munufiicturers' Lowest Prices. Commission. Two and. a Half per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Cllcnia. Orlgiual Invoices forivnrded wlicnrttiuesteil. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. Tho Agency Ucnre-ent- , Buys, and Sells, f r Home ami Colouhtl Firms. Ph'co Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks, Velvets, Tiwus, Chlnt7.cs, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Lace3, Gloves, Fiinges, Paraaols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots unci Shoes, Gluts, and Ohlna.wnro, Clucks, Watches, Juwclliy, Fancy Goods. Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments, Fans', Ecclesiastical nnd Optical Goods, Mirrors, Tojs. Perfumery, Wines, Ac , Oilman's btores, Bcok, Aitistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, &c, i&o. 180 ly H Tahiti Lemonade Works. who havo on baud any of our Bottles or Cases, would greatly oblige by tending wor( to the Depot. 28 Merchant street, and they will at once he called foi. Our Buttles are all ciystul valve, aud tint words 'TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS" blown tin icon. Boll Telephone 174. Mutual Tileohone 8C0. ID tf I E- BROWN & CO. F YOU WANT A SERVANT, . ndroiilsc iu the Daily Bulletin, BAMMR in EMBROIDERIES. BARGAIN, BARGAIN. BARGAIN, Embroideries, Embroideries, AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Port Street, Honolulu. N. S. SACM8, - - - Proprietor. Hamburg and Swiss Edgings ! ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES ! Ohildren's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt and Holoku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIUECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE, Thcieby baving United States Duty. The Entire Lot will be offered at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, sxstsseaesES A. MORGAN, Blsiclcsmitli Work, ?vT31 Painting- - and t' uiaiiMT 19 k 81 Kin Street, - - - - oil Rase Premises. DEiitrauccs J.V0111 ISiup: tviitl 3Xcxcltuut St. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a tirst.class manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Telephone, G1"5& (mrh 1.88-ly- ) CSTBell Telephone, 107-- a HAY AY and-GHA- IN CI; Largest Stocks, , Choicest Telephones 175. Corner JOM IDT! i. 8 co r-- i p r.-j- ,vfcj; VVAiSS " S $& CnrrLago Building, C3 YrWi vi lrJ Trimming. duality, Lowest Tices, n9 Edinburgh & Queen Streots. Kaahumanti Street. 0 TjC AJT"' Sj m Vi TJ Granite, iron and Tin Ware Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, IHIouse ICeepirsgf Goods, PLUMBING, TIM, COPPER AHB 098 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO. EN&ELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Nott). Importer unci Dealer In STOVES, CHAHDSLIERS, LAMPS, OHOOKKHY, GLABbWAltE, llUUt-- FUKNIBH1NO 1IAHPWAKE, AGATE I HON AND TINWAHB Agent HalFs Bafo and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Fort Street. 57- - Store formerly occupied by S. N'JT, opr-oblt- Bpioekols & Oo.'s Bank, na 1U0 EAEE OHAliCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFEIIE1) 11VTI1U Fnisifflhip I ifp inirsiipp Rn ASSSiTrt VElt OF TflK tNlTni) bTATKS. rpHK protection of Life Insuinucc combined with the Invostmenl Friuciplcsof JL a Savinirs li.inK u out at the ago of 25 years : Annual Tolul Premiums Oa h Fund Premium, l'aid in 'JO yra Then due. $487 $9,740 $18,110 Estimates for different amounts and your lamny irom tuture want or proviuo Indisputable, Non.Forfeitable, A.C., &c. For full particulars, apply to Alexander 101(5 ly GBCPIMW 9 f.EORGE LUCAS, Contraotor aud Bulldcr,"; fS5 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Uspia-nad- o, Honolulu. Sranufacturcs all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all klnd3 of AYood-wor- k Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds 01 Sawing and Plan- ing, Moiticingand Tenanting. Orders, promptly attended to aud work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited 3D. MoIEEiWZIJE, Contractor nnd itullilcr. S'orca and oillccs lilted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick nnd wooden buildings, Plans aud Speculations 3- ?- Ofllcc, 110 Beretania St.; Mutual Telcpbonc, 352; Postofflco Box, 10. 322 ly PLANING MILL. Aluli.cn, near uccn St. Telephone 51!. Offico 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly rfwr? Honolulu ieon Works, cSjgSliaStenin engines, sugar mills, boil-er- coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exo cuted at short notice. 1 Horse Clipping I "JVTBATLY DONBand with despatch IN at the HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA- BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf Importer and Dtalu iu Uciith liaillen, &. CIillilrcn' Boots, Shoes and Slippers. The Ohoiccut Brands of Cigars & Tobacco AlwnyN on Hand. "Orders from tho otbci Islands solicited. 70 tf J. HOPP & CO. 7l KIiib treet. Mjnufacturcrs and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstory Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT ForBalli or Paities in small orlaigo 801 piantltcs. ly. .IVESW- - Mcrchant Tailoring Establishm't The undersigned having opened a llret- - class MerchantTullotlng Estab- - lUhiueut at the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm name of F.Hebermecher&Co. Begs Unvo to solicit tho patronage of his friends and publlo generally. fo flin F, HAoERHACHEa. rrtl-I- E ONLY LIVE PAPER i X Honolulu Tiio Dally Bulletin," 0 cents per mouth. 88U,000,UUO. T5 l'oi ley for MU UUO taken Equivalent Paid nl Annuity Up Policy for Life. for Lifo $43,000 $1,310 different ages cheerfully given Protect ior your own 01a ajje. Policies Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, D MARINE INSURANCE, Hartford Fire Insuranco Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $400,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire andMiiriuc) Capital, paid up, $2,000,080 Eouth British Fire and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Hau'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firec Marino Insur'ce Agonts. AGENTS FOU TI10 Ktsw Kiiclond MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The .ffitna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union fire anil Marine insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. HU ly Prussian National Insurance Comp y ESTABMsnnD 1840, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarki. fpHE undersigned, haviug been np. JL pointed agent of tho abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepnred to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildinw, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. H. RIBMENBOHNEIDEU, 070 ly At Wilder &Co'. Husface & Robertson, 13 XL A. Y X IT, 3T . LL orders for Cartage .promptly at. XX. tended to. Particular attention paid to tbu Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand m quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, ndjoiulng E. P. Adams & Co.'s auctlou room. 383 ly Mutual T lcphon No. 10. Tho Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Liniitccl, Keep constantly on hand for salo Steam Family and Blacktmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AEBATED WATERS. Lemon Soda nnd Ginger Alo of nil In. forlor quality, in mall bottles, as re. tilled by Clilnnmcii at Flvo cents a hot, tic, an- - not mut s not boniadoat this elnblltlimcnt, 1750 ft i 1 V -- hW Si M 4 M "JS V'i '; AW ',f

Transcript of t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail...

Page 1: t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 It D. ICIEMIB k Co. Amission j lercliants SHIP

r w


IE 4


!'& M ?T?fe IS'U .sra .

wr a J Jv v


,fAWBUEAggi ramgf ,i sea grxmr.riigjaBiiii''BE'5TrBfWJg KttiaPTWS'aiawjiHajjjw ttj-wt-i





? -- i





Is printed ami published at tho ofllce,

Quccu Strcot, Honolulu, II. I., ovory

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents pot Month.

Addicis nil Communications DailyBlUJiliTIN.

Advertisements, tc unsuio inscitlon,should ho handed in before ono o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 2DG

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Daily Bulletin Summary

Published twice a Month.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to CO

column-- ) of reading matter on local top-

ics, and a complete resume of'IIonoluluand Island News. It is tho best papertmbllshcd In the Kingdom to send tofriends abioad.

Subset iption (mailed) S2.G0 a year.

Commission Merunants.

TT JEXA.CH:iri3JL.D & Co.,

General Commission Agents.(7G ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen Btrect, - - -1618

C-- BREWER & COMPANY,. (Limited)

Ukkjuial Meucantile andCommission Agkits.

wst of ofk1ckks:P. O. Jokes, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oaiitkb .Treasurer & Scorotary

diuectoiis:Hon. O. It. Uisuop. S. C. Allen,

H. WATKBIIOUSli.33b ly

J"OHN T. WATERHOUSE,t) Importer and Healer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cistle.-- J. B. Athcrlon-- G. P. Castle& Cooke,Castle Shippiug and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers InGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 Kiug st.,Honolulu. 1

Clanu Sprcckels. Wm. Q. Irwin.Irwin & Company,WGt. Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, SaP, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. fort aud Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

QRINBAUM St CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, aud

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

K. Lowers, Y. J. Lowioy, 0. II. Cooke.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importors and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

Gonsalves &t Oo.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants289 Heaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of tho NewStore3 in tho

'JLMioniu ISIock, King Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookcs',

Whore ho is proparcd to mami (acinicall ilnds rf Jewelry, 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. Iaiutual Tel. an. . Hell Tel. 30S5.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

OrJers taken for Newspapers, Period!,call, Books, Music, etc, from any partof (ho world, having made all arrange-incut- s

thciofor whilst In San Finnclscu,

lied Rubber Slumps to Order.71

jTF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advertiso it iu the Daily Bulletin


M. THOMPSON,A.ttovnoy-itt-Xjn--

Olllcc in C.uupbell'8 mock, Cor. Foit &Merchant SI-.- , Honolulu, U. I.


tSJ" When ilcsii id, will nivc the law ina written opinion, as to tho probable ie-su- it

of the contention upon the tactsslated. lflSSlv


and Notary Public, llcil Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Lonn3 ucgotlated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant St. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190

BROWN,Attoinernnd Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgmouts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant ttreet, Hono-'nl- u.


J, Alfred Magoon,AT 1 OHNE1 AT LAW.

178 4'J Moichnnt street, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HAS3INGER,Agent to tako Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllcc,Honolulu.


A RITCHIE ROWAT,xjl" 'Veterinary ytiifjeon.Oilleo and Itesidence: 1G0 Kiug street

Mutual Telephone US-I- Oidors left atHotel Stabes will bo rcceivcti andpromptly attended to. 43 lim


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner SiMh and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, Snu Fiauoibco, 23


NOTARY PUBLSCFor the Islnud of Oahu.

Ofllce, Gov't Building, Honolulu.aotf



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Booiiclio & Scecblk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Stclccckci's Perfumes and Toilet. licqulsites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WnOLESALK AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, nono-21- 0

Honolulu, U. I.

WENNER & CO.SIunuDivtui'iiis .Jeweller,

NO. 03 i'OKT STiiaSIST.Conet'intly on hand a largo assortinen

of every descriptionof Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Waro, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities', is preparedlo till orders at short uotice.

ISol tf


Carriages at all houis.dnynnd night.Rnddlo Horses, Buggies, Wngonpttes andVillage Carts witu stylish and gpntlohorses lo let.

FOll SALE.A fow Hoises, givirantncd. Second

hand Hacks, Ojicn and Top Buggies,Caitsand llnruees.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring 'up Telophone H3, or apply ft

MIMiS & IIAY03Y.1R74 lv

Steam Works, Sunnv South'J'olo, Bell 173,ilutualSlG

Depot, Mcrohnnt SticetTe)o, Bill 112, Mutual MO.


The undersigned halng puiclnsr--tho business of the Tahiti LcmmimloWorks, lho depot has beeii removed toNo. 23 Sleichnnt Street.

All orders for Aerated Waters maimfactuicd uttlio uhoveeitablishmeut m11

receive prompt aticniion.J. E. BltOWN L Co.

P. O. Box 409. 1829


MU. John Magrou Is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

Hf.olpts J. 13 BltOWNitGO.Jan. 10, 18S8. im

TF YOU LOSE, ANYTHING,X advertiso it iu the Daily Bulletin.

Boaver y4jaliiTho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Ooffee at 11 Hours

The luostBiM dot

Cigars & 1 ohaccoalways on hand.

H. J. NOLTJD, Proprietor.


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. Xer38T Telephone 74

WM. MeCAWBIESM,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestJtcor, Toal, aiiitton, S'lHli, Ac, &p

Family and Shipping Ordcricaiofullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovcosels at shoit notice, and Vegetablesnf nil kinds supplied to order, "4(1 ly


Motropoiitaii wSl

MeatOompany8! King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

"Wholesale & Retail ButchersAND



Amission j lercliants


Naval Stores Sz GroceriesItrlcIiH, Iilmo JSl Cement.

Families nnd Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

EST ISLAKD ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 470.

No. 20 Fort st,, op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf.1800 tf

PolM lips SM

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heifer Calves from 1 0 tu 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 21, 1837. 70

Continental and Colonial

AGEMCY.36 Rue doDunkorque, - - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof Tiench, Belgian,Swis, GemiHU, and English Goods, attho best Munufiicturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission. Two and. a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Cllcnia. Orlgiual Invoices forivnrdedwlicnrttiuesteil.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Ucnre-ent- , Buys, andSells, f r Home ami Colouhtl Firms.

Ph'co Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets, Tiwus, Chlnt7.cs,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Lace3, Gloves,Fiinges, Paraaols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots unci Shoes, Gluts, andOhlna.wnro, Clucks, Watches,Juwclliy, Fancy Goods.Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments,Fans', Ecclesiastical nndOptical Goods, Mirrors, Tojs.Perfumery, Wines, Ac ,Oilman's btores, Bcok, AitisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c, i&o.

180 ly H

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

who havo on baud anyof our Bottles or Cases, would

greatly oblige by tending wor( to theDepot. 28 Merchant street, and they willat once he called foi.

Our Buttles are all ciystul valve, audtint words 'TAHITI LEMONADEWORKS" blown tin icon.

Boll Telephone 174.Mutual Tileohone 8C0.

ID tf I E- BROWN & CO.

F YOU WANT A SERVANT,. ndroiilsc iu the Daily Bulletin,



Embroideries, Embroideries,AT THE

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101 Port Street, Honolulu.

N. S. SACM8, - - - Proprietor.

Hamburg and Swiss Edgings !


Ohildren's Embroidery Flounces !

Ladies' Embroidery Flounces !

In Skirt and Holoku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIUECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE,

Thcieby baving United States Duty. The Entire Lot will be offered at

Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

Astonishing Prices,sxstsseaesES

A. MORGAN,Blsiclcsmitli Work,

?vT31Painting- - and t'


19 k 81 Kin Street, - - - - oil Rase Premises.DEiitrauccs J.V0111 ISiup: tviitl 3Xcxcltuut St.

Every description of work in the above lines performed in a tirst.class manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.Telephone, G1"5& (mrh 1.88-ly-) CSTBell Telephone, 107--a



Largest Stocks,, Choicest

Telephones 175. Corner

JOM IDT! i. 8


pr.-j- ,vfcj; VVAiSS " S

$& CnrrLago Building,C3 YrWivi lrJ Trimming.

duality,Lowest Tices,

n9Edinburgh & Queen Streots.

Kaahumanti Street.



Granite, iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,IHIouse ICeepirsgf Goods,


GEO. EN&ELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer unci Dealer InSTOVES, CHAHDSLIERS, LAMPS,


Agent HalFs Bafo and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

57-- Store formerly occupied by S. N'JT, opr-oblt- Bpioekols & Oo.'s Bank, na1U0



Fnisifflhip I ifp inirsiipp Rn

ASSSiTrt VEltOF TflK tNlTni) bTATKS.

rpHK protection of Life Insuinucc combined with the Invostmenl FriuciplcsofJL a Savinirs li.inK u

out at the ago of 25 years :

Annual Tolul Premiums Oa h FundPremium, l'aid in 'JO yra Then due.

$487 $9,740 $18,110Estimates for different amounts and

your lamny irom tuture want or proviuoIndisputable, Non.Forfeitable, A.C., &c.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander101(5 lyGBCPIMW 9

f.EORGE LUCAS,Contraotor

aud Bulldcr,"; fS5Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Uspia-nad- o,

Honolulu.Sranufacturcs all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all klnd3 of AYood-wor- k

Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds 01 Sawing and Plan-ing, Moiticingand Tenanting.

Orders, promptly attended to aud workguaranteed. Orders from the other


3D. MoIEEiWZIJE,Contractor nnd itullilcr.

S'orca and oillccs lilted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick nnd woodenbuildings, Plans aud Speculations

3-?- Ofllcc, 110 Beretania St.;Mutual Telcpbonc, 352; Postofflco Box,10. 322 ly

PLANING MILL.Aluli.cn, near uccn St.

Telephone 51!.

Offico 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

rfwr? Honolulu ieon Works,cSjgSliaStenin engines, sugar mills, boil-er-

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exocuted at short notice. 1

Horse Clipping I

"JVTBATLY DONBand with despatchIN at the HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf

Importer and Dtalu iu

Uciith liaillen, &. CIillilrcn'

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

The Ohoiccut Brands of

Cigars & TobaccoAlwnyN on Hand.

"Orders from tho otbci Islandssolicited. 70 tf

J. HOPP & CO.7l KIiib treet.

Mjnufacturcrs and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstory Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTForBalli or Paities in small orlaigo

801 piantltcs. ly.


Mcrchant Tailoring Establishm't

The undersigned having opened a llret- -

class MerchantTullotlng Estab- -lUhiueut at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

name of

F.Hebermecher&Co.Begs Unvo to solicit tho patronage of

his friends and publlo generally.

fo flin F, HAoERHACHEa.


X Honolulu Tiio Dally Bulletin,"0 cents per mouth.



l'oi ley for MU UUO taken

Equivalent Paid nl AnnuityUp Policy for Life. for Lifo

$43,000 $1,310different ages cheerfully given Protect

ior your own 01a ajje. Policies Free,

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.


MARINEINSURANCE,Hartford Fire Insuranco Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $400,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire andMiiriuc)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,080

Eouth British Fire and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Hau'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firec Marino Insur'ce Agonts.



of Boston.

The .ffitna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union fire anilMarine insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.HU ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y

ESTABMsnnD 1840,

Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarki.fpHE undersigned, haviug been np.JL pointed agent of tho abovo Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepnred toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildinw,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable InHonolulu.

H. RIBMENBOHNEIDEU,070 ly At Wilder &Co'.

Husface & Robertson,

13 XL A. Y X IT, 3T .LL orders for Cartage .promptly at.

XX. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tbu

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandm quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, ndjoiulng E. P. Adams & Co.'sauctlou room.383 ly Mutual T lcphon No. 10.

Tho Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Liniitccl,

Keep constantly on hand for salo

Steam Family and Blacktmith Coaland a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.


HIGH CLASS AEBATED WATERS.Lemon Soda nnd Ginger Alo of nil In.forlor quality, in mall bottles, as re.tilled by Clilnnmcii at Flvo cents a hot,

tic, an- - not mut s not boniadoat thiselnblltlimcnt, 1750














Page 2: t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 It D. ICIEMIB k Co. Amission j lercliants SHIP






TENDERS.Senlcd tenders will be received nt

the Interior Office until WEDNES-DAY, March 28, 1888, for mattingoffices in the Government Building.

The matting is to be of the bestquality (white) and weighing notless than 100 lbs. (. the loll, and tobe laid in n good and workmanlikemanner.

All bids must be at so much perloll laid. PniliculntH can be obtainednt the Interior Office.

The Minister of the lntorior doesnot bind himself to accept tho lowestor any bid, '

LOHKIN A. T11UKSTON,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Office, March 23, 1888.98 3t

TENDERS.Office of the Boahd of Health,)

Honolulu, H. I., Feb. 25, 1888. J

Sealed tenders will be leceived atthe Office of the Boiud of Healthuntil 12 o'clock noon, SATURDAY,Maich 24, 18SS, for tho .sale to theBoaid of Health of 200 head or lessof 2 to 3 year old heifers, suitable forbreeding;.

One tender to bo for the deliveiyof tho cattle on boaid tho vessel, andanother tender for deliveiy of thesame at Kalaunapa, Molokai.

The President does not bind him-self to accept the lowest or any bid.

N. B. EMERSON,President of the Board of Health.

75 S)t

Finance Department.

Honolulu, H. I., Feb. 10, 1SS8.

Notice i heieby given to all em-

ployees of the Hawaiian Govern-ment, and to other persons to whommoneys may be due at the HawaiianTreasury on or bofore March 31,1888, to present vouchers for fccttlc-me- nt

on or before that date; and allpersoiib having moneys on accountof the Government are requested tomake their returns promptly, inorder that theie may be no delay inclosing tho accounts for the fiscalpeiiod ending March 31, 1888.

W. L. GREEN.G8 tf Minister of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchaugo on theXSanlc 1 Cts-liibniia-, ft. XT.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, LondonTho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London.The Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Christchurch, and "Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic- -

toiia, B. C, and Portland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Businessfir,9 ly

THEgjailtj gttHitfinPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1888.


With all due deference to thesuggestion of His Honor the ChiefJustice, that it would interfere withjury trials if the evidence before acommitting magistrate is i publishedin the newspapers, we beg to statethat we think the public is entitledto know all about such proceedingsas they occur and at the time. Prob-

ably every intelligent peison in thocommunity has heaul the fullestrecital of facts or untruths as thocase may bo, concerning the con-

spiracy cases. There is no reasonwhy a correctly reported new spaperrecital would harm cither the prose-

cution or the defence.The opinion of tho committing

magistrate states merely the factswhich he personally deduces fromthe evidence, and in these particu-lar cases he expressly declared thatthis was only his own opinion, andought not to be held to affect theopinion of others, or prejudice thetho defendants. But what ought to

be laid before the public, is the ex-

act testimony which was given, themain arguments used on both sides,the rulings of tho Court at the vari-

ous stages of tie proceedings, in

fine everything in which the publichave a right to be informed andought to take an interest.

When public interest in suchmatters shall ceaso to bo felt and

'i3ywtutJlSshown, or when it shall bo calmlycontent with hearing final judicialresults, mo shall fcol that the Pressmay as well give over its duties toGovernment officials.


Mrs. Florence Schlamm, themother of Louis Schlamm, an at-

tendant in Judge Browne's court,celebrated her 102d biithday jester-day- ,

and was busy all day receivingcongratulations. Mrs. Schlamm liveswith her daughter, Mr?. MossesTaylor, nt 1,051 Lexington avenue.She was bern in Poscn on Feb. 25,1780, and came to this country in1847. She saw Napoleon Bonapartein the year of Austerlitz, and in1811, the year of the great comet,she was already a wife and mother.

Only two of her thirteen childrenarc now alive Mrs. Tay and LouisSchlamm. Last year a daughter,Mrs. Posncr, died at the age of 75.There aie Iwcnty-oii- c grandchildren,thirty-tw- o n, andtlueeThere is a difference of Ilfty-eig- ht

years between the ages of her oldestgrandchild and her youngest. Theoldest grandchild is Isaac Posuei ofNew Brunswick, N. J. Her young-est child was bom when she was 52years old. The armj- - of her des-

cendants numbers 130, and, with theexception of two in Germany, isscattered all over this country. Hergieat-giandfathc- it is a tradition,licd to the age of 120. Among hergiand children arc Samuel Posncr ofBoltiinoie, the Taylor Brothers ofthe Bowery, Mrs. Max Silberstcin,and Jlfs. J. Berliner of Corry, Pa.

Mis. Schlamm is in excellenthealth. For breakfast she takestoasted bread and coffee, and fordinner eats the same food as heryoung and vigorous

A nap after meals is herlegular rule. She takes care of her-

self and goes up and down btaiisunassisted. It is a common eventfor the old lady to sit up playingcaids until 11 p. in., and she isn'tparticular what limit is set in poker,about which game she can ghc therising genciation points. She seesplain!' without glasses, and herhearing is perfect.

Over fifty strangers came yester-day to do homage to her age. Thetheologian, Prof. Henry Gratz ofthe University of Bieslau, is hernephew, and he recently sent her aletter of congratulation. A fewyeais ago a relative went to Ger-many to establish the chain of herancestry who were claimants to apait of one of the finest avenues inBerlin. Had he been successful,Mrs. Schlamm would have beenheiress to an estate worth 3,000,000.While there he established thefacts concerning her birth and earlylife.

She received many presents offruit and flowers yesterday, and agown embroidered in gold and silver,such as were worn hi the days of heryouth. Among her visitors weicMr. and Mrs. William Ettidger, Mr.and Mis. D. C. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.Martin Simons, A. Schriver ofWilmington, N. C, and Sol. Frank-lan-d

of Nashville, Tcnn. pN. Y.Sun, Feb. 27.


One of the liimly established cos-mopolitan institutions of the world,the dress coat, has just received aserious blow. The London "Tele-graph" leports that a ball recpntlytook place in Paris, in the HotelContinental, under the auspices ofthe "Paiis Tailors and Tailoresscs,"and describes it thus :

"Most of the men wore dresscoats, white vqsts and varnishedpumps, but others aimed at original-ity, and appeared arrayed in Bky-blu- e

'claw -- hammers,' knoe breechesof white silk, and ccmlean block-ings." '

For years the dress coat has beenlike Gieat Biitain's morning iliumbeat. It has enciicle the world.It is worn, in every clinic, and, asthe "Telegraph" says, even in coun-tries wheie the British bayonetnever, never penetrated. The' fewspasmodic and individual effortsthat have been. made to alter its cutand color have always failed. Butnow such alteration appears to becountenanced by a powerful organ-ization intimately concerned in itsinanufactiiie, tho Paiis Tailors; andif these respected aitists are icallyin earnest for the change, the pres-ent form of masculine diess is inimminent danger.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles.

Hokoi.ui u, Mfi rch 2!1, USB

Company "I" Attention.All members of tho above Com-pany aro lierohy ordeied toioport at thu Armory nl 7:80o'clock, THIS (Friday) EVEN-ING- ,

VVnO in fatigue unifoun within me. A full atteudauce is es-

peciallyIII desired.U. W. ASIIFOKD,

Captain Commnndng.p. i Wickk,

First Sergeant. 98 It


qrVHE ANNUAL MEETING OV thoX Woow.awn Uaiiiy and

Co., will bo held at the office of W, OSmith, Pott stteet, on T1IUK-DA-

Mm eh 20, 1883, at 2 o'clock I. M. Afull attendance of the htouMioldcis Isdesitcd, A L SMITH,08 td Secictaty , D. ite b. Co.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX tulvcrtUe in the Daily Bulletin.

Auction Sales by James IF. Morgan,

Seplarjasli Sale!

On SATURDAY, March 24th,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M..

At ray sal03 room, Queen St., I will soilat public auctlou,

Dry Goods, Clothing,Groceries Harks Potatoes,Sacks Com, iLc.

AND AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,2 Can lagc Horses,1 Concord lluggv,1 two wheel Broke, and

1 New Top Buggy.JAS. F. MORGAN,

t'7 2t Auctioneer.

Morlgagoo's Notice of Foreclosure and


IN accordance with n power of salecontained in a cumin mortgage

made by Grace Aliut- - Dodd and JamesDodil to .loiiaihim Auiin, Triiike, datedthe i'5ih day of June, A. D. ISS'J, and recoulcd in Iicol; 102, on pag03 170 and117, in the ottlce of the Itecistrar ofCouvcjiiucos in Honolulu. Notice islureby gien Ihat the nld mortgageeIntends to forcclcse Mill moitgngu forcondition biokcn, namely : lor non-na- y

me a of principal mid interest Uponsuch foiccloMirc the mortgigco will sellor cause to be sold ut 1'tiblic Auctiou, inUoiii'lolu, on the Islnnd of O.ihu, al the

lctrouiii of James h Morgan, on SAT-U-

DAY, thoJHth day i f Match, A. D.lHiS, nt 12 o'c'ock noon, all an I sin.gnlar. tho lnnd premises tlieioln de.wiled.

liclow U a description of the j r,ipo"yto be toll and any lufuiii. Uion lehtivotheicto nviy be hud on app'yiug toi thesame to Albeit U. Smith, Allot my atJ.hw, Io. UlCialiuiuanu ttrut.


Description of Premises.: All thatceilain piece oi pn eel of laild sittrttc atKulitokaliua Plains, in Honolulu, in theIslands of Onliu, and dcscilbtd as foi.lows:

Lotsnumbeied 223, 22), 243nnd 241,on Gocnimuit Suioy Map of Kula-okah-

i Plain?, Honolulu.Beginning at a point on Berolania

sttcct, mnkai distant 100 tcct. S.Efrom Keeaumoku street and miming asfollows:

S. 08 48' E. true 200 ft. along Bore-tani- a

street.S. 21 o 13' YV. Hue 204 ft. along Lots

242 r ml 230.N. 08 48' W. true 201 ft. along

Young street.N 21 12' E. true 294 ft. along Lots

227 and 245.To the initial point, containing an

area of C3,00 squaie tctt, orl3 100acios, more "or less. The land carncsWilli it a quaiter interest in an aiUsidnwell from which it H now supplied.



The undeisigned litis j .jsl leeched directfrom tliu Iinyal Ulster Woiks,

Belfast, a specially fineassortment of

Marcus Ward's Letter Papers,Siitablc for Inter Island ami Foreign


Also, Menu, Name & Ball Programmes

In Gieat Variety.

98J A. M. I1EAVETT. Rw

NOTICEthe subsciibeis of the MutualTO Telephone Compinj : In ordu to

secure the eiy best of bcrvice the un.designed lequcslsthatnnv complaints inleganl to the liiattrntion of the opetators,oi tioublo on the lines or instruments,will bu roporled nt once to J. Piatt,Superintendent, or to

C. O. BERGER,03 lw Secretary.


TO exchange a No. 1 Pinno foi aHof-- mid I'huilon, or foi a Horse

and Brake. Inquire ut this olllcc.o:nf


rpilE undersigned having been ap.X pointed Assignee of the Estateot It. W. Luiir, lankrupt, it questsall persons who have claims against theesmte ol siiid R. V. Liine, nciiic-- orotherwise, lo pu'M'M the same dulyswum lo, mid nil peii-on- indebted tosaid Estato an: icqiicMid to make imme-diate payment to

A, J. PAimvuionT,Aeaic'iieo of Urn Estate of R. W.

Laine, liinkriiptHonolulu, Mauh 1Mb, 1688. 04 w

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.0,(oinci nuimkiau' lag

mmuic. Inning this uj Hindu unalignment tn nut ot al' lii pi'pi i y midiisotF, fo.- - tho heiiulit f his otoli (&,nil icibois Imlng cluiuib agaiust himaiu liquated to pruieut tl.o biiuu to meut once, and all persons indebted oroh ing any money to mid Yce Wo, andany persons having po'to-slo- or controlof any piopony belonging to liim willpleabu make immediate payment ordeliveiy of same to inu at tho olllcu ofM. Phillips & Co.'

M. GREEN,Aibignec of Yco Wo,

Honolulu, March 20, 18S8,


''piIE stock in tiado, store fixtures andX snto now coniuiued in tho store

formerly occupied by Yeo Wo, coinerMaimakca and King slice's, togetherwith lioito nod wagou, building and in.ttrest In leiisii at l'nluiiiii, and nlPdcb'sdue and owing upon book account loll.etaM Yeo vv, are oflViol foi cabinsa whole, and iiiiibi be hold before TUES-DAY, March 27th. I'tirllc3 desiiiug topurdiabci tan obtain lull iuformtttionat oiuco of Phillips if Co.

M. GREEN,Asbigneo of Yce Wo.

Honolulu, Mnicli 31, 1888. 00 lw


Attornoj' niul Counsellor nt I.niv.

No. IB Kanhtimnnu street, adjoiningofllce foimcrly occupied by Hon. S. B.Bole. 01 lw


jU'- - rN Kinati street No.Mk, J SO,-- parlor, 3 bed.7isESH room, teivant's loom,"""io?- - stable and carriage

house. Lot 103x170 feet; garden.Apply to

00 tf J. E. BROWN & CO.


T)ETWEENPIikoi and Kccaumoku street, lot runs

thiougb lo Klunu street, 100feet frontnge. Geo 1 pasturage. Cnttigpcontains C room", rnrrlugc liouso ai,dttables for 3 or 4 horse. Rent 20 perliioutu. . Apply to

J. E. RROWN & CO.,(4 tf 28 Metchaut street.


uuiTAUJis m,,.. Pnlama.

Apply toW.r. McCANDLKSS,

03 If at the Pish Market


u a T?1VE minutes' walk om&($& X the Povt ofllce. Sui t.kSSsiSS able lor a buchcloi

Apply lo80 tf J. M. MONSARRAT.


..wm. A A COTTAGE on Illiha-- ciV- street, between Kingand School sttccts. Rent 12

per month. Apply toM. S. GRLNBAUM & CO.,

80 tf Queen sticer.


W AUSTIN Whiting and CharlesCieighton, attorneys and coun

cellors nt law, have by mutual anangc-men- tthis day dissolved their business

relations.Honolulu, March 17, 1883. Oi lw



88 lw

All kinds of



CHAS. J. FISHEL,Cor. Fort and Hotel St6.


Oieering' Sale

Wo Will Sell22"! (W.on Lidics Llnon CnieC liars nt

10 cents eachHamburg Edging from fie. up320 perfect-fittin- MisscR' Corsets at 25c210 doz Gent's Cotton Undcr-hir- at 2fie18tdo7cn Misses' and Children's Silk.

cloaked Hose, full flnMi,203 dozen Men's Silk-cloc- k d Ho e, full

flnich $2.50 per doz.1G0 doz Men's Ribbed Hose, f.id ilnlsh,

at $3. CO per doz.03 do? Gent's Cnl. Shirts, collars and

culF'i, atfiOo eich.Gldozfn Hoy's Sliaw Hats, 60c. each,

worth 10070 doz Children's School Hate nt GOc,

worth double.


We mean-- to keep trade lively.

Visit oar establishment, ask our prices,and you will think so too.

HinilieH' JerHcys,White Goods,

Dx-es- s GoodsHave been selling cheap, but the present

stock will go for a mere song.

This great cut is


Ghas. J. Eishel,, Corner Fort and Hotel Sts.

87 lm

Brackets, nt

& CO.'S.

a b

A large assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery, Grlassware and Jelly Glasses, at

. G. WEST & CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and New Chromos, at

G. WESTj CO.'S.Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at

Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap Books, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.o

Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes andChairs, at

G. WESTJ& CO.'S.Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small

"Wheel Barrows, at. WEST & CO.'H.

Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at

G. WEST & GO.'S,

Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, FluteB,Yiolins, Banjos, &c., &c, at

G. W1ST& CO.'S.

Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at


Picture Frames, Cornices and Mtittrasses made to order, atG. WEST & CO.'S.

Pianos and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned andRepaired, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Canary Birds, warranted Singers, at

G. WEST & GO.'S, 105 Fort Street,rah 87 ly

The New and Elegant Fitted Store of M. MolNEBMY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,

Where will bo found an Elegant Display oi Gooda of ouchgrades, as this corner has boon always noted for.

Entire Kow Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc- -Inerny now East. Among my very General

Stock will bu found

FrencliLadies', fiiisses' & Childrons'

Kia Button Boots ai

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'u cc

" cc

Ladies' Silk Hose.Ladies' Silk and Merino

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'

Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers," Perforated Silk Undershirts," ' Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts," Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers," White and Bed, Shaker Flannel Undershirts and

Drawers," Anglo-Indi- a Gauze & Merino Undershirts.

Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of

en's and iors Fine Shoes & Slippers



Peb. & St. Goat But. Boots,Doimola Kid Button Boots,Shoes & Slippers, van. styles,

Undervests,Lisle and Balbrigan Hose,



-- IV

Men's Elegant Neck Wear, Yery Choice Line of Sus-penders, Jouvins "White and Colored Kid Gloves,

Gent's Fine Riding and Driving Gloves,Buck Gauntlets.

Every Style k SMe Ii lei's Hats & Boy's Straw Hats

Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid HeadsGold and Silver.



I have the most Complete' Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

"Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, CarefullyMade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

Razors and Pocket Knives,Razor Straps and Brushes,

Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Seratchers,

Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

Clioice Pertains an! Otto Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very fine) , which every traveler ought topossess.

Usual Fine Stock of Lies' Gent's & Boy's


i irwMiiilTiifcii "Miini

Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.tSTN. B. No Plate! Goods Sold in this E8tablithramf."tBa

Thanking the public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. Tho Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

M. JcINEf?ft3Y.Honolulu, March 0, .1888. 8i lw





Page 3: t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 It D. ICIEMIB k Co. Amission j lercliants SHIP

foAjiiiAlJu'Vek''iLJ' --'""'ljlffA JB"cW Mtfrc

Ladies' Kid Gloves

For 81.00. At

The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.


jJftttg tlllltflllFRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1888.

ARRIVALS.Mr33-St- mr

.las MaUeu from KapaaSehr Walchti from KumiBelir llnleaknla from I'epcckco


Stmr W Q Hall for Lnlintna, Mnnlacn,Koim mid Kau at 10 a m

Schr Knlnbow for Wululun


Sehr Wnlclm for Kuan


For Maul and Hawaii, per stmr WMar 21 His Majesty the King,

Mr Uarnlliild, J S Emerson, II K MAlcxnmlcr, Mr and Mis-- J S Pony, .MissJones, Mrs McCooncr, Lord Ualryniplo,Akanu, and Dr and .Mis Ilcibcit.


Stmr Makcc 2,G81 bags sugar.Sehr Walchu 807 bags sugar.Sehr Halcakala 1,250 bags sugar.Hohrltaluliow 20 colds klawc.


The sloop Kahiliilani took a load ofmiscellaneous merchandise for lion A.Kiiuhi's store at Ewa, this afternoon.

." U 'If'Ji " ' ' - ' ' 1 ...LI 1..'.


Calm weather at Kuau.

Heavy seas but no wind alongHaniakua Coast.

Tun annual meeting of tho Wood-law- n

Daily Co. is announced for nextThursday.


Tun tender for supplying cuttlo totho Board of Health aio to be in bynoon

I Horn's Butter-Scotc- h is thothing to moisten a dry throat andallay an irritating cough.

.. eTun Minister of Interior invites

tenders for furnishing and layingmatting at Government House.

...- - -Mr. E. M. Morgan has been ap-

pointed Commercial Agent for theHawaiian Kingdom at Jaluit, Mar-shall islands.

Mn. A. M. Ilowett is again to thefront with something now in his line,as our readers can see by referring tohis advertisement.

The Hawaiian Band will give amoonlight concert at Emma SquaioMonday evening, and one at ThomasSquaro Tuesday evening.

Mn. II. P. Baldwin's naptba lanchis in the Pacific Navigation Co.'s6tore house, and will be shipped toKuau by the Canute next week.

Major Wodehouse was down atthe I. 1. S. N. Co.'s wharf this morn-ing to see off Lord Daleymplo, wholeft by tho steamer V. G. Hall forthe Volcano.

The schooner rainbow sailed forWaialua via Ewa At Ewashe will take aboaid Mr. McCandles'well-borin- g machine, and convey itMokuleia, where Mr. McCandles willbore a well.

Captain Walter Bates, has left thoemploy of tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co. Captain Chancy,lately master of the steamer C. K.Bishop, took command of tho steamerW. G. Hall this morning.

SuBSCRinuns to the Mutual Tele-phon- o

Co. aro requested to loport allcomplaints relating to inattention ofthe operators or troublo with thoinstruments, to Mr. J. W. Pratt orMr. CA). Berger without delay.

. o .

Antonk Pottina, of tho bark ForestQueen, was arrainged bofoio thoPolico Justice this morning, chargedwith smuggling 4G2 tins of opiumyestorday afternoon. Mr. V. V. Ash-for- d

appeared for the defence. Thocase was continued until

The Debating Club discussed thocredit system labt evening. Tho

of mombers was large. Thoquestion announced for tho next .de-

bate is: Is tho bonowing of Englishcapital for public improvements andprivate enterprises a wiso policy fortho Hawaiian Kingdom?

- m -

The case of smallpox landed fromtho whaler Hunter is impiovingslightly. Tho nuiso, "Jim," whoalone attonds to the patient haspiovcd himself faithful, and givesperfect sotisfaction to tho Board ofHealth. This case from the Hunteris tho only one now hero.

DESERTERS.A deserter from the whaler Sen

Broezo was arrested this morning.Tho Sea Breeze is away for theArctic and tho deserter has beencharged with vagrancy. There aropome 12 or 15 dcseiters from whalersju IIoiiouJu wlo aro destitute andhaving Jno viBiblo means qf suprport, are being arrested nndpharged with vngranoy a,s fastas they aro caught sight of. ThePolico Olilcer who supplied theabove information believes thatwhen a man has nothing to eat, nomoney, no, clofhos, and no place tqBleep, ho wilj steal or commit somepthcr crime, and thu billcer Is abqutright.

AILY BULLETIN SUMMARYP 40 columns, $a perinuum..

If yott want n

Fine Hat or Necktie,

Mo to

Tho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.



' Irritated tluoats and annoyingcoughs aro quickly lelievcd by thogemilno Butter Scotch, only to hofound at tho Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Uoin. Plenty of testi-monials. 98


Band Concert at Thomas Square,at 7:30 o'clock.

All members of Company D ofthe Honolulu Bllles are ordered toreport at the armory, at 7:90 o'clock,in fatigue uniform and with sidearms.


The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet at the residence ofJudge McCully, in tho evening.

Blue Ribbon entertainment at thoY. M. C. A. Hall, nt 7:30 o'clockp. in.


nr .us. f. morgan.Regular cash sale, at salesroom,

Queen street, at 10 o'clock, a. m.Dry goods, groceries, etc.

At 12 o'clock noon, at the sameplace, carriage horses, buggies, anda brake.

At 12 noon, at the same place,land on Bcietatiia street, belongingto Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dodd.


The Royal Hawaiian Band willgive a moonlight conceit at ThomasSquare this evening, commencing at7 :30 o'clock. Following is the pro-gramme :

l'AitT i:March Vicc-Admlr- al MillocUerOvei tin e Xabuuo Verdi1' Inale Victor Piany PunSelection Martha Flotow

Pun Ohuhi.l'AUT II.

Selection Piuafoi e SullivanWaltz Don Cesar DcllingerMarch Black ussars MillockerMai ch Gypsy Baron Strauss

Ifawaii Ponoi.


The usual Saturday evening enter-tainment will be given in the Y. M.C. A. Hall at 7:30 o'clock

evening. The public are cordially invited. Following is the pro-gramme :

Piano Solo Mr. J. If. BrownBeading Miss May DillinghamSong Mis Anna AubtiiiBeading Mr. J. P. BlownSong Mrs. J. F. BrownAddie&s P. C. Jones

The public are cordially invited,especially young men and strangers.


The King departed for Kailua,Hawaii, by the steamer "W. G. Hallthis morning. The steamer gotaway at about 15 minutes to eleveno'clock, being delayed by freight.The King at lived a minute beforethe steamer sailed. Chief Justice.Tudd and Associate Justices Prestonand Bickerton, Hon. A. S. Cleg-hor- n,

Governor Douiinis, Mr. J. L.Kaulukou and Mr. A. Rosa were onthe wharf to receive the King, whowas accompanied by his Chamber-lain. The Hawaiian Baud was inattendance, and played the nationalanthem on the arrival of the King.The gathei ing of natives was large,and three cheers were raised. TheHall, in command of Capt. Chancy,glided away from tho wharf at thetime above slated in good style,when the Band struck up a livelyair.


civir. casks.

Chas. Hustace vs. W. L. "Wilcox ;

judgment for plaintiff for 8183.G7.Walter Hill vs. Honolulu Steam

Laundry. Hatch for Bcrtelman, C.Brown for Page, Magoon for Numan,A. C. Smith for McKenzie, amiChas. Cieighton for plaintiff. Suitwithdrawn.

J. K. Brown & Co. vs. HonoluluSteam Laundry. Suit withdrawn.

Mele Lee Sun and Lee Sun vs. S.W. Mnhelona for $185.25. Con-

tinued.Hamilton Johnson vs. J. J. Cab-ra- al

for 35.70 ; Judgment for plain-tiff for $17.70 with costs and at-

torney's commission.J. W. Liming vs. J. K. Naone, L.

Valentine, garnishee j judgment forplaintiff for 20.50 with costs andcommissions. Appeal noted.

Several other cases were furthercontinued.


Washington, March 8. TheU. S. Minister at Peking, China,has informed the Department ofState that tho ports nf China atwhich foicigners have the right toreside, to procure property and todo business ato as follows ; Shang-hai, Now Chwaug. Ticutstiu, CheFoo, Ikang, Ilan-Ko- Kinkiaug,Wukee, Chin-Kinu- g, Niug Poo,Wen-Cho- Fpo-Cho- Ttimsin,Takow, Amoy, Swatow, Canton,Kiung-Chq- and Paknoi.

A Fiench country hurying-groiind'has.pyo- i"

its cntrancp gatetho following Hibernian notice:"Only the dead, who live in thisparish, aro buried here."


Ud to

Tho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.For your

Full Dress White Vests,


Yesterday the whaler Hunter,which has been in quarantine! for thepast ten days, lowered her yellowling, and tho guard boatman think-ing the whaler about to sail camoin. A little later tho Hunter wasnoticed to anchor again more to thewestward, and the guard went out.

Tho whaler John P. West was tohave sailed yesterday for the Aitic;the squad of marines had returnedto tho U. S. S. Adams. But whenthe Captain of the West ordered theanchors weighed the sailors refused.

The Hunter at this juncture cameup and transferred some of her mento the West. Now the last namedvessel is" in quaiantinc and in anawkward fix. She cannot proceedto sea because tho sailors will notweigh anchor, and she cannot re-

ceive assistance from shprc becauseshe is in quarantine.




Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, tho1st day of the Holy week, the dayon which tho church makes comme-moration of the triumphant entry ofour Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusa-lem a few days before his death,the people accompanying Him withpalm branches, hence the name ofthe day, palm Sunday, and acclaim-ing Him with these words: " Ho-san-

to the Son of David ; blessedbe lie who comes in the name of theLord!"

10 a. m. Blessing and distribu-tion of branches, lligh mass withthe leading of Jesus Christ's passion.

March 2'Jth. Maundy Thursday,also called Holy Thursday, is theday of tho institution of the blessedsacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

7 a. m. High Pontifical Mass,in which his lordship, assisted byclergy, will solemnly consecrate theholy oils for the administration ofsacraments for the whole year.

3 p. m. Washing of the feet of12 poor men in remembrance of thewashing by our Lord of the feet ofHis apostles.

March 30th. Good Friday, alsocalled Holy Friday, the day ourSaviour was crucified.

10 a. in- .- Religious service, withthe singing of the passion.

3 p. m. Stations of the cioss.8 p. m. Passion Sermon in

English.Match 31st. Holy Saturday, the

day our Saviour's body was in thesepulchre.

7 a. m. Blessing of the baptismalfont and other ceremonies, followedby high mass, at which the bells ofthe church, which had ceased toring at Holy Thursday's mass, shallbe heard again.

Easter Sunday, April 1st, is theday when the church commemoratesthe resurrection of our Lord.

10 a. m. Iliah Pontifical Mass.the sincfiuir performed by St.

Louis choir, followed by baptismof infants and adults.

3 p. m. Confirmation, rosary,benediction.


It has long been our opinion thatno book, except the Bible, makesso laige a return for careful studyas the English Dictionary. WhetherMax Midler's theory that languageand thought aie identical be true,whenever we become conscious ofthought wo become conscious ofwords. Woids are tho chief me-

dium of communication with ourfcliow-mc- n. To know the literalmeaning and use of words is to beprepared to understand and causeotlicrs to understand.

The best method of studying theEnglish Dictionary is to read twopages cacli and cvcr3' secular day ofthe year; to consider the pronun-ciation and meaning of each word ;

those with which we aro familiar aroimmediately recognized, but onedocs well to consider the pronuncia-tion, no matter how familiar themeaning of the words. Words thatare new to the poison will easily bedistinguished in the mind as obso-lete, obsolescent, or still in use.Let every meaning and history bocarefully considered. Next, letevery word which is suitable for usein this ago and country be employedas soon as possible in letter, orspeech, or composition. Third, thegreat dictionaries quoto from nti-tho- rd

certain illustrative passages.Let these be referred to in the ori-

ginal when the writer possesses thebook, and let him read tho passagein its setting. Fourth, let him keepthe dictionary at hand and referat tho instant to any word which hefinds used in a new or questionableway, or to any now word to" whichhe comes in ilia1 reading. He mustnot say, "I will look this up at someother time." Seize tho moment ofexcited curiosity for tho acquisitionof knowledge." Unless tho word Isexamined at onco it will, bo forgot-ten or crowded out.

We venture to say that a personwho uses tlie dictionary in this waywill in six mouths make more pro-

gress in the, mastery of facts, ideas,unci woids, than could otherwise bedone in several years. ChristianAdvpuajp.

HPHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoX DulJy Bullellu 50 cts per month.

Jtiootc nt the IMno lino ot

Dress Goods,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

I.ntcut Ht.ylcn.


on MAira.The old maid has become an hon-

orable institution. Not that celi-bacy is particularly honorable, forthe'day will never come when thatwill rank above marriage, abovethe family of husband and wife nndson and daughter. Tho time waswhen the old maid was a blightedbeing. There was then but slightdisproportion between the sexes innumber, nnd the population beingsparse, every unmarried woman wasconspicuous among so few people,and especially nniong so few of herkind. She then had no excuse forher state of singleness, or, at least,none that the public recognized.

There was a man to every woman,and if she did not, marry, the infe-rence was drawn that no man would"havo" her. The opinion of theday was that n woman was in hasteto marry and not at all particularabout the man she accepted, so thatthe acceptance was rcgauled as vir-

tually by the man instead of thowoman. Hence the old maid wasreproached with being unattractive,with having a sour temper, with be-ing so repulsive that no man wouldlive with her.

But the old maidhood is primafacias, a reproach. In the East,theic aro not enough men to goaround the' have gone to subduethe West, to search for filthy lucre,or to chase the bubble reputation ina new country. The average ago atwhich marriage takes place is becoming later in life and the sizo ofthe average family is failing away,so that it now has two members lc.isthan it had fifty years ago. Womenwere entirely dependent then, butnow they have become the posses-sors of probably a fifth to a third ofthe wealth of the communitj' inwhich they live, so that such ofthem as aro unmarried now haveamong them a smaller proportion ofdependents than ever before.

Then, again, women know morethan thoj used to, along with therest of the race ; they arc moic dis-criminating, and lme more of achoice about a home and the manthat shall dwell in it. They appre-ciate a higher state of happinessthan their rs did,and marriage must offer a higherstato of gratification than it oncedid, bcfoic they will embrace it.

The old maid now has an excusefor her course, and is quite com-monly a lovable person and an intel-ligent one. Who bus not often seena handsome old maid? To be sure,she may have had the wrinkleswhich some people cannot appre-ciate as an clement of beauty, butshe may nevertheless be beautiful.The beauty of the mind is the sub-lime- st

of all human beauty and anold maid who has lived a life ofgoodness, of of chari-table disposition towards others andof intellectual cultivation, will havea countenance and intonation ofvoice and a manner that will bearthe imprint of that life.

The day has gone by when an oldmaid is to be spoken of disicspcet-full- y

or slightingly, or when she isto be looked upon as one disap-pointed in life and a misauthrope.Old maids are more likely of the9alt of the earth, endeared" to manyfriends, happy in helping otlicrsand radiating upon those aroundthem a cheerful geniality. GoodHousekeeping.


Savannah, Feb. 25. Ever sincethe present year set in there hasbeen great trepidation among thesuperstitious, both colored andwhite, in the legion between thejunction of the Ocmulgeeaud Ohoo-pi- e

Rivers, in Tatnal county. Thecause of this is singular indeed.About five miles back from the bankof the Ohoopic, there is a fieldwhich is almost an arid waste ofsand. In the centre of this fieldstand four trees. Ono of themabout four years ago was struck bylightning and is now a leaflessstump. The other "trees are whatmight be colled twins, being doubletrees, which have grown aroundeach other. It was while returningfrom a camp meeting early onomorning in the full of last year thatsome negroes stopped near thisfield, and to their eyes, tho trees asseen against the morning sky, read"1888." The stump made a per-fect figure 1, while tho other threetwisted around each other madegood llguro eights. Tho discoverystruck terror in the minds of thesesimple folk, and returning to theirbrethren they narrated what theyiiad seen. A deep awe seized upontho whole party, and they felt thatsomething dreadful portended fiomthe figures. They meant that inthe year 1888 something mysteriouswould happen the end of thoworld, pestilence, or war. So set-tled has become this feeling thatany unusual disturbance of the ele-

ments sets the population to pray-ing in a most fervent manner. Thenews of earthquakes and, other direevents is listened, to, with avidity,lit the midst of nil this excitement,the trees stand together as senljiiplsin the middle of the descried field,Vljo lic road which pasBoa noar by

Is soldoui used, for the people dreadto pass by the omens of evil whichshow tip eo grimly.N. Y. Suu,

A Finn Ijitio of

Ladies' & Misses' Shoes


Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.


There is a thirst for gold in Paristhis winter that nothing teems toallay. A great many of the hand-somest evening gowns worn at theman receptions, dinners und balls

that are rcudeiing this season oneof the gayest on record have somegold in their composition ; now inthe form of gold-bea- d fiinges forming a glittering shower over paneland plastron ; now interwoven inthe material itself, whether silk orsatin, gauze or tulle, or again ap-

plied with the embroidery needleupon such light silken tissue asBcngalinc, or in the shape of passe-nicntar- ie

arabesques executed ingold gilt beads, and spangles whichsuit heavier tissues such as failleand velvet. Parisian milliners hav-

ing used gold trimmings in greatprofusion for dressy winter bonnetsarc ready to resort to it again forearly Bpring having discovered somenew and exquisitely harmoniouscombinations of gold filigrain withcolors, out of which me wroughtgarlands of leaves in high relief,ami lino lace-lik- e tracery to bemounted on bonnets made of quiltedtulle, the tinted meshes of whicharc slightly burnished with gold.This same glace tulle composespretty little poufs for the hair, witlia few sprays of aigrette, gilt grasses,ears of corn, or small flowerics infiligrain. Lilies of the valley, hya-cinths, and fern-fron- in gold lookvery well also with bits of greenvelvet maiden hair, or as a finish tou libbon rosette of the same coloras tho dress; coloied gauze butter-Hie- s,

too, are set in a tiny sheaf ofmetallic grasses, and a couple ofpeacock's feathcis painted with golddust may bo treated in the sameway. London Telegraph.

trrTT.m..nii in 1111 i


CHARLIE! There's no use talking,Oindy Factory niuLis

delicious Chocolate Ci carnal OS lw

TOB PRINTING of H kinds exc- -rtitid Rt tin. Duly Bulletin Otliiv

I SAY, JENNY! When wo go downtown we'll call fit llin Elite and get

nn cjquiBitu Ice Uream Drink! 08 iw


per day. New iUncliincry, New BottlesIn addition to our putent Crystal ValveBottles, we are now prepared to MippljWar Ships and Vessels leaving for othercountries, with Stli Water, it-- ., put upin ( ork Itnltli-- s without extia clmige forbottles. J. 13. Brown & Co., Depot 28Merchant tuvet. 04 lw

HPHE DAILY BULLETIN-T- heA mot popular imricr puhliMherl.

CHA& J. FISH EL has lccetvcdAusttalla (lie latest style of

ladlci unti'iinnicd hats, also a tine lineof children's Ieghoin haU In diffeicutshapes. Call and sec them. 87 lw

'THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERJ. "The Dally Bulletin." CO centsper month

SOME Genuine 01dfahionedlluttcifccotch Caudv, at thu new

Candy Factory! "Yum! Yum!"84

rPHE ONLY PAPER read byJL clusHCh Tlio Dai y iitillciin "

cents pci month.

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGKcur of Lutas' Mill,


rPHE DAILY BULLETIN is liveJL evening paper. DO cents per month.

j?RESH, HOME-MAD- E WAL-- Lnut (.reams i educed to 30 cents

per wholo pound, at the Pioneer-Stea-

Candy Factory nnd Halery, Hotel, be-tween Nuimnii and Fort strecU. 71

THE BEST PAPER to subau-ln-

X lor U the "Datly Bulletin." 05cents per mouth.

FRESH, HOME-MAD- Eand Cocoauut Caramels

to !!0 cents per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Steam Candy Factory andBalceiy, Hotel, between Xttuauu andFort sti eels. 71

rPHE OLDEST DAILY hi theJL Kingdom "The Daily Bulletin.1'

fiO cent per month.

I? I NEST BRANDS OF CALI- -1. forinu I'oii. Madeira and Malaea.lot bjiu in Kej utiu ouei ny

UONSALVEs A CO,,01 Queen utrccl.


PER In Kingdom "TehDaily Bulletin." B0 ccniH per month

DURE, FRESH, HOME-MAD- EX and Vanilla Chocolate Cruuuif(ilu-IlclmiH- )

l educed to .!) cents per wholepound, at thu PioM'.mt SiK.Mi OaniivRlCTOKY ANO HaKIUIV, llOrKL, IIK- -iwi:i:n Nuiunu and Fout sruimTs.


THE DAILY BULLETIN bus thoJL largest circulation of any paper

printed In this Kingdom. CO cmts jarmnntn.

RAGS nnd sreond hand0LEAN will ho gratefully iccrlv.cd for thu use of the inmate-- , of thoBranch Hospital for Ltpcr at KuktmV.o,or at the Leper t?i ttlment on Molokui,If left with J. T. Wnlerjiotisc, Jr., nt theQuern Street Store. t&f tf

BUSS. P. TJIIEE,On Pjcretunia strca near I'iikol,

(Formeily .McQulre'i House,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Alao, French nnd Geinvin taught, andMusdc Lojtih givm,

A tufo coiivtyimuo will call for and re.turn children living nt .; distance,

73 Mutual Telephone No. (jOi. (3m



63 & 65 FORT




-- :

Mia Iii ai Emliroltl






nsumWT 7f? ijh;v



EiroiiBries anfl



&63 65







SI at Law Prices.

Toreling Laces

Fort street.Opposite Irwin Co.





Dupec Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Tabic Fruits, Germea,

lluckistH it. Frnuco American Feed Co.'h AHsort'rt Soupn,Ridges Food, Imperial Graiium, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham "Wnfeis, Oaten "Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCi ackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas. Pop Corn, Gaulen Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

BSy Leave your outers, or ring up 110. -- a

Notice to the Public of these Islands


Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above arti-cle me respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18C1, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all the ridiculous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where a cake can be piocurcd to give the greatest satis-faction to tho most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisitewoikmansliip on your table which will not crumble in pieces wlieu cut,but bo a credit to the fine art of the Confectioner, which lias not only fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition dofianco to this day. All at-tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine and not wortli thepiico you pay. It is an indispiit.iblc fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions are always cheaper than a halfuinde one's are.iiaving natt over hall a century's piactical experience the undersignedenabled to ornament Cakes in all and the highest styles of art.

The only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; ProprietorHonolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-tween Fort and Nuuaiiu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.


&-&- & uiiLi runt sgj

Mndo of the celebrated CREAM of the AVoodlawn Dairy,Bold at the gretit reduced price of



3Erl?VJ13IXiia:JE30 18G3.SSeAs some vil disposed

.. ... .. .. .! ! 11. i jing ui me oi ruining


persons who are openly boast-- nnry business and villanouslv

ituseiyuig my uujjh and lUliJ U1CEAM I will forfeitfi(Str,,VA1rrs"u who wiU l)l'ovc )y analysis that mylyiit OKliiAAi is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.


f. HORN,. Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Bo Telephone Xo, 7-1- , IlotoljSt. bet. Nuimmi & Fort St.70 2m

tfv $

r, J




My tti






Page 4: t' j · Motropoiitaii wSl MeatOompany 8! King Street, G. J. WALLER,--Manager. "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 It D. ICIEMIB k Co. Amission j lercliants SHIP







L' -

' f&ge&KZteaca'AV&'s


Export Accountants and Collectors,Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Lonn

Rcol Firo Lifo

Departments of Business.Books and Accounts iircuintcly kepi nml ptopcrly adjusted.Collotions will receive special nttcntion nn I returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Bccords searched nnd roricct Atattncts of Tlllo

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every discrlption cnrufully drawn and hand.

soinely eugrcsed.Copying; and Translating in nil languages in yciiural uie U this Kingdom.Real Estate bought i.nd sold. Tuxes paid and Ptopcrly safely iuturcd.Houses, Cottages. Sooras, Offices and Land leased and icnted, nnd rents collected.Firo and Lifo Insuranoi effected In first class Insurauce Companies.Cuatom-Hous- o Bush.Dis transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at lavcrnblc rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publisher.Any Article purchased or sold on moH favorablo terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will rccclvo particular attention.

ZST All Business entrusted to our caro will receive prompt and faithful attention atmodcrato cliargos.

liming had an cMuisivc business o.pciiincu for oer twcnty.llvo years InXew York City and elscwhcie, wo feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicuted nature, or requiring (net nnd discretion, and respectfullysolicit atrial.

Hell Tclephono No. 27-1- . JBuMincKMiau. 8 ly

Telephone Both Companies


FHESH GOODS from California on K'15, by each steamer tlic O. S. 8. Co.' A COMl'l.UTU LINK 01" .




ALSOA Very Choice Lot of N. Z. ' Taranaki Butter,"

(IN KEGS.)All of which we offer to the Public at UEASONABLE PRICES.

Fresh New Zealand Butler, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each anlval from New Zcilnnd SOMETHING FINE.,lcfiO


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EurpeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended l

"and Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders roll,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post OfHco Box 145. Telephone No. 93. 1C8 ly






Just Received atA large assortment of

brands of



Sale artAND1502

TO THE PUBLIC.THE Ah Young,I . have lived in Honolulu lor ten

years, working for forcigncts, and havecommitted uo oll'cusc in this country.I know of u gambling house, which isconstantly tilled with Chinese gamblers,some of whpm have lived there for thicoyears, with no other work than gamb.ling at all Units. 1 know this gamblinghouse, into which they aro constantlygoing, and I have loht much money init myself. This Is why I withgambling house Mopped. 1 was sum.moncd to appear buloio the Couit, andthese gamblers were unemd for theurlcnso of gambling. 1 was the witnessbefore the Court. Thertfore they areangry witli mo lor my testimony in thetrial, and with to kill me. For thisreufcon, I publish these facts botoro thepeople. (Signed) AH YOUNG.

Honolulu, March 19, 1668. lit 4t

J. O.((Successor to T. G, Thrum)

Book-tinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Uuilding, Beihcl fctiect, Hono.Q2 lulu. tf


persons who want to cointnuniALL with tho 1'oitugucso, citherfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will Jlnd itthe most profitable way to adveititeintho Luso Jfawaiiano, tho now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, winch is pub.lished on Merchant street, Gatelte Hulld.ing, fPost-OMc- e Letter Hox E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for adver.tiaemertts.

of all kindsJOB ot the Hajat Vvmmui Office

Estate, & Insuranoo



and Exchancio Brokors.

1 0. Hox 207.

11 1



Notice of Election,

AT the adjourned annual meeting ofthe Hawaiian Itell Telephone

Company held March 5, 1838, tho foblowing ofllceis weio elected lor the en.fcuing j ear:

f President,Godfrey Brown ! &

( Ticnsuicr,Ocrll Brown Vice President,.T. P. ltrown Secretary,J. Uatsidy Utneral-Stipetd'- t,

L Yulentinc Auditor.Directors J. Campbell, J. F. Hi own

and W. O. Smith.J. V. HROWN.

88 2v Sceictary II. U. Tel. Co.

For Sale! To Let! For Lease!

FOB SALE 1 Lot of Land. llfiMUS ft.'Hcallliy Location. Good view, $0G0.

1 Lot of Land, InC.xlOS ft. Healthyetc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms$15 pir month.

1 IIouso with Store, $40 per month,Booms, en suite or single, from 2 to $5

per week.FOB LEASE i Lots, each Ji070 feel,

lor building. Good Location; waterlaid on; tenns enby and the right par.ties ahbisted in building.


PRANK G0DPKEY,Copyist unit (ienernl IIiihIiichm Agrii!

No. 84 King Street.

P. O. Box iHC, Hurgtai' Express O01ce.Oil

rpHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- ho4- - Dully Bulletiu 50 cts per month.

PSEIUMESI PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n



Reasonable 3ErioesWHOLESALE RETAIL.







uiiiuUCTnjtia'WirjiLiaaCiil.ui,J MLSJ HUlul


As u people wo lmvo not learnedthe ait of getting tho most out ofwhat wc have. ""Willi our larger in-

comes, anil better oppoi Utilities wooften enjoy far less of comfort amicontentment than onr foreign breth-ren, Who with thoir limited resourceshave learned to husband and tomake the best of the little that fallsto their lot. Those who have seenthe inside of life in Franco and Ger-

many know how true this is. I willremember how it impressed me inmy first experience in Germany.Living in a private family, mybreakfast, which, though consistingonly of the usual rolls and coffee,were nevertheless ample, were al-

ways brought to my room. Withthe coffee there came invnrinbly alittle jar of milk and sonic lumps orsugar. During the whole six monthsof my slay in that house, the num-ber of lumps was never more norless than five. An American ladyliving in another family in tho samecity was wont to aver Iter convictionthat her landlady counted thegrains of coffee for every potful shemade. Every scrap of food wasutilized.

Like economics wetc manifestedeverywhere, indeed, they were apari of common education, not onlyat homo but at school, where, for in-

stance, the girls were taught to sewand mend as they were to read andwrite. And when I went aboutwith the people and saw how theylived ; how contentedly and pleas-antly they took the affairs of life;how much they made of simple andincxpcnsio pleasures; how littlethey were beset with false pride orshow and the petty ambition to goahead of their neighbors, which aresuch corrosive influences in Ameri-can and English society ; how muchof human kindness and home joyand bocial satisfaction they had withincomes and prices which wouldmake life for average Americans ofsimilar station a torturing strugglewith want I could not avoid theconviction that tin their ways was alesson which it would be a blessingfor us to learn. Prof. W. O. At-wat- cr

in The Century.

PROFESSOR KADLEYTn TRUSTS.Piofcssor lladley spoke before a

large audience in Trades Council'sHall, New Ilaven, recently, on"Pools and Trusts." Following isan extract as reported in tho NewIlaven News:

In a trust the different concernscome together, form an associationand surrender their stock. A trustbears the same relation to a corpo-ration as a eorportiou docs to theindividual stockholders. A trusthas the right to manage its affairswithout any interference. In atrust the stockholder surrender allrights. The difference between atrust and a pool is that one surren-ders all rights, while the other docsnot. In a trust, while yoff do awaywith honest competition you haveall the dangers of a monopoly.Some would suggest as a remedythat wc make laws to do away witliit root and branch. Those tilingswhich people consider dangerousarc not really bad from beginningto end. There are times when menseem lo be making money, and theneverybody rushes in and cut throatcompetition is the result.

The tendency of organization is todo away with this kind of competi-tion. If we could organize tilingswisely there would be different re-

sults. The tendency of monopoliesis to raise prices. Instead theyshould try and equalize prices.Laws have been made to governthese pools, but they do not pro-hibit thcui. The law should 'notstep in and do away with thesetrusts as they spring up, becausewc would get all of the evil andnone of the good results. If therebe any good in them let us have itand what is bad wipe out. Thesocialists say let its sanction theseorganizations and take them up forthe people. If they would carry thisidea out it would be a solution oftho dilllculty. I should not trustany government I ever saw to runthe industries of a country. A gov-ernment, generally, represents thepeople who have tho deciding votes.Socialism is nothing more than po-

lice government. You must havomeans of placing the responsibilitynnd I have no doubt but they willdevolop themselves. No ono willdeny the right of a nianufccturer tocontrol his own business, but theroare times when the law should stepin and interfere. Another step intho control of these monopolieswould be for the public to demanda knowledge of its alfans. Thiswould be a guarantee ag.titibt anabuse of power. If there hnd beenmore publicity in railroad affairs inthis country, a good many dililcul-tie- s

would havo been avoided. Nowthe Interstate law was not n well-draw- n

law- - it was a compromise,but it has worked witli lcmarkablesuccess, and it was a first step to-

ward publicity. Government nmnagcineiit of industries is generallytho management of political rings.If we allow tlieso monopolies to formundor the law wo would certainlyhave the right to have their affairsmade public. There lire those con-nected witli trades unions, who,throe years ago, thought they wouldbo able lo accomplish a good manytilings, but they arc quite certainthey cannot bo dono now. Trustswill show us that some things canbo done. The question of trustscannot bo settled by tho Govern-ment assuming control. Let usrather find out what way their res-

ponsibility can hp enforced.

Dm lite Hue Co.



Made In Ameiiea.

Heals Snporior to all Others.

CJONSAJLYES & CO.,Solo AgcntH or the Ilnwnltnn



4,000 Asparagus Roots !

Two years old nnd sttong. Headyfor planting.

$5.00 a Hundred "&APPLY TO


BUTTER SCOTCHIs only mndo and told ut the


Steam Candy Factory, Bakery

& Ice Cream Parlors,



FERTILIZERS!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

'or Sale- ly IIAXSOX &. SMYTH.

WE arc now pieparcd to leceivc allorders for the above Fertilizer of

a superior quality, thoroughly curedand waniuted one of the best articlesof the kind in the market. Orders maybe left with

I. P. HANSON, SCO Queen street,G. M. SMYTH, Haw . Hotel Stable.

t'3 lm

Rabbisli 1 Rubbish ! Rubbish !

uitdeisigned who has beenby the Board ot Health as

a Gaibagn Collector, pives notice to thepublic ot Honolulu, thai he is le.ulytoremove Ihu Itubbish from sloies andprivate lesidences at tbo tmprcce.dentcdly small charge of 50 cents permonth and to remove tlie same fromrest.uuants for $1.00 per mouth. HortClitter is classed as Itubbish. Tree trim,mings will be charged for extra. DeadDogs, Cats and any small nnimals willbe removed free of charge. A reason,able charge will be mndo for tho

of dead HorFC3 aud. Cattle.

The undersignrd can be commuui.catcd with by UlTice Telephone 1170, nnd.Private Tclephono 2(1, Mutual Tel. Co.

N. P.. My carts work on Sntuidays.

L. L. LaPIERRE.02 lw

Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!

npiIE undersigned having been in theJL business for llio past 15 month!:,

and now being appointed by the Hoardof Health as Itubbish Collector. Ihereby wish to thank the public lorthere libtral patronage, hoping aeon-tinuanc- c

of the same with a more ex-tended list of customers. I bhall asheretofore have my rubbish carts go oneach sued wheto required three timeseach week, except In very rainy weather,then two times each week. After thismonth each cart will carry a bell toannounce its nppetuanco on the btreet,that no one will havo an excuse for notsetting out their dlit. ,

cs as heretofore: OrdinaryHouse Itubbish and Yard Sweeping?,50 ccntK, 75 cents and 1.00 per month,if put in container?.

The abovo piiccs arranged accordingto the amount of nibblsn takcu away.

Trto Trimmings nnd Hone hitlerwill be charged extra.

HoisevHullocks, Hogs and Dogs willbo bulled at icasonablu rates.


P. S. Anyone knowing of ono whois required lo hne their rubbish iu.moved, who is not a bin to pay the tu.,if tho puity or paitiei will let mo knowI will do their carting freu of olinrgo.P0 lm N. F. II.



HAS been opened over tho restaurantby ono of tho best practical

barbers in the city. Gentlemen wish-ing n nice easy Shave, or a fashionableHair Cut will llnd It lo iheir advantageto give me a trial. 75 lm


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whulo Boat, 110 feel long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; tl t!2 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Buif Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,1(1 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 Indies deep, with mast and palls allcomplete; 1 3) feet Sailing Scow, withmast nnd sails all complete. Apply to.

J5. It. HYAN.Boat Builder and General .Tnbbcr. 51 If


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.J-- Arc authorised to collect lor theBui. tin

Honolulu Juno 8th, 1WV7. fi7

V AILY BULLETIN SUMMARY40 columns, f2 per innum.

tat Bums!I Barpiiis !

, Tho business of tho late '

GEO. ENGELHARDTWill bo conducted by tho undersigned

executors of llio will of thedeceased, until tho





JCltclieii TJloiihHm,StOVCH,



-- is wsrosEn or--Everytlitug will bo sold at Cost

Prtco I

Thus affording housekeepers nndothers u rare opportunity of re-plenishing or renewing ilieio neccs.sary household articles at small ex.penc. They will also sel ar publicauction sometime next u U datelo be announced In a lutuu--

at llio Into residence of Hie deceased .

ou Queen street, near tho corner ofAlakca, the entire contents of tho

Fernery and Conservatory !

tgyThcrc is a gardener in dailyand public inspection is cor-diall- y



Executors ol the Will.V2tf



11 CDE. c--

5"""jf-"- !

O 5

C 7nad I

O 2.M C Zj

tdo CDr--

1 c aft oftrt a c s U2


O B Oa2a




Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 97.

ti. i. Mcliuinnii, - Vroprletoi".

EST Stand Coiner Merchant and FortStreets.

esr "XTeleiilioiiew, atJO. -- 0

inch 9 80 ly


Wfi bpf; to intiniHle that Mr. "W. h.Uieci) who has hithcito, with

Mr. G. V. Macfailane, conducted ouragency hcic, retires from tho samo uson 1st January, lti8.

Mr. O. "V. Macfailane, assifted l)yMr. Hobejt Oitton, will contluuo torepresent our linn here.

MIBIUiEKS, WAT? ON & CO.Honolulu, 2brd February, 1888.

73 tf


The VTalkiki residence of Mr. Fred IInayselden situated at Kapiolaul Talkbetween the residences, of Bon. "W. G.Irwin, and Mr. Fiank Brown, U offeredfor rent, lense, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned.02 if FHED II. lUYSEMJEN.


Tho picmiECS at Knlihi Valley adjoin,ing tho residence of Mw, M.iikham andknown as the Guerrero lionieblend. Theyconsist of three distinct lot.', viz:

1 IIouso lot upon which stanih a sub-stantial lv;o-stor- y lieuso andArea about 1 3-- 4 acres.

2 House lot ol sbctit 3-- 4 ol an aero.3 Houso lot mul laio land, Area about

2 acres.

For fuither raiticiilars apply lo

J. M. MONSAltKAT,74 Merchant Street. J.tf


Richard Cayford,VETI511U7ARY

Port N(.. Sf.xt T.nrna' 3IIII.

Shooing, iVom JSl.fiO.

Horoe3 and Cattlo Treated forall DisoaBca.

ItcHirt!t!cc: ll AluSu'ii JStrettf,

Australian mail Service.


ViHl SAN PI8ANOISCO,Tho now and line Al Meel Menmrhip

id ?Zealand kCJitj'."5

Of the Oceanic StcnuiMilp Company , willbo duo at Honolulu liom Sydney

and Auckland ou "r aboltl

April 8, i 838.And will leave foi the aboe port witlim.dls and pasi);eis on or about thatdale.

I or lioig'ii ot palace, having SU.PEKIOH ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IEWni & CO., Agenta.

For Sydney and Auckland,

'Die new and lino Al Btccl atcamsliip

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Sleanuhip C'ompnny, will

bo duo at Honolulu from SauFrancisco on or about

Apt'ii I! 2, 1838,And will havo iiiompt dispatch withmails nnd iKitseiij'etfc fcr theaLovuport.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

lo37 WIl G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

Itell 'X'cl.tllM. Jlutmil Tel. 139I'.O. Ito.v-115- .

Offlco - - 881loi chant St., Honolulu



Convoyancing a Specially Kccords searchcd and nu&truots ot title furninhed onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and eugiosbing in alllanguages in general use iu tho King-dom.

Custom House brolxranc File and LifeInsurance receive pTompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Autho- iized


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, Eold aud rented.

Several valiviblc propertiea in andaround ihc city now for salo on iayterms.

Convenient Collages in c healthylocations iu and near tltu city to let orlease al leasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use-

ful in performing iho various officesand chores requlied by puvat fami-lies.

Full pniticulars given on applicationat the agency.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended lo.

Boll Tl. 172. Mutual Tel. 8G0.

P.O. Box 4(19.

I EulIWN & GO.,

Flro Pioof Stone Building,

43 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Ilaw'n Islandof tho

'Burliiigtou and Chicago Railway

AcroKH Amiii'Iea.Connecting at Boston with tho Azoios

a mi jtlndolrj.

Through tiekctbgi anted fiom Honoluluto nil points K:ibl.

Accountant ESuimrcment.lUciclmudhu slort'fl nnd Mild on com.

mibblon. Coualfjiuuentrt tollciled.IShlpplugand Custom Jlouto Business

nlteudcd to.Books and AecounlH kept and audited.Legal Documents piupartd.Averages adjuttod,Propei ties leased, rented and eold.Loal doQumeiiU drawn.

To Let No M) ivinaii slt'eul; jarlor, 3liedrooms, Mtchcn, s'tvant'H loom,hlulile, caulnio hmuu, gulden, ute,I.eut very modulate.

Cottago at WaikiUI, npurwlio Bunnytiouth; largo j aid, btalle, etc. Pea

WBiou ou let April.

New York Line,Vrtcr&P

An Al vessel will bo dcspntelird bymm jiine lor Jionoiuiu, lo ltaoNow Yotk in all May.

For fuithor Information apply to

W. II. CROSSMAII & DUO.,77 & 71) Broad Slice',

New York.OH

CASTLE & COOKE,67 3 m Honolulu.


Ai J. J. Wiliiains'.03 tf

E5.3EJ03i:i."lJXBy the S. S. "Austialia" 8th February,


California Oranges---prlm- o sample, BarrelsSaurluaul. Kegs Saurkratil, Crates Whilo

Heart Cabbago, Celery on Ice,Cratos Cauliflower,


A.IXaC33fc jVTs' 113AK8 Z

A large consignment ofPotfttors, Flgj, Canned Frulte, .TelliesJams, Prunes, Ittiisins, Chcslnittx, W'nl.nuts, Hardnuts, Almonduulf, CcnnidTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc , EtcEST LOW PRICE TO SUIT THE TIKES-- a

CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,CO Kins; street, Honolulu tf


BRAY3IAN.LL hinds of diayago attended to

witli nrnmntm's. "Wlilln nmlBlack Sand deliveicd in quantities tohuit. Also, Black Book and Coral Bock.

Offlco: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Maunakca. 72 Jim


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


W shea to notify the public that hohas removed to larger quarters,

Mo. 13 Kaahumanu Street,G2T UP STATKS. -- a

81 8m

Tahiti Lemonade Steam forks,

SUNNY SOUTH.Honolulu Depot, - - - 28 Merchant St.

Manufacturers of Iliph'Clnsi AeratedWaters, put np in Patent Crystal

Valvo Bottles



Ginjjer Ale,ISnsibcrrj'nIe,

Mop Ale,Tahiti Icinaisnile,

Cream SodaGrenadine.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,OS Proprietor. tf



JSvciy description of


Breed & CrackersJ


SALOON BREADAhvnyn on hand.


bland orders promptly atteuded to.(13 Cm

semite Skating

ipsa!)'TS 3& X IS 1Z. S

Skirting! Skating! Skating!Corner Qucon & diehard Streets.

V.'lll bo open every evening from 7 toV; r. it.

JilUSlO; TiicMlayB and Saturdaysoveiiiug lor llio Publlo in Oeueral,

'i'HOBJCA 13. VA JL1L.,

100 Proprietor. yr

