t J 15 No FLORIDA Cats i f mum IT E2i-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03294/00527.pdf ·...

j gf f P W v S Pi- f i i d ft > 1 l I r- orfr << 1 1 j I- 1 I 1 a z < i x r OCALA EVENING Sf A1i IIi- t i r tJf c lM > i 1 f < t J j 11- IIk t I- f r z j < 1 J J- hM It r 1 < r- lIJ 1 + VVI- p f J 1- 1Y t a fir4 >> J t1t J I- f > + Volwe 15 No 115 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY OCTOBER 11 1909 Fifty Cats I MSWY i W r 1- 1r I Lrb Er f INDIGESTION U I W t i i r VV a a DYSPEPSIA WHAT CUERY RAN KNOW5 r 4 d4I1 4111J I 171 II t- y YIIM bewa SYcANDws- g the t M- Her first cholceher last choice and her choice p j tall times MY FAVORITES n caKllUns Y- k JI 01 i FraT by i TWTROXL- ERk L f B D FULLER FULLER AYER DENTAL SURGEONS Oflce Over the Munroe A Chafibllw I Baak V- OOALA FLORIDA I TERMS CASH J r t CHACE 4 DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9 10 and 11 Second Floor Holdor Block OCALA FLORIDA I 1 TERMS CASH rt L F BLALOCK I Dental Surgeon Mke tver CtHverelal luh r Phone 211- i Office hours 8 to 12 am 1 to 5 p rn 4 TERMS CASH 1 CHAflLES HOLBERT M DI- f V HOM OPATDIO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Second Floor The Munroe ft- CbamblfM Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephone Office 222 Residence v 221 Oflce Hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 < 4 p n 730 to 830 p in- V p THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN I J j ICE Our Ice by our new process Is froz- en ¬ i af a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero la as clear as crys- tal ¬ and as pure as cnn be made We guarantee It to last longer a y FROM THE BLUE WAGONS I Ami Net IM Disa f > omted n- And Service Quality DeW ICE AND PACKING CO MKTFKRT a TAYLOR 4 Pho t t CUJI PHilLIPS- i I extractor and Bcrfdefj- pltBi 42 and Specifications Furnished itt W Upon Request f 4 ar 180Mb Third SL i4 i AS1 nt Z1lDlt Barbershop l OeMMCtkm WUh itiie Hotel Oflce- C t i f v Skllta Workmen aad courteous at it f t taiiUoB to all Special atteatlon to 4 s f cklWre < 1 R > I BJfOIRIO MASSAGE OT AND OOLD WATER t 1 I 41 = i lif i I KTTEMCtiProirictOf t t J > I 1 r I 1V 11 b > IJ rr > r < i i r for ii p << < s t- 4I mum ARE ALARMED rominent Britons Firm in the Belief that War with Germany is Inevitable- San Francisco Oct 10Lord North cllfTc English publisher and Mr Bell editor of the London Times who were In the city this week expressed the belief that war between Great Britain and Germany Is certain to comeThe facts are plain Lord North cllffe said We know that Germany- has declined to discuss her vast arma ¬ ments We know that all of her ship ¬ building yards are engaged In naval constructionthat onfi h milied tbou i1 sand men are working night and day and that scores of her leading states ¬ men and writers make no secret of her Intentions We know that she has on previous occasions made unpro- voked ¬ attacks on other nations and ye know that the vessels she IB building are designed either for com- merce ¬ destroying purposes of for use close to home waters Emperors Declaration We have the German emperors declaration that Germans future Is on the water We have the fact that the population of Germany must have- an outlet and her Industries new markets and that the most likely field- Is In places where the British flag floats I fear that any opinion Is fool- Ish Much has been said about a war scare In England There is not enough of a war scare there Conditions which confront Great Britain are omi ¬ nous and It Is to be deplored that we are not better prepared- I do not think there is any doubt said Mr Bell that there will be a war between Germany and Great Bri- tain ¬ before long The situation is very much as a Frencli writes pictured that between Germany and France before the FrancoGerman war when he said the two countries were like two rail ¬ road trains together tn a single track War Not mediate Unless something occurs which makes It advIsable Germanys opin ¬ ion to provoke a war with England It Is probable that Germany will delay the confllcMfbr a few years until her navjMaproportlonately stronger than- at present And In this connection It- Th significant that the German battle ¬ ships are being built with very smajl coal capacity As Germany has few coaling stations It Is evident that the German strategists contemplate a struggle at close quarters In other words that the contest will take place- In the English Channel In a desperate effort to land a German army on Eng ¬ lish soil under cover of the German fleet I SWEPT OVER NIAGARA- This terrible calamity often hap ¬ pens because a careless boatman Ig ¬ nores the rivers warnIngsgrowingr- ipples and faster current Natures warnings are kind The dull pain or ache In the back warns you the kid ¬ neys need attention If you would es cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes- or Brlghfs disease Take Electric Blttefrs at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return Af- ter ¬ long suffering from weak kidneys- and lame back ono 1 bottle wholly cured me writes J R Blankenship of Belk Tenn Only 50c a bottle atjill druggists WU WANTS WINGS Chinese Minister Would Like to Ride- in an Aeroplane College Park Md Oct 11After breaking the worlds record for flight over a closed circuit a kilometer In distance Wilbur Wright predicted yesterday that he couldattain a speed- of sixty to seventy miles an hour in an aeroplane racer He had just torn through the air In the government aeroplane at a rate of approximately fortysix miles an hour making a- new record of 58 38 seconds for the fiftyeight meters and return includ- ing ¬ turn Having delved Into most other in ¬ ventions Minister Wu Ting Fang of China saw his first aeroplane flight yesterday and absorbed all the infor- mation ¬ obtainable from a rapid fire of questions directed at Mr Wright and officers at the government teroplane- shed It was the engine that puzzled the minister most Wheres the fire he Inquired He was told something about internal combustion engines- The minister said he would feel sor- ry ¬ for anyone who might get sick in one That led to his assertion that he I Is proof against sea sickness anti would like to ride in an aeroplane himself BOTH BOYS SAVED Louis Boon a leading merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bottles of Foleys Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough and n neighbors boy who was so Ill with- a cold that the doctors gave him up was cured by taking Foleys Honey and Tar Nothing else Is as safe and certain of results Sold by alt druggists I CUBAN PAPERS EXCLUDED Tampa Fla Oct lOIt baceme known yesterday that the United States government has instructed the postmaster here to refuse to receive Cuban newspapers containing adver ¬ tisements on accounts of drawings In the Cuban lotteries The Cuban con- sul ¬ has taken the matter up with his government- You need not be troubled In any way with the stomach If you will simply take Kodol at those times when you feel that yon need It Kodo1 is guaranteed to relieve you If it falls your money will be refunded to you by the druggist from whom you purchased It Try It today on this guarantee Sold by all druggist- sWANTEDMfl to learn barber trade Few w eks completes Practical experience from start Careful In- structors ¬ tools given Diplomas grant- ed ¬ Wages Saturdayspositions wait Ing Wonderful demand for grad- uates ¬ Write for catalogue Moler Barber College New Orleans La 1 t 1 INDIAN EVANGELISTS- Bunch of Oklahoma Seminoles Will V Try to Convert Their Ever- glades ¬ Brethren Miami Via Oct 11A company of fifteen Seminole Indians have arrived at Jupiter from Oklahoma for the pur- pose ¬ of evangelizing the Seminoles in the Everglades They expect to re ¬ main in this section two months All are well dressed and speak English perfectly The Everglades Indians have been notified and are taking a deep Interest in the movement DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot J reach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure deaf ¬ ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian Tube When the tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound of Imperfect hearing- and when It is entirely closed deaf ¬ ness is the result and unless the In- flammation ¬ can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an In- flamed ¬ condition of the mucous sur ¬ faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir- culars ¬ free F J Cheney Co To ¬ ledo Ohio Sold by druggists 75 Take Halls Family Pills for consti ¬ pation JEROME WILL RETIRE FROM PUBLIC LIFE a New York Oct 11As has been predicted for several days William Travers Jerome has issued a state ¬ ment fofmalljj withdrawing fropj the race for reelection as dlstr attor- ney on an Independent tfeket His statement says After cv efnT reflection It seems to meItmght no longer to continue as a Candidate for reelection to the office- of district attorney of New York county and I have today filed my de- clination ¬ of nomination as a candi- date ¬ for that office READ THIS Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1O9I I have sold Halls Texas Wonder of St Louis Mo for six years Every bot- tle ¬ I sell adds a customer for it It is a genuine cure for kidney bladder and rheumatic troubles Geo Ohnmacht Merchant 60 days treatment in each bottle PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED Any person who has a specially good photo of a flock of chickens ani ¬ mals or farm crops is requested to send same at once to the office of S T Sistrunk Ocala for use in illus- trating ¬ a booklet descriptive of Mar- ion ¬ county whIch will soon be issued by the county commissioners Any good agricultural scene will be con ¬ sidered Prompt action Is requested FISH AND OYSTERS Fresh salt and fresh water fish In ¬ side and outside oysters shrimp etc received every day Temporary lo ¬ cation south of west end of the city market building in small wooden building William Tucker Phone 219 I SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small or how flne the work desired may be I have the material brushes and knowledge to paint and do It right Houses painted inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P O Box 135 or leave word at the Star office K W Flllyaw Ocala Fla tt ID RATHER Ulh DOCTOR than have my feet cut off said M L Bingham qf rrlncevllle Ill But youll die from gangrene which hat eaten away efght toes if you dont said all doctors Instead he used Bucklens Arnica Salvo till wholly cured Its cures of eczema fever sores boils burns and piles astound- the world 25c at all druggists HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE For sale cneap for cash the black mare formerly owned by MajorIzlar sixmonths old colt and rubbertired buggy Write to or call on C L An ¬ derson care Ocala Lumber Supply Company AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE A fivepassenger automobile two cylinder chain drive In firstclass condition and everything complete for sale cheap for cash Apply to C R Tydings It 13 in time of sudden mishap or accident that Chamberlains Liniment- can be relied upon to take the place of the family doctor who cannot al- ways ¬ be found at the moment Then- It is that Chamberlains Liniment is never found wanting In cases of sprains cuts wounds and bruises Chamberlains Liniment takes out the soreness and drives away the pain Charles W Morse the New York capitalist who failed during the late panic and was sent to jaIl4or finan- cial ¬ irregularities and lately allowed bail In the sum of J123000 is feeling quite hopeful under the trying cir ¬ cumstances as the securities pledged for loans have so risen In value that they are worth seven million dollars more than a year ago and this amount will about pay him out C R Kiuger tne jeweler 1060 Vir ¬ ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind writes I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foleys Kidne Remedy cleared my complexion cured mv backache and the irregularities disappeared and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foleys Kidney Remedy to all suffer- ers ¬ as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed For I sale by all druggists v 6 F Jt > GAYiR WILL SPURN GRAFT I Democratic Candidate for Mayor of New York Depends on his Record to Elect Him New York Oct 11 Justice Gaynors principal contributions to the cam campaign Saturday was an announce ¬ ment that he had decided not to use- a dollar In advocating his candidacy- and would return all gifts of money proffered to him for campaign pur- poses In a letter to Schuyler Parsons pres- Ident of the Coney Island Jockey Club who sent 500 Justice Gajnor said HI have been constrained by de ¬ mands from alt parts of the city to run for mayor I did not ask to run And now if my life work for goop government and to destroy low and corrupt government and those en ¬ gaged In it it not sufficient to elect me I do not care to be elected and I- Hhallb I < entirely content You see the base lot who are al- ready ¬ barking and lying at my heels I expect the opposition of every scoundrel but I am ready to meet them all and go down If the people- are content to let them put me down GEORGIA FACES DEFICIT Atlanta Ga Oct ItThe state of Georgia will face a deficit of J738- GG50 on January 1 1910 according- to a report on the condition of the state treasury which has just been made to Gov Brown j Jn making public the report the governor advocated a constitutional amendment that would permit the is ¬ suance of 600000 bonds to place the state on its financial feet I DOGTOJRS MISTAKES Are said often to bo burled six feet nude ground But many times women call on their family physicians suffering as they Imagine one from dyspepsia another from heart disease another from liver or kid ney disease another from nervous pros- tration ¬ another with pain here and there and lu this way they present alike to themselves and their easygoing or over busy doctor separate diseases for which he assuming them to be such prescribes his pills and potions In reality they art all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease The sician norant of the cause of sufferingVKVps up treatment until large bills are nftde T ering patient gets no bette the wrong treatment but probably wors rm lik to T Plprrrs Favnrlta PrescriptionDirected to thfcniue wniiTg a C en re removed the disease ere dispelling alflhoso olsttejsing rm toms and Instituting torn fort instead of prolonged misery it has been well said that a disease known Is half cured Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Is a scientific medicine carefully devised b7- an experienced and skillful physician- and to womans It is made of native American medicinal roots and Is erfectl harmless In Jta effects in ciniLcftnattuni iT itic Tgrfl g riwcm u As powerful Invigorating tonic Fa- vorite ¬ Prescription Imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis ¬ tinctly feminine in particular For over ¬ worked wornout rundown debili- tated Vcxchers milliners dressmakers seamstresses shopgirlshousekeepersn- urslngmothers and feeble women gen ¬ Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Is tho greatest earthly boon being un equaled as an appetizing and re- storative ¬ tonic As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine Favorite Prescription Is uncqualed vnd Is invaluable in allaying sub- duing nervous excitability irritability nervous exhaustion nervous prostration neuralgia hysteria St Vitusf dance and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly upon functional and organic disease of the uterus It induces and relieves mental anxiety and despondency Dr PIerces Pleasant Pellets invigorate the 8tomachVHver and bowels One U three a dote Easy to take a candy F E McCLANE Physician and Snrgeoi General Practice Cala Made Promptly t Night or Day I Special Attention to Obstetrics Di seases of Women and Children Office Rooms 322 Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office No 333 tesidence No 333- OCALA FLORIDA ICE ICE Buy Ice From Red Wagons They say but If you will examine carefully the ice which melts so rap ily you will note that there seems to he holes In It that the center Is what- Is called snow ice which being por¬ ous allows It to melt quickly C Crystal IceT- he kind we turn out Is as clear and perfect as It is possible to make I ice and is the most economical Ice to use Ask the man on the Red Wagon to stop and see you FLORIDA PACKING ICE COMPANY Phene 5 Phone 5 THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens Into the Lobby cf the Ocala Howe Offers tie very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap- pliances ¬ Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot Running Water at All Times VINCENT C DETTERlCH MaHager 4 I HURGRY FOR THE SPOILS Independents and Republicans Com- bine ¬ to Wrest Control of New York from Tammany New York Oct 10Wlth William Randolph Hearsts name as additional asset to the republican fusion ticket New Yorks municipal campaign has shaped itself definitely for a fight to oust Tammany Hall control of the city finances Both Hearst and Otto T Bannard the republican fusion nom ¬ inee say that their election is a mat ¬ ter of secondary Importance so long I as the remainder of the fusion ticket wins out for this will mean Tam ¬ manys defeat In the board of esti ¬ mate which controls the purse strings- of the greater city and Is a medium through which economy or extrav ¬ agance may be exercised regardless- of the mayor WORDS TO FREEZE THE SOUL Your son has consumption His case Is hopeless These appalling words were spoken to Geo E Blev ens a leading merchant of Spring- field ¬ N C by two expert doctors- one a lung specialist Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr Kings New Discovery After three weeks use writes Mr Blevens he was as well as ever I would not take all the money in the world for what It did for my boy Infallible for coughs and colds its the safest sur ¬ est cure of desperate lung diseases on earth SOc and 1 at all druggists Guarantee satisfaction Trial bottle free ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION- And I Proposed Charter of Ocala De- velopment ¬ Cfnipany The undesigned IntMdlng and pro- posing ¬ to organize orporatlon un- der ¬ the general la f the state of Florida relating to corporations for profit hereby make and publish the following articles of incorporation- and proposed charter- I The name of the corporation shall- be Ocala Development Company and its principal place of business shall be at Ocala In Marion county Florida- II The general nature of business to be transacted Is To acquire buy own lease sell and encumber real estate and Interests therein to issue bonds and other evidences of indebtedness- to buy acquire and own personal property incident to Its business and buy and sell securities to construct houses buildings and other struc- tures ¬ to act as agent and trustee for others In the investment of moneys- In real estate and personal property- and deal generally in real estate per ¬ sonal property stocks bonds and mortgages and do and perform such other business as is Incident to the purposes of this charter and not In ¬ consistent with the laws of the state I of Florida The amount of capital III stock author ¬ I ized is the sum of fifty thousand dol ¬ lars which will be divided Into five hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each which will be paid In by conveyance to the cor- poration ¬ of certain real estate and I personal property owned by the In- corporators the just and true valua ¬ tion of which Is hereby fixed by the Incorporators at the sum of fifty thousand dollars and when said stock is issued It shall be fully paid and nonassessable x- IV The corporation shall exist for a term of fifty yearsV The business of the company shall be conducted by the following named officers towit A president a vice president and a secretary and treas ¬ urer which last named offices may be held by the same pejson and by a- board of not less than three directors which said officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the StOC- kholders and directors to be held at Ocala Florida on the first Tuesday- in December of each year The names- of the officers who will conduct the business of the company until those elected at the first election shall be qualified are II L Anderson presi- dent ¬ J J Fort vice president and H Ml Hampton secretary and treas ¬ urer VI The highest amount of indebtedness- to which the corporation can at any- time subject Itself Is two hundred- and fifty thousand dollars VIL 1 The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount sub ¬ scribed by each are as follows- H L Anderson Jacksonville Flor ¬ ida 450 shares J J Fort Ocala Florida 25 shares- H M Hampton Ocala Florida 25 shares- In witness whereof the Incorpora- tors ¬ have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this the ninth day of October A D 1909 H L Anderson seal- J J Fort seal H M Hampton seal State of Florida County of Marion Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority H L Ander- son ¬ J J Fort and H Hampton each of whom are well know to me to be the parties described in and who executed the foregoing articles of In- corporation ¬ and proposed charter and each acknowledged the execution of the same for the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed Given under my hand and seal of office this the ninth day of October 1909Seal Ct Ct S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion County Notice of Application for Letters Patent Xotlce is hereby given that the un ¬ dersigned will on the 15th day of No- vember ¬ 1909 apply to the governor of Florida at Tallahassee Florida for letters patent upon thQ foregoing arti- cles ¬ of Incorporation and proposed charter IL L Anderson- JJ Fort- H M Hampton LOOSE LEAF LEDGER AND BILLS Let the Star office print and perfor- ate ¬ your loose leaf sheets for your in ¬ voice ledgers and bill head systems- We are prepared to do the work 1I 3 lt l ti s B IT IS I A F A G Tf c t E2i- I t r f iJ76 that the HUB who carries UIaIBOBeJ I his POCkItbW r i spend all of it without thought while it beceei eeciM ij ii tare for a HUH witii a bask accottrt to Jgwe a 1 4 > 4iiuuuuuuuu yt fcJ a reserve im his beak I t t < 1 2 J < < The Munroe Chafub IIik r < 1 r- S Ocala Horida i < t I THE FONITURE HOflVfl J- t E OFIdVEINaeKT- CARRIES i 1 39- x t A LARGEIc MODERN AND COMPLETE ST db < v t f J 1 rJ- I < OF- t > J ti- 6 e4 r oil J J II t > > t t 3 t FURNITURE f 11 r- i fi AN- DFURNISHING W f J lOUSE SI ALL tINtT- ue 7 J- Jo tl tily Hrase it Ceitral FteHa Hurt Finishes the 1e Carrks alii TIes lie latest i mi lest ii FmHire Keetlif ip wift fte Ufs ail JM o What Ike Fettle Wait Alst tarries Craplete Lite ol Biiliers ail Slld- liariware Carriages Wairas IqIJeSV- Lid Witness Sallies Efc u ever sir StKk ail Id fir pricesbiUV l- iMelVER I ll ake ytir pirchases Taws I l VV > M i iir- Hrv iftcliOc- alau Florida I J f FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES 1 Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Urn Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips 8 1 < Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W P EOWAROiPho- ne y 108 City Market y I f- eI I 4 1 f f I 4 r Hudson 2O 1 < > C t i v The sensation in motor cars for ChalmersDetroit There fe t no need to say anything for this card Write T S ABERNETHY Orlando Fl ri4aV i UTQMOBILE TO FIT ANY RIMS LTED = OM CLINCHER QD CLINCH EIt I > WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS A WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOilLE SUPPLIES AUTO S REPAIRIN AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES J OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA J I 4 THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CUV We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work ef whatever lund S Manufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagen and ctafftM I t blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled wtrloMO and our motto is to please VV Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHEAD MGR > L Washington Seiyilnarr1V W North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and pay School for girls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to score rev fined home life Classes divided Into small sections to secure personalV stractlon Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantage In Mi I Ic Art Expression Certificate admUs you to Vas tar Welleslejr Raadolpk Macon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1999 Catalogue ota ay- plication J U D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT PrMeipsId 0 r 1 1 4 > at r t to ii jt1ti I < > i- 1J t ir 1V- t a 1 o- ri p V

Transcript of t J 15 No FLORIDA Cats i f mum IT E2i-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03294/00527.pdf ·...

Page 1: t J 15 No FLORIDA Cats i f mum IT E2i-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03294/00527.pdf · WHAT CUERY RAN KNOW5 r 4 d4I1 4111J I 171 II t-y YIIMSYcANDws-bewa g the t M-Her first

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f> + Volwe 15 No 115 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY OCTOBER 11 1909 Fifty Cats I MSWY i Wr 1-

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4 d4I14111J I171 II t-

y YIIM bewa

SYcANDws-g the t M-

Her first cholceher lastchoice and her choice

p j tall timesMY FAVORITES

n caKllUns Y-

k JI 01

i FraT by




Oflce Over the Munroe A ChafibllwI Baak V-




Rooms 9 10 and 11

Second Floor Holdor Block





Dental SurgeonMke tver CtHverelal luh

r Phone 211-

i Office hours 8 to 12 am 1 to 5 p rn4



f V


Office Second Floor The Munroe ft-

CbamblfM Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephone Office 222 Residencev 221Oflce Hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4


4 p n 730 to 830 p in-







ICEOur Ice by our new process Is froz-


i af a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero la as clear as crys-


and as pure as cnn be made Weguarantee It to last longer


Ami Net IM Disa f> omted n-





Pho t t

CUJI PHilLIPS-i I extractor and Bcrfdefj-

pltBi42 and Specifications Furnisheditt W Upon Requestf4 ar 180Mb Third SL


AS1 nt Z1lDlt Barbershop

l OeMMCtkm WUhitiie Hotel Oflce-

Cti f v Skllta Workmen aad courteous at

it f t taiiUoB to all Special atteatlon to4 s f cklWre<1 R> I




i lif i I KTTEMCtiProirictOft t J

> I 1r I

1V 11 b> IJrr > r< i i r


p<< < s t-



rominent Britons Firm in the Belief

that War with Germany is


San Francisco Oct 10Lord NorthcllfTc English publisher and Mr Belleditor of the London Times whowere In the city this week expressedthe belief that war between GreatBritain and Germany Is certain tocomeThe facts are plain Lord Northcllffe said We know that Germany-has declined to discuss her vast arma ¬

ments We know that all of her ship¬

building yards are engaged In navalconstructionthat onfi h milied tbou i1

sand men are working night and dayand that scores of her leading states ¬

men and writers make no secret ofher Intentions We know that she hason previous occasions made unpro-voked


attacks on other nations andye know that the vessels she IB

building are designed either for com-merce


destroying purposes of for useclose to home waters

Emperors DeclarationWe have the German emperors

declaration that Germans future Ison the water We have the fact thatthe population of Germany must have-an outlet and her Industries newmarkets and that the most likely field-Is In places where the British flagfloats I fear that any opinion Is fool-Ish

Much has been said about a warscare In England There is not enoughof a war scare there Conditionswhich confront Great Britain are omi ¬

nous and It Is to be deplored that weare not better prepared-

I do not think there is any doubtsaid Mr Bell that there will be awar between Germany and Great Bri-tain


before long The situation is verymuch as a Frencli writes pictured thatbetween Germany and France beforethe FrancoGerman war when he saidthe two countries were like two rail ¬

road trains together tn a single trackWar Not mediate

Unless something occurs whichmakes It advIsable Germanys opin ¬

ion to provoke a war with England ItIs probable that Germany will delaythe confllcMfbr a few years until hernavjMaproportlonately stronger than-at present And In this connection It-

Th significant that the German battle ¬

ships are being built with very smajlcoal capacity As Germany has fewcoaling stations It Is evident that theGerman strategists contemplate astruggle at close quarters In otherwords that the contest will take place-In the English Channel In a desperateeffort to land a German army on Eng ¬

lish soil under cover of the Germanfleet I


This terrible calamity often hap ¬

pens because a careless boatman Ig ¬

nores the rivers warnIngsgrowingr-ipples and faster current Natureswarnings are kind The dull pain orache In the back warns you the kid¬

neys need attention If you would escape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes-or Brlghfs disease Take ElectricBlttefrs at once and see backache flyand all your best feelings return Af-


long suffering from weak kidneys-and lame back ono 1 bottle whollycured me writes J R Blankenshipof Belk Tenn Only 50c a bottle atjilldruggists


Chinese Minister Would Like to Ride-

in an Aeroplane

College Park Md Oct 11Afterbreaking the worlds record for flightover a closed circuit a kilometer Indistance Wilbur Wright predictedyesterday that he couldattain a speed-of sixty to seventy miles an hour in anaeroplane racer He had just tornthrough the air In the governmentaeroplane at a rate of approximatelyfortysix miles an hour making a-

new record of 58 38 seconds for thefiftyeight meters and return includ-ing


turnHaving delved Into most other in ¬

ventions Minister Wu Ting Fang ofChina saw his first aeroplane flightyesterday and absorbed all the infor-mation


obtainable from a rapid fire ofquestions directed at Mr Wright andofficers at the government teroplane-shed

It was the engine that puzzled theminister most Wheres the fire heInquired He was told somethingabout internal combustion engines-

The minister said he would feel sor-ry


for anyone who might get sick inone That led to his assertion that he

IIs proof against sea sickness antiwould like to ride in an aeroplanehimself


Louis Boon a leading merchant ofNorway Mich writes Three bottlesof Foleys Honey and Tar absolutelycured my boy of a severe cough andn neighbors boy who was so Ill with-a cold that the doctors gave him upwas cured by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar Nothing else Is as safeand certain of results Sold by altdruggists



Tampa Fla Oct lOIt bacemeknown yesterday that the UnitedStates government has instructed thepostmaster here to refuse to receiveCuban newspapers containing adver ¬

tisements on accounts of drawings In

the Cuban lotteries The Cuban con-


has taken the matter up with hisgovernment-

You need not be troubled In anyway with the stomach If you willsimply take Kodol at those timeswhen you feel that yon need It Kodo1is guaranteed to relieve you If itfalls your money will be refunded toyou by the druggist from whom youpurchased It Try It today on thisguarantee Sold by all druggist-

sWANTEDMfl to learn barbertrade Few w eks completes Practicalexperience from start Careful In-


tools given Diplomas grant-ed


Wages Saturdayspositions waitIng Wonderful demand for grad-uates


Write for catalogue MolerBarber College New Orleans La


t 1


Bunch of Oklahoma Seminoles WillV Try to Convert Their Ever-


BrethrenMiami Via Oct 11A company of

fifteen Seminole Indians have arrivedat Jupiter from Oklahoma for the pur-pose


of evangelizing the Seminoles inthe Everglades They expect to re ¬

main in this section two months Allare well dressed and speak Englishperfectly The Everglades Indianshave been notified and are taking adeep Interest in the movement


by local applications as they cannot J

reach the diseased portion of the earThere Is only one way to cure deaf¬

ness and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucous lin-


of the Eustachian Tube Whenthe tube Is inflamed you have arumbling sound of Imperfect hearing-and when It is entirely closed deaf¬

ness is the result and unless the In-


can be taken out and thistube restored to its normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten are caused byCatarrh which Is nothing but an In-


condition of the mucous sur¬

facesWe will give One Hundred Dollars

for any case of deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for cir-culars


free F J Cheney Co To ¬

ledo Ohio Sold by druggists 75Take Halls Family Pills for consti ¬



New York Oct 11As has beenpredicted for several days WilliamTravers Jerome has issued a state ¬

ment fofmalljj withdrawing fropj therace for reelection as dlstr attor-ney on an Independent tfeket Hisstatement says

After cv efnT reflection It seems tomeItmght no longer to continue as aCandidate for reelection to the office-of district attorney of New Yorkcounty and I have today filed my de-


of nomination as a candi-date


for that office

READ THISDunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1O9I

I have sold Halls Texas Wonder of StLouis Mo for six years Every bot-tle


I sell adds a customer for it It isa genuine cure for kidney bladder andrheumatic troubles Geo OhnmachtMerchant 60 days treatment in eachbottle


Any person who has a speciallygood photo of a flock of chickens ani ¬

mals or farm crops is requested tosend same at once to the office of ST Sistrunk Ocala for use in illus-trating


a booklet descriptive of Mar-ion


county whIch will soon be issuedby the county commissioners Anygood agricultural scene will be con ¬

sidered Prompt action Is requested


Fresh salt and fresh water fish In ¬

side and outside oysters shrimp etcreceived every day Temporary lo ¬

cation south of west end of the citymarket building in small woodenbuilding William Tucker Phone 219



I am prepared to take any Job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall or how flne the work desiredmay be I have the material brushesand knowledge to paint and do Itright Houses painted inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P O Box 135 or leave wordat the Star office K W FlllyawOcala Fla tt

ID RATHER Ulh DOCTORthan have my feet cut off said M LBingham qf rrlncevllle Ill Butyoull die from gangrene which hateaten away efght toes if you dontsaid all doctors Instead he usedBucklens Arnica Salvo till whollycured Its cures of eczema feversores boils burns and piles astound-the world 25c at all druggists


For sale cneap for cash the blackmare formerly owned by MajorIzlarsixmonths old colt and rubbertiredbuggy Write to or call on C L An ¬

derson care Ocala Lumber SupplyCompany


A fivepassenger automobile twocylinder chain drive In firstclasscondition and everything complete forsale cheap for cash Apply to C RTydings

It 13 in time of sudden mishap oraccident that Chamberlains Liniment-can be relied upon to take the placeof the family doctor who cannot al-


be found at the moment Then-It is that Chamberlains Liniment isnever found wanting In cases ofsprains cuts wounds and bruisesChamberlains Liniment takes out thesoreness and drives away the pain

Charles W Morse the New Yorkcapitalist who failed during the latepanic and was sent to jaIl4or finan-cial


irregularities and lately allowedbail In the sum of J123000 is feelingquite hopeful under the trying cir ¬

cumstances as the securities pledgedfor loans have so risen In value thatthey are worth seven million dollarsmore than a year ago and this amountwill about pay him out

C R Kiuger tne jeweler 1060 Vir ¬

ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind writesI was so weak from kidney trouble

that I could hardly walk a hundredfeet Four bottles of Foleys KidneRemedy cleared my complexion curedmv backache and the irregularitiesdisappeared and I can now attend tobusiness every day and recommendFoleys Kidney Remedy to all suffer-ers


as It cured me after the doctorsand other remedies had failed For

I sale by all druggists


6 F Jt >



Democratic Candidate for Mayor ofNew York Depends on his Record

to Elect Him

New York Oct 11 Justice Gaynorsprincipal contributions to the camcampaign Saturday was an announce ¬

ment that he had decided not to use-a dollar In advocating his candidacy-and would return all gifts of moneyproffered to him for campaign pur-posesIn a letter to Schuyler Parsons pres-

Ident of the Coney Island Jockey Clubwho sent 500 Justice Gajnor said

HI have been constrained by de¬

mands from alt parts of the city torun for mayor I did not ask to runAnd now if my life work for goopgovernment and to destroy low andcorrupt government and those en ¬

gaged In it it not sufficient to electme I do not care to be elected and I-

Hhallb I< entirely content

You see the base lot who are al-ready


barking and lying at my heelsI expect the opposition of everyscoundrel but I am ready to meetthem all and go down If the people-are content to let them put me down


Atlanta Ga Oct ItThe state ofGeorgia will face a deficit of J738-

GG50 on January 1 1910 according-to a report on the condition of thestate treasury which has just beenmade to Gov Brownj Jn making public the report thegovernor advocated a constitutionalamendment that would permit the is ¬

suance of 600000 bonds to place thestate on its financial feet


DOGTOJRS MISTAKESAre said often to bo burled six feet nudeground But many times women call ontheir family physicians suffering as theyImagine one from dyspepsia another fromheart disease another from liver or kidney disease another from nervous pros-


another with pain here and thereand lu this way they present alike tothemselves and their easygoing or overbusy doctor separate diseases for whichhe assuming them to be such prescribeshis pills and potions In reality they artall only symptoms caused by some uterinedisease The sician norant of thecause of sufferingVKVps up treatmentuntil large bills are nftde T eringpatient gets no bette thewrong treatment but probably wors

rm lik to T Plprrrs FavnrltaPrescriptionDirected to thfcniue wniiTg

a C en re removed the disease eredispelling alflhoso olsttejsing rmtoms and Instituting torn fort instead ofprolonged misery it has been well saidthat a disease known Is half cured

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Is ascientific medicine carefully devised b7-an experienced and skillful physician-and to womansIt is made of native American medicinalroots and Is erfectl harmless In Jtaeffects in ciniLcftnattuni iT itic Tgrfl griwcm u

As powerful Invigorating tonic Fa-vorite


Prescription Imparts strength tothe whole system and to the organs dis ¬

tinctly feminine in particular For over ¬

worked wornout rundown debili-tated Vcxchers milliners dressmakersseamstresses shopgirlshousekeepersn-urslngmothers and feeble women gen¬

Dr Pierces Favorite PrescriptionIs tho greatest earthly boon being unequaled as an appetizing and re-storative


tonicAs a soothing and strengthening nerv

ine Favorite Prescription Is uncqualedvnd Is invaluable in allaying sub-duing nervous excitability irritabilitynervous exhaustion nervous prostrationneuralgia hysteria St Vitusfdance and other distressing nervoussymptoms commonly uponfunctional and organic disease of theuterus It induces andrelieves mental anxiety and despondency

Dr PIerces Pleasant Pellets invigoratethe 8tomachVHver and bowels One Uthree a dote Easy to take a candy

F E McCLANEPhysician and Snrgeoi

General Practice Cala Made Promptlyt Night or Day

I Special Attention to Obstetrics Diseases of Women and Children

Office Rooms 322 Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office No 333tesidence No 333-


ICE ICEBuy Ice From Red Wagons

They say but If you will examinecarefully the ice which melts so rapily you will note that there seems tohe holes In It that the center Is what-Is called snow ice which being por¬

ous allows It to melt quickly

C Crystal IceT-

he kind we turn out Is as clearand perfect as It is possible to make

I ice and is the most economical Iceto use Ask the man on the RedWagon to stop and see you



Phene 5 Phone 5


BARBERSHOPOpens Into the Lobby cf the Ocala

HoweOffers tie very best service of

skilled workmen with modern ap-pliances


Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massages

Hot Running Water at All Times




Independents and Republicans Com-


to Wrest Control of NewYork from Tammany

New York Oct 10Wlth WilliamRandolph Hearsts name as additionalasset to the republican fusion ticketNew Yorks municipal campaign hasshaped itself definitely for a fight tooust Tammany Hall control of the cityfinances Both Hearst and Otto TBannard the republican fusion nom ¬

inee say that their election is a mat¬

ter of secondary Importance so longIas the remainder of the fusion ticketwins out for this will mean Tam ¬

manys defeat In the board of esti ¬

mate which controls the purse strings-of the greater city and Is a mediumthrough which economy or extrav ¬

agance may be exercised regardless-of the mayor


Your son has consumption Hiscase Is hopeless These appallingwords were spoken to Geo E Blevens a leading merchant of Spring-field


N C by two expert doctors-one a lung specialist Then wasshown the wonderful power of DrKings New Discovery After threeweeks use writes Mr Blevens hewas as well as ever I would nottake all the money in the world forwhat It did for my boy Infallible forcoughs and colds its the safest sur ¬

est cure of desperate lung diseases onearth SOc and 1 at all druggistsGuarantee satisfaction Trial bottlefree



Proposed Charter of Ocala De-velopment


CfnipanyThe undesigned IntMdlng and pro-


to organize orporatlon un-der


the general la f the state ofFlorida relating to corporations forprofit hereby make and publish thefollowing articles of incorporation-and proposed charter-

IThe name of the corporation shall-

be Ocala Development Company andits principal place of business shallbe at Ocala In Marion county Florida-

IIThe general nature of business to

be transacted Is To acquire buy ownlease sell and encumber real estateand Interests therein to issue bondsand other evidences of indebtedness-to buy acquire and own personalproperty incident to Its business andbuy and sell securities to constructhouses buildings and other struc-tures


to act as agent and trustee forothers In the investment of moneys-In real estate and personal property-and deal generally in real estate per¬

sonal property stocks bonds andmortgages and do and perform suchother business as is Incident to thepurposes of this charter and not In ¬

consistent with the laws of the stateI

of Florida

The amount of capitalIII

stock author ¬ Iized is the sum of fifty thousand dol ¬

lars which will be divided Into fivehundred shares of the par value ofone hundred dollars each which willbe paid In by conveyance to the cor-poration


of certain real estate andI personal property owned by the In-

corporators the just and true valua ¬

tion of which Is hereby fixed by theIncorporators at the sum of fiftythousand dollars and when saidstock is issued It shall be fully paidand nonassessable x-

IVThe corporation shall exist for a

term of fifty yearsV

The business of the company shallbe conducted by the following namedofficers towit A president a vicepresident and a secretary and treas ¬

urer which last named offices maybe held by the same pejson and by a-

board of not less than three directorswhich said officers shall be elected atthe annual meeting of the StOC-kholders and directors to be held atOcala Florida on the first Tuesday-in December of each year The names-of the officers who will conduct thebusiness of the company until thoseelected at the first election shall bequalified are II L Anderson presi-dent


J J Fort vice president andH Ml Hampton secretary and treas ¬


The highest amount of indebtedness-to which the corporation can at any-time subject Itself Is two hundred-and fifty thousand dollars

VIL 1The names and residences of the

subscribers and the amount sub ¬

scribed by each are as follows-H L Anderson Jacksonville Flor ¬

ida 450 sharesJ J Fort Ocala Florida 25 shares-H M Hampton Ocala Florida 25

shares-In witness whereof the Incorpora-


have hereunto set their handsand affixed their seals this the ninthday of October A D 1909

H L Anderson seal-

J J Fort sealH M Hampton seal

State of FloridaCounty of Marion

Personally appeared before me theundersigned authority H L Ander-son


J J Fort and H Hamptoneach of whom are well know to me tobe the parties described in and whoexecuted the foregoing articles of In-


and proposed charterand each acknowledged the executionof the same for the uses and purposestherein set forth and expressed

Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this the ninth day of October

1909Seal Ct Ct S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion County

Notice of Application for LettersPatent

Xotlce is hereby given that the un ¬

dersigned will on the 15th day of No-


1909 apply to the governor ofFlorida at Tallahassee Florida forletters patent upon thQ foregoing arti-cles


of Incorporation and proposedcharter IL L Anderson-

J J Fort-H M Hampton


Let the Star office print and perfor-ate


your loose leaf sheets for your in ¬

voice ledgers and bill head systems-We are prepared to do the work

1I 3



ti s B







that the HUB who carries UIaIBOBeJ I his POCkItbW ri

spend all of it without thought while it beceei eeciM ij iitare for a HUH witii a bask accottrt to Jgwe a

14 > 4iiuuuuuuuu

yt fcJa reserve im his beak I t t < 1 2 J<


The Munroe Chafub IIik r< 1 r-


Ocala Horidai <

t I





i 1 39-





t fJ 1 rJ-




> Jti-

6 e4r oil J J II

t > > t t 3tFURNITURE f 11 r-



W f J


7 J-

Jo tltily Hrase it Ceitral FteHa Hurt

Finishes the 1e Carrks alii TIes lie latest imilest ii FmHire Keetlif ip wift fte Ufs ail JM o

What Ike Fettle WaitAlst tarries Craplete Lite ol Biiliers ail Slld-

liariware Carriages Wairas IqIJeSV-

LidWitness Sallies Efc


ever sir StKk ail Id fir pricesbiUV l-


Illake ytir pirchases Taws I l VV >

M i iir-


iftcliOc-alau Florida I J



Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Urn Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips 8 1

<Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W P EOWAROiPho-ney

108 City Markety








f I4


Hudson 2O 1

<> C ti v

The sensation in motor cars forChalmersDetroit There fe t

no need to say anything for this cardWrite T S ABERNETHY

Orlando Fl ri4aVi











We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work ef whatever lundS

Manufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagen and ctafftM I tblocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled wtrloMO andour motto is to please VVTemporary quarters phone 256


Washington Seiyilnarr1VW

North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and pay School forgirls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to score revfined home life Classes divided Into small sections to secure personalVstractlon Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantage In Mi IIc Art Expression Certificate admUs you to Vas tar Welleslejr RaadolpkMacon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1999 Catalogue ota ay-plicationJ U D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT PrMeipsId 0 r

1 14 > at

r t toii jt1tiI

< > i-


t ir 1V-ta

1 o-

