T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W.,...

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Transcript of T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W.,...

Page 1: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.
Page 2: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.



By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Page 3: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

WE ARE THE A.R.K. (ANIMAL RIGHTS KNIGHTS) Our mission is to fight against injustice towards animals in American farming.

We support finding alternatives to the current abusive practices of farming in order to eliminate or lessen animal cruelty.

Page 4: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

The Foul Affair of Factory Farming

You don’t have to be a vegetarian or a vegan to know that this is wrong.

Page 5: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Industrial/Factory Farming

• Industrial or factory farming is large scale farming done for the mass production of animal products such as Pork, dairy, red meat, and poultry.

• This is the epitome of farming in America

Page 6: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.


• Sows, are constantly impregnated• Pregnant sows are kept in small confined cells, around

two feet wide• Piglets are stuffed into crowded pins• Pins littered with corpses and waste• Runts are disposed of inhumanely

Page 7: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Poultry • Crammed cages• Beaks are cut off• Genetically altered for faster

bigger growth.• Egg hens spend their entire

lives laying eggs• When they can no longer lay

any more they are sent to slaughter.

• Many birds die during transportation

• Ineffective stunning and inaccurate slaughter machines.

Page 8: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Beef, Dairy, and Veal• Cattle are poorly

maintained• Dairy cattle are constantly

impregnated• Utter infections• Calves are taken away at

birth to become veal• Hormone injections lead to

health problems• Cattle have their throats cut

open while they are alive

Page 9: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Other Problems With Factory Farming

• Animal abuse is not the only problem associated with broken system that is Factory Farming.–Human Health–Environmental Health–Economy

Page 10: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Human Health• Quantity over quality of product• Increased risk of infected product• Large masses of consumers can be harmed• Risk to workers

Page 11: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.


• Factory farms monopolize agriculture • Low paying high risk jobs• Factory farms do little to support

their local economies

Page 12: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Environmental Health

• High emission of carbon dioxide and methane gas• Large amounts of hazardous


Page 13: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

THE SOLUTIONThe solution to solving animal abuse in

American farming is to put an end to factory/industrial farming.

Holistic Farming is a more natural approach to agriculture where farmers consider animal welfare in the feeding and raising of their animals.

Education for The Nation

HAM Fair

Page 14: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

EDUCATION FOR THE NATION Education for the Nation is a educational

series of presentations designed for Jr. high and high school students.

Animal Cruelty in American Farming

Flaws of the American farming industry

How to encourage change

Page 15: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

EDUCATION FOR THE NATIONProjector: $180Speakers: $500+Microphone: $100Paper:$20 per pack (200 sheets)

Total: $800+

Page 16: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

EDUCATION FOR THE NATIONInforming people about the cruelty of Factory Farms will inspire them to take action.

People will be more likely to take action once they are well informed on how to do so.

This will appeal to more people than most anti-animal cruelty programs.

Page 17: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.


around a marketing event for holistic farmers.

Raise awareness of holistic products

Support holistic farmers

Get communities with fun activities

Page 18: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

HAM FAIRLand for event: $100-200

Tables: $10-20 each.

Total: $600+

Page 19: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

HAM FAIR This will give many people a good

view of holistic farming.

People will be made aware of local holistic businesses

People will have a chance to meet local holistic farmers.

This event will act as a showcase for holistic products

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Page 21: T HE A.R.K. T HE A NIMAL R IGHTS K NIGHTS By: Ashley D., Ileia M., Ara K., Samantha M., Michael W., Nicholas B., and Marina C.

Citations• "A factory farm worker forcing a “tom” into leg restraints to collect semen, as other “toms”

look on. Photo courtesy of Farm Sanctuary." Thanksgiving’s Nasty Little Secret. Web. 19 May 2011. <http://www.satyamag.com/nov06/beeby.html>.

• "If you shop @ your local Farmer's Market, let share your list here. :)." Local Farmer's Market: Share Your Shopping List. Web. 19 May 2011. <http://www.tudiabetes.org/group/diabetesgroceryshopping/forum/topics/local-farmers-market-share>.

• "Flight Simulator School Presentation." Projects. Web. 19 May 2011. <http://www.discoveryofflight.org/presentations.htm>.

• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.dalje.com>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.novakeo.com>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.factoryfarm.jpg>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.petaasiapacific.com>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.animalactivism,org>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.treehugger.com>.• Web. 19 May 2011. <www.activehistory.ca>. • Web. 19 May 2011. <www.2.bp.blogspot.com>.