t•[ County Standard... · bom on Lon11 Ialand. The CMI'miiDO KU

bllobB . .•, ... a. •.. ,,w.. . £, ... . .. .. . +. BMALL , A w �1.1+, - Bal+1, W.d,R. J. . . . t• A uA�· o�noJam- DI.OI, _ . ' . B RVEY,�· D. 8. R . ·lla and lt4 = .t=t o ;:=· m ;4=· N. J . AUETWn BRANCH Il, 0RDB OARBUY ID. G, DDING A MORRELL, W OFFIC, AOAl BANK BUIING, Wtld, N. J. DR. W1o. C. C. ROSENTHAL, DEN'l'IS'. DIX BUILDING, _ IIU B lt, Ellꜳtb, N. J, %& ••' w AU . D. CBAIG A. ꮋ, R AT W, ONT ud MSET 8. · .PL A D, N. J. J �- O Dd od �, :: .-- - · -:; - __ .�. : .. •�u c att o t . · OFI&o . Y 1, l, . . DD . oi ier. - _, ____ �-·- I. S TAYR, OAL t•& • W r, . ; , . l•I , x. J. ·�-. I'BVIR 7 DOUGLAS, AOUT, lL · · \. ARË ., �·''4.. . ' J , . &a ln la+1nn� , o, a. .An. a☎ El• . P. 0. 0. B. BANN, CA •. Job a. , . t Sb, Wb A�ae a lr, W•l4. WILLIAM C. TOWNSEND, ( �f I o k ADue l Cbb l l.l MUSICAL DIRìTOR ANb TêCH· �R OF VIOLIN AND UNLIN. tf . IIF�� :�. l d ' met Ste t, Phoeld, N. J. �·. P. KELLEY. FINE CARRIAGES AND BUSIN S WAGONS. Sial atteotlon glveo to lotlnK, trim· miDI l n. Brd Ste t, Wtſteld, · N. J. R. M. FRENCH, FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL· CLOTHS, ATTING8. Cat. clean, ſttted an4 laid. El m Strt, Weotſteld. NeRr t. S. D. WINTER, GRADING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CARTING & OESKRAL \VORK OP A KID8 DmCE AT SHORT NICB. SAND FOR Bl,LOING PUR3E8. Prlcl RenAble. WESTFIELD PHARYACY. DRUGS, YEDICINES, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Etc -FINE STTIOERY.- w. H. TRENCHARD. Comer B and Prꝏ,t �t. C. E. PEARSALL & CO., -------------- · -- ______ ___ . __ N. J , · SATURDAY� AY P, 1HD6. y6�ESFIELD WILL NEVER FORGET IIER SOLDIER DEAD. mn Weatſteld'e honor. 'he movement enggea In tho apפnd mnicatlon from Con1e C. W. Hardon it timoly and should mꝏt with immlinto an<l popular auprt. - Ml• Wk•............. . .. ...... 23 abtrlptler• lo le Fnnd. The following eltla.ne hRve ntri· bat to tbe fond for the care of the ldier'• Plot Itt Faiiew CemPtery thi• y�Rr. It le a noble cR, help It nlon . Snrlptlons will be received by C. W. Burden. F. A. TaggRrt .... .... ... . . .... ... . 1. Joba O'Bienls. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2� H. B. Knrlo. 1 .. . . . . . ...... .. 1. S. W. . .. .. . ..... ...... ... . 1. C. W. Hardeo ....... : ............ 1. C. C. Dil l ... ............. ...... . . W. C. B•rton ..................... .r Tb. McG . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . n B. J. ꝏby...................... 1. F. C. eker. . .. . .. . . . .... . .. . .. . n Townley........ . . . .... ...... . 23 E. W. Hale, (Cranford) .......... .. 1. J. M. C. Marsh..... . . . ..... .. .... 23 W. J. B!1 ert ....... ... . .......... 1 C. D. L0!1e ........... J. . . . . . .. .. . n G. H. Browo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n E. PeR11. . .... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 1. C. E. ................ .... 2+ 6 . . c. . .................... 2+ 0 •. . . . . .. 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 2 · Rnth .. ............... . . . 25 L. M. Pean l .................... 25 1.1. a-.... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . ... . . . G E. Crby. .... ... ... ....... 2 D. E. Mil l er.. .. .. ........ . . .. . . .. . M. M. n•lder. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . ..... n M. w�n .. .. ... ..... .... . ... .. 1. -�·..,.... 1 Fd Pro. Wtſteld, N. J., May 27, '. Erlitor Union Cou11ty Sfandal: DEAR SIR :-1 enci herewith a lit of the oucrlptlona to the Memorial Day Flower Fnn<l np to <late ami lwg to ota that we l uteud to kp this list oפn for some time yet l we are l to lieve there Rre a lal'e Dnmr of the citlae ns of Weotehl who wioh to aid us lu ral sin a snw to הpi In the bands of th� tm•�• of Fairview Celli· etery a• a iera' Plot Trnot Fond. the Income of wbi�h will KO to the ruum· e nt cRre of the &•Idlers' Plot.. We have alr<I)' en promi<l ob •nbd p tlona of () ſtve <Iollar• �ncb to that fmul. Y onra troll�, C. W, HARDEN. . .. . . - A ll & , 18, G. A. &, l l l *'1 ·- �·e tn old q wall •Irr•lew C O . I da, u I. W. ll fh tnetlon. All vaoa w n, eam•tly Ia · Yl to al lat In ying thl tbute our r, ID t הattD the +1+1 t •r•l will held Ia Mo Hall, aloſt,ld. 8aoda1 enning, Blet, the •. N. W. d weU wl �h a Mal - In e chuh In W u eY Y who can, l m•tl lo•I t. A nn m r 1 PlaiDId ext . atd . - - IRI PIARLL PAQ2 AWAY. _ With alro . Dl• a& .. . a-LL Wblle of bl fll1 II , L. I., al r. 1 �•. a ltlc •tle ay lnr of at wk. He lli �nutl rlu bll f u,, loelnlol b wife and el ? danrh· ter, who anmwon hl1 · llde f VIola and Kom; ud for wvl U e main hK y n· ona of the �nœ of bie'indl. For twenty r ho fore hie dth, however, he lay In a o of coma, oat of which he fully t oto the Unt yond. For me time tb� nire, + + eve · tly ull hlut, lulnot e n well . He complal n?l of <llzzln• Rlltl nanœa; but bl• inherent g chr never left bl w nen under the III!t trying circn· atKnc• · •· He lm<l commeue n tour of la•t < hyeo to relatl ws Knd old f�ncls. The angel of •Ieath over· oꝏk him In th" aulifnl home of blo favorite nephew an<lnlce, Mr. nnd Mro . . Al�xallller A. PeRRii, at Rkllle Centre. He bnd the lt mical •kill '""' a trainl nnr to onpplement the tender ca1·e of his devot I>Lp)e; but In Ilia venty·nintb year, his time had me-aod he wu ready ! Wby ahonltl he not fall Rslp In the nttnꝏt T For hi• life was life of "G will to wen ! " Fnnel oerv will held Sat nr ay moroin at II o'clock, at t h etbIiot Epl•pal church. PHINEAS CARMAN PEARSALL. Pblneu CntnRn Pennall wa+ <li rect dend"ut of John Carman, who TATE AND INSURANCE All B t Tv r• Stop In Fnt of thla the rreat AGENCY. " 1634 c we to Aroeri�a and was one uf th" nine odlu"l joint p>trcban of laue) from the Indl"n" on Long Ialancl, aod gave tbe name nf HemoteR<I (Home- a) to their œttlement. Johu Car· mao's tbl r tl *11 wMs the ſtrst whit child m on Lon+ Ialand. The CMI'miiDO KU<I Pear Milo aud Rnu•lolpha through warrle• iu th arly d+y• ame alli. 'fhe la Uoveor Ro<mlolph. of New Jersey, aud the late Chau�ellor of THE UNION Co STANDARD, Wleld, New Jersey. ldood and sturn Homœ For 1• ꜵd To nt. DIUce pla In Flnt·C l ue eomnlœ. nl• llt. JAIES U. DARY, CARPETS CLEANED MADE D LAID. U. F. MITCHELL, PRATIOAL PAINTER -AND- PAPER HANGER, NOR AVE.E, MAR DE. Rηil Sto In N J, In the verJ Hea of Ne war k . �m t•[� �f ��IN THE 8TATE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Lawn and Pia za urnltu, for ease and comfort; Ice Oream ree er•, best and quickest ; Refrlgera· tor•, hardwo at ice of soft ; Water Cooler•, strong and handsome; Ice he•t•, very convenient for small ; Ice Cream �.,pretty and cheap; 011 ltove•, Qa• It•just the things for hot weather and very ec nomical; a;ar Lawn ower, the best in the market and the cheapest for go service; Matting, coolest floor covering; Hammocks, for warm days; Croqet Sets, Tennis Sets, healthful games ; Outtin Shirts, Dress Goods, Ladies' Hats, n�west styles for warm weather; Travelers' Needs. Theo. wer� consin• of d�ced. "Old lived a "1t . r I\ I wayo food of t lore hi• �rantl coat. atlctors wade it Tori and Heiaos and the rn io New York city, pt. 6, 1817, he was the * 0 of Pet�r Rœlk Rlld Abgall Carw+ Pll;wa ucat Ia New Bruunrlck, N. J.. "'he he WHO RfterwRrda employ oo the N e Bruno· wick Fredoulan, then owned by his cousin, Jaw F. R<Iolph. On May , 183, ht' marri Catherine Mor+an Vanderhœf. S n t neotly he euK pI פooly Ia bnoln in N' ew York city; endorœd othr wen's oo; paid dollar for <Iollar ; pod thugh the crisis of '7; fall In ·�7; bnt anuently wet all claim• . snatalnlug his reputation for tb" hlbt buoiueu in+rity to the l�t. It wu at tlmat cbrflly fnmllh, job· We ebow more than 1> eclu• l ve No. 2-20-ln. Dack Whl. ... , 7 6 that time that be went Into hi• howe biDI promptly atteod to. atyl1 of by r1••· Every car· No. a-��·ioo. Iinck Whl .... + 2+ and id: "Not eve•·ythin i• rie gante l. 'l'ho ave ou� guaraut to הst thRnk G that I ba•·� left me an lt t tt ·- VolI l.-Tbe Velie s Rre made. reputation audmy wife ami children." the . of JI}I� Aa1· •n wi u 1 o' o פo t nꜳ 1 C. B, t P. +. ud oaoy Order Crk. __ e;g ; o_u_s __ o __ c e_s . __ in<l black. turul hul and •kes Sr LRwn SwinK. usually l l for They rear ven children:-Julla C ONGREOATIUAL CHUROH OJ id stri. They are the t that a 10 we oll at th remarka bly 4 9 8 A . . who ame the wife of Rev C. F. CHRI'f, Rev, HeDrf Ketcham, . w ade. . lo� i n · ice of................ ..... Burdkk; Caie J.. the wif" of .James R. CBI, aer lvery Clerk. 8uadar Moral , . l 1+ 1 o'clk. No. 1-16·1n. Front Whl. ... 1 7+ Dlon• · nslon•-otuufuruœ.�l-2r . tulb,6 E. Whit; nlnla W .. the wife of AileD + +1 418!" �1, ... lv0e+, + + , l e rv'l .��r No. 2-20·1D. Front Wheel... 2 10 ! 1 ' "'u' '" u · �.••1 t "''1< 1 ·11•' r old81 r or1oblpmeat, . Fitch; A lfre<l E., Etlar R nn•l Ro- v.- I t . 7' N . 3 8 I F t Wb I . . . '" :- no . . uO: ' . 110' 011+' lin B.-all ll viu " ""Pthl the 14tter, �f+ 0w:+ + �1, 0' - . n . ron '' ' . 2 Ladles �ml Men s fr e n n Bl cycl , wh <- deat h occnrr in Hl7+ . No. 4-28.tn. F root Wh l. .. . = bl + d tb •1 Every ooe D&rant. lg e an wor our 56 6 9 For )'I'tb" d" wao chniater of ; ·········· · ··:·········· * b" 01<1 Jolnutrt churcb,Now Ym·k.He Ol' ver Try.. o t y eiꝃ for a bicycle when you W O l l of the Ol'allir• ur til Hauac.u N o. 1-l lu. rk Wh�l . ... 9 cao 1 et t hlout cla whl for + 6 E. Pla c e M. . chorcb, Brooklyn. Be If ' J · k' f Ch b S • k caw Wt+ld with hi• f•1mlly Ia any one IS oo mg or a am er Ult , ne a e, a 187, aud unltl with the Mothlat proved style and at a mest price, we would direct their E nl l c hu h. For w+uy yn be ' d ' ' M J M h A w u" Jn•ti of the Pee. "" · attentiOn to our new es1gns 10 ap e, a ogany, n t 1 que ve by hi• family. הlowd by bla Oak and White Enamel, from So. to So a suit. We also frleuda and N•פcl by hi• fell ow c l tl· h I d'd 1 J' f Odd p · ·o If Bl d n!. Myarlcherwli,W8+ +1tby tile s ow a sp en 1 samp e me o 1eces, m e t, ue an do llar ot+u, wlll•lled for+oto ה· W hite, and all the decorations to match, for B and I ron fo the w t mewor y of the 'ld B d · nl" t or the d of b e S, KID-- to t Inklud. Come in and see our complete and extended lines of Cottage ad wn Furniture, in Reed Suits, Old Hickory and Porch Gos, Settees, Camp Chairs, Hammocks, Croquet and Tennis Sets, etc . HUNDREDS OF UTHBR THINII FOR UMHER A'r 1'HK I T REAONABLE PRIOKS AT TE BIG THREE-ACRE BAZAR O HAHNE & CO., NEWARK, N.J. A E . PUA. A f laz In 1a f� be lvN 10 w • b W. il wn+ +*ll k I TILP PllBL§ LlBRAAY. r• T. •vNJ or I new O mo !1 B - B� =•to · m. - , , v 1 -• Wt I I , wn-Can't tblok how IDR womao c fꝏd Idiot, her huond Jꝏ-Will wer, m e Up IW I I I I i "I , walt, tba• de'a mo* obUb" ! "Y•, ljr, ai't It! -' , -t" a d7. f

Transcript of t•[ County Standard... · bom on Lon11 Ialand. The CMI'miiDO KU

PablloboclB..,......, ........ . .••• , ............. a....

•.. ,,w ................... .. •• £, ................. ..:. ........ . 11. I'B.lMALL. ..._,..,._,_,

A......, II& LAwM4 �101'.111..,.._,, l!ltAJID- Ballcll111, W...-..d,R. J.

�==���=a��� .. ==-=--�--. t•.U�u.• A u.mA�· o�n o� Jam-lfc(Aitt, 1\'DI.OI,

_ ... .:...,. te' 'limO. B. HARVEY,�· D. 8.

�ftl& Rltloul .U BaU4lllt. --·lolla.ai.

and Bult4•� --==== .t=to;:.=· m;4=· N. J=='=






Weetlkold, N. J.



DIX BUILDING,_ :108-IIU Broad lllnot, Ellaabotb, N. J,

05& ••mrn:'ll w AU r!W. D&I'OT.




JIOIUIJ to �- Oil BoDd o.Dd )1�, :.:::.::::..=--�.---·-:.:_;;:;.;:_-__ .�..:: .. -::::=---=-=....:.�


1t•UU:LD I'Oft OFI'ICl&o . mLY 1, Jllll,

II. II. llovDD ... PooiiiiMier .

- _,. ____ �-·---·----

I. S. TAYLOR, PBAOTIOAL PIAlfO tti•& • Wei& r.oatMnet, IWD&eld.

Rttik11illet; •• ,. .... Bll•'bMII, x. J. ·�---nil. I'BVIR 7 DOUGLAS, AOUT, OollnaCIAL tnfiOX AIIBUB·· \. ARCB ClO., �·''4.. .

' Qf J..dotl, ......-. &baa l'ln la111nn� Vo., Hartford,

• CODa. Dadlq .An. aa4 El• IM. P. 0. B!.ll!','

0. B. BANN, CAI&PDTD a· BUII.Dml •. Jobblq promptiJ' atta4� � • . , .

Bitt .... J'IU'IIIIIIed. Sbop, Wortb An��ae a'bcml Cllrllllhwt,


(Leader �f IIIII Plalolleld Park An�Due Baptlll Cbureb flrllbellra.l

MUSICAL DIRECTOR ANb TEACH· �R OF VIOLIN AND UArNDOLIN. t.e:,:'.,'lf •. IIF�� :..:.��.r�';..":.:! .:.r..=.ld

39 Somenet Street, Ph.tolleld, N. J.

�·. P. KELLEY.


Special atteotlon glveo to palotlnK, trim· miDI aod repaln.

Broad Street, Weetfteld,·N. J.


CLOTHS, IIATTING8. Carpet.. cleaned, rwfttted an4 laid.

Elm Street, Weotfteld. NeRr Depot.



SAND FOR Bl,LOING PURPU3E8. Prlct>l ReuonAble.




Comer Broad and Proo,..,.,t �t...,..lo.


----------- ---·-- ______ ___, ___ . __

N. J�,· SATURDAY� :MAY 80, 1HD6.

y6�ES'l'FIELD WILL NEVER FORGET IIER SOLDIER DEAD. \l.l So mncb lo Weatfteld'e honor. 'l'he movement enggea&ed In tho appended comiiUinicatlon from Con1rade C. W. Hardon it timoly and should moot with immtlllinto an<l popular aupport.

--- Ml• Week•............. . .. .. .. .. 23 llab�ttrlptler.• lo lllie Fnnd.

The following eltla.ne hRve contri· bated to tbe fond for the care of the Soldier'• Plot Itt Fairview CemPtery thi• y�Rr. It le a noble cRlll!e, help It nloniC. Snbtlcrlptlons will be received by C. W. Burden. F. A. TaggRrt ... . .... .... . ... . .... 1.00 Job a O'Bienls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2� H. B. Knrahlllo. 1 .. . . . • . . .. .. .. .. 1.00 S. W. Jt<oe• .. . .. ........... . ... . 1.00 C. W. Hardeo ....... : ............ 1.00 C. C. Diltll ............... . ....... . 00 W. C. B•rton ..................... .r.o Tbeo. McGtVrall . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 110 B. J. Crooby ...................... 1.00 F. C. Deeker. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . 110 Ed Townley........ . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 23 E. W. Hale, (Cranford) .......... .. 1.00 J. M. C. Marsh..... . . . .. .. . .. . .. . 23 W. J. B011ert ....... ... . .......... 100 C. D. L0011e ........... J. . . . . . .. .. . 110 G. H. Browo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

E. PeRI'IN\11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 C. E. .. .............. .... 211 6 .

. c. . .................... 211

ll 0 • . • . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 2·'} Rnth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

L. M. Peanall .................... 25 1.1. a-.... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . ... . . . oo GI'IICf! E. Cr""by. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. 2i> D. E. Miller.. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . �� M. M. Scn•lder. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. 110 M. w�nee .. .. ....... ..... .... .. 1.00

---�·�-­.., ........ 1 F•u•d Propowct.

Weotfteld, N. J., May 27, '00.

Erlitor Union Cou11ty Sfandal'tl: DEAR SIR :-1 enciOtte herewith a li•t

of the oubecrlptlona to the Memorial Day Flower Fnn<l np to <late ami lwg to otate that we luteud to keep this list open for some time yet Ill we are led to lwlieve there Rre a lal'l!e Dnmlwr of the citlaens of Weotllehl who wioh to aid us lu ralsinJI' a snw to he piRCeol In the bands of th� tm•�• of Fairview Celli· etery a.• a Solcliera' Plot Trnot Fond. the Income of wbi�h will KO to the Jll'ruum· ent cRre of the &•Idlers' Plot.. We have alreR<I)' been promi��e<l ob •nbacdptlona of (If") ftve <Iollar• �ncb to that fmul.

• Y onra troll�, C. W, HARDEN.

.. ... .. ........ ... . -A chtall ol &be ...._, .-ben of

PUit 18, G. A. &, will 4Mlontll wllh .... lad Iowen, 8YerJ 10Jclier'1 lllfl ..nor·- �·e tn tile old bal')'iq poaacl • wall •I• r.&r•lew C..Weten oa the IDOI'IIIIIK. llf JII!JIIorial da)', Cotuftllle I. W. ll'bllt will fiii'Jileh traneportatlon. All veteraoa wbo can, are eam•tly Ia· Ylted to atlllat In paying thill tribute to our 4Md COIIIradiJ, ID the atti!I'DOOD the 1111111 lltiiiOl'IMl •r•lce will be held Ia Mnalo Hall, Plaloft,ld. On 8aoda1 enning, llaJ' Blet, the Be•. N. W. Cad weU will prnr�h a Memorial - In tile PreebjtMrlan church In W lldeld ucl eYII'J' Yeteran who can, ill eam•tl)' lo•IIIM lo be _,_.t. A nnmbar of Yilt· eru11 from PlaiDIII!Id expect .to attend .


_ .. .._With Pualrllo. ... Dl• a& ..... ..... .. a-LL

Wblle Ylalllu tllelDben of bill funll1 a& JIMYIIIB Oilltle, L. I., 8qalre Pftr. •11 �•14 a .-l'lll)'tlc •tiolle ear!J' Thareclay momlnr of laat week. He rallied �nam.utl)' to recoplu bll fun u,., loelncllol bla wife and eldeet danrh· ter, who hlofbeen anmwoned to hl1 bed· llde fi'OIII VII'Jdola and KomNIII; ud for wvl!l'lll UJ'I lie remained hKilllily con · oelona of the �noe of bie'lrindreol. For twenty foUr hoare bf>fore hie death, however, he lay In a otate of coma, oat of which he 1-...-1 peacefully toto the Ul't'nt Beyond .

For HOme time tb� l:lqnire, 1111 every · hotly ulled hlut, lu\tlnot been well . He complal netl of <llzzln""• Rlltl nanoea; but bl• inherent good ch.,.r never left blw nen under the IIIO!!t trying circnpl· atKnc•·•· He lm<l commeueecl n tour of la•t !!<>Od hyeo to relatl ws Knd old fri�ncls. The angel of •Ieath over· oook him In th" bt•aulifnl home of blo favorite nephew an<lnl..ce, Mr. nnd Mro .. Al�xallller A. PeRI'!'Rii, at Rock.-llle Centre. He bnd the l""'t medical •kill '""' a traine<l nnr.., to onpplement the tender ca1·e of his devoted I>L'Op)e; but In Ilia ��eventy·nintb year, his time had come-aod he wu ready !

Wby ahonltl he not fall Rslt't!p In the nttnoot Jli'RL'f!T For hi• life was • life of "Good will to wen ! "

Fnnel'lll oervi<-.1!8 will btl held Satnrtlay moroinl! at II o'clock, at thtJ :MetbU<Iiot Epl•copal church.

PHINEAS CARMAN PEARSALL. Pblneu Cnl'tnRn Pennall wa• 11 <li

rect det!Cend"ut of John Carman, who REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE

All Broad .§&net Trollev Car• Stop In Front of thla the Larreat AGENCY. " 1634 c .. we to Aroeri�a and was one uf

th" nine od!flu"l joint p>trcba8t'n of laue) from the Indl"n" on Long Ialancl, aod gave tbe name nf HemoteR<I (Home ­acead) to their oettlement. Johu Car· mao's tbl r tl 1011 wMs the ftrst whit.! child bom on Lon11 Ialand. The CMI'miiDO KU<I PearMilo aud Rnu•lolpha through warrllll!e• iu th?Oe �arly d11y• became allied. 'fhe late Uovernor Ro<mlolph. of New Jersey, aud the late Chau�ellor

Olllce of THE UNION Cot:NTY STANDARD, Welltlleld, New Jersey.

ldood and sturban Homoe For 11&1• aod To Rent. FfJ'(I DIUraDce pla.ced In Flnt·Clue eompanloe. nl• Oollocted.






Retail Store In New .leneJ, In the verJ Heart of Newark.

���m t•[� �f ��MM[� ����� IN THE 8TA.TE

AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Lawn and Pia za P'urnltule, for ease and comfort;

Ice Oream P'ree er•, best and quickest ; Refrlgera· tor•, hardwood at ice of soft ; Water Cooler•, strong and handsome ; Ice .l.�he•t•, very convenient for small

; Ice Cream .. �.,.pretty and cheap; 011 ltove•, Qa• It••• just the things for hot weather and very eco­nomical; 7/a;ar Lawn .Mower, the best in the market and the cheapest for good service; Matting, coolest floor covering; Hammocks, for warm days; Croqu-et Sets, Tennis Sets, healthful games ; Outtinjf Shirts, Dress Goods, Ladies' Hats, n�west styles for warm weather; Travelers' Needs.

Theo. wer� consin• of d�ceuaed. "Old lived to be a "!':':1t�

.�r����;��:������:: I\ I wayo food of

t. lore to hi• �rantl

red coat...

atlc1!8tors wade it Torit!l! and He.,.iaos and the

Born io New York city, Sept. 6, 1817, he was the 100 of Pet�r Roellt'Ck Rlld Abgall Carwo111 Peanall;wati educated Ia New Bruunrlck, N. J.. "'here he WHO RfterwRrda employO>d oo the N e)V Bruno· wick Fredoulan, then owned by his cousin, Jawee F. RIW<Iolph. On May J:l, 1831!, ht' married Catherine Mor11an Vanderhoef. Snbit>ttneotly he eui(KI(ed pi'OIIperoooly Ia bnolni!IIA in N'ew York city; endoroed oth<'r wen 's ootea; paid dollar for <Iollar ; po.-d through the crisis of 'il7; fall..,] In ·�7; bnt anbllequently wet all claim•. snatalnlug his reputation for tb" hlllbt!l!t buoiueu inte11rity to the l�&��t. It wu at

Eetlmatea cbeerflslly fnmllhed, job· We ebow more than 130 e:zclu•l ve No. 2-20-ln. Dack Wheel. ... ,. 76 that time that be went Into hi• howe biDI promptly atteoded to. atyle11 of Baby Carrla1••· Every car· No. a-��·ioo. Iinck Wheel .... 11 211 and �Hid: "Not eve•·ythiniC i•

rilljfe gnarante...l. 'l'ho above ou� guaraut-' to he IM.st thRnk Gocl that I ba•·� left me an � lt t 1t tt

· - VoloC:I...-l.-Tbe&<O Velocipedes Rre made. reputation audmy wife ami children." the IIIOIJ ... of JIIIJ'}I� Aa1· •ton wiQ' uJ.e.u 1 o'olocll Bit·

opeo tiMI nllliaa pnyiQa1. .to. C. J'rtOB, .U.t. P. 11. ud )Joaoy Order Cl8rk.

__ ....;.,;.;e;._g;...o_u_s __ o __ c..,e_s.., . __ painte<l black. turu(l(l hubll and •pokes Star LRwn SwinK. usually aol•l for They reared ..,ven children:-Julla

CONGREOATIUl!IAL CHUROH OJ tJOid striped. They are the INiat that are 10 00 we o<'ll at thtt remarkably 4 98 A . . who became the wife of Rev C. F. CHRII!I'f, Rev, HeDrf Ketcham, Paalor. wade. . lo� in·ice of..................... Burdkk; Can-ie J .. the wif" of .James AIR. CLABI, Oeaeral Dellvery Clerk. 8uadar Moral,.. l!ervlce 10:111 o'clock. No. 1-16·1n. Front Wheel. ... 1 711 Dlon•·nslon•-!!otuufuruoe.�l-2r ... tulorb,6 E. Whitt!; Llnlnla W .. the wife of AileD 11111UD..,4118!.;""�1, ... lv0e11,.1111,.:;e"Jllerv''l.!:"'��r No. 2-20·1D. Front Wheel... 2 10 !""1 ' "'u' '"

u· �.!:••1 t "''"'1'!<

1·11•'rolded81 ror1oblpmeat, (1. Fitch; Alfre<l E., Etll!ar R nn•l Rol· - v.- • • .. • .. It l!e ... 7'"'

N . 3 24 I F t Wb I ..... • .... '" :- no .... uO: ' .... 110' 01111' lin B.-all ll viu" """"Pthll( the 14tter, ��:"'f11• 0::-"f.J:.:l:' w:.0:.:.1111lo �1':",._ 0' - . n. ron ee '' ' . 2""' Ladles �ml Men s frenton Blcyclea, wh<- death occnrred in Hl711. No. 4-28.tn. Froot Wheel. .. . .1 29 bl 11 ad d tb •1 00 Every ooe I!D&ranti!tool. lg gr e an wor • our 56 69 For )'BIAI'IItb" decc•a•"" wao chnl'iater of price· ; ·············:·········· *b" 01<1 Jolnutreet churcb,Now Ym·k.He Olrlt' Lever Trlcyc:.. Doo t pay eiOO for a bicycle when you WIUI Olltl of the Ol'jlallilt!r• ur tilt! Hauac.u No. 1-lll lu. Bark Wh�t!l .... .1 .19 cao 1et thlollut cla���o wheel for 116 69. Place M. Jil. chorcb, Brooklyn. Be

If ' J · k' f Ch b S • fi k cawtl to Wt!t!tli11ld with hi• f•1mlly Ia any one IS oo mg or a am er Ult, ne rna e, ap- 1871J, aud unlt"'l with the Mothodlat proved style and at a modest price, we would direct their EnlfiCOpal church. For w11uy yean be '

d ' ' M J M h A • wu" Jn•tictl of the Peace. "" dl .. re· attentiOn to our :zoo new es1gns 10 ap e, a ogany, nt1que vend by hi• family. helowd by bla

Oak and White Enamel, from So.o8 to S6oo a suit. We also frleuda and N•pecte<l by hi• fellow cltl·

h I d'd 1 J' f Odd p• · ·o If Bl d 11001. Manyarlcherwllli,W811111tredby tile s ow a sp en 1 samp e me o 1eces, m e t, ue an dollar ot11u, wlll•lleiWid be for11otteo he· White, and all the decorations to match, for Brass and Iron fore the •weet mewory of the ''Old B d

· 8qnlre" .U. oat or the record of biB e S, KOO<ID- - to al!ect IDIInklud. Come in and see our complete and extended lines of Cottage

aild Lawn Furniture, in Reed Suits, Old Hickory and Porch Goods, Settees, Camp Chairs, Hammocks, Croquet and Tennis Sets, etc • .


HAHNE & CO., • • • NEWARK, N.J.


A farm laboz. In ID41a Ia f� If be reuelvN 10 oeuw • dQ' b W.. illl from dawn1111*ll duk.

�ICIITJ'IJ:LP PllBL§LlBRAAY. lallJ r• poratlld IITT. •vNJ llator4er I new II'OOmo 011 B "*-' - B� =•to�· p, m. 'h,_ - ,..,,.,. lloaP. Ia adv.ue. 1 -• • Wt MOII I ,

:Rrown-Can't tblok how IDR womao can be oo food of Idiot, her huoband.

Joo-Will power, m)' lie Up.

.. IW.


I I I i "I IIJ', walter, tba• m- • ..

lddeboard'a mo.* objeoUODibla." ! "Y•, ljr, aill't It! lb.---' ,

-oket"-Jad7. f �

-·----�-------;;._ ___ _

Tlretl Jll'<ll'le ar• tiretl becnnse th"Y have e:<blln•t"l their strength. Th� only w11y for them tn get stroll!( i< to ent proper foOl\. · Bnt eatin!( is not 1111. Strength l'Oill"" ftom f<M�l. afla tligP•tion. Di!(lt.<liun is llla<le easy with Shnker Dige•tive Cur· 4lal.

People who get too tired, <Ill'. Life Is at�ngth. F01xl is tb� makl'r of strPngth . FOO<I i• not food until it Is dige•te•l.

Tired, pale, thin, exhllllHied, •kk, •nf· lllNIIS from ituligl'Mtlun. c�n he l'lll'�tl. by the n•e of 8lmker Diii:I'Mtive Cortlin1.

H will ret·ive their.•Jient ""''rgit'H, re­frft'h null invigorste tht>Ju, ('rt>utt> UPW ronr11ge, ctuhlr•t u •e till<\ •tren�tb, all by helpiug their stnmot·h• to •li.:e•t tlt�ir· fOO<l. It nitb nntnre, Mllll thi• i• the h�.t of it. i;oh\ oy tlrn��;!(IHtH. Tti11l IJottiP 10 ct>nt•.

Bu-4oto Ban. The English actors who come over

bere 1\11" lntenHely Engli•h wheu they llnt nrrl,.e, but they MO<Jil Mhow tbdr avptwiation of American eolltXjlliuliam• by �&pproprinting tlaom. A gentit'llll\11 of this city rel,.teo �h .. t HOWe limo ugo in the New York nlub hl1 met lo'n'<l Wri!(ht, lr., tbe <·omeoliwl. Otltllll uuo Wll8 tell· lull 11boot " wom1111 wbo had jn•t mar· ried her 'hircl bU81JRnd.

"By the w .. y." tho gt•ntleman aak•d, ••wliere ia her llnit hllllhlllld lluriccl?"

"He wa.� c�mated, " Wllli the answer. "And the Ht'cond?" "AL!o cr<'m�&t<'<i. " ._By JovP," uL-;t•J'\'t>d 1Htlf"' Mr.

Wright, ''that W<Jntttn lm;.; hm;lJ;.uuiH to �urn. "-:it. Louis HqmLlie.

Cun\"tmlenl for \\'t-Ilt llehl�•·•·

PROPOSED BOAOUQI---4 L..INES. Be�lnninjlnt n point in th� north P:l•�•rlr l10nn<1nry of the oltl RRh\vRy

rontl two hnmlre•l nllll tift)' feet Pll<lerl�· !rom tlw <'tmtre of thelnt""""'tlon of Gr.wP Sh·t't't with the Mit1 oltl H11ltwny ro:rtl; thPh<'e north PRslerl)' on 11 pnrnliPl linP with Grm·e Street to n point no�I)Htlllte1'1y of CPntrnl A\'eiii�P three hnmlrP<I feet; thence not·tltPrly "' 11 pomt In the <·eutre of North A'· enne two humlrP<I ft>et Wt'Oterly fr·••lll tht' <'t'ntre of the I'Oft<l at the Inter. set:'tlon of Fo,nrth Aveune with •ni•l North Awnne; thent•e northerly to 11

rrint fh·e hmttlrr<1 fe•t ttorth·eH•tet·l)' ofth l'Piltre of Clwsnnt !'ltreet 811<1 live hllll· dretl r ..... Ff'llth p�·t .. rh· nf !Itt• eentre ..r Drn/111 !'treet: therwe north·WI'IIIerly on R

nrnll•llhte with Che;tnnt Rtrl't't nntil the litw lnte,.t•t•ts n line p:ornlle\ with bu.Jle\' Avenne •ix hnn tlrt•tl feet north·"·e•t of Dntlley A\'elll\t' then<·e oonth·W..,.t· Plh' orr •rritlpnrnllelllne •ix hnn<l!'t'<1 feet"'""' •:f Dntllt•\' A\·enne to th� lrlte.r.e<·t· ktl d thP Fnnwoo<l town•hip line tlten<'e followm)( tlw Ftlll\�<ltlll town•hiJ! hue In 11 •OI!lh CII�!Hiy t\lrel'tion to the •nnth·e:t•let·ly l·li�IHIU.ry htte of the W..,.tflelt\

••wer f111m whPrt' it lttt<•r•e<·l• th• Fnuw'""l town•lnp hne, thPnce following the honn�lnrit>� of Hai<l fnrm inn uorth·PI\Iltt>rl)·. tht>n n twrth·WPAtt>rl,v nntl tht>n �nnth· Wt'Sh'tll"' tHrt>l'ti,,n nniil tht� int!:\nt>-t'tion of l'lnitl hottntlnry Hue with thP north PnBt hmtwlaiT line of tht> rww townshi11 ro1ul to th•• !ilt'Wt•r fnrm thP!It'e north·w�tt>r)y nloHJ! tht• uorth-e-n�t honnllnr,y (�f l'�l.hl tn":nl'lhip roml to the llltPrM�tion thPrPol with the oonth·PIIMI bomulnry of\\ tllow t.r""" Ron•\; thence In a north·enot <11· rel'tinu fnllnwin!( MRitl "'"tth·••not lonntulnr�· pf •Ri<l Wlllow GrovP Rnl\tl to the In· •�•·•�•·lion of oaitl !hoP with the north·en•t homulnty of the oh\ Rnh'!ay ronrl thNtc• following the north·en•t bontulnry <•f uh\ Rahwny r<'n<l to th• pomt of be· ginning. -----==-=--=-·=·-=-========

PRESERVE THE COUNTY ROADS. l'layor \'nnna. of •·an wood. Dlsc-u•••• the

Qu•etlun. <Plninfitold Press, �Ia)· �1. 'OO.l

To the Eolitor of th� Dnil�· Preso:­If ther� i• nnvthhtg of wh!eh New .T�r· !'If'\' hns l'Pfll'loi1 to hl1 prond. it f.,. tbP tUH�· nifiL'Pilt to-V!'I.tPtu of l'omtty ro:ul� whtl'h rnu turongh ne11rlr nil of it• JJm·theru {'nnntiPt"�, mul or thP!iloP Puinn (_'Ol\Hly,thP pionl't•t·. otill holtls the letlll.

The mnNmt of h�rtl <'n•h whidt th""" road; hnw <·o•t th� peopl� t·nns up w�ll into the hllnthP<l•< of tholl•nntls. if not milliou�. of flo11ntfl. They nre g-rt�nt ut trnl'lions in hrln.:iu!( into the •tnte liM p�rmnnent citizell•. l"'"j'\e who •\�light Ju ritliug, drh·ing or w J�liug, tht>rehy tttltlht)( tn the 11s•eo•nhle pt'OJ><'rty nntl ouaterially n••i•ting In the repnytnellt ot' tlwir eost.

Quite reee ntl�· n ginn! lltollOJIOiy nil· liPr the mnue of "Com�olhlatell jor sotnP other} 1'rnction Cumpnny,.. huJil. l'Ollle amon!( n• um\ Is rupitl.ly swallowing Ill' the en tit·� systent of roads ; atu\ like a I ntber "gmbs" wnnt everything Itt sl�ht witlwnt eompensnting in the sligbh'8t tl�gt·ee for anything.

They are now trying to J::et tbe<·mmty J'on•l from PlninHelt1 to Eliznbeth. If !here i• :tnv tloubt nbont the ntt�r tles·

A. L. Woo•ter, a promin•nt citizen of O•••o. 1\llelt., nfter •nff•rlog eJu•rnclat· !ugly from pile• for twenty year•. "'"·" •·nre<l inn •hort time by n•h111; Dt>Witt • Will'b Hnzel Sah·e, 1111 nboolnte cnre for nil •kin <lisen"""· More of tbls preJ>nr­ntioou i• n•etl thnn nil other• comhlnetl. ,1. F. Don·nll.

Bow to I:Mia>ate DIMoaat llr Pnalam. First fix In your mind that 100 per

rent iH nil there I• of wtythlug, and tlH'reforo nothi11g ean m·er dooliue lu i valuo wore tbun I 00 per ct•nt, though lt cu n udvll!Jco nny 1111111ber of th<Juaaud& Ah<n·c 100 the pl<\mlwn Is <·mctl:r In j tho lillDJO llj,'li:es R8 the per cent, but be­low I 00 th8 correop.mdlng dl11eount ll l>ll)y tbe di!THPnCO betw ... n 100 lllld tlw minor sum to which thnt per ceut DJWit Lv add<·<l to lriug It up to 100. ThUll, when gol<l w� 111 60 premiUDI, pnper Wll8 Ut :17 � r\iiCODllt, beCIIWitl ll pnper dollar Wll8 W<trth !Jut 62 .!>ii ceut8 -that ia, It tc;ok th6tt62�' t•euts' worth of pnper IIDd 60 per cent more of 6ll >11 cent-that li!, 87 �� cents -to buy a 11old dollur. If gold were 1, 000 pel' ceu* pl't•mlwu pnper "·ould bo wtthiu a ml· uute frootion of OJ pt. r ceut dlt!oouua.

!rtwtionllt>d rnitmtion whil'lt the trolley Yonn.: motlwrs •heutl the snmmer will bring- to tht• l'OilJJh• rmul. ull thnt iM tu<:uth"" on U('t"Otlflt of the great UJOI'CHI Ro��tPnln�rg BroR.,t1w JlO\Jtlbl' tailorR o( ut'L'P��ary to (•unvincP 'ln�· nt,prt•jwlieetl it\' Htuong (•hihh·en c:mi't'tl by bow�l nmubf.r:-� l:i2 l!H Fultou !'0-fl't-'t.•t, St�w 1wr�ou is tn \'i�it a point oppositP the h:onhlt·�. Perft>t't �nft>tv nmy he tt�tr· Y<,J'k. an• offpriug elt•�.;uut hupol'tt'd Nt-•tlJt'TWOOil stutirm, whPrt" for n ft•w tl(l tlu_)lilt' who kt•t>p on h,,ntJ n�Witt's Hugli .. h hlllt' �(>r �t' Kt1it1-1. ia�t l'Olur. made hnnth'l•tl fe�t a tt·1u.·l\ hn� bt>eu laitl in the Col it- ntul uwl Chol t>l'a <'llrt', nntl Rtlmhl·

,... Qt.ldllll � tr­Ia New J-r.

+ Thla Ia What We Aft

Comlnr To-



Newark-sot t h e big­gest, mind you ; for it

needn't be that to be the

best. Foundation walls

completed; first floo r

layed ; work progres.�ing

r a p i d I y o n the other

stories-and the rallying

c:ry of the wo rkmen is

" More Brick I "

Watch The New BulldJnrGrow!

MeanwhUe help yourself

to the grandest Summer

Merchandise Offeri n gs

you have ever known.

Sa ving opportunities

abound on e\'ery hand­

prices ba1•e l;lcen reduced

on many lines to lower

stock-an d t h e wise women of New Jersey are

p i c k i u g up the good

thi ngs .

Cor. Broad & Cedar Sta. NRPat:k. N.J.

tf' MY LADY'I OHAMIIIt. . -r---·- _. Altlltlit • lcecxM ... r

...... .. ._ ..... The 11na objeot or ��a� •• a

bedroom 1e the bed. U thla Ia Golllforta.. ble, pl'llpftlJ millie aud prettllJ draped, the ....c of tho 100111 ll eull7 miUJIIIIIIL With a new to IIIIIDR holpflal lll thll matter, a writer lu the Mew York Bar­ald oirt!ftl &b- llllll!"tiOJIII: u ,..,.. -drape ,.,or bed lrropectl'l'e of Ollllt, alme I� uothiDII hutlaomer thau IW!Dai-­\Doo on hnl-1• net. It you 110111 ,_ tor embroidery, there ue bea,.,. 11111111 h1111d embroidered ud hems&lflcbed "'JJIlads. with drawu work llll8ftloa, rlchlf embloldercd lD railed AtlD .,llioh, lu cotton, white or colon.

The old ar-lllea qallt, which 11M belli undilp1lted IIW'a.J'=DOW a rlVIIl ill the patent •teeD em IJII'I!IId& Tbeee 1h� a 1ateeu llul1 fiiDI!, with heavU7 ro.iled � ud IIJirll1l ill lloul elfects cJOIJe17 f111!1Pbllq bud em1iroldl'f1t l� a-vt ralord tiMID atltob. You. may jJ&,J for them &/''¥!! .!f:! Mii*ctT :.11o,''��selt'rolff. eftd by hRIId. 1f� •'feli &ftii&. IJe al110 �hown wltJa a deep 'W'el lu _. ral�ted &eaTp, iltcn e (lora! border m ooJon, dofwood or wild I'OIIell lll dalutl­r8t Ma41111, 110d JIIOftl of the ral*MJ ef. teet, w ith tho center covered wlth opraytt lu the dctdp of the border. Thla prtntltlll 11 hand stamped 1111d ln llt.cl­lutelf fMt colon. The beauty dl any of thet10 opreadl 11 IJI"ll'tl:r enhanced by a deep fall of !1100, wbleh ill -ed 011 by band. This IIIIQ' be of hea,.,. torchou, ADtlquo or n>uaiMuuoe, IIOOO!dlu�r to the quality of the opreacl.

For llllmiiiPr aae, aud more etlpeCially for one's cottaRe ill the 0011ntry, tho ariel "Pfi!II<IA of lljrht, llpred dlmlty are to be rroommeud£cl. For trllllllllnll theae comct1 a prett,- cotton vaudyke fr!Dgt'. The whole thl1111 ll �tlve of aweet- 1111d oouutry -ntl and laveudored lheetL

Summer biMketl of a ll11hr- M to wet11ht thmt would � emban'aal ta fairy .,.., lbJWD ln colon to 1111& the fur. ullhlup of any room, and lt18tead of be· lua left doubl<', to the dlam&,J' of the uuwaf7 &leeper, for whoae dlacomfort they are alwars pat ou wzoq eud up, &bey are 1!11� lu two aud baudaomely boWid wlth Attn rlbbotl lu white or col· on.

aratu- padll lu all IdEa are llbowu. They are IJ,rM aud eMily wuhed JWd a great Improvement on tho m111IID c­wlth whlcb ueat.hou-lves have here· toforc enveloped their mat�

-........ _ ... Bl'lllldled pineapple d.- not nJqalre

to be cookecl nud Is exeeediuRIY nice to 118rve with icc crPJW>a, cu•tardlt or com· otarch puddlni!O. AfterJll"•llull the plueP. aud remuv1ng tlw P)'Pol••gin at the &tEm eud, nud with noilver fork pick the fnalt fro)U the rore. Take liP If ��eallug Jant aud pook them with the plcJced pineapple aud grnuulnted ngar, allowlq 1111 much IIIJII&r aa you have fruit. .Pour very 1low · ly over them white brandy until the jnrs aro fillccl. Serew thr CO\'Cl'll down tight au<! keep the jiU'II ln n dark pi- It oue d0011 not wilh to uae ao much bl'lllldy,

the frnlt cu be prepared tho•: After plck1D11 the pineapple& Into pleceo, for every pouud of tral t tllke a pound of grauulated IRJII&l· .Put them to alternate layen In au opeu mouth atoue jar o& porcelain kf'ttle. Cover and ataud ill a cool place over ul11ht. lu the moml1111 put the frnlt lu jan 1111d fill with the 1lrup, lettillll the jan overflow to remove all the alr. Add a ta�leiopoouful oJ 1herry to every quart jar. Before fillin11 the jant stand t hCIII With the tops dOWD in bot water; keep tho ll<la nud rnbbertl alao In water. Keep the filled Jar• lu a tD·m·t\t"l', at f!;H\. Alii!) ir11portrotl Seotc1t ·tuldt1I1• of tlw lWlCIHII\IU l't)fltl h•tt>r it promptlr. Fn_r erlllllllfl, hi!iontt � L ....... -.,...,.-y�,._,,.....,.�..,....,.� tro�liP' ;11.�:-> llliHlt· np at ;iii. Tht•sp prit·es 'froHt>r 1·o,ul� are �ood tiling� tu tlwir t•oli l'. tlY�-"t"Uter�· antl tl1ntrhtlt>n, it ntfortb t arlr·�roul twt•nty to thirty IJL'I' et'nt.ltJWt•r plal'e awl a ht•netit to the g-eHt>l'nltmbli<" iw·t mL.rt>lief. • : ________________ LemRCU.-.. '''"" t!.o• rPgnl�tr Pll<'1' lur tit"''' guo<!.< in u11m,· in•latwP<, hnt tltP\' sbonhl nn· Cream ti)!Jether ll cupfuls of sugar and 'Ro:..t>lilt"rg Uro� h,n'\• hL•tu 1u1· Yt'IU:-; J,� 1lt•r uo �·h·t·nm""�hm•tlfl ht� nilowe«.l to get h B aeupful of buttl:>r; add two·thirds ot a

dark, cool place.

'/ aM�d at tlw all Wt' a•l·h···" !Ill� I theit i'"""''""ion .. r th.• l'llll llly 1'011<18 01' lillY HOW TO IRON WHITE SHIRTS. Wale ros., cupful tJf milk ; then tho •tlftly beaten {f>l\>1 With ollhnrlmu t'liHt>>JIII't'S h ;(1'0\V otitel'• without Jln�·ing for t.he privile!(P. & &lmpJOOI>eftllob That VerJ' 11'-Bcmoe-· White& of 6 eiiiJII, and 4 )eve! CUpfUII of lllg- .�"11il·'•\ly, thell' ,;ton• ltt'IIIL( '" l'on.. Tlw t·vnnty roatl is rwt the onl>· one wl• .. lla<len-. ftour lu whlch lJ teupoontubr of bakilrll Vl-IUtrn.t t0 th� ,},,wu towu ''t•ntullllltt:ll·�. llJetw�Pn thP poiutH nnmt:'tl. hut it ts pro- powder arc mixed·, dnvor with 2 tea· M .... rs. R· .... ·••?-r;: Jj�·"·'· hal'e "'".1' ('IIJJ bnhly gm•\;•11 �� n llllll'e •ntisfnetory It is absolutely uecu••ury to have the r.!nt::!l)rs " ecorators r•ft'l' :" "'•�ttieltl r�!t·J·t•necs ot h!t""Jt rmuuwr IIIHI tlurt rutty beth� ren•on for ablrt»jtljjt no orleWJ WJ lbeycau be made. . C( llpOOufull of tbe estnct of lemou. Oue· yenr• ,;famhn!l. • • • their wnntlag it. Dry thew bef'.ne tttarohing. Tbeu pro- m� • . m��� half of tbiM reolpe make�� a utoo cake.

--- -·---- I tm<lerstntul the Bonr<l of Freeholtl· cure lbe lltaroh mudo ei!Jli!Clally for •och � mmmmasz .ll'roltlD!r for thla cake l1 made wlth er·• i• npJlOse<l to the "lulqniton• gr111J," work: IJlld diiHoh•e a tablsopoonful iu • the tttlftl7 beaten white of au ea made .a;·c-1 Wlooel llaloom-. an<l nre not likely to nllow It to be <·on· one pint of water f� web •hlrt. It wlll ;l·'>: thick wlth bolltlllg �DBU; add the yolk Rect'ntly��evcl'lll <lrummcl'!l hapJl<'rted smnmnte<l, but the J>eople o11ght to give not need GOOklug. The quautl.,- of New •nd """-' pply 01 of 1111 en to color the froatlut! yellow. to meet on II' l·rniu en route to lruliu!l- tbem Huch R ronsiugnutl h�arty Rpt>ruv11l ltarch nriea 10wewhat with �be klud J'laYOI' wl&b )tDij)D. B)lOiiH. ouul th�y bfol!an, u U8oal, to !<•II thnt they wlll howe the genoral publlc of shirts, aud 11 little experleuco will be _1 __ 1 __ 1_1�_,_-�_,__,_ _ _,___,_ -------of their busw-. It huppeue<l thut t her<• lwhiut\ them.

TnoR. S. y onlu. uocesHary lo ll"t it jllllt rtght. ¥ore ..._ ... ..... were 110rue bicycle oalesruun anwug FnllwOO<l, Mny ta, tt!OO. otnrch win be required for 1111 old •blr� wall Paper 1

The lboJ18 are lull of oouv1111leut OOD· Ul�� ·.trnck a great •truk of luck IWJt. ---.-•---- Ulau for a aew oue.

hDip !:s- wzlllt�:'da �=�!:;,;:!' :i::U ��d!'! week," ""id one of th<•m. "l ooltl thre<• "'"'""" '" B1•"'"' 1Wthe


tb=�8 :��i �;: 1-,--r-,.--r-.,....-,.-_,.-.,.........,-..,.. , b'-ll'. Now01111111 wlll be tal'· oqul ... · 1100 I I " '·II 1 d' 1 k "" ,_ _I _ _1 __ 1 __ 1 _I _h .�1 _1_1 __ I -�� 'Y r Ordf!l'8, rwd It awoont<'d to w '"" "' Iu " recently J>llu •he< me ICR wor . sure that e�"'Y tftrewll� oatwate<l with ··- - -· - ped without one of &beae -ful aud &ing the fil'!lt m11n to boW<t uf his th� 11nthm· HHHert• th11t nine· tenth• of the otnrcb. Wriull tbem sud roll the pretty thlnp. TheyQI'fllllllde of loath lnu!illetlll, he WIIH eW<ily outd"u� Ly tht• tb� wom"u of Amerit•n nr� onb;ieet to I "- �·"- I Oftbf'lltl••t oleolll'l'" and colorlnll'•· 1 ... t.bRn

er, oh�n for lta dvablll'- rather t� d 11t,.1•1·m· 111111 kitu\re11 •li•t'll'"" nn<l in con •hirt up ti11btly. It wi J ""r._., to ru1 _ ,., next, Rud tho third snw till' uthers till · halt botu New\'ork JM'Iceo, beautr,altbouab 11111111of them uevery went Honw bett.l•r. Ho soltl ""'' firm '"'JII�ll<'<', ruul<'l'llitr h<•t·ou>es to them II IU un • ._,_ b ld he hnh .. __ a Tba w._ York u--'d lllUI• <li'Httlet\ lont'tleu. Ho\Y Vt•ry Hlltllll i• the Yonr ironiltg botUdorta,_. 011 _....,_ a ..... w _..,. 1,000 wlwds, 1111<1 two oth<'l' or<lers I•�'"JI"rtiuu of loulie• who rPtll'h mitlt\1� covered with lhroo or four tblckn.sli88 ... SH WOE,§ .. trateJJ _,._. atylea A doublo pocket, IWlouute<\ to �00. "�" w�1u·iul{ the hri)(hl glow of lll'nlth of old blunket 11nd a ol!eet that i8 Iet'• ,...

�lAUE TO OIUIER. "�u peoplo w·o not in it," Raid 3 wltil'h "'"" thdnnah\euly attl'lll'tiou ami fflt'lly ol<"un. Ill 11tldltlou to lhf• there """llnum, who had uot tahu purt in: ,.f wloil'lt tltt•y hn''" hP<'Il rnlll•••l by illtonltl he 11 but!ow bo.t&td nboot a fuot tho cun\·ersutiou . "I Hold um• th·n1 U,OOU fmwttoual di;.;dl'(h�r� Hlltl .um von� Wf'l,k· widt� und a Htth! luutcel' thun a Hbirt whee 1M, und tlwy nre ull to ],., gi\'en !"''"' \\' ,, take Jllr:nstU'P Ill l't't•mnuwm: boHom. Co\'er with two thiolmetrMI'II of aWIIJ for udvt•rtiHiul! Tliii'P""' "·" Ill!; t�o nil thn•. ntHt<·h•t\ t!>e n•e of Dt

l. felt or lluuut'llllld uue lhlclwess of olcl l'lc'l.tlu.•p•,•.-::,,''••hHo' I'•'I'IFI >IIrlnl,fl!tf!!KI,. !!."'�,, ofiHattt',',�.•o!!!>wm. ·'-\What's tbutr 8o1d H,OOU wJwt..<lH to PiN·ee'!i Favorttt> Prototcrt(ltiou, a trlet � . • ... ..1 .... .. ......, .... • ._.. l'�ltlt'<ly, >life ll ttt\ Hlll'e ill 1111 CIIMeH. Jt. I Jlnet� or IUUS\tn. Tbf.oo most beort�lcum• r•Me. be �riven uwuyl WIIRt wheel tlu Y•:o ,Ji,.,uverer met·it• the grutlhule of the j •o tightly lhlli there UIO no wzmklea

Ready Mea Shadel

aell?" ohimtd in the oth< r thrcu m ""x for the ules•iug he 11118 couferre<lnJ•· 1 un<t fust<'nud lrn1ly 011 tim twdeui<\e P"'�ers' Soppn-tt Vl•ed P,.'Dls "Th<� !1,000 whoels I 110ld \\'<'I'll con· •lebilitnte<l, ''rnn·<luwn' women, It IH orum• must Ito di•ciU'Ilecl.

aborn•. on them. For nur•ing muth�1·• mu1n_ll \ of tlte board. Any Jllt!CH ooutalnlq CU. ._ • .U II taluecl in 1,000 w .. terbury Wi>ll'he• the IUOSt certuiu re•tornth·e,. To th<MW b·ou th� Hki'\'P. IWd body of the shirt which a clothh111 Mture i•11oin11 tu �tive 111Jont to llllcmnt• motber� tt IH a pl'i��les•, first. Plu�t; the IJ<JHum hoard in�lcle tbe away ... .,.;a tbe •mnll lllllll, hullllilll! ).,on. It les ... ns the \llllll• ntttlJMlflls uf I •hirt llnder �holit..suw, which IH druwu

l'liRNil'K POLI!lll, R...,. allll Woool. wUb trhnmlnp. hom Me, upwanl. e110h of the three tuon nine whr.•·l• for dJII•I hlrth,, shorten• lnbor, 1•rnmotes .t1


smoothly o�t'l' lt. PI'OIIB nnd rub It with ._. abeet, d · tl · £W �l:'('l'H\\OH of au u\Jnutlauc�J of uooru4 l· • • • their own U861111 IIC<'e)ltllll! WI!' """' ;Jtt•ut fur the chilt1 nllll •hortPnS the 1�<'1' the lrou .until lt I• dry, then rnh lt ---------------·


to pt oft at tho next stup un<l "hun i<u1 .,f <·ontluement. lightly w1th u. ao!t.dotb wrung out of II!Jilelhing.'rJii'�'���unHII. ____ -·- ·-- cold wuter, un<i w>th yow· 01uoothllllt

'.,.........,. -

Iron lrm1 it lll!<>in, rubbinll btu:<l. Thla · � 0.....,, ol Llf• ID••••"""· .4DoleDt .......,.. . Will)mt thu JMllish on. lrou the wrist-, ... Tbc ttUhject of the CllllVt'l'l'llltillll bud ''It is belit'\'l'U," SlllcJ the c)tUMlCul bllndo iu tbu IIUWe WUJ, ond oonl) them Ululn lllJVerul route•. IW<I fh.,.lly tb< bollrdet ·, "tbut thel'o Willi "lllillle ext11nt in the »hupt> you wiMb thew to retuiu. W,lc of lnonruuco Willi t'llaclw<l lJf th< in tl��> d"Y" of Home that much reoew· \ Hunl! the Mhirt up 110� of tho win<! uo· Jll'!!lla, the bcstClill tW<l ho•t lit the din· IJI<-d OUI' but«·!Jull... til tbOl'OUI!biJ d:ry, then fold It with a. table. "Tb- lwtl(UIIIIO ahows that," lllll"llt- the booow upperm<lllt. ColliU'I ond eutr. "Pupa hllil hla life itumred," ��pokE cd tho ch�c•·fuJ idlot. "The word 'finll,' are Mtarch�d WJd lro11ed In the 1111118 up tho little (l'irl, tho pet of tho hollB<l · you know, mowl8 a talo euder. "-Ill· ,...1. After turnover oollal'\1 are IIICiled llold. 1 . 1 dl•oupoll• Journal. aln10ot dry turu them lu tbe ptOper "Ia that 10?" llllkcd one of too VII t

· Th . t ltue will often take lhll)ll! and pro•• IIKhtl7 to luaure thelr ... lhowlulllnterettt In tho evl<lcnco of e llll('re af1 vu

the Ia ot rewalu.lua 10 after tl!ey drJ, . Ever:rbodT pl'lltlllnt loolwcl ut up 1111 oyttter or terrapill lo o wa 'the lroua wu' be perfeatlf aud the father tllld wothe1 oue foot tllld dull It YlolenU, llll6luM • alslllllllld lloocl otoue to ol'lllb tbe lhell &lid enable Ule

bird to 1111* • Ule OOIUeUU.

CRESCENT HOTEL. Jinrllo I'J.,uxrJ•Ut. x. J.

IIIILP IPIIIIL, rnt. .Hu..-.r tu 1 ... 4, Blall.)

AcombliMlatlQtll w 'J'NnoleDt &.....,,., · BoaJd by wtJell or 111011&11. EXIlOllsot ot4ble 1181111114 room.•

70 BDd 7� Sollltlllt S&,...t,

J. 51. IRlliN�, o•.u·•• ••

COAh, LU •• El, 1111.111 llltrllll llllfllll, ••• -

Fertilizer� for t.wn, Gardea ud Pie� Offloe 11. Ylrd···CIItrll AYI., ••r R. R. Cnallt,

Ordert by )Jail Will Receive �IDpt A"-tlcao


C. E. & J. W. BROWN, ltnporter1, Whohaale 11111 R .... l .,....,. .. ·

WALL PAPE IE"•"•"· �r•"of1 •"• Amertoe.,, r

Manufaoturer• of WINDOW INAD•t and ••••••111111., 144 Weat a:ard atreet,

tfiR a1xia m. mratftllanOI. New:� A few lots of nice Wall Paper at about HALF PIICE.

IT I!O a fact that almost anything in the Gents' Furnlshlhg can found at my store, at c1ty prices.

To style and quality my stock is unsurpassed. and make some selection from my counters ?

Hatter Schofield Brord 8tnet, W..tAeld, II. J•




Store, Proepeet Bt., Oppoelte 8taadard

After the Fire is Over __ .._ A prompt payment of the iuau�nce sired by tho owner of the property stroyed. Before the Embers have Ceased 8molderln8

........ Our ADJUSTER Is asunlly Oil the groand IIUJtiSO A!II&TIJU.ft Ql &bt PA \"Bo tbe cLAIM�. We arc here to proteot :ron against LOu .ad to get R !lEW START. .

We take aud payl0111e• as aoo11u we ���eertalu what 'beJ ..-. We h R'-k paretl Hllll waltln�r to a•et ALL �18 a' any -'- Tile t e .. , tucle ot our re-..rcea Ia unq-tlo!Nd. A IJieP a• oar Btanrllng Ia 1111 t bat omy eelll!lble bllltlu- man ueeda to ..._ blm *M* what wedalln we are.

Fire Breaka Out In Moat Unexpected Pllal. Probnbl)· In your ho111e, store, bulldloJC. I• lt tn•uredt Or, ... &llftlcient lnenranceY Dont yon carry the rllk any loopt I 1M u rf!opona\blllty for you. Otlr FlnandiJI Sllauldeni are atroapr t11u 10IIf pnl'lte·Atrlnp. Onr printed matter cont4ln� 1uau:r p�Naut llretlde cbata. Get It of

C. E. PEARSALL & 00. LIRhtnlniii,Wind•torm an'd Oroloneln•uranoea




·· a., New Wbeels


er 6000 People· read

the STAND­ARD every week.

... ,.. ..... ,.... .. .,, .... ....... ...-;;-.. _ ....

. ....... · o.'=:i..,...., ... _ .. ==���- ......., .. ..... .. .... ........... � ..... .. �ii. - � ................ :.:-Tbk=� .. -" at .... ....... _ h1111111:r .... . _. .... .... _., ... ..... kill .... blllr ......... .. ... .... =...._ IIOIICUt10111. ll•e.J 1D4 dllear--, 1a11• writer ID tbe I ,_ p,_, 1Uidoabtedl:r

Ia ...... __. G .... 'l, ''till •1ft1Ja -· I" 1M lla:r tH '-' I.e •lllella tor 1111 1e11t .....,, Tlldl ila't .......,. a llatemeat ta ...... ... a ,_ diM a.a· ... profft-1111 ..... l'flmll to ,..._ .. of .... �.,., ,..... oa.a•• t• .... •:r facklrJ 1a Wew �-,.-•, 11 'bal a few ,_. 411tat frGID tbe •IIIDI ooutert.

· TMI Sl Mrlll ua H Hllllt all -ftr$2. lEAl: ,._ I'IDI'III •...,..IIa-oa lleol 1'04-pa­fnme-tiiYII' DIOIIIIIed lllillaNI wood budlet-leatbtr ,_.,leowbtre ...... , OR&II:M'I!I

A opoelaClo& of lad ... ' ambrellu-ln natunl 1 wuod IJandl.,._. -· bavc •IIYer trhnmlnp­loct IJiock color--wllere 8UII-at ltREEN'I!I


8& eta. You botlor ba,·o yonr old •tnabrellu rocovel'lld at ORJCtN•S. He d.,.. t ile work rl11ht and •lulck, an<l ch&rA'el ti.Jo leut money. An ntn�lla re· (•onn.'(} wltb rervfcf'al.lle 1dJk M"lorbt-frawe rewJ.re,J-!tJbl Japanned ... new ferrnl�, ta11.el and ca.p..-wblci.J otbun can't do ,._ .... tlntn 11.:!."'-.� at,uRKE�'I!. 80 et8e

•! C R E I N ," Broad Street, N. E. Comer Market,


-==::-.. =-: .. -:.: := . ''.A. teua of llteadl ..... · - ­

two boJI, all ID their proper pl- OD a Bemla lnDipluter, ooDitltate tbe 'ap to dale' traDIIJlllllltiDR outftt. The ratenwlvo tobaoco lfiUWBI'I aad mnrkd t:Ord�nen of today ooallfder thue friiDI• planting macbiDN a Dl'CI'IIIIU'Y part of their outfits. The mRCbin" MJt• and wa­ter� the plant nt on� O)X'r:ttlon, BDd thel'll Ia, therefore, uo ll['(·cl tn wnlt for 11 ruin. It Is a vrry exc�ll••nt mach in�, <'lmctly suited to thP nc.,.lo nf tlw•o mm," wrlt�a Frrol<ric Cr:uU"tlf h\ from the Wl•conRID <'X)lorlm• nt Rlntlou. The garden�r ou a IIJllall ocnlo nml tho farm·

.... .. ... m . ...... -... ....... ...

,.. ...... ... .... .. ..... ... .... ......... ... ..... ... ... .... ... ..... _ llll lcal QIIIIltCIIII dtlt-* .... ..... .... for �lf . ... II WIIM I. a 8ale, wllo ...,.,.. ,. • a poor ·- ......... f-. ..U. ID ftr Bani Ill- Yllllllor:

liT O'WJI priiOttDe .. ,.... flfW1 btt ot lad, wban DOl � 1IJ - erop of "alae dlll'IDI powtDf -. llball hAve RtoWIDI DJ1011 it IDmll .,_ crop u a nlbopn crop. The etrawberr)' fteldl at. cl010 of fruit• 1m! plowed, harrowed aud planted with COWJK'U. or, If lanu Is dry and t!lUidy, wltb soja �auo. Th�10 gcrmlunte quickly ana, atlruulrt� by frequ�nt caltivt�tion, m11k� f'norrnon• growth, rich In ultrog('ll rmrl orgnuic maltrr. Tll!'IIO 11ro plowed nuder iu autumn an<l tho fid<!H aown to 1 ryP or whrnt. Another plnn Is to rlrill the prn• < 'r I)('UIIJ! 1.1 fret apnrt anrl when wt•ll growing IIOW clover between thl' rows.

lifteD ..,.,, .- --uu1 IIPPIII'IdU or tile hair, cltdrorln1 oolurln1 mMter, lor bl•toiJ � In•.._ or the ebanp of hair from duk to white In a •Ingle ut�rbl lbrougb the cerebral ell· olterncnt or tome l!fORI 10..., bodiiJ or mental ani111Bh. Noith�r can oolorlug rlrattor, once •entirely rlestroycd, be re­•toted. Do not believe tho quaok1 who prlltend to re1toro groy hair to tbe :roathfal color In any other way than by dyoin& for 10lonoe hu uot "ot dlo· cmored 11 n10thod by which pigmeut, 01100 catlrely eahau1t4ld, can be reuow· ed. Dark hair may be bleached, but no - penon ooalll be deoeiv4!d by tbe doll, lallterl- yellow of hair 10 treat· '"'; lllli&ber d001 dye deoeln aay 011e, 1o11d a wom1111 who would look abum· .... with a bead or white balr � pel'• fectt, d01111 1111d ftdy with leiU!mate truilt8ml become� diiiUttinJI when lbe � to ncb llqnlatly arttftolal miiiiDI for keepiDI the ' llalr dark or bload.


The lust of July le the lwtt arrumn of the y< or to pat In clov�r ��ee<\ for •urety of crop, aurl lt may \veil be cultiv11ted In between the row� of cnnt or other fiel<l cropa at thl' laot roltlvatlon of ml<l· mmmer, The clovrJ' wlll make 11 mod· trato «rowtb, while the main cropa oo· cupy tho ground, and when thl'IIO aro re· moved It cRU attend to ito 'Pf'Cial basi· neu •;f J11'GWIDI! aud trapplu!J nltroiJ"n.

the home pa­per ofUnion County..

Wban one'• balrlara• llft1, 8ttentlob •l!oald be dhooted toward keeping It llirapaloawly olean, toward keapilll! tho oomplnl011 delloale IUid tine wttll oolor, the CI'BI brl1bt IUid • OliJII'IIIIlOII ani· IIIUel. for 11 brllli1111t face t .. med by 11110t17 hair bM a peoallar charm If the balr .be atnmdllllt aad baoolalnllY ar· raupd.

....._.. .. .._

IF YOU .A. IIIDiqae frame may be IDide of lillY

tbla wood, which m111 be poli1bed, patJited or covered with pinola and dec· Ol'lll8d with a ii'IICOfal delip of nlorn· .... 11lorte�. Tbl• ftoral deltp oaa be modeled of aay of the plutte material• a.d for tbl• work, patty pertaape 'btllng


Want your

b u s 1· n e s s brought be­fore

5000 STANDARD readers pat­ronize its ad­v e r t i s ing Columns


I n a· 1 1 i t branches done

in au artistic manner.

You -.re

eate4 coi18Ult


FIIAM& WITU Ull!QUE WOIII:. tt1e •lea•t troablet10mo aad espen1l1'0. )loolem Prl101lla uo' only 11111!1!811 tho deal-gn, bat tell• how a compglllllon fm bltiQilo work may be mooe:

Ono honplng teupoonfal.-la.lllf white leDd BOd OJ:illo of rolno aod OllCI .teaoap­fal <11 ftoar. lllls with waler tout.be coo· lllateucy of batler 110d Blftad U In a oew plo plate. Pat the tin Ia .hollins water nod oook like batter bread, tam· lug .. that both ald.,. moy be dotte alike. Cool ud roll oat, aod oa ft"""'n 110d 1•._ :from pattem11, u ill making wu llowen. Wbeo dry, atlok oa tbe.}letml• 1111d leavett In the deolired politJua with slue. Paint natural oolon or gild.

���� ... , ... ..... _ .u.. Ia all :boa- oowooaya the ..mdow

1111• ClMo .be tamed to 110001111t it �bey are bloM.aad of good � Ia leqtb. If n-. they may be rendered ala· able by lllllug fttted with a wide .llbelf npplll'fiKo1111 bracket& Tbt.lhelf uaald be 0091!111hvltb 1ultable matstal. la .a lllnl7 ,. 41tttnl' room tht. lhelf will form 110 .-lrllble reoeptacle for llabt llteretarA aad newapapen. ,.,. W.. roo...., wW i1 better tbllll tbe broM , lllllP It bolda .the workbuket. 1111 -•· I leat nwUna II- for the prettJ GIIDa"1 -ill faot, f• all the IOttledOWIII wbioJJ the femiDIDe Mtare adore�. In a lad:r'• boudoir It t. IQe a -Y oomer, u em· ple IIJIIIOB fOI' ....._ allo the papel' aad letter nok, a ..-r pl1111t ,. aay ll:ntoll:· 11uo11: whlab -s. 1111 DDdl•tarbed Jll-

_ _, _,. .A. -nntent &bins to every lloue­

wlfe for 1110 Ia 1111 -.enoy t. a 01111 of alnot of beef. Wltil a litlle bot waler a llowl of very nob -P may be made ta a momeal'• time, ,. U there are left - "etetabl• a ,.._.....,.., eoap 01111 be lUIIe ill ft...e miDia• II requir81 but a .-tal or tbe utnol ,,. a bowl of _,. 10 that ill poiD• � IIOOIIOIDJ ill ..-. •UIIDPb 11114 moae:r tt OIIIJDoli be ..........

llroad etreet, Wntaleld, Haw a new atock of imported china, llaviland, Venaillca and

Dret�den in choeotlate pota, aft.cr dinner �ofteea, olive dishes,

aoufenir cape and 111ncere, bonillou cnp1, bread and cake

platea, t.erry diabea, <le�erta, ice crea11. seta, engar and cream

&etl in dainty design•, ala<> a new loot of garden toola, lawu


w, boweftT, cannot afford to prty tTft or more for a machine tllftt would be all('() but au hoar or two ('ll<'b lt'IIIIOD, 110 the

)ly fanning Is BD<"h thnt all cru(IB grown for grl'tlll monarlng are tamro under, root and br011cb, bat upon stook fa=•• whero It !1 deolrable to preoerve u mach for11110 a• poooibll', RJ"'('n ma· oaring rnny be madf' to join bWldl with th11 prorlnftion of bay or otlter fOI'IIIJB. Tbua, one cf the mowing fieldl, attn baying, may be plowe<l and O!O'Wn to

mowel'll, l'eHY made window screens, poultry wire, and au writer quoted oodl the following oon· cemlnJI the dibble, which Tho Rural

a New Yorker pablilb01 with lllaatra· t101111:

clovrr, from which a full M'Op of clowr bay mny bo cut the lll'xt June. A mouth hater tht• M·coad gruwtb and rooto plowed om!cr will l�ave the jlrOilnd richer thau it wu the year p�vioao. This J•lan vmy oo followed II£>Votal y•·an with profit, and finally a foil crop of clover bc tanwd under In time for the planting of corn, cr oome other staple product ..

Tb� dibble, or dlbber, 11 •till tb" only

. elegant uaaortrnont of gasoline, oil and ••oil gas" sto\·ea at

very lo.w ftgnre. Come and sec and be convinced.

S. Scheuer & Co., tool employed by the majority of pt'Oplo who m�et 1111all plant& The fint gar· dener probably ued the dibblo •bown at l.

'The Gnatest GfdJ Concern il lew Jersq. Sbortly after the flnt l'ardener'• fin·

IJ"rll were wom off, he devised aootber dlbber by cuttq eft the upper eight

239·241 West Fmnt S�reat. PllllfULD, I. J, H wilol ·&well yonr pnne if you will take advantage of our low prices.

For foar ·cana CONDENSEll MILK.

Foc �unol fine Creamery BUT TEll..

sc For a qam lwst modktm BEANS.

For a cake 8Rker'• genuine Prewlatn CHOCii>LATE.

POl' Can 81' AR LOBSTER. J :I • I . ,

IJC For a dozeu frt>Ob


17'-: F(or 11 ponrul be•t El.:iu


For J>911D<l he•t BALTll'ORK.

For foar,.,ackage• of MACARONI or t;PAGHETTI.

For poiiiHI choice mlsecl 'IEA. ------------!! ------------

For a bt>ttle CATStJJ'.

For pounu best GINGEB .SNAPS.

Beet Sagar Cared

IIC lb

sc For bottle .Frem·h IIIUSTARD.

19C For ll·pon<l pall RllBOrted


lle&t Breakfut

IOC lb

or tell lncbu o f a reUrro fork handle, and lhal'Jli'Ding tho cat end like 2. Thil wu aaed f•never after by tbl1 gmdener, and by mRUy generation• of bi• de10end· au!L It anveo:l tho fiugen, but In the paba of the luwd Willi a very 10re apot for we<>.ka after trauoplanting, and be· oideo he could not properly pr<'llll the ooU around tho root• of tho plant after it wu plnced in the bolo made for it. Tbe root1 nl10 wero bunched.

Ouo of hi• de�eendllnts improvfd on tbe fork bundle .l!y making a dibbcr with a carved top nr homdlc mu\ nddiug a rn<·tal tip like 8. Thl• wus a jl.>ou ruO\·�, but the RBIDe obj<rtioDII upply to thio n• tu the fork handle. Lat<'r ou tho fork huDdle wno chanjloo fnr the •pad<> lmu­dle. Theu came the improvement of fiat. teni:ng the •lumk instead nf making it roaud. This wns tho greatest advunoo up t<• that tinK>. Tho opening iu tho groUDd made by this tool was each 1111 to allow .the roat1 to be apread out iu a f..u lhape and the IOil to bo pre.slK'd firmly abrmt �hem. Neither the fingen not the palm f!lllfel'<'<l '"*'" this tool WBII a!led, btlt &1111! for the wrlat. In using it tho wrist joint needtl to be ftexiblc aud en· during "" wlthsltmd the otrain .

Tbe Jlell.t. aud m08t important move In tho- molaiion of the dibber was tho eon· atruc.tiob, by a prohsor iu horticulture, of the 01111 Bhown .nt 6. After using it for oeveral oeaso111 tho writer quoted doea not .....,i tate to tecommend it BB the most perfoottool of illl kind yet devised. The hardwood tamed handle is 2,11 inches in diameter IWd exactly fits the baud. Tbo blade lo of oteel 7 incbea long, 1 % iucb01 wide at the top, taper· tng to ooe·balt Inch, and lbould be made nfftclently heavy 10 that it will

HAMS. BACON. : not ��priug, CVftl In h81'd ground. U ia uot patented aad can be made by a Waclmmith for 110 centa.





Broed Stnet, near Clark, W11tfleld, N. J,, P. 0. Box 2eto 8pe�:lalty of Lea4ed liiOMio Gl1111 ID enry lt)'lt, for Cbarcbea llllld Dwelllap. All orden for new work or repain carefully 11114 promptlJ aUencle4 to 11114 at

tbe low•t lpre�.

DBIIIJDI 11114 •timat. furntlhed oa application.

;::, HERE ia no ooouion tor �t�udinr out ot towa tor Jrlilk and Ore&lll � Mount Ararat Creamery 11 able to aapply all demandl. . Our milk and oream Ia 11 treah and aweet 11 ia poulble to procure. It il all our own raialnr, and oar reputation tor bavinr tbe Boeat ot itook ud teedlo1 heavy, Ia known tar �d wide. We bave all improvement. tor bandlin1 and will JOOD pu& Ia ateam, wben all jar1 will be 1teriliaed. We await Joar pleuara.

___ _ ....,_ Bere t. the •tory of •oakins eeed po·

tatool In a eolation of oorroalve nbll· mase w prevent -b. .. briefty told by Tbe Bural New Yorker: Dillolve II 01111088 ol oorroelve nbllmale in a woOd· en baokl"t..Diing l galloDI of waler, add tht. liquid to 14 l'allou• of waler, aad ltlr tt welL Wlllh the potatotw, pat them lu u !laCk or tiDe wire buket 1111d lower them luro the Jiqald. Let them eoak 110 minateM, lift oat, drain dry, aad cat for -.L Seed that t. very .,.bbJ may be IIOaked two boon. Po­tat[)('l IIOaked In tht. woy and planted on clea �l IJI'ODDd are reuonably lllml to be free from acab. If planted oa poand Died lut :rear fOI' potat001 that were deoted by the -b. thla treatmeui would not be 10 efteotlft.

....... ..... ....... _ Tbt. llletcb from OoaDtry GentlemaD

ill1111At. liD ooelleut lll'l'llll&eDJeDt. Tbe IIDIII.boree t. to bave two-thlrlll of

I fiuu that ooo good c:"Op of cowpea� Ia equivalent to a liberal drenlng of 1tablr DIIWDI'I', 11nd at on�·tmth the COlt; '17hilc, if I can �pare the land for a yc11r, and grow a full crop of both p•u• anrl clover, l'l'llalta obow th11t I have added to the aoil more orgaulc matt.< r and nitrogen than would be had even by a very heavy dreuing of ltable ma· narc.

no El• a-r Bee&le. Late In llay tho betltles loy their <'gg!l

on tho an<l�rsio\cs of tho yoaug l!'aveo. In nhout a week the lar\'lll or young wcnns hntch oat, 011d at onoo proceed to feed ou t,he l••aves until full grown, when they I!" to the ground, whore they ch1111ge into b<•etles. Tho time to fi�tbt thi• in..ect to tho beRt adv!Ultnge II when the worm� are most a�t,ive, 1\U(} the \vny to rlo i t is to put paris grwu or otbPr poison• wlwre th<•y will f•at them. Ic oth• ·r wonts, the tree mcst be spray•·d \Vith fWnJe poir--onous aolution, so that the unde,..irll's of the lenves will 1K> .-ov· ered. Iu many towns the elm lellf bc�tle is a sad pest, and Rural New York�r very truly RIIYB now i1 the time to fight it.

Mt•••• r.rtmoe .. Hero i1 a piau of a milling bell for

mixing homemade fertilizrr. It i� the contribution of an Ohio llliU1 IUld WUJl origi.uully illustrated. in Tbe Obio l''urm; er. The illlllltration here reproduced Jlbowo the conortruction. Tbe box should bll made rt11tionary to a centcrpi� 10


that It 'Will revolve with a crank. Fig. 1 llbow• wooden plDI raaning through oenterpieftl, n� for good work. C, lid for opeulna and clOiiiiiJ boL A lhoald be taraed to B for filliDJ, and 111 lhown for couteuta to be removed. The box Bboald ..,o be large enoqb to bold 100 JlODlldl of I'Qmmerclal terti· IIIIer, or abolrto *wo-thinl.t tun for uti• flllltory work.

And al l Hardy Plants for Lawn and Garden.

Improved Mode of IDYIIIJ.


Furniture Boaed,

e.d aud 81ored.

R. lfNlDI[UPF, ,JR,, North Ave. ��nt�� m.ner • .,.. ·



Sptring Tours Old Dominion

TO Old Point Comfbrt,

leach, llctamond, Waahlngtn, D. C,

UNION COUNTY STANlJARD, SATURlJAY, M�Y HO� 'l'h(l ·'J'owmhl1• Com m itt!'r hns just

or<l<'r<'cl twPh-1' morr inriiiHII'81'1'111-Iights Rt f J .J II \'l'nl' Rlltl �1'\'{'11 111011' hyclmnt� nt 1.<'!5 11 Yl'lll', This now warn&LD, N. ,T, , llA\" :10, 18110. gJrpg thl' town l fl7 incmult>scen t light� 11t 4<1-l 11 yt'lll' 1111<1 t w o Ill'<' ligh t g nt 1,<!10 11 yt>nt'-11 tnt11l of •·�51111 11 yrnr fnr puhl ic li,�rh t�, t lw in trrl'st ut i> per t'l'll t . on tMl,llllO.


AUII•D IC, PICARIIALL, t:ttllnr, g, a. n.Aa8A Lt., Manll •• r.

With thP •t·l·<'n nwt'l' h ,·,J mnt•, just ortlPI'l'<l , 1\'•••ttlt•ld '"'": has :!1-l h nl mn t s, n•nh••l a t. 1!<·�.; l':ll'h n Hil l' _:_or n1or" t hun t ht• l' wnnl<l nl'ttinlll' ('o�t 11< if hnn!(ht t>ti t ri�ht l':lt'h _1'<'111:. Tntnl fnr h l'<l l'llnts i• �; t iP n \'l'llr,or· b !'"'' t't• l l t ;m ll l +, l lt tO Thir• t ht• tntal wt• pny for p u hlit• l i!!ll t s n111l watt• r (n11 1l wP\t• jn•t •tart •••l in) i• t h l' fll j t tiraiPnt of ;) }ll'l' l'l'llt n11 �u :-1 . � 1 1 1 1 1 1 , n s n m nln•:uly " t tli< · it •nt t n p n r­l ' ! t i18<' 11 wa!t'l' all<l light plan t of olll' ()\I' ll with t ht• l'll()l'tll<liiS i i ii'OIIIl' (<·<·

Speech of W. H. Harvey on the Money Question.


How the People Han Been lm· poverished.

THE BEBtJLT OF F ALLIIG PlliOEB. ------- _ I t i l ll 'ttt•<l . nt ;, ]11'1' l'�'I IL 011 i'<."tlli i , I H II I) ..,._h�tr all r,nmnH•nlf'atUnn• httl'l11t .. tl , now

. }!t ll f lp: tl' J l l'l �·u tt) (•nrpontf l(.l f l�

IM' U•• �T.\ 'S U .\1\U )lu .. t ht> In thl .. l ou t .:wh• t lw town Ht� tP;Hl o[ ht• l ! l ,!.! .. ., • ..,. \\'Pthu>lllti�ty Suc,n, ,. , ... , .•• ,unll' l tl:'-f'tl t o i l ll't'l'a.:p 0111' � t n'Pt l h : h t .,. ,


----- 1 pro\'idP am pll• ti l't' hytl.nmt st;r�·il 't>

Dnnrful EII'Pd of J,r�rl�latlng J'or thr J'I'W Rat bl'l' Tbnn thP Mnny.

-·-- - - · - - 1 :1 1 t o \ n·ol l l l 'l' t hl' p•·npl•· • tax l n l k \' au ca n fool mil the people some of , Xn \1'1 1 1/ <lt•t' tht• E l izahl' t h 1·nrpora-.. time and some ol the peop.e all , . .

.. time but you can't fool all the 1 ! loll !(Ill ig l':t ll S<'llll a lnhh_n;t t o ..... e aU the tlmet 'i 'l' l 't 'lltnn to <h·ft•nt t h•• l"'"l'lt•',; wil l

A8R A.HAM LINCOLN. for hn1·nngh,

,l'''l"l'l'l i � I I< ' I I L l �n t II'<' --�-------·c· �- I ,hull '<'<' ! I han\; ( , o<] t h t•l'<' ' """"'

:ID •• It JtJifl,.lh t• Jtfltl JlpfPri'1HIIIIU )0('1\l loy:\lt.\" :llltl �pat'tan hlnotl lt•t't ....... l.PKIIIlittiUII I" tht• ll ntH' uf ..... i n \\'t•st til•ltl yl't ! Antl : 1 l t1l'P�:! to i t ! ._llttl'y.�-H•nry Kt>tdunn.

8nmetlfltaa of Jntf't"t"At to W'- ICa ... n anct t'arm•n-The L�t:t nf Dllbetalllam.

8p••"h of w. 11. R&1'9'Q', .Anthor of ucnln'• Flnanrlal f'.e1•oo1, .. at 0PMD'I'I11e, o .. M•� 16, UID6, Defore the Order of Patl"'ofll nf A m•rlra.

����" WP>tlit·l•l f:�m il i .. � at't' J>I'I'· J1lTi1Jg to gn to tht" moun tain�. Tlwy aft> prob11bly 1 '\ JH'eting to han· 11 loigh ohl t im<'.

The C\'elon t• ;lasht••l 1 1 1'1' tail tlltongh tnwn Thn rs•lny aftt• t·nonn , .. ni11g n tmil of <kl'u"tatim• t h a t Wl' wiU dcscribl' II<'Xt wt•Pk .

Do not forgl't thP Snhl iers' I' lot bweT }'tmtl. Arul lot us also ut­leJJd io Comrr11lc l l rtnlcn's nciV 1111<1 phiolic ide11 nlonl{ this line.

Thl' Uoll of l l onnr, sen•ml letters .KI otlwr fl'atn rcs are crO\I'IIt••l tll'el' to onr next iss!!(', tilt• r·�ell l'l't'IIC(' of Jlt>IUOrit\J IJay IICCIJII I It ing for tht• tact .

l'rtblic cli•cnssioHS continue tn lw arrietl on ht>l.wcen the tlogs of Wt•st­iel•l. l'oHsihly ti ll' <log.< an• pro­ellliming to tlu• wnrl<l the h igh stat<• ef �il'il izatioll athitll'<l U)' thP ir own­•rs.

1'here wi l l alwap hP ]'l'll]>lt· prl'· Je:rring to hang on a stmp to 'St�enth ��- ;\(l':lll wh ile the Wc3ttiel<lers will enjoy real 1'11Jli<l tmnsit a!lll the .. t'4,1lli'SB of a P i ty home i n the allmtry.

,\ blot on a part of t lw lown,h i p nf \\', •.•t fit•hl i � 1 1 h i n t on l.hl' w ho lt• . \\'1• l t : tr<' •·or tdi tion>, pt•rhap�. t h rongh tht• hnild in� of " "ell't'l' : tt l <l tl �t· i n fl n x . , r a largt· f,·,rt·i�'l pop u l a t ion whit·L m i g h t not gt•nerally • •xi,;t ; hnt tlll'_l' n rt• l!Pn.· and dt·�t·n·p n t tt•n t ion. Tlwr un• ]'l'lll' l i<·ally g<' t t ing !Inn<·. On �HI; tl a�·� thPn• art' t lrnn kPn r�)rl'i �nt•r:-� ab­out till' �I I'Pt•t•, aiHl n o pnl i< '<' . L:1tl i.·� w ho l il·e ra•ar tlw h,•pr "hops 1\l'l' afmi<l to !(o nu t aftl'r n i gh t-fall an<! <H'<'asionally :ll'l' t'OIIl }ll'llc••l to lnl'k thl'i r •lnm·s 111111 w intlows owing t o t i l l' serious proePctl ings. Wt• hiiH' 11 collstubnlnry. but what is i t ? One constahll' 11t least appm1rs tn <lo mnn• fnr thnn ngainst this <'ll'lnl'llt. When the position of the tuwn gt•ts to bt• ns i t is now, w i th th ree 111111 pos3ihly font· rml icense<l bPI'!' shops opt•n, <'l'l'l'l' tlnv. tiS well as �n n<lll\', 111111 n snioon .saitl to be wide open �n ntlay, w i lh no polil'e fort'!' nn<l n o SII Jil'l'· ri•inn. t h l' ('Olltl i tion is l'rit i<ml. I r . a� Law\'PI' Peck 11�Ltn says, t h e Town l'omm i'ttt•t• hns mow ui1thol'i ty th11n t1 :wrough form of gowrnnwnt., why not use it � ][ tltt•re is no l11w Jlrt'· I'I'H!ii lf/ the townshi p fl'llm cnforeing t lw lnws nf tlw Stat�, then the law� most cl'rtninly should be en!orce•l h�· tlw town in onh•r tn JH'I'"en·•· tlll' fair nmnf• of Westlield. 'J'herc hiiH' ulre11<ly bct•n two mn rtlt•rs in town ns the result of tho illicit liquor sell­ing llllll this wonld seem to be eJtottgh to w11ke up tho community

::\tn. enAI I�'I.\�, J�ADU:9 AXP G E'STLE­�U·:�-. AXlJ �\l fDJHf:ns OF TUB OUPEJ: OF 'l'JJE PATl!ltiTS OF AMF.HICA-1 hr\\'o romo to your rounty tu Rpt•ak hoM tm)R�·, to cn­rourngo ,.·our Ull�l'lfl11h �ttlztlltM whn hrwo rni!oll'd tht' f!ltnmll\l'd or Em onh•r Intended to rt�Mnloto tho chlo conduct, or tho Jmtlon nnd to frt•t1 our RO\'.,rnnwnt fMhl tho cona trnl of nll t.n•lllsh orllnnh:11ttonA.

WhPII Il'rt�•t quL·�tillllM l1n\·n pro"Rett them· Mt'h't>M U[lOil tho l'nltod :-itnh·�. tho people or Ohio hn\'f! bl.K'U truu to tlw tradUioDM or Jr1Tt1r�mn oml Lhwnln. \\'lll•tl qt1(1Mtlona alll'ctlnl! tho llburth•s o! tht1 people nod tho oshotenco or tho rt•tmhllo hn\·odtmumda t•tl R \'Crdlt�t. tho pooplo or Ohio hn\'(l "PD­kcn lntl'lllll"nt.ly on the ottle of humanity.

lntllvtdu!ll MlliOohnooo oryotalllzcd Into lnwo hRO hl'tlD tho oaul8 o! tho downfal l of oil r<•publlco. When the pooplo of a rupub· Uc, hy mmmplo nnd training, become 11Wor­Mhlpen of mammon, nil Jaws l\1'0 mnde nnd conatrued tor tho acoumull\tton and pro" tectlnn of proporty lntereota and the prln· clplo• of humanity aro Delllooled. II 11 tbe or11olnl pc.•rlod In tbe hlotory of a ropubllo. In tho hl•tory or tho world no people of a rupubllo hn\'O cvt�r aucceuruny Jnct and overthrown tho oplrtt or oolOohnooo. In tho hh�otor�· of JlO(Julnr government a ..e10eh­Dt1MS hoA nmntpulatml tho lnwmakinR pow­or nml aboorbcd tho propert-y uf tho pooplo Into tho houd• or tho ruw. Thon camo dl•· trH.-:s Bnd riots nnd tho clBlm thnt tho rc­lJULllc WBB B futlurc, oml thon cwno mon· nrchy.

8plrlt of Malbaonl•m• It h1 a spirit or mnnuuouhmt thnt cau101

us to worship wenlth nml th� opinion of thOfm wbo posACR� wcl\lth. Tho men of Wt'nlth ftre the best- huslnesJt nwn wo have, but tho loa•� cnpnblo of undor$t.aodloiJ the J>rluclplos upnll which " ropubllo lo founllod.

Tho moo to whonl I refer wloh lawo that Pncourngo unbrldlt�d sclOshnoss. �ucb mon oro tho enemies or n�puhllcs. Tbelr opinions r>re not tho oplolono tha& the lllnooeo or tho (l<lopte should follow.

Wo Rr<o II\'IDII under lnwo that aro mall:·

... - ----· - · ·- - ·- - ----- --- .__ ___ .. .. .,- ·--



A R•r•ptlnn OIYen tn M'u. PAttnn b7 tl•• lle•Mn nf l••r t•nrm•r Cheu,at th• R••­

ldrnre ,., Mr. 11nt1 Jlu. M•.rttn WeJJ••• nn ICtm lltrHt.

Rev. C. H. PRiton I• In thP En•t on n VRl'ntif'n o( four \\'Pf'lr" Ht• t" tn tnnkt• nn nclttr..-M tn Nt•w Hn\"t•n. Conn. , tlll Wedne•tllly Jli'XI, HI tlu• nnnnn) JDt'Ptlll!{ of tl1P l'otljll't'l(lltioulll Home Mi••iou SOt•let�·.

1\lr. Pntton vi•IIPtl "'nohinl(tnn, D. ( '. , for ll feW !Ill)'" lJt>fo>I'P l'OIIIifl!{ to \V t••t­fl�hJ. HP will RJII'II<I n f'�w tiny• with r�tntin'll 11t Dronkly11 . N Y . ,RJIIl, Don11<l Dt·•M>k. N . • T . , lM•f••t't• n•tnrnlng to Dn· lnth. 1\linn.

Mr•. PR!tc\11 wtll retnnlu In W••tllel<l 1111til a!K>nt ,hme lMh. wht•n •hP will !(" '" t he White MonlltRin• r,.,. n mont h, ThP rt•c't'J>IInll nt tlw I'P•h1�11<'P nf 1\lr. 1111<1 lllr•. 1\lttrtln W elle• "" Thnrot1ny ul!{hl wn• !lh'l'lt to Mr·•. I'nttou h�· the t't..'lwlnr"" of t ht> �Ululuy fill'hool l'lllliltl fnntlf'I'1Y IRIII(hl hy her. The cnll•·r• who t'UJJit• ju UIIR\\'PJ' to hl\'itUUtlJJM \\'('t'e too IHllllt'rtmH to uwntiou. 1t rt'nll�· pt·o,·•·d to ht' m1 t'l'<'UMitln on whieh .1\lr. u ntl :\lr•. Pnttnn'• fl'h•n•1• f•lt it 11 p1en•­urp to fdtnw thnt tlu- ir nppt't-t•intion fnt· their )o!IK 111111 fntthful "''l'l'lt•t• here, wn• uot fPr�otottt�ll.

A \'t>t'Y inh1rPMtht� JH'f!J.!rntn WAR pro· ,·idt>tl, nftt>l' whit'h n•frt·�hnn·ntfl WtlJ'e r-t>l'\"t'tl.

JlRilUH.-\�1. l 'ntt I.

1. l1lnnn lturt, "Balh•tm11•ik", , , . . M�:;rknu!<kl

plo 10 1!0 frtr at tlmee M to throw opPn chnrchPR for debateo rtml th" pi'OII rtml COIIR U� ptPM'IlfM With Hll the Pll\hUO· IROIII RllfJ lntPIJigPJICe of PllriiPRl IIIPII, L'OIIttmllng for tht'lr tl!(hto.

, In ooclal a11tl church lifo WI' are btOII!(llt In COII\IId with 011c\1 tHrn""t IIIPII n• the ohll'lly O•rma11o , Nnrw•glatlo ntul !!wi'IIP•. ThP Oertnnn• lack ROUit· Wllllt In rtVO'rtllCO', bnt Rre VPI'Y RIIRCO'JI· tlhlt• to hoiiPRt chnrc·h work 1111d their <'hfhJrPII Rl1' tho CtfiiiU of tht• yr1111!(JM!O· pit. ThP Nori\'P!IInllo n11cl HWPtl•• Htf 11 <'1111rch �eolrrg II<'Oifle null 11!! nre hRrtl Wtll'kPrt�.

ThPy nre nil goOtl Amtrlt·nn dllzPIIR. --- ..... · �- ---

\'ltdt the OIMen·atlon C•r m1 U111tn•rul.

OrmttlPot \'IPwo: l'onl hrPPZP•. 1<-e �oltl •min from fmmtaln, ll'e t·rPnm mu1 lnndu .. , nloo n t•holl'e lhl<' of Ke�· West 11nc\ New York d!(arR.

R. Y. PPrlnP, Prn)>.


Flrt• h1•nrnncp plnr�<1 by (', E. l'tnr­•nll & l'o.

All fiRI"OrR of hottlt•<l •oft clrlnko rHil 1,.. IIHtl on lt•e nt 1'nrrlll'•.

A fnll nlt-k1'1Ptl Ollt-hP•I•r hl<-yde i• on "�hlhltio11 nt &·rh'l'll & llnll<l '•. lt'M n ht•1111ty 111111 thoronf!hly np to tl111t• .

The Ne\\' York 6rO<'en· !!tore do••• Rt I P. Ill. •imrJ> on Dtc•tirntloll d11y. All c•uoh>IIIPr• J>len•� 111'11t' t hl• in mln<1 1111tl I!<' I in nrlier• e11rty.

--- - · - ---

l'nhllr Mrlmol Nnte•• .."\INO. lladift• nuci .\Jr• .. . . \ l l1•11 \\'al'l h . 1'hPr(' wns a sui_�etnkf" iu the (lrintiug :!. �oln. l•fl '"A llrt11tm'', . . . . . • 1 . l '. Hartll•t t of t ht- tnotto of 'Utl lnlilt Wt>t>k. 1t ,.bnnltl

,,,) "�b L�W!�t·�··;u·,;j.: . . . . . ,Xt•hlllnKt•r be Farlu, fJfiUt�l t •t'l'liir.

:1. Bt•dtn.tion. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . �t•lt•t•1t•d lll�""' llonnt·\1.

... Planu Solo, "Lit•ht·�t l'llllll t•" . . . , • • • • . . . Ll .. zt ll l:ool'l l', H . Ht·t"ht•.

r,, Ylullu OhlhrRto. "\\.t·tltlill"' )lnrdi" )lt•ndelfiP.nhn Ml� 1\t•h·hutn.

J 'nrl :!. l. �olo, "Without Tht•t•" . . . . . . . f111)' d'llnrth•lot

lJI!'!'I �PI'�t'l\llt. :!. Ill'l\llln�. ••The F\!'lh Bnii" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aiu>U

)fr. IJuht·uuu .. a. 8oln, "llrcan*' I J.on• \"nll, I ' Par.'' . . llnwh•)'

MrM. Kt•l·wy. ... (,JUII.flet from '' Hoh\n lluntl.'' . . . . . . IN-Ku\·t•n )�be���':ir.· ,ti:t't;�ft�Wt:t·I���A�.�:o•�r'!�:;�uJ

IIORNIXII RF.Rli<'S. Text: -Matthew 17, •·�r.,. 20. "If yt

hRv� fnlth as a grnln of nmsllml !1@1'11 ye •hall '811Y onto this tnonntRin. r�move henee to rontler p!Rel' : 11!1<1 It ohRII rP· move ; and nothing shut! be hn1J0N!Iblf1 unto yon. "

The Monnt of Trnn•fil(nrntion wn• ont or the WOIIt nten•ltr•• in th� 1Rnt1 in which J .... n. tanght. u� •tlectl'll ther�­forP, 1\11 object of llh1otr-ation that wonh1 immediately commawl th•ir attention to thl• most hnJK>rlllnt •nhj�t. Wbtte his "l"'ech WAR Hgnrntl re. ht• Wllntet1 to imprP•s on bls tiiHCltr1es tim imlJOrbmce or fnith.

The flower bl'tlo; m·omn1 Linrnln •choot are n gt·ent H<l<lltlun to the !1-r<>tunlo 11ow ttmt th��- lull·., bt•eJt 11111'11 with bright colore<l Hnnt•.

Thl' sehoolo of We•ttlelc1 hnve ht'PII PIJIIIJ>J1Ptl with the hrt�•t hnJ>rn\·ed llrP ex til•!tttt•hei'H Th� LillciJIII sd10o1 h11• t�n. PrOHJII'ct strlll't eight rmd Locnst U1·m·e two.

ThP clnoa of '00 will grRdnRte In tbe We•tfletd Club Hull on Tnl'l8l1ay ennhlf, .T1111t II. All of the l'IIIIII)'B bnve bl'en llnlohetl Rnd lt I• Mid that tltPy will be \'ery enjoyRble 118 well "" lnstrnctlvl'.

The ... nlol'll who are taking Latin wet at MIRR Graffam'• on W ednN<lay evening Hod rt'Btl the olxth book of tlte Aeoeld In review. Tltls Hnloltet1 the work Ita Vergll. Latlu pi'OIIe will bl' ftnlshed 11ext week .

--- -·- ---A Flal1t et tlte Broad tltreet Cro••ln •• A fl11bt Ol'cnrred on tl1e Broa•l stJ,...t

rnllroud cJ OII&IIIg RIKmt 2 o'cloclr: Friday morning bl'tw""" Wm. Douovah, Rich· 11nl Darke 1111<1 Jrnneo Hnnlll\ll. Dnrke uml Hrnuum were b11clly cnt ullont the race 111111 bend. Cons!Jrble i\laroh pi acetl thP three muler nrre•t 111111 took them liP­fore .Tnstice Hnrt, who hehl the tlnee iu l•nil to nwnlt the action of the OrHnd .T11ry at the Odob..r term. Dr. J. B. Harrloon Wftll callt>tl n1ul atlootiPtl th� injnrle• llf Bnrke and Hnnllttll.'








3&-'P.REIORI"IOMI. 25c:a.:

60�r�£SCRIPTIO�I. asc:•·


15':'.1!RESCRirTeONI, . as·.,. .. '

oNLY. Tki-NRUT DRUGI._.a1G.���� �r' , ........ - .� � ....


Bicylas and

Cyc�a Sundries

WE are now in a pooltlon to malre

tiPiiveriPs on Llbl'rty, Galee or WhPf>l•. CRII anti _, the '96 Ullll'tlll, len's rPil1'1!81!1ltlltlve blcyale.

We also have a complete line of blah Lampo, Dell•, Cyclometers. etc. , et prl011 all. Rtnting nnd Repairing. 01� wheele anti exchnllgl'tl. •


BROAD STREET 1 c;:.:�:.:�hv:.�:' WESTfiELD, l J,

God Bless the Rich . "l'lte Bourtl of Freehol<lers sho11ltl p\ 11 stop to the prnetiee of using M}' in repair·g 011 CO!tllty I'Oatls, i t � s m u d in wet we,.thl'l' 111111 <lust iiJI dry weatlwr. !'least•, gentleman, nr fim· stone for the Jlii i'JHl'<' !

to the seriousness of the situntion. Either tlw laws must be t•n forct•tl lls a township or we mnst h11vc n form of gol'crnment which will en(orce them.

lng lh�lr Imp""'• upon oyr ol•lll211tlon; that, II furthor pormitted, will reeu" u fntally to uur rt!publlo nnd to human bap· ptnool oe hat·o the foudrd laws of Europe

.l�•ns' illn•tratlons of the Christian life were 111i tnkPII from nnture : l�t'nce, the more we tuulerstnml ·unttntOJ'M pro· l'eMMPM, the 1\f'nr�r w� <·otno to ,TeMtt.M' ttncbings. Ao oll llutnrr• ..-�b IU\tllrRI light-, so "'"· through onr •li vl11e tmture •eek oplrltuRi llght. •, Throngh the lli'O· ""88 of nnt11ral growth, •mRII, tenrler root• frettnently open up grtllt crHice• in letlgt• of mcks thnt wo11h1 tnke nil the power known to WOtl�rn science to IIC· compliob : MO, the luflnence of the great nnoeen 0011, operating throngh, or In conjnnctio11 with the lntmnn henri. Is O)lt'lllllg 11)> channels, thronl(b which light Rntl hfe c'Ome to the worhl.

Prayer "" a po\Ver, tberefore, Is co-op­eration of man with Ood: MIW wl:o seeks Oa<l in prayer is st111lylng to adopt himsell to the bl'st methods thnt Oo<l hns furnlsbe,t to tlo his work In the wm·td ; like the wloe fnrmer who l!eeks to llml the · fertilizer heot nclnpted to the peenllnr soil from which he pr"dnce! his cropt�.

The poor can beg for a while, then buy a Tire Kew Woman, rightly 1111111i·

lt111Ptl, i 8 nll right. .\n1l now th PI'I' .m a dcm11111 l fot· the � ew )fan-tlll' k1ml thut wou't maku a n u i<llnl'l' of llim:lt'lf hy sl l loking- 1 1 strong pipt·, alld won't swear when lw gt>tA tlrn n k .

'l'h1· 1111111 who pred id" o n P elt•ct ­ion resu l t t o om• man a n d a n oppo-3ile n:--sult to unotlwr· 1111111, i; bnlt!ltl k> be h11lf right-un lt�•s a new party <mmo.; np 111td knoeks h i m out al­.ther. Eri<lently )J eKinlt•y is thinking hurd with hi;; eur tlow'u to h gronucl.

Till> Cluunpil)n Scorcher-The '3emey Ceutml UailroRtl Company. :J'w further pur·ticulars �it in their llm!ll00 of 11 traiu houso for (i l'(l ainntl>a while waiting for your tl'llin - ulnrt. The knowledge t.h11t your late ill twice w h:1L it should he don't 'l!lll1uoo the blisters unv . Bnt < l i l'i<lcutl• e Wlllerccl seen r ites 'must hc• got out el \l�e luck loss people 801111' way.

'J'lw ST.I N IJA Hil has, from the li rst, bcon n strong so pport�r of sewers for W cst!iel<l 111111 hns from time to time nssm·t•tl tlw citi?.cns of ou r town that the contmrt with th•• lmiltlt•rs WIIS Hlrong <'11011,!-(h to <'OIII­pt•l them t o put om· strePtH back in gontl l'llllllition and within tht• ti nw pr·e.;eri lll'<l. \\'" must ('onfpss to e l i"·· nppoin tmt·n t t'm111 lll'er·y stan• I poi 11 t. We were tiBon l'etl that the Hewers wonltl he completod ht•fol'c the win­t�r of '!!5 111111 '!IIi. I n this our eiti· zrus were sorely clis11ppointctl 11ntl ontrugnonsly inconreniencell. I f we luul 11 contmct thnt wns not l imitPtl hy t imo w hose f11ult wna it ? lleJ'I' w�•·o our stJ·�ots 1111d here wm·o tlw eitizens to pny for the work. 'l'he work has been delnyotl matil tlw prostwrts nro tlmt ono whole yo:u· will eltipse beyond the time tb«t we woro to htii'C tho aystom complete.

nml ally that have ovortbrowu t.lJe nopub· Ilea of the pnot.

Wo h�ve leurned, howc,·er, In this repub· llo whBt tho J>ooplo of other rcpubllco dto· 00\'erod too lnt�l to j;;ll\'0 tht•lr rroo lnsthu­t lnns-thnt flll!lllsh lu tt,rt'8t8 may cnpturo not only ilUIJvitlunl:o;j l1ut orgnntznt.iuns . Moro thnn ono tmllth•al orgnulzntlon In th<� llnttml Stntoo Is to�ny struggling In thP toiJH of U �tHl.flsh C}US.!l.

Tho utumUIHh 1mnph• Ill''' looking on with mlnglml ft�ullngs ut an:ciuty and lnuullla­tton. 'rho Ullrt'l11illg of tho WOOkH BOd llny� Is now hrlnglnt( UH to tho timo whon numboud will sit in jutlp:ment on tbo oo­tlnn or tho pruhllllll•ll lcmlurlil of tho l)(10ple; whun men wUI dt•chlt' for thomsclvea whether their I>Otltlcnt pl\rty to to onrry thom1wlth solOsh lntllruiltll.

Cblor among t.ho law• llllocttog our clv· Utzatton, dcfondod by sotfioh tntcrost-o, Ia our financial laws, 1111d tbat briDfl& me w· lbo •ubjoot uppermoot Ill the mlndo of tho Amorloan people.

I am 11otng to p,..,nt tod&J, In lbo brief &pi>Oe of a opooch, the ollie o! the people In thlo t .. uo, now on trial to the nopubtlo. I do 11ot hope tu n1110b th0118 who 111'8 188kiDI to promote thotr 18ltlab vanity, or tb ... wbo aro conootouaty or unconlllllouoly 1881r:• tog to promoto their �&tftoh tnteletlt.a. Mr appeal will bu to the un�&lftob American lliKiple, who rcc01DIID tbe prlnolple lbaa man sorv.,. bhn111lt bolt by promotlna the common good.

T ... lao-- uf ·-· Money •• tbo blood or oomnleroe, tbe ll!e

The elite! of prayer on Jesns' olisripleo \VHS to bring thew Into au bumble sta­tioll where thPy conic! co-opernte : 1nyh1K nside .,.lll•hn•••• anti oelf ugr1mt1is�ment for the unt object of f11rtlwrlng the cnnse of tho IIIRoiPI'. The aftluitv be twet>n God nntl tbe dlvlue ill mrm liegeta a spirit of prnyet•.

The iubahitnnt• of I11tlla once fonnd n lal'ge river flowing from a monntRin to the l!t'a, white on the other al•le of the mountain \\'118 11 g1·ent plulu that only needed the WKter to make It fertile. By greut Pllglneerintr Iiiii a tonne! Wll8 utade through the monnblln and the plain WM covered with water, thne bringing abnnt oo-oporatlon In natore with great and good reat\ltA; ao prayer promJlt• to activity IUIIl a dl!lllre to Jln>· . a nee tbe greatest re�nlt tn our Ohrta"u II vee, Co-operation therefore, brlnp all the great forcee, worlring for Ood, to­gether aud even though our faith be 118 a l(rllln of wuotanl -1 we eball rewove gtPat JUOlllltaJDL

II:VJIIIIIIG 8BBVJCB. The evenlntr dl�eoone wu a lecture

Oil a year's lwp.-lons or the Weet.

GILCHESTER BICYCL and be happy ever after. A tip to buyers rich or

If you see � good thing; if you know a good thing: if have money to pay for a good thing gather it in.

pay you m the long run. Gilche•ter are good things.

which we are now

In presenting to the public these

able for the first time this season to

liver promptly; we do so with the full knowledge that ' .. are offering an absolutely high grade and up to dlte

The .Torsoy Cllntml mil wav sweuts ie pnt!·ons \ Jlllytrons) i u to' payiug ahorbJtllllt lares 1111 watPre<l St•eu r·i · ait:B IUIII then wltls ius1d t tu i uj n ry "' BW1111ting them m·er •wain i n the ili-nntilutetl hot ltou•e �f a dPpot � 11 low dollurR would make toh•t'· .we, 'l'ho pt1oplt• stunt! it. Ho i t ..,-es the people right. l'nssihly -.., pooplo will W11ke np Sllllll' of ltJf.aHJuys ; thlln loL the urouopolist,; IDok oot !

Our town (ntheJ's hnvo no idt>11 how much clamsge hns been clone tho town by either failing to birul thL• con tmctor8 to 11 time for finish· ing tlw work, or fniliug to hohl the contrnPt!ll's to tho terms n( thoir eon­tmct. Tho sower shonlcl hnvll boon I Jnilt in l �(l:i 1\tll] tho 50() CI'OSS· •trl'l'l hon�o connoct.ionR tJIII<ln be­fore tltP winter of '[)5 nml '%, so that our ro11!ls woul<l h11ro been aot­tlt•cl awl in tlrw cond i tion bv this spring. Westtioltl will )H'IIt:ticnlh· Lit• without 11 clocent street for t w;l y<'ars. Although tho work IIIII)' ho tlom• this Rnmnwr, the settlmuent o( till' tli tehes will go on until win· tl'r comes again. If tho te:·ms of our <'ontmct hatl boon lookml utt<•r

111vtnll Outd or elvtltoatton, tbo vlul or· IIBDIBII1 to our soclul c:&lotonlltl. Yyu can do w ltbout wheat, corn, beilf ur any otbeP oh111lo commodity clauod IUllong tho 08· m•sottlos ur lifo and yoi be bealtby and bBppy, but you cannot lmBIIIDe youroetl a Jmrt of ctvtttautlon :md do without monoy, \"ou can do without wheat by uotng ooru or rloo for bn•��tl; you cau do without '-1 by ualn11 pork or mutton lor meat, but you ouunot ho n pnrt of ctvtltzattou and do without money. Without moDIIJI .,.leiJr would 110 back to I>Rrbartom. It Ia the moot tm1•ortant footor we baveln ctvtltiB­tlon liD d DillY welt be termod tbe blood of etvltlzatton. It to llll llldlopenlllble DOUOII· alt,f to ot vtttzuttou.

Text W118 Gen. 19, vena 1. "Now tbe Lord h11d oald unto Abram, 11et thee oat of the conntry, and from tby klndre4. aud from thy father's bou1111 anto 11 land that I will allow thee."

The apoaker oald In fact a S10o.oo wheel which the makers have listed at

::--,..------., Eleewhoro mny hu found 11 syn- tho hnildera could, un<l would, hnve .... o( two i m portau t rlisco:1 roo•s 1 p u t in tho sew<>t' compll'to in llvo

,..-,bed Snmlny oveu ing-orw hy month� j ust as well as to hrwo tukon �. Wm. ·ll. ltn t h , who Jll'<'tll'hc•l n _pur 11111! t1n• months. Our streets CIP 'be fBmous Phil. Kelll'll,l' U uar<l, art• silnply lwrriulo an<l everybody

• GDmpMny C, 'l'h i l'll Hc•!.(i nwn t , �at· ktiOII's i t . Wt• aro obliged to npolo· iaDal Gu11r<l, New .lcrsc•y, 1111<1 tho g-il-t• to m·e•·y visitor wo bring to ..a.er by Uov. C. I I . Patton who tow n . Whr cnnnot some of tho

· 9'ko o( tho North-�or·thwe•t. lloth str<•<' l • . wltui'O tho sewo1· is luid 11ntl llfiiJiifi�d Christi•m Arueriean eit i- house <'•lll noctions mutlo, bo pnt in ••hijl und inspirml patl'iotio i ru · shupo � Jf tho town must rlo i t let 'CIIel, 11long J ines that tL•rHI to make i t bo dono ; •·Tho wuy to ro1umo is to

lowing, homo loving, country rl'snnw." Jf tho contJ'Rctors are ltfl118 people. In Loth cust�s tho oLiigetl to tlo i t n ntlor thuir contract •Jlll"'Ationw wore vo•·y lur·go,show- whst'11 tho umttor w i th making them

when Jll'ollchors soleet tlo it 11t once ? Aro we to allow thom dirootly touoh upon tho to suit their own conveuience on

the poople at·o eugor every little part of tbii work, while world c11nnot hat·o a suffering p11oflo cry ont"Uow lonr, bmurtii;V uf Christ. ob, bow lon1 " ·


Ono uf tho rut011 tbat ohould be applllld to any Jleceoolty Ia tl1at thoro obould be a oormal qunntttyuf it. Tbore to a noo-lty. tor oo m ooh hrUIIII. Thoro Ia aloo a nooeo· oily fm·a normal ouJIIIIY of mo08y. Jt tbeJV wero law• othor tbr.n tho law• o! bartor eooourlliiiDg tho hoardiDI u! wheat that opon1ted to 1toro It away Ill olovnlon while J>eoplo outforotl r� tbe want of It, you wouhl be In f11vor or ropeall1111 tho111 tawo . It thoro WDI oohnou11b ol It ratoud to feed tbo people, rou would be In fa,·or of ralo· to11 moro of tt. It we bave lawo thBt on· ooura11• tbe hcardtug of 111011ey, tho g-t· ootot ��-ltllll, anddlvortlua le ltuw Nle obannela of trllllo, by wbloh tbe ptll)ll .. and tbe oatlon Bill millie tu outrer for It and to � blackmail In or!IH to 11M I*' you obould d8wand tbe Nplllll of tba. laWL Au4 lf .. 111111 Ia DQP OUOUIIb 1110MJ to BIIIIW"" Dlltmal leqUifiiUI&Dt, J'OU lbuuld - 1110111 1W1MJ Ia 111• You lbould le to • illllllil a._ Ill _, .... . ... lliould ,..,,

go to the Lonl '• approval, tmd b� tho We�t Willi by tbe At ll111t a lOIII to

North Wf!llt," that Dulutb Ia W .,.t, aud 10 far this claim.

Duluth hll8 \lecoma the Jre&t ablpPIIII lake port for tbe North Weet. Dnrbl1 the llr•t foorteen d11yo ot tbe openlna of J &vlptfon uo 1- tban 8,000,000 b11.1hela <f wboot left tbat port, and at t•reeent ftOO t>Rr loudH of prodacta an received for alllpment each ll11y. So mncb for ita tOUIIJlercial greatneeo. Tbe Jrl'lllltu- of Northern MluneRota is 011 acoount of tbo greot wheat urea, not half of wblcb !1

et developed : and the dlloovtry of rich Iron ow, whlcb malrflll It one of

MMJtlonH in tbo wcrld. The iwlwl•(l'8t:lon to that Kt11te In the lut de

bO'HII tho t�rentellt lluown ; cow­other Htuteo, lartrely, lustl!lld of


Expensive advertising for them, but that's thei'r Many makers · claim to d� the same thing.

' gation seldom ..supports the statement. TERS we only ask to have you investigate and

I , for yourself. We claim that the woman's Gilche'stt;r,· is the handsomest wheel made. d·

.t ��·�> GILCHESTERS are light, strong,

running, and fully guaranteed. A SIOO Who get� the SI 5 ? See us about it.

� HAND, ·Pro1pe0t It,,

IJN•N eeum .... TOWN fiO'I'U. ()fi'W .... Cllbluontloa . K. I. .,, ,... -llr. aD4 ll.;:u;;;;;; ban ntalllell Dar oloell;.l, •· .

fiODl tbllr w..SdiiJI trip. -It h conMCI'IItlon 11181tlar llllt 81111· IILDEDLEEYE'I -W. B. Doaaell ll �ttcl home 10. day aftbt al lbe �brtttlaa cbuob. ������¥.�����I clay for • bolMq neatton. -Mr. and 1111'11. Albert 1. Dtlatonr, of -The total � for 001111t1 tuw tblt Brooklyn, 11re Yllltlar Jlr. aad lin. G.

C!CIIIIIIIr ,.. wUl be tiiiO,UOO. L. Delat011r WOM AN'S SPHERE.

: --"'- -

Of recent years DECORATION OAY

....C. i. 8111111 bu the 0011tnct to lmUd -1111'11. 1. B. San� !If PlwDtot B.tllbta lmDI I. Ro.' bon• on 8ontb a•enne. Broold7n. I• Yhlllnr .... .Jciti1an JIIDir, -Mr. and 1111'11. II. I. Glldenll'8Ye of Monntala aYt'DI\e.

ffti"lii.iilw .. illiioiioli'O:: f.""'1•• • week Ia Oraap conaty, -The Rn. Rtnf1 Kl'tcbam will

has come to mark the opening

of the outing season. · pi'PIICb In the Oaagr.ptloa1l church at The Shirt Waist and Blazer

.-111'11. L. Pli!I'IIOh, of Lockport, New both IMrYit e1 to•IDorrow. EDITED BY CELlA B. WHITEHEAD. •\'-•· Yor11 8tate, il 1'11ltlnll' Mile Lla1le 8cnd-��f��;� .• !'�:'!�!i:J���'I\P.�liii . o. der. -Enflneer F. A. Dnnbnln WP In town Weetfteld, N. J., :Mar 80, 181111. -The Wt�tlleld Clnb will bold Ita TbnJ'IId•y, maklnl lnapPCtlou uftbe bonll!

coonectlo••• and eewer beda. I'I!IDiar monthly weetl111 on 111ondaJ nllht. · -·Five bnndm\ fl'et of 2! Inch Jlai--Mr. and Ml'll. H. B. Downe han lt>tle Cro.,. rnbllt'r hr..., h"• b•eu pnr­

beeli Yilltlnl!' friends In Brt10alyn tbl• cbaeed for tbe lire def'l'rtwent.

Acoordinll' to the con��tltntlon of the United Stotet of America, "congreM bu power to coin won•y BDd liar: the nine • thereof. " At the dictation of banJrel'll It bu llsed the nine eo hltrh that the people CIIJlnot i!et it. It wu a popnlar bout with one political JliU't1 11111'1!nl Jllllri iJIO that ItA leg\JIIatlon hod

Suit appear in all their glory, and the ready-made article takes the palm for ftt, finish

W811k. -MI•a Ad� Jrtcobne, of Nt�wRrlr, Rn<l and economy.

-thai. Crlckenberpr ha• etarted the Mlu Sn•le JHcohna. of Pine Brook, spent work on hla new bonae 011 Academy lut Bondar with frleml• lu town

�'.':"�".'��=::-:..::7---�::--- place. -BeY.Ilr. John Wber, lnttendlnl!' the -Clark etreet, above Dndler aYI!IIne the Preebyterlan General A-mbiJ et

I• recelvlu1 1 top dreulnK or cm•hed 8aratlll(a u a dell'gate from ChlnR. atone. -P. Traynor. for twentl'_ oeven ye111'11

-The name of oae applicant for mem- In the grocery bn•lu- ln We��tiMrl. b1111 benblp In the Weatlleld Clnb bu been eold ont to J. F. Mattie!(@, of New York

• 'donblod the Yalne of the dolllll'. " SlllCil that time tho other JliU't1 hu helped 011 the work.

Our stock is specially pre­pared for this season, and a call will convince you that to be well dressed does not mean

'l'ho stock of one of New York's beet makera in over a dozen dll�lllllllJ 1tylee, rm1de of r..awns, Percales and llimitiea, all with the new biJ op elec\'el, 10m.., with white collal'll, some with detoohable oollan.

in endleu mriet)' of patterns and colorings in aizee 32 to U lnob meaaure,and are llnuhed in a pozitively faultleu manner. You'll P"1 08c to e1 . 48 for theBC aelf ume waieta et other etores. 'l'he lot p1 ..., ......

poeted. City. Do I, then, W&Dt "cheap monerP" Certainly I do. Why not? a large outlay of money. . 75c. ·

-Mr. am\ Mn. J. B. WIII!On wllhtllrt -Rn. N. W. Cadwellbae been lnvlted June Dtb for a week's llablnl! tria• lu to give tbe nmJnal n<ldre���� before the llfrtln&. Orrtnl(') Order of Free am\ Acct'pted !:::--_,=.,...��===== -Nook & Ladder Co. No. 1 bolda Its MHoone. month!)' meeting 011 Mm•daw evenilll!', -Mia• Ethel Gilby will have chnrge

Do I \Vant a "de� C11J'1'8lley?" YCII, decidedly. The "almlgbt7 dol·

lar'' bnA be•.ID esalted IUld the people cle­brured too Jonlf.

Do I care nothlnll' for the "natloaal credit?"


W p'Jl oenr\ the•e walete by mall to 11ny addreu I n the United 8tatea, OD ...,...._. of Hbove J>rlce. In ordering, pleaae otrtte el1e, color and whether 1ttacbell •• trtchl\ble coiiRra are WRnter.l.

L. BAMBERGER & CO., June tl. ' of the meeting of the Y. P. 8. C. E. of -1'he Board of H&altb will bold Ita ��:0�byteria11 church nl!llt 8nnday

repb&r monthly 1oeetlng nest Friday -Mr. Foot, of Garwood, baa pnrcbae-evelliUJI. ed a lot on Wutfteld aveni1e am\ Prtrk -Bucket 11nd Engine Company No. I otreet from Mr. Carbe1Ty and will abort­will meet for ''-'KOlar buoluea• ou Moo- ly erect a dwelling. <lay evenlnl(. -1\le<>tlng of the Junior C . . E. of the -Herbert Peanall. B. A. Chamberlin Preab) terlan church Mondrt{ afternoon. and U. E. Peal'llrtll are rtt Lake Bopat· It Is boped the mew bers wll be pre•ent COlli(, llohln11. u It Ia consecration dHy.

Cub Ia better thiUl credit. A penou or nation Ia 1'1"1'1 fooi!Ab llniUICiallr to do a credit lmtolner�� while be or It bu almudant cub I'I'IIOIIJ'Cetl, "" onr nation bRII.

Do I not want the "nation'• honor" envoo?



ltore .... ••••lap aatll l e'eloe .. Opea lata ... ,. ••til 10 p. •·

WE JUD A BPEOIALTY OF -Tbe tennla court& at tl1e Weetlleld -Mn. Elizabeth Skill, who bao been Ulnb are beh11r l(rQded and will be ready vlaltlng ber •lotPr, !lira. T. J. Jonee, for for 11aw"" ou &turday. aeverHI weeko. on Elmer street, b"" re­-Cbaa. H Deuman Willi Initiated "" a turned to her home lu East Orat1ge.

It le too late for that. A rich nation'• bouor le l'llle when Ita cltlzena are llunlnll' In the 1troola.

the Dress LIAIAIS lr. Trllmlnp. Do we not WIUlt " the money of world?" RU B81!118,

Traveling Bags and Trunks. u1ember or W1!8tllelrl Lodge of Odd Fel· -Letters remaining uncalled for nt low •• Wednesday night. Poet omce, Westllehl. PPraons calling -Memorlal lll!rvlcet! at the Congn!ga- for oau1e pleaae mention HdYertlaed.Johll

tionHI church Sunr\ay mornlnl!'. Senuon Barr, W. 8. Blake, and Mrs. Henry T. by Rev. Henry Ketcbaw. Townley.

Not nuder �t condltlolll. If we 11111 the "mone:r of lhe worlrl, " the oth· l'r natlona of the world have a rl.rht to

meddle with onr llnanclal allalre, ud they are not yet r:dacated np to "aonnd ftniUlclal ylewo. '' If polllble let 011 ban a currency IIIDOIIlJ ounelvea which the other nation�� do not wnut nud will} which they b�&ve no rl1ht to Interfere. "AmPrlcan money for Amer!CBIUI" Ia onr only ll&f�ty.

Are You Building ? .. ....-..•� REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. , .r-

-The re1nlar montbl:r meeting of -P,.,paratlono are wade for the gran•\ Empire En11lne Uowpany No. 9 will be ArmeniHn RRIIf In the Presbyteria" belu on Tuesday eveulnJI. church on tbe flrat SDII<lay mornlu1 In

-Tbe llre department bolde a epeclal Jnue. B. Fay Mille, theeYBIIII'I!Ii•t. malrea weet1n1 on Tneaday evenlnl( to revile the 111ldreu. Ito cou•tltntlon and by lawa. -Rev. Dr. Wm. A. Rice preached yery

" Everything for the Flre·plac:e."

We are closlnr out a few u .... a-.

O'BLENIS & DILTS, .• , ... Wntllll -A boot 110 wore bonae coanectlone 00 acceptallly at both wornhlll' and nenlu11

the 111wer work will have to be wadtt be- wrvlce� at the Bllptlat cbnrcb;lut Lord's fore the completion of tb11 work. day, to lutel't!llted and appreciative

andlencl!l. -Dr. T. R. Baney especta�bortly to break ll'fOOUd for bla n11w boaee on -The " Cottage prayer meetinl!'''of tbP

I fear rtODie wearr Popnllat will throw tble down nod 1181: "Ob, g�,.. 1lll a rest. We've beard tbete.thlllp 01'8r and over till we are tiled of them."

w .. n. I Bill tired of thew mJBI!If; bot, wr friend, If l llhonld keep allwt I feel 1111 1f the very atouee wonld cry ont. Can· yon not tl>lnk of lOWe OOIIIJ'IIIIe, lOWe one who wn• onoo a fellow workman. who now Rite Idle aDd deiiJIODdent with atnrvatlon &taring him In the fnoo who may go nest November nod think be le voting for "a cbaul(')" If he votes the Repnbllcau ticket? Give biw tbla to rear\. Talk to him nod llhow him (M yon ongbt to be 11ble to do If yon "have beard tbo110 thlup over 1111rl ovor IIIJ&In ' ' ) that mcb a tm111'1!0 wonl<l 1xo ·�brow lull away hi• vote. " Elqllaln to him that the two partie�� be)ODII' to the •awe show.

CURTIS I. THORPI. ___ , . . ........... __ __ Broad 1treet and Central avt!nne. Y. P. 8. C. E. ot the Baptlat cbnrch

closed for the IM'aaon with the weetln1 -The cyclln1 dhlalon of the Y. M. C. held ou Thursday evenloll' at the reald­310•31:1 Park Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. NEW SPRING 61\RP�TSI' 01 Tailors. A. r.ropoeee to have 1 rou to the great ence of Jobu Lematta. In ugton-MIIburn race, Sntnrday. -Rev. G. A. Franclo addre.-1 the -H. Lelchateln and the W. C. T. U. PIRiurleld brRncb of the Chrlstlau AI· bave h111\ a etone eldewalk ll\ld In frout lirtnce 011 TuPaday evening, at Pla1nflelrl. of their property ou Proapect street. taking for hi• s1\llject "1'he Newull@l! of

The larseat Mantel showroom Qur Carpet buyer has ju1t ciOHd a contract with one of tile ......... In New Jeraey. ___ _

We hure plucetl in stock 11 choice

>•ortllWilt of Foreign 'l'rouBering�

16.oo 111111 Suiting• at S•.oo to Our Diagonal, Unllnish­

or�wtl, or Austrian Thibet,

awl rest to order at S16.oo are

-Miae Lottie Woldt hu ac�'l!pted a Life In Christ Je&uB. " po��ltlon lu the omce of tb11 81Rntlard -Rev. Geo. A. Francl• baa returner\ Publi&bln�r Conceru aa book-keeper. from Asbnr;Y Park, where he bns been In

-Owlnll' to estra work on the eewal(') attendance nt the Annlveraarlea of the dlapoartl beds It will btl lmpoaBlble for Baptist Ml ... lonary anrl Pnbllcatlun Sr:J. the contractors to llnlsb by J une l 8t. �letlet!, am\ will prencb "" noual at the

-Jobu W. Sln�rer bll8 eoh\ ble honlll! BaJ>tl•t church on nest Lord'• <lay. ou CuwberiRud street aud has moved to -Rev. N. W. CHdwell will give a Charles Cos·• house ou Dowuer street. obort talk at the men'• Y. Ill. U. A.

-MIIIB Clnra Welch and Mleo Betiolle meethlll' on Sunday afternoon. at the Fitch attended the Epworth Le111ne AaaociHtlon roome, at fonr o'clock. State Convention held at Trentou laat MRrtou K. Camp, contralto, will week. All men are cordially luvlted.

-BnntilllJ'• Railroad Sb!>w, which -Owing to oecet11111ry repall'll. and can refer to Westfield esblblted here lut 8atnrtlRy, dn.w large Memorial boli<lay, the Library will be

audleucea at both Jll!lforwancea. The closed to-morrow. It will re-OJM!D on 1 2 years clrcu1 wa8 probably the best ever lu Wednl'l!day,Jnne 8rd, with new fnml•h·

a are leaders In Prices

town. lu��&,and a lar1e pnrchalll! of n&w book&,

-Mio• L. MIIBDn baa charge of the a llot of wblcl1 will be publisher.\ nest Baptist Y. P. 8. C. E. Wlltltlull to mor· week. row eveulug. Snbject : "Ready for -At the Y. M. C. A. men's meeting Death. •• )net Sunday afternoon, Frank Lawrence,

-Paul Hull, of the New York Mall of New York, llRV<' a strong talk to neRr· and Esr,re118, h8.8 rente<\ c . F. Conant's ly llft.y men. 11ae violin 110)011 by Clar· Rld�ev ew Cotta�re No. 8, 011 Dudley ence Mill• were greatly rmioyed, and the " singing; Jer.\ by Herbert Pearsall's cor-a\·enue. net, was spirited. -A Jarp delegation from Ceutral -To tlrty the mana11eroof the Chll<lren's

The Democratic biUld CODII'tl np with Punch on It uud the Republlcnu baud comes np with Judy ou It, nud they pltob lu aDd light and squeal. Bot the real power Ia one, 1111 In any other Punch aDd Judy llhow. Tbu man down ont of all!'bt pockets the cub uud mabe the -mlng opponenla do jnat Bl be wisher!. So the mouey power keepe np a -mln1 light between the two old partle1 to IIIDIIII! the people while they (or It) Jl')t the mouq. A little boy said not loa1 11110o "Women don't Jwow enough to vote. " If the Yotl'ftl of this conutry keep on lUI they have beeu, votin1 otar· vatlon to tbe1llll81vea and cblldreu, all tho time onder the lmpreMIIIou that they are votlug for "a ch110ge, " which tbe:r never Jl')t-, escept for abe wol'lll', nre you not nfraltl tbnt Rome of OJ! womeu will be1ln to think thnt men "dou't know enough to vote?" And Quality.

Council No. 131 .Jr. 0. U. A. M .. visited C t n. 1 b 1 h 11 d Franklin Uonucil, of Plalollel<\, Thurs f.,'.!�i'�.:lat ��:!irin�'!: �����= h��u

t�081:0 day ul11ht. el11bt o'clock. Au Invitation h1111 been ell· -The Borough Committee are now In teuded to everylMllly to go out am\ oee ---••----poMeaslou of tb" tl\ll duplicate and have the plllce. StHges will be run from the THE DEAD SOLDIER'S MEMORIAL. been called together nest Mon<lny night P011t Office every half hom to nccow-to COJllJJM8 UOte8. Ulodate the pnbJic. •

llltH, t'hA.NCE8 A., UINOHA.K..

. .......... FOR INSTANCE. -1111•• MRrlon K. Camp will oing at -The o. A. R . . Plrtlnfleld p08t, v.·ill o����!.,�'i!,������:'ll;: ���.1!';,und, ,, the 1f011pel weethlll' for all young wen nt cou1e In a body ou Snnrlav evening to ou t 1 ut dl t bed a•rot nd the Y. M. C. A. bnlldlnl!', Suuday after· Weotflehl,to listen to n n•emorlal a<ldrei!B \���·tb:eJ ��� �ore lito'• '::: •• � •.

1ngar c1ued bam• . . . , . . . . . . . Uc. lb uoon, at fonr o'clock. at the Pre��byteriRn cbnrcb. by the pnator, k ld d

' 18o -Cards are ont announcing the wl'll· Rev. N. W. Cadwell. The Orand Anuy PIC 81111 ro net · · · · · · · · · · • · · · ding of Mlu Bertha 8cbuckher to Mu men decorate the pulpit and!approprlate

family 8otar • • • . . • • • 16-00 per bbl Wlnklew&D,at the Preabyterlau cbnrcb, national alra will be IDOl(. famll 8 ...,_ 11 •II on Tbnndlly, Jnne 11. -The Weatlleld Y. M. C. A. bWMI ball Y oar · · · · • • · · · · • '""" c -Scriven & B1111d have jnet pnrcbae- team In Ita lint re�rnlar !(awe of the --

hotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111o. lb ed 11 new machine for trnlog bicycle on, laet &tnrdav. eutfe1'81\ <lefeat at the · b tter 17 lb wbeele. With the new IIUIChlne they bands of the Plalnlleld Y. M. C. A. 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c. can make all al- of wheela absolutely team. Our boJI made 110111e lnescaaable

lal'le lewoaa • . . . . . . • , , . • 11ao. d011 true. 11rron but eucceeded In maklnl!' the lb F bold Cia 11 b been pl:l te<l ll'lllll" an lntereatlng _ one. , The 10ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l'c. per - ree er r 111 a 0 w118 Plalnlleld, 14 ·, Weatlleld, D. · 1 member of the coa.,lit&ee on uuacy,

"Up STAIRS" pnblw IJI'OtiDda aud "nlldlnjp, and ap· -Cialldren'a day In the _Mt•tbcor)bl�l pro�tlona, by the Board of Ch01en cbnrtlb oocnn on the . rreebolden. lu June and effort• are belnl!' pot

-The nbblt that p!aye between B. C. to have tble year'• esercleu the UIOIIt OUR NBW DBPARTMBNT. llerpaut'a and J. w. Arkell'l barna 1a memorable lu receut yean. The program

'"'vfntflr t the lnbabltante of tb.e Boulevard wlll lnclurle vocal aml lnatrnlneutal ooloa,

•• •··-- h t d 1 Ia t recltatioua and alnJCiu�eby the little folk•, and 081 p....,., enong 0 0 11 rep n elnl!lng of a!>proprlrtte autheme "{ the lui their 1ardena. cholr aml acbool. A committee wll have

are our SJIDIII Slllr· day lldlltiHII.


-The Epworth League meeting to- charge of the decorntlona. morrow evening lu the M. E. cbnrch will be In cbtlrl(') of C. E. A11gar. Sub· -Au old ftUJhlnned uulon revh·al joot: ".The Second C,l,ause of the Kp caW)l meeting will be held 1\t WoO<!·

ed rnl!'a Grove, ou We��tlleld nvenue worth League PI 11'8· Grove street, beglnulng 8tnul11y worn--The agreeu1ent between John MHra· lug, June 7, and IRsting until Suudny den contractor lor the tmuk eewer, aud eveniul(, June 21. 'l'h- ..arvices will the 'Towuabl)l of W eatlleld, to keep · the be conducted under the wtmageuleut of &aid 1ystew lu repair for eis woutha, Mi88Jonary Brandon and the proceetb will esplre nest F1ir.lay. nre for the beuetlt of the wls·

-The Junior Y. P. 8. C. E. weetlug slon llehl• of New Jeney. Speaken for In tbe Ba)ltlet church t ... worrow Rfter· ePery eveub11r have been eiiJIII!le<l. uo011 wiU be In oluarl!" of fred Winter. -Nest Thurs<lny evening the cycling ·•What are Sowe of the Leaaons of JOII· dlvlaloua of all the aSBociRtlono of this eph'a Life'' will be the subject. vicinity will unite In a 1·un to Weatlleld.

-Probably ooe buudred wheelmen The Y. liJ. C. A., here will provide Hn trow W•tlleld will attend the great eutortRinwent for the vlllltlng club& RD<I lrvloarton·MIIburn race &tnrd11y woru· •·efl"et!bmeute will be llel'ved. Alf1·ed lnJr, aod the races at Crescent Oval, at E. Penl'llllll will recite 11nd tell "How 11 Plalnfteld. In the afternoon. �rreat dally uewspape1· Ia wade. • · Jud

-Children'• diJ will be celebrated In aou MIIUI(liUI will perfo1·w oleiKht of tbe Bethlehem 8DD411V 10bool, rtt Pluton brtud feats a111l Artlma· Bll ven, of on Sunday. Report• of the work of the Brooklyn, will �rive 1111 e:�.hlbltlou of ICbool will be bilard 11ud an lntereatln11 fancy bicycle riding. piOiftUI bu been arr11npl.

-Nut Tbnnday evenillll' the wem· bel'll of &be Bpwor&b lMJne and their frltod• will llaten to a leoture oo "Cbewlatry, " toMtJf!"en by Cbu. B. Apjaar In the X t obiiJ'IIb pariOI'II.

DAIIn�--A. �.����

To.da)' each soltller's lonel)· ara,·e A�: :�rl'w'f&\:�-���fte dte<� to •• , .• A IIN&t autl 11lurloua nation." For uo fo brlnr unotlntorl hloomo, v�:�:nt*J!l:vt•.�t:!:!�lro-:t;�;

And doew ll lrlbllle meet .. !.

We •JeeP. Ja peace, oo care Ja our.t: Your eloquence antl pity .

Beotow. with all yoor woallb or 1\owen On howe• within the city Where thousands of our cblltlren die,

When Ute Is at lt• mornlnv; Uo, 11h·e them tf'66dom, ftowen aod allr.

Their 11oor bare ltvea adorulDII• Go ftntl tbe wives we left with )'OU,

In mtll�t antl kitchen• motltnKi 1'��t:;�uleer�h8o�:.hgr�:,il�::

1'��;:�\� ay: :r •J!!:J�11lr J:t��.-To IUtike our l'hftdron't� lot more bland, Their t�trlfe for bnmd lt�t'S blttur,

St��lab��:�:�t:.��w:f a�\�a�:�!�d forws, JA:.�.v�e�1lt��t���:'b��rtth:Ur!:,'��8 Lttt thlt� numuu·ial he t�ald. "T�:���n)�.��' ���::'r,t:'.tt�·����uw: h Jut�tleu to the lh·lnyo!"

------�� -----

\)-. 114Jpa&atloa IEull7 Gal-. "My 1011, " 1111id tho lll!•d wnu, " 111

)'OU IU'O uow 11buut to eut<•r the .ll'CIIt world thlli llttlll bit of aldvioe wny be of grent Ullll to you : Whenever you mnko n 10 cent pnrcbll80, aiBW a dollar dowu c��releuly on the oonuter lu pnfweot. Jo tbhr way yon way ncqnlru a reput11· 11011 for boiag 11 whole 110uled fellow to wbow WOIIB.)" Ia 111i UliDIIht at Q migbt7 •mall ear:pellllll. "-Oinolwaatt Enquirer.

BEAUTIFUL FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. . The t•ubllc Otftl'laJiy Jnylted to \"l•lt U

em Uecor•tlon U•y.

Carpet Hou1e1 whereby we can' offer the

Greatest Bargains In Carpets Of the a ... Special tor 'tEN DA\'5 ONLY. The h'Usteef! hereby exteud n cor<\lrtl

lnvltrttion to tb� lot oWIIHrs Hllll the cltlzeu• of Wl!l!tfielo.l, Plnlnflel<l, FtUJ· wood, !Scotch Plnlus, Sprlngflehl, Crall· for<I,Roselle, Ellzl\heth, rtn<l RahwHy to visit this behutifnl "city of ona· beloved dent\. "

anc-Sew SJlrlnK l"ltrltos, )lUre wool (not jttte) 8rU181JelN Cr.rPt'tl!l, at • . . • • • • • · · · · • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • � •I-ftc-'Sew 8(Jrlnir t"lt�·loa, o.ll wool, Eura. �111"'' lnirndna, at ... . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... UOo·-8Ulith'll mnttletl lloquette CRrlJetM Kt Ultc. and Smltb's lloquette new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Sprin.r styltH wltlt. buttler to match, only \trc. :.17c-Jo.Ju&nese, Mm)·rna and )J()(llolette Rup. all tliaee me and up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . , • • • • • • • • -

On Saturdrty oest,May 30-Decoratlon Drty-a committee from the tJ·ustee�� will be ln'attear.lance to lli!COrt vlslton through the gronndo and iJ1 ve any de­olte<l luformHtlon as to price of Jots, care of Iota, trust fonds. etc., etc.

lOc-A wootl Window >!hade. oprlnK roller, complete Jllr:, o.nd a iiODli � loot polo complete, ... We are now oiTerlna oome eKtraonllnary barpiiUi lll lhe Crooke" and Mou• ,.._

niahlnK IIneo tbat will pay roo to look arter. , • New andlMautlrol !!lprlnll Dreoo Goodo, New SpriDil Ca- Noveltleo In :lllllloerr, l!f- ...... Now Rlbbono, New Embrolderleo, aud In fact all of our deparlmeule are Jo•l brim run II .. late•t "nd boot of everJthlnll Jool ao cheap u you can buy them in Now Yotk.

The organization of Fairview Ceme­tery As80CIRtlon was perfected on the tllth of January, 18611, pnnmant to the provisions of " geueral otatute of this State, rtnd a certitlcnte WR8 dnly II led with the Conoly Clerk, conotltntlng the A .. ociRtlon R Jegallv corporate body.

The enterprlae bu met with frtvor rtnd snccl!flll eveu beyoud espectntlou.

The Cemetery grounds are Jocater.\ 011 the public road lending from \V eattlel<l to Sprlnglleld, about one and a brtlf mlleR from the tlepot of the Ceutral Ruilroad iu Weotf!eltl, und ahont the smue distance from Urnnfm·tl strttlon ; com·enient to each of the above cities and tow us, at the Slime time not too far for the accommodation of 8priugfleld.

'l'he Cemetery ewbrace!l au elevrttion of land form<rly owned by Mr. Johu R. Miller, and long knowu 8.8 Mount Plerts­ant. comwRU<Iiug a view of the sur­rouutliug country for wany wiles dis· ta11t In llVery direction.

It is the often·elll>reaeed oplnlou of civil englneen aud others who have beeu upon our gronnda that In reapect to their locality, the dlatant vlewa ln every dlrectlou from the anmwlt, their wavy, rollin!! surface and woody lllor.:, the dry aud eultable nature of the aol , and their general adaptation to bnrlrtl pnrpoaea, they rtre not only the woet dealrable In tbla section of the &tate, bot nn�nrpa.-1 by tbOI!e of any ceaueter.r _In the country.

The Superintendent, Mr. Charlea W . Sortor.cau be found at the Lodge and will at auy time reuder to vlaltoraauy tleelrer.l lnforwatlou as to bnrlrtiM,IocatloDBof Iota, 1>rlces, eto.

By onler of the Boord. J. 8. IRnNo, Prealdent.

B. J. CROSBY, Secretary.

-The Chlltlreu'• Day Service In the P1·e•byte1inu cbnrub will pi'Obably be hHitl nt the reguiRI' hour for mornlug eervlce, luatead of fom• o' clock 118 llllUHl, 11n the aecood SundRy In June. This •·haoge so wa<le be<•rtillle of tbe escesalve beat Is often esperleul•er.l In the nfter­noon seSBion•. Children• baptism will be observed lu the wornlug.

Jlu.,khm'• Arulo• Salve.

The bel!t •alve In the worlt\ for cuiAI, salt rheum, fever ooret!, tettea·, chRpll8<1 h11nds, cbllblaloa, corll.8 and HJI slr:ln omptlono, nud )IOIIItl vely corea pllt!l.!, or no pay I'er.lnlrer.J. It Is I!Darauteed to give perfect sati•factlon or money re­fnmler.l. Price 211 ceuto per l10s. Fur 1111le by J. F. Dorvall.

------��-----Bow ao ��Ue • .......

White of nu e11g, II tableapooufuls cold water, a tea1pooofnl v11nllla. Pot lu a11 mncb ooufectloner'a lltiiJRr liB will make a atll! pute. Have read.)' the meat• o1 $wo ponurla of willed ontl (almonrla, pec&Dll, Eu11ilh walon&l, BruU Dn'• IWd Alber&l) cbupped Ane. Ills ln. I'IU 10111e 0011feotiODer'1 aaaar on $be mold· l��t� baud, lq 11114 ml• welL lloll O.l ba ......

'" .....

�....._.�EDSALL'S • Commercial Palace, Babcock Building, PL�,Im-IELD, N. J.-


May IJc caW a � a wry ... bup Ia a � ... llaa-fnr .... how � ... tile ........ put al lt lllllllll laa tD ­........ 1 , • .., ....... ., -'a II a claaM8 tit fill al tllil ........ " -...... - - -'"

Congregational Cbnrcb of Cbrli.­•

- tD ¥tilt - -----....., .. ... . .... .. . .. .... 11 1D IUIIIflr, far lt ll 11 - pllllctioa Ia a piiDo _,. II 1111.y at ,._at IJc ...W. Haw • ....,. tile CCIIt .. low u you


BUY OF Till MAKER, ' Frttborn G. Smith .... . , ... ..... ..... Nnruk, N. J. .- .-


J. F. Dorvall, .AOENT FCU'


AL.L. MODEL. •• Mr. Dol'mll rept·e�enta the

SUNDAY IVINIIIQ At 7.4� o'clock.

• Preaching by the pastor 1l)le

the subject, "The lmportauce If First Choice."


• You are Invited to attend.



L. DUGHI. jf.t� l l

Broacl Street, We1tfleld, �:Nt ;' All Flavors of Jamar's .,

Danser Cycle Co. Bl'J Co., P'lladelpkta lea m• llAHWAY.

Cydones, Tornado&, liadatoraa. l. _, .. , ... .... .. ld.

AN r• .._...t For ... � 11114 partwalan •ppl,y to

11¥111 t. ...... i ..

EleJ!ant �el', ice nartfJtr in rear of ,.,,

...,.. .... tou�IUG!NJliM


Ten Sweet

Capo rat Little

Cigars· for 5 cts.




hdett, � - lll ... r ._. .,_ All •• ....... ---. • ••• te ll••llettr .. d ......,._ ..... A.d.,ned With FMthen .. ,,

......... Jaunt)' �oato and gra<'<'fol "·mp• hnv<>

Bppe��rl'rl with the cool """"on. Tlwr11 Rre the •mnrt tw"''<i jnck<'t, tll!ht flttilljl, with horn hnttnn•; the hiJ!hlniHI rnp ... n• fn•hlonnh!., for ynunJI Jlirl• "" for thPir mntht•r!'l, nwl tlw lou� roat, which lattrr prmni�Pf.l to hPrnmt� Yt·ry fn�hinn­alJit-. a� thn Fra�v111 grow� apa{'P,

I It �(·pm� tlt·r·rt•t•tl that \\'t' l"hall �n nn n!"in� �·:utll-l awl yartl...; of matt>rial f. 11' nm· !-ldrt.'i awl a l i t tlt 1 mnrt• fm· rn2r ) ... h·•'''t·�. lloW\•\'t•r, nu tlw wholP, Datntl Fa:,hiou ha� h·1l U:'4 thruu!lh Vl·ry ph'fu- ·

the danger is in th:­neglect­that's why so many



colds HOREHOUND lead to a ),;No fatal disease. 1!_ AR

lhl�!!'!l Hnr.«"\' of 11oreh�und and Taj" m ' t• f, r t hru,\t and l u n g troublea. It .... t :. � � .... : m •• h: l. Sold tly druggtsta. p, M;e'.., T• '('thalhe l::·;�:.�:.�::,m on



........... A.N Vola•l- ud tile ON Clle•�w •· -· -- .

Tbe odl01111 prllleDt called "I!OIIlbiD .. tlon, " wbll!b hu had a lon!r battlo for popularity UDOD!r the fllllhlouable worn· eo, whereiD I& lpomlnouolJ failed, will bo wom tbl• llellllon only hy th..a who atrel'l th., health dre��• roform aud wom· en whooe eK-h·e Bvolrdupola makea 1\11 extrB half Inch t<> thPir wniBt a serl· OUR rnlatnlt,.. No I(I'I'Rter proof I• wane. t•d of the failure to nUnin g<'neral pa· tronnJ..,.� for the • •comhinntiona" thnu

1 tho rtwh·nl of tho ol<l clwm!Kil, which wo nro a�!'lt1rf'd hnM oom<' to Htny. lt retnrnA with It• oriJ!Innl lPnJ<th of 1 ':1 ynr<l•, hut i� not withont IJOVt�l ff'nhtrPs.. Tho llPW Jlnrmrnt. i• mo<hl with lmlfn lni<l h•C'kH at the hnttnm. TlwrP i� R qmuttity 11f bt•:Hl work douo wi t h thrf'IRdH about tho f'honldf'l'>", nwl tlw W'ck and ..-l<'H\'"0 holt·� nro )acP, drawn wnrk ruul ribbonH. At thl' ht'lt I• o clt•d<l<•<ll�· unvel wrlnklo -clrnw •trhll("-, two set", One ties In tho hn<'k nncl ono In frnut. 'rhl• Is to form tho Frl'lll'h wni•t, whlrh hns tho got her• couflnecl In two HpotH, nnd Riso to do nwny with the cor•"t co\·cr.

Tho oxqul•lto dr.lntlne•• nml perfeo· !lou which undcrgnrnl!'nt• hnvo nob loved is nowhcro more ciO!Idy •lomoiJstrnted thBD In the nightgown• of linen, cnm· brlc and French nainsook, which are suftlcleutiJ voluminous to aervo by daJ no wrBppera. Many of thetJe lfOWIIS re· quire as much Brt In their fashioning Bill\ trimming 111 B drcso. They hBve llowlul! foil front breadths out dowu low �t the tbroa$ u n rule, the back tucked

When Preparing for the Feast,

ln harness tlutt LiP! ow11�r i� prou•l uf. Any ODe purchaeiui their Lu.rne� .... t�.t

,INK'8--., pta tbe best 1\ntl nne�t to he found tn town which are !!ltronll. lillhl ilfltl ,lnrnllte nntl ltp

to date in Rll 11olnt1t. All kind� of Lf<'fn')' ooach and drA.uij:hl LarJ/.1!!"� 1tl.,u on hnllll.

Oive us n �_·all, we crra -<lt il !10 1'.

WRIHT1a � Tbtr puriiJ tbo

._all.......,.ud NanouaPILL 1 � &Ad I••• HU.LTIIY -"- to tile eadre apt•a.

Oure DYaPaPaiA, MaADAOMaL ooaaTIPATIO. and PIMPL&���o

liUMPHREYS' BPECIFlCS are scientifically pre p a r e d R e m e d i e s ; have been used ror hair a century

'With entire success. -. IPIC:IFir roa ._......., c..;::;::, hlllom-­s-w-.., worm ... er. W()rm. CoUD.. • • __...... ..... , Collo,Cr)>IDc,WUel­...... nllea. or l.'bllclno or .Adul&l .•••• ,....,. ...... Coldo, Bnllldlltla . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... raltl .. Toothael>o, Faoooclle. . . . , ........... 81ciii: Beado<llo, Vert .....

��·"•ola, -- (;oDIIIJIIIIOe It-e.••-• or Palalul Per-... . ..,Will- Too Ptor ... Periocb . . . . .... .. .18-€ro•-., Larv•alt ... BOUVDeM • • • • • 1._..11 Rll•••• l:rJoJpelao,lrap....._ Ja-BIIoa,...., or llbtWD•IIo p,.-, I .. Malarla, Cbllla, Fenr ao4 .._ ..... J�alarrlll. lduea.u. Cold ID u.e Belli --·-�·• C••p, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . •-a�• .. ¥ ......... . . . . . . ... . . ... .. . . . .. --··"- De�lllt .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..-cJrl .. ry \\'eak•••·· · · · · · · · · · · · ··· ·· .._..,. Tll-.. l,luiDIJ,Dipbll>orla ....

"'97" for GRIP.

Purify . ��� Enrich

Your Blood By TakiDI

AY.���! It ,wu tbe Only Sanaparllla admitted At World's Fair.

..:'� � .. -TRE&AtiT '!'WEED JACXE'l'. �t paths during the put yeltr, so we

may trust ounelvllll to her pidance with an eBI!y mind u.-1 WBit ju•t a "wee" for tho desired en4. To colol'!l n glorloua lmpBrtiBilty Is dhpla,-.d. and i!\lliYI���l.lB•� and complesion maJ be futTYron•ulted.

The new tnllor gowns ruu to slmpllc· ity aud serg<>. Some of the newe•t •how ve•t• that Rre single brea�ted lllld free from rovers. Tho akirts are plniu, and, u a rule, tho ensemble Is 118 aevere RB po .. lble. But there are tailor mnde dresi!Ca that show dircctoire revers, draped sleeves and evou draped skirts for women who prefer them.

Dinner bodices nrc au lmportnut fea· turo at tho preHent tlmo. They <�re won· derfully couvcnlrnt and economic:tl as well, for th<'y a<id •o many chAnges to au otherwise scnnt wnrdrobe. Ouu hand· aome silk skirt will aupport aenrnl bodices, WJd oue finds oneself very lit tingly, becomingly arul quito el<'llnnt· ly nttired. The New York Sun illus· tmtes thrc<' charming exam plea.

One i• of black DJolro, with a fringe of jota about the ucck, which is decollete, beaded with oatrich fenthel'!l with large puffs totbe olbow,and another is of beayY white aatiu, the pointed bodice opened over a obemiaette of rose point; the bread collar, turned away from the open neck, of emorald green, lined with the white allk, large draped sleeves of the oatiu, tlttlug cloaely from the elbow to the wrl&t; a very girlish bodice, dslut)' WJd sweet, made of willow green silk lllld chltrou; a loose folded reven of the open bodice, and upOJJ the other a rib· boo fasteoO<\ low on the right side, with a bow carried across to the opposl te shoulder with a full bow of the ribbon. Full draped aleeeva complete this pretty WBist. At a very select yaobtiug party last week a very taking dress was of red lineu over B I008o black silk bloWie. AI shorter bodices come lu bllllquea will go out entirely. Already they are on the WWJe. Aud uot much lou either, for tbe7 Bdd uothlug, but real17 take awq the grace of the II pre.

Bats have super�ed bouueta with many women, the 1'&118 being for large bata. lllauy of the large bat1 are tied under the ohio with ribbon& The prett,. little ladybup aro Imitated aud u� to catch ribbon aud laoe lu place. The Rmllll!"meut of feathen ou a bat Ia quite au art lu Itself, for 10me of them

TBBEI 51W BOD!Ca ban from lls to ei11bt. amall 1111d larp. 8e1'eral row1 of ruoblllfl about the bat 1111d brim, aurmouuted b;r a bird or 1-butteriJ, make a V..rJ beoomiDI -· &our for - f-. -----

'l'lllr18 .. W ...... _ . __ Two oap1 of paualated RIIU'• 01111

poUDd. Two aud a half OUJII of powdered,..

· ar, 011e pound. Oue beap!Da quart of llfted lour, 01111

poUDd. Three oap1 ol oorumeal, 0118 pollll4. Oue cnap of butter, ball poaDd. Buttv abe of 1111 en. two -Two ,Pil1 of liquid, hall pbll, 01111

cnap. Oue ldtobeD cnap, ball pillt. Filur �full llqlllcl, C11M $Uieo

�po����flaL •- ._... c.......,

Cbop ADe I fl_uartl of tomatoll u4 011e of ODIOU. llq- 11114 dnla. N ill • plllllalaiD ..... ... 11114 •. np " • ...,. a tQIIIJIOOIIflll of lilt. • .... fPIIIID ol nll llftll', ...... � -t=.. ... -· lill4 tUl llelti4·-·

•I·�· hmdJc•nn, nr .. wt-ll •l lnnt'r, ,..\. t•c•hbnld k JIIIIC•tHicl t•t• Will l Ut � (IU t l1t' d1u1Ct'l"'\ u.�rr .. t·l" t t uu• tLt> prlJUt·l!'t mt·at tn l•e s·� ,\IJLtl in mnrkt·t l'.ltt\ •h·iln r \t tu � uu ut 1t11)· ht �tlr pill !/Ut)' 1 ttlllt'. l 'utlllry nrul !ft�lllt' Ju r-t·tt,.nn i"' tlrt··'"�".' I} ttllll tru� ... t'tl lly t l1t·tu at your 1\irN·thm. tuul t• r nrclhutrr Hll!) t'\.1:'1') day mt>RI� ('HI'>tom­"r� nn- euh·r·t-cl to with ,.u UlUf.:lJ. �u!itl'IU.:i"� l littt Will kl·t in� b n l�h:aburt•,


Bow to Correet .. OIIJ' Skla. Two oune<'s of eBu de cologne, a qnnr·

t�r of an ounce of spirit of rosemary, half an ounce of oil of almonds, 1 0 drops carbolic ncid. Only put l u H1e fu.ce bath 118 a rln•e 11 drop or two of thlt lo· tlon to an ounce or u:ore of w11ter.

Ditl 'f0\1 t-\'�r thiuk how reatlilv thto hi�����l l� poi!oi-ollt't) hy l'OHHtipntiun'! " BtHl hll\ull mt-au� ltHtl hrtontb mul )n·pumhne <>hi uL:e. Dt•Witt '• Little Earh· Rl•t•rs, tlw famon� little )Jill�. ovtoremiw oUsti ­nat� cmtstipKtiou. J . F. Dorvall.

IIOVEL t:!IDF.nWF.AIL lengthwlte at ueck and WBilt liue 1111d <lrBwn more closely by a belt of ribbon p1181!Cd UDder the tucks or through but· tonholet1 lu tho book nnd tied 00!'01!1 the front. Wide revel'!!, daintily embroid· orod BUd hemstitched or bBDded with lntertlooa and edged· with valeucleuueR lnce, trim 10me costly gowuo, while othen have a fichu of embrohlery and vnlcnclonue�� deeply pointed In front aud round lu tbA bnck. Others agalu havo lar!1" lace trimmed oollare an<\ tleevllll. These gowns moRSuro 2J� JlU'd&·Wide, WJd, BS for the alec''''"• these compete with <Ires• alecvea In width. A popular fW'hiou Is sleeve• reachinjJ tO the elbow, wlll'ro they are llol•hcd with a deep ftOIIIJCtJ Of lace.

How to A.t'old Bonaed B...._ Hove plenty uf holden aroun•l oil th�

stovl.•s ill ttKe )JOUtoit'. Ju tlu� kitchon you <'lln wnko them of n tl<>ul>le )liec� of ticking, with n layer or two of cotton between, stitch nicely uround the edgot nud put o loop or rinl! to bang up by. They wuh easily mud� that wn1. Bold· era are m11ch nicer thun nMing'"the nice clean Bpron or the tail of the dreBB to lift a bot coiJeepot,, kettle or frying pan. For the sitting room and parlor muke the bolder of 11 bit of thick •Ilk and embreid•r it, making it ornamental 1>11 we 11 118 useful

White petticoat-s aro being won1 In· doors Bgniu 11n<l IU'e overwhere more popular thllll for a long time. For the

i street •Ilk pettlconb!, however, hold ' their plmce. There are also street pettl·

coats of alpaca, glorloaa, serge, hair

a- Co lllalll:e 8oR Je .... 'l'ake three·quarten of a cup of neet

milk, two cups of pul�erized lUgar, oue teUI!poouful of vnuilla extract; boil fiVJl miuutes, t hen bent until tblok enoug'h to "''reBd. Bo careful aud do uot beat it too :uuch or It may bAcome too thick.

�Irs. R. D•Young. Midclleuurg, Ia., write• : I luwe nsed One Minute l'oul!h CnrP for •is yeat·•. both for my••lf aud ehilclr�n. and I consiller it the qnlck••t actin!( Kllll mott satisfHctory cough cnt·e I hav" ever uoed. J. F. Dorvnll.

A. l'rleadlr com-•'­Gindy-1 c:wuot uudentaud wbJ all

meu B<'<'m to take 110 much to Cora. Pb711i-lt'• &Imply a ca. of l\lar)''l

little liiiDb. Glarly.-How do JOU meau? Pbylli-Well, when tbecbUdreD uk·

"What mul'8 the liUDb love lilarJ so?" tbe;r were told, " Wb;r, llary love� the lwub, you !wow. " Tbat'1 the JlriD· ciple on which tho meu like Cor&.­Now York Journal.

A Halr Df - ..... "The bob of the dotr will 0111'8 the

bite" Ia a populu stotement of the fuu. diUDentsl principle of bomeopathJ, Ilm· ilia •imlllbua curautur. In the middle 1111e11 a common npentltiaa pevailed that wbeu a mao wu bitteD ".., &PI· mal certain bsln from the ..._. .,._ loa the mt.cblef WBN u-., ta '!be lue1111tatlona IIDd cbum� lftiiCloecl ill order w work 11 cun.

The nluel8urh century 11 cou•plcu· ono In history a1 an epoch of waneloaa advauceweot. Steamlh!Jlll, raUwayt, telegraph and mauy of the acble•emeutl we prize 'o bigblr are tbe oft'&prlo.r of this 11raud era. Right ubreast wltb tbe wooclt'l'ful !Juprov•meuta In •cleuce aud l'rt lo the not li!N rtmarkable protll'ea lu the wedlcal world u e:�ewplilled iD 10 elllcl�nt and powerful a retJtorati1'8 .. Dr. Pltrce'o Golden lllecllcal DIICOnrt. IICCOtnJ•ll•blnll "" 1petodi\J wbat form•r· ly .was CODiidered lmpoulble. It wUl not l'eotore •l11bt to a ullud eye, uor In· sure 11 healthy clrculatlou lu a woodeD

l>ut couumptloD, iD Ito tiMrller •tsa· to It !

H. Cbeaowetb. of Oak. Ntibruka. wrote Dr.

:- "1u Jun11, 1880, 1 llriP. aDd IIOOD a bald

would Tbe phJrllc:illllll

.co�I'.'!I.!�Ptloa lu

cloth. To be quite correct pettlooata mutt match lu color tho walking dretl& French petticoat• have no opening lu the back, eit-her •he walking skirt or the tbort uudel'!lklrt, lllld are fitted below the waist by dart• In front, all the full· ueoa being dr11wu 001'0811 the back by topes In a fnclng leWed on the oklrt.

By the bye, m011t American women wear their petticoats too long, eveu iD flue weather. A Parlodeuue uever oom· mitt the lmproprlot7 of letting her 1klrta dangle round her boots. She mllkea a wide dlstluotlou between the bouse dreBB BUd the otreet dreu when It oomea to length of akirt. Euu: BEE.

Tutti hatU 'hrto. DcllcloD.ti tutti frutd tarta ore mBde

with the follow lug mlst�m�: A piece of butter the olae of 1111 egg beaten to a oreiUD, half a cupful of oleaued cnarrauta, the same of chopped Jlll4 -'ed rsl•lo., a little lioely obredded 01111dled lemon peel, 8 tsbleapoonfull of lll(lar, a table· opoouful of lemon paloe, nutmeg or •picea to 1uit the tuk lAue deep patty paD8 with pulr pute, GU With the tutti fnlttl ml:nme 1111d balre. When oold, lq a little el8111' ieiDa over each.

Ooool -1 .. .... .... ...... Fou pcouudl of veal, balf a poUDd of

pork, chopped; I ll1lpful1 of bread crumbo, 8 egg�, 1 � S8upooDftJa 8Mlb of aliiiJIIOO aud cloY-. I leUpooolull each of olnuamou, 11111' 1111d pepper 1111d butter the alae of 1111 IIIIo Prlll8 Into a well buttered ballu, dndp !lou 011 top ud billie two boan, budua frequentlJ.



... ......... -- .. ........ .. ...... lllo hltiiiiii--A.I.... A.- A.a • llle Wlla WM 1&111 Wllll Bl•-fte ­, ... , .. ....., ,.., •• ., . ..... c ..... The Suo report<'r Wilt! l<'rutln" ID B

crac<'ful 11ttltud11 ngnlu•t the l'nnnt�r of :·-···:'"·· '"·r·;··c:·co·.

· . . :_-·;: . aD Up tO\\'D bot•l offl<'•, ('liiiV<•roing ID · I an in•ouoillollt auf\ nonehnlnnt mnnnPI'

BIJIIJigS, IIJJg& Co., I with th" hnn[lhty nne! hnp•rlnn• rlr�k, Ul PHrl lt., ll .. Yerl 1 118 l'l'fl"rtr,.,. 11lwuy" cln, whPn a mr•

""""""'-••=---- looking olcl grntl<'man, with juHtennul(h

,\U throuJCII Lent you \\'111 find R aood assort· 111ent of



provinri.nliMn in hi� n)lll''•tranrt• to t:h •W tlw.t. IH' WaR not. n. N• '\\' Yr •rkt·r, t!Jou�h h<· m!�ht ha\·c • r< nw fr.,•a Philwl<lphla or uuy nthPr rur:tl riistrirt, t':\111'' up tn t!H• r<'l(;:;tc r n• if hP l111<l lu••·11 thcr<• IK·· foro untl wrot0 h !R Jlittolf' utul nrl1lrP,..:�. In n fe-w t:l illllt<·e th� ckrk h::<i ••·nt hil�1 off t · ' h :H r ·· ·m 'rith a. h(lllhr1y n:al rtTmnrrl hi!-4 £'\ ll\'1•r�:�tinu,

' 'Qi.1(\('r « 1lfl Phap, " l:o ,.l!i1l, nnrlr1ing In thl' dlrrl'tlnn uf thP cl<'p<:rting JtUc"t.

n., rep rlt•r whirkcl tho n·gi•tt·r armm<l to lunk 111 tlw n:mJ<'.

" Yes?" h<• rcpllr<l CJUPMtienh•I!IY. "I WF.�TrJ F.LI II<'� tlmt h� hn• olJ;III'd hlm"<'lf m:�l wifr,

Whero's tlw wife? In thr 11\dk•' va�kr1"

IM·Ji�Ol� AS II "CHOOL o�·

Shorthand and Tvoewriting, :t:J Jelft•r�tnn A \'t'., EJJzabetbf !". J.

DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. A tlt'lrol(at lon lliJW l!t ln dally atten1l11n�e an,.

Rll dnln.r \\t'll. J C'Hn 1!\'Unl·tturr,. po�hlmu1 on �ra,1na'l'm t• till' HJ'el '"" "'1 1llt("llt,. � ho 1·nh'r from \\.l'l\1· f\cld durlmc 1hh' montb ur Ul'lt.

A llt,lY tLL oJu·tt and K�t wrltlt'h ,runrant�� • • 1. H. LA!>�l.E\ , I h. ll., PtluclraJ


"That.'R tb� (jUCer JIUrt <f it,, " �<'lit ill· u�d tbo rlrrk with an ' vilknt. pnr["'"" Jf tt·lllng a Mtnry, nml thP ., pnrtrr bt•· OBm� lnt<·r<·Htl'll. "Th<'rP hn't any wif<'. HP'R a. wid·wret, n1ul baH brPtl fur 1 5 Jenl'll, but h o lms b><n tigning I t that Wll)' fer tho tt•n ye�·• I bavfl known blm. Ho I! ur.w GO, and wn• me.rri"l nt �0, nnd th� romance Ia ns pr<'tt)' M it I• pathl'tl<'. "

"And nnm•unl. " vrntt:rr<\ thP report· er, ' 'if bo is f::lthful to tbP W<'m r T'J of oDe womnn, und that wom:m his wiffl. Wldoweno 11re not nil ""· "

"That 11 why this one's at cry I• the more lnt•l1'ating. Lrt mo tell yen. At. 211 ho wno a poor youug clerlt Ia 11 we"t· em town all<l wa• rumnntirally and decplJ iu lev" with n pl'l'ttY girl of 20. It cuy be saicl that she WIIS ia bV< with him, ton, but ho had <iu•er no·

kl s tloD.t, anll a• ti:Py wcro both poor, ltll<l [00 S tone [rusher a rirb mBD was nnsiona tn nmrry tbP girl. be nP\'<'r toltl hi• love, but i<'t eon·

Scotch Plains, N . J. All Sizes of Crushed Stone

oonlmPIJt, liko a wc:rm in tho bu<l, f«'cl on his damask ehN•k, "" It were, an<l bt' pined in tholll!ht and with R gr1·en nnd ye.llow m•l11ncbciy sat, like pntiem·e on s monument, while tho other mmu mar· rled b<>r.

"At Bol •he WBS a wldow uml pcllr, For Public lln<l Private Driveways. tor hrr bnArnm•l hal\ di.,.ip:lt<>d hi• f<,r·

THE N. J. B. C. The New Jersey Bu&inm Colleie

tuno, am\ our friPud hrn•, •till a but'h· Plor 1111d ns mud1 In love no ,.,.,.r, w••• a suce<cs!!ful mrrchnnt. Tbi• tim<' lw WBI! braver, for bo wn.• po•8l·••e<l of tho oin· cwM of war, a:ml within u. fC'ar'H tim£> b11 hail marnef\ her. l t v:as ratiwr lu••tv on her p3rt, pc•sibly, lnH h<' luul \\'!lit·

No 764 a·nd 766 Br-d St rcl loug enough 1:nd wa• so impert1111ate 0 U<l ' tl,'\t ohe romprc misr<l with him on on•·

Newark, N, ;r, (Opp. the "Prudentlal"i

Write for Catalogue.

y•·ar Iuttrull of tlw rPgulntion two of wi<lowbmd. They <'ame to thi• hotel on their wc·d<iing tour uncl wrre ht•re two we•ko, :wd one of tho pr;,prietnl'll

T G MILLER P.l of tho hotel in!onus me that ho never I I I uRI hBS ···•·n a OOilJlil' llll're •uitt'd to each other nul\ betll•r sati"flt'<l with each oth· er. Aftrr that hP <'nnw to tlw city in !hP sprh:�r and 11utomn to buy g"'1ds, nud sbt• aiWIIYR II<'Compllllied him, lllHI they seem<·tl lu be no furtlwr awa7 from tho honeymoon tellllOD with encb rccurrlug year.

N. B.-Open all the year.


After a Teat of Two Year•. Riverview, Flsbkill·OD·HU<ltou,N. Y. ,

July 12. 1 8118. Thill Is to certify that I have had

"Baker'& Paint ancl PreJM>rvatlve" on my two housea for two yean, and It �:lv•• perfect satlsfactioQ.


I cnn rl'fer yon to many plenfl'd W�stfield citize1111 who lul\·e used my pamt.


"At l1111t, nfter tho fifth "Jlriug trip, be did u�t come, b11t hi• manager did, IIDd he BIU<\ thut tlw wife h:ul dief\ IWd tbebusb:wd's mincl W<�s atfecte<l, though !hey lwpcd be would rowe ••round all right in time, In tho following spring he CIUile ug11in, but ho w1111 Dot tho •IIWe man IWJ nwrt•, His mind wu clear ou �11 btlllio••• taatt< r'- lmt be w ... 'qull<'r' nbollt his wif<', :md 11 •ndder fuced m1111 oouldu 't be fonud Wlywbel'l'. The old clerk, who bud ilt'<•n 11t tho counter OD bi1 pl'l'vlous vioito, was there wbeu be CIIIDe ��galu, IWd after grll<'tiug him pl<•as:wtlJ turned the regioter around for him to siiPl it. He I'I.'Rponded u Win· al, IUJd wbPn the r.lerk looked at the Dame it wa& followed u before b7 'aud wife, ' u be bad hl'eu aoouatomed to 1lgu it. 'the clerk wu about to cBll his attention to it, but a lltlCood thought prompted him uot to notice it, lllld bo �eut the lrOilllt to the brid11l cbiUDber the room be 1111<1 his \\'ifo alway• occu:

N pled, 1111 tht!J did ou tbelr drat visit. • J, "Doriua bl• tta,. of a week be bad

ID .. de -or ... doae al•o. very little to BltJ, and If auy l't'fereuce ,. a Wall made to bio wife be reaponded 118 if

-- .. � ,.,....._ "-A lballow CIIl'k, or, atlll bett;er, a rub-

ber 1Wpper, &hroqb which a bole !1 bored larp eu0111h So enllhle It to lit tlabt!1 OD t.be uoule of a 18lters or vicb1 olpbOD, Ia titled Into the bowl Tbe liOIIIIe Ia ill-ted, the mouthpiece dUected IDto the v-1, about a wine· 11uaful ol lloda water f<ned throqb, IDd the pipe Ia aleaD.

lhe were •till alive aud wu with him at the hotel. At the table, too, he bad a place for her, all her meal• wne ..,rvcd u if obe biMl been there to eat them. Wbeu be wu read7 to go JWd lliiDle for bia bilL It wu mBde out u n•ual, aud hs paid for two people with· out commeut. Teo Jeiii'II JIIIO, when I OIUDe �nto tbe Of!\OP, 1 recei1fed mJ ID· atnwt10ua concenuu.r oor peculiar pEWt JWd have 11Doo WJ drat meet1D1 bim acted with blm •IUMJtl:r u If be were llll• oowpauled b7 blo Wife. I have learued that be follow• the -e coune In all at be d,_. W IIDJ Wll)' CODDI'Cted with b�. He bUJ• two railre1111 tlcketa, two theater tlcketo, two placea lu aDJ -· 1'eJliiiOl', two everythlua, wlun lbe mlpt have gone with blm, aud OD trlp1 where obe would not have aooompauled blm lu life, such u obort trlp1 from bla town or to a!!airl of IDJ kiud wbere It wu probable lbe would uot bave cared to 110. be Provldee ouly for blm�elt. He liBBDUJ to UDdertotaud wbat llbe would be doing all th- Jean aud llllta accord· iDIIy. You noticed bim alp that reat• tft aud 1J0 otr ap •taint" OODcluded t.be clerk. "Well, he dool all the 1'811t ID t.be IIIIIDe OOJlJideDt Wllf, jon U If llhe were With him aud hia flnt OOIIIideratkJD wu for her. "

"You 111111 Dot be a poet, " llld the teporter, "but the •tor:r you tell 11 • poem that all meu llboal4 lean ud oberilh iu the� hi!IIN. "-Kew Ywll iUD.

De•. C:.Btral .&,.,, ... ..,-1 •..:

PLAI.PiaLD, •• <1.

Crushed For

�. W. REF.�E.

Reeee A lcudder,



TELEPHONE Zlf;tb CortludL

Telephone Ratea II WESTFilLD.

SJO, S4o and Sso, accordlnr number of ICH:al Hnt, and joint u• of full lonr dlatanc. ment.


The New York and Net Telepbone Co.


Telephone No. SI9J•


Enlarged and lm,.ro••d facllltln. (lalo•ed ad \·antaau "" now ofteM bHo+titutJon. P.Ht �l:ort.l.and and I�K !ic·bool ln the �late. Bell 8cbool erarb)· tn the l'OUI!tl)'. R•t•• low. for CR.ta1t'ttr.ue. or t'ollt&:e Jo�roal •• •.u•. l'roald•at.

sa:=, Ua, !1:111, 1188 aDd NO II ROAD 11'1'� NSW.ARK, •• .,.

dnced prke& that will Jlleue. all and suit all pockettoollt.

Pain ten aud PaJ:er BaDP!f

.... ..... .. ... ...... .. ....... .... ......... ........... . ..... . plf al -.,. -..... ..... ....... ....,_.. ., _ ......_ _,. .. ... ID IIIOdoD, ..._ _.. .. Wtd b 1111, ..... _ .. .... ..... .. ... .... .. PIIID • tile ptp -of , .. ..__, ....._ "'""' .. ..... . ... ........ ., ... .... _ -· who - - ..-IDI far ...._ 11110118)' ........ ,..... -·- .... .... pod IDDMJ, aiiii iiiYif Ia idlld IDOMf• It IMI'Ied ,.._ Ualted lhllt.l flam a��• •• taaor 1o lbelr ,........ U - boa• moD07 aalll demoaltl_. -...., br dt. hoaOII IDeD.

A• ClOOl aa a cuoaaber, laJI with J'ID, If roa •lH a..r ... ef ttifll· $to BLUE .SEROE SUITS

Bq_t roa _ not ..._ lo ... 1111 or tbe WI ' h •- II I -' t t I cl t llllt�f of the world.- Wltb oar limited a• uc we guaran..,., a woo anu 11 co or, you nee no go ant of ta lllplln, Mnloo .. dall llleoiiYif DIIDI h b n11&1oao aN •riiiiiDI talo aath'IIJ. The cape nny ot weat er.

lolita ud maaur.nort• Ia llealoo -We baYe the beat •tock of Summer Olothlo1 tA be fooncl lo *hll ruaaiDI ...,. ud Dllbl, ud her fariiHIN '"i

- pttlal 11.10 a buebel flff tbelr wbeat or "DY other "t"te. aad other pftldooll propartloaaleiJ. Ther u a u

- not tolnl to bai'I'JbeNioll\"801 thRir oll\'er noept u Iller .., nplarlr Ullda Men's Summer Coati IOc. up. wlab uo.

. len's Summer Trousers St.IO up. �"' we - prodaalalwoald 10 to

0..--aiTJii' lo be aolaed lalo IDOIIII)' IIDd woald Dot 10 abroad u aow at oo "'"''" aa Z �lrl&•llJ:!'

ao!t::.•':,ao::; len's Summer Sulll sa .•

bJ tbe Ualted Btata would aoaft'OI aad •• lbe lllver mullet of 1111 world.

Tboee who owe IOid boado could let lhe IOid to par lbem wltb abeaper thaa aow, for tuld would bafthad lbe demand takea from 11 aad would fall In \'llluo -.rdiD1· IJ. Pat oliver ID oompelltlun with 1old ud 700 &aile tbe enhanoed Yalae from lbo .......

" ..... .._ . -. . ........ Tha Latta aalon-l'ranlll!, Delllam,


COLYER .& CO., ltalr. l!wiU.Iaad and a-ror TO 8t5 Broad Street, ,_ malatalaed &bo lwo metulo at a aom· NEWARK, I. L meftllal pariiJ of 16� to I. Wbel lbe7 ooald do alone lbe Untied Stalel aould clo. Baelud Ia I8U, b7 the P .. t aol, tlaed lhe prloe of 101d .. &8 111. Od., ftlflDind tbe llaalll of Bn1laad \o par tbal to paz­btU. for e.-.., ounce of tuld depo�lled, ud tbtll 11M booen tbe prtae of II I be world o\'er - olaoe. U Bn11aDd caa lla tbe prloe of Fld the world oYif, tbe Ualled 81el• caa lla lbe prlol of elher tbe world OYer. WbeN lo tbe A merloaa wbo •r• tba& lba Ualted Seateo le aol commeli'Oiallr 11 ilhoDI 11 KD1landP Patrloto of Amllrlca, let ao ba17 all wbo lblnlll oo In one oom· moa polltloal lftlvoo.

Tber ., It wut ...,. a panlo bJ 10ld belaa frlabteaed oal of clroulalloa. Tile ...,. a p-ldenl aDd a aon...,.. are eleoted aommllled to Ita fNo cola ... oliver will bello to ad.-an .. aad 10ld tn deallae. We will have oroeoed tha Rublcoa Ia a Dllb'­The aezl dar oll•er'o edvanee will botcl•· a, tbe time tbe ld 11 pa-' tho metall


With fanCJ prices. 1r ,.. have anJ properlJ FOR Ill&

or TO RERT put an .,__ price on It and we can ...­

quick Sales and Rentals.

N0RTH JULENU& HOTEL, will ha\'e aome &uptber. DeollaiDI IOid will come out from bldiDI In a few ...,.. alta the eleatlon, bUI'I'J to .0 aD ID\'­meat nod wlll 110 ldl\'elr lneootroula&loa. 11 WIII IIICk to lnveol ltoelf In thlnp lb .. W. H. QFIIOQAN. are rloiDI, tor It will be falllna In Yalue. 'Ihll II II laW 81 loezorable U aDJ Ol tbe oertaln law• or trade. Tbe WbMt In ••• l•tenoo I• ouro to fall In value whoa II lo lllnuwn thnt a IarKe new crop lo comln1. The otrcct lo loll beluro tho new crop lo

Proprietor. ..... .... u... .. 'rnuleat ....._: + Board by Week or Month.

•xo•LL •• T 8TA8L. A•D 8M.D ltOOM. barveotoo. 8o It will be with IDid when Oppo•lte atandard DulldlRiro It lo known thr.t a new crop of mono)' Ia aomlniJ. II I• oal•anclna IJl>ld that lo hoarded. Depreclatlnll 110ld will 11u rap· ldl7 Into clroulatlon lor lnvorod lnv•t· mont• In the rlol111 mnrketo.

Uut, you •ny, people will ruob to the Ja J . SCH M ITT, BAK.R;


7·':',.( � .. - · .,. I , ,, \ '

''· \

...,_#.. .- ,� •!� • " .....

,,.,.........,.. .il


treasuf7 to draw llold on cll'lllt uwnq and will wlpo out tho trensury Ia n day of Ill ll"ld, nod thnt would cau.., R panlo. There, too, there I• protection. Tbuou notco are parable In coin, not In IIOid. With all the lnlqultouo 1811'1 tbat have booa paii<ICI tbe lut coa�:re•• oavlld tbe word "cola" from belnll otruck out of our �,·ernhieilt notee and bondo. Tbo oplrlt or uld A n!lre!f }!rl'i �!l!I...IIIWII4 &���et tb� Wnll o�t i:ThylOO a• iD.Jt'".,tted staieilfeUurt ilooraod tender blm ollvor to .We•ap&lun fur ble crodll IC� money. A Rain 1old would bavo reoelved � a blow, nod ui!IID would lt1 decline con· tlnue. " 'rho way lU l'<'oumo lo to ..,. oume," and 1old and paper came CoiiOtber OD tbo lint day Of .JII!1Jlll.f7o 18711, &be da7 previously ds&f. lt did It be� lbe llf't� L'nlt9,!1 States 1ovcrmiiiunVii � bind ·a. �ol<\ nn4 sliver wlll cmoc to110ther OJ! tbu 1)8)' n:oed fur tbe IQWO r<laiOD, DOd lor the further """"'" that the law• or olmplc and true blmelUIIIBm mnke It lm· p011alblo lor tbem to do otherwise.

C. A. Smith & Co. 'l'boy &Of we cannot tranBD.ct lJu1lnesa

wltb the oumruerel11l natlono of Europe unlolll wu uso tho a:unc metal lor our prl·


Lumber of al l ki nds, mar)' money no tho)' do.

Thnt Is n fallacy . Gold <I!Mlll not pall be· twoou nRtlona by tbo atamp of &be lOVern· mont upon It, but by wel1bt . We eottle our bnlauceo wllb Europe primarily wltb e:��:porto, and II wo do not obit> tbom eaou11h of our mcrehnndiMl noll crapo to pny them, tbea we pay thorn 110ld al 10 much an ounce. U I• not treated 111 moD· oy. •rhore I• no ouch tbiDI IIB la&eraatlon· al o1onoy. Tbe moot prooperoua period we over bnd In tbe l]nltt'CI ijtatN WJtl wben we bad aeitber 110ld nor oliver, Slid al tbo

BaLh, Blinds, Doors & Mouldinp. Coal, Wood and Masons Katertals.

Lime, Pla•ter, Canada A•he•, etc. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY.

AI!}O tiDIO We did II prooperoUO bUIIDOU wltb Karope. Wh7 lbould we 11vo auab lmpurtanoo &u our lorel1n .,.., evea If It were true tbat It WM aonveuloat to adopt tbo wno metal fur moaey M tb•• adopted by EuroJlll. Only • Jlllr cent of tbe buolneu of tblo oountrr lo aarrle<l o" wj&b loreiiD uatlooo M n1alnot 9H per oeat thai lo done IIDIODI ourooh·eo. !!ball wo lc1l1· late lor the 4 por cent or the 116 per oeo&P

Shall we lelll&late lor ounelv011 Will wo permit muoarehlcal Europe to dictate tbe taws of lroo America? WUI we tie our· oulvel to tbo UIOIIIeB aod ouotoma of tbe e!Jotu moosrebleo of tbe old world I

Let uo tblok lor ouroolvoo. Tbc 1old ltnntlnrd permit• " lew men to control tbo DIODe)' ol tho world, to take awny from Ul our pruperty nod to deotro)' our pruoperlt)' ud happloeu. 'rbey aro reduuiDIJ tbe people ul tblo •""'' Dlltloo to the condl· "on of bonded 118\'eO. u-k tile cbaloo they aro lor1IDI Mouud you I Puverty lo ehlorolormiUII the t>eople of tho nation, and npa&hy will tucreooe unl••• you aol quickly lu doleooc uf !roo lnotltutluuo.

Lot tbe omoo lOOker' tho 111110 wbo •Jlllak• to )'OU ID tbepayof II CIIIDjlRIIU COIIIIIIlttue aod the Dloooy dealer worohl11 Wall st..,.,t, bnt atop forth yuurMllveo, freemen, In de­leuou of yunr II reo Idee aod rour pooturl ty I

Rovcnu tbla ��tlllob lelt.la&lon, aud our people wiii JIIRID onjuy prooporlt)'.

'l'bo mort11a11utl boD1o1 ol yuur •tate will be IOIIVCII tu thulr ow non. RI•IDIJ 1•rloe11 will ORUiO our OllllOrla to briDII UO 1\ bnlauue of tralle In uur la\·ur with Europe, aud wllh It WU will pll)' our for&IIJD dobti. There will bu life IIIBin In dyln1 America. Men wlll louk mort� cbuerlul, wuweu and

Mahlon H. Ferris, jANITAKT ; J7 UlMDit«l


Steam and Rot later Heating, Tin Roollllg, Rudtan, • ·


Albert E.

cblldrt�n will bo mnllo hapt>ler. R01toro I '!'""'''lllllll ... ""'''""'''""'''""'''""'''""'''""'''!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!""'''""'''""'''!!!!!!""'''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!lliiJ oliver, nud the blood uf clvllllatloa wlll bu I � warn1IDI tho arlerluo and velo• of DUIU· morae 8118111. Only the nwney lender will bu dllappulntoo, who Ia uow nur�IDI bla door mouey, ud even to bla 111m \'IIJIIIOI will CQDIO a IIUIIO U b. tlad1beoan oolhtot all .Oe debt• due him aud oaa 110 un deal·

ot olvmatloa.



...... Jtew Co•nC'II Ch•mhlll' the filf!ene ofll llrtlllanl •nd Fuhtnnable O•tl•erln •• �

.,.•eln• Folhnn ,_pe•••••· Mu•f«' •nd .. ,...hmrnh. T"e .�tnniar,f itJ on ttolt' et•rry Sntur. A& many J>l'ople 08 conltl l>P J>O••ibly .tuy ul I lie l'11imt ,Yew• Co. '• •lun<l.

8Cft11Diltot1Rtl'tl with •ltth•!l• Rn<i •l•n•l- I'O!<T <WFICE lllllECTOR\'. Dtl room were ••JnPeze<l into tlw hRn<l ...., .. new <JilRrll·l'll ocrnpie<l loy Flr••ld� Voanrll, No. 7\ .i, RoyRI Arcnunm, �lou ­day .. .-euiug. h)' the polite 111111 f:l'lttl"­maoly n!Jht>rM of the connl'il who wt•re anwilllng to o..e 1111\' tnrne<l RWII)'. 'l'be nolwro were : ' Brother• ��- 'f. 'Townley, John Brnmwr. E<lw11r•l Uilhv. Claren<·e �IIIIth, Ch••· A tlleck 111ul R F. llltch<'ll, In eltarge of .Jnrue• S. PrHy.

OUTUOII'IIU MA 11,11, F.R�hnu-d. \Vl'�tW'Artl,

LC'R\'(0, �:1� a. m. :!:til p. m. II: I:! JI. JH,

( '}n,olo(-', P':O.'I rt .. m. �:a.", Jl. m. 11:(11:1 l'· Itt.

From Ett!<t . r,::!.'- n. m. I'I;III H.. lll. l : ;"l4 Jl, lll, 4:r; •'· m.

1A"I\\'(', t 'lo!"e. r•::!1'1 1\. m. nl!lbt l�t>fore t':Uil A. m. i:r.,., .... m. .f:�i 11, m. .f:m p. m. M.\11.11,

io'rnm \\.t>!lt. �t: li fl.. m. :!:t� l'· m. 1\;12 II• IJl,

.Tons L. tn:nnv. Pn8l )IR�ler. API•IRn•e rRII hl�o:h followinl( tbe <IrA

-tic cllntRxeo of Chi\IO. Foroter. tlw haillnat tenor of Old Trlllity, New York, wllo, J>f'rhRptl, never Mill( better in W eot- S. J. Cox, .Jr. ha• reeelv"'l hlo com-ileld. Mr. Forster hR<I the ath'Hntal(e of ml•oion "" ,Jnotice of the Peal'll. = accompRnled hy Mro. Foroter, who J H 1 " f 1 · 1 1 I . her ptfect• to the ohlllil'tl Rrt of the ' · " ""Y "80 or< 1" 00 taut llga 0

nfter hi• outing at the HlghlRnd•. .. r with a gract> and •kill th11t •np- John Cl� now helno Wm. Hotlue p.mented hi• work to Jll'rfeetion. �-�- •- "

'nii!J can be beartl ln We@tllelll noue too gnartl the Opern Houoe RI!Binst bnr-Ciftea. glaro.

Prof Hendrlck•on, a w!zznrtl with W. H. lllnrtln, of Brooklyn, hM rent-fltme earne<l hy years of •tn<ly RD<I pub- e<l S. W. Sharp'• reoldence for the 8nm­Jic lftlt. romplet<'ly myotllled hi• Rndi- mer month•.

The rRin of Tu<!!Miay start...! to llu•h the M'wer tnoncbe• on It• own account, bnt <lltl not procee<l very fttr.

Work on the oonth oltle i• progre••lng rnpltlly. 8011th R\'euue le prtlctlcnlly t•ntnpletl'tl Rlltl Walnnt nvenue I• well nuder way.

Deeorntlnn , wlll unt he celchralt'<l on the Ht>Wt>T. fhe nK.�iMtKnt. cnghwer Htul htoJK•etors hnve uot hRtl u holldny Mince the work begHII.

Contrut'loro Fell Hntl Co11ta will chnrt­er a •J>I'clal train from �mtb Crtmford to lthlt•tt on 8aturt!Hy evening tttul will convey their nten to work on their new coutract In thRI city. One gang I• all thnt will be left In CrAnford, beglunlng next week.

The trldl of the onit of Contractor WRtlero llgttluot 0. E. Ludlow for ll"Y for otoue which he WIU! not tdlowed to remove from the oewer, wno belt! before Judge l\lemlell on Thunday,May 2l,anll judgemeatt wns grant ... ! Mr. WHttA!n In the oum of tHO nod f-l. 72 COIItll. Mr. Lu<t­low Will _ probRbly RJlpeaJ the CIIBe to Common PII!IU!. - ami "'"" wloe enongh to m�&ke a foil Tbe family of Jam<'s G. llloore bRve

t.o the l'<'tlt of the program by chooolng retornetl from a two weeko' stay Rt At­DI<l8t of hi• experiment• from the hnw - lnntic Hlghllltl<ls. CII'OIIH oitle of hi• big r•JK•rtorie. HI• The trn•t""" of FRin·lew Cemett>ry l'ntuH Hu.., Comi""'Y'• V.u&ertatnmen&.

work wa• cleRII 1111•1 dt>Ril cnt : he kept 1 will re<•t>ive lot ownt>ro RD<I vl•ltoro at Notice of ttn entertainment nn<ler the np • fn•lll••le of wtt t!>Rt '*�11111" <'on- �- the cem<'lery on Decor11tion dRy. IDIIIIIIK<•mf'nt of tlw Union Hu��e Com-'&alrlonB ; for �omt- of htA n.ndwuee �ood DBture<\ly tnlkt><l hn<·k Rt him. . The Loyal Atl!lltlonRI Benefit AI!IIOCIR· jnin)' wao l'rowde•l ont ltU!t week. It

The Empire trio. con•i•tin� of lTt>or�w 1 !ton of t�e RoyAl Art'Hnnm, hel<l 11 •pee- "'"" one of the ft>W •ntertllillmento Taylor, JliRni•t. R�1bt. Tlly lot, hHujoi,t. tHI me<•tmg on Wt dnt>odRy night. which h111'e ll<'f'n <'Hjlllhle of tlr11wing 11 aDd A<loiJ•h (Tunzel. mHn<lnlini•t.<'t'eRh••l Th<' 0..\·otionnl Committee of the E,,. full h<•n•e. 'l'he progrttm con•isted of a furor£> with thf>h· t:ntchy mn!'lic aw1 1 \vorth Lt•ltf.tttt>}ta� l't'commetuletl to ho tl two l11•rts. Thu HrHt was the fn.rce were ollliKe<l to J•lny ngniu 1111<1 n�nin. 1 ont <lour meetlltf!H Snn<lay• during Ang comedy t>nlltlt'<l, "l'h• Pink l'erfumetl

Note. '• The talent WAA from our own All tJ.01oi�ttM PH thf:'ir l'f""'JM�t'tivt> iu�trn i U!'lt. IJrnmatic C1nh aml the cm�t of charac· menlo, it i• uot to loP w_otlllere•l :•t that � The yonnl( p�ople of the :lletho•li�t tet'll wns "" follow•: t.ht!ir eonct.>rtetl work 1� t>Xl't--1 'tluuall) : cbnrrh hn\'f' 1au1 unt the new tt>UtllM , IDe. . 1 conrt on. \Vn1nnt tl\'enue, nenr Judge � ���\i���t� ... 1,!�t!�n".1�:::::: � : : ·. : :�� ��.'.�.'!'0��1·. ��:�J�

A1fnll E. Pt>ar�nn lh'lll'rlht'tl t hP cnp ' llPW1t>ll �. i �lou�tcur J)u Plune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. e�l'liriK ture of Look('tlt :\{onntain in . "

_·onl� I y The Cranford tuetnbt-r� of the G A. I' to;il'it· . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . �lii'Of( �Ja.ri(Uf!rlte TayJor

Kajor Alfretl R. l'allwnn, t111' "'ll11lt" ltt>· R r :\[ .· 1 1 . t El' z beti to ,loyt'l' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ).lhts Ji.. lb.tt.l.K.•Ih "!'rr,ttll ina a Jltlft of thP �lonn1o�o::nt> "A t"S��ldh•r':-. . �u 011 • t>UlOt !a \ It) 0 1 R

l ,1 I (h"(J�I(t• ,lobn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


" ·�· 11 · .... } nx e , . , t1H·ortltt> the )CrltH�K of tlec<B�< colll · j Bill} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo. Hoffman

Story, : n�tl rt>�\.1 01ldt•t1 ty nn ew·c.1r� wtth � radt•!-' in tlw war. I The pnrts were well renderetl. The an h!llllltlon ot the �,;trl prnc!H'llll.( at ' .1.1 , W C T t• . . 11 1 I I 1 8econt\ pnrt w118 l(iven by v!Miting tHieut tbe ptano a . . . . \\ 1 to t n pnr or I I I b . f

A · : 1 t · · · h tl I mt•eting HI tbP rt••itlence of l\lrs J nme• l •eenre< t troug 1 t e ncqnnmtnnce o our n n�cl< ��· 10 cor.•.neettdn ."' '� . •;· . �lil!er, WP<IIleHtlay nfteruoon, ·June 3. i fellow citizen, H. 8. Snntlerson. The delivery of Looko!l� )loml•� e\ emng. l �h·•· Tomlinson, of Plllinfieltl, will be , vi•iloro w�re : Ml•s Sa<lie Fox, Bnby Lii, II too I(OOtl to '* lilts. e<l. :llr. •nil )h •.

• the •J><'Hker I lillie. Berthta, W. C. Dnvls, l\htrrRy Fonter Hre great corura<le•. Tlwr nr� I , · I 81111 Alden, Ben. R. HRrney, the Elinor al8o :warm friends of :llr. Peni'IIHII ""'' The ( ran forti newo of �ast week "'"" ! sisters Walter Leon 1\lnhor and Brown live ID that hapJ•Y lnn<l known a� Bo oomewhHt •c11tteretl ';'WIIlg to re<:ent concln;letl with p;of. Chll8. O•len'� bewis. When M r. Pt>llr•nll """' he , dumge• m the cuttopo�mg room. &-v- illnminatetl ticture•. which were tlrw. wantetl )11'�- For.ter !o piny �Gme m�·t - : ernl nrttcle• Wt>re prmtetl on the first I Altogether �bout t:IOO \vere clettretl by dental mn•w •he rPJlhe!l : "l JU•t won t ; : p11ge of tilt' paper. tlw entertlllnmenl. what rio I know nhont your oltl 'L<x•k· l A llteetinl( of the Henlth Bonr�l wn• ont. ' " Then . Bro. P�Hr.RII gn1·o Bro. I hel<l on l'hnr••luy evening. C. C. Win- -. ---- • -- ---Font.t>r tht�� th�trt>�� �lg'lltll lllltl thnt. �Pt - k1e rt>portt>cl 11 drnin �toppetl between To\\n Ccmnnlttee Meelh•a:·

iled tt. 1\lrs. Fo,_te.r took the JOIIUIO I hi.• Springtiel<l 11\'l'lllle property anti the The Town Committee met on Tlnw•-�1 : b!tt there wn• lire Ill her eye... I rh·er, w ltieh wa• refurn•tl to the conuoel. . dn)' �vening. T. A. l'rnue stnte<l thnt Yon n, <lo a:l the lookmg ou

lt, KhP 'l'lw P••lor'• Bible c

_'""" of \'Ollllg men I :lleostM. Doerrin�. 8wnckhnmer 1\nll him -'lfbiMJlt:reu as t le r:.pett.ker 1'��":-0t.'t to �lu-o . of l ht> M. E. �uwln v �tehoo1 \,·ill spentl �elf were willing to tl�e<l their H�Wt>l' on

lltat!e- And .•ko lw . <lt•l N ot 11 nole l �(01ul11y ewniug iu'Newnrlc.nt the hom� I WHhlllt RVenne to tlw township in lieu ...-oul!l •he otrt e nnttl at tht• ,·ont·ln•ton, of �h-. Yntmnu flit her uf the worhl l of n propOI!ed Intern! on the •nme rollte. abe p1K�'(>tl � J!}or�l �r t.w� .8m1. t�r·rP


.s l wJ,lf:' t>\'nu�eli.-.t, ' wherto :\Jr. Evnus nuule I '!'heir comumnicntion wns r�ceh·etl awl

a uwrr) hvn�, ' e IU lt't l) e ��� � It" '' hi�· his lHllllt� for �e\'entl year� �fore cotuing I plnc_etl on tile. .T. R. Hnll nutl otlwrzo�

�h:'tl : "Go uowt.l now �utl gn·e Char he 1 to l'l'llll(ortl. reporte(l tlutt certnin street lightH nre anot�u�r '"ign of dt�tres�. . . . ' . . , . . . ... . · . inctnulesc(>ntly ont. A cmnruunkntion "\on furgot yunr ene, '""l the •t••nk - .-\ ""' funellll of �! z . Dw'"' " • - ) Par , k ' f I I I . ' C f · 1 er.

. ohl �lan�htt>l', who�e mother. was hurled :�e:�� };!1�wll

��;��it::'��r,� f�1et ���t o��f

••J never wore oup, ' ' rt'}llit><l the l�ttly. ! oul � al�n�t n m<n.tth aKo .. 1 '� �s .heltl �011 Miller avenue. 'l'he qnestio11 WRH tli�­But to return to t he }ll'o�rnnnut- : Jt 1 Wt t}U.t>.o.;t]�-iY ..q.ft.el l.won ut ""' 0 d.ock. Rt v · cnssed by citizens. The coUUllnnicntion was ,in clutr�;P or. Cotuleil Ot·.ntur ,Jnd�-t:l' I ..:� . �' a us . �l�l'tHh,HJ.t. T�w luterwtnt wns 1aitl 011 the Wble. A rorum•Jnicu·

C';'llm•. who llresltlt><l<lnring ''" deliwry : '"'" 111 Fnii\I<'W Lemeler) .. lion from 111. T. CrRne concerniug rub­With the eMy _ Jlr!'ee of 1111 old h11u<i Rt I .-\ JntH�.r LPagne rally Will he bel� In hish left on his propeHy by Contt·11ctor the business . . He mtrO<Inced the •penk- � the :11. �- ehnrt'h, Tlnu•llny e\'emng, : WKtl<lrA was receh•etl, 1,J11ce!l 00 ftle, Rtul er of the evemnl(_. hnrahome Grnn!l Re- ,June l. fhe .Juuwr League o� St.Ja'-!'•• contractor nollftetl to remove tlte fllb­g�nt J. D11y Otto, ni WR)'S w�lrome 11t church, EltzH.lwth. ha•·e 110 l !tlerestmg bislt within live d11y8 and in case of foil­.Ftreot!le . . He tol<l of t!te holy lllut of '!"' 1 J•r':'grnm _whtch they will !fiVe, All ure to <lo 110 Committeeman Severance Order, wtthont reoorltug to dry stKii"- � cluhlren mterestell Rre lll\'ttetl to be WHO authorized to have the work done. tlco. H� COII!f�.atnlllletl th", �o<:�I conn.: pre...,nt. A requ""t for a light on .South avenne �I upon tts fehctton• nnme- Fnesule . The •ehool cen•n• •hows 505 children wns referred to Comullttel>man Sev­lt meRnt 1!0 nnw h. He pnt the Roynl in the township bt'tweeu 5 nn<l 1� yenrs emnce. The reqneot of J . W111ter At'cannm . •eroud nnly_ to the <:Imreh. j of 11ge. Of thPs<' there are itr the 1st ThompBOn, for permis•ion to !tty R 30 �ell Wlllltlll!( to JlfO\'I<It' for their fnm - ] di•trict 160, 2nd llistrie t ���. ar<l tlistrict Inch pipe In Caolno nvenue Rntl to tlivert n ... even lifter th .. y hll<l eea.•e•l .to _he : 42. 4th <listric! 106. Un the North sitle the brook Into It Wll8 taken from the able to work for them :·hun hi _mqture m ' a57, on the •until •i<le H�. l'his is au table and J•ermisoion wns granted pro­to the I!Rcre<l obhgutwns ut the Royal incrense of a:; over 11181 year, nil on the \'ltling he fii\Ve one gutter four feet wide :Brotherhood that contmnetl to huhl nu<l North •ide. to carry the overllow, An extension of bind enn after denlh. . . th w r w s 1 1 Or · t t There was more mnsic, then refre•h- Lewts Bn•h: !l!e Mssses lllHry a!'d Ef- e se e a or< er.e< on O\ e • ree .

to fl · 1 1 1 . B J 1 J s .1 · fR Ham nre vtotttng Brockport, N u•gttra A �ew hills were p11ul nod the meeting :: cate:���.:�.d a w��- "�::� ���� � '¥'b��; FRIIS, .Rochester and S�·r•cuse. lll_r. lldJoUrned. the center of the grent J'(ootn wns clear- Bush wtll return for "''"'!"'"s early Ill ----·- ---ed; the orcheotra. hill< leu bl,himl a hank t�e week. T�e o�hero r W_lll •_pend. the One minute io the stttn�ar!l time, anti ot palms Hnll ftow< r<, •trnck np 11 line of w eek at the 8yracme r mverotty com- One Mlmtte Cough Core ts the standRr!l mnoic that brunl(ht till' <lttucerH to their mencement exercises. preJlllration for e1•ery form of cough feet 111111 kept thew there till the wee A grnml concert by the Tribe of Judah I or cold. It lo the onlv hKranleos reme<lr -��· hmtrs. of the First Bttptiot church was helll iu t1111t produces Immediate reonlb!. J. l' .

Bro. J. :11. 8tntzmnn sent down bout- the Oper11 House IBBt e\·eulng In 11ld of Dorvall. tooaires of JlHUsies front hi• fHmons the ehnrcb bnillling fund. An lntereet­EdgewOO<l Nurseries not forgetting the mg progrum, consisting of slngiug and pillll.

• recitation•, was rendered, which was The committee of nrrnngemenb! cou- thoroughly "ppreclated 81111 npr011rionsly

lllloted of E. R. Collins, eh11irmnn ; J. W. Rpplaudetl. After the progr•m refr�sh­'Wtuant, C. B. P€ddi� u111l Andrew A. ments were oerved. As R reoult a •nug


8mltb. little sum goeo into the chnrch treasury. 'l'he otlleet·• of Fir••i<IP Council are 118 A memori"l service will be heltl ln the

Mro. Tichnor I• vi•ltlng Mro. B111l. Frank Crutchfield led the C. E. meet­

InK Tburl!day night. The LK!lleo' Aid Society wet at the

residence of Mn. Fritz, Mon<lay. , follows : Rel(ent, C. B. Hnnn ; Pnst Re- Methodist EpiscoJlHI church, SandHy �Wt. Ueorge H. Brow n ; Vice Regent, evening. An nll!lreos will be l(iven by John J. Coger ; OrRtor, E. R Collin•. Cyrus G. Shepard. of Newark who W88 Guldt>, Edw11r!l Uilhy� ""'�•try. Cla�euce a trooper In the 16th N_ew Y'brk Cavalry, E!n11th ; W Hr<l!'n, R. F . llttchdl ; ChaJl· 111111 wbo ttiiiO JWioted m the capture of lw, Oeo. T. Noe. Johu Wilkeo Bootb,the a111111sslu of AbrH·

John C. Perine hu received his com· mission lUI Jmtlce for Mountainside borough and Union County.

Children'• <lay exercloee will be held in the ochool bouoe. 8nnll11y evening, June 7th. at 8 o'clock. Rev. lllr. An thony, of Pl!iiollel!l, will deliver the a!l­dreos.

----- • bam Lincoln. All ve• eraus are l'f'<)Uest. e<l to lllt'tlt at th� depot Rt i ;00 to meet tbe membets of Uhlnc D11hlgren Poat of Elizabeth. who will 11ttA!nd tbi• aer: v ice ami to march in a body to the church.

There is more cat11nh iu this section of the cmmtry thHu all other <list'n•e Jlllt together, 111111 u11til the lu•t few \"e•r• WIU! ""I'IJOSe<l to be inl'ttruhle. t'or 11 gr't'Ut l.JJ tlUY Y(>l\fS tlo( tor� l1rououuee.l it a local lli•e""e, and jorescrihetl local rem­edi@ll, 110<1 by con•t11ntly failing to cure witb Inc�! tre .. tment, Jlrollotmce<l it in­(:nrahle. Scienee has pi'Oven cut .. rt·h to be a constitnt!mJHI disense, and therefore �nires C0118Iitutiolllll lretttltlent. H11ii'M Cat11rrh Cure, Utanufacturell bv F. J. Cheney & Co , 'l'ole<lo. 0. , i• the only OOIUitltutiouol cure uu the market. It is taken luternHI!y ill <ioMeH front 10 dropo t.o a teiUIJlOOII!ul. It nets <lirectly Oil the blood an<l mucous •urfHceo of the ayo­t.ew. They offer one lnuulred dolltors for any cu•e it fail• to cure. t>end for clrcnlllrs Hnol te•timoniRio. A<ldre""

F. J. CIIESEY & Co. , Toledo, 0. W&lld by Druggi•t•, 7�c.

T. P. Cady looks lost ami<l the •ur­ronndiug new f"ces at the tlepot. About three ntonth• ago the o11tslde mnn, Wm. Mott,was tli•plucetl by ChR8. Scbnltz. A month ngo llh·. Allen WHS tr .. n•ferred to Westfield and H. P. Sebring took hi• place. This week Mr. Cook, wb011e face hHs become very well Known, during hi• eight years of etllcl­ent service In the depot, glveo place to H. E. En�rlebllrllt. It rallr0111l eh11ngeo continue at tblo rttte Craofot•tl will h11ve the new deJ>Ot tblo year. Mr. Cook will handle the U. S. e:ttpreta bnalnes• In town hereafter.

The annual strnwberry and ice cream feotival of the Locust Grove Union Sab­hllth School will be held on the ochool grouudi Decoration day. Festival open at D :SO,


The Branch Mill• Sundar oobool ln­vltes all Its frleudo to help celebrate An­nlvonary day on Sund11y afternoon, at 3;90 o'clock. There will be an lntereet· log pi'Ojlramme.

Pleraon Greavea led the C. E. meeting Sunday evening.

At the election of oftlcen of the Son· day ocbool for the comlna )'ear, E. D. Miller wu re-elected anperintendent ; Wm. Darby, allllf1taot luperintend•nt; Chu. 8choonoven, 118Cretary ; Walter

T':"o or three 100ree came very olooe Jobot, aulatant -.retary; Kittle Park to hsgh wark Gil the alley• tbl8 week. bunt, treaaurer; Violet Arkloy, lthrar Acoordlog to the new ochedule of open lao. '

boura the club bonae will be open on ----·------Deoorutlon Day from 10 to 12 A. 11., !.SO No watte1· what your trade may be-oo 8, and 7.30 to 11.80 P. 11. An berbalt.t or hatter,

A new IICr<·en door Ia noticeable on en· Or 10metbln1 ebii!Li uy to thee terbtK the club hou!MI and new ocreen1 II yon bave 0118 t thi1 111.1Uer, tom 11way .. n vlaltlna lllea and w011qnl- Don't tue the old atyle trrlpln�r pllle, toiHI. A new card rt'golatei the 1oper· Tbat r11ther caiU8 �hllll cure your IU-. iutendent'o boun of labor. And •• be bot take Dr. Pierce • J'l8111Bllt Pellett. mellltateo on all the new thin&• about for they are very •wall and pi-t to ithn a new omlle li�rht• up Supt. &n- take and are prompt an4 dectt... ID ford'• �renlal fi!Ct'. their operation. Tliey cure lndl�1

0 A I I •lck headache, t.UiolliD-. dlltUr4ereo n Day the th et o liver 1111d babltnal COQitipatioD l•am �ramet1 on · ford tbe



A.tt.n ... t Dh·lne 8ert"lt!1t 1111 Ute lllelhDtJI.t

Ept�Mos-1 Chunh .Anti Hear R••· Wm. H. Rnllt Pre8tth on ••FJ.ht 'l'he Oood t"htht of t"alth."

The fttntou• Phil Kenmy GnBr<l, offi· ciRIIy known "" Cotupauv C, Thlr<l Re!l· lmeut., NRtiouHI OU11rtl New Je.,...y, 11t teutled tlivlne service nt the Fll'ot llleth ­<KIIot EJll•copRI dn11·r.h. Amulay eveuhtl(. Tlw com!JIIIIY "'"" muler t.he t'OIIIIDRD<I of it• captllln, :lln,inl' W. H. DeHnrt, R veh>rRII of I be Ci vii Wnr Ktul the com ­mnntler of Phil Kenruy 0 1111rd oln"e it "'"" orgaulze<l, lln<l in fnd. Ita orgnulz­�r. The IM'Cotul In enumuuul WRO Lieut. Bickel. The oermnll w RR preRche<l hy the Jmotor of the church, Rev. W. H. Rnl t, The comuutwl c11mc np with thh·ty-fonr men. They came np In a opeclal car atb!chetl to 1\ regular trnln. but retnrnetl to Ellza�Jt>th In a •JJPCIRI trnln Jllacetl llt their tliopOI!al by the Uen­tral Rallr0811 CotnliiiiiY. 'I' hi• wa• COIIJJlfiD7 C'e l!eCOn<l couoecntlve vl•lt to Wl'lltllel!l to attend divine tlel'vlce. Seat• were reoervetl for the commaml ln the center alai" of the church. The church choir Mng •peclal selectlono nn<ler

_ the

direction of Ml•• Ferrlo, and the Ep· worth League Orcheotrtt played two or three IMllection•. The wnslc WIU! •peel­ally adapted to the Ol'cll81on aud It WIU! well rendere<l. The <lecorRtion con•i•t.­etl of planta ttn<l cut ftowero nurl the N atlonal color•. A ftnrttl N Ptionttl ohleltl, mR<le by Florl•t Jepoon, "'"" R pleMing feature of the decorHtlouo. Thl• piece WM prl'llente<l to Mttjur DeHArt ami the coWpRny Hftl'r the Mt>rvlce. MR­jor DeHIU't ttlld the membel'l! of the commttn!l were much plell.l!e<l with the •ervlce aut! the re<·eptinn !liven them. They paid close ntt.-ution to the •�or<l• of :llr. Ruth anti w•·re <'"l""''"lly pleR8e<l with the oenuon.

'l'h" plll!lor •pokt> in pnrl 11s follows: ' 'Fight the goo•I H�ht of faith : " I lim. ti:l2. All eauitwnt <1hiue hu:4 r�t'DtlV Mlli<l thtst Chri.•tiauity t11ke• the lil(ht out of IDHD. Thi• i• trne only In 11 tutKI· itie<l senoe. It I• ju•t "" true tlmt L:hri•t­illuity pots light in 11 mnn. By lllllltrP IIIHII flghto ngninst Uo<l hnl through •li­vine grace he io mn<le to light with Uoo 1111<1 to light for Uo<l.

lu the text the Chri!ltilln life io culled "H yoorl light." Thi• UrePk wnt·d h•• the Hense of worthy or noble. .My •ub­jt>ct therefore I• "The Noble Coute•t . " '!'here have been mnuy noble conte•ta in the history of om· world tmll the one through which we !mve oo recently }Jil"'sed, for the pre�t-rvRtion of nn nn· <lil'itled Union WRs perh"j'" the nohlt>Ht of nil earth'• grent b"tt es_ Bm the h•ttle of the Cbri•tinu life Is " conte•t •hove nil other• In honorRhl., nim lllt<l in ht•nPIIcent result•. To fight the goo•l tight of fnith shoui<l bP th� lrnlise�ndeut clltleuvor of every human life.

Hrst of nil the L'hristinn life is n noble contest heenuse it is 11 light for htollll'. The fmi>ily with lhP church ntul HtKte fOMUI!I ll trinity of illstittttiOJtH that '"'" ortluined of Uo•l fot· man '• hlghe•t w .. u bt'in![. It lit>• nt the very fonmln­tion of chnrch nnd •tlllc "'' that whut the family Is, t!w church nntl siKh! mu•l lnrgely he. If the home shonl•l he iu­\'H<led uud the 811nctity ,lestroyerl, so­ciet,r would lapse into an11rchy null bHr­hlll'li!lll RU<I conl!l uot long survive. U(l(l I(UJII'<IH the home with the most jt•nlou• cure and it Is thio th11t help• to mnke the Cbri•tinn life R noble contest.

l'he Christian life I• R uoble conteot because it is 11 fight for the suhbatb. The oahhnth was not only in.titnled for mttn's •J•irituul d�velopnteut, but It has "'"" m"ny temporal advnntRges connect· etl with it. Am'log these Ito pbyolcRI RnJ meutnl tlevelopment rnay be includ­ed. Thi• l!llbbath Is iu d11nger. U nll�r the plett of "personal liberty" there io " coueertetl n10vement ngain•t this in­•titutlou which lo one of the poor WKn's best friend•.

The Clnistlan life Is a noble contest again, hec11noe lt,io a light for temJoer: ance 111111 sobriety. I need not stop to prove that the Bible enjoin• wodet'Ktion m all tbings lawfal,and tolt1l abotintnce from that which ld evil in itself, nod evil in Its lnftuence and tendency . It lo just 8ll UDDI!Celllllii'Y to dewonstr11te th11t mtewperance lo one of the grelltet!t if nut the greatest evil force at work In our world to-day. Nothing hns evu �n & 11reater Injury to Chrlotl"n dvll­lzat-lon th11n tht> leaalizell traftlc in •troDg drink. Be that wages a war agalnot 1t eDIIII(ea In a noble contest.

The CbriBtllln life Ia a noble contest hecauee it Ia a light for J>Oiitlc•l purity. One of our areateet d&IIJit!r& 88 .. Dillion lo the oeemin&IY increKslog ""ntiment that "the ten commandments · bnve no btl81neoo In J>Oiitlca." Chrlotl11nity in­lplreo a concern for the public good Hlld be that B�rhta public wrong eD1111geo In a noble conteet. One" more, th� Chriot· ian life II 11 noble oonte•t beclluoe It ld a t111ht for lnduotrlal and municipal re­form. TbiB will no doubt be the 11reat fll{ht of the nelll' future. In fttct the t111ht lo nlready UJlOD us, for the air now ao full of mnrmuringo,e:ttJ!r•oses the tleep ditlcoutent with the pre•ent order of things. Great social wronl(s 111e to be righted and this can be done only lly ap· plied Christianity.

Lalltly, ftgbtlng tbe good fl�:ht of Mth Is tiul nobll!llt �oateet tbiB lllont� �liD tbeoe !(relit A

18 tbe

Woman'•·: · � ork

II n- done, and I& 11 •pealallr - IDI and warl8ome to tb- w._ bloo 18 lmpare and aalt properiJ' to &one, 1 •· taln, and NDeW tiMI WIII\IDI Of Din , muocleand tllene. Jt .. - -.n• .. , tbl1 condition of ""' bloo4 tbat womeD are ran down,

Tired, W .. ll, 11-1, Tban -.a• of tbe work ltlelf. B•ll7 p1J7olclan Hyaeo, and tba' tbe onlr rem• ldy 11 In balldlnr ap by taktnr a rood nerve tonic, blood parlier and vltal11er like Hood 'l l!a-parllla, For t be trou bl• Peeullar to Wom"" at cbanre of -eon \ climate or life, or -nltlnr from bara Worll, nervoa1n-, and Impure blood, tho-llda have found relief and care IIi

Hood• laraaparl l la

he One True Blood Purlfter. •• per boUle, ....,pendoniJ bJC. I . • _.aOo., Lowelt,._,

Hood'l Pill ere llle oniJ plllo to talle I WIUI HOOd•olllnlparU)a.

lore• 11nd It lA arcordl11g to tho Dl"lne pbllooophy.

After the oen·ice the COin lllalltl, at the InvitAtion nf .:llr. Roth, tmorehe<i to the ehnrch parl.,r, wlt@re 'they were l!h'en a hearty groNing \•y pAAto• ttlld jlt'OJ•Ie.

Pure. ri<'h blood lo the true cure for nen·.msu•••. nn<l Hoorl'o 8RrotlJ1Hrilln lo the ou� Trrw l:lloutl Pnrtller "'"' ���,., ... tonic.

---- ..... · � ---


rtulimtnyt•<l loy the hot went her or hy root' vurdt-u eom(Jt>titiou. tht> merry cou· i thmon• J•·rfm·tnJUtce HI 13 F. Keith'o New Uuioll ��1 llHl'6 )COt>� ou pro;;.pt-ron�ly. 'l'hi� � w••ek's i<illo\v J'f:'lHius 1H ir,. lwtul d�,·t>r J{-!nnit• YealllKtl!oi, wboMe jHnuty Ho11�8 nrul huihttioufo.J h�tve uuule n hit. 'fhe 1 Three Dt'lt'Vhlt'M Rl'P H new fe�ttnre, J\Dtl the return of l:;itworittt Uindntn <lelh1 l Rot't'R \\'ill al�o btt we1cowP. '1' \\'u t-X · dr,unRtic •tnrs in the htll nre Pet� �·. l:ln .. ket', the UerllJan couwdillll, 1111d I P•t Reillr, the Celtic fmuunker.

Proctor'• Plen•nrc Pulure i• t api<lly I nenriu,; tbnt point of eoutpletlon wh•n L will fulfill the projector'• i<lt>al ns a VH�t. COUJttrt-hewdve (I)Uee o! resort whore the Jonhhc tuny Het·tue the mHxi­nnuu of <lh·ersille<l e�otertninment ut t-he minimmn of cost . The Hoof G11rtlen will opt'll the evening of Det•orntiou DR) . nil< I June � the mngnilleeut Unr<IPII of Pnhu• will he thrown into <'OillUIIIIJ i . <'ntiou with the Gt·Rn•l Autlltorlmu. The new Nt:H1 .... o( pupttlur MHilliiWl" pt·iccs i!i pul'kiu� the hon�e. Th� tl'iflf:' of :.!:.i eentl!l atliUits to t•\'t'n' JHt't, awl au extrn tllltirtt>r tit>C\lt't>S au url'ht �tnt chair. The l't•�o�ult i:-; �tKmling romn ou1y. nt n Jlt>l'iocl when mauy hull":-E'.>i nre do�iu� fm· luck of pKtrollHIIt'.

Nothing lmt erow•l.•. no uutttt>r how the thenuoutl'tel' st!ltHl!-1, nt Proctor's

23rll Strt>et, wlwrto t lw �nmuwr l}rk•fl.ii, illelndin""' lUI ordu• . .,tra dmil· fvr :,!:; Ct>tltl'l, is ba.ckt'd up Uy a stroug l'UlL· Uine uf ftl\'OJ'ite eutertatner�.

Sa l t Rh a·u m Rntl Eczeuta cnrf:'tl. TheH• two com� piHint• nre so tA!nnciou• tbnt the .. en<IPr• of the StRn<lnrd •honlll know of the snc­ceos obtAined by tt•lng Dr. Dn•·i!l Ken­netly's J:o'avorlte Reme<ly. Where all other treatments bave failed, it h11• WK<le a cotnp1et� cure.

Nv more horrible cn•e of KRII rheum WH8 ever reported lhtw tltnl of Willmr L. Hnle, <jllttrlermR�ter, PrRtt Puot G. A. R., Ron<lont, N. Y. Se•·eral plirsi­ciaus utterly fuibl to re11<ler him 11ny relief; flnHIIy

OR. DAVID KENNEDY'S f�Yed�HI!�y H��m�P,! lowml lto use, and a permanent core re-onlte<l. '

It I• n•etl with oimllar oucceoo In C88ell of ocrofnla, nervonooess. kllluey nn,\ llv­er coruplalnto, and in sll !lloel\se brought about by bR!l blood and obMtterell nerves.

A. \•aJuaable W'reaerlpllon. Editor Morriaon, of Worthington Inrl.

"Snn," writ"" : "You ha••e a val�ttble preocrlptlon In Electric Bitter•. and I can cheerfully recommend it for con•tl· patlon 1111d olck bet�dacbe, an<l as " !(en eral oyotem tonic It lu's no eqnRI." �Irs Auuie Stehle, 26211 Cottttge Grove RV<': nue, Chicago, was nil run <luwn, t·-onl!l not eat or digest food. hRd a h11ckache wblch never left her and f�lt tire<} and weary, but sl:tt bottle11 of Electric Bitters reetored her health and renewetl her strength. Prlceo IIOc 11nd •1 .00. Get n bottle at DlJrvllll's tlrug otore.

•• In the aprlng 11 young man'd fancy lightly torn• to tbou�rhta of-DeWitt'• Little Early Rl�ero, for they "' way• cleKDtle the liver, purify the blood, au!l lnvl&orate tbe •Y•tem, J. F. Dorval!.


Money Scarce ? We can make It go doable dlltance 'or J'OII-ff you're 1e11dlng It on a furniture jOUI'IIe)", a..•1 a parlor •ult-worth double the prt�.so­yet It'• yount with all It• value-tdlk lhaMia. pl1111h trimmed-jut like aat.


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