^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

: ! ; VQLtTME XIX: WASHINGTON, WAKRE.T COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 18SG. .(Calendar. li'jfiim'i.i) l,in.in^*Xn. 31, A. F. ,t A. M. KMti'it ' . in'inUi. MU'IIIIU l("ili!'wdilii-Ium'. Soeroliiry, J. K. t'nl|iur, vWMiiulmi. H. J, Tr.Mn.it CitMTKii, X.i, II, It. A. M.-SUt«!.l Cm- vm-iutun*, i,A Tmodiy In uidi miiMli Ma- tmntc Hull. \V.i»hltr"i-jn. S«rftsny, J. H. Fut- ... |ier, Wiifblniiiuh, N?J. . WjtximuTiixCiiciciL, Ku.7, Itnyftt imO Sdccl : Jliclcfp'.-MtHti:*! ni'LT.ibikM, ijtd Friday In fich , iiiioiili. ».irt,ti>lu mil, Wurtiinijtan, Krcuritcr, •MS. /illjii!;, Wnah hgton, N.,l.. •••';. linMor.AT CffxxAKi.Kiir, Nu.li, K.T.-Slntcdcmi. rlitVL-J, 'JuJ mill -lll> Wiiilntwilayit in mxr.U iiiimNi. Mii»<mic lltll. W.i.'l.lr.mon. llecurdvr, M. K- Hiiiib, Wiinljlnjton, S..I, W*uRK»C.n-yclL, Nu.lfi,Jr.O. U.'A. N.-MMU - IMI;VMvi-ryWiiuiiliiy evi'iilnuv SliIoiV II01, Wnrhhis!<iii.' Scctomry, LucUn Slin»|.i\ Wu-li- I t N J d nnuilni.i, l*i mill i.jti. MLM-UI.U* IUII. W tn ccti w. li. .... -.:.-•-: - L i .., , ^ct'ii'tiifr, \V"a*"liiiiliuiii7Ni J'. t Ctii:.it:ii.,,Sl).15, 0. U. A.M. Mcctlrn; , TtHiHNyuTi-iitiU. MI-CIIIU'IV'K Hall. >kc- Umt.iE»i!JarMK.NT. N.1.11, I. U. O. V,, im-ctn 24 nnil Illi Ttiiimdiiy cvi:iiliiij"ol eiie!i I'liiiilti, l:t Oiltl 1'vilimV Hill, W'rtftitlictim. t>eilbu, Tiioisi- II* Tivyluirii, .Wufbliigjlog, N. J., •iviirySn'tiiriitiy I-V'IMIIIIIJ In' o\l 1 IMttiwt-' ll:ill, lu-ton, X..1. utr, M miK V. 1 ;»!.", klll^ln I cr F. Ita in Otl .'Jltclut , Witeilll nioi y. i'lj Ics 7i ^,.|,[r h-!.i:,.N.,l. *T, NO. (Hi, II. A, It. -mil: :;Ai!jt,-«-i-,' u, S..I. tSSJONAL l-'ri.ti Civil and Criminal Law Practit ! oner, Notary Public, Ha:ter in Chancery. ' WASHINGTON; N. J, I0IIN M. VAN PYKK, ; •\ViiHliliifttim. K.,j., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Riillcifar, Mauler it luvinlnci- in C/miicei .PRACTITIONER IN TllK OXITKD STA'l'Kd (JOUUTri, Ami in all the Courts of i\Vw Jmcy X J liysioian <fc Snrgeon. WASHINGTON, N. J. Onlcc (||i|iD«lte I'ost Oniri'. .Ti'lrjiliotip lit .Mllltr'n 1 1 HOP. -IAS. I.. KOSKSHKHV. . Wuslihiulini. N. J.. Gives INSTRUCTIONS in-MUSIC on PIANO or ORGAN nl his lnuiie, nr at re*Iu>nee of ivijills. sSpwtul attention paid In riallments Alri'aily ha* dr^o fins?, uml incut. 1 * with « IIOTllLS QT. Ci.OL'D.HOTEL, .'.. •. ' " WASItlXllTOX AVK., WASiltSfiTOS, >. J.~'~ ..'' UN!=iUltl»AteiJSIOI> in Locution, Accommodation uud .\l:in;i-,M- lai'til. renuanoiit utid Transient . A New BII.LIARO PARLOR Attached C. K STAATKS, l'iv)jrhtor. fe Dover Boiler Works, WT' r DOVl'.lI, >'. .1. VOSTUUF. i;n:i:!i," - PHonsiKTou, M.lNLT.UMTIlKUOK Strain l!«ll.'T!«. Smiiltc Slju-ks, Blast 1'li-c.i. \V<n '•~-\ Slu'iil Ir..n \v.jrlc. All tilixl* of .-.-.•.mil limi.l l:u (TAtm Jinii'l. On- llii.-l:-!s In stifls, Ul.t Hull, V.YViirSl.oOi) fi'ini l""i!.™ti''.l' wh'.'u r 'l;Vli'! iviir tlmt tliu policy Is i\si:KA.\r!:i«M 'iinrcu. ' I ' l H i l r will lll(,' !11|<1 In f.irw. WASHINGTONJOUNDHV Machine Shops, BOWERS &MITCHELL, Prop's, M,M,,,r..,a.,n"7i"'i'i»K'ST'iiki,»i. "a Castings & ApiiiralliiiplEineiils Wo full *iu:fiul ullciitl'in to mil- iiuw * Cniprovctl XMows, •lilrli ur« inuilu'iif tlin' tot wlillo Iron, nnil wnrnuili.il 1" >t"iir o]nal Iu elilll iir Mrtl III all klniN of Hill. Don't InryftuciiiinmifLiL-luro LIGHT and HEAVY FARM V/AGONS •JI'IUNC TliircKU, all ..f which ar« Hindu w l»e*t niiih'iliil- :itul ^iiarautccil. \W liav<!i>u liHixlutall ihuejii full stuck of ^' iliin-V I'liwi-rn". Tliri-cliernaiiil Clcuiicn 1 . Itimd SciiiiicrM. Water Wheel*. Irtm Fencing. Curt Ir.m Keel ami MISIIIK llnxv*. May Cut- tew, tiled SliW* njmle of lliu heat Whlle Iron. AkoiigunU fin- :,.-',: ' ' ... . "'-"." Buckeye Moivcrs, Reapers and Pelf-Binders. Iron WorkforHulWliii! uml wmorni I'niuulr.v fork. All orders mai repair! m; promptly at- willed tt) at the liiwwt IHI»IMU rulcx. H O l t S f i ^ W U O 1 3 1 X « - slinviy Ihulitivort. (ilvc «s ti call, a* we iieniitoiilviituturiiclliri. Bowers & Mitchell, At tliu Uht llmviTi* FtmiHlrjy THF.mnKTnL'iioi! - - - ., tiii'L' In the t'uilertukhii.' liti>liK'f.*. auil fi'lnij lit' iicci] nf mi l T n.li'rtalii' Iu t!il> vlcmUy iwowiiwl anVstulkliuioiit at l'OKT MUI! V:.\V. uml inki- llils nii-lluiil ut liifttniilnsr tlwii " id" iind (lie luihlli- that Un;y arc now j-n' il to ilu fmlertakliiL' in the inojt a^in-vct > ami at verv low r:\U-f. We li !\' l l nil l tiv l iR-t of - fur tin' pnmitit ami ^ntlsfact hiisiiii-fii. u.-e.'. C. Tay ^ *. -. I.:i1>..ti',l Ice C.l.-!;i:t, f.".r l-.rc.:ei-vln;z t!:--- wltK f..!.l air. '• HV,(/.<•) ditemhtlmintj in the rW nut. Our emlnitmiii't ko'!>* t?w k-Jij t'er ....? unlhuru Lwilk.u/.Miiic .tlmirol. Kith.nd i,r, »MI after tlir.f or y,iur ilai/* the Mil loiii:- i>, Iti'r than if hen tir.-t AriVi-ivltMif rdilln nr 1-iifl.i ,1 mM«.rt liotift!. Vur nil tl iillf.-nifs tliu ?amc. Xliiht JTMiiWll. r-ilfiM'tt.-tiiH-li. Hint SI'IHMIIL-: Mniiiitidii. Onl.Ts ttv Ti:lt;|iliiiiie rci-iflvfil, mill •Vi:i.i-:!'ii«)Ni-: c i i A l m w i'Mi> HI" t's. Our Tmiis uhd I'ricc« are eery, nttwiiabU'. Virrv Kc.-1't.-etfullv. THOMPSON .&' CO., ; will U> tl 4-ly . NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Noiiiv Is.'.ln'reliy Klvu-n that nil IHTSOIH V llJt JUlllCiAS PlITTV. llflill VOVMASri. 1'KTKU W. WHI.1.KH. •ions Ftrrs. .intf.-SllKHUKIt "'N. I. 1 llowji.is'.'""'""" W)i. <:. nm*ou». WJI. KKITTS. JAIIKH I.O.MKUSON. l'CTEK KIKSKMAS. JI11A KI.I7.1BKTII WEI.] CI.AHK lUtlSK. i U ' V YARD. tlotnniicnts, HeuiMmies, 'I'ublct.-. etc. Coin* «rv iilots enul(K«(l, nml HatLsfaetion guumi ueil. I'lcafiO call uml exiiiiiino iny.Htuek In ore imruliiiFliiKelscwlicrtt. Ucslirns furtiislie ;!iecrf tilly to ull iwrsons on apiilieailmi. Clias. Force, r"~:-~~;-7"T"--r-r:jos; c; THOMPSON, 1 -::. :,:--.: : : ..JL.-CTOTIO3SrBBE WASHINGTON, N. J. ini J. fflahon W\SIirN'"TON, N..T. l,«lm™ xiierlctmc. "EXHAUSTEJMMTALiTY. ILLUSTRATIVE Samplo^FREE. KNOW THYSELF.. ' AGreat Medical Work onMauhood, Kcrvo Phytlcnr Debility, rromnturo " Decline In 1 Man, 1 :.. EsJiEiiatcd Vitality,'fie,ic, nnd tliountoiamla.. erlc3'resulting from indiscretion or CSCCBSCB; 300 . PBRCS, substantially bound In cllt, miirjlln. Con- tains mora than 135 Invalnabla prescriptIOIIR, cr liniclns every vcgctnblo remedy In tho jihnrm copmta for all ncnta nnd chronic diseases. It cmpiintlcttllyaliook (or every map. Prlcoorlyjl -- l>y mall, [lOBt paid, concoaled in plain wrapper.-- ifiliV.STItATiri! SAITIPLK FRERTO Kl.l, Young nnd mldillc-ngcd wen for the uoxt ninety days. Send now, or cut thin out, as you ir.ny.novcr BOO It again. Adaress Dr. W. U. PABEER, * Bui- . /Inch fltrcct, Boston, Mass. ' •WANTED-UDYfeSitt? 1 ^ wiC3.,lii]!»Mv1st.-,H. y. ,: LADIES! Aro yon rrcklewt rnoiiph toventure t If so send twoci-nUinHUimitH to Itui Mack J'ublUhiiijiCo., EM nml K» WtMlilnRtoii Strict, New Yorft. for nuu or thi'lr Iwnutlful llluiitrnletl "I.IIIUCH- Ilookfi." II IHa liuTi], iiiijiim:, uml latc-n'Bt- lug work toevery iK.-r»uii at n.-llui-inent. On receipt of ten centa In t>tntii]M thej- wit I piul postjinlil n mil set of their fmuoiw liotisc- loIdKnmu V c r b n . lTurtcn ccntfl tlicv will nlfft wnii nUnnU rou'nliilnc oinplda wonts of "Tliu Mlkiulo," mill min-ic of [«inofl (Hil'iiJaf (otiK», togclhcrwith tvn cxntitfItv aUINEPTUS! cxn plycyrrlilr.nl nrnmallc l fur ill!siiliI"K tliu inMu of qtilnino uml ordriiKB. fitlier holld oriluid. l'ri r l'lnt Itotllo. PruKrlbnltiytlimiM In J!uro|H! nnd AniiTica Forii ftitliis, li p coniiHiiinil fur ill!>siili'I"K tliu inMu of qtilninouml ntlicr blllordriiKB. fitlier holld oriluid. l'rirc. «r. C t l ' l t Ittll PlblttlmiMmilsof. liyelcinim InJ!uro|H! nnd AniiTica. Foriimlii nc- umpatilca c;-cry botllc. " Tor Sulu by Urugslsta. MaiiufactUKdlv! Tho Academic Fhannaccutio Co,, LOSDON AMI yVAY YOltK. 532-536 WASHINGTON ST., NEWYORK CITY. ELIXIR.- An olecnnt KngHsh plmrninct'iitic n'tviMintlluu for bilious, iiinlnriiilnmltilooiliruiimL'Ki tliu ro- unit of over twcnty-llvu yours of most ciiuncac ^ApfirovJd 1 by'tlie hlphcfit metllcnl nullioritlea. In use In tho liosniltnlH Inevery nnrt of tiiropo. Especially liclnful to ladles, clultlreii and p<.-o- uf Hwlcutiirj- Imblls y R ; In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts. JVcimml solely by ^lio i^oyhl PliUmMeutid (jo. LONDON AND NEWYORK, Chemists l>y nppolntnicut (o Ilor Jtnjesty ilio Queen and to lliu lluynl Kniuily. NEW YORK ItRANCII: 130, 132, 134- Charlton St. ROYAL^ILLS. Saino medicinal properties as ltov,u, KLiytn, In bosey, aO[lilU tobox, for it!i tvnta. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBERTHE_BIG FOUR! Vinegar Bittera CORDIAL,|''f^j"" 9 } 50c. Vinegar Bittors POWDERS, M .loses, fiOr. Vinegar Bitters, now style | '''SI" [ * 1 00 Vinegar Bittors, oldstyle, Wttor taste $1.00 Tho World's Groat Blood Purlflor and Llfo Giving Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Knowm tli will tlnil that iiiv itliici! I.* UKAlKiL'AK- TKKS for ttiiytliiuiffi'tliu llrti "or owtvr line, il tli'ii urit'CF ni*c us liivv n^ the lowt'^t. I ilo \vliii!csa!e ami rulu.l triulu ami keC|> the LtcL ovsicrs to lie Imil...., .'_ „. tfrcsli Fisli Al^vays on Hand. The patromijje nf the nnlule U invitcil. JOHN BAILEY, llelvidcrt! Avenue, Washiiiglwi, New Jcrsuy ,vTeetli Extracted For __ _ 35 Gente. _„ ,, ..... .,_ . ~ PreslrGasEvery-Day. _ G'oij"Fillings a Specialty. J.RGibbs, Dentist. PATENTS CAVKATS, TIHIIKJUIIKS ASH COl'lliKHITS i«a KHivtunl clients In your own Htiito or county, tol ° c. A.'SKOW*<:<»., ,. Oiil>6i*Uo Patent Olflco, Wfislilui;ton,'l). G. a-o TO Mrs. K. M. Skinner's ] J Tl ' 11 T Brea,d, _ Oake 3 T->. ' .:-... ^........,:,::Tpl2S. AluUlltiootcUolcomifwiU™^^^^^ 1 .:J.- L.;--.:.";:i: (,110 tHIll WlUslloW lli.it..-:. -' ;'• - . These GpoiU w cve the JiesU B. H. McDonald Drug Co., proprietors, SAN FHASCISCO AS»NEWYOltK.' ..' ThcLittlo Girl ofc*ottya1n\rs. 'I'lniriOftiysixire'it^i ilny. " '•• 'rii"'ini.i mul wuimr.i iny. v;: Ull innii|iU-Hl llrl'lH mul rl-lM(l>imti>-t»rii. - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; Illllluf All t 1<I With i ••k, .wutfhfi . ! ulHttiM' •jvmui'l tr. Ami timitlytnln- A hi-»vy|imil>lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iwr s*li*i "Jtyl 'IVI1 tn Tl «tl..Tli,|, ll,<>< MM. r.tyi 1 " r liri 1 i.ri-t lltliT !•• Jd -.1 rv 1 tl! Wtl nln y.l. m It lily il —Henry W. Trm-ll in V.'Hit riiiiill!iciiU'iii,,ri'1:itiil !•)• (Jipi Alien Ownership or Land. Tim l/Hl nowluiiiliiifi Ijcforu COHKVCKH lo i l>r>iliil>il iiLi^.ii.-. wlin nre uol nml i\a not iu- | loiul hwaimitiy i:itl/i.'in inuu owning u yreal- i ir interefli Iliitu n loiH^'aolit for llvo ycnrr< : in ,ny l;tii<l wilhiu'llm l*iiilwt Stnton U fi nit'iW- irullutmiKlittn pww. Tim tiw»l. uf Hiteli i^Ulatioti Unviibiit from tlia ntutcinuiit of hi ftiPH lunlu Ity (j t i»itj.;r.««iiiui lltiAiloo,' ft n^iilHT t>r 11K- tSKi'ititittiD liavin;; tit-* liill = ii tktni<\ l-'rom"ihU it jij^iviiy llint'.ccrliii! itletl furri»ti!;r.4-itrini;i|ifilly Kiifili-sliiuoti- iWii2UKM,0l)lViwiv.'* or limit in this country, lltiw tniK.-U h i i v i t i i l l»y initillml nllotw liUw ;lii|iort:iul( IHit i; f;e?iiernll.V !i*:M hi Htilnlli([ •'..M^. : in itiMiti»u t:> tliii al>i>vu, tli- noble- ini'ti invn, tii-(Mr>liiti{ li>thtj. smnn' mitliority, r.itlniinl 1 k.-. (Ifi . Nituro's ,Bast Bovor.ifo. In Hie ftiliilmiteit wiiUkoy irliiU ii vmory SlorM w:w cliief ctiiiKfl t.iljccn-I;. AfUT tlio «riii'lu*imi Mr. Htorrs ntnl a iiuiul'iT of I ft'.li.*rcil in snciul intcrisnii 1 s;w .arty tool: from Iu» jmt-Jtot ii«»i I'k'ltfit'.ctl iiiwritMiilii! to ivnttT mul taul it nl.»i.l. WIH'II lie liai'l coiivlu.l.;il Mr., .Sum i.(iilnrlv(.ljs-jrvi'i1. In MtlHtrtiiiw, tlnt'ivaf ulhuiff lwwiuM.Iw.ililliiiiii^lf. 'rit.i-u>.-i ;tu inwyiTf* calli'il niion iiini to try it.' \\<-\ few iiiimiU'UMi ai-.Hu wl'tlr ii «liw j.i': V. inn! ti>licjjin. Asli'ii<yr.i|iln.T|iro.si:u: iool owii'Hiii'wonls. 'Tliroii^h liis liimliuw llu; jioxvillc Jtmrnitl imtiliwlius ilifiu fur tli first lime, wilh siil.-itiiHtiiiHy' Um ii1»>v6 «s |iliina(toti: lIoMiii" upthu ([las-s Mr. Slurrs lif^im '•Him- doyou osjiect lo iniiuovi! iiiu-n '.h IrtvcniKoruniWiwlliyimlitr.!? Horn it is -A.W.rrtule-almtitlhtMmly | tift. that 1M li'siviiilwl nii,lelik'.l front. tln» (iimlt'ii i l-Mwitl .Xntiuo's i->niirii(.ii uiirricr—not er the niltcniK'^ nf ri'i'tiit:ii[:;li.)!i, no' ili.slil!o.l ..vvr nuiliy fimi !• Not hum the hot imtl lioxintH \A\IMA uml ft ivoniw niiit ri-tovt^, foiilinwl in rechiu^ vat-*, (iliiroil iii claiiiiuyliniT.'Umiil IWKM, »IOKII iii 1 uialarioiH cellars full of nils ami roliwtilw: N\i ittiultcrnllLiti HIIH it with stili>]iiiriu nci-l. .s|>irltj4 t»f nitro. striiiuoiiiiiiii.ninl other iliM'lly ;m!ii.| iMlsnii^ milil it i' i-alloil "fjfty ul "lm;: juiw." "fu-il oil," Jyhtniii;;:" II'is liot l«i»t i.! faiit-iof.+ .m 1 IIOIT iiu-1 ti*.' re't Ilio T [ii.tf of wliU'li. iniilor foro- T M I l i i i l iI(M, will IMTUMSII to tlitir i H . 'J'liis liniiiu ttlicn Hj'^tcm uf own- i.'nhi[> \* tint ftniiiiliittim of tlw hynitun nf llti liitiii. li:W cuiHOil'- HOmilcli li.itihl urtiii tiii.-.iu CHl-iJ KRllit tolx', th.'SK Iu t( Hi f. with the h;st intitrc •ounlry, nmi UIUHOI ) pro A i [iiniii me t< .tvitfl V.:!lt it tllO ICV -HM[tlfr.i1ilo..iii ully urrivin** hi •nan'.H rut tlinv i-rlonl-i uii'li't .Is of Hi nier inoi io i>eoi wiires r i trouble Mill nuhcr < i thlrt cm ait jidssi coiilni .f iiini imtry i BSsiotl.H cU tun llC in il ii. in o. :|, :.... If il iiv.M,U.l tiny nr yil l«UiI..'iK'yorsm;l tliey snil for oiu ystii ccmltl iuittG A. L tln> fimiid in » niHuvilwl heforo tho rm Uy Mr. M.rA.bi. 'hlmwliiK Imw one Siiiilly, wiii.tvVi.kM in l-:»Klitiiil, an.l I- rt uf the Q:uv», owns !K>,IHW ilcr.\H in Uli- ;>b. 'I'liis Intnl. il HL-OIIW, lit *iici)ii|iktl..liy iiii,ln'.h of l.'-iMiiU.'moUly i^uoranl fur- ;;ii-''M rt'iin i^y lli.'tir runt to uuHU»i;ut, 'Hi ime :\H in \vAr,v), who Mt[ii.'o/.w the tt-uatii diar.t ii.i)i.Hiiiilo. liillihwayhu IHahli . (ioii-l Mr. Sjiilly two liuiuln-il tlimiiin filtsirn \w tiimtiitr iis lent, i-vcry cent i •iiiclt is 8[n*iit iu Kinope. Another ca ui-li'.l w.u the lifurley wtntc,' conslMtiiiH i limit :!,IK)J ai-ro.-j within tliu city limits > •ilWinruli an.l Alk'-hany, from ttia nr'uls o •lik-ii i!.ii:i-l.>y.-i, wlm arc Huyllih Hittijoct- KI .liMtli, " in.- la-t coi iiit farun'i •vul! nalivvs iH or tho Unitml Htntia sliov.-. ry h;ii th« Ur^i-st lininbt-T "iany nation .in tlio. wwrl ^ miriii'licyof "iviiiK IKHIW w well at furci^m'rs who ha Inli-iitibii "f ImiimitiK i-illw im.l'im.i.t'lH'lwfow it U .IMI.1:, t.. ih.: c l.r »i \- ^ ^ '"'* «-'''." "l^"" 11 " 11 ;"" 1 fl)r »' oMdyiirfctulit uml h'W hplllwiH. mil not vicos aio its fu»ip.i:ii»n«. lK«s it lattse (lriiiil»>iiiiM, tlisouM-, .k'nth. rrm-lly vonwii au.l fhiMivii ? Will It iihuvr-m* HI the p.irs.j)i. liiortii^Jrt <m thu *»IIM*IC. fnrin ami Will it iwinutni' w!i;;.-*.. mitt in- i!i(Mi. iisul ruin iii->n in Im-iut-s? No! nut itlUilsiut;''^aii!-rrc!..ii.h, fur ii[i in Hie tjiiiot Siiiumai'sky, uii'l h<iwn in tho iirc-iry mist ovrr thu u\?n? f.i:M "f our siisir^liiiit iuUt-i. It veih; th.i w»'<N »«*! l-.-v; ilrlft ; : . li;:tthl.-.l p Purify 7iie Blood. : BURDOCK BELOOD BITTERS' . Refreshing Sleep. BURDOeK ; BLO0D~8[T:TERS ton -;••• -. That Tired, Weary Feeling. Sick Headache. *• GKTS:—I Lave been subject to Side Heathclii! for years, and liai'e tried, in vnin. many advertised remedies ami sev- eral physicians, bulnll to no purpose. At last I tried ybur It. 1>. IMitcrs—without much faith, I ndmit—but to-.day I VMI truly suy, tltut after Hiking the third bottlo, I hiivjuotsullurudfroniit. I recoininend it lo all myfriends; several have been cured by il. Slylitilr(;raiiilson wtis per- miuienlly cured of Uiliousnena and Sick Ucudaclic, which wcte so Ktveru-.iuj lo cause convulsions. They have nil ceased Bincc lie commenced th'j ns«of if.IJ.H. ' AlUS. 11. C. HOOLK, Oranye, Luzcrnc Co.uuty, I'a. CARPETiMGS AND INVITK ATTBSTI0N TOTHE ATTRACT- lVKNUCKS'AT WHICH THBfK KN- : - TIUH SIM{liS'(i_.STUCK t.S Mi- Oi- n uMia iv/UKIdUK- _,IN0 OFFEIIKO. A'XMINSTUUS from ?iJ.Wl |»ur yil. u|)Wiird WII.TONS ' ' from 1.75 insr yil. unwurd MOQin-'.TTlvS from \.2~> pur yd. iipwunl VKI.VKT8 from l.SWi [ier yil. upwiint ItOOY HltUSSELS from .!Wper yil. upwurd TAI'IWTIIY " from ;W) per yil. iipwiinl INGIIAINS from .50 per yd. upward S\YJ.SSI.ACMCU]!TA1NS .. from iH.fiO pc\; pan* upward MA1JUA9 LACK CUK'IWINS..,>'••::' from W.rill l«!i" I'lih' liitn'iu'il ANTlQUKunii l-i;KNClM.A(-:]:cu::'r.\lNd: from Si..'*) iicr lii.ir ii|ininl N'nTTlNIMIA^n.Ap.F. i:Uln.\!NS ; friiiii "V.Tfi ji^i-"pull- niiv,-!i"r(1 CUIICOJUN UUUTAI.NS with Iliunlsraire l)«- IIIKM fnuii Sri.01) iwr i)»lr niiwunl TAl'IMTUY COVEIIINGS :-. : ' fi-'ni> *1-CO iioi- y<1, upu-linl CKETO.N'SE UOVKHINnS fivm .^"' l>ui- .vd. Hl'Wiiltl Wliulow Slimlen iiiatlu oil slmrl nol'icu or Inr.- - •!]» fumlsliml.. S\MPl.KS-51:KT-".VIIi:S--l!GS!llED. ANP, rHOMIT ATTESTIOS PAID TO ALL I) ' JIAIL O1IDEH9.;. ... . corrcHIJOmleiii-u IUVIUHI. '' Broadway. ,&• 19th St., TVEAFNKSS Its CHU^K uml 'ciir«,-,liy onu \j .wlin >VIIB iltinf uvciit.y-(!hlit, yrarfl. Troafel liylimit ul tliu ubtal vinidiilhla ol Ilio lay wllli iii> licndlt. Cluut liliiifldfj In l lhruu nnnllifl, umlsllibu thuii liuiulfwln ot thclu.by !nmo proucsfl. -Altlaln. nlmplo, nnit SUCCORS S lHimti tniiilmait. Adilrom T. S. VABE, 138 Knfit liOili St.,,Ncw York Ully. . , . / / " " : • . . . ' iitli'r lioiir. II l»l-< it.-.-if .. <>r <;!ir.i.i.>!<»nc. itii.t t: ith.! Ml^vtri.. ili^!i fiM.it it : | . K . . l » » i «•••! Wiilo uir witti vivi.l liuv.s t.f iStv. It U en- ricl l.y isimt «'ii»l< mail f.Uk In ni.lllii.! w:r. tains uf liquid ilntpury mvr nil llu' UiiMy W.M.ljiiud Il.il.i^,' iiu.i Us.- i.i r,.,.l\, iiiy^iie E'lstom .lunCviM llwU-imiifnl l«i»- ">' 1""' inis't, i;luiilii'd wilh r.nli.iiu.i; tli.tt s-'.-in^ r-'- lloiilel.iutiifluMVi'iiibrff. IIKIKU.1.-iiillio'<•'-' irVVtll'Ht'f IIWlliullllt.lill ll,.J:Hllld tlHMl0\V-«>f tliii v.illoys. II aifciilly av...|« iutu I-M'II li-.if in thu iiiniid fiirl'ilj ci( tli.' mirlil, fivii* mul ti.i'.Hevery fruit uml iUu-r. It is hcK'intliu t;r:uw hliides of tlio mi'iidows .'Hid tlioiv licrs tl.0 corn wuvea it< la*»-la and wliml ooa il.i l>ill<nrin|i: It fun Ilio d. iilli of tlio isurt «'itli tho flml, nivon i«ui«, »'iud« it.-olf ii.l the v irtli. r.v.ls uwitl i uiilo.i-orco:isT:--|t HapsitS-iuni;: :ho llnshins wavo-i-rosls ,if tlmson, lniiahs in Iho litllu rapid liroolts lii^o^ Ilio di ippiiij,'. «rod, old oalion «vl|.huokot« in 11 lioat uf happy liuliK'S! KM Ihow crntkul ico, full iifprisiuatL'tMlurs, liainondj LJ-istou. Jo . tlicir Jairy ^iiii'flt"tlio liriutniin^ ^iaS,": lli^it swootost niiiniu in at! tlio world to nno half [aintiug wilh thirKt. And HO in tho BiiaBo of poor <ild fliinjjli, T-. ask you, thors ull, would you I'xchnngo that spnrk- 1, tho drink of Iho Malting Her Things Last. f Kvery housi^i'np rciitintiit iBiojwtaM furniture. Ciirlti do iieiiiliei; that wc-A e Hjsa-sHious will oflei licciy on very litllu 'When I wits i\ t-hl miikiii" her tliinys glove's imtl rlbUiiiKw lililivi-.l-iisi'd l!o'.\w to niiihe tlioiu lust iu r knows how t lliipn imil l«m nut nhvuya ktioy.* i-u of their own cnaljlo tliem lo money. Aliiily tliciv was one Was ilisthiKiiMi list.' Her ilresi, oiv a marvel of i.liir-]i(iw...sh.i..nii without their 1 (in el 01 fu >W ro- litlli il s-:; f h ih tin uk O.Sn ys foi Is, i-'i- ii' Hie eason wli ' Mint shu- tuolt as and iteil her lit her owi her clfithes woio w Hiieh "oodnnro of tliutn. Her Vuwsus wen bnwlicil.iiuil folileil uway caivfully. inul tin slightest spot on them wns ivmovrtl «s stim its it WHS ilisiiovovuil. Her lint was wrJitijieil iu nil old 'pocket lmtnlkerchief, atul in u box IIH soon us done with, the *t tairrs ltrin;' stmiglll.lliod ailil.nilli'il Nyiiuaetrii;ally eairh time, llur ylnves wore never folilod to»elhcr, but woro pullml out Klrnltfht nml laid Hat in u has, onn upon the olhor, each linns they wero itsuil, tho (iniwL liolo l)uing nieinleit nlmnntlieforc it hail lime toiHhovit^'lf. -.lint tho fhinfi thai inipies^.l mo'inoat was tlio' mis shu Iwslowcil tijt^het 1 "iiiiiio'ut"'"AViien"n^l:iii^'ii]i \iow'rSlSr fliiPil In linn Um uppi-r_ piivt.. of- Mirt l II>JM<n .-willi while pa;:er, ami thid not only pivvenloil this vibljfin from bccomiiie limp ami civased but l,-q»t it clean, so tlmt when the binv won soil- ed on ouo niiit) Him conhl turn tho nbb-.ni, ami Iho part itml had,.boon coyomt oaniu out lookiufj new and fresh. Tlmt jjirl limr- mul lirmiglil «y u larf-o fitniiiy. ; lie Imslwnd hud to fi»ht^hiH'.way(. fiii'l iliil KI bravely, nud wns uuusunlly sueccHsful, fo: ho becniiio. wealthy, lint his prosperity'was duo quite na liiueh to Lis wife's eavo mul oeonomy in Haying lnbnoy na it was tb'liis'in i i i u k i n g i t . " •"• : " ••••-•••••'• - • '• ' : ' '• •/;•;- My liver wnaso fearfully tltsoi'ilercd find I folt HO feeble' niiil" liuigiiiil; Hint I scareoly tool: interest iti nnytliing.'' Tried nil .'tlio no- oil reniodioa. wiihoiu rolk-f.mitil I nscil Pnrkor't) Tonic, which effecied 'n iiermnncui cure—DmidUnsli, Litllo lloclc, Arlr.; : ' : ^ tlisil will limit tlmaiiK- tli» tmlili«'«lam!iiiiiii»l Im-iik up th i I h - V .Ifii iitk>il in tlw WII-M tlio natnr.it .ni.Tr«so iii_tlio populate ..iid tint fi()(l,O'lH ciKiitw i r iniw to piovi.ii! honip mUiiiiil kf.'p them niM.-tti will l»*still n KiT.i.'t'liy tisa Sicntvic Light.' tin- ht-'rm' r. r.-!:!!y in Hie viuinity. of tli !!:wifl ut-Tr.idu lovvw li^bt. Clilniyo. '• noiio oilier tinmndii»-Avr«f blnU. Y hv, •Ahi'ji liic wi.tL-limim ui.id.- his roinul li.('f..f.i.ltli«H.W,-nl!isi[ii.lslr.'i-i!* in fni «ii'.. t..wtrffl:rly(-..v^.tl-.v::tli .UM.1 bii nf silt sorls Alitt!<> Ut:r (lie cliTlric-i c-ii:ir.' d.'wii. ami win-is hu VMV tins {,-ri:iil pi >f l,ir.U h.! -.vid that t!a-y liail fouii killed I: lli,;..-l-i i {ri(r'lii;lil at lliu top of the .towe Win n Iio -vi'i.t up to 'bVlnnteni with sever iiU'iiiWr-. »f lite Mniirtl of 'IViid.i tlu: roof w Lrtiiul.*.. Ut w\-i>ioil with dead birds. The l.irrti tint »t t'V-ry known variety, unit mm unfamiliar ^-eiiis :nv im\mti lh-j lot. ,1 diiid.'.iiiiul f'l'.r!! nr.i thorti-sunrlet, )»ln pink, r.d. : «mii:y; iimlllul M\e1t nml-whit and lin'iv wcro T.HIII' snipe aiuJ plover ninoi wi'iv •|iltv.u-[fil-l>j"iiS'[{Wiit H«ht. will kiU.-d iiwm til. iuuini-iit they touched Tli'.-ii! wfiH a •i'.'»iutlv.=s" nuiiiber "f thou tfiitiiiulitolriiiwiirtlio ladies" lints in HI A True Picture. A NVI.rrtsitii .;!litiu : .'--ivith u pootii-al turn mind aml^ioiA of spring fever, Bfla i tin; followinj;: "Tin! • mullow yoose, t ni.-iilaid duck, tho black bird nml tlw Wo will Hocm bo ln-i-e from southern liohls watch «i;r nonilk'Iils ^row; thu him^ry ha' r.tid 'thiiiid'.Tptimp '.will ani>n eomc;. alou and joiji tlidr irhuurEul msfcul^vith the bn fiM»'s touerul song. AH tiatnw KHOII \V ; Ion ln-r tfirb of Hivoii and dapple yni while ."now mul IIM, ami coalbiiiri, too. w fiadlyTudeaway. Tlio fanner's hoy sent u (o plow will find a stack of hay, lie downu on its sunny Hide and Nlcop for half a tin T.im dry ^oods flork, with a doleful yawn llO«llstol»tfM!llHlyllt-Ii|llsilM Of tWO-l-Ci i-nliro will rest rn-m morn till ni.yiit. "liiUlu hinyiifii' steals iipun ilie bravest a 1 that 'jiiuUio time,U> rest." Playing.Euclmi "With a ^oiiifii)..,.. A sy'iiiiti-ildl baeinilorvsnys the futiowiiiK nro the ivmwkn iiinil^ by (he- avenge woman during a yanio of uiiulii'o: "Whose play is it?* 1 ' r £.\Vho.took.tIuii_tritlt_?. ^ ,.;._ Cash Tor Oat's Hair. 'Piil you ovi'rhrar," iwkctl an old rest- !Ut, n few il«JM njp'i, nt i\ Star rqtortor, owthn, l «liiUKlitL'r of'iwU 1 ww brought )iitV" •'No," \V(wthe nnswer, "I never knew of iuy imtikiilnr Hlmiiilitcr of llio feliuo _apo- t." ' • '. ' ' • . •Well,',' continued thcohl resident, J'forty .r» iiRi»,"'or tlicreaboutf, there wiwn wj ... fur froiiillio Patent Ofllee in which tlio nts luul imiltiplieil HO Unit it wiw n mooted jtiestion whether tho rodent* or taWwi woro (ha mimidiincy. Tlio WILH mul. MUOUH lirly KW.trnioil, uml (hoso'wlio lived on tho nircH. Ihuilly C-MW to tho conclusion tlmt i parly who wouhl ilovli« Homo clTccUvo IUM of thimiiiiK them out, would ho en- illutl to llm t-nititittlt) of tlio no" "" liiUflct iho wlU of soniu of tho hiluiVilnnUl ,t work, nud U wns not long heforo there ipenred K'foro ono. of tho doors AH Ini* ciiBO pliiciird: 'Wnntcii: mt'H linlr. Hl«li» .sh'prieu will bo pnid. 1 AHlimy ha sup isod, this BOOH nltrnuleil tho notice of the tyH, and dun imniiry elicited the reply thai ildilen doniiiml for guii'iuiio €nt"n linlr hnd mi; up, utid that the nrtictu nt tlmt time, tnanded SiCO per pomid. Tho iirnnc- liutu reanlt wan Unit for Bover.d ilayn none o in bojH of tlw neighborhood could bo aeci HI tho street, but tho coutintiuus sound o * thrown at the cnUin tho alloy*, toW whom tlu^y worn and what Ihny wero uh loiiiti nix or ciKlit ihty» Iind pastned mid tin igii iliil not appoar to have drawn in tli- rst ounce. About turndown tho denier no U-ud, appri):ii:hitijihin«hop from nn nlley fiiy, a i-rowil of some thirty boys benriiiK ii :lieir liiiiMJiloiiKfivo-bualielhnyfHickhtuirci ill. It wns dropped lit his door bcueatl is astonished yn/.e, • . "Why, Itoys! 1 nsked thodenk-r, 'wlmthavt .m then-:'' . ,;•" 'Cat's hair, sir,' said Iho forest Ui.v Kwrj' bit eat'.s hair; killnl tlioiii first, am ;he» plueked the hair; can swear to it nil •Why, 1 exclaimed the dealer, 'I fear thn iu will hrtiak me if you want your pay ii lump, hut brinu in the bay. U'fs look n it.'. • • ... ' "Tho baywas cnrrUil and liaslily open il, when thu denh'r exelaiincd: 'Tut. lut: hoj'N, you have it all mixed. i»n't douiiythiiiK with the Imirits it is.' "After hesitntitiH ho continued:. 'KiiuH! you have had nil your tr.nilil.>, I'll .•11 Jim what I'll do. .lust tako it bnek an" '»ri out the hair, put every shade to itsell ml I'll allow you mi advance of 75 cents u :lu> poniidMhat will make $:1.!!5 per pound "This salislled lliu boys, nnd they rttuni- d with the bat{, and it is needles* to m .hat nft.iran attompt toseparate tho hni :lwy Kavivnp tho job.. The neighbors hm ieeomplijhed^their iibjuc-t nnd tho numb it cats was reduced to less than nothing.' 1 Warfiifijton I). C. Ktnr. • -._• ATiger Hunt. Wo hnd followed tho trail (In a llttlo crciilt) nl>oiit n mile, when wo enmo to n dump of bnniboos puwiny inn hlmr|> bciul ii the Mtrcfiin.' Vcra stopped abort, yrftSpcd no by tho nnu nml poiuted wit!-the other. Whenever hu discovered imy gAiiio'-I could wnj'H toll lh« Hizo nnd ferocity of tho unl- nl by the htioii«tli of bin grip. This tiuio >my nriiimieh niiereo ({tip, I knew ^y y io iniwt Imvti fmmd a tiger. Suru Ihcro W i ol.l Stripes (ii nit lib (,'lory, ouKh, ily thirty ynnln nwny! The middiiy HUH uliouo full upon him, and n more splendid ibjpct I novor saw in n forest, IHH IOIIK jet- ilaek strijitH xM'tncd to tiUtid on tho relief, lilfo bunds of black velvet, while the black mid while murks ou his head were .most lioiiiitiftil. In m/M uud height bo jterfeetly iminfiiw, nnd my Urttt thought wiw,>' lie isiw big us nu ox?" Whcu we firwt saw him, hn wna widkin^ from us $n- iK ncross the bird oftho htmm Knowing rcciscly what I wat.ted to do, I took a span irtriihjo between my teeth, raised my nil ml waited. He rcncliod the other bunk, sniffed nrpund, then turned uud paced sdowl back. Just as ho reached the iniddlo of tli Htronui, ho tictfuled IIH, stopped nhort, raise his head nml looked in our direcliou with n is nn^ry .snn'rl. Now wns my til to lire. Tn|;inf{ a steudy, capful uiin nt Id; left eye, I hla/ed away, andwithout xt piu^ toHOC the effect of my shot,reloaded my •illy with all haste.. I half expected to s tlin nroat brute ramo bouudiiij,- nrouitd that clump of banihoiH nud upon oiio'V-f us, bill I thought it illicit nut be I he would attack, nd l*fore herotild kill ono of my men could send a bulhl into his bniin. Vent kept nneye upon his every inovoini-nt nn when I was afjain ruddy I nski-d him with in pyo-briiws, "where is hi:?" Ho ipiicklyIHM ded, "Ih', (hern still." I looked i^ahi. nnd sure enough he wiw i n . thu saiuo spot, but .-lowly turning around and nrnuiul, wit his head held to ouo side, IH if there wn sunictldug the mutter with his left eye When he enme around and presented hi neck fairly I iirrd nyaiu, niiiiinc to hit hL neck bone. At that shot he instantly dn>p' ped upon the sand. 1 quickly shoved .hi frtsh cartridge, andwith the riile at fi cock, nnd the ti^er ciuvfully covered, ' wont townrd him, slowly nnd respectfully .We wore not mm; but that ovt-n then 1. would get tip and come at IIH. But he was done for. and lay them «iw|»l«W, kicking foaming at the month, andiu three uiiu mure, mylirst li^-r lay doml at our fevt, Id died without making a sound. Tha Modern Shakespeare. . Sweet boy! Htuiietiiui'S whim eons of inurtiility, nnd comes to me Iho hint thi thou tnay'st die, I piu<; fo eiumgh to th iHoleiuu lary. love 1 b Useful Hints. Fircklis can U-ivi.u.v.:.! front Ihe Mi Hand paper.—/•>«/». /''/*•• ,.-.:. . Tin- Kcenfof whWiuy onthe breath can hi; subdued by smearing aHafi^tida on the stitch,-. * ju.c:tn siimki' n rabbit out of n hollow mokiti^' a cigarette clo^o t-niniyli to let Uy tunucriiiiig thu entire body ! u soft tar fnru picking upn bet- hive, ymi ciin rciuli-r in-self iiiviiluuraliW to the assaults of tho . ."XnyT cherub, do not' fr(.'i»ht thysoi with that. Aiiiii!ill!»nv]iliii(,iw will do ft " .Marry, 'lwill not, fi>r in this present tin ;;ivatni;s.s . ildili chilly run to monuments unf'tho' "tiio','worlii ::i tliy tjraniiciirktiowc iot, a innusiili:um will nrott^e ihoui lo it." •'Mayhap thy wit doth pk-rce tho pith . .ruth, but, mark lliec, tlu-ro bo grades jivutiiow. Rill. Knmo brands there are tli lilo^som not till death and only live in' mm ilc obdisk. some be th.ro of tlu: say. If you nifiko ti habit of ket'pint; live, i in your pockets, your louse ehitn^e will bo comparatively wife from your enterprising wife. . If you take n small steplnddtr with you into the theatre it .wilt bo. very serviceable whuii thu .ilngo is barricaded from view by a heira'Sttinyli\'h"is r tbo"-iiidispo.scd 'to htay on ihc nest eoiitinousty, lot her real «1- teinatu days nnd tie the rooster on the-. nest while she's resting. The sont can be thoroughly swept out of chimney by dropping a goose in nt tho top. : The »eo£'-\m trying (•>,illy;iiiiward,.tlioniugli- ly cleans the chimiiey with its whins. """''•Wlmt's'tn ." Whii wiis ' ; 'Whoso itci 11 Did I tiikv "Whafwln imp* ?""[ led?" '• jUlluitJ •,ilmt ?" imps ?" "Isitniypiny?" "That's the '" Is that mi "Jliwon 1 !. yi ^Ji-AYljat'ii. 1 lr " What did " WlllWll ill!) And soon 11 A Knuidfutlv found that ho loft bow ue V" :m ,4"t u limps ?.",'.• v-iifniuk ^itf. liroiiBli n ri',coraii lm.l inlJi \", '(!?', Ul 1 -A .... Vf vr uii lit ml his paper, peclaeles,' and (hereupon declared :^."1 Imi'o lost myglasses fioiiKrtvlioro nml can't road Ihlo paper." : A lit- tle three-year-old gill, dosirih(r to assist him, aiiaworcd : " G'nn'pii, you ip'oulsido and look'fmozo.window, nud rtl\hold KO pnpei 'ill 1 .so you enn rend il." ..... A Ilnrloin lady recently mnrriod, seeing her husband coining into tlio House, slipped tpiiotly behind him nnd gavo hlim •• n 1 - honrty kis.H. Tho hmbsiid toldher,; fiho luiil ' " ; . < * off ended.nil proprioly. ,. ^l'uniiln 1. panlou! V. nid'iiho1"i'iiiivelyT"l^' < Vnot ki^iow it was yon, " , ••- i •'' ' Cheek, or Business? Tho a^ent of n pinto glass insurance agen- cy iu a Western city received n call fromn toudi-looking stranger, who didn't waste any tinm risking for the loiui of §10.' , " Well, this is cheek and lioiaistnke! " exclaimed the agent.. ' •' Itcfi pardon, sir, but it w straight busi- ness. I'm a tramp. I'm a ni£;ht-hawk, Lenn break 100 plato gloss windows in this Stale iu the next mouth and not yet caught nt it. You can easily figure thecost to your "AiidyouwuutSlO?" " I want to borrow thnt sum, sir, on mj noti! of hiintl, duo tiiroo months hence." He not rjitlyrlIrtt. il, but Iho.agent gave him \rsccTViiiiOinmrsViiru^^Kitli«pf.inl-^ should.always bo.|)lcaHcd_to hoar froui hitii bytiinil'. "™ *" ' Was it a Rapid Transit Train? As tlio enr reached Wcstville an »lil ninu, with a loii", white- beard, rose feebly from' corner seat and tottered toward tho door Ilo wiis, however, stopped by the conductor, " Your fare please." ' - "I paid my faro." . . ..-!•.. .. .---. " When? 1 don't icinembor it," .." Why, I paid you when I got on tho enr,'' ." Where did yon get on ?" " Atl-'airllavon." "That won't do," snid tho conductor; " when T left Fair llitvou there wna only n littlt! boy on tliu tsur."- -. - •-'--•••"-'••'•• "-;-'- " Yes," answered the old man, "I It'iiow it." 1 was that little boy." ^~ Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. Tho lltwt Ralvo in tlio world for Cuts llmiHon, SorcH, Ulcuw, Salt lth^uiii, Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Olulblnins, Corns, nnd all Sinliruplions, and positively, cures Wlps, or no piiy re t l | .M.f 1 5i1'^.-^L.' s JP mircedTogivej.lwrfocfsatisfnctiou, or money rofiiudcd. Pi'ieu 2ii cents per box. 1 ' I'or sitlo by Wnrreii Clouuly Drug Store ;• ? A clergj'innii who was consoling a^yoinig \viilow : oiitlicYdentn"of-lior""hT9lJaml|"Ri^^^ in ft'vory serious tone, romavkiug thnt he was-."one of thc-fow.-r Such- & -jewel -of ,_n Christi.iii-you ennuot find Ida bipinl, yoi ^vollkiio'w." 'J'o which tho Hohbiiig fair ono replied, with nu niiuoKt'brpkcn.lioiirt, "IT bet I Will." u . • o '. ', L'rattt; w.rt that rosif J 'iht;ir .loin's words an.l som i-onteiit to carve their •notaphs of vf H tind that r '• Carve, saidst tlioti, boy?" "Aye; caivu 's UM 1 ' very word." •:. " Marry, that lits thee to my.sire, iiuleot* r often"imlli he mouthed himof thy way d vuwed the ut him io tlw ry quick. y y '•I'll warrant thee, and wort) his whin ut, ho 'd suy lo lie!;."' miny question of my m liVn so,'.'but then gruat Cicsar linti li foes, and nathlcss lives iu costly iiioiiuiiieii ml .so, that thy sweet nietiln m.iy endnr •hen tliou art dead I'll woo tho sous weaith lo stint a ma um fund f •'Guud frii-i'id-r-.-.Swvtit friend.I'vAl: ivoultlst please thyboy nud make him con «iious of the charity that wmild uproar him/ii costly pile, won thorn whilst I and ti ipproval.live, for pile of shekels reared is iii lifo is worth ten piles of marble aft 11B '•Worn: Tin: lSr.ru Kunio.w—An atuusii incident happened to two American . felloe travellers ofiiuno staying at tho hotel Dubli: Wishing to see the sights they sent the no tor fora jntiuting car, nnd as they mount, noticed Hint l'nl, tho driver, hnd a blue ri bou conspicons on the collar of his coi After driving sumo tiuio they had him pu up at ii ; ])ub]io house, wheru they got soi refreshments. Having regaled tlionisolv they asked 1'nt if he would take a drin Ilo doseendeil from .his. pcrel^^witli^^gilit "osciiii rningT'"'.! fcilKdryoitri ioiiot^T'.'tlinr will."- -3'oiug asked \vh:ithu would take,.: yered lirntly "I'll take whiskey.'' Afti tho lirst glass, which ho scorned to" J unjoy L'edingly. jml^iuu froiu'tho way he smacki Ilia HpH,;he.,\viis offerod miotlier whieli took with erpuil resolution. Pursuing tho journey, ouo gcntlonian nsked him what ll 'blue.ribboit^nwnut^wlHch.ho woro *.»}_} •Tiiit; 1 ~"'' *Siif f," '* "sifys" Pu*" "it'"~»iiylit ~* iiToni mytliiug. " ''I" our country, " said Iho goi Ueman,;;nnd iu Kugland, it means tolal n Htinonco J froni liiptor. " "Ho it does here, " said Tut. "And why doyou wear it ami still drink whiskey?" said tho [•e.ntleniau. "He- gorra, " was Ilio iinswov, "if I did not wear tho ribbon nooiio would over ask mo to lako n dritik. " : ' A gulil wfttish is » very,, pretty lliiny. to look nt, iiutithas ,' hvitiii(f'd nmiiy a liirtii's niciiiory. Wo unt-c knew n man who enr- timl n silver watcllfor yeiuii and his liietiiory was us good as anybody'^, but after hobought a gold wiitch he couldn't remember the time for llvo iiiuvules, "nd^hiii wliolo lime, iiciiv1y,>vris occupied in cotiHuiiliuy liif watch. •AnfllW:wiJ«.rtiriny i «I«oul-it-wwi' that thi. move people there wtre about him the more treacherous life memory became,— Boston Transcript.. " How to Pull a (Jon. 'I lliiuk tlio geuerril education of yoiinR ten is being sadly neglected in this Htnte," - iid nu oldhjMrt in frout of Swcciiy'fl. "In.; rcry woll conducted wiivcniity there Hhonld 0 (Hirofessor to tcncli tho boys tho ILSOof io nlx-ahootor. Thoro ftro rulon rcgnrdlng in-piilHiig thnt.ovcry Western uitm ought know. Juflt put 'cut down, anil publish in iii yoiir paper: V . :' ::."".:'"'•; First—Never yull n (jtin. :- Secoail—If you dojinU, botleail sure tliat ho time lias comotopull it. Third—Pull quick, with no flourwliiw. fourth—Keep bnnging nt your man till J lies down nud quits. These rnli* ought to be piwtcd in ovory mii'ti hut. If pcoplo would nlvrnyti obscrvo 1L4 Kchcdiilo there would bo n goal deal lean ouble. Tnku for instnuco aoma youug mau vho thinks ho UiuHUltcd nnd. wnuts to shoot niebody, or xenro Homebody, or ninko a jencrnl. IBH of himself. Ho takes a stop rorwnrd with u nicloHlrauuitic stride, strikca : 1 position, nnd bcgiu« to innko ilonrUhes 'or bin hip ]>ocket. Then ho pulls hw gun ml begins to do tilngrco work iu tho nir. Vliilu ho U doing tho scollops as if ha were. ,.. thu stag", th>) other follow quietly pulls, and ictH go, ami solid* the loud through him. Then they pack him to tho coroner nud ttud (lint he was killed in sulf-dofeuce.'., ; -.,.- .,. Now you see, if Iiolind observed rule No. 1, he would have been nlivo to-day, or, nftcr >-io1fiting rule one, if he had olmcrved tlio iropositiou Inid down inrules three nnd four light have been nlive—inobbe, or at least if hu was dead tho other fellow might have >en dend too. At least hoIIIUH n chance ot •curing metro points out of n pomiblo two. A slow-handed miu had better not nion- >oy with n border gun. You must IKS quick* witted nud quick-motioned. Asecond Isn't Dug, but it is ubout nil tho mnrgiu you can .uanonbly oxpectont Wttt when the street duel opens. You uinst bo entirely for your. 4clf, I hiwo known scvcval ^ood men to lw Inid. out, because they (stopped a couplo of seconds to calculato if any i>iio iu the crowd would get hit if they lircd. Tho other fol- low ignored tho crowd and is alivo itml well day, holding a lucrative utllw under thu [irc-scut administration. " Komctiiui-s you stop to think of a innii'H Lvifi! nud childri-n. This is a good iden, mid iks well fur a uinn's liutimuity, bnt not ,,.. much for his judgement. After you. throw your baud bnek nnd touch tho handle :if thegnu, it is too Into to consider tho •oiiiuii and the kidn. Many n innu has eon- Icivd this beforo hu scut his Imud aek iitidHparcd innny n life; but after thu lotion to draw, you must only think how mi can pump the laud iuto the other mtiu, _ar yon can bet high ho will begin right ;iway pumping it into you. If thoro in a post'or drygood* box near, got to it. You cnu display lots of nerve standing out in nu open space, but you don't display much e. Adead horo. iau't - ninth account, i 1 days afltir he's duftd. Some of the ucr vk'sf men that ever walked get behind n post tin; minute tha ball opeun. 'Ilia best ilea is to go without u gun nt nil. "Yorr hnrdly tiearof a uinngcittingshot who doesn't Imvo the. reputation of packing guiw. If you have no gun you won't get too sassy, Hid if you have n little row down town yon liu't so liki-ly to bo hauled homo on Bray's If I had'the say I would piwHiilawaboliyh-. .ng giniH (of eoursi-, when I .use tho'*' word gun, - : .t is thesporting phra.se for six-shooter); jilt MI lung as gnus go, everybody ought to IIKIW something about their use,' nud more *pcciidlj howto UHe 'em.','—Camon Appeal, A countryman bought a shirt in Huloigh, X. U., ivhich WHS tho lirst white one he had •owned. Tho next Sunday ho was to be married, and that was tho important o«- ..^.oitthat incited him to tho purchase..... The shirt had ii nice starched bosom, mid " rte!:-.-.-sty!c.tkat;y. 1 !tsrEew;™ to the possessor. . After careful study he put item with the opening in front, couclu.li»s, tlmt the stiff bosom was n kind of Klioulilct- braco to mako him,. stund erect. Thus' dreswil lip met liw bride nt thechurch door;.-.- but her knowledge wns greater tlmti his about ff hirUr and ahoiiintloliiin go 1 - home.- and'.-reir^ iir.su the yarment before she would allow the ; ceremony to proceed. It takes eighty men and women to mnkoa postage stamp. First tho white paper is cut.; into sheets, each largo enough for u hundred,. stumps. The stnmps on each shnet arc eonii- tcil tiventy-Kix times to make suro tho inim- bor is correct, Tho printer counts niid pass- es the sheet to tho . gttmmcr, tho gununor. gunw the bnek nud, having counted, gives it to tho perforator, who divides thestamps' by rows of little holes, uot forgetting to count. It is surprising how quickly nnd accurately tho hniuls canwork. Seven hundred mil-. lion postage tstnmps nro made every year in tho United States. New York City uses 8,- , OOO.IHW.a month.—Ex. - Jl^SL ll i R V Muniimiigenbli! as they nre, L giriiT'Sro likely to "get thoir^duos" likorotirer" people.-Thobenutiful girl is courted for her beauty nud spoiled. Tlio plain girl is admired and loved for her usefulness nud is seldom spoiled. In the long run the plain girl gets more appreciation nud genuine ad- miration for her usefulness than the beau- tiful yirl for her, l>eaiity. Philadelphia 7?w«. _.; : -,."'. I'i ..yj.^-.^L^-,^ When you subscribe for a. uowspapor re- .iiicrabcv yon will find things in it tlmt you "don't lil;o, and.othor items of no jiftrticiilnr interest to you. But the items will interest Houiu one who has at) much clirim ou the pn- pqr as you lmve. When you buy a chicken foi : dinner you nro'not obliged to ent tho feathers; tho chicken appreciated them, 'hough. • . j," The cliPfikwwt man in this yicirity is .tlio_ one who bus "ndvertisod" his wifo in this ' paper live times, nnd recently nsked us to publish the custonmry wife advertisement fit half price, iu consideration of his biting " n regular customer."—Li/on« Jtepubliain. One lliblo house, which has been ostalj- Jied hineo-1714,"bns (iifitribiitcd-no^fc\vcr~ than 0,Uu0,0l)0 Bibles. And yet thoro nto pooplo who cannot toll wlint part of it cou- tains that celebrated soliotiiiy "To bo or not to be. v ~?rJioc}ie*tcr Post-Etprctmi. I AllIri:d^nl:^l^u^c..^^;i proaclnug Iho counter, said ho wautod to purchaso dhat.,. "What size,;, sir ?•' nskctl Iho'naiistiin'tr*''" licgiirrnri' don't know," sniil Iho Hibernian, scratching: his 1 hond, "but, I lake''noiiics in lioots!"—London V ( p ^ you lo thia place, my frieutl?" Convict "Suc'oziug,":: Visitor—"Sueesiiug'V,",: Convict•: :—"YOB, sor; it woko th<i ^litlemnu, up, an' ho nnbbctl mo. Have yo got n hit of tobneky ^ nhout ye, wt^—Xx.-x •','•:•. «•••' ^ ' ^!T""~~' '&

Transcript of ^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

Page 1: ^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

: !



li'jfiim'i.i) l,in.in^*Xn. 31, A. F. , t A. M. KMti'it

' . in'inUi. MU'IIIIU l("ili!'wdilii-Ium'. Soeroliiry,J. K. t'nl|iur, vWMiiulmi. H. J ,

Tr.Mn.it CitMTKii, X.i, II, It. A. M.-SUt«!.l Cm-vm-iutun*, i,A Tmodiy In uidi miiMli Ma-tmntc Hull. \V.i»hltr"i-jn. S«rftsny, J . H. Fut-

... |ier, Wiifblniiiuh, N?J. .WjtximuTiixCiiciciL, Ku.7, Itnyftt imO Sdccl: Jliclcfp'.-MtHti:*! ni'LT.ibikM, ijtd Friday In fich

, iiiioiili. ».irt,ti>lu mi l , Wurtiinijtan, Krcuritcr,•MS. /illjii!;, Wnah hgton, N. , l . . • • • ' ; .

linMor.AT CffxxAKi.Kiir, Nu.li, K.T.-Slntcdcmi.rlitVL-J, 'JuJ mill -lll> Wiiilntwilayit in mxr.U iiiimNi.Mii»<mic lltll. W.i.'l.lr.mon. llecurdvr, M. K-Hiiiib, Wiinljlnjton, S..I,

W*uRK»C.n-yclL, Nu.lfi,Jr.O. U.'A. N . - M M U- IMI;VMvi-ryWiiuiiliiy evi'iilnuv SliIoiV II01,

Wnrhhis!<iii.' Scctomry, LucUn Slin»|.i\ Wu-li-I t N J

d nnuilni.i, l*i milli.jti. MLM-UI.U* IUII. W

tn cctiw . li.

. . . . - . : . - • - : • - • • • L i

. . , , ct'ii'tiifr, \V"a*"liiiiliuiii7Ni J'.t Ctii:.it:ii.,,Sl).15, 0. U. A.M. Mcctlrn;

, TtHiHNyuTi-iitiU. MI-CIIIU'IV'K Hall. >kc-

Umt.iE»i!JarMK.NT. N.1.11, I. U. O. V,, im-ctn 24nnil Illi Ttiiimdiiy cvi:iiliiij"ol eiie!i I'liiiilti, l:tOiltl 1'vilimV Hill, W'rtftitlictim. t>eilbu, Tiioisi-II* Tivyluirii, .Wufbliigjlog, N. J . ,

•iviirySn'tiiriitiy I-V'IMIIIIIJ In' o\l 1 IMttiwt-' ll:ill,

lu-ton, X..1.

utr, MmiK V. 1



cr F. Ita

in Otl.'Jltclut

, Witeilll




7 i

^,. | ,[rh-!.i: , .N.,l.*T, NO. (Hi, II. A, It.

- m i l : :;Ai!jt,-«-i-,'u, S..I.



Civil and Criminal Law Practit!oner,Notary Public, Ha:ter in Chancery.



•\ViiHliliifttim. K . , j . ,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Riillcifar, Mauler it luvinlnci- in C/miicei.PRACTITIONER IN TllK OXITKD

STA'l'Kd (JOUUTri,Ami in all the Courts of i\Vw Jmcy

XJliysioian <fc Snrgeon.WASHINGTON, N. J .

Onlcc (||i|iD«lte I'ost Oniri'. .Ti'lrjiliotip lit .Mllltr'n

11 HOP. -IAS. I.. KOSKSHKHV.. Wuslihiulini. N. J..


nl his lnuiie, nr at re*Iu>nee of ivijills. sSpwtulattention paid In riallments Alri'aily ha*dr^o fins?, uml incut.1* with «


Q T . Ci.OL'D.HOTEL, . ' . . •. ' "

WASItlXllTOX AVK., WASiltSfiTOS, >. J.~'~

. . ' ' UN!=iUl t l»Ate i JSIOI>

• in Locution, Accommodation uud .\l:in;i-,M-

lai'til. renuanoiit utid Transient

. A New BII.LIARO PARLOR AttachedC. K STAATKS, l'iv)jrhtor.

fe Dover Boiler Works,WT'r DOVl ' . l I , >'. . 1 .

VOSTUUF. i;n:i:!i," - PHonsiKTou,M.lNLT.UMTIlKUOK

Strain l!«ll.'T!«. Smiiltc Slju-ks, Blast 1'li-c.i. \V<n

' • ~ - \ Slu'iil Ir..n \v.jrlc. All tilixl* of .-.-.•.mil limi.l l:u(TAtm Jinii'l. On- llii.-l:-!s In stifls, Ul.t Hull,

V.YViirSl.oOi) fi'ini

l""i!.™ti''.l' wh'.'ur'l;Vli'!iviir tlmt tliu policy Is

i \ s i : K A . \ r ! : i « M

'iinrcu. ' I ' l H i l r willlll(,' !11|<1In f. irw.


Machine Shops,BOWERS & MITCHELL, Prop's,

M,M,,,r..,a.,n"7i"'i'i»K'ST'iiki,»i. "a

Castings & ApiiiralliiiplEineiilsWo full *iu:fiul ullciitl'in to mil- iiuw *

Cniprovctl XMows,•lilrli ur« inuilu'iif tlin' tot wlillo Iron, nnil

wnrnuili.il 1" >t"iir o]nal Iu elilll iir Mrtl III allklniN of Hill. Don't InryftuciiiinmifLiL-luro

LIGHT and HEAVY FARM V/AGONS•JI'IUNC TliircKU, all ..f which ar« Hinduw l»e*t niiih'iliil- :itul ^iiarautccil. \Wliav<!i>u liHixlutall ihueji i full stuck of

' iliin-V I'liwi-rn". Tliri-cliernaiiil Clcuiicn1.Itimd SciiiiicrM. Water Wheel*. Irtm Fencing.Curt Ir.m Keel ami MISIIIK llnxv*. May Cut-tew, tiled SliW* njmle of lliu heat W hlle Iron.AkoiigunU fin- : , . - ' , : ' ' ... . "'-"."

Buckeye Moivcrs, Reapers andPelf-Binders.

Iron Work for HulWliii! uml wmorni I'niuulr.vfork. All orders mai repair! m; promptly at-willed tt) at the liiwwt IHI»IMU rulcx.

H O l t S f i ^ W U O 1 3 1 X « -slinviy Ihulitivort. (ilvc «s ti call, a* weiieniitoiilviituturiiclliri.

Bowers & Mitchell,At tliu Uht llmviTi* FtmiHlrjy

THF.mnKTnL'iioi! - - - .,tiii'L' In the t'uilertukhii.' liti>liK'f.*. auil fi'lnijlit' iicci] nf mi lTn.li'rtalii' Iu t!il> vlcmUyiwowiiwl anVstulkliuioiit at l'OKT MUI!

V:.\V. uml inki- llils nii-lluiil ut liifttniilnsr tlwii" • id" iind (lie luihlli- that Un;y arc now j-n'

il to ilu fmlertakliiL' in the inojt a^in-vct> ami at verv low r:\U-f. W e li

! \ ' l lnil l

tiv l

iR-t of -fur tin' pnmitit ami ntlsfacthiisiiii-fii. W« u.-e.'. C. Tay ^ *. - .I.:i1>..ti',l Ice C.l.-!;i:t, f.".r l-.rc.:ei-vln;z t!:---wltK f..!.l air.

'• HV ,(/.<•) ditemhtlmintj in the rW nut.Our emlnitmiii't ko'!>* t?w k-Jij t'er ....?unlhuru Lwilk.u/.Miiic .tlmirol. Kith.ndi,r, »MI after tlir.f or y,iur ilai/* the Milloiii:- i>, Iti'r than if hen tir.-t

AriVi-ivltMif rdilln nr 1-iifl.i

,1 mM«.rt liotift!. Vur nil tliillf.-nifs tliu ?amc. Xliiht

JTMiiWll. r-ilfiM'tt.-tiiH-li. Hint SI'IHMIIL-:Mniiiitidii. Onl.Ts ttv Ti:lt;|iliiiiie rci-iflvfil, mill•Vi:i.i-:!'ii«)Ni-: c i iAlmw i'Mi> HI" t 's.

Our Tmiis uhd I'ricc« are eery,

nttwiiabU'.Virrv Kc.-1't.-etfullv.

T H O M P S O N . & ' C O . , ;

will U>

tl 4-ly

. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.Noiiiv Is.'.ln'reliy Klvu-n that nil IHTSOIH V

l lJ t

JUlllCiAS PlITTV.llflill VOVMASri.1'KTKU W. WHI.1.KH.•ions F t r r s ..intf.-SllKHUKIt

" ' N . I . 1 l lowji. is ' . '"" '"""W)i. <:. n m * o u » .W J I . KKITTS.JAIIKH I.O.MKUSON.l'CTEK KIKSKMAS.JI11A KI.I7.1BKTII WEI.]CI.AHK lUtlSK.i U ' V

YARD.tlotnniicnts, HeuiMmies, 'I'ublct.-. etc. Coin*«rv iilots enul(K«(l, nml HatLsfaetion guumiueil. I'lcafiO call uml exiiiiiino iny.Htuek Inore imruliiiFliiKelscwlicrtt. Ucslirns furtiislie;!iecrf tilly to ull iwrsons on apiilieailmi.

Clias. Force,

r"~:-~~;-7"T"--r-r:jos; c; THOMPSON,1-::.


i n i J. fflahonW\SIirN'"TON, N..T.



KNOW THYSELF..' A Great Medical Work on Mauhood, KcrvoPhytlcnr Debility, rromnturo " Decline In1 Man,1

:.. EsJiEiiatcd Vitality,' fie, i c , nnd tliountoiamla..erlc3'resulting from indiscretion or CSCCBSCB; 300

. PBRCS, substantially bound In cllt, miirjlln. Con-tains mora than 135 Invalnabla prescriptIOIIR, c rliniclns every vcgctnblo remedy In tho jihnrmcopmta for all ncnta nnd chronic diseases. Itcmpiintlcttllyaliook (or every map. Prlcoorlyjl

- - l>y mall, [lOBt paid, concoaled in plain wrapper.--ifiliV.STItATiri! SAITIPLK F R E R T O Kl.l,Young nnd mldillc-ngcd wen for the uoxt ninetydays. Send now, or cut thin out, as you ir.ny.novcrBOO It again. Adaress Dr. W. U. PABEER, * Bui-

. /Inch fltrcct, Boston, Mass. '

•WANTED-UDYfeSitt?1^• wiC3.,lii]!»Mv1st.-,H. y. ,:

LADIES!Aro yon rrcklewt rnoiiph to venture t If so sendtwoci-nUinHUimitH to Itui Mack J'ublUhiiijiCo.,EM nml K» WtMlilnRtoii Strict, New Yorft. fornuu or thi'lr Iwnutlful llluiitrnletl " I . I I I U C H -I l o o k f i . " II IH a liuTi], iiiijiim:, uml latc-n'Bt-lug work to every iK.-r»uii at n.-llui-inent.

On receipt of ten centa In t>tntii]M thej- wit Ipiul postjinlil n mil set of their fmuoiw liotisc-loIdKnmu V c r b n .

lTurtcn ccntfl tlicv will nlfft wnii n UnnU rou'nliilncoinplda wonts of "Tliu Mlkiulo," mill min-ic of[«inofl (Hil'iiJaf (otiK», togclhcrwith tvn cxntitfItv

aUINEPTUS!cxn plycyrrlilr.nl nrnmallc

l fur ill!siiliI"K tliu inMu of qtilnino umlordriiKB. fitlier holld oriluid. l'ri rl'lnt Itotllo. PruKrlbnltiytlimiM

In J!uro|H! nnd AniiTica Forii

ftitliis, li pconiiHiiinil fur ill!>siili'I"K tliu inMu of qtilnino umlntlicr blllordriiKB. fitlier holld ori luid. l 'rirc. «r.C t l ' l t I t t l l P l b l t t l m i M m i l s o f .

liyelcinim In J!uro|H! nnd AniiTica. Foriimlii nc-umpatilca c;-cry botllc. " Tor Sulu by Urugslsta.


Tho Academic Fhannaccutio Co,,LOSDON AMI yVAY YOltK.


ELIXIR.-An olecnnt KngHsh plmrninct'iitic n'tviMintlluu

for bilious, iiinlnriiilnmltilooiliruiimL'Ki tliu ro-unit of over twcnty-llvu yours of most ciiuncac^ApfirovJd1 by'tlie hlphcfit metllcnl nullioritlea.

In use In tho liosniltnlH In every nnrt of tiiropo.Especially liclnful to ladles, clultlreii and p<.-o-

l« uf Hwlcutiirj- Imblls

y R ;

In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.

JVcimml solely by

^lio i^oyhl PliUmMeutid (jo.

LONDON AND NEW YORK,Chemists l>y nppolntnicut (o Ilor Jtnjesty ilio

Queen and to lliu lluynl Kniuily.


130, 132, 134- Charlton St.

ROYAL^ILLS.Saino medicinal properties as ltov,u, KLiytn, In

bosey, aO [lilU to box, for it!i tvnta.


REMEMBERTHE_BIG FOUR!Vinegar Bittera CORDIAL,|''f^j""9} 50c.

Vinegar Bittors POWDERS, M .loses, fiOr.

Vinegar Bitters, now style | ' ' ' S I " [ * 1 • 0 0

Vinegar Bittors, old style, Wttor taste $1.00

Tho World's Groat Blood Purlflorand Llfo Giving Principle.

Only Temperance Bitters Knowmtli

will tlnil that iiiv itliici! I.* UKAlKiL'AK-TKKS for ttiiytliiuiffi'tliu llrti "or owtvr line,

il tli'ii urit'CF ni*c us liivv n^ the lowt'^t. I ilo\vliii!csa!e ami rulu.l triulu ami keC|> theLtcL ovsicrs to lie Imil...., .'_ „.

tfrcsli Fisli Al^vays on Hand.

The patromijje nf the nnlule U invitcil.

JOHN BAILEY,llelvidcrt! Avenue, Washiiiglwi, New Jcrsuy

,vTeetli Extracted For__ _ 35 Gente. _„

,,..... .,_ . ~PreslrGasEvery-Day._ G'oij"Fillings a Specialty.

J.RGibbs, Dentist.


i«a KHivtunl clients In your own Htiito or county,

to l° c. A.'SKOW*<:<»., ,.

Oiil>6i*Uo Patent Olflco, Wfislilui;ton,'l). G.

a-o T OMrs. K. M. Skinner's

] J Tl ' 11 T

Brea,d , • _

O a k e 3 T->. • '

.:-... ^........,:,::Tpl2S.A l u U l l t i o o t c U o l c o m i f w i U ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1

. : J . - L . ; - - . : . " ; : i : ( , 1 1 0 t H I l l W l U s l l o W l l i . i t . . - : . -' ; ' • - .

These GpoiUwcve the JiesU

B. H. McDonald Drug Co., proprietors,SAN FHASCISCO AS» NEW YOltK.' . . '

ThcLittlo Girl ofc*ottya1n\rs.'I'lniriOftiysixire'it^i ilny.

" • '•• 'rii"'ini.i mul wuimr.i iny. v;:

Ull innii|iU-Hl llrl'lH mul rl-lM(l>imti>-t»rii.

- Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • •


A l l t 1<I

With i

••k, .wutfhfi

. ! ulHttiM'•jvmui'l tr.

Ami timitlytnln-A hi-»vy|imil>l i i '

•»lM*t *—ntl Iwr s*li*i

" J t y l'IVI1 tn

Tl «tl..Tli,|,

l l , < > <


r.tyi1"r liri1

• i.ri-tlltliT

!•• Jd

-.1 rv

1 tl!

W t l

n l n

y.l.m It


i l—Henry W. Trm-ll in V.'Hit

riiiiill!iciiU'iii,,ri'1:itiil !•)• (Jipi

Alien Ownership or Land.Tim l/Hl now luiiiliiifi Ijcforu COHKVCKH lo

i l>r>iliil>il iiLi^.ii.-. wlin nre uol nml i\a not iu-

| loiul hwaimitiy i:itl/i.'in inuu owning u yreal-

i i r interefli Iliitu n loiH^'aolit for llvo ycnrr<: in

,ny l;tii<l wilhiu'llm l*iiilwt Stnton U fi nit'iW-

irul lutmiKli t tn pww. • Tim tiw»l. uf Hiteli

i^Ulatioti U nviibiit from tlia ntutcinuiit of

h i ftiPH lunlu Ity (jti»itj.;r.««iiiui lltiAiloo,' ft

n^iilHT t>r 11K- tSKi'ititittiD liavin;; tit-* liill = ii

tktni<\ l-'rom"ihU it jij^iviiy llint'.ccrliii!

itletl furri»ti!;r.4-itrini;i|ifilly Kiifili-sliiuoti-

iWii2UKM,0l)lViwiv.'* or limit in this country,

lltiw tniK.-U hiivi t i i l l»y initillml nllotw liUw

;lii|iort:iul( IH it i; f;e?iiernll.V !i*:M hi Htilnlli([

•'..M^. : in itiMiti»u t:> tliii al>i>vu, tli- noble-

ini'ti invn, tii-(Mr>liiti{ li> thtj. smnn' mitliority,

r.itlniinl 1



. Nituro's ,Bast Bovor.ifo.In Hie ftiliilmiteit wiiUkoy irliiU ii

vmory SlorM w:w cliief ctiiiKfl

t.iljccn-I;. AfUT tlio «riii'lu*imi

Mr. Htorrs ntnl a iiuiul'iT of I

ft'.li.*rcil in snciul intcrisnii1s;w

.arty tool: from Iu» jmt-Jtot ii«»i

I'k'ltfit'.ctl iiiwritMiilii! to ivnttT mul tau l it

nl.»i.l. WIH'II lie liai'l coiivlu.l.;il Mr., .Sum

i.(iilnrlv(.ljs-jrvi'i1. In MtlHtrtiiiw, tlnt'ivaf

ulhuiff lwwiuM.Iw.ililliiiiii^lf. 'rit.i-u>.-i

;tu inwyiTf* calli'il niion iiini to try it.' \\<-\

few iiiimiU'UMi ai-.Hu wl'tlr ii «liw j.i': V.

inn! ti> licjjin. A sli'ii<yr.i|iln.T|iro.si:u: iool

owii'Hiii'wonls. 'Tliroii^h liis liimliuw llu;

jioxvillc Jtmrnitl imtiliwlius ilifiu fur tli

first lime, wilh siil.-itiiHtiiiHy' Um ii1»>v6 «s


lIoMiii" up thu ([las-s Mr. Slurrs lif^im

'•Him- do you osjiect lo iniiuovi! iiiu-n '.h

IrtvcniKoruniWiwlliyimlitr.!? Horn it is

-A.W.rrtule-almtitlhtMmly |tift. that 1 M

li'siviiilwl nii,lelik'.l front. tln» (iimlt'ii i

l-Mwitl .Xntiuo's i->niirii(.ii uiirricr—not er

the niltcniK'^ nf ri'i'tiit:ii[:;li.)!i, no'

ili.slil!o.l ..vvr nuiliy fimi !• Not hum

the hot imtl lioxintH \A\IMA uml ft

ivoniw niiit ri-tovt^, foiilinwl in rechiu^ vat-*,

(iliiroil iii claiiiiuyliniT.'Umiil IWKM, »IOKII iii1

uialarioiH cellars full of nils ami roliwtilw:

N\i ittiultcrnllLiti HIIH it with stili>]iiiriu nci-l.

.s|>irltj4 t»f nitro. striiiuoiiiiiiii.ninl other iliM'lly

;m!ii.| iMlsnii^ milil it i ' i-alloil "fjfty

u l "lm;: j u iw ." "fu-il oil,"

Jyhtniii;;:" I I ' i s liot l«i»t

i.! faiit-iof.+ .m1 IIOIT iiu-1 ti*.'

re't Ilio T [ii.tf of wliU'li. iniilor foro-

T M I l i i i liI(M, will IMTUMSII to tlitir

i H . 'J'liis liniiiu ttlicn Hj' tcm uf own-

i.'nhi[> \* tint ftniiiiliittim of tlw hynitun nf

l l t i liitiii. li:W cuiHOil'- HO • milcli












with the h;st intitrc

•ounlry, nmi UIUHOI

) pro

A i


me t<


V.:!lt it tllO ICV


ully urrivin** hi

•nan'.H rut tlin v

i-rlonl-i uii'li't

.Is of Hi

nier inoi

io i>eoi

wiires r

i trouble Mill

nuhcr <

i thlrt cm

ait jidssi

• coiilni

.f iiini

imtry i


cU tun








:.... If il iiv.M,U.l tiny nr

yil l«UiI..'iK'yorsm;l

• tliey snil for oiu

ystii ccmltl


A. L


fimiid in » niHuvilwl heforo tho rm

Uy Mr. M.rA.bi. 'hlmwliiK Imw one

Siiiilly, wiii.tvVi.kM in l-:»Klitiiil, an.l I-

r t uf the Q:uv», owns !K>,IHW ilcr.\H in Uli-

;>b. 'I'liis Intnl. il HL-OIIW, lit *iici)ii|iktl..liy

iiii,ln'.h of l.'-iMiiU.'moUly i^uoranl fur-

;;ii-''M rt'iin i^y lli.'tir runt to uu HU»i;ut, 'Hi

ime :\H in \vAr,v), who Mt[ii.'o/.w the tt-uatii

diar.t ii.i)i.Hiiiilo. l i i l l ihwayhu IH ahli

. (ioii-l Mr. Sjiilly two liuiuln-il tlimiiin

filtsirn \w tiimtiitr iis lent, i-vcry cent i

•iiiclt is 8[n*iit iu Kinope. Another ca

ui-li'.l w.u the lifurley wtntc,' conslMtiiiH i

limit :!,IK)J ai-ro.-j within tliu city limits >

•ilWinruli an.l Alk'-hany, from ttia nr'uls o

•lik-ii i!.ii:i-l.>y.-i, wlm arc Huyllih Hittijoct-

KI .liMtli, "

in.- la-t coi

iiit farun'i

•vul! nalivvs

iH or tho Unitml Htntia sliov.-.

ry h;ii th« Ur^i-st lininbt-T •

"iany nation .in tlio. wwrl

^ miriii'licyof "iviiiK IKHIW

w well at furci^m'rs who ha

Inli-iitibii "f ImiimitiK i-illw

im.l'im.i.t'lH'lwfow it U .IMI.1:, t.. ih.: c l . r »i \ - ^ ^ ' " ' * «-'' '." "l^""1 1"1 1 ;""1 f l ) r »'

oMdyiirfctulit uml h 'W hplllwiH.

mil not vicos aio its fu»ip.i:ii»n«. lK«s it

lattse (lriiiil»>iiiiM, tlisouM-, .k'nth. rrm-lly t»

vonwii au.l fhiMivii ? Will It iihuvr-m* HI

the p.irs.j)i. liiortii^Jrt <m thu *»IIM*IC. fnrin ami

Will it iwinutni' w!i;;.-*.. mitt in-

i!i(Mi. iisul ruin iii->n in Im-iut-s?

No! nut itlUilsiut;''^aii!-rrc!..ii.h, fur ii[i

in Hie tjiiiot Siiiumai'sky, uii'l h<iwn in tho

iirc-iry mist ovrr thu u\?n? f.i:M "f our

siisir^liiiit iuUt-i. It veih; th.i w»'<N »«*!

l-.-v; ilrlft

; : . li;:tthl.-.l

pPurify 7iie Blood. :


. Refreshing Sleep.BURDOeK;BLO0D~8[T:TERS

ton -;••• -.

That Tired, Weary Feeling.Sick Headache. *•

G K T S : — I Lave been subject to SideHeathclii! for years, and liai'e tried, invnin. many advertised remedies ami sev-eral physicians, bulnll to no purpose. Atlast I tried ybur It. 1>. IMitcrs—withoutmuch faith, I ndmit—but to-.day I VMItruly suy, tltut after Hiking the third bottlo,I hiivjuotsullurudfroniit. I recoininendit lo all my friends; several have beencured by il. Sly litilr(;raiiilson wtis per-miuienlly cured of Uiliousnena and SickUcudaclic, which wcte so Ktveru-.iuj locause convulsions. They have nil ceasedBincc lie commenced th'j ns« of if.IJ.H.

' AlUS. 11. C. HOOLK,

Oranye, Luzcrnc Co.uuty, I'a.



: - TIUH SIM{liS'(i_.STUCK t.S Mi-O i - n uM i a iv /UKIdUK-_,IN0 OFFEIIKO.

A'XMINSTUUS from ?iJ.Wl |»ur yil. u|)WiirdWII.TONS ' ' from 1.75 insr yil. unwurdMOQin-'.TTlvS from \.2~> pur yd. iipwunlVKI.VKT8 from l.SWi [ier yil. upwiintItOOY HltUSSELS from .!W per yil. upwurdTAI'IWTIIY " from ;W) per yil. iipwiinlINGIIAINS from .50 per yd. upwardS\YJ.SSI.ACMCU]!TA1NS ..

from iH.fiO pc\; pan* upwardMA1JUA9 LACK CUK'IWINS..,>'••::'

from W.rill l«!i" I'lih' liitn'iu'ilANTlQUKunii l-i;KNClM.A(-:]:cu::'r.\lNd:

from Si..'*) iicr lii.ir ii|ininlN'nTTlNIMIA^n.Ap.F. i:Uln.\!NS

; friiiii "V.Tfi ji i-"pull- niiv,-!i"r(1CUIICOJUN UUUTAI.NS with Iliunlsraire l)«-

IIIKM fnuii Sri.01) iwr i)»lr niiwunlTAl'IMTUY COVEIIINGS :-. : '

fi-'ni> *1 -CO iioi- y<1, upu-linlCKETO.N'SE UOVKHINnS

fivm .^"' l>ui- .vd. Hl'WiiltlWliulow Slimlen iiiatlu oil slmrl nol'icu or Inr.-

- •!]» fumlsliml..


' JIAIL O1IDEH9.;. .... corrcHIJOmleiii-u IUVIUHI. ' '

Broadway. ,&• 19th St.,

TVEAFNKSS Its CHU K uml 'ciir«,-,liy onu\ j .wlin >VIIB iltinf uvciit.y-(!hlit, yrarfl.

Troafel liy limit ul tliu ubtal vinidiilhla ol Iliolay wllli iii> licndlt. Cluut liliiifldfj In llhruunnnllifl, umlsllibu thuii liuiulfwln ot thclu.by!nmo proucsfl. -A ltlaln. nlmplo, nnit SUCCORSS lHimti tniiilmait. Adilrom T. S. VABE,138 Knfit liOili St.,,Ncw York Ully.

. , . / / • • • " " : • . . . '

iitli'r lioiir. II l»l-< it.-.-if

. . <>r <;!ir.i.i.>!<»nc. itii.t t:

i th . ! Ml^vtri.. ili^!i fiM.it it

: | . K . . l » » i «•••!

Wiilo uir witti vivi.l liuv.s t.f iStv. It U en -

ricl l.y isimt «'ii»l< mail f.Uk In ni.lllii.! w:r.

tains uf liquid ilntpury mvr nil llu' UiiMy

W.M.ljiiud Il.il.i^,' iiu.i Us.- i.i r,.,.l\, iiiy^iie

E'lstom .lunCviM llw U-imiifnl l«i»- ">' 1""'

inis't, i;luiilii'd wilh r.nli.iiu.i; tli.tt s-'.-in^ r-'-

lloiilel.iutiifluMVi'iiibrff. IIKIKU.1.-iiillio'<•'-'

irVVtll'Ht'f IIW lliullllt.lill ll,.J:Hllld tlHMl0\V-«>f

tliii v.illoys. II aifciilly av...|« iutu I-M'II li-.if

in thu iiiniid fiirl'ilj ci( tli.' mirlil, fivii* mul

ti.i'.Hevery fruit uml iUu-r. It is hcK'intliu

t;r:uw hliides of tlio mi'iidows .'Hid tlioiv

licrs tl.0 corn wuvea it< la*»-la and wliml

ooa il.i l>ill<nrin|i: It f u n Ilio d. iilli of tlio

isurt «'itli tho flml, nivon i«ui«, »'iud« it.-olf

ii.l the v irtli. r.v.ls

uwitliuiilo.i-orco:isT:--|t HapsitS-iuni;:

:ho llnshins wavo-i-rosls ,if tlm son, lniiahs

in Iho litllu rapid liroolts lii^o^ Ilio di ippiiij,'.

«rod, old oalion «vl|.huokot« in 11

lioat uf happy liuliK'S! K M Ihow

crntkul ico, full iifprisiuatL'tMlurs,

liainondj LJ-istou. J o . tlicir Ja i ry

^iiii'flt"tlio liriutniin^ ^iaS,": lli^it

swootost niiiniu in at! tlio world to nno half

[aintiug wilh thirKt. And HO in tho

BiiaBo of poor <ild fliinjjli, T-. ask you,

thors ull, would you I'xchnngo that spnrk-

1, tho drink of


Malting Her Things Last.f Kvery housi^i'np

rciitintiit iBiojw taM

furniture. Ciirlti do

iieiiiliei; that wc-A e

Hjsa-sHious will oflei

licciy on very litllu

'When I wits i\ t-hl

miikiii" her tliinys

glove's imtl rlbUiiiK w

lililivi-.l-iisi'd l!o'.\w

to niiihe tlioiu lust iu

r knows how t

lliipn imil l«m

nut nhvuya ktioy.*

i-u of their own

cnaljlo tliem lo

money. A liiily

tliciv was one

Was ilisthiKiiMi

list.' Her ilresi,

oiv a marvel of


without their 1



0 1

















i i '

H i e eason wli

' Mint shu- tuolt

as and

iteil her lit her owi

her clfithes woio w

Hiieh "ood nnro of tliutn. Her Vuwsus wen

bnwlicil.iiuil folileil uway caivfully. inul tin

slightest spot on them wns ivmovrtl «s stim

its it WHS ilisiiovovuil. Her lint was wrJitijieil

iu nil old 'pocket lmtnlkerchief, atul

in u box IIH soon us done with, the *t

tairrs ltrin;' stmiglll.lliod ailil.nilli'il

Nyiiuaetrii;ally eairh time, llur ylnves wore

never folilod to»elhcr, but woro pullml out

Klrnltfht nml laid Hat in u has, onn upon the

olhor, each linns they wero itsuil, tho (iniwL

liolo l)uing nieinleit nlmnntlieforc it hail lime

toiHhovit^'lf. -.lint tho fhinfi thai inipies^.l

mo'inoat was tlio' mis shu Iwslowcil tijt^het1

"iiiiiio'ut"'"AViien"n^l:iii^'ii]i \iow'rSlSr fliiPil

In linn Um uppi-r_ piivt.. of- Mirt l II>JM<n .-willi

while pa;:er, ami thid not only pivvenloil this

vibljfin from bccomiiie limp ami civased but

l,-q»t it clean, so tlmt when the binv won soil-

ed on ouo niiit) Him conhl turn tho nbb-.ni,

ami Iho part itml had,.boon coyomt oaniu

out lookiufj new and fresh. Tlmt jjirl limr-

mul lirmiglil «y u larf-o fitniiiy. ; l ie

Imslwnd hud to fi»ht^hiH'.way(. fiii'l iliil KI

bravely, nud wns uuusunlly sueccHsful, fo:

ho becniiio. wealthy, lint his prosperity'was

duo quite na liiueh to Lis wife's eavo mul

oeonomy in Haying lnbnoy na it was tb'liis'in

i i i u k i n g i t . " • • " • : " ••••-•••••'• - • '• ' : ' '• • / ; • ; -

My liver wna so fearfully tltsoi'ilercd find I

folt HO feeble' niiil" liuigiiiil; Hint I scareoly

tool: interest iti nnytliing.'' Tried nil .'tlio no-

oil reniodioa. wiihoiu rolk-f.mitil I nscil

Pnrkor't) Tonic, which effecied 'n iiermnncui

cure—DmidUnsli, Litllo lloclc, Arlr.;

• : ' : ^

tlisil will limit tlm aiiK-

tli» tmlili«'«lam!iiiiiii»l Im-iik up th


Ih -V .Ifii iitk>il in tlw

WII-M tlio natnr.it .ni.Tr«so iii_tlio populate

..iid tint fi()(l,O'lH ciKiitw i

r iniw to piovi.ii! honip

mUiiiiil kf.'p them

niM.-tti will l»*still n

KiT.i.'t'liy tisa Sicntvic Light.'

tin- ht-'rm' r. r.-!:!!y in Hie viuinity. of tli

!!:wifl ut-Tr.idu lovvw li^bt. Clilniyo. '•

noiio oilier tinmndii»-Avr«f blnU. Y

• hv, •Ahi'ji liic wi.tL-limim ui.id.- his roinul

li.('f..f.i.ltli«H.W,-nl!isi[ii.lslr.'i-i!* in fni

«i i ' . . t..wtrffl:rly(-..v^.tl-.v::tli .UM.1 bii

nf silt sorls A litt!<> Ut:r (lie cliTlric-i

c-ii:ir.' d.'wii. ami win-is hu VMV tins {,-ri:iil pi

• >f l,ir.U h.! -.vid that t!a-y liail fouii killed I:

lli,;..-l-ii{ri(r'lii;lil at lliu top of the .towe

Win n Iio -vi'i.t up to 'bVlnnteni with sever

iiU'iiiWr-. »f lite Mniirtl of 'IViid.i tlu: roof w

Lrtiiul.*.. Ut w\-i>ioil with dead birds. The

l.irrti tint »t t'V-ry known variety, unit mm

unfamiliar ^-eiiis :nv im\mti lh-j lot. ,1

diiid.'.iiiiul f'l'.r!! nr.i thorti-sunrlet, )»ln

pink, r.d.: «mii:y; iimlllul M\e1t nml-whit

and lin'iv wcro T.HIII' snipe aiuJ plover ninoi

wi'iv •|iltv.u-[fil-l>j"iiS'[{Wiit H«ht. will

kiU.-d iiwm til. iuuini-iit they touched

Tli'.-ii! wfiH a •i'.'»iutlv.=s" nuiiiber "f thou

tfiitiiiulitolriiiwiirtlio ladies" lints in HI

A True Picture.A NVI.rrtsitii .;!litiu:.'--ivith u pootii-al turn

mind a m l ^ i o i A of spring fever, Bfla i

tin; followinj;: "Tin! • mullow yoose, t

ni.-iilaid duck, tho black bird nml tlw Wo

will Hocm bo ln-i-e from southern liohls

watch «i;r nonilk'Iils ^row; thu him^ry ha'

r.tid 'thiiiid'.Tptimp '.will ani>n eomc;. alou

and joiji tlidr irhuurEul msfcul^vith the bn

fiM»'s touerul song. AH tiatnw KHOII \V;

• Ion ln-r tfirb of Hivoii and dapple yni

while ."now mul IIM, ami coalbiiiri, too. w

fiadlyTudeaway. Tlio fanner's hoy sent u

(o plow will find a stack of hay, lie downu

on its sunny Hide and Nlcop for half a tin

T.im dry ^oods flork, with a doleful yawn

llO«llstol»tfM!llHlyllt-Ii|llsilM Of tWO-l-Ci

i-nliro will rest rn-m morn till ni.yiit.

"liiUlu hinyiifii' steals iipun ilie bravest a1

that 'jiiuUio time,U> rest."

P lay ing .Euc lmi "With a ^oiiifii)..,..

A sy'iiiiti-ildl baeinilorvsnys the futiowiiiK

nro the ivmwkn iiinil^ by (he- avenge woman

during a yanio of uiiulii'o:

"Whose play is it?*1' r

• £.\Vho.took.tIuii_tritlt_?. ^ , . ; . _

Cash Tor Oat's Hair.'Piil you ovi'rhrar," iwkctl an old rest-

!Ut, n few il«JM njp'i, nt i\ Star rqtortor,

owthn,l«liiUKlitL'r of'iwU1 ww brought


•'No," \V(w the nnswer, "I never knew of

iuy imtikiilnr Hlmiiilitcr of llio feliuo _apo-

t . " ' • '. ' ' • .

•Well,',' continued thcohl resident, J'forty.r» iiRi»,"'or tlicreaboutf, there wiw n wj

... fur froiiillio Patent Ofllee in which tlio

nts luul imiltiplieil HO Unit it wiw n mooted

jtiestion whether tho rodent* or taWwi woro

(ha mimidiincy. Tlio WILH mul. MUOUH

lirly KW.trnioil, uml (hoso'wlio lived on tho

nircH. Ihuilly C-MW to tho conclusion tlmt

i parly who wouhl ilovli« Homo clTccUvo

IUM of thimiiiiK them out, would ho en-

illutl to llm t-nititittlt) of tlio no" " "

liiUflct iho wlU of soniu of tho hiluiVilnnUl

,t work, nud U wns not long heforo there

ipenred K'foro ono. of tho doors AH Ini*

ciiBO pliiciird: 'Wnntcii: mt'H linlr. Hl«li»

.sh'prieu will bo pnid.1 AH limy ha sup

isod, this BOOH nltrnuleil tho notice of the

tyH, and dun imniiry elicited the reply thai

ildilen doniiiml for guii'iuiio €nt"n linlr hnd

mi; up, utid that the nrtictu nt tlmt time,

tnanded SiCO per pomid. Tho iirnnc-

liutu reanlt wan Unit for Bover.d ilayn none o

in bojH of tlw neighborhood could bo aeci

HI tho street, but tho coutintiuus • sound o

* thrown at the cnU in tho alloy*, toW

whom tlu^y worn and what Ihny wero uh

loiiiti nix or ciKlit ihty» Iind pastned mid tin

igii iliil not appoar to have drawn in tli-

rst ounce. About turndown tho denier no

U-ud, appri):ii:hitijihin«hop from nn nlley

fiiy, a i-rowil of some thirty boys benriiiK ii

:lieir liiiiMJiloiiKfivo-bualielhnyfHickhtuirci

ill. It wns dropped lit his door bcueatl

is astonished yn/.e, • .

"Why, Itoys!1 nsked thodenk-r, 'wlmthavt

.m then-:'' . , ; •"

'Cat's hair, sir,' said Iho forest Ui.v

Kwrj' bit eat'.s hair; killnl tlioiii first, am

;he» plueked the hair; can swear to it nil

•Why,1 exclaimed the dealer, 'I fear thn

iu will hrtiak me if you want your pay ii

lump, hut brinu in the bay. U'fs look n

i t . ' . • • • • ... '

"Tho bay was cnrrUil i» and liaslily open

il, when thu denh'r exelaiincd:

'Tut. lut: hoj'N, you have it all mixed.

i»n't do uiiythiiiK with the Imirits it is.'

"After hesitntitiH ho continued:.

'KiiuH! you have had nil your tr.nilil.>, I'll

.•11 Jim what I'll do. .lust tako it bnek an"

'»ri out the hair, put every shade to itsell

ml I'll allow you mi advance of 75 cents u

:lu> poniidMhat will make $:1.!!5 per pound

"This salislled lliu boys, nnd they rttuni-

d with the bat{, and it is needles* to m

.hat nft.iran attompt to separate tho hni

:lwy Kavivnp tho job.. The neighbors hm

ieeomplijhed^their iibjuc-t nnd tho numb

it cats was reduced to less than nothing.'1—

Warfiifijton I). C. Ktnr.

• -._• A Tiger Hunt.Wo hnd followed tho trail (In a llttlo

crciilt) nl>oiit n mile, when wo enmo to n

dump of bnniboos puwiny inn hlmr|> bciul

ii the Mtrcfiin.' Vcra stopped abort, yrftSpcd

no by tho nnu nml poiuted wit!-the other.

Whenever hu discovered imy gAiiio'-I could

wnj'H toll lh« Hizo nnd ferocity of tho unl-

nl by the htioii«tli of bin grip. This tiuio

> my nriiimieh niiereo ({tip, I knew^ y y

io iniwt Imvti fmmd a tiger. Suru

Ihcro W i ol.l Stripes (ii nit lib (,'lory,


ily thirty ynnln nwny! The middiiy HUH

uliouo full upon him, and n more splendid

ibjpct I novor saw in n forest, IHH IOIIK jet-

ilaek strijitH xM'tncd to tiUtid on tho relief,

lilfo bunds of black velvet, while the black

mid while murks ou his head were .most

lioiiiitiftil. In m/M uud height bo

jterfeetly iminfiiw, nnd my Urttt thought

wiw,>' l ie isiw big us nu ox?" Whcu we

firwt saw him, hn wna widkin^ from u s $n-

iK ncross the bird oftho htmm Knowing

rcciscly what I wat.ted to do, I took a span

irtriihjo between my teeth, raised m y n i l

ml waited. He rcncliod the other bunk,

sniffed nrpund, then turned uud paced sdowl

back. Just as ho reached the iniddlo of tli

Htronui, ho tictfuled IIH, stopped nhort, raise

his head nml looked in our direcliou with n

is nn^ry .snn'rl. Now wns my til

to lire. Tn|;inf{ a steudy, capful uiin nt Id;

left eye, I hla/ed away, and without xt

piu^ to HOC the effect of my shot,reloaded my

•illy with all haste.. I half expected to s

tlin nroat brute ramo bouudiiij,- nrouitd that

clump of banihoiH nud upon oiio'V-f us, bill

I thought it illicit nut be I he would attack,

nd l*fore herotild kill ono of my men

could send a bulhl into his bniin. Vent

kept nn eye upon his every inovoini-nt nn

when I was afjain ruddy I nski-d him with in

pyo-briiws, "where is h i :?" Ho ipiicklyIHM

ded, " I h ' , (hern still." I looked i^ahi.

nnd sure enough he wiw in. thu saiuo spot,

but .-lowly turning around and nrnuiul, wit

his head held to ouo side, IH if there wn

sunictldug the mutter with his left eye

When he enme around and presented hi

neck fairly I iirrd nyaiu, niiiiinc to hit hL

neck bone. At that shot he instantly dn>p'

ped upon the sand. 1 quickly shoved .hi

frtsh cartridge, and with the riile at fi

cock, nnd the ti^er ciuvfully covered, '

wont townrd him, slowly nnd respectfully

.We wore not mm; but that ovt-n then 1.

would get tip and come at IIH. But he was

done for. and lay them «iw|»l«W, kicking

foaming at the month, and iu three uiiu

mure, my lirst li^-r lay doml at our fevt, Id

died without making a sound.

Tha Modern Shakespeare.. Sweet boy! Htuiietiiui'S whim eons

of inurtiility, nnd comes to me Iho hint thi

thou tnay'st die, I piu<; fo

eiumgh to th

iHoleiuu lary.

love 1 b

Useful Hints.Fircklis can U-ivi.u.v.:.! front Ihe

Mi Hand paper.—/•>«/». /''/*•• ,.-.:. .

Tin- Kcenfof whWiuy on the breath can hi;

subdued by smearing aHafi^tida on the

stitch,-. *

ju.c:tn siimki' n rabbit out of n hollow

mokiti^' a cigarette clo^o t-niniyli to let

Uy tunucriiiiig thu entire body !u soft tar

fnru picking up n bet- hive, ymi ciin rciuli-r

in-self iiiviiluuraliW to the assaults of tho

. . "XnyT cherub, do not' fr(.'i»ht thysoi

with that. Aiiiii!ill!»nv]iliii(,iw will do ft

" .Marry, 'lwill not, fi>r in this present tin

;;ivatni;s.s . ildili chil ly run to monuments

unf'tho' "tiio','worlii::itliy tjraniiciirktiowc

iot, a innusiili:um will nrott^e ihoui lo it."

•'Mayhap thy wit doth pk-rce tho pith .

.ruth, but, mark lliec, tlu-ro bo grades

jivutiiow. Rill. Knmo brands there are tli

lilo^som not till death and only live in' mm

ilc obdisk. some be th.ro of tlu: say.

If you nifiko ti habit of ket'pint; live, i

in your pockets, your louse ehitn^e will bo

comparatively wife from your enterprising

wife. .

If you take n small steplnddtr with you

into the theatre it .wilt bo. very serviceable

whuii thu .ilngo is barricaded from view by a

heira'Sttinyli\'h"isrtbo"-iiidispo.scd 'to

htay on ihc nest eoiitinousty, lot her real «1-

teinatu days nnd tie the rooster on the-. nest

while she's resting. •

The sont can be thoroughly swept out of

chimney by dropping a goose in nt tho top.

:The »eo£'-\m trying (•>,illy;iiiiward,.tlioniugli-

ly cleans the chimiiey with its whins.


. " Whii wiis

' ; 'Whoso itci11 Did I tiikv


imp* ?""[

l e d ? " '•

j U l l u i t J

•,ilmt ? "

imps ?"

" I s i t n i y p i n y ? "

"That's the

' " Is that mi

"Jliwon1!. yi

^Ji-AYljat'ii.1 l r

" What did

" WlllWll ill!)

And soon 11

A Knuidfutlv

found that ho

loft bow

ue V "

:m ,4"t u

limps ?.",'.•


^itf .liroiiBli n


lm.l inlJi

\ " ,

'(!?', Ul

1-A ....

Vfvruii l i t

ml his paper,

peclaeles,' and

(hereupon declared :^."1 Imi'o lost my glasses

fioiiKrtvlioro nml can't road Ihlo paper.": A lit-

tle three-year-old gill, dosirih(r to assist him,

aiiaworcd : " G'nn'pii, you ip'oulsido and

look'fmozo.window, nud rtl\hold KO pnpei

'ill1.so you enn rend il." .....

A Ilnrloin lady recently mnrriod, seeing

her husband coining into tlio House, slipped

tpiiotly behind him nnd gavo hlim •• n1- honrty

kis.H. Tho hmbsiid told her , ; • fiho luiil

' " ; • . < *

off ended.nil proprioly. ,. l'uniiln 1. panlou! V. •

nid'iiho1"i'iiiivelyT"l^'<Vnot ki iow it was

yon, " ,

••- i •'' '

Cheek, or Business?Tho a^ent of n pinto glass insurance agen-

cy iu a Western city received n call from n

toudi-looking stranger, who didn't waste

any tinm risking for the loiui of §10.' ,

" Well, this is cheek and lioiaistnke! "

exclaimed the agent.. '

• ' Itcfi pardon, sir, but it w straight busi-

ness. I'm a tramp. I'm a ni£;ht-hawk,

L enn break 100 plato gloss windows in this

Stale iu the next mouth and not yet caught

nt it. You can easily figure the cost to your


" I want to borrow thnt sum, sir, on mj

noti! of hiintl, duo tiiroo months hence."

He not rjitlyrlIrtt. il, but Iho.agent gave him


should.always bo.|)lcaHcd_to hoar froui hitii

bytiinil'. "™ * " '

Was it a Rapid Transit Train?As tlio enr reached Wcstville an »lil ninu,

with a loii", white- beard, rose feebly from'

corner seat and tottered toward tho door

Ilo wiis, however, stopped by the conductor,

" Your fare please." '

- " I paid my faro." . . . . - ! • . . .. .---.

" When? 1 don't icinembor it,"

. ." Why, I paid you when I got on tho enr,''

. " Where did yon get on ?"

" Atl-'airllavon."

" T h a t won't do," snid tho conductor;

" when T left Fair llitvou there wna only n

littlt! boy on tliu tsur."- -. - •-'--•••"-'••'•• "-;-'-

" Yes," answered the old man, " I It'iiow

it." 1 was that little boy." ~

Bucklon's Arnica Salvo.Tho lltwt Ralvo in tlio world for Cuts

llmiHon, SorcH, Ulcuw, Salt lth^uiii, Fover

Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Olulblnins,

Corns, nnd all Sinliruplions, and positively,

cures Wlps, or no piiy retl|.M.f15i1'^.-^L.'sJP

mircedTogivej.lwrfocfsatisfnctiou, or money

rofiiudcd. Pi'ieu 2ii cents per box.1' I'or

sitlo by Wnrreii Clouuly Drug Store ;• ?

A clergj'innii who was consoling a^yoinig


in ft'vory serious tone, romavkiug thnt he

was-."one of thc-fow.-r Such- & -jewel -of ,_n

Christi.iii-you ennuot find Ida bipinl, yoi

^vollkiio'w." 'J'o which tho Hohbiiig fair ono

replied, with nu niiuoKt'brpkcn.lioiirt, " IT

bet I Will." u . • o '. ' ,

L'rattt; w.rt that rosifJ'iht;ir

.loin's words an.l som

i-onteiit to carve their

•notaphs of vf

H tind that r

'• Carve, saidst tlioti, boy?"

" A y e ; caivu 's UM1' very word." •:.

" Marry, that lits thee to my .sire, iiuleot*

r often"imlli he mouthed him of thy way

d vuwed the ut him io tlw ry quick.y y

'•I'll warrant thee, and wort) his whin

ut, ho 'd suy lo


miny question of my m

liVn so,'.'but then gruat Cicsar linti li

foes, and nathlcss lives iu costly iiioiiuiiieii

ml .so, that thy sweet nietiln m.iy endnr

•hen tliou art dead I'll woo tho sous

weaith lo stint a ma um fund f

— •'Guud frii-i'id-r-.-.Swvtit friend.I'vAl:

ivoultlst please thy boy nud make him con

«iious of the charity that wmild uproar

him/ii costly pile, won thorn whilst I and ti

ipproval.live, for pile of shekels reared

is iii lifo is worth ten piles of marble aft

11B '•Worn: Tin: lSr.ru Kunio.w—An atuusii

incident happened to two American . felloe

travellers ofiiuno staying at tho hotel Dubli:

Wishing to see the sights they sent the no

tor fora jntiuting car, nnd as they mount,

noticed Hint l'nl, tho driver, hnd a blue ri

bou conspicons on the collar of his coi

After driving sumo tiuio they had him pu

up at ii;])ub]io house, wheru they got soi

refreshments. Having regaled tlionisolv

they asked 1'nt if he would take a drin

Ilo doseendeil from .his. pcrel^^witli^^gilit

"osciiii rningT'"'.! fcilKdryoitri ioiiot^T'.'tlinr

will."- -3'oiug asked \vh:ithu would take,.:

yered lirntly "I'll take whiskey.'' Afti

tho lirst glass, which ho scorned to"Junjoy

L'edingly. jml^iuu froiu'tho way he smacki

Ilia HpH,;he.,\viis offerod miotlier whieli

took with erpuil resolution. Pursuing tho

journey, ouo gcntlonian nsked him what ll

'blue.ribboit^nwnut^wlHch.ho woro *.»}_}

•Tiiit;1 ~"'' *Siif f," '* "sifys" Pu*" "it'"~»iiylit ~* iiToni

mytliiug. " ' ' I " our country, " said Iho goi

Ueman,;;nnd iu Kugland, it means tolal n

HtinoncoJfroni liiptor. " "Ho it does here, "

said Tut. "And why do you wear it ami still

drink whiskey?" said tho [•e.ntleniau. "He-

gorra, " was Ilio iinswov, "if I did not wear tho

ribbon no oiio would over ask mo to lako n

dritik. " : '

A gulil wfttish is » very,, pretty lliiny. to

look nt, i iu t i thas ,'hvitiii(f'd nmiiy a liirtii's

niciiiory. Wo unt-c knew n man who enr-

timl n silver watcllfor yeiuii and his liietiiory

was us good as anybody'^, but after hobought

a gold wiitch he couldn't remember the

time for llvo iiiuvules, "nd^hiii wliolo lime,

iiciiv1y,>vris occupied in cotiHuiiliuy liif watch.

•AnfllW:wiJ«.rtirinyi«I«oul-it-wwi' that thi.

move people there wtre about him the more

treacherous life memory became,— Boston

• Transcript.. "

How to Pull a (Jon.'I lliiuk tlio geuerril education of yoiinR

ten is being sadly neglected in this Htnte," -

iid nu oldhjMrt in frout of Swcciiy'fl. " In . ;

rcry woll conducted wiivcniity there Hhonld

0 (Hirofessor to tcncli tho boys tho ILSO of

io nlx-ahootor. Thoro ftro rulon rcgnrdlng

in-piilHiig thnt.ovcry Western uitm ought

know. Juflt put 'cut down, anil publish

in iii yoiir paper: V . :' ::."".:'"'•;

First—Never yull n (jtin. : -

Secoail—If you do jinU, bo tleail sure tliat

ho time lias comotopull it.

Third—Pull quick, with no flourwliiw.

fourth—Keep bnnging nt your man till

J lies down nud quits.

These rnli* ought to be piwtcd in ovory

mii'ti hut. If pcoplo would nlvrnyti obscrvo

1L4 Kchcdiilo there would bo n goal deal lean

ouble. Tnku for instnuco aoma youug mau

vho thinks ho U iuHUltcd nnd. wnuts to shoot

niebody, or xenro Homebody, or ninko a

jencrnl. IBH of himself. Ho takes a stop

rorwnrd with u nicloHlrauuitic stride, strikca :

1 position, nnd bcgiu« to innko ilonrUhes

'or bin hip ]>ocket. Then ho pulls hw gun

ml begins to do tilngrco work iu tho nir.

Vliilu ho U doing tho scollops as if ha were.

, . . thu stag", th>) other follow quietly pulls,

and ictH go, ami solid* the loud through him.

Then they pack him to tho coroner nud ttud

(lint he was killed in sulf-dofeuce.'., ; -.,.- . , .

Now you see, if Iiolind observed rule No. 1,

he would have been nlivo to-day, or, nftcr

>-io1fiting rule one, if he had olmcrved tlio

iropositiou Inid down in rules three nnd four

light have been nlive—inobbe, or at least

if hu was dead tho other fellow might have

>en dend too. At least ho IIIUH n chance ot

•curing metro points out of n pomiblo two.

A slow-handed m iu had better not nion-

>oy with n border gun. You must IKS quick*

witted nud quick-motioned. A second Isn't

Dug, but it is ubout nil tho mnrgiu you can

.uanonbly oxpectont Wttt when the street

duel opens. You uinst bo entirely for your.

4clf, I hiwo known scvcval ^ood men to lw

Inid. out, because they (stopped a couplo of

seconds to calculato if any i>iio iu the crowd

would get hit if they lircd. Tho other fol-

low ignored tho crowd and is alivo itml well

day, holding a lucrative utllw under thu

[irc-scut administration. "

Komctiiui-s you stop to think of a innii'H

Lvifi! nud childri-n. This is a good iden, mid

iks well fur a uinn's liutimuity, bnt not

,,.. much for his judgement. After you.

throw your baud bnek nnd touch tho handle

:if the gnu, it is too Into to consider tho

•oiiiuii and the kidn. Many n innu has eon-

Icivd this beforo hu scut his Imud

aek iitidHparcd innny n life; but after thu

lotion to draw, you must only think how

mi can pump the laud iuto the other mtiu,

_ar yon can bet high ho will begin right

;iway pumping it into you. If thoro in a

post'or dry good* box near, got to it. You

cnu display lots of nerve standing out in nu

open space, but you don't display much

e. A dead horo. iau't - ninth account, i1

days afltir he's duftd. Some of the ucr

vk'sf men that ever walked get behind n

post tin; minute tha ball opeun. 'Ilia best

ilea is to go without u gun nt nil. "Yorr

hnrdly tiearof a uinngcittingshot who doesn't

Imvo the. reputation of packing guiw. If

you have no gun you won't get too sassy,

Hid if you have n little row down town yon

liu't so liki-ly to bo hauled homo on Bray's

If I had'the say I would piwHiilawaboliyh-.

.ng giniH (of eoursi-, when I .use tho'*' word

gun, -:.t is the sporting phra.se for six-shooter);

jilt MI lung as gnus go, everybody ought to

IIKIW something about their use,' nud more

*pcciidlj how to UHe 'em.','— Camon Appeal,

A countryman bought a shirt in Huloigh,

X. U., ivhich WHS tho lirst white one he had

•owned. Tho next Sunday ho was to

be married, and that was tho important o«-

..^.oitthat incited him to tho purchase.....

The shirt had ii nice starched bosom, mid

" rte!:-.-.-sty!c.tkat;y.1!tsrEew;™

to the possessor. . After careful study he put

item with the opening in front, couclu.li»s,

tlmt the stiff bosom was n kind of Klioulilct-

braco to mako him,. stund erect. Thus'

dreswil lip met liw bride nt the church door;.-.-

but her knowledge wns greater tlmti his about ff

hirUr and aho iiintloliiin go1- home.- and'.-reir^

iir.su the yarment before she would allow the •

; ceremony to proceed.

It takes eighty men and women to mnko a

postage stamp. First tho white paper is cut.;

into sheets, each largo enough for u hundred,.

stumps. The stnmps on each shnet arc eonii-

tcil tiventy-Kix times to make suro tho inim-

bor is correct, Tho printer counts niid pass-

es the sheet to tho . gttmmcr, tho gununor.

gunw the bnek nud, having counted, gives it

to tho perforator, who divides the stamps' by

rows of little holes, uot forgetting to count.

It is surprising how quickly nnd accurately

tho hniuls can work. Seven hundred mil-.

lion postage tstnmps nro made every year in

tho United States. New York City uses 8,- ,

OOO.IHW.a month.—Ex.

- Jl^SL lliRV Muniimiigenbli! as they nre, L

giriiT'Sro likely to "get thoir^duos" likorotirer"

people.-Thobenutiful girl is courted for

her beauty nud spoiled. Tlio plain girl is

admired and loved for her usefulness nud is

seldom spoiled. In the long run the plain

girl gets more appreciation nud genuine ad-

miration for her usefulness than the beau-

tiful yirl for her, l>eaiity. — Philadelphia

7?w«. _.; :- , ." ' . I'i ..yj.^-.^L^-,^

When you subscribe for a. uowspapor re-

.iiicrabcv yon will find things in it tlmt you

"don't lil;o, and.othor items of no jiftrticiilnr

interest to you. But the items will interest

Houiu one who has at) much clirim ou the pn-

pqr as you lmve. When you buy a chicken

foi: dinner you nro'not obliged to ent tho

feathers; tho chicken appreciated them,

'hough. • . j,"

The cliPfikwwt man in this yicirity is .tlio _

one who bus "ndvertisod" his wifo in this '

paper live times, nnd recently nsked us to

publish the custonmry wife advertisement fit

half price, iu consideration of his biting " n

regular customer."—Li/on« Jtepubliain.

One lliblo house, which has been ostalj-

Jied hineo-1714,"bns (iifitribiitcd-no^fc\vcr~

than 0,Uu0,0l)0 Bibles. And yet thoro nto

pooplo who cannot toll wlint part of it cou-

tains that celebrated soliotiiiy "To bo or not

to be. v~?rJioc}ie*tcr Post-Etprctmi.


A l l I r i : d ^ n l : ^ l ^ u ^ c . . ^ ^ ; i

proaclnug Iho counter, said ho wautod to

purchaso dhat.,. "What size,;, sir ?•' nskctl

Iho'naiistiin'tr*''" licgiirrnri' don't know,"

sniil Iho Hibernian, scratching: his1 hond,

"but, I lake''noiiics in lioots!"—London

V ( p ^

you lo thia place, my frieutl?" Convict

"Suc'oziug,":: Visitor—"Sueesiiug'V,",: Convict•:

:—"YOB, sor; it woko th<i ^litlemnu, up, an'

ho nnbbctl mo. Have yo got n hit of tobneky

n h o u t y e , wt^—Xx.-x •','•:•. «•••' • ^ '


Page 2: ^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

I The Washington Star

ILaitoc & ^Blazer,1 I'lTUI -t AMI 1 LIU l-din.t.

51.50 p:r Year, Ir. Aivar,::.

'XIIOUNH Hiiu fur Hinliioil ns nui-riiinjjIroiii i\id Lavcrty hiipwiciiincut trialninomit to'over $7,000, : •1";;•';,\

•• J)r. i)i<i Lowiss ilicil tui Friday ninniiiifntliislioiuo in YimUors, X. Y. At.(in1

: nix wcolif* ngo Itu ira/* JJIWVJJ from I.is" liorao iii XoitUcra suit! tlio nttiiunl (slemtc1

. on his right log. EryttijH.'liUt But lit an

'ilcath fullowuil. *'

Itcv. 1 • ' ' by Dwiylit, 1). 1)..been olocL, ivHtdent of Y.;lo CnlU>Ki\UtRiiccccd. ltev. Dr. lVrtui", who fornmll.vtendered life rcaignntion uii tlio (jrc;;udUnit tho duties wevo loo biir.U'itt'oiuu invn m.ui'of liis years*;

; Altlormnii .Incline, thu eouvjeted bribt1*inkerofXuw York f\\y, 'wits remnved

Figures of Striko Losses.Tlio cold ilg.tr.es which uliotv what loss-

es, liiwn been inllictcd upon tho conntryl>y tbo latu Inbor troubles tiro ~nuy thingbut inspiring. . yMifW/'w''«fotlti»tw" '-cuntahm a Kummnry Hiiowiiiff thu wnsaorillcoil in tho principal iiuhulriul

siticoMfiy 1, tho nmount of in-jury to current imsincsKnnd tlio new bnsi-

htiitlcrcd ntid iiulei.n.lcly pnstprby tlio uncertainly yiuwiug out of llioi;otrouble:'. : . |

This MUimmry placcn tho direct loan inwityw til S-.Bft'J.OitO, the low to current'husincs.1 tit S'J.lO- OOt) and the new buni-ncsii hindered or postponed at $ 1,800,000.Twentyloillions of thin ItilU-r Hem is inbuilding omitrnclp, which are. iiltuost ctr-tain (u bo deferred' fur another year, ifnot luiigiii1. Forty per cent.Jjf Ilio lo».iou these ctmtnftcts will be IUIK.I'M IOSH,

Clov, Hill IIIIH signed tho billiulmiliing

.women to practicu law in -N'mv York

t i e . • ' • . • . . • ' • • • • ' • • •

lust Friiliiy to Sinj; S to setve out n

ftcnlciiGU of iiim* years inid tonJ le in giv<3ii uiuplnvmont in tho l.iundryilep.mincut, lii>, parliciihu' v.url; byinj; tt>turn KhirtH wrong side out.

A fo\r politician*) iu Ci>iigivs»ti, niird.loto utake any reputation for thcmselvcHou their merits," ami endeavoring, tn

'. Rtreugthoii themsclvort nt Iiomo, lmveintroduced vnst' mimburii oE bilfe for theppimioiiiug of soldiers" in tlu'ir ivspcctivtDistricts by spwiul nut, Kvory tlenerv-iug soltlior should loceivo n pension,and if Lin ensu i-J ono flint I'annot beproved u p uiider thu fjoueiul pciifiionlaws, mid rules of tlio Pension oflii'c,through thu donlh uf witno.wcB etc., tli

>Cuujjixt>* by special act should do himjustice. : Hut thii IUIOICKIIO iuttWticliimof private pension bills without regard to

'. merit nud for the promotion uf politicalends, Nhonld be put u stop to, PresidentCleveland liasn.iuiii'eatcd hi* disiipprovnlb y vetoing a wwilicr ol'tlicso bills, ninlJus ae!i»ti is to be coimiteniied.

Mrs. rendlctou Killed,iMrs. Alien 'rciittletoti, wife of the Hon.

OcorgoII. IVwlleton, of Ohio, JJiulsiuito Gcrinnuy, was llivown from a carringtand liillod iu Central Par]., -icw Tovl;,oiThuratluy 'sittenwon. Her tluu;;.-^1

Frances, who was with her, was titkouut

• uneousoious.tuidisin the 1 uwiiital, Kcriou-sly, but not Mully hurt. The la.liu.

, were driven by Hugh lteilly, inn hire*carriage. Tho horse became ftightcneilanil ran awr.y, tlirowi.'g both ladies oui,

•'aiiss'Tendleton vIia.BP.t.o.i llie rij;htfell out ou the Gt'f.ss, but 7.1M. Peniltutui

-fell on the road upon her .lie-nfl. \V!i.>ilaltcn Up she was deurt. A pavk pnlicti-man arrested Ileilly, but the coroner*!*

._ jury released him mi .thegi-Dninl that Hie. .. hoi'He became' frightned anil hc'coultt not

. control it. "Mrs. IVndletou wasatlai'gli-terof Francis Hcolt Key, ihu nutlmr of"The Star Spangled ttnuncr," and a sis-'ier to Phillip liarlon Key, who was killedby General Sickles.

' Aerial Navigation..Two more American atluinpls.ai nerinl

. liavigiitiou nre nttriicthig attention. Outof them is tliat offt Chiengo innu who

• proposes to substitute fur :tsteel cylinder from which the air is ex-liiiusled, and to propel it and tinger e-rti- attuched theieto by clcetrieiiy.Ho is alrttady counting.on liis spcwhich' is to IKJ fi'ojn fifteen to twenty m

" Views on Timely Topics.

Murrl^ Comih U f x p i ' t U i l U> "i-ml "i l t o .k'l^'filli.ii lo ihu DuitiDiTUtU'

Cnlor Is ii"t *in1tf r ly y t tn !.<• Cm-iTimrSiiu' JLTPI'V. Hi; won t t:i1ii'llt« I'rffltilitti""* " l S h T t l l(i!llfll!lti.l]|.—Slll

(.'iititlltliiH'rt (or fliivcriifir;;

n Ui.r ,n\.i f.inittuhickliitl.-tiwiHir1tit

hlii'ir. Wlllliim WalteTlic !!<'piMk;..i C I

mlws In-1,;.. ;\ n ' : i "i i!t t t l !

Hliv. 11 H

llijtioc. T inl i

ul tin; ttiMturUil . W i i i i l li)tl'.-t ll^llll-t tllL-!ll. Tll.^CO

wii lie iTau-li w o r ^ ' than i t n

eil DM lt.u uii'iM aci-miiittliii. ui.it iiiu .!ii»>rui>wi)rktlmtlUill*iwtrwi, I.ilii.ic !.. /.Irroiil.tois iiractlpiilly ilmik-il. --N" t1' 1,1,,,1,"' ,';,1,'

i't"- -L'ii'l'i!iifnt"i-'iii':"iiii.il urliitcr ill sill.i.hiiMiiiMl.-l'WIhiK'li'lilaTliuw.



,r,l,,,,re "ill , II »mcrnl iinlur i.l III,Ur-l,,-l-lil.f "I llii'.llniiiil Army i

Iu- H13.11l.il,.. M..c,»,rtal liny "111 I.f <•'»•'«•,l.illil;lt-. lliC "Irl 1,1.-1., lllsU'llll of fl, 11^ :^ll..,.i '. l..|ls in, Hl|||;,y. • '

MrrViXii! ..... ..ltljci« linre d .wJI l i . - l r

in in I•n!l,v 1

ti Hit'


Biisl'sPliilaiel'a PrizeMeflalSeBflsmu »•><! " f 1 1 l t l .lit-"!lt 'l

Murki l (iiinli-m-t. ,V.-. liny ill U;lli U U c r lulvimto 1-lillaiU'liililn

W^k'taMu iilul Vliiiv'crhl



Oeleri'jEtoAll ,,r my (iv.11 tsnmtli ,,ml truo lo iiiiinc

IVtuviaii ('.mm,! ill,., 1«>1 r.rlilii-.r h,llnwoHiiK I'lmits,'. l'uro lloiic Diiht.

S.E. CRAFT.j t a . i . i i . m i - : .:•• A

SIIEUIFF'S HAUJ " - "~In nmnctr i,( Xcif .IITWJT.

I H n n MnrsantM. Cuii.ncl.l. Kuni l r l sof T. T. CnmnMI, IIIOTSISI. c,»n|.l,il,,:iiil.uiul Mntk It. lll«uw,iy..'l ,il»., il,:(iiiiilmil(.Fl. (u., Tor >ul» ol mum.',™! |,toiilim.

O^Cl JKI'I'HIIV, Si'Ul-lKT.liy vltliin i.f |lio'.!«,vii ploW writ. Hi I""

illriilL-il ,ui.l ilolliwl, »'l»l out n( llu-1 ,l,oii!t u ln l Coutl, I lira InvW 111,0,1 uiul ..mill ax-

i for wile, iil'ii'-lli! Wmliui, 0,1• SATlillUV.-lllNK'-'n. I « V

l«lii«ii Ilio l,,,,i- of 13 ,niil •', ,". | ,«'t In lliunrt4.-rr.Mili lit llu, l,HH HOIK,', III lliu Uiwu olJMtlilL-ni. tomilyol. JVnrnii ..i.i'L ".'•"» " 'Ni-w .li-miy. lliu i-io'.vniit i>r.,|".'ii.*. n / :

All tl,o.ii lr.id..r l»nvl «( I in; ninl |» I I I I -l<™, nlitmto III in tumiHilli of \ niiiklni. Illtill! i.f Ni

-i!iSiisdii'iS1'-to«i ,»-(»««=rti'-iiniili!' at ^ i i ' imcorner III l.lljul, \ \ I , I III . .Hi fc S c ! i'lly In I1111.I...I C. Warm, UII.1on ly ••" !»>'• "• Atrolmtii Warm-...nnrlli

ttninlr-irirra l '~ '«« «»'! »">' Inllinltii ™«l,W cliiiliH '1,1 twi'iitv-foiir. liulo 10 :l tloH'i™n,Vr"if" n-r liiml "ol ll,« «llil -loin, Iliwi'l-tmuuiwwJ'yl'iuMi,'"' ' " " " ' nv,iHtJ--.'l.y ,lu-UrCL-rt nil thirty iiilnuu^ .;:i*l liurly L-liiil,,..

• • " wr 10 Jolui K.

vcslli i i :icr/.l ih-olli Lvci

luii^ till* lliu: f-.illliri'iUi.'i'civ inn! furiy-llvu IIIIHIIUHlmini* uiul IIIIV-MM linki< tn u enr-ilou-V IIOWIT: Ilifiiw liy lh<j MIHIT-

-flx >!c>,'ri'i:a uiul (Kly-Iltv mill-i rtcilnt tm.l liliy-niiii: Ilnkt u> n


p- -^«!v PARKER'S@«5^HA1R B&L3AW


clio folia- fcvUl'y^ui.',

Fire ('aniiol linni it Oil' !

Aor Itiiiu \\,\>h t( 01!' !

>or 1'iost Freeze it Oil' !

iNoi* .Sun Srorth it Oil !

Not Bli/.'in! illou it Oil' !

it Oil \

•'in,r*,,!l.,,- i.I tim l:,t.; rlvi! WW nil,vain,- of «,« L'liltni Uiry tell'"1'" I 1" '"i.|.,|.,Iu lion.ir tlifin^div^ wtitn tlK-y l,n

i l j lliB inwiliiry ,.f Bri.-alcyj.-iil* 111 III,

i.nlaiiw, tlitrefnre; with a- tinn.--li<i

f ' l i l ' ' l i l ' h J i i li l . f t uand liw 1

M\, lliut oaVimi!!V to H

i '

. i lall I'lm-i

te n.i.y Imart hi (lie

,'ll," Major.

-tmd,iit,»,liu 111,

», !'. M.

, a My tlm


Read and be-Cpnv.inoed

Tiiiin nitd WnoiiiDi' Ppfinf Pointi ' i l u " Ulitl ll uutHUi l i u u i r u i t u i ••;-

U u - c U U r Wh««l Co.. M!iiiui.ti.'iiri.r.-..i

wlUiVfVLiiIy i l^n^VLt Vm! dW.iA.i.i.n^ntv-ui^ii links to :IM«.IIO.II IVu-r IIISL:!I«Mlite; t'hnif-' nlmii; Ills line m-rtti im-ntv-H.x

.li'vm:i*anil thirty inlimtr* wi'sl tivuiitv-siiVtiiilinltiit JIK. t-hly-ciiilil link'' toiliit'pliR'Uiil

lu'dntiltiLr, iniaiiiiiiiit'' iilnet*Mi' inv^ amilmiuln;at:>7iir un a-n.of laiul u.tli

l l

Tho Tailor,iros ns lino a full stock or WOOLKN'S

for MKX\S .SUITS us nno citn fiml in

tlio cily. lUt ban boili

of "Woititcil ami Ciifisiuicw, of tho

most fits! noun bio Vlnids, CIICCIM,

Dingoiiiil'i, Koivieyit, GhincIiilliiH, J[c-

tonn, ruv.lieftvci'.i, etc.

Hfj.uuUi tlieni in tho •


,.. Latest Styleslint lun-Mlllimicntri .mil ii]']inri<:niiit<-uri. <;' - O

: N " . ' . ' . i tmyii!. ' ,! mi.l <li---<Tll.i'.l nn.fi .Il . jw..: I " .••-.'•. . • - . . - . " : •|t i-!-hmJiS ' n t ; JO?PJ»I I . WH-rin>-.M«m« i m i - r j R ] H v ' ' i m n u i t r r f t :i I H . C a l l n i l d t ' S -unil r imn (rtiiii t lwnt i ! - i ium^ r.u<\ l a i h l . M , 1 -

;iK£;v;;1iSu."SiS\;:;:;l:S;.r'S|™ <i«ci:.t; P M 1 y ^ * r « ? r ' K : K r S ^ | ! 5 4 Washington Ave.,

I'f.rlV ili»_'|-ri l l l , , ! l 1 « (h forty



J; tltt'lU'U Ilitlnctli-^ru

ty « . im i i t i r n t . t u f ! .1 N n . f J « l v i t l - - : ' l v

d t Mil, l l 'Tll l Ih i l l y -i m r i-liiiiits a m i llti.j I . -

I cii-l utulitu'ii rliiilii-. IIIK! clxty-llvu linU M tl|.« i _ . . _ ^_|.|»i! of lat;limliiir. c mini; ll.iitvt.w, i.ii.l j T T T • "Ji JT

l^rs^JsKZEK'sssz L U JYliftflijtiliitf i,t n v;liliL- link' l r « ' , amwr H- t»t •»( •Jiit.ul) M. I b j l u r i i m l uinu-r n!-'i to Imul <.[ji'liu Ciiwul frt. nuilli (liirl)•»!.<£ i l ^ i w s mA ' r

nii u i f n V r l i L inlli inirl>-t-l.f il

r lu"liHl


Auue* 1-iV w n i u r l u l iM..Wi.rne;tlit!iu'c Ud/'imrtli (<irtv-thn

- f ..i»l 11 vo clmln* nail thirty Ilii!;*-t<. :f H i.f laail of \Vni.Slil|itn:ii.; tliu\ Imul :M. somli llilrty-M'Vi'n tlt^row

11 ^ W y a c m i l i n k * t . i a c n m r w l r r



nilitlil Uhi t iMl iHly-Iml l l i .oMii iKl , lnMlif?;im.;:..i.ri:'i>r !.>...•Si.-11-y.l lit llif i.r«i[.i-rlv «•( lln> »!t.'fi;tnl:ii.t-.

ml lulit'ii lit uxmi thm i» tlw Milr ..f Hit! emu.iluluUnt, antl Ui liu t .-l.t tor v\~U l,y

, (1. M, VAN'CAMl'KN, ^hi r i l i .

l-ateil Miiy-JT. l ^ r .


TIMB'EIR LAND.l i y imWi i f tlii-drjiliiinV (Vurt of tin- I'MIIT^J-

nf U'liri-'-n. N. .1.. ln-iirlm! ilnV Avril a, li«-. t

i n \ v i i ; \v i ^ '

.•rii.rr.i['of"tluit.lH)-.iilimr-*.In iti» \iU;'.:,*t(... -.- . - _ • — ii, 'li..i

hi r, 1 ,o l Willi —.l:iniit.;c..Tiiiiit." Il.ivus ii»;vlie ilnrsblHiv. n-

i l i

n.limli>urK ).nii(lryi»alril'.. H r u u m . Wi-iitli'T l ' i ' " '•vi-].n!ntcil it. urn! iliinl

color, but ii* full of il.uu.rulT V Yet Mith wm;I {{!,.'j",1",;,'1" ' i'.r^Ki.?, CAi:'v.'iV'i-;i':i'!a)!'"n'1

'iJjtlsiiui. My bnlr is «o\v lilnck mul jn-rfoi't-ly elccin iii'nl yK '^y . -Mi^ . . I.. Sweeny,

— rtv^7.l''u:y^!^^

Hf..rf,l;eii, N. .!.-. Mari-Ii -J."..Mr. 11. Niuiiiiin. Salt's A-utU,

N. V. Firt '-rrndf TiiUil C>.Hour Sir:—ttulcrri.it.'-I.-! tlio t ^ L jjiv

I!nhi.ii«:i!, Milivli II , !»• ! , l.y tin; i-i>^ l { i

. '.itiroo times UF niucli at ti neigiitof threo* thoiiKiuiil feet. A' scuoiui: dovicc : i;' till*

I yo

i.v;,.r."l'.tl..iii' !::

tlirigihlu balluoii ul1 Cuiicnil 'I'luwer, of! Srr.''eiiH"^7!^\^iori,Wiioi'.o.vfi>rii7'Pliilmlitliiliifi, sonic objections to which — • . - • —

u by a enrreHpotulent of Ilroml :

Arrow:~ ' :r '~ | i o \v Vould UcViernI'T^nyer:'itiVvciit;

lii.4 balloon from licing . blown oft the£HHUIJ{J wive in a high side wititi ? l i efipoiiiK to Iinve (Icvisetl no,,inoa»s of \>vi-fierving its ..sliniio when' free from tliocnith', ami driven with forco tlirough theair. What is to prevent tho bow fromcaving inwnni V l ie conlil not travel withjmieh Hpceii, if ever sosttceessful in otherrespects."

The 'I'haycr balloon is ' designed pr i -mnvily for wnr xim-poscs,- nnd miyht jivovcOilcctive inv thsbo even if of litllu navconitnoreiiilly, as in war greal risks areoften taken, liul, after nil, tlio yi-uctiual

. ftuswer lo objoclions U to Jiialtu nn nir((hip'that does steer'"figii.iisfc an oviliiinry

. ,wiml, nud".::itil that )s done, it is lianllytvorth while to.discuss (.il)jnetii)iis.—AVm.

s Kovth Polu

The ork of out^'•'." 0 Gil(lei'*K ])olnv (j.\jieilitioii..is, progresSni^';'-'"•' '"'• nalisftiot-orily ; tuiA eoiitnbiilious^cif urli-

cles fiiiilctl tluit'L'to lire being iuiVtle withgroat, libomlily. air. \\\ Ii. GriilUli, »

--.--.--.^ gt-fiiluiilo-of -fjotuoll _Uni v.ersil y.._I»1.l.l»9;.conic iiUiiclieil lo tliu lwiFty rK" HeeoiiiT'tii"coimnnnii anil ass;istiitit observer. Tt i>

• ' . jH'obnblo tlml ilio yiivly'-will leave foiHudson Buy niul Omnburldiul Homo.lime

. . . during Llie early part of .Turn,'. i\Ir. Gil... . dor lias just retiimcd from Wiibliington,

^•lierc ho went to consult wi'JiL-^.: •..,.7 ^ txni Gi'c_ol.y;anil..tu.ubUii!i.inlurinnt!oii con-''-'•'•. . corning Iho couilHin,.. of the ieb mul l be: .:-:-, jirosiieet of limTiug* praeticnble route (o:rA'-1.:'-v.-;••.Port Conger from.tlid'.vicinity pE

*i Ifialielln. Lieulciinnt Grcely received. , ' l i i i n w t h grout 0.01'diiility,uiul miliesilol-, ' "* ; inglygiivo him tlio bcnellt of bis oxloiul-

otl experience in that vicinity. Mr, Oil--J dor's liiotltocl ofH'ravelling in Hip A'rclii

13 precisely the opposite of Hint pi-acUeeil... by Lieutenant Grcoly. Whilo the toller's

;.• .'. ... lucthoil cau bo coiisiiloreil 'i'w reprcsenl-• , " : ing Iho ultra-scientific IUUI UioiVniglily'Tir-

!/'•• ":"i- intiRCd plftii, the former must IJO rogartl?•:'' . t^ctl us theiiltrnsnvngo. "Willi 0110 every

^liisi'^s-iH!?^0-.0^ f ^ W:'CA,i'crully. jiMisWoroil ami.';.' nceurately weighed, TlicToiliei' goes iis

tho native x go'/which, thoughj

; •- much, uicro diiingrecaWp, is thorii^.bVi: pl(m,;,Mr. GildprpmpminR to wnllc/.,.;.'.. •;... Polo" .with gsquiniaux dogModfl, v,Tliero• ; ' '. arc several caches'of provisions atdiirur-",•••-,. " ont points iiorthof Baflln'u Bay, so that,; i;.•''.''; ,,tho theory of reaching thoTolo by means

f ntatiqiiy enn.be.Gaid to h

t'S ticallystartcii '^\' V.'

• uiCit'fiiialrtmir-ris'wlilcir;•..,!. It U otiun inln'ritcl,ii«r.-.iiiltofim»rnj«:-rvuw:l.

1 |>OCbi

[•rsi'Alist-esstw, Cuiiceroiia JIuiauM,in j;i>;;ii- c.iscri, KniacUttion ami Cmi-

iIn«iii,rwii!ifn.:iiiiHuroritli>urtcoiiiH.. ni tho blnnil. 'J'liis iliswvso ran be,iH,.y il.i; iii«i o* Ayer's Siirsai»aril];i.iiiliL'rilpila.i.Tnfii!riiiRami1iii(mof tlio '

^ [ E n t i r e l y Cur'ocJ • •

an-.!; fiiplln1 past y«u". linvi1* no t fomiil il

ili.'.n cynr l i i ' f i . ic—O. A' . 'Wiil iui l ,^! .1!

I wrm tnmlil"i l w i th KiTtifiil'iniH Soresr.-r f.vi. v«-iii-3i !>nt, iiIU'P « s m s :i U-wl)i>t:lc;'"! Ayi-T1;. !i)u:::ili;irill:», liio foma

'I'Ji^dV^VlVAV'iTniiTolV^T^A'pf.STiJirii'uviiT;^ . iv i ' lLMi i s s . '

rs-ci-n iiif)i:tli:i'nw J W.TI Irniililotl witli• :::-;::•;.":::; Zvv^^vJi-Z-:::1^:*^v.-.il,f!'v-:-.\,-rl!. '!i;mil ititiiimftil.innhli.)...U'S,l:i..

i:ij.!rv;i:.Hjii!:vijHaiiiiii.-»ii[i.t[)'H.Kv.'i-v ri!iii.:ilvlitili!il uniii

l Ayi

1 h\-(if iU\A

n l , :nnlii' iln:

I, is i<I'irrtUttHiiD.l ii li;i. ,


Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla,

An Ice Cream.AND

will bu liulil n l I'm I'lOslij'teriunTliiiiiL!., liy tti..allies' Ahl Swluty, on .

Friday and Saturdaf Evenings,

JUNE 4th and 5th.VKl,/oftttircs will lie nil

S w Apron1 ninny1 styles nml varictkfl ivlll booilt.Bvei-i'ltoily Is Invited ami ivill Iu glveiiliordmlty to »atnj,.lo n. - -.-. •

. . :Elum iPiidc



C.KO.KUNTpS. Hiif't litttltlliift-s

)uii!irtmi!iit of rcilU'i>; OIKco »(' Fii


x. v;


S. Y. Plro-rrnof l'atnt ClJfn.CJ .Mtililei, l.U!

fi..inlu»iuni—\ft«r wiU^a^iiu- in« njarvwum*di lu t ion of tlm Uro ninliillH!,' otinllne* uriiur Viilwm Tuliit- anil Smerisi. ! ciliocrdiliy:i:i)iiiiii(!tiil ll to all iiei'Hmu ilc-lilnu' Hn new,ml 11111 fully licrniisiiluil In i-i.ylntf ilisit «I tui•1 uxiiuriciicc «f ulnlitucn vuars IIH UII under,via-.', tluit limnv Imlli l iu^ atul viilmililt

i.rdpuily wiilil liavu .imni savi-il l.y.It.* «?«! UaiIt, lj<:i:n•.iroiiL'ht hcfui'u the imblii; earlier. l lnu

• New Vori.,'A]»rli :;'J. US'). "^N. V. Yim-l'mol Paint Ci>. - - , 0 l 1 r .

im "lrTlii"timt, ..l.fnlm lh.n.J-4 IHHIIT yunl•M.iritiui Inm Works)-

k i rn :corner In-u i>v liUail iurtv-l i

S. AV". -A.llcgov & Son,I tn . i i i lM. , lVii>lih.i;(.iii, A'.1.:.

,• . UV liiivi-iinv/ttiiliain* « liirjfij nml "UJH lv,-ij „.,),,..,-, 1 r.[i.'k t,f 11 ..inini'lt 'ii.'l t ,

tii'M" it Ult'Kfti-v.. l.tin, mill f.rin.. !•' I-''t fit j w 'J..7'", V>V.V 1i'," tV "1VV-1V1 R

ifiy-lliruu ili'iiri'M uiul Illt'-'-n mlinii^ l w l H l i liu>ll't> *lUfll|it# t l " ' ' . " ' " ^ •mti'tom pK vlmiiti*uli!J Ifil liuKs t>. l)lj"f .;f lit^liutli.'.'. j fl' • W..HI.-) l-Clin. iii!.'!:,Si.>]S.ln. «H<-, ,

»ir-:--l '


it thirty Uni t - ' " "

1 ni'Tlv t"W [.riM'.-. iu.ni.' i..w*H.lt}i>yI v!» ttiw-nil'llt-'l f l 'llill'"J fin1 (irwlilrlliit! :ivt.'l 'i;tit.ii' '."iviuiir)i.!tt!.o ni '^t ilo- ,

^ : ; :* win, m t


l i t i i ' iu^I i ic iiL'xtrom'wwksu'UHiitill niak(! o x i m o f t o r t s i nmir C'jirjuM 1)i!p;iHiuenl, tuid oll'or soniu spinM.ti har^iiiits whichwill IH: worthy of iniimHiiaif. :in<l carurnl a t tent ion Near ly everylu)ii.suUuf!])(!t' uuwls a liuw L'tirput. al'lui' hutisu cleaning and now isiliiit tinm. . , : . " . . ' . '

They are Cheap.Lurgi! stttiOv imil prii!i?.s giiitrantoiJil lower than New Y o r k or

Philsulelplilii. Stnin^iliii l ' lrii i! . Ooniii nml we. will show youpli.-ntyof goculs 10 routs iier ynrd less. .

the best grades of Tapestry ts, price at most stores $ 1.00.

Brussels atAll90 centst

Brussels as low as 60 cents.Body Brussels and Velvets from $1 up.ingrains 25 to 75 cents per yard.

Conn'und fai-'U our Iiiiu. AVu avo"] tho yroai. heaittiuuxters Tn.this sLTtiuu,: .. ' "

elm! irtti f rtl.illl.'

Door oi»

MillWorkn v.'« will !«• t:l«'l K. p l w you iirompl

^ •,,..-.tnil.,iHV n l ^ .Mrt-rlial-m -f ..tirfj <!""i't.v- " I ' ' ' ' ! ' ^ im.f'-fiiily.BM.Uilr^ ,K'""l.llii'l ''.'Hi '•'" tli'lU'lldOd lll'Ml, A

^ l«rs:s* r.tn.-kf'fri,o[iiijj s.]jii,. u l w a p o i .

M : imii-l.' l i lVi- . r .SACAU., '

tl'ilrtr-'A.VfiiikJ"^ n'riivr t-M

ijv.'-'i'lii.ri. 'rm-'l "l'i:y--.H« tTrilc-

i!Mr^^nL lwi l i ' i iu"-ti ' . i?i"., I t i n .

f i r f U l u ^ l i iof Coiur l[iimi'Hii.'iii

IMP, liL-r oiiL-lmlf l ' l l '

NOTICE.ens will be *olil sit jni'ilic iiiit ..<"> HiL'?[ioi,>iUi! I'ii.ik'r mt ..


m l d w e y m c i l i 1'iiHtislet in

—TJ-J E-


In-Illjtu. "Thuwhen I'luiis.kliijiv-ltytbujr.'fi'hv.oii:Ii

"r^'lli'i.SSl iMl.e 'dw^Wurriiii CuimiWltlliiin 11. MlluiirvTHiilwA. .IJ'iruiitstnCliiii'k'S MtiCiJu'iul>.lliU, Ji


\Z\ \\:>ihu



1 Wilt

1 c!m

:iiil" iviil'iit


Hike ('Ifte

iniiltfiv.Mltlod IT.

l'"i'ir- llii!<

e it! tltu I

Tli«y'wJlKWlliS IiSu l l w .

to liu ti1 111 fl'C'l

Morris CmumiKih.-iuJiimVs,1(1^1.1.WillisniDiiruptWUlllH

A. IJucUI,a iv win0 . I-uol;.i 1!. Melus 1.. Ur

" " ( . " .


it "111

' r ni) d: wi


" j r .


IlVsl, irt :l progressive i t l ; OisMl^it l i tbet imcs n o t e s notsimply buy.ylifik'ver ho needs where-ovci- lift"sefs"itri)ut"" goes''Svhei'b-hecan jict the 13KST goods for ' ihoLlilAST money. Tlie lust, (from uppi'iir.uicoiij" is not a man oE thai typo;ito cxpemlti iis much luonoy for gro-ceriofi (w tlio Jirst bul is not so pui1

. timiliu" in puruhnsii.fftiuu'lc.oiiseijuoi| ly ncitiior jjcts 'tis ninny, nov na go

ciilsi :is tlio lirfit imA can't you BG'ia losing llesh daily, poor lujui!It' YOU urn a pro^roswivo lnnyii wuU lit Iho moral in tlio nbovo

^ W U 0 M . .v°u "look firoiuul"i


Personal Property!ThCMtliiiL'nlitr'.inlihiiiisti-iitirt-i'f Aiti'mi l'i

tlio iinmili'i's'iiuii'i!'litViVnviiKlm'i: iVt'li'^'town-! to SCO wlio'ro",vtni t:.ui . b u y ' (bo inoslI'IIIJI of Wiijiliiuytmi, near Chnui;e\vmcr, tui j mid beat f^omU f°1' tlio lonst money

.TUBSDAY, 0LfX]-:.«Ui, i&jii, . j t l O n o t lnisultoclciifcUow'ft Cash Store.Ihu fi.llowlii',' lU'RT'.liCil j)ern(«Hil l i " ' ] '

A Inrfjc'loi of fiirinlinr uiui^il-s im-mower, uiul tciijicr, iiiiy wilU'P.^.wl

i. lirollor .\ho \w

11"tnitun-tiy ;iiiiteil wlili yi.ni

l-iilnl unil Soturia. fully conllniis us In iiuf Hint tlm UBO i>f yoiir aocnU by tlm i>iur"« us u sa(i't;iitinl n^ilns-t. the lossiii<TnniiHTfy,rfioiilittt»d will in Miti ntVvo »:«..v« !.w «iri)i'*t wtuWerutloi

li 1jf liftsr Tu-of all

0KO11GE R. WKEl), (iuncrtil•: .Morgan

imnt tu .Iron WorJ;?.

IJQ Per Yearj \ , ! l> V A - I N O M - .

.IA.MK3KNTW1STI.B. ' .. - ••I'li^l A^ls tunl Kiij,'i'ieijr, U. S. Navy.

Ji", W. (JOl.MiNDnit . filiO l!;'''.::1,^!!1!'. *'l i l tUNSU'ICK. 1IAI.KK, COI.l.liN'DlUi UO.

A. F. Tr»M.'scliur, S«c\v urn. Troiw.flKO. I 'OWKUS,' IJINJO owner of limiSiilioUl

liro|n;rt.,v, MOSluli! St., l l ronklyn.U'.M. !•:. UI'TKCiKOUH A 111IOS. Siiw Mil l4 ;

Kd. I.. Sinaiit»iuii;li, forciiiiiiii.

11..7. (JAMI'UKI.l,. . - - ' • - .''Wlilt IWwunl Kemlnll; AiThUcut.

|{. W. K I / r z S K l . , I'""' Hurter liroa.

For Sale at


Keystone Restaurant,11EATTV' 1IUH.D1NCI,

Eirst-Oiass. Fining Saloon.

'f*F MEALS AT ALL~H0UR5. | £fivcrythlni; neat, clean nnd In i»orfect onlcr.

Wm.BAlUtON. ! ',;; rxoiixlotior'

is.;pll"ilif*..ISo\ys o!\.tlie

'ftjmiprising ,,(:uiiiur;il,-

fill LiOlHS.


' i

llll 1l<!(!(l'lll£> WlVl'l'lliUt WilllliUlsi. l:lllH1li'*l l"il».lintia. tulilca,1 cliiilrn/crtolrlni; HH.VUS. uiul uili-

•- n vtiiilcd -luo-iimin;ruu^ti..> j i LVi>U<y.V_ . . , , .

.viitlju iiiiulo known l-y • • ' ". JAMKS VI.1KT, Adiiiiiiislrab.r.

U K K l t T S SAI.U.

Newi « l * n.VunWliv-v

viu' i l ftiul ilt 'liviwl. ifniiisil 'Jilt I'Ml.t!ililtoil UOilrt, I linvu liivlol «•'«'» »"'1 »'11 *•orBnloiiti'iiWhiViuijiuooi.

0 sATin.DAV, j u s n stn,

WM. L^TJBAOH,Uii .uul "),'S Niiilluni|ituii Si KA-sl'OX, PA


"'""'" Ali l iougir ' w e : : "ini've11"'"! >0Ci i ir-:"uii ivt-1 Csss -'-

about nuiking unnb'uii<.iei.tt:'ii(.s recently,

wo lmve Iwen dooming tho business,

both hevo and at our oilier stores, as

never bel'oi'e. ]Doivt I'uil to cull at. v

HeadquartersBefore making purchases oJ; SILKS,DRESS GOODS, SATTEESTS orWHITE GOODS, or PARASOLS. Ee-inoinlioi1, w° • always carry the largest'1

stock and oJller the greatest bargains.

_ 1 Jlastqn, T "JWiliiarasporlpPa. R6chestcr, N. Y. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ? _ _ ^


More Money Heeded.C l U u In 1 H T « of thu couslnioiii.ii 'i>«n tlm'iiourfl or ly uii.l i". i.Vl..L.-|[ In tin* n(-1 q«iie CmninlUuo In climro of thu conslniclion

£;',tt,v ^iiw&Miiiii of not*.KUMi! of Nuw. ''ur» f

t!l' 'Xn|.

it wliluli h u d It1'I SHK. ' . I .IX I.til! tl[ lilt) tllll'il-lll'll..... ' Nil], l. .

iiuii'iliiH foilowi*: On ili,U of llotiry Wt-ll/d, n:-it liy liiutlaof CliurlfW A

" it?'fi"iul"ii'it v tli nto * 1 • r« ti I i'"3 V ^i1 (I M< 111 iT ViU: k 1:1- s I Iv u rctl,—litin •i-iiii'fnlii'1* " o i i i s ' l> (» l l i i i * t - ' n o l i ) ili'llvomil.'is, B1..l U I ° N . S " S t imio l t^ ln "mu>. nwlnl, / ! « (« Inchesml nwt uy /,)„?,, iMjiimlfiilly bronzed uml «\«k*j1ert» nt

Greveling & Co.'s Mammoth Bazar.<, Volycts,T!iposU'y,' liigrains,•Mattings, <•

CARPETS. CARPETSlings, Dmggots, Oil Cloths, Etc.

• • • • • , • , • • : • ' < o



|ISCIIASCBIIV 01' SBW JEBSBV.llotwccn T. \V. Kiisl'md nmt J. \Viilli)i';rl'lniiii]i-

Kon, CDiiiplntiutiVlfl, mttl tlio ltanh- V. lleiit yOrKnn .fc I'lmio Comimny, .Dufoii.l.iHlsi. u n1HU, uto.Tiio wilo In Iwimlf of Uio nbnvo imrtlt-fl fitniiila

•uUounica to.lnlw.iilMn nV"!P i - 1 " 1 " ILwJil11.1.[lio'UprougliOfWnatiincionrotr-Buiiirtiiiyi-'.niiiu

lSUi,-*880. ' I ( ! J T n E l i a > 1 ! n j L t s n s , « t c o I v o r , L

Dated JIny IB, 1S33-JCM. v -,.• ' _ ^

$100,000 costinmtctl tlmo icon ftiste

il.ibi.'ntUiiliHTliitUinafm.llioMlnlntnroSttittOttuM will ltrodufiu lliu tieslruil iiiai>uut. <i

Address, \viili rcmltUuieo,

DOTTLER Secretary,

"33 Movcer Street, Now'Tork.

y V LUMBER 1?ORSAI.B,~ 1i havo"miliaiH\ clicsluiil" nnfllf()til;"lmiil/oi':

Also all kimU of liaril wood. ClicstnnL1 fenceports,.. rails and pickets; -Posia-lS; a n b .Pickets $1 per lirimlrea. Call til Raw mill.

, NOTICE, .ninilo dllTi'Tonl bn*.



'flo.i! cvevy dpsoriplioii. •Liivgcst stock of Ci'ockevy in town. Large

assortment oE Silvenvtu'o aiul everything necessary fox*•."•/)'• Housekeeping.

mdilMy : ( - ' • • • ' ' . - , • • . • ' . /

liln trip lo tlio Clly of Moslcn nnrt Iho WMt,%nnrt Tk I l) H l n ' n trctitmuiitllicvw (H no ntior

-Dr. J. A. SIIKUMA'N luw l-elumcd fwim liln trip lo tlio Clly of Moslcn nnrt Iho WMt,his oflk-o from a".l to IB I Uromlway, Now York. In l)r. Hliunnnn'n trctitmuiitllicvw (H n

I l l l l t U frm lbo r nn ilftiiRor ot slriniKinutuil rutiluru, IH'WMPH Iwiiuointiorntion otom tiio lns oflko from a.

y Itlml, no iliil- Ifli

,.,• , i W , from intiofi'tio rtanRor ot sinmK"intuit rutiturn, IH'WIIIPU Ircailom troniJury tniHHi'H lulllct. Hh Hool(,,<oiitiiliiliiR Informntloii m«l oiulorHenusum trorn VhyslclniiH, Cler©1-

11. Morclnuits. Pitrmora mul oltH'ta who hnvo bnon tronioil nnil curette Is IIKIIICMI Tor 10 cents. 1'ur-

ml Insttnctlou.;;Hcmcinijor, omco 2 9 4 U r o n U i w ,.o slwct. .•

Page 3: ^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

Tlie Washington Star,WASHINGTON, N.J.,'MAY9T,.l

CO\L< AT WETAIL.Al llio 1). U & W. It. 1L fo.'a clnratwl d

flmiK,..'. n » I*' °n-. K«it ; , , , , «V» |*T Km.Wnvi' . . . . S«W jwf 1()U*nutitnuL *'•» i*r urn.I 'm 'AS" |*r I"".

' C t r i t a t tiuniittnt ftlwA*r*t mi linnd dry (innl.-r•'-• r r t V I T l . • ' • ' . • • • . • . - : . . .

Ciml ifwuUxl direct (mm sliuU'n (over ncrwitD)

to wnjtmtJ*. W J J ^ siHBLtlS, .Tr., Aectit.flrorcc's Urwk CoiiiU-rlnn-lCoftl-tiWlHT Urn.A*-rlt WUi. 1HS3.


U In Ui(M>rki1i<Ko of nit tlm Kifviitori", Admin-lHlrntiini, (iiinnlktin.ctc., wiioiinvKihnrk'L'nf Ilio(H'ttU-iiU'iit n[ rttmtitt iK'fontOiu furmimloiif Wnr-n-u cimiity to luivf nit tli" l--«nl nntlii* r.-inlliiB

.. llii-n-tn iirlnitHl nmi ••HMIKIHII In tlio STAU umicmr (rk'ihlN fti-liii),' In liny «f Urn ulxivo IKMUIUIMout biiir tlil<» fiicilii miiiil mill rciiK^tlln'Kiirro-jiiito in N'ii>l t1i« nut Wit utnl iiihi'rilwnicnLa tolid* «mcu lor iiublk-Allott.,


Star-Ziiglxts.Mr. John IIolT LH again living in town.

•Dr.F. M. Cook .uowhns ono of the neat

(*l olllccrt lu town. :

More xholf room has lirou made iu llock-

,, ati'llow's Cash Store..

AH Iho Federal nllicos in Sum-s county

nroheld by'Peiuocrnts, : i . . ,

Sheet music, S cents, nt Alleger'a imisic

store. : Always ou haiid. mltf.

Uul. Fntl Grant Ls looking for a house iu

Morriatowu for tho summer.

. Junior Mechanics' festival nn 1'riday nud

. Saturday evenings in Shields' Hall.

Castor Oil for tho dogs! hut Dr. Hand's

riuiwiut Pliyfties for children nud adults.

• ... Mi:. John S. Hooker, of Ninv .York city,

ispi'iit Sunday with his paroutf nt tho Wiud-

Tho Literary will meet nt tho rem-li'itce ofDr. Gibbn ou Thnmhty evening of thiswool;.

Via-Chaueellor llird has deciiled that theonth of a witness is vnlid without kiting theHiblc. . . . . . . . .

Children's day will be observed in thWashington Churches ou tho second Suudnyin June. ;

Prof. Charles V. Free and Lawyer W.' fi.1'ifld, of Kaston, qwtiL Sunday at thu Wind.

• nor House. • • . ,

Wftjley Tiger, ofCulifou, bus an old En-glish penny which bears tho date of l~:ildeary marked.

One of our exchanges calls a contempo-rary "tho spittoon whieh receives nllthellltliof this locality.1' Ye gods!

The Bm tells of a Mr. Wistuor, ot New-nrk, and a friend, who caught llii fine lercl on trolls iu Greenwood Lnkeone day lastwtck.

One might wonder where so ninth dirt. mid rubbish came from that Street Commis-

sioner Vandorbolt has taken from Washing-tou avenue. ;

A detachment of Johu P. IleyiioUU Postwill decorate tho grave of Major William T.Cornish at tho Valley Church cemetery, ouMemorial Day.

.lames II. Johnston now lives in u whitehonse. Xot tlmt ho lias removed but bc-cditso Dyns & llrynn chnnged the color withtheir paint brushes. '

. -.;rMrs,"Kiite Dcpcw ntt<Vd.-uightcr,''.of. Wash-ington, D. C , nnd Mrs. Mnry Xewnmu, ofMaims-Siis, Vu., nre visiting friends nud rel-atives iu this locality.

Ask your music denier for "Kucing Downthe linpirts." or send to the emnpiwr, V. W.Lawrence, Wntsessing, N. J. I'rii!(;, £1. idiscount to-^inno tuning patrons. Cuiiy'Jm.

A. German., trump, nnmed John Cimard,last Thursday on the Central Hailroad be-tween Glen Gardner aud High Bridge, had aleg cut off in tittenipting to board a movingcoal train.

• William Koch, principal of the Phillips-burg High School, died last Friday, eveuing.Ho wr.s a promising young innii, hit-lily os-to'emed, and the cause o£ his illness nnd ul-timate death was over-study.

alllicted with glanders, lifts become so treat' as to warrant the statement tlint the. disease

is epidemic. Many farmers linvo been compulled to kill valuable stock. . .

: .. Since tlio transfer of the United Sti-tesCompany's business to tlio Delaware, I.ack-

•' awaTiiia'and Western l!ailroad,lbe lattercoin-pauy lias erected a new freight platformthree blocks long, at Ilobokeu.

Ono of our town wags said that onSuinftoruoou soiuo forty or fifty 'Washingtonhusbands lind their wives promenading upand down iu front of tlio. Bentty factory, iuthe hope that broken jaws might1 result totho Indies. ' ' ' ... .

Call nnd see tho new htyles of cane seatchilli's and tho general lissovtiueut of"Vnlnut parlor nud bedroom furniture, nt Pit-tender's, below .tho St. Cloud. Best iu thmarket. Our new patent rocker is nttractiugmuch nttcution. . *

Mncon (Ga.) Telegraph:—"The eightliouinioV-'uient grows. Will not Hoiiiq.Ktatesiiiininvent a plan that can keep n nowspapeiman from working twenty-live hours out o

everj" week ? " '

iielil'afFIeiiiiugtoii^1 wnsT ftttoiulett -"by --oiihundred nnd twonty-fivo touchers. Tlio cxeicisos wore in ehnrgo of State Supt. E. 0,Chapnmti nnd it was ono of tho most, Lfactory KCHsious ever hold in tlio county.


ceived very flattering information concern,ing the progress., made. by. his t-vo (laugh-ten* now attending' tbc Normal school atTrenton. Doth nro excellent young Indies

... nnd will graduate from the institution next

At tho public Halo of personal property of., Mr. Porltor, l'ort Murray, on Saturday last,

tlieva wore loo innny goods to dispose of inone dn.v, therefore tlto sale will bo continuedon Saturday aftcmoonofthinwcek.- litwagons, furniture nnd n great lot of household goods yet roinnin unso ld .^ ' .

Cnpt. Stnaten, of tho St. Cloud hotel,•• pulling down a new conl-tar,walk in front 01

liis houso. lie is also innking a tasty flowoibed In one, of the grass!1 pints. To note nlOio improvements tho dipt, irmkes upon hi1

property; would keep the.',reporter's pencilbuaj for they follow closely ouo , nftei

. another. ' . . "• a . ' ,.

^.district meeting of dclcgntca from. tin

Lodges in this iicigliborhood-4th district—w*s hold iu MocliauicsUIull, thin place, cPriilny aftt'i'noim lnst,toclec( aroprcBOiitati*(o tho SupremoT<bdgo. Stroudsburg, ltoek-away, Dover, Chester, Junction, Phillips-liurg and WasMngtou wcro rcpic-ncn^ed..Mi'.;,Wallaw) Wncr, of Pro.tecliou Lodgn, No.52,Dover,wnsclcilcd. . •,'. ,.]

1 ; • • \ ; ; i - r | , ; • • . " " • • . - • • • • . • • / . - j .

Charles E-lp-citon propose* to cugago In:ho rubber stump business.

Mr. nnd Mm. J . Calvhi Fritts, of Boston,wcro visiting friend* in town la*t wcok.

Tlio Wiwhington orchwtm will play at thoJr. Mechanics' fcwtival ou Friday nud Satnr-ilay cveniugH.

(Icorfto Nixon, of Alleger'a organ fnctorj-,was struck iti tlm oyo ou TueHday by a"'nullho was ilriviug. ,

MIHS Kdna Crcvollnj1 was tho fortunate ouo•vho drew tho iptllt miulo by tha ludicnof lh«EpLiciipal Society.

H. 0. 'lliompfion hiw itold out hU nibl*critamp lninlnes.1 tu i\ lllooiiiMbury party. Tlio

wtU were removed on Monilay.

Mr. John Wyckoff, ho* IH-MI confined tois house for tho past three wrclti liy

of n lame log. Ho fa now ubto to bo nrontiilignin.:i. . ' . ' ' ' " ' ', • '.

Tho fifty-ninth nimiint session of the NewJersey Climthti Couferonct* will convenn Inthu Christiau Church nt Vicuna on Friday ofthis week.

The Htoro nt Changcwnter Wiw roblwd agninou Tuesday nlglil. (To coinpOHitor: Leavethis Item hi typo as it lias to bo used f verytow _ weeks.) '

Tlio Ladles' Aid Stx-icty will lioltl their an-nual Htrawberry festival on Friday nml Sat-urdny, Juno-lth and r>[h. Soo ndv. In nu-otlicr column.

Fin> cannot burn it off, nor min wash itr, nor frost freeze il off, nnr blizzard blow

—continued iu Warrt'n County Drug Stori'ilv. ill nnothnr colnniu.

Mrs. J. K. .deary isNtopping at the Wind-sor House, and H getting up n tlnw to loan,the combiuatiou ftyslcm for cutting Indies'

.nncuts. Cnll and see lier. . . .

A district uic-ting i)f tlm T. 0. O. F. loilg.es (U'ctirn nt llolvidero this Thursday even*

;, A dt'li-gntion from M:ui.tllelil lotlgo ofthis place will lw iu attendance.

A new cbek has l-cru added to tho equip-ments of the Washiiigliiii telcgmpli olllei-.The old one hat been ptneed in tho freightifflce. The hoys were glml to see it removed.

Tlio wnlk laid down l.y Mewrs. Shieldsn front of thi'lr properties is the fliicst walk in[own. Not only is it a -iul^tantial iinprovc-mont tn the property hut an urinuueut to thetown. .

An interesting game of base ball wasiayed in this place on Wttluesday, betweeu

iho Hartford* nud the Magics both clubs ofIbis place, resulting iu it score of W to '2Siu favor uf tlm Hurt fords,

Tho trnstots of the A. M. E. Church desirei to thank the public for the liberal patron-

age given their festival last Thursday nndFriday evenings. The receipts wero i>2'J, 1!>nidtlie nut proceeds Sl'J.70.

Tlie oue-nnued howe-thief captured intown last fall by Olllcer Thompson, has beenconvicted on nil three charges preferred[gainst him iu tho Morris county courts.Ho wns sentenced to H) years in Htntes I'rison.

Governor Abbott has bigucd tbe bill forthe appointing of n commission to report tothe next Legislature as to the advisability of

lulding n prison exclusively for female <;on-victs, and to be under the solo charge of fo-

Tlic best crayon portrait'ire have yet soou;ecuted by Prof. I. Sharps, of Now Hamp-m, is that of Dr. Sorvis, imw on eihihitimi

nt Carter's drug store. Mr. Hlmriw lisu ro-itly received orders for portrnibi in oil And

ii number in crayon. -:

Coi. Jolin It. FoUoiu. gramlfntltcr of Mt»fnuikio Folsom, tbenlliauped bride of l'rosi-lent Clevolnml, died at bis home in Folsom-.lale, N. \ \ , on the 10th inst. It is saidMiss Folsom will come into possession of nortuue by her grandfather's death.

lies. John Fromo has been preaching nt:iten Gardner during the month of May, andlias now received mid accepted a call tonreaeh at Glen Gardner and Junction on theIllizabetli District every Sunday. His post-)flk'O nddress will still bo nt Oxford, N. J.

An interesting bastardy _ suit occurred in['relinghuysen township, this week, beforoijuires Huwlc nnd Arnwtrou". The reputed

father was a colored man mut the mother awhite woman. (Seorgo W. Terry nnd D. A.Young wero' the legal lights itiigaged, Midllit-iu -lvc-rc Suiiic - racy.- ilcvc!cpu:cst!. nt .therinl. . . " . ' . . . '

A Kexlette of the Hnukcttstowii band, offliU'li Mr. Cieorge D. Swayze of this plat

leader, serenaded ttio Windsor HouseSaturday evening, discoursing several selec-tions from tbo balcony. Mr, Kobert Loder'sbnsssolo'was especially npjirecinted.. Had

,-eather been favorable Mayor CornUhwould have been honored also.

The National Brass Hand, of Oxford, willlold its nnimnl picnic nt Spring Groi

Saturday, May 29th. They have secured astring band for the occiision,and invite tboat-leiulimec of nil. The ninungersof the affair cau

died upon to pnsorvo the best of order, audto make tlio picnic ns enjoyable and na gront

*B as thoio of former years,v Cornish piano was placed in the

parlor of tho Windsor House'on Saturdaylust. Mr. Hoover now bos one of tho bestfurnished country hotels in this HCctioitVofthe Htute. Nearly all tho rooms nro equipped wilh new furnishings throughout. Thireputation of tho house under Ilio presennnniigeiucnt is gaining favor rapidly... About two.hundred scliqpl _childreu,_l«iye

consoiitcdTo parndiTon Mcnioriai Diiy.'Thoyreqneatod to mod nl the school building

at quarter beforo 1 o'clock. Pupils who uronbl attending afpresent'iuny also-join iiTtlu

do, if they are on hand. The eommittciiu charge have iiiiido the ilistnuce Hliort, ii'mhnvo given tbo children a nafo placo in tho.column. " " •• '•' i

Tlio Warren County' SiViidiiy-sehmil' Aisocintiou will bo hold in the PresbyterianChurch of this place on Friday morning, th<28th inst., at lOrlM) o'clock! There will nlsobo meetings in tho afternoon and evening,In the evening nn nddress will bo given byProf. Holmes, Itcgislrnr of Chautnuqua Uni-versity, on tlie "Duties nud QualificationsSunday-school Teachers." •

A young mini named Howard Oulick, em-ployed nt Uowlby's organ factory, had tlimisfortune on'Sntimlay to cMch his riglarm under an inch nnd a half bit of n boringmachine, nud narrowly escaped losing liarm. • 11a received a badly lacorated wound,the bit cutting nud tearing the Hush,penetrating to lho boucB. Dr .F . M. Cookdressed tbo wound mid ho 'is getting alongwell, but will have (o quit work fttime. v • •'

. ' . - , - • > • : - . C o u r t . • • - : • • • :•• ' • " - - • • -

Tiioxday, Mny 18.—Court convene*!, trniw-iclcd comidcrnblo biiHiuetw, nud cloniil.

Jmlgo UoWitt prnided in l ib tuiiinl nblomnutier. Tho following buxiuws W.UH divJKJftC*l Of !

Htato TH. I«iac L. Hill, indicted for ai>Hilling nn oldlady up in Hnrdwlck tuwn-il]>, limuotl fiimoiiHOii. 'HID dinputA grew

>ut of thu Imlliliug of A lino fence, Thoury brought in n verdict of guilty ntul tlio

Juiigo fined Mr. Hill r^ nml ciuits iitii'iuul.biff iu all to nearly $81). . : :...

Mr. KitclK-n, tho l*Iimi|»1mnf burglar,wiwled mid ciirivli-tcd of brt-nkiuit Into tin* re*-

Idcuco of a innii nnincd Huironl. Thu c-ontthat Kltciu-u Ktolo wa*t i^rfornl^l with fine

»hi>t. Tlio Court, in vluw of tlm pri«-» prevtoiH Imil record, gnvo him four

yean in State Prison, nt hard lal*or.Thomns Snover was Imlidiil for adultery.

Iteingarndgneil hu plcnded not guilty audivn bull for his npiH'iir.iiHV nt tlm Scl'leni-

Milton Itfcc iilciuli-il guilty to ]mtyg:iiny.uul got one year in the Stntu Prison.

.State VK. Dauit-1 and Win. l-Mwnrd-i, (otli-rwlso Hij-'giux), 'Ilicsi! youthful t'liniitinlHiltmle.1 guilty to breaking nud entering, atkViiKlihigtou, and (ho (inirt gavo D.niiil 1y-ear iu tlio Ktati> I'rUm mid Win. hix mouthsintlKM-mnilyjail.

.liilm O'CuiHT, iiidicti-d for iMUinit, pli'ud-d non vult and si-ntt-mv wax niw"K-iidid,Suite vu. Chiw. /iiii|iieniiau. Indirk'd for

liaving a plurality uf wivis, it ht llrigluung. Ph-iuled not guilty nud ri'iunmlod

,o j.iil for trill. \\U bail was IW..1 but l>ciuginble turni-'o lho wind lu* still lu-s in jnil.

ilia wivt*> huveu.it homini! him with a visit.

jiHirut'd ft'r Ilio ti-riu. A-iiwuli-uiut w;w wtiloivii for tin* 8th of June.

Mayor Bpatty's Lifa Iiuiierillert,The lett.T piiMitthuiI belm\ w,is rii-civvd

last Wrt-k too l.il<> for pulilu-tition, au.lshovvs\\x. Ki'atty to I m c IHLIIininimiui'iit |>iiil ofilx lifi\ A* Hu n)M«-il tiim- for bin destroy.

aiv<i:ii*ilish hi.4 ilHUnlly art Im ex.[tired, and Mr. H,-:ittj^ Ay.\W\ lim not yet

vn auuoiiucivl, Wii r.i'ueliulo tliiit he has•on suc.:.u>[u1 iu dxlgiug the man wilh Ihu

Hire tin* thu It-How sent tn by Mr. U.-Mly:1JK.ITTV H.U.I., .Vl-W YflU:,

J h v IM, 1MI1.I'OTIII: KIHTHR oi- TIII: Srii!,—

Sir: I hnvo nroivi'd an uitninrdiiiiiry li-tter,f whiili the fi>lU»wiug is a eo[.y.

>'•• Wry truly yours

NKW VOHK, .May.V'bi.i. V. llvatty. • •My DrnrSIr: 1 am n frlf-n-I uf y.>ur.i uii.l <m<-e

Tho Allen brothers who nro operating astone quarry near "Waterloo, on tho lino ctho Sussex railroad, nro now employing nbonfiftinen^TlioyarofunimliiHglhcKtonefroiiithin quarry nnd are building "tlio now SOO000 railroad bridge at MorrmloWH.^for' tlJJ..L. .t W. Hi H.7whcro a largo"i;forcorofmen am at work.u Wo understaud thatof Uio Cominissinnent to build tho now StatiCapitol have been cxamiiiiiig^Uu rgiu j j w r y wljlf ft'Vjow 1° ttaing^b'o stoiio iuthat fitnuiturc—AV/ {

Jlll.Hl.li in

• kill ui.ml

wil'l Umlojii-iliiL.-y.-ii WITI'Hiidiiiit lul«,r-.•!!, mul lira y.iii T<*- ;inly (. '\i.rr^.»i ynur.

MmWt' 'k l i rymi 'i^'ariTn"tTui-li'liAL.'1'1!!^'!!« tri

ii- I d i nIII.I | li

ov.Tiiryoii tvlllKi-t lilou-n n-i witli ilymi-inlii-. Tln-y tin- .lt-iitli un yim. 1 'l.m'i k n w your'l<lll(W-« M) i W'lhl [llUtll tlll> .V. V. (HHlnnll-ltl'ItlU)

iju-lluti yini will jji-t It. H'-wiiri't I My, bowikri.-.VITJ- iriilj-yinir.'.

l''lll)*l IISH '110 .SlVtlARH IIV TDK 1!K1> Kl.AII.Mr. I-'Mtor: The nrii-ind win KIIOIVH toispector llvrne. Chief'of the Police forcuof>! i-ity uf Now Ynrk. It i nay be of.ynstilioitniu-e aud ut-i>/ lead to an nircst.... . .

W. C. T. U. Convention.Tln-.W. U.T. U. Warren County...L-onvcn-

iou is to be held at lMvidere. nn Wc.h.es-ji>-June 2nd, itt which Mn. J. U. Downs,vill pivM.l.t. The mat ing will' lw licl.l at10A.M. with duviitioiml fxercist-s led byMrs..!. T. Kllis. of I'loinhixUm, follow.-d l.y

ilile raiding by Mrs. linu-n, of l^h-idcre.IIG aiUlress of w»-lc«ine will bu ih-livvro*l bvI-S. Harris «'f Hi'lvidtTt1, to whi.;h Mrs.

fiilia Brymit, of ''Vii!,hiii*;t-iii, will rtspotiti.Committees \ull llifii b.- appointed and nlomitiile [iriivrr o!T>m-d. Tho nfti'iinHHi sos-iun will couvcue nt-2 v. M. upcniiij; wilhl.'volinnid t-xcrcisos lod by MIN. K. (J. Heck*iinu, of Philliiwhur-. Imports from (Juiiituwill then be received, a coiistitntimi adopted,nnd olllcers anil su-ieriiileiu^uts electwl.Mrs. Kllis will deliver an address to workers,and Jlrs. Downs will tukecharge of tlieques-tion box. In the evening devotions will beled by Mrs.llriieunt7,'!3 i'. M., and iiddreMsoi.will.be.,delivered J>y_ Mrs.;..Kllis and Mis.Downs:""The Unions ot tlie county riiru' in-vited to send as lnrnu a rejiresontation. asjiossible." They, will Im entertained by "thuIndies of Itelvidere.

The Nation'3 Defenders.ii for th«) STAK.

As Uiey fiwot) tlio mul ti

"Thu boys lu IJIIIU " ao noble'anil trui-,Who fotin'it nu thu Southern iiluiti

Who 'ncaili tlm bright xky,Uko Martyrw <|[<l(llo

To cotno back novor nfiiiii.

oMI'Tfl HO Ijrnve, loynl mul trtn>,Who In coullicl U'LT knuw itufc.it,

Wu'yli-1'lilieoto-ilny,'Mid BWCCL brt-iiUi o( -May, -

Tlio lioiuiiKtf tlmt over lit moid,

Tho llvliif* wu !)U^8, imru In our love, .

Itrlni; llowers m

Ainltovii.tliroiiBhII. IIOtt'KN I.IICKWDOH.

A Murderous Assault. 'A young"man" unmbd~rauslinii,; who'l....

wintoi- broke into a cignr fitoroul I'liillips-.mrg, was., found guilly nnd .KenMo. Stall

liu friends was released,' nftcr being in prisJU about iLiuuiilh, nud another nnmed Lynch,

who several weeks ago cut Mrs. John Heateii tho back with n knife;, wns itrratnil aii.liw uot-yot.boun tried, both of.PhilHpslinrt*.'eroarrfiatbd oil Hiindny'for n murderou.1

jsiiulLiipoii Patriok Nolnu, at KiwUm. Jlr.Noliin reproved thum for using bad limgniit»t* ifore liis children and hu wns felled to (IK,,:ouiid with a stone. His wifn enrno to huawtistancn and KIIO was thrown down. Twimen Ntauding near by ran to Mr. Nolan's ns-sistnuco itnd tho rutliaiis iled. They worepursued and enptured, though llring revolvew nt their purauers, nnd tlio crowd llinlcoltoctod wcro with dillioulty prevented fvonlynching them. They were lodged in jtiil.

Dangerous Sidewalks.Ono nftcriioou liwt wcok Mm. K' JL l-'mi-

nor WILS walking with some friends on Kail-road nvoiutQ, and when in front of tinlicatty fnntory a Innsn boanl in ..tlio dilnpi.dated old walk Irippod her, cnusing a KOrious wouud on tho faao and olhc|,'WlKo liruising her body. I t is said Homo buies in heface were fractured." Mr. I-'onuer bas placedtlio mnttor iu Attorney Strykor'g hnndn whowillnupty to llin Coniiuou Oo'uncilat ilsitesl" liiig for dnningoM. Should no compro-

! ho mode then nction will b» brnughtagainst tho llorough for tho amount clnin

TlinD., L. A W. I t l l , company in ship-ping iibout 100 enra • of oliestnut coal. dailyfrom l^ort Morrin to lltilTalo. Tho coal wansent from ESnrantou last wiuler to bo stored inbiua nt 1'ort Mor.'is. • v

Waufed—lO girls to soil O/6u6 Bohp. Callat Windsor hotel^rriday, § to 5 A, a.

A n Old Reflidoiit'H-'poatli. r -Thoro nro but few nf Washington'-) nged»plo li-ft, nnd tho itMlh of lVter T. 11.

I'an Dormi, which oconmsl mi Weilncmlnyiftcruoon nl-oiit ilvn o'clock, makes theumber Mill It*.*. Mr. Vim Daren \™« «

Mm of Abmltmn V, Vnn Doren, : who r---bldcd nt Clover Hill, Sonicml roiiuty, nml

tn this placo from NVw llruuswlckH:i-J, nheu tlirro wtnt but NOVCIIU'OII

h-iuM-n hi Ihu village, ami ougagcil in tholumU-r liiwiintta lie built up an oxton-•\\a Imilc' nud was widely known through*

ut tho Stnte. Tho (tlonrhouso on tlio tuiutlihide of tlio canal and the mill at I'lano No.

wcru liuilt l>y him, and hu ilid nu i:\tvn-vci buHun-hfl in grain,' l«?»*l Tesi liU lumberUHitu1^. Ho M'HH an iwiilli-ul Hun 111-1 or.ill of energy, pluck ami endurance, r-unl-

itlca iwreiwary ]u thine t-Mrly tliiy-i,'jiuil'snn-ully oviTfaiiio dillkiilllcx Unit «Cfiiiieil

iiwuriuouiital)!''. At OIID linn; when goodswere 'uitvily jthl'ijHil from (hi* locality miIlia ontinl, lie ownetl Kcvonil \HK\IH uii-l did

go fn-ight Irnllic, luforo tlio railroad*wcru built. : • '

At different tinu-s he wiw a<sm-!nU-d inu-iiueRt with nthcr iK.'noii!', with limrn ur•mt HIICIVKH, and wlii'ii ho ri'tiicil fromusincgH iii 1875 the llrm was ktn-vvu a*<nu Uuri'ii . t Son. which llrm built tin:irgo brick hotel kimwu us the Wind-mrlouso. ltccogui/ing his bu.iiiu'SM iiliility,

tho poople okvtfd him a uninuilinau whi'ntlm l-orniiglt was iuroriHiratcd in isfin,whieh ollk-o he hi-l<l fi>r four ci>nvciitiv.tyours, Kwr since his rottrciin-iit fromiUHin>-ss \w I m IHI-II iu ill Ik-ahh. ami forlit* jiiuit three warn linn IMIII vcrv ffclilf,i-wiilcs being iloprivid of his hi^ht amilonring. IIi;i ciilititiillt riinipnuiDii li:t-* li'-nilit wife, SIIH:IU, tlniiKhttT of Jnmw .KiihiT,

nf New llruii.swulc, to wlmni Im w.«' ninr-riiil in ls-js. m i<! K\i,, .til) snrvtv.-x l.iin.I'lu-ri! \Vi-ri>Nixi>Iiildri'U I-oni to tlxin. four-f whom nre Mill living, vl / . : -lai-.il. \\\..Villinm C , Alirnbnm (!„ nii.l .li.1>n. At

his iltiilii Mr. Vi.nD.irtn wilMtbonl y\tt\ityypant of agi1. 'I In: fnntrnl will or.-ur ouI'ri.lay, llic 'i^tli iiist., from tln> Winde rU»n<i\ ut -J:::n f. M.; interment hi th>-

The South Mountain Road Again.Siiuv work wni nbaint'UiiHl >m tin; .Sotitli

Mouutniu rnilroinl Hi.nu." tin >>r tw.lv>* \v:ir»iigo, which road was to extend through -tlu-

lii'ni part of thin county, the news-tup-,'!*iiav.' told so many liln reg!irdingth<: rL-sntii|>-

'U nf work on that linn ami Ihu 'Vnrly t-t'in-

ifraiil to tjlv« en-.U'iiw to any r.--»>rl' ««i-i-tniiif; the Mjiiuir. \\'« lilctll not endi-rso tin->MowiiiK wlih-li wo found in » NVwuil; M -

ial procedure, but [nil>li>li it to lit ourrenders know tlmt thu scheinu \i etill licin^agitated:

Mini.i.ivrow.v, N. V., May 21—Thoro nn-

.vitli the proJMteil biidgiitg of tbo Ilml-ou nt•inn King ami liivnluit'ck Motintniiis.

il Ko-lou c7i|iitnli-.ts Hinlortook to builil aoad htylul the IVniLsvlvnnia, SUttiiigtntt.1 Xuw Kn»laiul wilriKul on nearly nu air-e route acro^ Northern Ni*w Ji-rscv, andincL-tiiig Ilic IA-IIIHII ViiHi-v railroAd *y*.

em at Slutitigtoii.'Pa., with the Krii> udiwaytystt-ni at tho New York State lino nearjberty Corner*, N. J., and thus reai'lmifhe gloat Hudson liritl^c. Tlie work ofuiilding the new road was piMhetl forwardmtil a large I'ortion of the Now Jei-sey see-ion had been graded renilv for the mils.U till* H u t thu constiuition fund Kr.vo out

id the work came U> a stuiuMitl. After 'uug period of iuaction renewed intc-iust iu

,he i-utcrprisp h.ts recently IMJUII iluvt'luputl:iy tin.1 proprietors old claims of coiitr.ictoivlave been nettled u-i, mul tlio ciifyneernlave rosuinod operations. - Tlie I'.rie Ilail-

roiiil Comii.iny. apparently ,i*!tinn in <vm,'atwith the projectors of th« new road, has svt

rorjis of eiigineera nt work luring out tlioute for nu extension of Ihdr l'iue Islamlitucli t'i^hl liittcs from the present teruiiuiis

o lliu State line, at the i«iiut named for tin-unction of the two rouik It i.s'siwn nutat the Krie oxlonsimi will Im built at muv.id the .lerwy puople iutvre>toil l»ok for an

early n>!iiuiiption of worl; on that iwrtiou ofthe liu.;.

C i ro for the Living.

n, Samuel Moore, whose il!uc.--s we chrou-ieled last week, was taken to the poor hoti-i;an Monday. It is said th:it he .begged i>it-Dously not to be thrown upon the churlty ofthe county. Our roudcrs will remeiuber ourditorial coiniueuts several weeks ngo on the

case of this ol.l dof-'iulcr of his country's ilng.At tho CIIHO of th« Mexican warthousandsofjld lluiiterdou's patriotic L-iti/oiiH assembledlo do him honor, .but now.in his old nge nml

jverly tlwre nro' none 'to do him reverence,'




Mnf, Uliln in slightly hidUponcd,

Mr. Win, Klu^ix-Hier;' lnw tiold hU horse.

Mr. John Hnil In honin from Worcester,M a * . . ••

Mrs. Asmui Itolpli U coullntd lo tho houseby hicknt'M. . . . ..

Mr. T, II. HiiuvU drivesn new honto to hUiikory wiigmi.

Dr. ViinSycklu'K nwdence, ou Main strcd,i iitulvrKHlnc Mil-lit rr|inln.

WL-rt-«, Ibi! nuw INIIHT, will miuii placo onlho road a invvly ii.iintcl wngmi.

Mr. ti.'iio liiclntrdtou, of Oxri>r<l, KIKJIII•iuliiy'nitli trWtuh m tliis plna-.

A M M . Sway/i!, of Clit-ftt'-r, WILH tbo yucstot Him Ida Sli'i'htiiH ovi-r Sttntlnj',

k i Xtm, It|gg.-i, i>f llr.ikc.-tli'Wli, wiw Hit*guest of Miv. l)r. I-'rcciuau liLtt wrrk.

It WMidniuiilurtaiunieiitfor the l-elitlitnf th<- umnumtiit fiuiil will soon IKJ H!VLII.

Mi^ Cnrriu .liiliu>ion, of IMvi.lere, vUite<tfriciuls iu tlii-i plaoi! ihiriii|;llH'pres.'nt wet-k.

Mr. Stewart Ilauce, whorecoiilly iiccuptcilI m>itii m in XiiWiir):, wan In town la«t w s k .

Mr. Mnilw.u Purler, of l.arayt.tlo Colh-gn,hat ri:i'iiitly IHHH h|ieniling it fiw da>-*i in

Mr. ('. (f. Koriiify and family haven-tum*oil from l'l<irid;i, whfre thfy hav«-. spent ill-1

winter-Mr. I ' .T. Al\Kio.l, of iKford, w;w theu^lofTliro. Otui.', Jr . , Ui<>l.itl-.r putt of

lnMt wc.1;. -

Jii.-i_c!osing.but he.is .buried..otr,'•

s=, too, iu a land where we jirofid cherish tliu defender* of mir country

H'hnt n coniuieutnry it is on our bojLste-l putriotism tlmt we build cosily HOldiu-rs' nionumeuU for thu dead iiud suffer thu living t<

neglect aud poverty;",.•...;.:•,:.".,.„;..:•• .;•.

iM bytlicir iii.<th(.r fmnt during

Mr.M.uwou SI, -[ilK'nn. at J i -wy i'hy, i*tIu<t;iii.i.tiir]iUr.iiI.-r, M.vM. I*. St.|.l..iiK.

Mi.« Aii;;.-lin.t Murli.tt iliM nt tin- n-i-li'iii-c of W. l». Williiuiiii lii l Thursday in-ini'

iiif;, ngt'd M years.

Mk-t (;,uri>! Mt-uagh has rotnrm-d Iimin1

ft.;r ii Iliro.i-iiKiiitln' vi-it mum--.; friiinU in

.'ilri Tiniik llnml U building a ranvas-cov-iv. 1 l.ont. wlii.-h b.i will u v wliilo tish'nig at





vi ry tn11 XlK'llll

<• Poith

':* nt ILC

a litrge

ay/.-, tl

Hi-lie mi


ovaU« iiv. niI." in lh-

i>iphiaii Sitcioty

ll.itittit.:1 hiiL'timo' fn

.•l.ln.-V-miils bllll.'ltllL [K









i - 1

pent at Hi*.•t SIIIKIUJ-

iivtsnry <>x-ly cvc'iiui,mn,

titly slipped oiml

IL'd hU

now walkskuw .|iiit.

.Miss 1'riiii.v, MI-IIIIT, (if this lilaco. »'n.<mui-iiHl li^t ThitMhy tn Mr. l.tnvis l'lil-k lit

Jc.nuy City. Mr. l w k ran tonncrly in thuulii|ilii}. nf'.Mr. jlrnmui Welirr, oflliw [ilncc.

A remiirhtlili! fm-l is "lioticuil uhml liuUii-illK diickvns this your. Nt'lirly evi-ry «;tlili^

stiilw tlmt II wli'il" H'ttin;; «-|i« lifitt'linl tliri",1'ivs l)ct..fo 111., usual liuw.




vn nniriiit;i-i:;v

TilO !


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nu thiiuior.iid \M

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a: id

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'a til.ku0*.'i

ud• . • ' . • -


i f


on Mn

.•'mil v.

ie sale of11




veiy p

lmvu s



«l.i, W



n Dayonsaiit



is a

t :*•.





~i \\

H. .




w\uw\ rouuuspiivs. c

vbs social!}us r«ili/.ed

tn l,o OIJS

I 01

f tinam


DrvwThe (J. A. 1.

.ion and j ubli<1i:ts to tnki> part iu tlio panido,

lifter which takes plnve, I!nv. Itodroek h toliver (ho iiddress of the day. A festival.11 be held in tln'.nftorunou niiilevenii:g for

the lMiiL-llt of the 1 W .Tl'ie cl:us of '$r, of the puLHi) school fsnul-ites mnt ut the rfsulpiirn of the elnss 1'ivsi-

licnt,' Mi-w .Iciinio Wolsi-, nn Mondaying and llie oh^s History^ Vro'ihesy andi'oonrworo nssi;^icil.--A meeting of the Al-

to" love i 'mini will 1« licUl at tlic Kchaol Imiltliug thisfTliursiliiy) evening nnd furthor exorcises willlie ])repiiri'il and uri'imgo'iii'iits pMfeetcd forttie auiiunl rt-uniuu and l,ii]ii[itut. <"

The Proposed Silk Mill.week we inudo niontiou of the pos-

Hibility of it Rllk mill being established inthis place, tho whole matter hinging on thonotion taken by tho Chancellor in ndjuhtingtho mntters iu litigiitiou involving tlio Realtyfactory property. On Monday the Olmncttl-or ordered the Itcntty property sold ami theiintioy turned over lo tho Court. It will beid vert ised at onco mid Hold. We are infor'm-mined that now the logal disputcri arosoUlmlHid the ttcoeivor nbjMo-Vjive it. valid title,tbe property will not gii bogging for a •pur-chaser. Already two jwrties have signillciltlieir intention to puvoho-se tlio property umlutilise tlio factory IIH n silk mill, and It isvery probable Unit Uiero will lie n livelyconipctitiou al Ihesale. If the mill is estab-lished tlie purtie-i expect lo give employmentlo not less than live hundred poople..

Tillic Smith 's Body Removed.

^^Thn7iiH\tdns"or/i;inj«"_HiuifIi. - \hn • yomiygirl who was uiurdercdat ilaokollslDwii^voio

Iiuinod this week,' in lho iircwmw of tinsProsecutor, detectives .-•raiil .physiutiHis.CJ A

ition wns liiiule hy thu phy-

toly was removed and taken mto of. .TliiMiitiiiis were plucud in a now uuter • cnsk'ot.lid deposited ill one of tliu clum-i'stuost Bxtiuisivo plot-s iii-tliQ cemetery, donated>y tbo tnistocs of the eeninloiy.

The luonuineut fund is not iuuron-sing veryapidly, nud tlio commilltn- are making•angeinenlstoliavollie (.Hue Club of la-

fayt'ttii College give a coiiccrl. in the l-'re-shteriau Sunday school 'moms, about -Uuw, Kit'

tho lieneiil of the fund. A ha-nta-iisum is expected to lie ronUxuci IVoin Ilio side of

lodels of llie proposed uionunidiit.

Last 'J'hui-sdny evening tho wagnu houseof David FliiiinuerMl, ofllopo township,

;:;:.„-. NCW.H&niptOll..'.:.. -:.-.•-..

T. H.-Smith, tinrhfwt, keeps ii first clns;aiiso and desires biinrdew. City poople winould like a iiicecountrv vrctrcat a dosirabli:u>, covuuk'iit In tho Kiiihvay station, funwiiory, good iisliing, biilhing, pleasure riding


Sunday, Juiw l:ltb, will bo observed aschildren's day nt llie Valley rreshytoriiihureli. • • ' • " • •'

iromorial Hay will be observed nt lho June-lion an usual.

Itov. ISiillon, orS|inice1!un, will preach iithe school house, .-it this plumL-e, next SimJuy.

Shoe Factory.ThuPhilsi. Shoe (Ji

tho emplttyi.'S

ka. •> 'I'lio

mipsny.of this plaiv, liason'.s work, and n liuniberill ,bo .idlo..for.about -twot i ' i s will be kept at work,


in-in IJO i |inwpp•hu

tiili! piii'ly for (K)OO pairs of slmos. MiPiinliai'r'.s Icnii HM mniiiiger lias expired, andit is qnito prolmhlu tli:it lib will beieappoii.t-ed. The imr^M-i for u (jood full trade is•midio Ijouncoiintgiuy;-- - r."~. ;T:.:T.-;,-

•. •.• • .'• •. C o m m i m i c i t e d . : - •

Mr, h'llit'.tr: "Wasn't the editor of tb'o*Ibvim a good way oil of his bn.su when h.ns«l tlio term '•ourstiaiglit friend MeCmelion?" As I Hen him walking on tliu street ligoes mow lop-siilt'd than any of our citizens—even Coiinsellov .Tellery ki^jw up strnighlortinui lie. Itniay In; Lho AVivVw manmnw dllu-r McUmckcu in life mind. 'J'his,

s destroyed by firoY togethe with wag-goii, agricultural implements and Grain. Ahired givl had • been enanf-od during Urn day

i bu out lici H i ehouse for lho - purpose of destroying ' in-Keetii.^Thero wan one nt'st^in ii Imrrcl,-mid nfter binning it out, she put freshiitmw in tho hnrrol, nnd replaced it iu IlioJ,1" UilM.'B-. =^ A-^sii iirlr—] n i > at h nye.t= r oin «i ii e <11 Las, HOOU after, ;i'!io ilro brokeioW in this bar-rel, nud flpre^'w^rnpidlytlmtrt.wjwfoimdiinirofifiiblo to cxiiuguisirtho 'flmneiil""' ,'"ri

1 - ;. . . . L ^ _Lj-i T;, .""".": •VTT

J. S. Wnmo allowed nn somo branches ofouQ-ycar-old peneli treoH coutaiuiug snihll

A inlly bo 'gflHKti i bnpsU t9VU*tVc9tcnla7i'

:iiy earson JJol-

llie interest of TliJ desire to corroul- this hUtyy and will

X ain, Ihe sol'i mid only owmuv'of Hi

rouoiitly tliaf. I am I'unning lho siidoiu


establinliiiiciil,aiid thatnopeiuonothcr thaninyselfhnsft.nyiutei'csl director indirect .1the business.


Itov. D. S. Frost/of tliia place 'litj^ a fin

night.lo^svq calves, ..Tho cow was! broughtfrom Vermont liy Mr. If'rost and her, liiijtlioi'onoo took ilrst,. prenium al tlio. ,,VerinonStato fair. Many people wont to View thtwins on Saturday and. .fiundny.' Mr. :Wil-

liiuu lihklb Us vmhmd, tlto calves-•• / " • . ; , ' : • ' • • v ^ - . • • > . " , • • • , " ' - • ; :




KIierlfT VauCaui),>cn conveyed lho UircaStnto prlnon biriU to their new miAi-tcnt onI'riilay last. -^

(leo. (livens Wpwto to In-Kin work ou l iblow liotol liulidlii-j (lho Jklviiliro House;

nljont Juuo 1st,

l'<- nro having nn nbundnnco of rain—*omc iM!(>p]a ttny nioro than wo need, nudthn early "f-.mluii jaum" U a fniliuc.

K(rnwl>crric*tart-*i(<lliiit; for 15c. a basketwith ti.«. The prrapect for im abundantyield of thh fnvorito berry could not boiiioro cheering.

Wo regret (•xcmltngly to hnrn of tho_riotw HltiMi of our tDwnmiian, 3Ir. I. Harris,C'aihliT of tho JJelvidero National Itauk..Ur. If. Int not IJOCII lu rot-tut health ktovcrul Wuukx, .

Thu Grand Army post Is making nrrniiyi.1-ents lu tlecoratu thu solilitirn' gnivoH, Mou-ly next. There will bo speaking audmlo iu tho park, thu greater part of thuly. Tho KchooN will "bo cloxctl and thox-iLsioii will tako a holiday air. C' !? 1 '.The HUIIOOI I'hililron attcmled in n 'tody

he fimorul of Mamio 1'rcinnu.r, on.» of:hoir uimibcr, the latter part of tho week.

Itura) triliuleH wnro liiuneroiut and Itesm-ifutly arrnu^-d. Miuniii was n (jrwit favo-ritoniidtho partiua scenu at Iho gravo Wiw

liof Justice Heasley recently iinUht-il nlinnl wood iiiiintli) ami placed it ou uxhUitiuii In l.is son's house, on Ilrd < H i *

l-nu'Uotnuly earvvil and pn-senU u beautifuli!>|Riir.uici\ The ligurt'.i am in liolil rulivfmil r e p r i n t familiar cliarautont iu (in1

nid iiniiiiiu inytitology. Tlie, Jtutyo iiwru vn^igod on tlio work for smiio 'J or IJLIIM, It may not bo generally kimwn that

i>! U no novien iu Hiieh matten.

TiiU WH-k our I'lMhibitiou frohnN willlomiuate a ramlMate fur Covi-mor. It H[-•nenilly umU'rhtood that tho Itov. Mr. 1'itr-KIIH, who led tho teuipornucu lio^U, at theirlunlidato for (Suvcriior, three ycuis ago,vill not Keek ii rcunmiuatiou. lie inadu n•lucky light at that timi-, but failed to i-niu-innnd the ftttp'iurt of many tciiipcmuc*- or-1,'aiii/jitiojis, heiii'e'his voto was not largo.!•:•.<•]i Un; Ittlviikro Inform Chih did not

him cordial Kiipprirt, nud thu Ituili/''•mitt, a U'liipei-iinci! paper piiiilishedhi I!i-1-

ili a- during that cnuipni(-u, did not place* iiniiiunt tho bond uf its coluiiuw. Hut

.hiii}?* linvi- changed consulerably nnd doubt*si-* whoovorguls Uit! nomination for Gov-•uorthUtimowill wcclw tlto full l'ruhi-itiou vote. It wuttUl not be Kiirprisiny ifir honored towiHiiutn, Juilyo Morrow, re-•Ivcil tlit. uuuiiuation. Gw.' Fisko is spolt-i uf in coniiuetioii wilh tho ollieo.A party of 7 tramps, hailing we believe

urn tlmt virtuous borough, riiillip-iburg,.'iioeil tin- jni! with their prenouce, tho latter

part of liut week. .Saturday morning tho•iheriir n-leased the rabble and the vile fel*uwrt nt oiioe began casting about for nowworlds to cotH-uer. They got full oftoeraud then coinmeuced tighting. Ouo of

iiuiuiicr muw near drowuiiig in thori^-Vrulint; to McMurtrie's mill, l'l-"olVteers Laubach aud Hayes pounced

in the gang and, utter a scveib atniy^lo,lurched 1 of tho iinniber before Justiceinieivin. They wcro n sorry looking lot,

uul iw i*i>ly iw they were ropulaivo iu loolw.'ho Jititlco sent 2 of them up for Ul). days,

me fur lu'niul the other for'y. " Towani evo-ig the biiliiucc of the gany, three iu niuu-r, stopped K. H. Kinery, a mecbanic, in

he outskirts of the town aud deiiinnded hUnoimy. While they weru iliscnstiuK the•uetitiou of finances Tice Shay and semeithor wofkineu hove in sight nud tho tramps,

de good their escape.


IK JtlllfiE lll;Vfi A HOllSK—FOllKKIl'h :SAI.t: Al)-.luCUSKII—I1KNI1V L-AI.ITUl'Ml'EU—HIS.'

cox o i r rs iiiit COMMIIMIOX.

Out1 CiiptLst friends are looking for areuehur, ' .J. II. Willovor's child which was so badly•jilik'd some tiiiie'ngo in rapidly improving...UliitiiSmith, n.well..luiowii goutleninu in

his iioigliljoTn'ooil,~isllie"1griOBt otWrnTllaia-

liu daughter of Hubert Jones recentlyil frtui Wales, having hmV a long

dreary voyage.

Miss Mnlliii Ozi'iibi-ugh who has boon vis-iting in town for some time returned to her

iniont Newton this week.

Mr. J. W. Forfcer has boon reappointedjstmiKter at l'ort Murrny under the Dem-jnitic lulministrnlkin. He ha.i hold tli

position for fourteen yean, having beenfirst appointed during Cirnut'H first torn

Dr. II. M. Cox has received his commis-sion fr^in tho Pension Pep't us one of the

ite Examining Surgeons. This isviable office. He will be required to go to

oi'vill,) onco a weok. ^Tlur feat •amountto nbout £ir>00.

Lust Saturday's storm was quite a dostnic-i*o one in this vicinity. Tlio lightning

killnd a yulunblQ cow boluiiging to Win." "" >fs, nii-1 nl.so visited tbe re-nd'aico of

Win. Mitchell, cntoviiigat the diininey urn1

touring the stove to pieces.

Mr. J. W. 1-Wker did not got hilf of hisgoods sold hist Saturday and will soiltliis Saturday, the Mill, "lla is ninkiiif

•alious fov a trip to Illinois ,.and with hiafaniilyoxpeciH to start nbout'tho 1st proximo.'Ho will stay n couple of inoutha.

Mr. Huury Hoiu-toss of Xownrk bos latelyboon Miiirriiid and is now visiting Ins brotheiiu lliiH.iilai;e.._Oii.lho_evouii]g.ofJiis nri'ivathe boy*iTgTivo hiiii a'g'ntiiil soreiiitditrg," 'ihtdeinonst ration was successful in drmniuingLhogentleinnii out to the tuii'e of sjli at thbur. . ' . " . :

The business of lho creamery belonging i<Mr. L. II. Trimmer is gradually improving.Mr. .Theodore McCnthem, tho foreman, saysthey nro averaging from 111 to "20 urns

ilk a day;- Tho cvcniiiery is capable of tak-ing •!<) cans i»er(day, aud will no doubt conicii'p JLq lluit^iu_liuioL _ . _ _ _

ilr. 'riioiniw Widlers of ChanguwnW' wwtown last Haturday. " It ia said Im will hi

io coiniiiy County Superintendent/ He is iicficsufnl tcneher and would nn doubt maini CifVieicu. SupfniMteiulciit^. ;Ho is L-ertnjul;

better tiuii'lillcd f-'T tho'-p0^1*0!1: l* iml soniiwlio aw Booking it., ; / ;

•Judgo Cniitluld bought ii^liorsii at Torkor'aalo last .Saturday for £tV*. It mi.a \\mulsonic looking nuimal amVwilLno d(inbt improve every day under tho'Judge's gciulfmanipulations. Ho thinks there is "yo" iuhiin^nud if ho could apiiroye of.hoiti&.riicmtfin hia "present pon|tiou" would put him on.thoJroflVi'—I-Tfl cnu't, howovcr, iimlio up his

• ' j ^ 1 , , , . " : • • •>, .- ' '. ', ,•;••;.'• N O H K Y .

Kov.Ay. O.,pAlto(lrodi, ofl'iilotaoa,mptly or this county, \vil] bo the orutor nt

U k H H ' r i i U '





AMAZON (Alan row-lor)*,


CZAIl. ........

Kit. lMUCK'S...............

SX0W MAKEiGtoI-.)...

lEWIS1............^ ;.


NimEWSSCO.noJlll.aukH, {CBUtnt Al.

JIULK (l'owacr (old looic).... •O • • - • i . ^ l

REPORTS OF G0VEENMENT CHEMISTSAs to Purity nnd Wholesome ness oft lieJtoynllliildngPowclor.

" I have trutcd a p.ickncn nf Unval H.ikins I'owilnr, whlcli I [.urcliaged In lliof-.r/'U marki-t, uml IIml 11 i-omjwpcd of ••iih-uiiit wlioti>-umo Ingredients. I t luni-rcamoi tartar jiowdcr of a lil^li ilo^rt-o of tnurit, uuJ tloca not contain ritlit-r alum orpliospluiU-d, ur other Injurious eubatann:*. •:•- - Y.. I!. I.OVK, l 'h.D,"

C **•: . * " ' ,'. • . . . " "•• * VILA. JIOTT,' fli'.l).'1 '111 linve pxnmlnrtl a narkaijc of Koynl Itnklnc* Powder, imrchnitcil by roynclf In

lho mtirk'-f. I tlii'I It entirely fn>» fnnii nlmn, lurr.-i allci, or nnv "tlier iiijurlim* suli-aUucc. l l csur ..IOUTON-, l'h.l)., I'tLSl'lo-it of Stcvcnii loiUtutu of Tcclinologj-,"

411 have nnalvzeil a parltico of Hopl llaklnx Powder. The niat<>rl:il of whli-hIt U coio'iuMid uru pure uml wliolcwinc. S, DANA. Hi.ri;3, Stuto Assuyer, Mua."

Tho llovnl IVikliiir J'nwdor rccrlvcd tlio IIIL-HCSI award over nil competitors nttlin Vliinui WorM'it Kxj^ltlon, Isr,!; nl lliu OnU-unhl, I'lillulclpliln, ISTU; at tlioJVUI'-HCMII IiHlltuto, New Vork, uml m Slato Kulru ihrouKlunit thu country.

Nu other urlk-lo of l.umuu fim.1 hart uvur received micli IIIKII, tnijihiitli-, and mil-vorsM (inilor«.;tni-iit from (jutlnuiil clictiibti, pbysicluua, uckutfuM, and IJounld ufHealth nil OVIT tlio world.

NOTE—Tlio attovo DIAOHAM lllustratM tlio comparative worth of various BakingI'owilerH, as shown by Clicmti-iil Analy^h ami ex-nirlmenti made by Pmf, Sdn-Olcr,A pound can of each i)Oiuler\v;u t.ilui, tlio total Ic.i\eiilu^ power or volume Ineachenn r-:ikulatoil, tlm result l» iu^m liulieati'il. Thh iimctk<ul teat for worth byProf. Scliciller only r-rovua what every oliacrv.mt toiHUmcr of tho Royal'UnkingI'owilcrkiiutrii liy practical t'spcrU-iu-c, thnt, wliliu It coxtf n fuwcuiit.4 per pouiulmoro tlmn or-liiurykhi'I*, It U far mnru ccunomlcul, omi, licsfili^, iifTonls tho wlviin-liifro of ln'ttvr work. A Mn 'U trbl of t!iu Itoyul ISaldn),' Poirdcr will convince uuy .

. fair-inludud person of ihcsa fiicU, . " .. . : . . . . . . '

* White tlm dl.iirmin t,liow* Pfiino of tho nlum iiotr-lcrs to be of » ht<jhrr deijreoor rtromctli tlmn o(li..-r |>»wdc» nmkinl l^luwllicni, it In not to Im tnkiiti art imliuut-luifth.it llu'V'li IVI- anv valuu. Allulum ifowiluri, no uiattur huw hltrli thulr strcuirtti.jtre to Lc UVUMLI! IM Uatigcroiu.



i: SIl.'irtl.itOlill' lUoU'l'lIll—A NfcA I . DAY <>IMM:-


(JhrUsio ha-i t'oiw wo.st..Mr. Kowh, of Stmihopo, m a b s pvrio.li.-al

bit*,' and nnr trw'n It lik.'Iy to |<KO mm ofits pupulittinit.

The schiwl trustcea havu nt last seen' tlionecessity of lixiuj,' np the fences nriMiml tintjhool [iroperty.MitH JIattio UiitU-i- w« -iri> sorry t» loam is

idlspoHod from malarial fever ami U con-lined to her bed.

Mt-fhrB WnniiiA Jtaylor's stallion "Jlllo". goUiii-i somo lino cull.-*. ^Tr. jrnlilon I him.lor has a line ono out of this horse.Siicrajiioiit - was celahttited hist Htiudny,

:iud JJnptwiii tho prccocding Sun-lay. Otio

Squirt! Jlncluiioi-i! Irwited our town's peo-pie to clam chowder ou Saturday iifeht. lie

,-Uli him sucouss.

Next Sunday moruiiiK being MemorialDay, the church will bo trimmed wiih flagsand HoweiN, iu houor of our soldiers*, theirwidows and orphans. lUiv. Lockwooil willprench nu cspeutnl sermon to them on thojeensiou and all our soldiers* nro invited.

Mrs. Dr. Crkpin has just returned from n'visit to hoi- parents at Karitnn. Her father,l)r, Crcvcliiig, has obtained an 'excellent

met ice nt tlmt place.

Minnie Crovolint;, «Ked-20 years, died ofconsumption nft<.-r several uioiitlis illuess, atthe homo of her cousin, Sir. George Hooper,

Tronton, ou Friday last. She was buriediuTrouton.

A now clock adorns the Methodist elmreh,whicl1 ticks t!ic'li:!ic.t(j;.i['.iit.,-. !i.!iil..tho,.-.!!cwboll ticks'the time l« begin; but both fair tosome who are either too lute JIL (ho b^inuiu-j

rtoo latent the el os in-,'. • -

Mr. M. I!. Howers has opened up business!at tlm William'Warmau stand, and .willtry liU hand nt storekeepinj,'. Th: store nndhouses are to be iiowly pdintc'l and wHlvprci."

ml a lniicli bettor appeurnuce..

ltev. 11. 1!. JjOfkwood in just as popular usovor and unceasing iu Ins offorts for the goodof the community. Last Thursday eveningho lectured on Europe to an appreciativeftitdlmuu!, nnd music by the Jtroadway <umr-letto milivoiioii tho occasion, ltev. C. 11.Barnoii will lecturo ou fritlay oveuitiy, June•1th, on ".Uftiiihles in Italy." !ti ......iiolicloiiginBlo and. driven .by Mr.

Win. Myer'.s, the wond sawynr, hecaiiit)frightoned al ft passongcr train while beingdriven from tbe depot, out to the road lastThursday. It Wafti .itlmisttitf and full,striking its hoadoulthb ties of the switchrunning fihniy s'ido the load and breaking iuits skull. It diud instantly.

- D E L A W A R E . •

• -..-. • IHiLAWAUli I \S T i l t : 11HI.AWAIIB.. .'.!

;.Mi;.rOiitio':Vlluii- woiit:Ui' X-nviirk- 'oil•• \t\\^ness lust week, and spent a fuw days iu NowYork.

Hov. Jniislou, of lEastou, l'a.,'rproacliedfor Mr.JJfiyis last Suuday, iis the l)i-..had

, Chns. Quig took n ib-hig trip to Now Vorkfor the piu'jioso of laying in a now stock ofgoods for (lie summer tmde.

Thu usual montlily toniiieram-o inootingwns held iu lho i'resbyloriau eliurdinn Tues-day urcning lust, mul wiw fairly ultendod.'Lliu ilinhiyuu.whidi wns to. l.i« reuitwl, waspostponed biiamso soinoofUiu pavliosuid notuaiiiL', so they unn.luvtj it noxi time. ThemiUjft't. is, bud linlutrt, ' - ' . . . -

1 Win. II. llarluiigwiis niiUTied ,t« Li/.ziuAddis nt the h-tmo of thu 'brldo's Hislur, liyItov. Chns. Douglm, on '.nninuliiyiirtoriiouiitost. U'liubrido wns dnwuud •iuMilnu silk'trimmoil iii •volvet, iim^li'^gfoDin had uvery fine doth suit ou,< which IU Jikii thepaper oil tlio wall. After lho wedding ccro-'mouieH were over HID nnwly married couplewero tnki!ii to lliu Iritin lo visit Now' York outheir wedding lnui

.Grand'Army Order.

•J John P. ItoyiioidHTosl wifl nltoiid "dVviiio

placo on iioxtSuudny"inomh!BpMj\y";tOtliConmules will report al Post room .i\t.-.n,;:U^.M.: in Hiiiioim, whito. gjuyes MU\ thu;]canes. iBy order, • QKOHOI; lUns ,if, II. CnopKiiiit, ^j, Commander,

.'.Acting AOjuttmU,,. ' * . , •••"••


II. n. KH.U'KU i s r mr. iioisiiow—HHONAI. ASH

A. It. linker linn put np n now nigu.

A uniiibcr of nheep have recently beeu

killed by dogs iu thU vicinty, r ;

Miss Ik-llii Huiuincr hrtn gone to Ji'rsey

City to visit BOIIIO old frioiiilt.

Itlnw been decidud that our ChiMrcu'flDay aunivertiary will occur ou the llnl Sun-day iu June. ''•"•

Mr. W. It. Weaver eiuiio up from lVn-ningtou lust Mondity and expects to spend aweek in this vicinity.

•fnbie was presented with nu elegant gold :

watch upon altnlniug his 21st birthday.1 le in still a bachelor however.

Mr. Daniel Scott of Illoomiugdnlo .wart 'in •--•-town this week visiting Ins brulln-r—our -geninl nnd eiuoient collector, John 1). Scott?"

]!. l \ Howcy, Mr. lttcltic, is a right goodcitixeu but his nieulalcnlibro woii'b'comparo

111 such men ns Win! Walter i'h'clps.' 'Iu "this cssoutinl he certainly comes short.

A stnuigo dog gained ndinksion to Win,Apgnr's hen coop last Saturday uight ami:ilk-d twolvu of his uhoievfit birds, besides

ilaninging aud mattrentiug tho remainder.,,

Kx-Judgo Morrow wns not ablo to coinoivtT to our tempcrauco ine-jting: last Fridaylight but sent It. It. Shiifer who quite ably

filled his place. He tilked for an kournpouprohiuitiou iu quite an elegant strain. Hotultw better for prohibition tlmn ho did. for •'democracy. At tho close of tho lecture "twodelegates, Wui. Cool and Michael ltoseberry, • :

were elected to represent Washington town- '-1

ship at tho coming Prohibition Slate Con*v e n t i o u . . . . . - ; . . ' • ' : - ' • / ; • -

.Sirs. Eliza Quigly, who was stricken with 'pnr.ilysi.~ about a vreek ago ilieit Inst Sunday-*"^at the residence of her son Wesloy with ..iioin she wiis living.""' Slio'was'thiPwidow "if Fuuton Quigly who died •nliout' ilv'e. yii»ra:"

ago. Deccnscd wns quite nu old bi l /navuiBud her 7-ltli birthday. She was n geutlo ,

chrLstian ludy and will be missed liy m a n ywho np'pre'eiatod •• lier ^vorth.^' : Tlic": fuusermon was preached at the houso Wedudny I1. M. by the ltev. It. Thomas. .-,

It is interesting to hoar some peopl';aro not informed upon the subject,. 'about labor's contest)} iu tbc form of stti.Lot me append tlio figures for lnst.Mij•2;tO strikes were for advances, of- pay —5

s sueiresssul; 411 for shorter hours—.33;,.weru successful; lfl were against roductions— Ill wero Kiiccessful; 12 caused by dis-charges of Knights, of Labor — 0 wcro sue- ..ecssfnl; lit wero agninst tlio employ-incut ofnon-unionists—'J were successful. Altogctli--v....>r 270 wero successful, 20 wcro Jltit failures -•ind 11 undecided. Vifty of the strikes wero •ficttled by the Knights of Labor through ar- . .•biffatioii. About 100,000 men nnd women ,were involved. TUoy loot nbout $1,000,000•..'•iu'wage.t nud their employes ,lost ueni'ly ns -amuch. THU LIITLB MAJOH'S IIHOTUEH. _(' ~

. A N D E R S O N . | <v

Mr. J. 0. Onroy, of Newark, was homo ouS u n d a y . ••• • •• • . . ' •-•

Mi*s. Corn Baldwin, of Pleasant Grovo,

VW!W homo Suudny. .--- .:.-:;•,•"-. ::-;.-::-•..::'";;::';-r:":

Mr. Grant Wird wns the guest of Wiu. A.-Vnnsicklu hist week. ;~ ' '• ., ; .

Mr. .lolniHon •Wagoner and family spout,last Sunday in Uwn. , ,

Mi-. AV. AV. Giirey, our road overseer, has ;

•gun working ou tho roads. .

.Tohn P. Davis nud son, of New York, wero«-^lho guests of Uncle Aaron last wcok.

A piiiiy of four wont from hero lhhing toSmitli'a l'onil, Waterloo, and caught 130 finepickerel. • • ' . ' • ' • ; ' '

Mr.' isanc Caso has opened tho blacksinithshop and is prepared todo all kind of work.'.Givuhimacall. j '*'•

Our J)u'tlti- has his now wngou< pniutedover. It looks very tine. 1 Io still dmwa thoreins of his 2.1)0 horso every Sunday'live.

Tlio old null (lain ut Pciiwoll, washedaway by the reeont wins, ia being replaced^by n now'ouQ, Tlio mill luu had to lio idlofor hvoniouths. . |t.

:-'" ' Tho fykhig in tho crook is very gootl, A J

.laruo.uuiuber. ol.oels Hre.caimht.cvor^liiioriU^^i.

'niiiC>^ lJottpp tho.dayjietterthp il^^"7" "•'"""Tio .Laities; Alii Kiiiuotv~vf111 hoKI n'gnuui' - -.luiil fiislival li"iidiug.twp_days at Audci- s\..

son, Jiuioy, Stmwborrioaandicocream,(iH^'?~-tho (loUcnciCH of tho soaaou'iuid au abuud- , .]wcoof fnnoy articlos, All ai-o invi ted ; , to ; . r.•ouio. ' ,;*('-' • • ; ; ' A X O I J : , • .":*-.•'•


Page 4: ^!T~~' · - Aim>im lUfOHKT in*tt; • Illllluf All t 1lii' •»lM*t *—ntl Iw r s*li*i

A Martyr to Etiquette^A comical *inry in . luU by nWlyli*

Wiwliinplou nwlety. AJaiwtic-ioBcutlo-mAii callcti on lii'r one il«y Jiwt.l*[orolill.clicon. AM it win it' tlwt n l

'Some Anatomici 'Ane; I'^cfi.'. Wo nro constantly Hcclng in tlio daily1H1K-TH report* of marvelous voyages inIho Iiutnnn *>yet«ii tntulu )>y nwdlOH, pen*iilmi niiil ttlicr (irticlt-H tif bric-n-bmc In-

(minal)ly eoriconioiH rail, HIIO uuluriilly t noticed thi-rein citlirr by accident ortixpccli'ti it wiinM lw brk-f. To Iwr Mir- jdi'Mfjn, An a ijeucml thing wo nro Mi lliriso hu ii«.vi»ted hur invitntiuii toltmrli, f |,,i givo credi'iiCd' to IIICHO yarns whichnnd Hint rtomatM rito over, hu »till ht«y- i nfk-n uncut invented by ingeniotw wrilor^cd. 'Jho huiir» woro on, uiul lie ili<l nut oflictiuu fur tluuli'Icctntiou of tliu nin-go, Tho hily.wiw . WMWIM .. beyuiul cu-jiim-n.. Tho following nneivlolc* rolntodiirnncc. Dinner tiuiucnim*, Tlso ln*jftimUitr fiioiticuU that have coma imdi-rily'tt Inwlmiid ivlnnii'il, ami ntill tho j «»nr' JHTKIIIMI olmervntiuii, mid ive timgentleman [rein .THJUU sluycd on, Hu; piviMivtl I" vi.in-h for it* unthontit'ily.

"wnii, nan iiiftltcr of in;«(;«.Hy, invited to j'j 'ji^ pv^tcifllco mldrektut any nf tho pir-dimicr. riu.illy, Iho gviit!ui!i:iu ol tlio j t ic , niciitioncd will bo fitrniahcd to anyhouse rt-lL'Vi-il lit* wid1 ft»r n vlitta in cn-jj!:»!Vlt1|i,tiH rwlern on niipiitwUnit.tcrtniuiiig ll'W' »i-p.»rfiitly fttfttioiiftry j Xvi'.\c» Siiiyl'io, mi agod oohuvd man,visitor, but, nit iho t'vrliiiiiMvoro u:i, hi;l,,f si»>t;;iiii trinity, TOOTH, when n hoy,IKCAIUO Mt tired nml i-ioipy Unit Ua ro- j r . m ft itcrtllu i'l.folifa Mini foot. Tlmai.-.Hml to bw "wij :ti.:irtiucti(, nml Iliu hw i n u-nl o i l v . l liim no mrluiiit nmmyaiit'f,

loss again'.screwed her eourngo to l:Ut;.;!ll) KlVi frr^lten.' A few days* a^uBlinking point, niid.tigjiiu re«niin:il llutj ; ;crxw felt n idutrp pain in liw U:ft w M ,cntertninraoiit of IKT iciest. At _ln»t.E u m ^ K\Wu mi ineWon wiw made, mitdi l<:

• nhout midnight, IliO'liiprtiW'**1, nitli Hut! j,r.; tislonMi'ji'iit, n p.ipor nf noodle;;moat clubor.it j and !ibj(Wtni«')li »;;t.i«l<i tin;; ti-(,fi;c,'i i|n-U* w;iy to Iho outer wcrllady fur leaving her, IVKJIC lii* ilopartiui-. Ixim ntviUwt \wro two ilo/on in niiinli31iil thticointdy K'lifhfd it»i'(/i«'j(/f^ii"H'|.lt)^ w,,r,, neatly dmio lip nnd labihul.tho next ility, when a fi!vi:d,.in .vln»M J j | n HaiytlHf will csliiUt Ilio mt-illorf li» niltlio cxtrnonliiury fittest hml LV.IHI-.VI!, { w | | ( , „ w Citrioit»Iv iucliiuM.tolil tho hoMw.H • llmt ho uslil that Imj yylM Sumantlia Allans, nf A.litunever had niich un <>i\W;il bvfinv tit htoj Aiium* ivtmly, Mus-aiiclmsuttH, two yc*ilife; thnt he wassio tiivd llmt ]m thought-n , . ( > i swnllnnyil a campaign I'O. ^Ilio huly wuiiM'iiuvvr U Iilm'^V '"\u\ Ii- jiiim'iyht liltlenf Ihc luiilU-r'id ' I W tiniinlly lie wns ublijjed to ltavo • her* with- i,. ; l l t f,nv- d iv.-t a;,-o *hu was M-i/.ed widtoutl ier pcrniivsiini. Then tlio hoaUs* j vi,,]ait t»>HYiilii"i!i*. Tho family phy-lonrned tliat in .Tnpenesv* eti.uietU' t h o u r ^ n Kild ea\l<u\ and tinnlly exliiu-ttdlady in receiving a gvutloiniiti givtvi liintj n, tm tlio Luly.'it light nnn a e.-py of itho Bikini for hid departure, nnd it i*very riulo in llieii" coilo to leavo Jier till

fillil (IOCS lilts.

Excitement in Texas.Orcnt oxcilcnuMit Ii:is been canned in

tbo vicinity of Paris, Tex., l-y the. re-mnrlinhlc recovery of Mr. C\>rl<',v,whn wjisso helpless he coiiMimt liun in Ixd,or rnisii hw head: everybody KiM he WHS

.U'liiKtniihnt .Ttitl;*tniw, of 'J?.ro., on Ihc lOlhnf January list, neci-dctitly awallo'w.l r. ral.ii.hr with slii>-licariny poetwal selections U> iiiiirl: racl<h? in the ywr. The d.ites f.ill.jtl tinijwo with .him, mul lie 1I;H nut bee:feeliuy wull for r.<mie tinie. On tho 1-tllintit., he exhibit ml yymiiU'iiirt of poUoiiin;^. A lildinaeh jnuup IVIW brought inttivt|iii3ition nml the Citletnlir was bnutghttolii-ht. Strar.^i to *nyt Iliu Miprf hubeen torn oil* luiiviiiK that nmil.iny Hi'

yiiiR (if Coiistnuption. A Ivial l»o, Dr. King's Xuw Discovery wasspul him

' . binding relief, he Ixjiiyhl n hti^e biitllennd a box of Dr. Kin»Vs Xew I^ife ,1'iil^ , i , ( l , „[ | t a oxtraetioi,, MMTII HI." Mr.by the tinio ho lind taken two boxes i:t j .lueUntniw aava liu is uiiublo to tieeoiitit

" Pills nnd two bottle* i»t Hie iJir-covery, I fo^ tilirf'l>i1tHr»iueinVii.'1K'_..vns well nnd bnd {raiiifil in ll.^li | jjittio Williu Perkiiw, .«nn of thu lVsl-Orwn>Jwin"ry1f''f twist'wploii free'at * ""a**1-* n t lV-rl;ins\i]!e, Xub., hWaltowclAVnrrcn County P in j : Ktoiv. ^ ' a dollar two yeaw ngi', nml, diiy nffore

t'il from his left onrIs, tho twelve

Constipation)i A mihvnt.i) anil Hunt irmililrxiiiic ill*.NI.T. llraiHi-H l!iii>I.i<h.<. MVI.MI If-

«!tn!iiiy4 Dm ,\|'iMtlt<-, ami, \i\n-u U<t>Su-iitititn-'l, niiii>i» Kit!.u;-iit;cnt c( tin*l.nt.r. liiIi;uiuii;Ui«nu-I tin- Jttmi'N,[ui<!I'il.-.« (.'iin«tl|i»lititi'h finrcility fitriill.y Ay.r 'Hl'ilk .

l'..r a IIMHIUT «,| moxltii I wanuilliltI

int l i l i l u l i C . in i.fittt'llff "I Ulltt-Il I Xtllll'lfl ll^til i.'-HvtA|.|..tilf. JlVjltM'tHlil, Illl-t it l|j« •Itlvf.-.lItt.-f. M.V.Vl-> JlIl-.tl.'llM.il ID>'. 1 H.-4

r<>»il»'llt'<l lit w>,ir a Hi.i'l.: >n.-r rti.jc,

l^jitilMiMlml'^lil. I ua* •utility

CURED QY USINGit,i..-:-.v..H.,r Ajrf-ii i*;iu, t hiitn IIMj , . MliitMli lit |>i..in'tini->ii- llil.tini;i!i<iit<;I.. !., il... 1«.'l t . . l l a i u . " . v u i lo.'.'.!.,;,!... Ct'tii'.-, r,.l.ii!.t.iM.|,.

t -I'flVml rt.Kii <*«ii>1il>ill»ii,nn.t.• ••!>.n;\iu-nily, fK*III I I . M . b i ! ' - I I i l.•>:.;i IMfl.furvi-jii.i. A

! b i;_).. .1 II

r' nil-.Mlii.t.

7i''iVl.'ii.rf. 'l «'"»••' ' '• '"'

ll liil* raUM-tl' my t.tlifft.i iil-.ir|..-..i, an.l ;.'r. iitly ii-i.,vu. t.il Ii<;iltli.~-\V. K<cl. r.

I .»tn(rrn1 lii>m t%nntt(»,ilttm. "In. I.:H+.n^-,i siK'ti an i.l^lina!.- Urut thit ,1f,-;nc.l a »i(>i'to.'i' i-f tint !..-u.-r». 'I'wi\,,\. - i.f Av.-r'a filU .nr.-.l itiy, " i " -l-IuItU.-l^ Untl:.-, Him-. Mr. '


S &

;u U-'nc Jiit«!K-l i<» the dollar at GIrtmncouatryiui inivccnlly. .^Xlwhitb-r. l>ei, Cl,I l l t pi-,. m i m t t t j^iijlo W i l l i e ^ g t . o

who was a deukT iirtuilir, was tnjiiri;dby 11 K n v "j^^djuo"* biY-uise Itodidtiut reccivt'

.tc.-wt at a hfcliir mlc—7VV /.%,

Gold and Silver Wnichcs,

Clocks, Jowclry of the Latest.

Styles, Silverware in every

variety, Diamond, Amethyst,

Cameo, Pearl and Wcdilinj;!1 • • I

Rings, Gold and Silver Specta-

cles, and "everything usually

found in a First-class Jewelry

C-nOAOO; HOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAYi ' '•' •>; i-iU '';"••i-i'i•••'."iii'mV7>^tU-«, ronMltutoa tlm m o « li]ir">'riaiiV.iuit;-routl-!• -. • • -\ • r / - ..j, ••• !• -!V; t;ni vt tl"ro r.'li tmufportiitlon wltidt l:ivnc-+ n,vl liTcill-

jt-"\>'I->n'i uv'.-'U' >"*..V'j>;i rttii»4 of tlio Allantlo nnd iv.tltlc Coht:f.;t. Iti ;• '••> j ! u i,ivi:.'.'.'i iiM i> • i r*«it(» to .mid from iioint.-* K-ift, No:'t).uiLit nndt- • ii'jfMi nil.! <•:•.-;• juicll::^ (inlllU V/Ctit, Kortliwn.'it nr.<i HotltliWi-ij^'" r : , , |!,,/v j,ii,«w ..•..--.ii iricli;(Kn in lw iitniit lino nr.d b;-:im hcs*. Ch!ri!.F{.->,> , • - o " - " ' • l - r'-tU.' I'.'.-jii»., (ieitfeteo. Molina nnd Kocie ]!<:nti<t. In Illmowj*-'.••: '"v-.v •;_;•, .- if.., ' \V(.',t;!r.^ton, F«lrlli-lfl% Otnumvs. OcHtiJw).--». Wi-nt

':.«'->•» " . ' , " ; ' , ' • " - • ' ;-.*j*"'c'i'iisrrt 'mid' Council SiU:l'-.\d lii lo*u'i>; ('inilatiii',..i - i . r ,'v -s-r. • 1 .'liii^w City. l'» Mlt'stnirt; Lrnvfrnvort!; «ml Alohl^oii,: . ; . , • A ; ; - i" ' , -,::i:.il.^r.a:Vi!iml Mt. l'ntil, in y.ii!!C?otn; Wn:rrtov.'« J:i

;.-, .-. . :,ii.: j . :.. ' . . . 1\ o" i.lUT.liO JlH to CltiOH, tOWlie i'lltJltit-'a illlll IJlttttUUM.

-yy-H cr:i~AT ROCK ISLAND ROUTS' • .-' :'" . - »;- ,l ' . ' , • iii i'i-o.".I; I'iiiooth tr»(;fcn ol "cou±ln)u>Utl etofl mil; &uti«


^ ;<••..; - : t ; :«5 csnct l ;« diA pilHo wiiirti ffuvotii.i tho iciinllwl\ii, ,,:i i- ' Tr-i-iii-i. otiit'i* rpcclnhlCH of Uiln routo iiro Tning'ci-3 at

• i i s : : in [Jnlon DupoiB. nr.il tlto uiicut'i>;usc<l cuintorta tiiut

CMcnKo nnti ilif Mlf-pourl RlroriTf rora-: iVfii ivivsi! t-.M, until sf ii^kioliJtoreil litiy Cuncliu-tv ;.liiKiii!i'.vnL l;iil!i.i.m'.W-.,-.:--.: (.: :;•.(» l.itr-st, <to-.!yu. mid tuimptnmm Dinhnf Curn. in wliirli

.'.t:v-cr :(.-.••• 1 liicvi.'i i;ri! Irlaiirflr eftt'Jll, "caod Dti/cstlon V.lilUli;: oil", r-r.il Ui• Litii "!i both." JS.,>tv.v<»n Clilr:tL*o nii't KnnKii'i City c;ul.:. ;„ > liL-j ;u:i tUa (jclulirtttutt Jtrcllnlnif Ulmir Cert).

THiS FA (SOUS ALBERT L.EA ROUTE.v.-.r. •!•,»( f.ivnrit'i lino IWIWITII l^hitsifio ntnl MlniicnpoHn and nt-TiHil,• :>n i •:WH ..r.s nvido In Union Dt)r.otjj for nil point* l» Il'» Ti>iTitor3w(:' ,!; r-v.vii."-'. Ovor tlih lu'ito. t-vwt. MicnrofM Triiltw n m run t<* tU»r '• ' : ;•• . j*!!i:im-'- itv'urt.i. ij:cinn>>oiin l-iL-nlUIri'. nncl lmnilrnr rm-1 lMi-

n* t-> •;.' I.r.v.i ui. l MUuio^otn. It Hiil-m tli" im*:- ti'^tr:iijl'.i riiittu lolliit•-.• ;- tfi.Wiii'i 1'Hnunvil Itmildnf Intwtnr lJ>ii:o'.».. ',-iri.h,T MlKKCr 1.1KB. vlu SJIH.-CM. m;d Kiuika!:i:f. ]nn lirvli'nncnoilr : V n t l d C l l r M I v l l U : > M : d L M i l U

r :: f"i'rinTmtion P

R: R. CABLE,frss! ':,•'. r,f.J Ccnral Msnascr, Chicago.

E. ST. : JOHN,Uencral lickci ar.-J f'.n:cr.jcr Arji.it. Citk:;s.

bnteller's curt culii.Iii:j; iviili liiHid vcliielt? win vreeki'il, :iiiitHliilleil on liio'fcliwt, sniil ho *v.i

1 in a bmiscd t'cinditi'in to a iiv. k.oro. i'lio } HOD, . i,c.j. ^,1 J » ... | uffj. m M | ) .

Wiiat Can E J Done.

:d!n KL-CJUII^ up coiir-

ol Kiitni-y (i!id fliver L't>iu|)liiiiit'iitvi! iiy JCIcctric IJitters,

his oiliie. Wiiriiitj* iij; hit'n n:i»l <••-

•V.i-uv.nii;it tuJJiAd • ( i o: . ' v ^ : ^ " : ' ' j " !

Itlm. "Wiict do yoii !;u<r,v (iliunt .l!ir j > r ; i" rf!uIV-ncvidciit!" "Oh. .1 l::io«-

iill I»Ur:i3^ of tho KiatiL'Vri.f Ktuninvti uiul Livtr , uiitl

Agents for the RocUford


Slcii'way & Sons, Kra:iicli & Bach,J.&'C. Fischer, &c.


•Hiiiiilreii Fisiics anil Organs


W. Jl.-KJilLLElt,.; . ut.-I M t-t-ui iti-Tfimrtili,

223 I: 225 Nerthampton 'Jt, Sa:tcn.

phltadolphin &_Rondlng U. R..V»!jr.JiM->if>-<:»*nl n i l l>Iv.

• ! l< iii|!ii-i.M:.H ll'.tli.l !;tw,S (ft•I riili. -I-II !il.»: r.! i:il.'.ii.;:.|i.»riivr

"Old Corner Store."



Our slock is IHIVIT tlinu iiny TUI'IIUT KWISOII,nmri ir iccs IIUVIT.

Two argains- IN-

Ehadame and Surah Silks: . . . • . . i n : i l l I h u I I> I I IMI I^KI I : I>1 I* ' ! I . - " '

Our ISIack Silk and Black Casli-mcrc Department

is well lilli.'d u i lh itJtr^iiiis.V CnssiiiU'ics ftir Mciiim<l J?oy\s wi.'tu*.1

Suits iiindt; to oiili'i';it short nniicu.

SGHOGH&STEGKERN . \V. Col*. GV'Mli'n Ki|ii:uv, l^i.stou, Pii.

accident!" "Oh. .1 laoir nvrvtliiii" " I "" . , , " ~ , o r ! M l ] U IDl i rWCV P FionllM,Sk,tic«ll,-1v1,i;,,!ll1c i.»vM.,-;m.li 1»1«'s;»««, it « -iKooJ t l ^ lo k«,, ULu, lifcU. H .Wi lHWl .V, 1),L.(lieu k , p iTOcta l I.. Malo in Jcll.il .nil " :1 •""= " - W sul." o [ J™"' J " " ' " ' . U | ' ' " ' ^ i l ' K X ' 1 ' -llui ciR'limslauc.s of tlic n m i k u t . . " I U ' ; , s " "'Vi'.1 ' ' • I L ' r o l j C J l" your isuaiort j J ^ J ^ , . c onO Kc. I'iT].:ire3 yociij mtr,am very much t,l.liKcJ lo voli, " Kiiil llso'i""" i" '"!^"1 .1 ' " ' ' e ther yoii B|IMIII J., llcil fucililra Tur niavic, ail>. : . . M , . ir , . .m . , , i , , - „ „ . , • , . ^ I l K r m i i l . o r i u O i M - c o i i l . o t i U m t i t w n . ° ,'.. .."taiiori "Mr. jr. Kill suli-oui yon as t | ' l ^ p ! ; ™ . " 1 0 / ' " ""! ; ," ' i l > J " " " i s "witness fin* the prosecution. Cicmil r.iom-j' "s "f "s,". '* IC 11.'*','1 ° l'-111 •'.ing.»ASShoul,,,rla.igl.l.ircan.ofa,,,,his ' « ' " ' • ' « • ? ; ; ' ^ " « : » ^ :j }partner's room, tli-.i ljrilli:ii!i"yci(!iy laivyur i-< tho dollar gets ft fnu' grip,

•nlilml his l,at aiid"was noi KTOu 'ag""" i ' " ' J ' " " . ' ' '>-* l 0"" r ' I , '0*0"1" " m o l t S J = 'for nearly a v,

" n a v e nseii J)r. 'i'liomns' Kloetric Oil

It w i l l ncvor SLTV'J yontlly if you dispose of it Ijul'uro yon

• i'or croup nml oi.l.ls, ut l " C t i l

e i t« |K&•.'•''' ' - ' J ' Jpi ' ! ' 0 ' " [f^"!^1",1!1"!.1.^^'1"; K;1.v»i JJoynndislilvotiiitur'inciliuiiicfl? Ami

lonnr.trciii! Ii run dies- 'I

every ilepartincnt. Itcstbui'iliri'* of its

class, with sleftiii'hcalcr, has, Iiot nml cold

wjiior, etc. Close; attention to wninier.1;.

nonil» nml iiealth. LofiUiyn \<k-.\nmt nnti

health'' Catalogue scut free GM uj>pli-

Yi':ir opens Hepte-tulwr ;>. .


.losli Billiugo ; p t ;?u-1,()00 fur hti silmr.- j

• The novel ''Itwijiola1' paiil -George

.""'. AV. I). lTowell:! rtiocivod" S2,O0O for »short filer;-. . • , • '

. . Victor lingo received ^0 ,000 for "Los

: Misornblcs."

Scribnors imiil !l)ert l iar lc^l0,000 for*'Gabriel Ounroy. "

Knv, Iloury AVurd .Bcochtjr was yinU]- 0BO.OOO lor "Norwood. "

-Xiiihniiel lluwthoni'.-'a litor.iiy incoiiiL'• wnis novel1 over $^.000 :i yenr.'•'>Jir/jMai'k Tvvniu is sniil io Juive received. 3 7 5 , 0 0 0 from "JliiuklutjurryX'iuu.""

Tennyson liiis an iiicomo oi $ii0,000 nyonr from [he'worljs ho 1ms imbiished.

AlisH UlcvolfliuV.s luiok, it is csliinnfed,will rcnliao lo her $50,001) in royalties.

. The Now York Tiinci hist yenr jmidgfi.finfl for tho Hj);v.ii>.li Tnuily.. ' Tt filled

c'onl.v fiix coliiiims-. ^

' • GeTieritPlJbgan is ronortcd as having;-^•.Bftid that lie i^yuulnl ^100,000 1'rom'- his^ ^ T T ^ - ' l h u V i u ^ t lTwii"i« -Mill '-'inTiirci:.:

Wiisliinglon Iryifitf, in his lifts itt lilov-'•' ' :ivy work, received about $250,000, while; •.PrcscottV, income from his books -wns

• only $y,000.uyem\ .

. rfirson ]Jmwillow's son says 'his fulli-cr'rt 'linoks lirongliL him in ij2fl(()00, uiulitftlsomwlo a iiie'ti little sum for George

1 W. ChildH, whoiJiiblWiwl it.. Iioberfl-JiHiiiur paid C'lniilua Dickens

:". ©5,000 for a akctuhy story ivliicli bnroly- .^filleil six column!; in tli'o J.cdj/cr. This

wns at tlio I'uto of iiliont yl.0 per lino,"'. Alexander If. Stephena reeoived 'fifty

^'.-.conla/ii net for liin liiatory tif'tlm wniynndmoro llinn 70,000 sets had liccn sold bc-

c* fore ho diet!. JUV. Stephens dictutcil••. most (if iho worn, nii(!;$J5,000 WB«f-',Tv no

menna bad pny for it; /. ';,

When1 UnrJict JJoocitor lSlow Kent;•• " U n d o Tom's Cabin" to Ihn^nljlishcvs.

snymg llmt aho hoped it would briijp-.b'er11 in ononfjh to buy ho n now silk fjowii,

Thrcb liundrod tlionsnnd COJUCH wove'.' Bold in 0110. yenr; nnd «lio received

§40,000 •within, n short tiiiio nfter it wasffi/S

"Jsi"".::A Card.

:' ' To nil who nro finjTeWn('*\'fri>m fhc cr-• rors ami iuilisprctions of youfli, nervous-'--•ivonknftia.-.sL'i'ly ilecay, lo^sof innnhotxl••'-.&&; I ^ i l l e a m l n rcolpt thnL will cure; you, m o of clmrgo. 'J'hia great l-emedyI >vna diacoyercd by a missionary iti Sontli

. Amorica.h Sond a fit-Ifvidilrofisi'tl rnyclcmu: to tlio Ituv. Jt8if.ijt£ T. I.VJIAS, Kuw ri'ork

"•' C i t y t ''• • • - V ' •!•'!'

, , , . < v , , . . • . . - . . ' \ \ • '

tjr.iiii'])tnst and tiilte jV'Htr_j[iiinitiu in[)owd'.*r. (Jiiiucptii3*'cti'hiT2;^'~ '"''^ woatiiaiiKCous.tlosc.iuto'.(i paliitablo. and - evonuo3iciuiis dmught. , .. .

There was a I! year old child in riiilu-doMclphiit lusit yenr iviio had heard herpiivei.ts discuss hygiene until her infantmind wan soaked withtho.subji'd. Thenone day her dear old grandmother .said—moaning to give- J3i;.ssiu a piece <if .(ijake—"JJossii1, what do you always have afteryour bath?" The uliitd regardod grand-mother ' for 11 niouiisiit with . inquiringeycs'tind then'boldly .replied:' "l leac-tion!" • *"•";/ - •

]ii chronic [li:;cn«cs, medicines shouldbo restoring, and not »lobilitatiiig; in(heir action. Tho wondeifiil slrengtli-on ing find curative efiViets, n-alized fromIliu use !of (VyerVr Harsaparilla, Kitstaiutlie reputation of this remedy'as the most

'iilur bl'Wtl ]>ui'ilier. . . . .

tjjic it. a liabit to !>o aceunite in cvory-1 tiling you (ior.JJL' •hcuiij'aiii ii'i^your ".writ-"

.^Vol .your "i's " aiul err.;;;;yonr " L V \ ili-a'i 'i'y,'hat rmr HCIIOOI (tsiehers used to ding

in 0111* ears in our boyhood days, and ittanjjhl ,11)) habits of ncciirncy whichw« never had caiiso lo regret. In send-

firdoivi to your iiiorohiiuf;, he acctiraluiit tiienij'piit duwii just what you wantmil how you want it, in sitcli plain lan-{Siiiigo tliat you can't bo . misumlorrilood.Jle very careful to get yoiiraddress right,street,'number, town, eounly and Stale,and you will nave a great deal ol troubleat lite olllce whore yoiirovder is received.A. great .dual. o/'t.ho luiscry in thia. worldis caused by inaccuracy of word or deed.

Unliko tho vast majority of his South-ern country men, General Lee- bad nvery clour idea'bt1 tho tremendous oddsnguinst which tho South would liavo toojjlend, nnd wns not sanguiuo aa lo Iho

345 Northampton St.,


(•taclcettstovvn.Baa<&?pj . f : r .B• r H « O S 3 ' " "


Fresh'IVBeat."'!All who buy meat will find

it to their advantage Lo pat-ronize'my' market located onthe •"STliWART" LOT onWashingLon avenue. I -kcej)none but the best meats andkill the best stock to be .had inthe market. Give me. a trialand be convinced as others arc.

Jacob flyers.Washington, N. J.

Profossor of


" . ' ^ m •"••• & J

To liireail :


eiilmsG -J


^ , J * ! , . ' For^Sal'c. By. A...B.. GRDFF & CO., WasiiJiigtqn.N.'J,,

Centennial Exhibition 1871),

r s.:..-_-.v...__.l..:At:l:heJ.Rnj'C.Bargains !}OW;offer.edrb>!_..,__„..__....

mlartiVt.Iddl 'ut. . . ~H.II In iiisr^uid l iuvl i i^ iiliu

'iVHiiit. " Tliisj 13 aliowa by nil nnocdotonever before iu print jiiul reliable. «Tustafter receiving his commission from '(hoVirginia convention, ho called up,oj)^,nfamily in'- Richmond, whom ho hail.1

known'for many years." Two of I ho sonslmdaliTady enlisletl -find the third, amcro boy, wanted to do so. • Tho uiollnjr,nnlurnlly anxious, said: "General, howlo«g,il(j you think this nwfnl' war'"| willI'asl? " Tim nujyver. was given ^yith' sol-eninaiiilsi(jiiino(ujt,cmplinsis, which thoij 11 otilioucr nuv'er forgot: '.fily Jittlo ma-dam, I niii nfnmyt will last'until wo 'ari'jdriven into thoILilMnudmoanldins.'


I. SHARPS,Now lluiniUoii, Jluntunlmi Co.. N. J.



U:r, cotilfilhini.' nil

of'ilio'tiitA'riViiiHi oiiicrfrulis. invlUiironuil-

nutlory Com l i ln lnuc i-utlmrllu IH HNHIIIV.!,irlnl »iiil It will convince

nreil bj\j\. II,• • • ••fUl-ly

s»mp:t Fret lit Warren ('ounty Urns sgro


The awiikenin" cif Sjirinff Irado finila us well prepared to moot Ilio needs of tlio s'oa-.-i.'ii. 111'i out1 i-lciiniiri! to announce tho largo now stock of Spring Btylt-S/v.

U Huliublo Fnniituro of tho Lntcst Deaigiis. i



\ JtT@lV OPENED 11: " ..

don't jJny. No )»,v I ' B':M roftall. lioBt-branilaoi clgara nlwnys oiiiiiiuil;—-- T -

c JOHN sfcASTON P roprietor


o JlfidlMon. TualuinorliichtVPiitsin m

To the People of Washing-ton and Vicinity.

\\'c tdho great pleasure in culling your attention lo our largo ami com-plcto stock r f general

Dry Goods and Oarpetings.Svery tlopnWnicnt stoelicd with tho choicest novelties and ready for thoipring tnule. Our

DRESS GOODSilopnrtmciit embrace!- all tlio new ullcc's in Cotton, AVool nnd Silk stuftrf.Xcvcr lioforo have wo showed such un elegant line sis1 wo are Uiia season.Hi CAIiPKTIXtiSour stock isorjiml to inauv in tho larger cities. OEJlt,tMUCJ-'S AVJ-1 GU'AKANTKE SH.'CH I.OWKIJ. Our sales nro largoenough to wnrnuiL us to carry full lines of

Ingrains, Tapestry, Bodys and Velvetslith liinidaoinfj linnlcra to matcb. '- :

JNTilt UN'S from 25o to 75c BODYS from $1.00 to $1.50.a'AlM«Tl!V " 08oto*1.50. VELVKTS " $1.23 to S1.S0.

rs a n c m e . . : r B..c..T.nii .-.ps....nH'ULn.'d, ''LHoi'Uiii rw .

Tlio le.-uliiig Dry Ciooils anil Cmi>ot Hoiiso iu this Section of tho Country.

Extra Good Bargains Now Being OfferedIlio licm). TVith a dull scnwnlion In IhotitveU curt, l':iln under itio ohoulUcr-tilr.iIc.fiUlneag nniTPnlinc, WIIURIIIH-Incllimtinn to c.-ierttoa of hodr or mind,JrrltaMUiycrtumpcr, Ijow oplt-lti, vrithafi'L'lliizoriinvinjC nocjlccted «oroo Jut?)\VcarInr»«, IHrzlncBBi Fluttering at theHeart. Dota beforethn oyofl. JlcnilncliDaver tlto riehe eye, KeEttoaincBB, withfitful tlreiuiirj, Iliclily colored Urlao, end


GUAT HAIR or V.'msKuiia changed to afii-ossv Uncz by a slunla application otttitaim:. It impartsRnatarul color.nctaliisliintiinfiouiilj-- Sold by Druguiota, orcpnt by cxprcs.* on receipt or SI .Officoj44 Murray St., Now York.

A Tjlfo Exporlonco, Eomprlttvblo andtiulctc euros. Trlnt Paclingoa. SontlBtnmp for eaalod partloulara. AddroaaO.r. WARD & CO. Lcuioiann, KloJ

T.h"°*Ti"rw"l"u«wtfnmTaoHkotl" «rlro

s.. ] I yi'rtivi Ti1.:! uulli!Otoi\< ,Soi.f frco tu <my


Daniel Wliipei't,

"W"os]ungton, 3ST. J .

WlUR, llftlrentllnp, JUinmiinolnBnurt <witiling lii my Uno tlmiu1 In lliu ««a liijomur.


A spwinl piivolinsu of nuu-:mil ilesimble DllESS GOODSiou''ht sit ii giuat situiilice. Customers get the lienolit. •'•'.'

Bliiuk SilUs at, :i greiit liediKitiou.Summer SilUs ouu-iiuurtur less limn lust year.Silk' Ciloves iiO coiits, .wHrtlf filT'cunts.Kid Gloves iit) runt's, worth 7fi cents.Corsets 50 cenis, woiili flO conls.Satleens 15 cents, worth SI) cents.Vanisols and Jerseys at, low prices.

229 Noithampton St. Easton.

OiilyJU. blocks Irani Dulnwnvu biidgo. . :

• ^ v . '• • •" L " ••' • " " : • • • ' " ' : v '• " •

AKEWANDFINE LOfOFllAS"and. Choice Roasted Coffees


I. 0. CREVELING & BRO.'S GROCERYTo^dt'licr will! a full slock of Qrocorioii, Provisional," Canned VegctuUeH,'"-•"'"

11 Uannctl Fruits, Tobncco, Cignrs, etc.

I» p. Molasses a Specialty^

finr r Tainnitfi for 1OBG ol 140 onntis/ciinla^fj^olorodplalosrd'jacrlpllons nnd Illuslralltis,Mho S S BEST B!iiIIUWSISEDS nf PLANTS, .III £> m.ll(H on miltpt• a t i ! J ! 5 E P ' l L » J S ' l « r i 0 2 2 8 S ; i ' " <* <> = " « • » « V p !

£ J I 0 . 3 5 Cortlandt St., Hew Yortc.


61 ,