Systems Thinking, Rich Mapping and Conceptual Models

Systems Thinking, Rich Mapping and Conceptual Models


Systems Thinking, Rich Mapping and Conceptual Models. What is a system?. Collection of “stuff” Dynamic, complex, interdependent relationships Can't be decomposed into linear processes Can't be separated from the environment or context in which they occur Feedback. What are systems?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Systems Thinking, Rich Mapping and Conceptual Models

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Systems Thinking, Rich Mapping and Conceptual Models

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What is a system?

• Collection of “stuff”• Dynamic, complex, interdependent

relationships• Can't be decomposed into linear processes• Can't be separated from the environment or

context in which they occur• Feedback

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What are systems?

• Economies• Ecosystems• Organizations• Markets• Projects• Social Networks

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Leverage Points

• Small changes big effects• Leverage Points

• Access to information• Incentives• Delays

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Do Systems Matter?

• GM closes plant in Fremont, California (1982)• Worst quality record• Worst labour relations• Highest employee absenteeism and drug


• Toyota opens Fremont plant in 1984• Hires 80% of GM’s workforce• Outstanding quality record

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Relevance to Experience Design

• Web is an ecosystem

• Systems within the web• eBay• Blogosphere• Digg, Flickr, MySpace

• Creating, influencing systems that enable experiences

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Introducing Systems Thinking


• Root Definitions

• Rich Mapping/Conceptual Models

• Case study

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Systems Thinking

Conceptual Model

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A Short History of Systems Thinking

• Evolved from “Hard” systems theory in the early 1970’s

• Notable uses of Systems Thinking:• National Health Service - UK - 1970’s• Shell Group - 1980’s• Cooum River Rehabilitation - India -1990’s

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Elements of Systems Thinking

1. See the system as a process of inquiry

2. Understand system elements with the “CATWOE” framework

3. Find the “root definitions” of the problem

4. Create models of purposeful activity with Rich Mapping

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The system is a process of enquiry


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• C - Customers• A - Actors• T - Transformative Process• W - Worldview• O - Owners• E - Environmental Constraints

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• The beneficiaries of “t”

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• Those who would do “t”

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Transformation Process

• “t” - the conversion of input to output

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• The perspective that makes “t” meaningful in context

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• Those who could stop “t”

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Environmental Constraints

• Elements which define the limits of the system

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Finding root definitions

• A description of a “human activity system” which describes how a transformative process will be undertaken and what is expected as a result.

• Do X by Y to accomplish Z

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Rich Mapping

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Painting the house

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• C - Homeowner• A - Homeowner• T - Unpainted house to painted house• W - Painting house will enhance appearance• O - Homeowner• E - Hand painting

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A self-owned and manned system to paint a house, by conventional hand painting, in keeping with the overall decoration scheme of the property in order to enhance the visual appearance of the property.

Root Definition

A homeowner paints a house by hand to improve its appearance.

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Rich Mapping

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• Illuminates the structures behind the structure

• Helps to engage us in thinking about problem solving beyond just “requirements”

• Helps us understand the context(s) in which we are delivering the appropriate IA to the client

Why We Like Systems Thinking

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• Keep Systems Thinking simple by choosing basic tools for the initial inquiry

• Iteratively evaluate CATWOE elements as the understanding of them evolves

• Focus on where specific actions exist with respect to system layers

Putting Systems Thinking to Use

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The Client

• Large financial services institution• Multiple P&L Silos• Complex stakeholder ecosystem• Distributed accountable-ism• Biggest perceived client challenge: “IA”

Exploring Systems Thinking

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The Agency

• New office with little organizational history

• Large, young IA team• Limited experience with large

clients• Biggest perceived challenge:

“Anticipating Changes in Client Needs”

Exploring Systems Thinking

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• Used CATWOE framework to help define and model the system elements

• Used Rich Mapping to model parts of the system relative to specific activities and to identify true stakeholder relationships and motivations

How did we use Systems Thinking tools?

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• Modeling was not just focusing on actions but on layers

• We defined four layers in the relevant system:• Engagement Level• Project Level• Site Level• Feature Level

• Focused on identifying the relationships within the layers and between the layers

Looking at the Layers of the System

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• CATWOE elements change between layers

• CATWOE elements change within layers

• CATWOE elements often do not reflect the formalized project structure.

CATWOE Changes

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Project Level System View

The Activity System

Monitoring Effectiveness

Monitoring Efficiency

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A business goal driven system to redesign and launch a web application through multi-team distributed collaboration, which fits within existing information technology and legal constraints and results in organic growth that meets specific business metrics.

Root Definition

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Project Level CATWOE

• C - E-Business Team• A - Internal Creative Team, IT, Business

Owners, Product Owners, Agency• T - Build and launch new website• W - New website will better support business

goals• O - CFO, IT• E - Geographic displacement, restrictions to

onsite collaboration, competing business goals

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Feature Level System View

The System

Monitoring Effectiveness

Monitoring Efficiency

Agency Action

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• Systems Thinking helps provide a valuable perspective to help frame IA work

• The inquiry based nature of Systems Thinking helps keep design based initiatives on top of perceived changes to the system

• Used on its own, Systems Thinking is not executional enough to effect system change

• The core tools of Systems Thinking provide value to IAs even with limited use

Lessons We’ve Learned

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• Using CATWOE to frame personas• users as actors, business as customers

• Model different perspectives of a system• How do different groups perceive W? • How do they perceive T?

• Effect short-hand way of starting the conceptual modelling process

Leveraging CATWOE

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• Systems

• Experiences happen within systems

• Systems thinking and conceptual models

In conclusion…