Systemic Pathology study notes

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Alimentary Pathology Slide Show

Oral Cavity Abnormalities

Palatoschisis, chelioschisis,

Epitheliogensis imperfecta Veratrum californicum, Lupine ingestion Congenital deformities

Vesicular Stomatitides

All viral cause oral vesicles FMD Replicates first in the oropharynx, vesicles

in mouth, coronary band of feet, rupture causing ulcers, aerosol trans. Vesicular Stomatitis Affects cows, swine, HORSES, insect vector, otherwise FMD indistinguishable Swine Vesicular Disease- Only swine, europe/asia Vesicular exanthema-

Erosive and ulcerative stomatitides

Not preceded by vesicles BVD, MCF, Bluetongue, herpes viruses, feline

calicivirus UREMIA

Papular stomatitides

Epithelial hyperplasia, viral inclusion bodies

Contagious ecthyma (Orf) Bovine papular stomatitis

Necrotizing StomatitidesAnd Misc. oral inflammations

Ulcers affect deep SubQ Oral necrobacillosis (F. necrophorum, calf

diphtheria) Actinobacillosis (wooden tongue, granulomas in muscle/Connective tissue) Actinomycosis (Lumpy jaw) Eosinophilic stomatitis Lymphoplasmacytic (FIV, FCV, FLV predispose to this)

Oral Neoplasia

Papillomatosis/Warts- benign

Squamous cell carcinoma (most common cats,

20% dogs Malignant melanoma (most common dogs) Fibrosarcoma (more common dogs but rare)

Teeth and Gingiva

Malocclusion, dentigerous cysts (periodontal ligament,

malassez cells) Segmental enamel hypoplasia (viral infections, hyperthermia, causes ameloblasts to degenerate, exposure to injurious agent during odontogenesis) Abnormal color (fluoride, tetracyclines, porphyrins) Infundibular impaction (abnormal wear) Periodontal disease (BacT plaque, destruction of gingiva and periodontal ligament = tooth loosening) Neoplasia (Epuli- fibromatous, ossifying, acanthomatous- odontogenic epithelium)

Tonsils, Salivary Glands, Tongue

True salivary cyst (epithelium lined)

Salivary mucocele (not lined with epithelium,

saliva filled) Ranula (true cyst, floor of mouth, looks like frog belly) Sialoliths (common horses, calcium in salivary ducts) Sialoadenitis (inflammation) Tumors?


All the previous viral infections can cause

vesicles/ulcers Megaeosophagus (vascular ring, muscle disease, obstruction) Rupture/Choke (Thoracic inlet, base of heart, diaphragm hiatus, can result in bloat and megaeosophagus) Spirocerca lupi (aortic rupture, sarcomas)

Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum

Ruminal tympany (bloat, Primary and secondary,

pasture and feedlot vs obstruction, foam formation, gas entrapment, eructation prevention, NECROPSY- animal on back, bloat line) Rumenitis/Grain overload (sudden increase in carb rich diet, promotes G+ BacT, produce lactic and fatty acids, drop pH, damage to mucosa, inc. FA draws fluid into rumen = Dehydration, acidosis, endotoxemia, forms stellate scars) Sequelae Bacterial infiltration (F.necrophorum, A. pyogenese, Liver abscesses), Mycotic rumenitis (Aspergillus, rhizopus, mucor, angiotropic, abortions, flat circular plaques)

Stomach Abomasum

GDV (Large easily digestible meal, C.perfingens

proliferation, gas production, volvulus, ischemia, compression of caudal vena cava, heart failure, hypovolemia, shock, death), LDA, RDA Ulcers (local injury/ischemia, gastrin producing ulcers, NSAIDS/Stress disturbs local blood flow, uremia, inflammatory disease), causes vomiting (blood), melena, pain, anemia, perforation leads to peritonitis, septicemia Gastritis- Braxy (actue abomasitis, C. septicum, C. perfringens type A causes ulcerative abomasitis) Parasites- Haemonchus, Ostertagia Neoplasia- Lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma (horses), Adenocarcinoma (dogs), leiomyomas, polyps

Small and Large intestine

Stenosis, atresia, megacolon, obstruction (of SI leads

to dehydration while obsctruction of LI doesnt) intussusception, paralytic ileus (absence of normal peristalsis, squelae to surgery, peritonitis, enteritis, shock, toxemia, electrolyte imbalance, degeneration of ganglia), Hernias (incarceration and strangulation), volvulous, torsion (pedunculated lipoma) Enteritis (malabsportive, osmotic, exudative, hypersecretion, deranged motility), Hemorrhagic (Clostridia, coccidiosis) Fibrinonecrotic (Salmonella, Swine dysentery, Lawsonia Diphtheritic membranes = casts), Ulcerative (BVD, Mycotic), Proliferative (Lawsonia, Coccidiosis), Granulomatous (Johnes), Exudates, crypt necrosis/dilation/hyperplasia, villus atrophy, epithelial necrosis

Viral enteritis

BVD Noncytopathic and cytopathic biotypes, Transplacental

infection before 4 months can result in persistent infections and cerebellar hypoplasia, unthrifty calves Mucosal Disease when PI calves are exposed to cytopathic biotype, diarrhea, mucopurulent nasal discharge, ulcers of the entire alimentary tract, Lesions most marked on Peyers patches, forms Fibrinonecrotic membranes, coronary band affected Immunosuppresive predisposes to mannheimiosis, and other infections Can affect the whole herd

Malignant Catarrhal Fever Sheep are the reservoir

Difficult to differentiate from BVD, glossitis,

rhinitis, gastritis, enteritis lesions all associated with vasculitis (lymphoplasmacytic necrotizing vasculitis in any organ/tissue), nervous signs, corneal opacity Usually only affects a few of the herd

Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE) Swine, vomiting/diarrhea, pigglets < 14 days,

coronavirus, severe villus atrophy, transparent mucosa

Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPLV) Parvovirus, attack rapidly dividing cells, bone

marrow, crypt cells, lymphoid organs (LN, thymus), basophilic inclusion bodies Lesions in SI, mostly ileum Ground glass serosa, segmental hemorrhage, severe crypt necrosis, cerebellar hypoplasia Canine parvovirus is essentially the same except

no cerebellar hypoplasia

Bacterial Enteritis

Colibacillosis E. coli pathotypes, fecal oral, overcrowding and

stress, depends on # injested, ability to adhere to mucosa, proliferation, and toxin production ETEC secrete toxins inducing fluid secretion into gut lumen, does not damage mucosa, massive water loss/diarrhea VTEC (verotoxigenic) angiotoxin, causes widespread vasculitis, edema disease (severe edema of eyelids, intestinal mucosa), no diarrhea, encephalomalacia
