Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Transcript of Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

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The students like they’re

french teacher more then

there english teacher.

Page 3: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The students like their

French teacher more than

their English teacher.

Page 4: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My Mom is scarry when

shes mad but dad is

scary all the time.

Page 5: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My mom is scary when

she’s mad, but Dad is

scary all the time.

Page 6: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My french poodle’s are

puppys and their always

getting into trouble.

Page 7: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My French poodles are

puppies, and they’re

always getting into


Page 8: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

After mom droped me off,

I didnt now were to go on

my first day of school.

Page 9: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

After Mom dropped me

off, I didn’t know where

to go on my first day of


Page 10: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My aunt irene is a good

cook so my Uncle is a bit

over weight.

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My Aunt Irene is a good

cook, so my uncle is a bit


Page 12: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Its my dream to visit all

of the country’s in europe

someday but germany is

at the top of the list..

Page 13: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

It’s my dream to visit all

of the countries in

Europe someday, but

Germany is at the top of

the list..

Page 14: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I looked out the

window and I was

surprized to see too

bunny’s in my back


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I looked out the

window, and I was

surprised to see two

bunnies in my


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My wives’ parent’s

came to visit and they

brought some yummy

french pastry’s with


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My wife’s parents came

to visit, and they

brought some yummy

French pastries with


Page 18: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

To many american

city’s are riddled with

crime and many

tourist’s are afraid to


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Too many American

cities are riddled with

crime, and many

tourists are afraid to


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The bookshelfs where

two high for me to

reach so I had to use a


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The bookshelves were

too high for me to

reach, so I had to use a


Page 22: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My friend’s and me are

going to the beach next

week to stay at the

Jone’s vacation home

from saturday to


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My friends and I are

going to the beach next

week to stay at the

Joneses’ vacation home

from Saturday to


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I don’t know were your

going on vacation, but

Chrises’ Mom is taking

him to florida.

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I don’t know where

you’re going on

vacation, but Chris’s

mom is taking him to


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Please fold you’re

cloth’s after your

finished walking Mr.

Smiths’ dog, and than

we can visit your aunt.

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Please fold your

clothes after you’re

finished walking Mr.

Smith’s dog, and then

we can visit your aunt.

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The Sanchez’s are

coming over on friday

for dinner and their

bringing the desert.

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The Sanchezes are

coming over on Friday

for dinner, and they’re

bringing the dessert.

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Were having trouble

understanding the

buses’ schedule but we

think it run’s every

thirty minute’s.

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We’re having trouble

understanding the

bus’s schedule, but we

think it runs every

thirty minutes..

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Maxes’s Dad drives us to

baseball practice on

Mondays my Dad drives

us on thursdays.

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Max’s dad drives us to

baseball practice on

Mondays; my dad drives

us on Thursdays.

Page 34: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My family and me

enjoyed an awesome

meal at a nearby Mexican

restaurant they’re tacoes

are better then those at

Taco Bell.

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My family and I enjoyed

an awesome meal at a

nearby Mexican

restaurant; their tacos

are better than those at

Taco Bell.

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The womens’ softball

team won they’re first

championship game

mom took me to one of

the cities best

restaurants to celebrate.

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The women’s softball

team won their first

championship game;

Mom took me to one of

the city’s best

restaurants to celebrate.

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The Mendezes house is

always filled with the

amazing smells of Mrs.

Mendezes cuban cooking

I often go there for diner.

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The Mendezes’ house is

always filled with the

amazing smells of Mrs.

Mendez’s Cuban cooking; I

often go there for dinner.


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The bisons on the planes of yellowstone can be dangerous at times many tourists have learned this the hard way by sustaining serious injury’s.

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The bison on the plains of Yellowstone can be dangerous at times; many tourists have learned this the hard way by sustaining serious injuries.


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My dog got lose last

wednesday I found him

next store eating the

flowers in my neighbors


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My dog got loose last

Wednesday; I found him

next door eating the flowers

in my neighbor’s yard.

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Many animals are greatly

effected by the worlds

changing climate and some

may not be able to survive

the effects of Global

Warming for much longer.

Page 45: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Many animals are greatly

affected by the world’s

changing climate, and some

may not be able to survive

the effects of global

warming for much longer..

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I should of gone to my

friends play off game last

friday in camden.

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I should have gone to my

friend’s playoff game last

Friday in Camden.

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Your going to like camping

with the Bush’s but its

important that you bring

alot of bug repellent.

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You’re going to like

camping with the Bushes,

but it’s important that you

bring a lot of bug repellent.

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An Eagle swooped down to

steal the wolves catch the

wolf creeped sadly away to

look for more pray.

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An eagle swooped down to

steal the wolf’s catch; the

wolf crept sadly away to

look for more prey.

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The box of cookies were

left on the table and John

was dissappointed to

find that every last oreo

had been devoured by

his little sister’s.

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The box of cookies was left

on the table, and John was

disappointed to find that

every last Oreo had been

devoured by his little


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This bin of festive

christmas decorations

belong in the attic but my Dad is to busy to move it.

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This bin of festive

Christmas decorations

belongs in the attic, but

my dad is too busy to

move it.

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The children at the

playground is afraid of

Rosses’ Mother

because shes always

yelling at other

peoples’ kids.

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The children at the

playground are afraid

of Ross’s mother

because she’s always

yelling at other

people’s kids.

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The boys in the band is

popular with the

students but the

principle finds some of

there music to be


Page 59: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The boys in the band

are popular with the

students, but the

principal finds some of

their music to be


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One of my sisters are

going to boston this

weekend but I don’t

know whose going with


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One of my sisters is

going to Boston this

weekend, but I don’t

know who’s going with


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The women’s softball team won their

first championship game; Mom

took me to one of the city’s best


The women’s softball team won their

first championship game, and Mom

took me to one of the city’s best


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Use a comma with

these conjunctions to

connect two

independent clauses

(simple sentences).

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Our quarterback and

best running back is

sick with Swine flu, and

can’t play this weekend

so I don’t have high

hopes for Saturdays


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Our quarterback and

best running back are

sick with swine flu_and

can’t play this

weekend, so I don’t

have high hopes for

Saturday’s game..

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The young couples’

home were crowded

with there growing

family of children and

pets so the pare went

in search of a bigger


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The young couple’s

home was crowded

with their growing

family of children and

pets, so the pair went

in search of a bigger


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There is five deers that

wonder into my

backyard every

morning their beautiful

to observe.

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There are five deer that

wander into my

backyard every

morning; they’re

beautiful to observe.

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My aunt Bess’es dog

chases rabbits in the

back yard but not one

of them are ever


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My Aunt Bess’s dog

chases rabbits in the

backyard, but not one

of them is ever caught.

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The box of cream-filled

donuts were passed

around in class to

celebrate the childrens’

birthdays for the

month of april I was

aloud to have two.

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The box of cream-filled

donuts was passed

around in class to

celebrate the children’s

birthdays for the

month of April; I was

allowed to have two.

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The neighbor’s across

the road is always

fighting in the yard but

I cant ever tell whose at


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The neighbors across

the road are always

fighting in the yard, but

I can’t ever tell who’s at


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You’re pants and Jersey

is in the washer put

them in the dryer when

their done.

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Your pants and jersey

are in the washer; put

them in the dryer when

they’re done.

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The list of failing

students were posted

on Mr. Ramirez’ bulletin

board and I was afraid

to see weather I was

failing spanish.

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The list of failing

students was posted on

Mr. Ramirez’s bulletin

board, and I was afraid

to see whether I was

failing Spanish.

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The boots under my bed

is worn out from hiking

but Im getting a new

pare for my upcoming

trip to the smokies.

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The boots under my bed

are worn out from

hiking, but I’m getting

a new pair for my

upcoming trip to the


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The owls nest in the

woods were abandoned

consequently an old

Falcon decided to make

a home there.

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The owl’s nest in the

woods was abandoned;

consequently, an old

falcon decided to make

a home there.

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Each of the flower’s in

my Aunt’s garden were

eaten by deer needless

to say she is very


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Each of the flowers in

my aunt’s garden was

eaten by deer; needless

to say, she is very


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The mens’ basketball

team travels every

week, and meals on the

road is a big problem

each athlete must make

sure they make healthy


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The men’s basketball

team travels every

week, and meals on the

road are a big problem;

each athlete must make

sure he makes healthy


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Neither of the girls were

aloud to go to the mall,

both was


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Neither of the girls was

allowed to go to the

mall; both were


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The Coach has noticed

that each of his

player’s work hard

during practices but

few shines during the


Page 91: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The coach has noticed

that each of his players

works hard during

practices, but few shine

during the games.

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Each of my sibling’s are

sneaky and mean their

always pushing me

around when mom is

not looking.

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Each of my siblings is

sneaky and mean;

they’re always pushing

me around when Mom

is not looking.

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Measles are a common

childhood disease but

they are quiet serious

if contracted by adults.

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Measles is a common

childhood disease, but

it is quite serious if

contracted by adults.

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Several of my student’s

has turned in they’re

reports early but Friday

is the dead line.

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Several of my students

have turned in their

reports early, but

Friday is the deadline.

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None of the teachers

wants to give out

homework on

halloween accept for

Mr. Wilson, he would

rather give out

homework then candy.

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None of the teachers

want to give out

homework on

Halloween except for

Mr. Wilson; he would

rather give out

homework than candy.

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Everyone in high school

believe that Physics are

the most challenging

science but I think that

Chemistry is more


Page 101: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Everyone in high school

believes that physics is

the most challenging

science, but I think that

chemistry is more


Page 102: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

There is amazing

deserts at Mannie’s

Bistro so its my

families’ favorite place

to celebrate special


Page 103: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

There are amazing

desserts at Mannie’s

Bistro, so it’s my

family’s favorite place

to celebrate special


Page 104: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My families traditions was

brought over from

Ireland by my

grandfather, and

Grandmother when they

came in 1942 and I have

always wanted to visit

the old country.

Page 105: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My family’s traditions were

brought over from

Ireland by my


grandmother when they

came in 1942, and I have

always wanted to visit

the old country.

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According to the Coach

any girl whose going to

the game must where

their uniform to school.

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According to the coach,

any girl who’s going to

the game must wear

her uniform to school.

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Mr. Baxter announced

that each student must

see their counselor to

sign up for next years’

classes I can’t decide

weather to take art or

computor science.

Page 109: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Mr. Baxter announced that

each student must see

his or her counselor to

sign up for next year’s

classes; I can’t decide

whether to take art or

computer science.

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The class of

hardworking students

do good on every

grammar test but each

student studies their

notes for too nights.

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The class of

hardworking students

does well on every

grammar test, but each

student studies his or

her notes for two


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A rowdy gang of teens

were making alot of noise

passed curfew last

saturday night so Mr.

Killjoy called the police.

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A rowdy gang of teens was

making a lot of noise

past curfew last Saturday

night, so Mr. Killjoy

called the police.

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I have to much books on

my bookshelfs so I’m

giving it to charity on


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I have too many books

on my bookshelves, so

I’m giving some to

charity on Monday.

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I’m told that students

need to study alot if you

want to do good on Mrs.

Bushes’ tests but I study

every night and have yet

to pass one.

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I’m told that students

need to study a lot if

they want to do well on

Mrs. Bush’s tests, but I

study every night and

have yet to pass one.

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The womans’ four year

old son followed her into

the womens’ room,

afraid to be left on their


Page 119: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The woman’s

four-year-old son

followed her into the

women’s room, afraid to

be left on his own.

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The cities light’s are

quiet beautiful at night

and many tourists come

to photograph it.

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The city’s lights are

quite beautiful at night,

and many tourists come

to photograph them.

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A player sometimes

looses their confidence

during a game and the

Coach has to give them a

pep talk.

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A player sometimes

loses his confidence

during a game, and the

coach has to give him a

pep talk.

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Although him and her

fight alot, my Mother

and father agrees on the

things that matter.

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Although he and she

fight a lot, my mother

and father agree on the

things that matter.

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My Dad always drives my

friends and I to the mall

on Friday nights but

every girl has to find

their own way home

when the mall closes at


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My dad always drives my

friends and me to the

mall on Friday nights,

but every girl has to find

her own way home when

the mall closes at ten.

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Through out the Summer

months, Max and me

like to go fishing at a

stream by Maxes’ house

but we hardly ever catch


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Throughout the

summer months, Max

and I like to go fishing at

a stream by Max’s

house, but we hardly

ever catch anything.

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Sometimes, I think that

adults go out of they’re

way to make we kids

miserable but dad will

tell you that its the other

way around.

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Sometimes, I think that

adults go out of their

way to make us kids

miserable, but Dad will

tell you that it’s the

other way around.

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My wives mother

babysits for us every

saturday so my wife and

me can go out to diner.

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My wife’s mother

babysits for us every

Saturday, so my wife

and I can go out to


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My Mom drove Joey and I

to the game last night

him and me have been

on the same team for

three years.

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My mom drove Joey and

me to the game last

night; he and I have

been on the same team

for three years.

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Mr. Brooks and me don’t

get along, him and me

square off Monday threw


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Mr. Brooks and I don’t

get along; he and I

square off Monday

through Friday.

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My mom and us kids

went shopping for

father’s day but dad is

difficult to buy for.

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My mom and we kids

went shopping for

Father’s Day, but Dad is

difficult to buy for.

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Joey and me was

throwing a baseball

around in the yard out of

nowhere a stray dog

appeared and started

growling at my friend

and I.

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Joey and I were throwing

a baseball around in the

yard; out of nowhere, a

stray dog appeared and

started growling at my

friend and me.

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Us student’s are always

getting to much

assignments we need a

break sometimes.

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We students are always

getting too many

assignments; we need a

break sometimes.

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Jamie another girl on my

field hockey team always

sleeps over on the

weekend her and me like

to play music and eat a

lot of pizza.

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Jamie, another girl on my

field hockey team,

always sleeps over on

the weekend; she and I

like to play music and

eat a lot of pizza.

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Melinda my best friend

since grade school has

been excepted to an

elite private school, her

mom and her stopped by

to tell me yesterday.

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Melinda, my best friend

since grade school, has

been accepted to an

elite private school; her

mom and she stopped

by to tell me yesterday.

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Neither Randy nor me

are responsible for the

disgusting mess in the

living room but will get

blamed for it anyway

when mom gets home.

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Neither Randy nor I is

responsible for the

disgusting mess in the

living room, but we’ll get

blamed for it anyway

when Mom gets home.

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Tom my older brother

always likes to tease

Sally and I, and so does

Ben my brothers best


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Tom, my older brother,

always likes to tease

Sally and me, and so

does Ben, my brother’s

best friend.

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Casey my older sister

does everything better

then me, it just drives

me crazy!

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Casey, my older sister,

does everything better

than I; it just drives me


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This Saturday meet me

outside the churches

door Mark so you and

me can go to the service


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This Saturday, meet me

outside the church’s

door, Mark, so you and I

can go to the service


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Well each of the other

student’s brought their

report in on time Alice

so I expected the same

from you.

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Well, each of the other

students brought his or

her report in on time,

Alice, so I expected the

same from you.

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To tell the truth I don’t

want to go to Jess’ party

with you Joe. Sam and

me are going to the Ice

Palace our favorite


Page 159: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

To tell the truth, I don’t

want to go to Jess’s

party with you, Joe. Sam

and I are going to the Ice

Palace, our favorite


Page 160: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Andrew my friend from

camp is coming to visit

this weekend and him

and I will probally play

hours of video games.

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Andrew, my friend from

camp, is coming to visit

this weekend, and he

and I will probably play

hours of video games.

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Friday nights game the

last of the season was

cancelled do to the snow


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Friday night’s game, the

last of the season, was

cancelled due to the

snow, Amy.

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Of all the city’s in the

world him and I would

most like to visit Paris

the city of lights but

international flight is


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Of all the cities in the

world, he and I would

most like to visit Paris,

the city of lights, but

international flight is


Page 166: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

At the Super Bowl party we

watched the Patriots and

the Giants two amazing

teams play some

spectacular football but it

was disappointing to my

dad and I that the Eagles

weren’t playing.

Page 167: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

At the Super Bowl party, we

watched the Patriots and

the Giants, two amazing

teams, play some

spectacular football, but it

was disappointing to my

dad and me that the Eagles

weren’t playing.

Page 168: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Having studied for days

everyone in the class was

dissappointed with their

grade, but Mrs. Sanchez’s

tests notoriously difficult

always challenged even the

brightest of students.

Page 169: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Having studied for days,

everyone in the class was

disappointed with his or

her grade, but Mrs.

Sanchez’s tests,

notoriously difficult, always

challenged even the

brightest of students.

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I won’t except it

anymore Joe when you

stroll into my classroom

after the bell rings, in

truth, its disruptive and


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I won’t accept it

anymore, Joe, when you

stroll into my classroom

after the bell rings; in

truth, it’s disruptive and


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Little Eddie Winkler a shy

boy wanted nothing

more then to be

excepted but his peers

had other ideas.

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Little Eddie Winkler, a

shy boy, wanted nothing

more than to be

accepted, but his peers

had other ideas.

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Charlie a hardworking

boy aimed to clean the

bathroom dust the living

room and empty the

dishwasher before mom

got home.

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Charlie, a hardworking

boy, aimed to clean the

bathroom, dust the living

room, and empty the

dishwasher before Mom

got home.

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The two, black Panthers

were lurking in the trees

when the three, french,

tourists hiked by.

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The two_ black panthers

were lurking in the trees

when the three _ French

_ tourists hiked by.

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After a rainstorm I hate

it when the side walk is

covered with creepy

crawly, Earthworms.

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After a rainstorm, I hate

it when the sidewalk is

covered with creepy,

crawly_ earthworms.

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Last summer my two

best friends and me

went camping near Jim

Thorpe, Pennsylvania

where we fished kayaked

and hiked.

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Last summer, my two

best friends and I went

camping near Jim

Thorpe, Pennsylvania,

where we fished,

kayaked, and hiked.

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The two, little, deer

stood quite and still but

the bear could smell

them, and took chase.

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The two_ little _ deer

stood quiet and still, but

the bear could smell

them_ and took chase.

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Every day after school

Chris and me like to visit

this dark damp cave near

Chrises’ house but we

have to be home before


Page 185: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Every day after school,

Chris and I like to visit

this dark, damp cave

near Chris’s house, but

we have to be home

before dinner.

Page 186: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Unfortunately I couldn’t

remove the dark, blue

stain from my favorite

shirt so now I only were

them around the house.

Page 187: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Unfortunately, I couldn’t

remove the dark_ blue

stain from my favorite

shirt, so now I only wear

it around the house.

Page 188: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Take you’re sisters

homework to her John

and tell her that I hope

she feels better, and

returns to school soon.

Page 189: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Take your sister’s

homework to her, John,

and tell her that I hope

she feels better_ and

returns to school soon.

Page 190: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The foxes foot was

injured when she fought

with a raccoon so she

couldn’t hunt for food

care for her pup’s or

defend herself.

Page 191: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The fox’s foot was

injured when she fought

with a raccoon, so she

couldn’t hunt for food,

care for her pups, or

defend herself.

Page 192: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

To tell the truth my

students did good on

they’re presentations

and I’m real proud of


Page 193: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

To tell the truth, my

students did well on

their presentations, and

I’m really proud of


Page 194: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

According to our teacher

Joe is an honest

hardworking student

however us students

know Joe to be a big


Page 195: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

According to our

teacher, Joe is an honest,

hardworking student;

however, we students

know Joe to be a big


Page 196: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

At Butches’ birthday

party I watched the

cherry, red stain of

spilled juice spread on

my new tablecloth and I

wondered if I could ever

get them clean.

Page 197: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

At Butch’s birthday

party, I watched the

cherry_ red stain of

spilled juice spread on

my new tablecloth, and I

wondered if I could ever

get it clean.

Page 198: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

A pack of stray dogs

roam the woods near my

house and they often

follow my friends, and I

on are way home from


Page 199: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

A pack of stray dogs

roams the woods near

my house, and they

often follow my friends_

and me on our way

home from school..

Page 200: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I was excited to shop for

presents decorations and

food for my brothers

birthday party however

Mom could only think

about what it would all


Page 201: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I was excited to shop for

presents, decorations,

and food for my

brother’s birthday party;

however, Mom could

only think about what it

would all cost.

Page 202: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

On Tuesday July 13 1979 a

stranger slipped into the

sleepy town of Snowden to

abduct several pets oddly

enough he returned them

three weeks later with the

ability to speak.

Page 203: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

On Tuesday, July 13, 1979,

a stranger slipped into the

sleepy town of Snowden to

abduct several pets; oddly

enough, he returned them

three weeks later with the

ability to speak.

Page 204: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Hungry enough to eat a

horse, I devoured two,

oversized, belgium

waffles, and than felt

sick for the rest of the


Page 205: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Hungry enough to eat a

horse, I devoured two_

oversized_ Belgium

waffles_ and then felt

sick for the rest of the


Page 206: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My friend and me

couldnt make it to the

summit and back before

dark; so him and me

decided to camp for the


Page 207: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My friend and I couldn’t

make it to the summit

and back before dark, so

he and I decided to

camp for the night.

Page 208: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Only some of my

classmates is excepting

of my dissability, the

rest tease me behind Mr.

Sanchezes’ back.

Page 209: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Only some of my

classmates are

accepting of my

disability; the rest tease

me behind Mr.

Sanchez’s back.

Page 210: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The bater felt a great

weight on his shoulder’s

because it was the

bottom of the ninth the

bases were loaded and

the team were

depending on him.

Page 211: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

The batter felt a great

weight on his shoulders

because it was the

bottom of the ninth, the

bases were loaded, and

the team was depending

on him.

Page 212: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

We always take a ride

North to Vermont in the

Fall, the changing of the

leave’s are an amazing


Page 213: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

We always take a ride

north to Vermont in the

fall; the changing of the

leaves is an amazing


Page 214: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Our next game will be on

Friday in Cherry Hill New

Jersey coach told me.

Page 215: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Our next game will be

on Friday in Cherry Hill,

New Jersey,” Coach told


Page 216: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Sarah exclaimed my

French teacher is taking

the class to a fancy

restaurant where they

serve escargot.

Page 217: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Sarah exclaimed, “My

French teacher is taking

the class to a fancy

restaurant where they

serve escargot!”

Page 218: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I can’t allow you, mother

said, to wear that short

dress to school.

Page 219: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“I can’t allow you,”

Mother said, “to wear

that short dress to


Page 220: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I don’t mind Mr. Wilson, I

lied, when you give

homework on the


Page 221: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“I don’t mind, Mr.

Wilson,” I lied, “when

you give homework on

the weekend.”

Page 222: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I got angry when Mr.

Carson told me, “that he

would rather teach a

sack of potatoes then

are lazy class.”

Page 223: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I got angry when Mr.

Carson told me_ _that he

would rather teach a

sack of potatoes than

our lazy class._

Page 224: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Neither my mom nor my

dad have agreed to drive

you and I to the dance

unless my grades

improve Stacy, Rita said,

which is very unlikely.”

Page 225: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Neither my mom nor my

dad has agreed to drive

you and me to the dance

unless my grades

improve, Stacy,” Rita

said, “which is very


Page 226: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“I was not able the

student admitted to

complete the assignment

Mr. Darcy.”

Page 227: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“I was not able,” the

student admitted, “to

complete the

assignment, Mr. Darcy.”

Page 228: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Yogi Berra once asked a

player how can you think

and hit at the same time.

Page 229: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

Yogi Berra once asked a

player, “How can you

think and hit at the same


Page 230: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Will you bring your

project tomorrow?”

asked Mrs. Johnson. “I

want to make sure that

you’re up to speed.”

Page 231: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My best friend

announced that “She

would be playing soccer

in the Fall,” and I was

dissappointed that she

wouldn’t be playing field

hockey with me.

Page 232: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

My best friend

announced that _she

would be playing soccer

in the fall,_and I was

disappointed that she

wouldn’t be playing field

hockey with me.

Page 233: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

I am pleased to

announce class, Mr.

Smith informed us, that

you all passed the

midterm with flying


Page 234: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“I am pleased to

announce, class,” Mr.

Smith informed us, “that

you all passed the

midterm with flying


Page 235: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Would you like a

blueberry muffin with

your coffee, the waitress

asked, our pastry chef

makes them fresh daily.”

Page 236: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Would you like a

blueberry muffin with

your coffee?” the

waitress asked. “Our

pastry chef makes them

fresh daily.”

Page 237: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Will you come to the

game next wednesday

Mark,” Jason asked, I

have an extra ticket.”

Page 238: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Will you come to the

game next Wednesday,

Mark?” Jason asked. “I

have an extra ticket.”

Page 239: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“Their is five students

who’s papers don’t have

a name on it”, Mrs.

Bradley said.

Page 240: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“There are five students

whose papers don’t

have a name on them,”

Mrs. Bradley said.

Page 241: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“The Smith family down the

road from us are having a

garage sale on Saturday”

exclaimed my mom a

compulsive shopper. “All of

they’re household items is

up for grabs!”

Page 242: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive

“The Smith family down the

road from us is having a

garage sale on Saturday!”

exclaimed my mom, a

compulsive shopper. “All of

their household items are

up for grabs!”

Page 243: Systematic Cumulative Comprehensive