System of a cell related to an army

Brad Wahlgren

Transcript of System of a cell related to an army

Page 1: System of a cell related to an army

Brad Wahlgren

Page 2: System of a cell related to an army

Cell Membrane-Base Limits/Sandbags Cell Membrane is a protective layer that

shields the cell from the environment Sandbags/Baselimits or wall protect

soldiers from enemies and weather

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Cell Wall protects the cell, and offers support.

Ground Forces and Military Police offer support and protect the cell

Cell wall is like the Privates of an army, because they offer support, and are the basic defense of a country just like a cell wall is the basic defense of a cell.

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Ribosomes- groupings of dna that protect proteins

Platoons are groups of soldiers that make up an army, and protect citizens etc.

Like ribosomes protect proteins, platoons protect citizens, so the two are alike because they both protect important parts of a cell and society.

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Endoplasmic Reticulums assist in the production and transportation of proteins

Jeeps help transport important weapons, and soldiers.

Both transport important parts of their respective entities, but Endoplasmic reticulums transport porteins, and jeeps transport weapons and soldiers.

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Mitchondria provide the strength and energy for a cell to do things.

The Air Force and Navy provide the army with strength and extra support which is necessary in war.

Mitchondria provide the strength for cells to do things, while the air force and navy provide the extra strength for an army to succeed in battle.

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Keeps everything in the cell moving quickly

Drill Sergeant keeps soldiers in order and moving.

Both keep things moving quickly and orderly and are vital to their cell and army.

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Nucleus is the brain of the cell and contains dna

The general is the head of the army and makes all of the decisions for the army

Both are the most crucial part of their cell and army, and without this neither could functure.

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Produce ribsomes and is located within the nucleus

Weapons supply produces the essential tools for an army to win the war.

Both produce the tools for a cell and army to function.

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Aide transportation and modify proteins for different jobs

Convoys speed up transportation between forts, and carry soldiers just like how Golgi bodies aide transportation.

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Contain digestive enszymes Mess hall is where soldiers eat etc. Both deal with digestion etc, so it is

natural that lysosomes and the mess hall represent each other.

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Mess hall because they do essentially the same thing as lysosomes

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Produce food and energy Army Scouts produce information and

etc, so both are providers for their entities.