1 SYNTHETIC PEPTIDES ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY 1 PREDICTION USING DECISION TREE MODEL 2 3 RUNNING TITLE 4 Synthetic peptides antimicrobial activity prediction using decision tree model 5 6 JOURNAL SECTION 7 Applied Microbiology 8 9 AUTHORS NAMES 10 Felipe Lira 1 , Pedro S. Perez 2 , José A. Baranauskas 2 , Sérgio R. Nozawa # 1 11 12 AUTHOR ADDRESS 13 1 Laboratório de Expressão Gênica, Universidade Nilton Lins. Av. Prof. Nilton Lins, 3259. 14 Postal Code: 69058-030 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Tel: + 55 92 3643 2110 15 [email protected] 16 17 2 Departamento de Computação e Matemática, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de 18 Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. 19 20 21 Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.02804-12 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 1 March 2013 on October 5, 2018 by guest Downloaded from


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Synthetic peptides antimicrobial activity prediction using decision tree model 5



Applied Microbiology 8



Felipe Lira1, Pedro S. Perez2, José A. Baranauskas2, Sérgio R. Nozawa # 1 11



1 Laboratório de Expressão Gênica, Universidade Nilton Lins. Av. Prof. Nilton Lins, 3259. 14

Postal Code: 69058-030 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Tel: + 55 92 3643 2110 15

[email protected] 16


2 Departamento de Computação e Matemática, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de 18

Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. 19



Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.02804-12 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 1 March 2013

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Antimicrobial resistance becomes a persistent problem at public health treatment. However, 23

recent attempts to find effective substitutes to combat microorganism infections have directed 24

efforts to identify natural antimicrobial peptides able to overcome the resistance to commercial 25

antibiotics. The aim of this study describes the development of synthetic peptides with 26

antimicrobial activity, created in silico by site-directed mutations modeling using wild-type 27

peptides as scaffold for these mutations. Using fragments of antimicrobial peptides there were 28

modeled using molecular modeling computational tools. To analyze these peptides there was 29

created a Decision Tree model, which indicated the action range of peptides on the types of 30

microorganisms on which they can exercise biological activity. The Decision Tree model was 31

trained using physicochemistry properties from known antimicrobial peptides available at 32

Antimicrobial Peptide Database (APD). The two most promising peptides were synthesized and 33

the antimicrobial assays showed inhibitory activity against gram-positive and gram-negative 34

bacteria. Colossomin-C and Colossomin-D were the most inhibitory peptides at 5μg/mL against 35

Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The methods described in this work and the results 36

obtained are useful for the identification and development of new compounds with antimicrobial 37

activity through the use of computational tools. 38



Antimicrobial activity, Synthetic peptide, Activity prediction, Peptide modeling. 41


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The increase in microbial resistance to commercial antibiotics and the need for protection 44

against pathogenic agents, have led to the development of rapid and efficient defense 45

mechanisms. In this context, antimicrobial peptides represent a primitive defense mechanism that 46

is present in all organisms, from invertebrates through to higher organisms, including humans(6). 47

In recent decades, various species of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated, and presented 48

a wide spectrum of activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria(22) The 49

production of these peptides in higher organisms plays an important role in the adaptive defense 50

system and the regulation of various biological systems(8). This production is beneficial, as it 51

occurs at low metabolic cost; the peptides are easily stored in large quantities, and are rapidly 52

made available to neutralize infections caused by microorganisms. 53

Due to their importance for the organism's immune system, antimicrobial peptides have 54

become the object of much interest as a source of inspiration for the development of new drugs, 55

based on changes to already known molecules(11). The manipulation of these structures is a 56

promising source for the creation of new antimicrobial peptides capable of blocking or inhibiting 57

the growth of bacteria, fungi, parasites, tumor cells, and even encapsulated viruses like HIV(7, 58

8). Different methods are used to develop these artificial peptides, in particular, the synthesis of 59

analogous peptides, which differentiate from natural peptides into one or more positions of the 60

amino acid chain by substitution, deletion or insertion of residues (2). This enables the crucial 61

residues for the performance of antimicrobial activity to be determined, and the desired effects to 62

be modulated, with the purpose of making the analogous peptides more effective than the 63

parental peptide (14, 19). However, these processes are costly, and time-consuming to execute. 64

Various pharmaceutical companies have therefore encouraged the use of Bioinformatics, to 65

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investigate bioactive peptides in the search for new drugs using computer tools, complemented 66

by genome, transcriptome and proteome studies(16). 67

Based on the accumulation of information on the mechanism of action of antimicrobial 68

peptides, various databases have been created, with detailed information about these 69

peptides(12). The diversity of forms and characteristics makes it difficult to develop methods 70

capable of predicting the antimicrobial activity of peptides based on the similarity of their 71

sequences alone. Therefore, there is a need for computational tools capable of minimizing the 72

costs of predicting the antibacterial activity of peptides, and planning peptides that are more 73

effective against pathogens. To this end, methods like the Quantitative Structure-Activity 74

Relationship (QSAR), Structure Activity Relationship (SAR), and Decision Trees (DT) were 75

developed, to look for similar sequences and predict the activity based on numerical data relating 76

to structure and antimicrobial activity(12). 77

Based on studies to discover new therapeutic agents through peptide modelling using known 78

antimicrobial peptides as backbone, this study describes the induction of a decision tree model to 79

predict the antimicrobial activity of synthetic peptides created through substitutions of amino 80

acids residues in the parental peptide, obtained from the cDNA library of Colossoma 81

macropomum (Tambaqui), an Amazonian Neotropical teleostean with high commercial value 82

representing an economic relevant fish species from the Amazon basin(1). 83



Identification of potential antimicrobial peptides 86

The identification of coding-sequences genes for the antimicrobial peptide activity was 87

performed through the construction of the cDNA library of Colossoma macropomum, using the 88

SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit (Clontech, USA), and sequencing more than 300 89

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clones. A BlastX search was performed in the GenBank database on a local server 90

( in which a cDNA encoding a potential antimicrobial peptide with 19 91

residues was found. This peptide was initially named "Colossomin". 92

. 93

Synthetic peptides modelling 94

Based on the sequence of 19 amino acids of the "Colossomin" peptide, there were created five 95

of analogous peptides using a diagram proposed by Bordo & Argos to guide the substitutions of 96

amino acid residues, increasing and/or maintaining the antimicrobial activity demonstrated by 97

the parental peptide(3). The substitutions were based on the circumstances of net charge, total 98

hydrophobic ratio (%), positive charge distribution to arrange the hydrophobic residues on the 99

same surface, amphiphilic character and the protein-binding potential - Boman index (10). The 100

sequences obtained after the residues substitutions were submitted to the predictive tool 101

available at Antimicrobial Peptide Database v2.34 (APD2)(20) to verify their antimicrobial 102

potential (15). 103

Analogs peptides synthesis 104

To verify if the antimicrobial activity of the analogs peptides could maintain, or overcome, 105

the effects observed for the parental peptide, analogs peptides were constructed using the Fmoc 106

solid-phase peptide synthesis strategy(4). The C-terminal amino acid of the native peptide was 107

maintained in some analogs and named as Colossomin-C and Colossomin-D. 108

Decision Tree Experimental Setup 109

Induction of decision trees is a machine learning approach that has been applied to several 110

tasks. Decision trees (DT) are well-suited for large, real-world tasks as they scale well and can 111

represent complex concepts by constructing simple yet robust logic-based classifiers amenable to 112

direct expert interpretation(15). Top-down inductions of decision trees algorithms generally 113

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choose a feature that partitions the training data according to some evaluation functions(17). The 114

partitions are then recursively split until some stopping criterion is reached. After that, the 115

decision tree is pruned in order to avoid over fitting(9). In our experiments, we used the 116

algorithm J48 from Weka(21), a library of several machine learning algorithms. J48 is a Java 117

implementation of the well-known C4.5 algorithm(17). 118

The training data is composed of 60 antimicrobial, each described by 53 molecular descriptors. 119

These descriptors include structure, net charge, hydrophobic residues, Boman index, among 120

others, and were obtained using the program package Marvin Beans 121

( Peptides were labelled into four classes, according to 122

their microbial activity level: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH as follows. The class label for 123

a specific peptide is defined as none if no activity is found in any of the cell types, low if the 124

activity occurs in only one organism, medium if the activity occurs in exactly two organisms and 125

high if it occurs in three or more organisms. According to this procedure, the distribution of 126

classes as none, low, medium and high in the training data was 3 (5%), 17 (28%), 20 (33%) and 127

20 (33%), respectively. 128

In order to select the most predictive attributes and find the best configuration of parameters 129

for J48, we used Windowing(18), which is a technique that begins to learn with only a fraction 130

(window) of the examples in the dataset. A classifier is induced using the initial window, and it 131

is tested using the examples not present in the window. A fraction of the examples outside the 132

window, and that were misclassified, is added to the window. A new classifier is induced and 133

tested, and the process is repeated until there are no misclassifications. Windowing can be 134

repeated many times (trials), starting with a different initial window each time. We used the 135

windowing provided by C4.5. After applying the technique with different configurations of C4.5, 136

and windowing itself, we chose the tree with the best test error. We then built a new dataset, 137

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composed of only those attributes found in the unpruned version of the best tree: NetCharge, 138

Hydrogen, Oxygen, Isoeletric Point, LogP of Non-ionic species, ASA_P, Balaban Index, 139

Dreiding Energy and Minimal Projection Radius. Using Weka, we ran J48 over the dataset with 140

the filtered attributes. The default parameters for the inducer were used, except for the parameter 141

M, which determines the minimum number of examples that a leaf must contain. As M value, we 142

used three, with which the best tree found before was set. 143

Spectrum of activity prediction using decision trees 144

After the detection of the peptides’ antimicrobial potential using the Antimicrobial Peptide 145

Database, they were classified by the decision tree, and activity spectrum inferred as none, low, 146

medium or high. This was done considering the criteria adopted to determine the peptide activity 147

according to the types of organisms on which it will act, inhibiting or extinguishing their growth. 148

Antimicrobial tests 149

The microbiological assays were carried using Staphylococcus aureus (Gram +)and 150

Escherichia coli (Gram -). Inoculated Petri dishes were submitted to disc agar-diffusion method 151

with 10µL of each synthetic peptide diluted with water to 5µg/ml. Four paper disks of 5mm in 152

diameter were equally disposed at all Petri dishes with solid LB (Luria Bertani) culture medium 153

and impregnated with diluted peptides. The Petri dishes were incubated for 20 hours at 37ºC to 154

determine the formation of growth inhibition disks. 155

Statistical analysis 156

The data analyses were carried measuring the diameter of the inhibition disks formed by each 157

synthetic peptide using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test at R program (http://www.r-158 to compare theirs antimicrobial activities. The antimicrobial peptide of each peptide 159

was analyzed against different bacteria, and their specific activity to detect the most efficient 160

antimicrobial peptide was compared. 161

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Synthetic peptides modelling 163

After computational modelling and prior analysis of the antimicrobial potential, five peptides 164

were designed using the parental peptide as scaffold and only two were selected to Fmoc solid 165

phase synthesis and microbiological tests (Table 1). 166

Decision Tree Experimental Setup 167

The decision tree induced is composed of nine decision nodes containing the eight attributes 168

(NetCharge, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Isoeletric Point, LogP of Non-ionic species, ASA_P, Balaban 169

Index and Dreiding Energy) and ten leaves indicating the level of activity of the synthetic 170

peptides (high, medium, low or no activity) (Figure 1). 171

The decision tree model was validated using leave-one-out. The values of accuracy, area under 172

the ROC curve, true positive rate, true negative rate, precision and F-measure are shown in Table 173

2. Each line of the table shows the measures for each of the four possible class values, and the 174

last line shows the weighted average of the measures, representing the overall values for the 175

classification task. 176

Antimicrobial tests 177

After an incubation period, an inhibition area was visualized surrounding the paper disks 178

containing Colossomin-C and Colossomin-D at Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli 179

cultures. The average lengths of inhibition zones formed by Colossomim-C and Colossomim-D 180

at bacteria cultures are represented at Table 3. The parental peptide did not form inhibition disks 181

at any bacteria culture after the incubation. 182

Statistical analysis 183

After statistical analyses the synthetic peptide Colossomin-C demonstrated significant 184

difference (p-value = 0.0147) when compared with the inhibition disks showed at Escherichia 185

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coli and Staphylococcus aureus plates by Colossomin-D. In both cases there was not possible to 186

reject the null hypothesis for any significant level above 1,5%. 187



The results of this study show that the use of decision trees to evaluate the antimicrobial 190

activity of synthetic peptides enables the creation of more effective models for use in the 191

development of new drugs using known peptides as scaffold for designing new compounds and 192

reducing costly and time-consuming research. As demonstrated at this study and shown in 193

previous works (5, 13), the development of algorithms for decision tree models is an efficient 194

tool for predicting the antimicrobial activity and construction of peptides for various therapeutic 195

uses. 196

The inhibitory activity shown in the Colossomin-C and Colossomin-D assays, submitted to in 197

vitro tests with Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, provides the bases for a series of 198

possible studies on the importance of these antimicrobial peptides and their mechanism of action. 199

It also increase the possibility of use these synthetic antimicrobial peptides as important 200

biotechnological products for treating multidrug resistant pathogens. The antimicrobial activity 201

demonstrated by Colossomin-C and Colossomin-D against Staphylococcus aureus shows that 202

these peptides are more efficient in inhibiting the growth of Gram-positive bacteria than that of 203

Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. 204

The results indicate that the induction of the amphiphilic behaviour and the positive charge are 205

responsible for destabilization of the membrane surface, and may induct pores by the partial or 206

total insertion of the hydrophobic portion(18). Based on the methodology used in this study, and 207

the possibility of predicting the antimicrobial activity of synthetic peptides created by site-208

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targeted mutations, it is affirmed that this methodological pipeline has great value in the 209

discovery and development of new natural antibiotics using known peptides. 210

On the other hand, this workflow may highlight the efficiency of two synthetic peptides as 211

promising antimicrobial agents for treating Gram-positive infections, deserving more attention 212

on these new methodologies for the discovery of new drugs. 213



We thank to Dr. Adriano Monteiro de Castro Pimenta and Dr. Thiago Verano-Braga for help 216

with the peptide synthesis at Laboratorio de Venenos e Toxinas Animais – LVTA, UFMG. We 217

thank CNPq, CAPES, and FAPEAM for financial support. 218




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Table 1 - Peptides selected for Fmoc solid phase synthesis and microbiological tests after verification of yours antimicrobial activity through the

APD2 ( Residues single underlined are hydrophobic and those double underlined are both hydrophobic and

located on the same peptide surface.

Peptides Amino acid sequence Molecular formula ∆AA (%) MW (Da) Charge HR (%) BI (Kcal/mol) AP

Parental peptide C - V I V V L M A Q P G E C F L G L I F H - N C99H156N22O23S2 - 2086.59 0 68 -1.73 +

Colossomin-C C - L I I I L M K K P G E C F L S L I Y H - N C107H175N23O24S2 37 2231.84 +2 57 -1.09 +

Colossomin-D C - L I V V L M K K P G E C F L S L I Y H - N C105H171N23O24S2 26 2203.78 +2 57 -1.00 +

∆AA (%) – Percent of amino acid substitutions; MW – Molecular Weight; Charge – Peptide charge; HR (%) – Hydrophobic residues; BI –

Boman Index; AP – Antimicrobial prediction: (+) antimicrobial activity, (–) no antimicrobial activity.

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Table 3 – The average length of inhibition zone formed by Colossomim-B and

Colossomim-C at bacteria cultures.

Inhibition disk diameter (cm)

Bacteria Parental peptide Colossomin-B Colossomin-C

Staphylococcus aureus 0.0 2.9 ± 0.1 2.25 ± 0.2

Escherichia coli 0.0 1.37 ± 0.08 0.625 ± 0.04

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Table 2. Performance measurements for the classification of peptide activity. Here,

AUC stands for area under the ROC curve; TP stands for true positive rate; and TN

represents the true negative rate.

Class value Accuracy AUC TP TN Precision F-measure

None 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.60 0.75

Low 0.81 0.65 0.81 0.58 0.61

Medium 0.82 0.70 0.85 0.70 0.70

High 0.87 0.70 0.95 0.88 0.78

Total 0.70 0.84 0.70 0.88 0.72 0.70

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