Syntergy upgrade open text content server with replicator - 7-3-2016

Upgrade OpenText™ Content Server Using Syntergy Replicator Technical Expertise | Responsiveness | Value

Transcript of Syntergy upgrade open text content server with replicator - 7-3-2016

Upgrade OpenText™ Content Server Using Syntergy Replicator

Technical Expertise | Responsiveness | Value

All rights reserved. Copyright Syntergy, Inc. ©2016

20 Years Experience Serving Global Customers

Headquarters in San Diego, CA

Key Executives and Engineers from OpenText and other ECM leaders.

Distributed Staff & Partners throughout USA/Canada/Europe

OpenText Technology Partner

Microsoft Gold Partner

Corporate Profile

Provider of more than 20 Content Server Products to Increase Usability & Adoption

Consulting Services Expertise in Upgrades, Migrations, Custom Module Development, Deployment Assistance, Performance Tuning, Taxonomy Consulting, Integration, Systems Analysis, Training and Support

Key Differentiators – Technical Expertise, Responsiveness & Value


Syntergy = Mission Critical

All rights reserved. Copyright Syntergy, Inc. ©2010

Data Moving Solutions Replicator

Data Manager


Content Mover

Workflow Solutions New Workflow Steps

Workflow Map Printer

Workflow Escalations

Inbox Proxy


Security Solutions Enhanced Password


Extranet Secure

Suspicious Activity Detection *

Next Generation Data Loss Prevention *

Sensitive Content Detection & Management *

Storage Management EMC Centera Storage Connector

EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS)

Storage Provider Migrator

Synchronize: Replicator

Immediate, live, bidirectional replication Synchronize across large, dispersed, multi-versions

Content Server deployments Replication across multiple Content Server

versions (9.0, 9.5, 9.7, 10.X, 16 (future)) Install and use within Content Server.

• Global Office Locations• Offshore/Offline access • Intranet/Extranet Sync• High Availability/DR• Migration/Upgrade Companion

#1 Content Server Synchronization

Reasons to Use Content Server Replication: #1

• Content Server Upgrades / Migrations / Consolidations Side by Side environments Migrate all data using standard tools Keep data in sync using Replicator Departments can be moved to CS10.5, sequentially, while remainder of

company is still on Livelink v9.x No downtime

Content Server 10.5/

Suite 16Livelink v9.x

Perform UTF-8 conversion if using Latin-1 (non-trivial) If Livelink version < 9.7.1, upgrade to Livelink 9.7.1 (non-trivial) Build Content Server 10.5 environment Production outage begins Take database snapshot and transfer to new system Image EFS and transfer to new system Copy search index (unless rebuilding) Update database

Point to new EFS location via SQL Other changes - recycle bin, etc.

Perform upgrade Post-upgrade steps (rebuild or restore index, etc) Test (if time remains) Change DNS to point to CS10 Production outage ends All steps should ideally happen twice for upgrade testing

Standard Upgrade Steps

Build Content Server 10.5 environment Install Replicator module in Livelink (source and target) and

Content Server clusters Initialize replication Wait for systems to synchronize Test Change DNS to point to new CS 10.5 environment From user perspective, upgrade will be instantaneous

No production outageBoth systems can be live simultaneously

Replicator Upgrade Steps

Build duplicate 9.7.1 (source) environment Copy EFS, search index and database Initialize replication between duplicate environments Disable Replicator outbound traffic Perform upgrade to CS10.5 (target) on duplicate system Enable replication traffic and changes will be synchronized Switch DNS entries

Alternate Cloned Approach Upgrade Method

Re-Parent Options for Migrations












Content can be reorganized during replication by choosing a different parent for a replicated object

Replication Scenario

Environment ALL 9.7.1 Front End Admin Server Oracl


Environment BCS 10.5 Front End Admin Server



SQL Server DB




Support for basic object types and many optional modules:

– Documents– Compound Docs– Folders– Categories/Attributes– Tasks– Projects– Communities of Practice– Workflows & Forms– Records Management– Transmittals– CAD Manager– Automatic Document Numbering– Electronic Signatures– Communities of Practice

Supported Object Types

HTTP/HTTPS used for all communication No special firewall requirements Flexible options for file transfers allows Replicator to operate

on unreliable or slow connections Transfer file size is configurable Metadata and file content is compressed before transfer Compressed export files can be chunked up and transferred for

increased reliability No network activity unless content changes

Efficient Transport


All rights reserved. Copyright Syntergy, Inc. ©2010

Vijay [email protected]: +1.415.543.0602