Synovate NL 2008 On Line Qualitative Bulletin Boards

@Life On line Bulletin Boards © 2008. Synovate Ltd. All rights reserved. The concepts and ideas submitted to you herein are the intellectual property of Synovate Ltd. They are strictly of confidential nature and are submitted to you under the understanding that they are to be considered by you in the strictest of confidence and that no use shall be made of the said concepts and ideas, including communication to any third party without Synovate’s express prior consent and/or payment of related professional services fees in full.


Online kwalitatief onderzoek Herkent u deze situaties? Uw doelgroep is geografisch heel wijdverspreid, heeft een lage penetratie, respondenten kunnen niet persoonlijk naar een onderzoekslocatie komen of u voelt al aan dat men bij online onderzoek waarschijnlijk opener zal zijn dan bij een face-to-face onderzoek. Voor dit soort situaties is Synovate @Life is een goed alternatief voor de conventionele kwalitatieve onderzoeksbenadering. Synovate @Life technieken kunnen ook complementair zijn aan traditionele onderzoekstechnieken. Bijvoorbeeld voor het verkennen van hypotheses of nieuwe ideeën die zijn voortgekomen uit traditioneel kwalitatief onderzoek Of bij het verzamelen van feedback over een product dat op de markt gelanceerd is of een service die uw klant heeft uitgeprobeerd. Synovate @Life biedt vele mogelijkheden, zoals: @Life Online Bulletin Boards: (geleide vraag-en-antwoordsessie van meerdere dagen. @Life Online Focus Groups: "real-time live chat" met een groep respondenten. @Life Online In-Depth Interviews: "real-time" vertouwelijk on-line gesprek. Synovate @Life-technieken hebben als voordeel dat de transcripts direct gegenereerd worden, dat u kunt kiezen uit verschillende rapportage formats en dat er geen reistijd en -kosten zijn.

Transcript of Synovate NL 2008 On Line Qualitative Bulletin Boards

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@Life On line Bulletin


© 2008. Synovate Ltd. All rights reserved.

The concepts and ideas submitted to you herein are the intellectual property of Synovate Ltd. They are strictly of confidential nature and are submitted to you under the understanding that they are to be considered by you in the strictest of confidence and that no use shall be made of the said concepts and ideas, including communication to any third party without Synovate’s express prior consent and/or payment of related professional services fees in full.

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Introduction: Online and qualitative research

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Online and qualitative researchQualitative research should also be online

• The world and the human being is online, the www has become a tool:

- For information sharing

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- For communication

- For self expression:

- …

�Qualitative research should be also online

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Online and qualitative research Online qualitative research


a tool to do qualitative research


To gather and analyse data

via ‘open’ methods in order

to reveal patterns and

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a tool to do qualitative researchto reveal patterns and

motivations which determine

the behaviour and thinking of

human beings/consumers.

The addition of online is mainly about the way in which the

research is done: not with the traditional face-to-face research, but

by the use of internet.

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Online and qualitative research Online qualitative research

• There are different ways to do this:

1. The internet as a source of information:

- Millions of people produce information and express their opinions on websites, forums, blogs

- It gives a broader view on the world, the internet is a huge database

with information on all subject that have some importance in peoples

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with information on all subject that have some importance in peoples lives.

2. Data collection in a closed research environment

Synovate @Life Digital Qualitative

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@ Life: the Synovate offerings

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsBringing Life to Life


@ Life

� On line approach

� Bulletin Boards

� Digital diaries

� Interactive Panels

� Full range of ethnographic


� Cultural context to POS

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@Life is one of the 5 Bringing Life to Life tools

Get Life

Comms Life

Build Life

� Interactive Panels

� Identify real opportunities

through an Idea/insight

generation approach designed

to breathe new life into markets

� Concept development

and refinement


� Maximizing the

potential of

creative ideas

� Evaluating ideas

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards

• What?

- A threaded in-depth discussion that occurs over time (2-3 days),

- where respondents enjoy the flexibility of logging in each day when their schedules permit (e.g. at least 2 times a day for 20 minutes)

• How does it work?

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• How does it work?

- New questions are released each day

- Visual stimuli can change question by question.

- The moderator logs in regularly throughout the day to post follow-up questions for respondents individually or as a group.

• Respondents?

- 15-30 respondents/group

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards

• Use?

- for great depth, responses requiring accurate detail

- or review of files/notes or consultation with co-workers,

- or sensitive topics.

• Target group?

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• Target group?

- young adults/teens,

- techies and others who are accustomed to using computers

- BtB, busy people

- ‘Active’ 55+

- Working men

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards: moderators view

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards: respondents view

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards

• Advantages:

1. Greater depth

- Even greater depth than face-to-face groups

- Respondents answer to all questions and with greater accuracy and more extended

2. Flexibility in content

- Content of the guide can be adapted any time

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- Content of the guide can be adapted any time

3. Transparency

- Client can follow the discussions at any time and communicate with the moderator

- More interaction with the client is possible

4. Visuals

- Possibility to show websites, visuals, audio and video fragments

5. No geographical limits

- Respondents of different regions (even countries) can participate in the same group

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards

6. Transcripts

- Full transcripts are immediately available

- Possibility to sort the responses on questions, respondents characteristics

- Verbatims are ‘real verbatims’ and easy to find

7. No ‘time’ limits:

- Respondents can login at the moment they want

- For busy respondents this approach is less time consuming as they don’t have to travel

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- For busy respondents this approach is less time consuming as they don’t have to travel

8. Fresh respondents

- Possible to recruit new respondents, respondents that would never participate in face-to-face research (due to location or ‘busy’ people)

9. Projective techniques

- Projective techniques work very well and are very rich

10. Different types of questions:

- Possible to have ‘group’ questions

- But also private questions

- ‘uninfluenced answer’ before interaction

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@Life: the Synovate offeringsOnline bulletin boards

• “Disadvantages”:

1. No non-verbal information

- The moderation has the interaction and interpretation on what respondents write, without any non-verbal information

2. Analysis

- Is time consuming as the moderator has ‘less impressions’

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- Is time consuming as the moderator has ‘less impressions’

- As the amount of information is huge

3. Possible drop-out of busy people

4. Time investment of client

- The client has to take time to follow the discussion and the interact with the moderator

- The client needs to be ‘trained’ as well

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l Threaded asynchronous online discussion

l Preloaded questions scheduled for release by date, hour, minute

Online Bulletin Boards Online Focus GroupsFeatures

l Real-time/synchronous online chatl Moderator releases preloaded questions

l Everyone sees everything at same time

l Each question can be fully public, fully private or require response

before other responses are sharedl Can require sequential response

l Whiteboard visual can change Q by Q

l Generate significant depth, breadth

l Facilitate interaction, top-of-mind responsel Some ability to communicate privately

l Limited #, complexity of whiteboard visuals; lowest respondent access speed determines

what’s advisable

l Better for top-of-mind reactions than depth


l 3-day/72-hour period is typical l Easy to involve multiple time zones

l 90-minute period (plus 30 minutes to prepare up front) is typical


Discussion Guide & Stimuli

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l Generate significant depth, breadth l Opportunity to mull things over,

refresh memory

l Depends on # questions/dayl Log in twice/day; can start a day latel Flexibility allows very busy people to

participate in fits and starts

l Cannot see respondents, body language or verify gender, age

l Better for top-of-mind reactions than depthl Limited tools for depth research

l Cannot see respondents, body language or visually verify gender, age

l 90 minutes at a set time on a set datel Very predictable for respondentsl No flexibility in participation time

l Log in 10 minutes prior to start time


Respondent Time

View of Respondents

Moderator Time

l Constantly logged in during scheduled group l Limits travel for 1 day

l Clients access moderator via confidential posts, but moderator highly engaged

l Limited ability to discuss, change during group

l Logs in every 2 hours during business day

l Limits travel for 3 days

l Clients access moderator by phone, email, confidential posts

l Time to discuss, make changes

Client Access to Moderator

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On line Bulletin Boards User Manual

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Here the client person can post your questions or remarks.

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In this screen you see all the questions and additional text posted by the moderator as wellas the answers from the respondents. You will see the respondents name and if a respondent uploads a picture, website or video you can see what is uploaded by clicking on ‘view media’.

or remarks.

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Here you find the discussion guide with all questions to the respondent. These will be posted per topic by the moderator several times a day. Click on a question and you will see the question as well as the input from all the respondents to date.

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This menu allows you to see in the participants part which respondent was active the last 30 minutes or last 2 hours. With view info you can have a look into the screener details of the respondent (age, household, usage of shaving method, etc.). In the observer part you can see who from the observers is currently logged in.

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Synovate’s experience with On line Bulletin


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Synovate’s experience with On line Bulletin BoardsIndustries and use

• Automotive

• Banking

• Durables

• Chemicals

• Education

• Finance

• Branding & Communication

• Customer satisfaction

• Positioning

• Product & Concept testing

• Shopper

• Website usability, testing and Automotive

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• Food

• Healthcare

• Media

• Personal Care

• Public Services

• Retail

• Technology

• Telco