Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the land use sector

Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the land use sector Lalisa A. Duguma With contributions from ASB Team ICRAF Seminar Presentation March 26, 2012


Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the land use sector

Transcript of Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the land use sector

Page 1: Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the land use sector

Synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in 

the land use sector

Lalisa A. DugumaWith contributions from ASB Team

ICRAF Seminar PresentationMarch 26, 2012

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About the project

MITIADAPT: synergies and tradeoffs

The conceptual basis for synergy


Criteria and indicators for 



Tradeoff analysis

Review + fieldwork


Core activities

General methods

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IntroductionFor a long time adaptation and mitigation measures were treated as separate policy streams: 

– Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA), REDD+– National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA)

Despite the separate streams, evidences of practices that capture both measures at the same time is growing. 

At national and subnational level, wherein implementation of climate change measures is done, this dichotomy promotes inefficiencies and activity duplications.  

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• In synergy, two or more agents or components, or business units or interventions are combined to achieve a defined goal:– increasing effectiveness, – minimizing costs and or– ensuring continuity of production and or service provision by minimizing risks (Lazic and Heinzl 2011)

• Synergy exists in almost all forms of science, institutions etc(Conning 1998).

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Synergy modelsa. Additive synergy:  V(x1) +V(x2) +…+V(xn) = V(x1, x2,… xn)

The sum of the outputs of the individual practices is the same as the outputs when they are implemented together.

b. Non‐additive synergy: V(x1) +V(x2) +…+V(xn) ≠ V(x1, x2,… xn)

1) Superadditive model:  V(x1) +V(x2) +…+V(xn) < V(x1, x2,… xn)

2) Subadditive model: V(x1) +V(x2) +…+V(xn) > V(x1, x2,… xn). 

3) Isolated synergy model:     The interaction is the focus. E.g.

6CO2 + 6H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6O2

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For synergy to happen….

Resource complementarity: the increase in one resource increases the return to the other resource (Harrison et al 2001). 

Resource relatedness: common resources and activities shared. For example, mitigation and adaptation share the following:  Land,  Land resources management activities,  Skills and know‐hows of NRM,  Similar goal – reducing the impacts of climate change 

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Mitigation and adaptation linkages at landscape level: practices and processes

Land resourcesmanagement

Soil and waterconservation [A]

Improvedlivelihood [A]


productivity [A]

Offsetting ofsoil carbon stock

loss [M]

Enhances carbonsinks [M]

Afforestation andreforestation [M]


Biodiversityconservation [A]

Enhanced ecosystemservices and goodsavailability [A]

Improved adaptivecapacity of the

society [A]

Minimizeddeforestation andforest degradation


Diminished releaseof GHGs to theatmosphere [M]


management [M]

Improved carbonsink management


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Current conceptualization of synergy in CC

Klein et al (2007) [IPCC] highlights four main directions of integration of adaptation and mitigation: 

1. Mitigation actions with adaptation benefits2. Adaptation actions with mitigation benefits3. Processes that promote both measures4. Policies and strategies that promote the integration

Missing element: the land use practices based approach  (identifying practices and the associated actions, processes, decisions that promote synergy) (Minang et al in review). 


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Complementarity versus synergy

Time and scope

The reign of mitigation

Compliance issues – just to say social issues are being addressed?

The move to landscape approaches to CC

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Why complementarity is not enough

1. Inadequate ‐ The current approach is not sufficient (Klein et al 2007) and we need a blend  (Parry et al 2001). 

2. Inefficient – the dichotomy increases the costs of climate change [Kane and Yohe 2000]

3. Competition for resources between mitigation and adaptation (Tol2005)

4. The cobenefit issue masks the apparent potentials of the practices ‐ e.g. for agroforestry

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Why synergy is important in the land use sector

• Enhances the cost‐effectiveness of CC measures (Klein et al 2005)

• Helps to understand the interconnections between practices and processes at landscape level

• Helps to bring together actors and stakeholders active at landscape level. 

Synergies could form the core of climate policy at multiple scales in the future (Tubiello et al 2008).

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Some emerging examples of CC synergyCountry Name of project Implementation approach Source

Bangladesh Waste‐to‐compost project

Improve the environment by promoting waste recycling.

Ayers and Huq (2009)

Kenya Kenya Agriculture Carbon Project

Carbon sequestration through sustainable agricultural land management practices 

Tanzania The HASHI project Ecosystem restoration using enclosures (Ngitili) and agroforestry practices

Monela et al (2005)

Ethiopia Humbo Assisted Natural Regeneration Project

Rehabilitation of degraded forest lands for ecosystem services provision and community livelihood improvement 

Peru CEPICAFE Project under the AdapCCproject 

Addressing the multiple problems in the landscape through reforestation and carbon sequestration, and capacity building and implementation of integrated coffee management practices. 

GTZ (2010)

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The application in a snapshot: The Shinyanga case, Tanzania

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The practices in Shinyanga landscapes and their interrelationships

Practice 1:Ngitili [M+A]

Practice 4:Agroforestry [A+M]

Improved honeyproduction

Practice 6: Fodderbanks [M+A]

Practice 7: Livestockrearing [A-M]

Abundant livestock feedand thus enhanced


Income from grazing contractsand carbon money from pilot

REDD+ projects

Edible wild fruits, edibleinsects, herbal traditional


Household consumablesand livestock products

increased [A]

Less dependence on Practice 2 (Cottonfarming) and Practice 3 (maize and

sorghum farming) [A-M]

Better vegetation cover in thearea due to reduced forest

clearance [M+A]

Sufficient wood forenergy and construction

Enhanced water availabilityboth for household use and

livestock [A]

Better habitat forwildlife [A]

Reduced land degradationthrough control of wind and

water erosion [A+M]

Improved ecosystemservices provision


Enhanced carbonstorage [M]

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Ecosystem goods from Ngitili practices

Tanzanian Shilling

Summarized from figures in Monela et al (2005)

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Ngitili system and the super additive synergy model

Carbon sequestration1986 ‐ 611 ha (27428 t C)2005  ‐ 377756 ha (16,957,467 t C)

Biodiversity conservationBird species reemerged after Ngitili ‐22‐65Mammal species reemerged after Ngitili ‐ 10Plant species recorded in restored Ngitili ‐152

Economic valuesAverage economic value of Ngitili per person per month – 14 USDAverage expenditure of rural Tanzanian per month – 8.5 USD

Monela et al (2005)

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Degraded grazing land

A land restored using Ngitili How life is changing for agropastoralists

Livestock feed


Improved soil conditions


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Moving towards synergy: what does it take?

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1. Processes necessary for the move

System analysis: identifying what the system components are, how they function and interact and how good the selected measures fit into the system’s context. 

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2. Potential approaches that promote synergy

1. Landscape approaches – a holistic look at practices, processes, actors in different land uses within the landscape. 

2. The practice‐based approach – identifying practices that address adaptation and mitigation together.  E.g. Agroforestry, tree‐based soil conservation, ecosystem based adaptation, climate smart agriculture, etc. 

3. Cross‐sectoral and interdisciplinary planning approaches ‐ an integrated approach to CC measures at planning level

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3. The challenges 

Our ‘carbonized’ view of climate change issues The compartmented look at CC measures  ‐ adaptation, mitigation.  The strong emphasis of the UNFCCC on stabilization of GHG –

adaptation as an accessory activity. Lack of metrics – criteria and indicators for synergy The scientific uncertainty about the optimal mix of practices  The poor emphasis on the systems thinking or holistic approaches 

to abating CC

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Some reflections

To realize the benefits of synergy….

1. It should happen at all scales  i. International (e.g. UNFCCC), ii. National (e.g. climate policies and strategies, land use 

policies, etc), iii. Subnational (e.g. landscape level operational plans and 

strategies) and iv. Project level

2. The necessary processes should be sufficiently addressed

3. The various challenges impeding its application at various scales should be properly dealt with. 

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• ASB, SD5, SD6• The agropastoralists• ICRAF Tanzania –

Shinyanga field visit• TaTEDO Tanzania• NAFRAC Tanzania• ICRAF HQ

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