Sylvania Brighter Living for Today and Tomorrow Brochure 1962

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  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Brighter Living for Today and Tomorrow Brochure 1962


    BrighterLiwingfor K-ffiffi"&Ya,nd trffifuKffiffiffi,ffi'eWTrendsin tr,ichtingf*v the Ffu:crleFr*n:SYTIA}{IA

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Brighter Living for Today and Tomorrow Brochure 1962



    Sylvania Residential Lighting and Color Consultant

    "To be huppy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition," said SamuelJohnson. It's as true todayas it was in Johnson's time. The background yu create in your home has a tremendous influence onyour state of mind.Naturally there's no magic formula for home decoration or design, any more than there is for happi-ness. But there zi a certarn kind of magic you can work with your home lighting. \X/ith the right kindof lighting you can make your home safer and more convenient to work in more comfortable,beautiful and enjoyable to live in. In fact, through the magic of lighting, you can do much to createa happy home environment.

    THE LONG MISUSE OF LIGHTINGLighting was long misunderstood and misused - little more than an "afterthought" in rhe planningof a home. Unfortunately, lighting is still too often treated as primarily utilitarian on the one hand- or primarily decorative on the other. Both of these approaches can result in an enormously wastefulinvestment in effective lighting. Lighting designed from the utilitarian standpoint frequently fails tomeet even the most elementary aesthetic standards. \X/hile lighting designed primarily as decoration,often does not supply the basic visual requirements of the most ordinary seeing tasks.

    THE TRIPLE ROLE OF LIGHTTNG IN THE HOMEFew of us realize how important a role lighting can playin our homes. Like wood, brick and piasrer, modernlighting is actually a building material - providinga necessary built-in function of the home. But basicthough it is to seeing - lighting is infinitely morethan just something to see by.Lighting is also an intrinsic part of home decora-rion . like woodwork, wallpaper, furnishings,carpeting. For these cannor be propedy seen orappreciated - without skillfully designed lighting tobring out their beauty to its full effect.

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    Lighting has a psychological function, too. You can use it to create the mood or pace of a room.Yor: can reaffange lighting equipment as )'ou reaffange furniture -- to make a room /ook as well asbecome - more inviting and comfortable. And you can change a room's atmosphere by changing thelight source color of thelight bulbs or fluorescent tubes you use-to make a room "feel" warm andfriendly, or cool and restful.In the planning of a new home today lighting should receive the consideration it deserves for its im-portant triple role. Increasingly, however, lighting has become an integral part of overall residentialdesign - recognized for its functional, decorative and psychological contributions.

    FUNCTIONAL LIGHTINGSfhat is functional lighting ? \X/hy do you need it 7 And where ?First of all, there's the fact that "wirhout light there isno sight." You need light for seeing, for safety, forsewing, for reading, for any work you do. That'swhy there are good lamps, good fixrures, andthe proper light sources - incandescenr bulbs orfluorescent tubes - to be used with this equipment.Naturally, you don't want to spend all your time"working for your home." Insofar as possible youwant it to "work for yu." For example, perhapsyou decide to remodel your kitchen - spendinghundreds of doliars for new appliances range,dishwasher, disposal, washer, dryer, mixer - ail the"necessary" time and work savers.But at this point, don't begrudge spending a little extra money for new lighting-- where you need itand want it. Because it's here in the kitchen - the utility core of the home - that lighting roo becomesan important time and work saver - helping you to see better, do your work faster, more accurately.Good lighting makes it easier to cook and clean up after meals - and to read your favorite recipes.Good lighting in the kitchen is a safety factor too - insuring fewer cut fingers, fex'er sliced knuckles,less sand and grit in the fresh spinach and asparagus. And finally, good lighting heightens the glamourof your kitchen - shows off your new pastel colors, panelled cabinets and the gleaming beauty of yournew appliances.

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  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Brighter Living for Today and Tomorrow Brochure 1962


    AESTHETIC APPEAT - LIGHTING AS DECORATIONSecond, there is the aesthetic need for lighting. Lighting for its decorative value - to supply sparkle,shadow, accent, contrast and just sheer drama. All, or any of these, can be attained by artistry in theuse of light. Form, shape, texture, and color come to life. You see your furnishings, pictures, orna-ments, everything in your home in its full beauty. Lighting in this form is not only a science, but an art.An art, which requires a knowledge of what light can do and will do when the designer wishes to createa particular picture within an interior - or to change its apparent size or shape.For example, suppose you wish to make a square room look more rectangular. You could use valancesor cornices on two opposite walls. \7hen lighted, these walls will appear farther apart than the unlightedwalls - thus visually "stretching" your room and making it look longer. Or to make a small roommore spacious, use softly lighted valances or cornices overwindow areas. They will make your windows appearfarther away than they actually are- creating the illusionof a Larger room. Thus, lighting as decoration plays u

    ,,,skillful role in changing the apparent shape or size of,.,.,.a room or area. This is done by taking advantage

    of the fact that a lighted area Jeemr t0 nrrae awalfrom you visually.A basic factor in modern design is flexibility . . .in homes . . . in furniture . . . and above all in lighting.This flexibility of interior lighting is shown by themany forms it takes . . . portable floor, wall and tablelamps . . . adjustable ceiling units . . built-in architectural elementslike valance, cove and cornice lighting . . luminous walls and ceilings. But whateverform it takes, lighting should be subrle not obvious. Lighting in its decorative role must be keyedto the mood, color scheme, furniture period and architectural pattern of each individual interior.COLOR COORDINATION - AND ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTSYou have only to look around you to see what an ever more important part color plays in today'spattern of living. Reflecting this increased interest and desire for color - you'll find considerablevaiety, too, in the color quality of the various light sources you use. Incandescent light bulbs come inregular "white" which actually gives light with a slightly orange cast -- and in pink and aqua tintswhich subtly modify their lighting effects. As for fluorescent tubes, these come in a wide range of"shades of white," each of which also subtly changes the cast of colors seen under them. You can usethese different shades to create different psychological atmospheres.

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    and friendliness. The color quality of the light source youselect depends both on personal preference and on yourparticular color scheme.Where accurate color rendition is of first importance -use the Natural I7hite, Super Deluxe Cool or Deluxenflarm White shades in fluorescent tubes - or SoftWhite (white coated) incandescent bulbs. To play

    ,rtp a color scheme where blues and greens predominate- use the aqua tinted incandescent bulb or the NaturalWhite shade of fluorescent tube

    -because these lamps

    will enhance the cool colors.

    For example, the "cool" shades in both incandescent bulbs and fluorescenttubes produce a cool, crisp, fresh atmosphere that is resdul

    When beige, brown or orange predominate - again use the Natural White shade of fluorescent, orthe Soft White incandescent bulb. To bring out reds and pinks - use the pink tinted incandescentbulb, the Soft White or Natural White shade of fluorescent. The new Natural White shade of fluores-cent seems to enhance all colors and flatters skin tones too - creating a fresh vibrant effect that isnot found with other fluorescent "\X/hites."

    LIGHTING EQUIPMENT IS FLEXIBLELight keyed to your decorative and architectural pattern, maycome from lamps, fixtures, or built-in lighting. Usually,the selection of which type of lighting is a matter ofpersonal choice, visual requirements, architecturaldemands, interior design and budget.While lamps - wall, floor and table types - atestill very much the fashion, they tend to be simpler.Most of them serve dual purposes - are designedfor good lighting as well as for good decoration.They feature flexibility. Sockets are the three-way type,permitting a change of lighting levels. And dimmercontrols - portable and wall types - are available sothat you can raise and lower lighting levels of one lamp or

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    a number of lamps or fixtures, permitting just the effect you wish. I(all, floor and some table lamps arecompletely ad justable - allowing you to direct the light where you want it and where you need it most.Fixtures, too, are flexible and adjustable - period, modern and contemporary - depending on indi-vidual raste. Most of the residential ceiling types - other thah recessed spots and flood varieties -arelarger in arca than they were several years ago-thus providing a better distribution of light withless "spottiness."NflALLS AND CEILINGS MAY BE LUMINOUS, TOOLuminous ceilings - at first thought too commercial forresidential use - have found their way successfully intohomes today. Entire ceilings, or merely portions ofceilings, can be attractively designed. Two-foot square, ,three-foot square or even four-foot square modules or Imultiples of these are frequently used. 7hen correctly'fdesigned and installed, such luminous ceilings will fprove most attractive. They producelarge areas ofsoft, diffused illumination and a feeling of un- 1cluttered "free" space.But this soft diffused lighting can appear monotonousand dull, if used in too large quantities. So many ofthese luminous panels are available in subtle pastel tints- pink, yellow and blue. Scattered in a pattern or"at random" with other white panels, they will add atouch of color and interest. Where color is not desired, portablelamps or built-in units can be combined with these illuminatedceilings to prevent any feeling of monotony.Electroluminescent lighting provides a dramatic and exciting new light source for luminous verticalelements. It is used as a means of accenting various wall treatments by calling attention to them -decoratively and architecturally. Such light-emitting areas can be entire walls or just a portion of awall, and are often used as dividers in entrance halls or between large areas.TODAY IT'S EASY TO "DECORATE YOUR HOME STITH LIGHT''It's far easier today for you to be your own amateur lightingtints and colors on your light source palette. And all types ofindividual tastes and needs in size, shape, style and cost.

    "decorator." Youlighting equipment

    have a wide range ofare available to meet

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    And so perhaps with these A, B, C's of interior lighting design, you can make your home asand lovely as you want it to be. Today modern interior design and residential lighting enjoyand creative partnership - that offers an even more promising tomorrow.

    liveablea happy


    5oFT wHtrE BuLBs - Bulbs with special inside whitecoating for more comfortable seeing. Recommended forhome use. Give a softer, whiter light that reduces glareand shadows. Also in Coior-Coded Twin-Packs . . .RED for 100 watt . . . BLUE for ?5 watt . . . GREENfor 60 watt . . . ORANGE for 40 watt . . . PURPLEfor 25 watt.soFTtlcHT - With pearl-pink cast that creates a"warm" atmosphere, enhances warm colors. 40, 60,75,100, 150 watt sizes. Also 50-100-150, 100-200-300 wattThree-Lites, 25 watt Flame and 50 watt Decoratorbulbs.Hr-to 2-wAY tAMP - "Hi"-level gives glare-free,shadow-free light for close seeing. "Lo"-level gives softflattering light for social atmosphere. Fits any 3-waysocket. 150 watt only.THREE-LITE - Ofiers three separate lighting levels for8-way floor and table lamps. In 30-?0-100, 50-100-150,50-150-200, 50-200-250 and 100-200-300 watt sizes.

    lNslDE FRoSTED BUIBS - For general lighting use. Ineasy-to-identify Color-Coded Twin Packs. RED for 100watt . . . BLUE for 75 watt . . . GREEN for 60 watt. . . ORANGE for 40 watt . . . PURPLE for 25 watt.cooL-tlcHT - Aqua-tint inside coating ereates "cool"restful atmosphere, plays up cool color schemes. 40, 60,75, 100 watts. Also 50-100-150 Three-Lite.READING tlcHT - Special white coating for brightness,better diffusion. Especially for reading, sewing, study-ing. 150 watl only.KITCHEN LITE - New smaller, brighter bulb - perfectfor kitchens, Iaundries, playrooms, garages, etc. Fits allstandard flxtures. 150 watt only.Buc tltE - Yellow bulb that attracts fewer insects -ideal for entrances, breezeways, patios, porches. Fits allstandard fixtures. 25, 40,60,100, 150 and 200 watts.

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