Syllabus Semester Vii

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Transcript of Syllabus Semester Vii

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P ag e 9

    Program: B. Tech Computer Engineering) ~ e r n e s i tCode :BTCOO7001Evalu at ion SchemeTheory In terna l Con t inuousLecture Practical Assessment ICA )

    Ire-requisite: Op era ting systems BTC004003), Database Mana geme nt~ s tem BT C003006) ,Computer Networks BTC004004)bjectives:This cou rseis an introduct ion to the f ield of Computer Securi ty.Th e course covers th e vario us aspects of cornputer security such as pro gra msecurity, ope rating system security, ne two rk security and da tabasesecu rity.This course also covers risk management, BCP and legal and ethical issuesrelated to co m ~ u te rsecuritv

    Outcomes:After successful complet ion of thiscourse, studen tsw i l l be ab le toUnderstand thefund ame ntalsof computer securi ty wi th the appl ica t ion ofkn ow led ge of ope rating systems and databasesystems.Understand the va rio us thr ea tsto cornputer system and conduct experimentsto implemen t th e different techniques to overcome thesethreats.Demonstrate the understanding of the contents of this course and relatew i ththe cu rre nt research being carried out i n theseareas.Deta i led Syllabus:U n i t Descr ipt ionnt roduct ion: Dura t i on3


    Basic Com ponents of Com puter secu rity CIA), vulne rabil i t ies,threats Attac ks and controls ,goals of security, Com putercr iminals, Internet Sand ards an d RFC.various Security attacks, method of defense, Design policiesCrypto graph y basics, transposit ion ciphers, subs titution ciphers,DES, Public key cryptography, streams and block ciphers, KeyManagement, Digi tal Sgnature.Program Sec urity:Secure programs, N on m alicious Program Errors, Viruse san d

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii



    / C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 9 2other ma licious cod e, types of viruses, attack mechanism of I - ?viruses, Targeted Mal iciousC ode, C ontrolsAgainst ProgramThreats.Op erat ing System Securi ty: Protected objectsand m d h o d so fprotection, Me m ory address protection, Con trol of accesstogeneral objects, Fil e prote ction m echanismatabase Security: Security requirements, Reliability tand 4in tegri ty , Sensit ivedata, inference. ~ u l t i l e v e latabase, Propo salsfor m ult i leve l securityNe twork Secur ity : threats i ncontrolsuthent icat ion:Authentication basics, Password, Challenge response, SSOBiometriesAazssC ont ro l : , Accesscontrol p r in cs es , ACL, DAC , MAC , andRole based Access Co ntrol, Accesscontrol models, Kerberos~pFire wa l l , Ki nd s of Firewalls, Fi l ter ing Services, DM Z,Implementing pol icies (Defaul t al low, Defaul t Deny) on proxy,IDS, typesof ID SRisk Management and BusinessC ont inui ty p lanning :Risk analysis, various terminologies associated with riskmanagement, Risk assessment techniques, managing risk, stepsfor r isk management, B u s i n s impact analysis, var iousterminologies associated with BIA, Different types of continuityplanning, test ing and revising thep lanLaws, inve st ig at io ns an d Ethicv.Introduct ion, types of computer crimes, m od us operandi ,com puter forensics, ethical issu esin comp uter securityTotal

    Text Books:1. M . Bishop, S S Venkatramanayya, " Introduct ion toCo mp uter Secu ri ty",

    Pearson Education,20092. M . Wh itman, H Mat t ford , " Principlesof Information Securi ty", Cengage

    Learning , 2nd ed ition , 2009.3. C. Pfleeger, S. Pfleeger, "Secu rity i n Co m pu tin g" , Pearson Education,4Ihedition,2008.

    Reference Books:1. B. Schneier," Ap pl ied Cryp togra phy : Protocols, Al go rith m s and Source code inC" , Znd Ed., W ile y ,20042. A . Kahate, "Cryptograph y & Networkecu rity", T M H ,Znd edition,2009. -

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    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 193

    3. Dr . %an Smith," The Cra f t of as ter n Secur ity", e , Pearson Education.4. M . M er ko w, J. Breithaupt," Info rm atio n Security Prin ciple s and P ractices",

    Pearson Educ ation ,2007.5. C. Kaufman, R Perlman, M . Speciner "Network Security PrivateComm unication in a Pub lic W or ld ", Pearson Education,200Alfre d Basta, W olf H a lt o n ," Com puter Security Concepts, IssuesandImplem entation", Cengage Learn ing, 1" Edition,CourseTechnologyl cengageLea rning (2009)Term Work:

    1. M inim um tw o Assignments.2. T w o class tests.3. M i n i mum 10practical experime ntscove ring al l the topics.

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    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a ge 194

    Program: B. Tech. ( Computer Engineering ) Semester :VI ICo urse: Intell igent Systems Co de :BTC007002

    Teaching Scheme Evaluat ion SchemeTheory In te rna l C on t i nuousLecture Practical Tuto r ial Cre dit (3 Hrs Assessment ( I C A )100Marks) A s p er I n s t i t u t e N o r m s3 2 0 4 5 50

    Pre-requisite: Advance d Prog ram min g Concepts and Data Structuresbjectives:The aim of the course is to imp art know ledge of the current theor ies, method s and

    techniques in t he field of A rtificia l Intell igence lik e heuristic search techniques,knowledge technology, gaming, learning techniques etc. this subject also makestudent capable to ap ply t his kno wled ge to analyze, design and develop A l -systems. They can form ula te scientific questions and is able to so lve proble m s w it htheaid of abstraction and modeling.utcomes:After successfully completion of thiscourse, studen tsshould be ab let o

    1.Ap ply kno wle dge of mathematics, science, and engineer ing in i ts Heur ist icsearchtechniques.2. Design an Expert system or can implemen t A l tec hn iqu esw ith m ultid iscip lina ryfaculties and w i ll be able to conduct experiments, as w ell as analyze and interpretdata.Ex: Medical Diagnosissystem M YC IN .3. Studentscan exp lore new research areasin the field of A I techniques.De tai led Syl labus:Un i t Descr ip t ion Dura t ion1. I n t r oduc t i on to A r t i f i aa l I ntel li gence :Definit ion, the A l problems, physical symbol system, physical

    symbol system hypothesis, Intelligent agents: agents andenvironm ent, agent types, desirable properties of kno wled ge, A Itechniques, different A l techniques.Problems, pro ble m spaces an d search:Need of a system to solve a problem, problem as a state spacesearch, requirement of a formal description of a problem,production system, control strategy & i ts requirement, breadthfirst search & de pt h first search,Heur is t icsearch techniaue:He uristic technique, proble ms of heu ristic technique w it h realwo rld . different weak metho ds such as aenerate and test. h il l

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 196facilities,causalmodel,explanationclassification, ra tio na liz atio n, i ts lim ita tio ns , k no w le d ge

    a cq uisitio n, d iffe re nt te ch niq ue s, e xp ert system t oo ls l i k e language,shells,narrow EStools,LISPmachine, large hy br id EStools,PCbasedexpertsystem,knowledgeacquisitiontools.

    Text Books: (Preferably or 2)I 1. ElaineRich,Kevin Kn igh t,Arti f ic ial Intell igence,2nd edit ion ,TataMcG raw H il l , 3rdedition.l999.1 2. StuartRusseland Peter No rvi g, Arti f ic ial Intell igence:A M od ern Approach,2ndedition.2000.

    Reference Books:1. Patr ic H . Winston, Ar t i f i c ia l Intel ligence, 2nd edi t ion, Add ison Wesley, 3rdedition,1981.2. N i l s J Nils on ,Prin cip les ofAr ti f ic ia lIntel l igence,NarosaPublication.1997.3. Robert J Schalkol f, Art i f ic ia l Intei ll igence:an Engineeringapproach,M cGrawHill,2002.4. GeorgeF. Luger, Art i f ic ia l Intel l igen ceStructuresand Strategiesfor ComplexProblemSolving,41e.2002,PearsonEducation.5, Ivan Brakto , Pro log Programming for Ar t if ic ia l In te lli gence, 3 e, AddisonW edey,2000.6. M .Sasikumar, S. Ram ani,S. Mu thura ma n;R ulebaseExpert System:PracticalIntroduct ion(NAROS4).7. David W. Rols ton, Pr inc ip les of A r t i fi c ia l Intel li gence and Expert Sys temDevelopment,McGrawHill,1988.8. DanW .Patterson,In tro du cti on toArti fic ia lIn telligen ceand Expe rtSystem,PH I,2009.9. Giarratano and Ri ley,Expert Systemp rinciplesand prog ram min g,3 6 edit ion,PWSpublishingcompany,1998,4thedit ion.

    Term Work:Evalua tionofTermW or ks hou ldb ebasedontheQ ui zMi n i p ro j ecs l Case studies1SeminarPresentat ions1Onl inequizzesduringtheterm. Asper Internal Cont inuousAssement ( ICA)normsof theinst i tute A

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g Pa ge 197

    Pre-requisite: Database M anagement System(BTC003006) I

    r o g r a m : B. Tech. (Com puter Enginee ring ) Semester :VI ICourse : Data Warehousing M in in g Code :BTC007003Teaching Scheme Evalu at ion Scheme

    bjectives.The objective of the course is to learn the fundame ntals and concepts of datawarehouse.To learn data extraction, transformation and load ing.


    Various Data mining algor i thms to discover useful patterns from largedatabases.Abil i ty to conduct statist ical analysis using different data mining tools tosolvereal prob lem sin businessand commerce

    Outcomes:After successful ly completion of thiscourse, studentsshould beabletoUnderstand theneed for data warehouseand data min ingAp ply di fferent algor i thms to largedatabasesto solve problems ,also forstrategic business decisions


    Theory In terna l Con t inuousTutor ia l Cred i t (3HE Assessment ( ICA )

    Design a data warehouse to support a business prob lemDeta i led Syl labus:U n i t1. escr ip tion m a =Int roduct ion:Need for data warehousing, Basic deme nts of D W and tren ds inrequirements

    rchi tecture and nfrastructure Da ta Representat ion:Architectural components, Infrastructu rean d metadata.Prin up leso f dimensional mod el ing, Dimensional mode l ingadvanced topics, datae xtraction , transformation and lo ad ing ,data qu al i ty.



    DW, Project Planning and Management, coHecting the

    nforma t ion Accessand Del i very :Matching information to classes of users, OLAP in datawarehouse, Data warehousing and the web. Physical designprocess, data wareho use dep loym ent, gro wt h and m aintenance.

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    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 9

    to Data M i n ing :Basicsof data min ing, related concepts, Data min in g techniques.Algorithmsfor Classification, Clustering and Association rules,K D D Process

    5. Classif ication : 5Issues in Classification, statistical based, Distance based, Decisionbased, Neu ral Ne tw ork based and R ule based algorithm sIand As soda t ion Rules:Hierarchical and Part i t ional Algor i thms , Clustering LargeDatabases, BasicAssociation R ule Algo rith m s

    spatial M ini ng and TemporalI App l ica t ion and rends i n ~ a t aM i n ing :App lications. %stems produ cts and research prototypes,I Addi t ional themesin datam in ing, Trends in data m in ingTotal

    Text Books:1 Jawei Han , Michel ine Kamber, "Data M in in g Conceptsand Techniques",Morgan Kaufmann; 3 edit ion ( L l y 6,2011),2) Margaret H Dunha m, "Data M ini ng Introductory and Advanced Topics",

    ren tice Ha l, lnc, 2003.Referer im Books:

    1) Paulraj Ponniah, " Data Warehousing Fundam entalSfor I T Professionals",Wiley ; 2edit io n (M ay 24,2010)erm Work:

    A s per Internal ContinuousAssessment ( ICA) norm sof the insti tu te

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 99

    Semester VI ICo de :BTC007004Evalua t ion SchemeTheory In terna l Con t inuousLecture Pract ical Tutor ial Credi t 3 H rs, Assessment IC A )

    8 0 4Pre-requisite: Know led ge of any progra mm ing language. SoftwareI Eng1neer1ng BTC005002),DBMS BTC003006),UML Diagram sObjectives: This course prepares students to develop self learning att i tude and 1wo rking ski l ls throug h software project development.Development of the docum ent p reparation ski l ls using standard practicesOutcomes: By t he end o f t h i s course t he s tuden t w i l l be ab l e t o

    I studen tswi l l be ableto w ork cooperatively in asm al l group environment I studen tswi l l beable to an alyzequal i tat iveand q uant i tat ivedata, and explainhow e vid en ce ga th ~e dsuppor tsor refutesan in i t ia l hypothesistude ntsw i l l be able to ask quest ionsmn cerning language usage with Imnfidenceand seek effective help from referencesources. I

    I Detai led Svl labus:A group of 34stud entsse lects the problem def ini t ion for the project wo rkdiscussed and final ized w it h th e help of faculty me ntor. They are required todevelop aprojec t based on th re e t ier Front end, log icde velo pm en t, Database)architecture.Evaluation:Each group isexpected to maintain the log book. The log book ne edsto beevaluated by thementor every week asthepart of continuousevaluation. Eachgroup must demo nstratethew orking project, submit the report and do th ep ptpresentation at the en d of thesemester a sth e pa rt of semester end exam. Th ee xamcan betake n by tw o examiners: onein tern al and oneexternal examiner.Project Rep ort mu st contain:1. Problem D ef ini t ion2. Origina l i ty of th e w o rk l Plagiarism declaration3. Project descrip tion4 Detai lsof development -Me thod s/ Techniques1 D ata / Char ts1Diagrams5. Database desig n

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 11

    Appl icat ions-Advantagesand L imi tat ions.Projed C od e& Snapshots1 Ou tput 1References.

    Term W ork :As pe r In ternal ContinuousAssessment ( ICA ) norm sof the inst i tu te

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 1101Program: 6.Tech.(ComputerEngineering) I IVemesterCourse: lnfo rm atio nStorageandManagement

    (Elective1I) Code:BTC007005Teach ing Scheme Eva lua tion SchemeTheory In te rna l Co nt inuou s Lecture Practical T uto ria l C re dit (3 Hrs Assessment(IC A )Marks) A s per Ins t i tu te Norms3 2 0 4 50 5Pre-requisite:OperatingSjstem(BTC004003),ComputerNetworks(BTC004004)ObjectivesThecourseprovidesdetailedknowledge,practicaltraining,andinsightintothe implem entation and management of var iousstoragetechnologiesw it h a

    focustowardsapplyingthesetechnologiesinaninformationl i fecycleparadigm.Outcomes:After successfullycompletionofthiscourse,studentsshou ldbe ab let o1. Ga in the bas ic knowledgeo f Soragedom ain lead ing towards c loud

    env ironment2. AppearforInternationallyacceptedcertificationexamE20-001.

    3. Unders tand the So r age ne two r ks and i t s mon i to r ing , managemen t,Securityissues.led Syllabus:U n i t Descr ip t ion Du r a t i on In trodu ct ion to StorageTechnology: Datapro l iferation andthevary ing va lue of da taw i th t ime & usage, Sourcesof data andstatesofdatacreation,Datacenterrequirementsandevolutiontoaccom m odate storage needs, O ve rvie w of basic storagemanagementsk i l lsand activ i ties,Thef ive pi l lars 'oftechnology,Overv iew o f s to rage in frast ruc tu re components , Evo lu t ion o fstorag e, l nf or m at io n L ife cy cle M an ag em en t con ce pt, D ata categorizationwithinanenterprise,StorageandRegulationsSto rage Sys tems Archi tec tu re : l n td l igen t d isk subsystemsoverview,Contrastofintegratedvs.modulararrays,Componenta rc hite ctu re o f i nt ellig en t d is k sub system s, D is k p hy sic als t ruc tu re components, properties, performance, andspecifications , Log ical pa rt it ion ing o f d is ks , RA ID & par i ty a lgor ithms, hot spar ing, Phys ical vs. log ica l d isk organizat ion, protection,andbackendmanagement,Arraycachingpropertiesand algor ithms, Frontend connectivi tyand queuing properties,Frontendtohoststorageprovisioning,mapping,andoperation,

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii



    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 11 2T t e r a c t i o n o f f i le sys tems w i th s torage, S torage sys temconnectivity protocols

    In t roduct ion t o Networked S torage : S O D , DAS , S4N , NAS , &CA S evolut ion, Direct Attached s o ra g e (DAS) environments:elements, connectivity, & management, Storage Area Ne two rks(S4N): elements & conne ctivity, Fibre Channel principales,standards, & network management pr incipales, S4Nmanagement principles, Network Attached Storage (NAS):elements, connectivity options, connectivity protocols (NFS,CIFS, ftp), & management pr inciples, I P S 4 N elements, standards(iSC.9. FCIP, iFCP), connectivity principles, security, andmanagement principles, Content Addressable Storage (CAS):elements, connectivity options, standards, and managementpr inciples, Hy bri d Storage solut ions overview includ ingt e c h n ~ ~ o ~ i e s l i k e v i r t u a l i z a t i o nappl iances

    , In t roduct ion to Informat ion Avai labi l i ty : Business Cont inui tyand Disaster Recovery Basics, Local business co nti nu itytechniques, Remote business continuity techniques, DisasterRecovery principles& techniquesMa na gin g M on i tor in g: Management phi losophies (hol is t ic vs.system component) , Indust ry management standards (W M P , ISMI-S, CIM), Standard framework applications,management metrics (thresholds, availability, capacity, security,eyperformance), Metric analysis methodologies & trend analysis,Reactive and pro-a ctive managem ent best practices, Prov isionin g& configuration change planning, Problem reporting,priori t ization, and handling techniques, Management toolsoverview

    ecurity Vi rtu al i za tio n: Storage Security (Importance of1%Information security, elements and attr ibutes of security),Developing a storage security model (Restricting Access Path,Vulnerabi l i ty Management, Understanding Vulnerabi l i t ies),Securing Data Storage (Storage Security domains,assessment Methodology, Security elements, threats againstRiskpplications, Controlling user access to data, threats againbackup , recovery and archive)Virtual ization (Define virtual ization, types of virtual ization),Storage Virtual iz ation (Storage functionali ty, Virtu al storage,Comparison of virtualization architectures, challenges of storagevirtual iza tion), Block level virtual iza tion, Fi leleve lCloud Computing: Cloud enabl ing technologies,of cloud computing, Benefits of cloud computing, Cloud servicemodels laas. PaaS. &as.. Cloud d e ~ lo vm e n tmodels: Public. I

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e 1 37~ 7pr~vate ,Hybrid cloud, Cloud computing infrastructure, Cloud

    challenges, Cl ou d adaptation considerations. 45Text Books:1.Somasundaram Gana sundaram, Alo k Shrivastava, "Info rm atio n StorageandManagem ent". EM C Education services, W iley Ind ia Publisher, second Ed it ion ,2012.

    Referenas B oo ks1. Somasundaram Gana sundaram, Alok Shrivastava."Info rm atio n Storage and Manage ment", EMC Education Services,Wile y Ind ia Publisher, First Edit ion, 2009.2 M arc Farley Osborne, "B uil di ng Storage Ne two rks" , 2nd e dit ion,Tata McGraw H il l , 2001.3. Robert aiding, "Storage Networks: T he Com plete Reference",Tata M &raw H il l , 2003.

    Term Work:1. Practical based on 10E xperime nt.s2. T w o class tests.

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g Pa ge 11 4Program: B . Tech. -Computer )Semester :V I I~ n ~ i n e e r i n ~ICo urs e: Embed ded System (Elec tive Code:BTC0070@3


    11) Teach ing SchemeI

    I Prerequ isite: Op eratin g .stem (BTC004003), Com puter Ne tw or k (BTC004004).I

    Evaluat ion Scheme


    bjective:1. Thiscourse givesba sic kno wled geo f Design and development of embeddedsystem.2. Th isw ou ld be helpful in understanding the programming w i th

    I microcontrol ler.

    Theory In terna l Cont inuou sLecture Practical Tutor ia l Credi t I 3 H r s 1 A s e a m e n t (IC A)3

    Outcome: IAfter successful ly com pletion of thiscourse, stud ents sho uld b ea ble toTh ek no wle dg eo f design and development of embedded system

    rea l-tim eo pe ratin g system architecture, selecting architecture.'1 ntroduct ion to Re al-Tim e Op erat ing Svstem Concept :Tasks 5 I

    Understanding theprogram ming wi th microcontrollerDetai led S yl labus:

    - and task states, semaphores, Mu tex, Mailboxes, '~ e s s a g e

    Process o EmbeddedDevelopment process, Design, Implementation, Integrationand Testing.Survey of Sof twarerobin wi th interrupts, funct ion queueschedul ing architecture. III


    I 1Descr ipt ionnt roduct ion to Em bed ded System :Em bedded system,Categories, Specialties,A pp lica tion areas, Recent Tren dsArchi tecture of Embedded System: Ha rdw ara Archi tecture,Software Architecture, A pplica tion Software, Process ofGenerating Executable Image, Deve lopm ent Testing Tools.Processes :


    Dura t i on4

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    Compute r Eng i neer ing Page 1 5

    F ( Q u e u e s , Pipes, Signals, Timers, ~ e m o 7Management,I Priority Inversion Problem.7 / Basic Design Using a Real-Time Operating System: Overvie*, principl&, An ~ x a m ~ l e .Encapsulating 1emaphores and Queues, Hard Real-Time Scheduling8

    Text Books

    Considerations, Saving Memory $$ace, Saving Power.Embedded System Programming-lProgramming, Operations On Bits, Introduction to Embedded


    1. Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad (2005), Embedded Real-Time Systems:Concepts,Design and Programming (Black Book) DreamTech Press,

    2. George Couloris, (2008) Distributed System: Concept and Design ,Pearson Education.

    3. Raj Kamal(2009) 'Embedded Systems Architecture, ProgrammingDesignnTMH.

    Systems, Embedded System Boards, First Embedded System

    ReferenceBooks I

    Cogram, Blinking LEDS. mbedded System Programming4I EEPROMProgramming, Flash Programming, Programming WithSznsors, Interrupts &Timers, Serial Communication, SerialCommunication Using lnterrupts, Building InteractiveEmbedded Systems, Working With RTC otal 45

    I Minimum three assignments1. David E.Simon,(2008) An Embedded Software Primer Pearson Educat~on.

    (2009y Go EmbeddedededB P B ,.Term work wns istsof thefollowing:

    / Minimum ten experimentsbasedon theabovesyllabus 1

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a ge I 1 6

    Pre-requisite: Digita lProgram: B.Tech.(ComputerEngineering)Course : Advan ced Ima ge Processing(Elective1I)


    Semester:VII ICo de :BTC007007

    Processingbjectives:The objective of th e course isto

    pro vid e comprehensive coverage of image processing tools and techniques,enable the stud ents to use these techniques for advance real l i fe ap plications

    Teaching Scheme

    such as biom etrics for security and identifica tion, satell ite ima ging for earthresourcesand medical d iagnosis.Outcomes:After successfully completion of thiscourse, studentsshou ld b ea ble to

    to use these techniquesfor advance real Iifeap plic atio nss uch as1 Biometricsfor security and identification,2. Sa tell iteima ging for earth resourcesand Medical diagnogs.

    Deta i led Svl labus:

    Evaluat ion SchemeTheoryLecture


    I n te r na l Con t i nuous

    Dur a t i on


    asicsof Im ag e Processing~cquisit ion-samplingand quantization, lmage representation,storagegray and color images, image prep roces sing, poin tprocessing techniques, low -pass and h igh pass, mask processing


    techniques, lmagehistogram.Ima ge Percept ionLig ht, Luminan ce. Brightness and contrast color images, A d d it iv eand S ubtractive color models. RGB color scheme, CM YK , YCbCr,LUV, HSI and other C olor spaces and their relation ship t o RG B.Colorization of grayscale images using exhaustive and Kek re sfast search algo rithm s.Image Ana lys isa a t ia l feature extraction, E dge detection, BoundaryRepresentation, moment representation, Morphologicaloperations: Dilation, Erosion, Opening and closing.Morph ological operationson Binary and grayscaleirnages. ImageSeamentaton.

    Tu to r i a l0



    Cred i t (3 H rs, Assessment (IC A)4 50

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g ~ n e e r i n gP ag e 11 74 Image Com pression Redundancy in images, Inter-pixel redundancy, codingredundancy, and psycho-visual redundancy. Various Lossy andI losslesstechniques to minimizetheseredundancies.I 5. 1 maae Transforms

    Wavelets.6 Image as Random Var iab le


    Modeling of lmage as Random Variable. Mean Variance, Co-Variance m atr ix and i ts propert ies, Eigen vector, K -L H ote l l ingTransform,uto-Co rrelation, Power Density Spectrum.Advanced T opicslmag e Restoration, Vector Quan tization (LBG), lm ag e Mosaicing,lmage Fusion, Digi tal Watermarking, Seganography andj Information Hiding, Pr inciple Component Analysis and i tsApplications to Finger Print and Face Recognit ion, lmage

    Kronecker prod uct of ma trices and developm ent of FastAlg ori th m. App l icat ion of Kronecker product algor i thm toHa dam ard, Walsh, and Haa r Transforms. Sm ila r FastAlg ori thm s for DFT, DC T, DST, Slant and K ekr e Transform.

    otal 5

    Te xt Books:1. R.C. Gonsalez. R.E.Woods(2012) Dig ital Image Processing .NT UU P a rs o nInd iaI ~Reference Books:1 R.C. Gonsalez, R.E. Woods, Seven Edd ins (2010) D ig ita l lma ge Processingusing Matlab , TM H2. A ni l K . Jain (2011), Fun dam entalso f image Processingn, PH I.3 Wil l iam Pratt (2011), Dig i tal lm age Processing , h h n Wi l le y.4 M . A . h s h i (2011), Dig i ta l Image Processing:An Algor i th mic Ap pro ach , PHI .

    Term Wo rk:A t Least threeassignmentA t least ten experimentsbased on theva riousm ethod s in thesyl labus., Tw o class tests

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    Compute r E ng i nee r in g Page I 8

    1 Pre-requisite: Software Engineering BTCOOSOOL)

    Program: B. Tech. Computer Engineering) Semester :VI ICourse : SoftwareArchitecture 1 Code :BTC007008

    bjectives:The objectiveof thecourse is to provide the studentsw ith technical exposureto theBasicconcepts, principles, methodsin softwarearchitecture.This enables students to learn different architectural styles, patterns andpresenting the description of the same using some Architectural descriptionlanguage ADL).This course also helps them to think about large and complex systems insoftware and svstem architectural terms

    Teaching Scheme



    valuation Scheme

    Detailed Syllabus:Unit Desxip tion Duration1. BasicConcepts 03

    Theory3H rs,


    Internal ContinuousAssessment ICA)

    As per Institute Norms50



    Outcomes:After successfully completion of thiscourse, studentsshould be able toArchitectural concernsand approach for familiesof productsfor their designproblemsEvaluating the recent trendsin softwarearchitecture researchGood Paradigmsfor designing new systems.



    1.1 Conceptsof SoftwareArchitecture1 2 Models.



    2.4 Architectural Conception in Absence of Experience.


    1.3Processes.1.4 Stakeholders.DesigningArchitectures2.1 The Design Process.2.2Architectural Conception.2.3 Refined Experiencein Action: Stylesand ArchitecturalPatterns.

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e / 1 9






    Connectors3.1 Connectors in Action : A Mo tivatin g Exam ple.3.2 Connector Foundations.3.3 Connector Roles.3.4 Connector Type san d Their Variation Dimensions.3.5 E xam ple Connectors.M o d e l i n g4.1 M od eli ng Concepts.4.2 Am big uity , Accuracy, and Precision.4.3Complex Model ing: Mixed Content and Mu l t ip leV iew s.4.4 Evaluating M od eli ng Techniques.4.5 93e cif icM od elin g Techniques.Ana l ys i s5.1 Analy sis Goals.5.2 Scopeof An alys is.5.3Arch i tectural Concern being Ana lyzed.5.4 Level of Form ality of Architectural Mo dels.5.5Typeof Analysis.5.6AnalysisTechniques.Implementat ion and Deployment6 . 1 ~ ~ o n c e ~ t s .6.2 Existing Fram ewo rks.6.3SoftwareArchi tectureand Deployment


    6.4 Software Archi tecture and M ob i l i ty .Convent ional Archi tectural s ty les7.1 Pipesand Filters7.2 Event- based, Impl icit Invocation7.3 Layered system s7.4 Repositories7.5 ln te r~ re ters7.6 Process controlCase Stud ies Archi tectura l Styles8.1 Key wo rd in context8.2 Instrume ntation Software8.3 M ob ile Robotics8.4 Cruise Control8.5A layered Design w it h Different styles8.6 Interpreter using di f ferent ldio ms for components8.7A bladtbo ard globally recast asan interpreter

    Archi tectures and Sty les8.1 Distributed a nd Ne two rked Architectures.8.2Arch i tecturesfor Network-Based Appl icat ions.



  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a y e 1110

    Text Books: (Preferably 1 o r 21. Richard N . Taylor, Nenad Med vidov ic, Er ic Dashofy Softwa reArchitecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice W iley, Ed it ion 1, January2009.2. Mary Shaw , Da vid Garlan Softwa re Architec ture Perspectiveson anEmerging Discipl ine , Prent ice Hal l Ap ri l 12,19963. Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazm an: So ftwa reA rch itectu re in Practice,Second ed ition , Ad dis on -Wesley Pro fe~ sio na l;2 ~dditio n(A pri1 19,2003)


    Frank Buschmann, RegineMeunier , HansRohnert PeterSommerlad, Michael 3 a l, Pattern Oriented Software Architecture W iley ;Volume 1 edi t ion (August 8 1996).3ephen T. AIbin Th e Ar t of Software Archi tecture: Design M ethod sandTechniques W ile y; 1 edit ion (March 28,2003)

    8.3 Decentralized Architecture s.8.4 Se rvice orie nte d Architec turesa nd W eb Services.Des i gn ing f o r Non-Funct ional Propert ies9.1 Efficiency .9.2 Complexity.9.3 Scalability and Heterogeneity.

    Term Work :A t Least threeassignme ntAt least 6 experiments based on thev ariou sm eth ods in thesyl labus.Twoclasstests

    9.4Adaptabi l i ty .9.5 De pen dab il i ty.Do rna i n dp ea f i c So f tware Eng ineeri ng10.1 Do m ain -ae ci f ic Software Engineering i n a Nutsh el l .10.2 Dom ain-Specif icSoftware Architecture.10.3 DSSAs, Prod uct Lines, and

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P ag e llProgram: B.Tech.(ComputerCourse: E-CommerceTeachingSchemeI Theory

    Pre-req uisite:Com puter N et w or ks (BTC004004),Security.bjectives:Thecentralgoalofthis courseis todevelopan integrative kn ow led ge ofthedig italeconomy.Itfocusesontheinformationsuperhighwayasthetechnologicalenablerthat hasdramatical ly changedtheway in wh ich companiesorchestratetheir valuecreation. T h is cou rse, w i t h a stra te gic p ers pe ctive i n m i n d , l oo k s i nt o th eknowledgeenabledenterprisesandtheinfluenceofelectroniccommerceinshapingtherulesof mode rnbusinessenvironments.Fromamanagerial point of vie w, thecoursewi l l del ineatetheski l l sandknowledgerequi red in thedigi ta l wor ld. F inal ly , thi scoursealsooffersatechnology perspectivethattouchesupo nthe un der lying IT electroniccommerce

    I Iutcomes:Uponcomplet ionofthesubject,stud ents wi l l bea bleto :a. ComprehendtheunderlyingeconomicmechanismsanddrivingforcesofECornrnerce;b. Appraisetheopp ortu nit ie sandpotentialtoapplyandsynthesizeavarietyofE-Co mm erce concepts and so lu tio ns to create business v alu e fo rorqanizations,customers,andbusiness~ a rt n e rs :c. U nd er ta ke p la n ni ng , o rg an iz in g, and i m pl em e n ti ng o f E -C om m erc einitiativestoeffectivelyrespondtoofdynamicmarkgtenvironments.

    ;a" Syllabus:U n i t D e sc rip tio n I Dura t i on Introduction:ElectroniccornmerceandPhysicalCommerce, 05differenttypeofecommerce,sorneecomrnercescenario,Basictechnologiesof E m m e r c e : Cl ients ideProgramm ing, ServerSideProgramming.Databaseconnectivity,session

    3. AdvancetechnologiesofE-commerce:XM L,DataM in in g ,RichInternetAp plic atio n,We b2.0, RESTWebServices,Web Ma shu p,W ork ing

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e I l l 2

    0505Promotions,StrategiesforPurchasingandsupportactivities,StrategiesforWebAuctions,VirtualCommunities,andweb05Characteristicsofe Business,eBusinessrol ea nd theirchallenges,ebusinessRequ~rements,mpaclsofe-business7. E-businessstrategies:Sra reg icp osit io nin g Levesofe-business.strategies,Strategicplanningprocess,Strategicalignment,theconsequencesofeBusiness,Sucoessfactorsforimplementationofebus inessstrategies.Business mo dels,Businessprocessandcollaborations

    8. IntegrationofApplication:Approachesto Middleware,RPCandRMI,EnterpriseApplicationIntegration,e-businessIntegration, 05looselyCoupledeBusinesssolutionsforintegration,ServiceOrientedArchitecture,EAIandwebServices,WSsecurity9. E-commerce nfr as tru ctu re ClusterofServers,Vi rtu ali za tio nTechniques,Cloudcomputing,Serverconsolidationusingdoud, 05

    Introduc t iontoHadoop,HDFS,Goo gleA ppse ngine Total 45) TextBooks:1. "E-CommerceFundamentalsand application",El izabethChang,HenryChan,Ray mo ndLee,Tharam D ill on ,W iley pu blic atio n,11e,20072. "E-Commerce:Strategy,TechnologyandImplementation",Schneider,CengageLearning,91e,2012.

    3. "E-BusinessOra aniza tionalandtechnicalfou nd ati 8n n.Mich aelP.W ilev Publication,l/eY2006ReferenceBooks:1. E-CommerceStrategy:TechnologiesandApplications",DavidWhiteley,TataMcGraw HI, 2 e,2008.2. E-Commerce,A Man agerialPerspective",E.Turban,Da vid King,h e Lee,DennisViehIand,PearsonEducation,41e,2010

    In ternet~ e f e r e ~ m - s suggestedbyFacultyT e rm Work : T erm work sha ll consis t of at least 6 assignments/programmingassignmentsandtwowrittentest.

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g ~ n e e r i n gP a g e 1 3

    Proaram: B. Tech. (Cornouter Enaineerina) Semester :VI ~. ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ uCourse: Advanced Com puter Architecture Co de :BTC007010Theory

    L T r e Pra T ca I T u t y a l C 3f I n te rna l Co n t i nuousAssessment ( IC A )A s p e r I n s t it u t e N o r m sMarks )5

    Teach ing Scheme

    Prere quisite: Operating 9/stem(BTCOM 003), Comp uter N etworks(BTCO MOM ),Digital Comm unication(BTCOM 006)

    Evaluat ion Scheme

    Objectives:The objective of th is course is to learn the fundamen tal aspects of comp uterarchitecturedesign and analysis.The course focuses on processor design, pip el ini ng , superscalar, ou t-of-orde rexecution, caches (memory hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems,and simula tion techniques

    utcomes:After successfully completion of thiscourse, studentssho uld b ea bl et oUnderstand theadva nced conceptso f computer architecture.Exposing the major differentials of RlSC and ClSC architecturalcharaderistics.Investigating modern design structures of Pipelined and Multiprocessorssvstems.

    Deta i led Sy l labus:Un i t Desc r ip t ion Du r a t i on


    Performance, Parallel computer models - Mult iprocessors andMult icomputers, Mult ivector and SlMD Computers. Staticinterconnection networks, Dynamic interconnection Networks:Bus stems, Crossbar itc h, Multipart Memory , Mu l t i s tageand Com bin ing Networks.Data and resource de pe nd en m , data hazards, Hardwa re andsoftware parallel ism, Program part i t ionin g and scheduling, Grainsize and latency, Control f low, data f low and Demand dr ivenmechanisms, Instruction Level parallelism: basic compilersexposing ILP .lns truc tion set architectu re, ClSC Scalar Proc esso rs, RlSC ScalarProcessors, Memory Hierarchy, Inclusion, Coherence and



  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g Pa ge 4Loca lity. Memory capacity p la nn in g. In terleaved memo ry organizat ion- memory inter leaving, p ipel ined memory access,Bandwidth and Fault Tolerance. Backplane BusSystem:Backp lane bus specification, Addressing and t im ingprotocols,Arbitrationtransactionandinterrupt.Linear p ip elin e processor, N on lin ea r p ip elin e processor,Instruction p ip el in e design, M echanism s for in stru ctio npipel in ing, p ipel ine hazards, Dynamic inst ruction schedul ing -score board ing and Tomosu lo 's a lgo ri thm, B ranch hand li ngtechniques,Ari thm etic PipelineDesign,Staticarithm eticpipeline,Mu lti fun ction alarithme ticpipelines.%perscaler pip elin edesign,%per pip elin eprocessordesign.Cachecoherence,Snoopy protocols, Directory based pr o to co xMessagerout ing schemes in mult icomputer netwo rk,deadlockand v i rt ua l channel. Vector Processing P rincip les, Vectori ns tr uc ti on types, Vector-access memory schemes. Vec to rs ~ ~ e r c o r n ~ u t ~ ~ a r c h i t e c t u r e , S M D o rgan ization: d is tributed memor y mode l and sharedmemory mode l Perfo rmance o f s ymmetric shared memor ymult ip rocessor , P rinc ip les o f Mul t ith read ing: Mul t i th read ingIssuesandSolutions.Multiple-ContextProcessors

    7 ParallelP rogramming Models,Shared-VariableMo de l,Message-PassingModel ,Data-ParallelMo de l,Object-OrientedModel8 MULTI-COREARCH ITECTURES

    Softwareandhardwaremult ith read ing-3v lTa nd CMParchitectures- Designissues-casestudies-Intel Mul t i -coreI architecture-SUN CMParchi tecture-heterogenousmul t~-coreprocessors-casestud y: IBMCellProcessor.

    Total I TextBooks:1. Kai Hwang,"Adva nced computerarchi tecture", TM H ,2001.2. JP.Hayes,"computerArc hitecturea nd organ ization";MG H , 1998

    ReferenceBooks:1. V.Rajaranam&C.SR.Murthy,"Paral lelcomputer";PHILearning,2004.2. Ka in,"A dva nce ComputerArchitecture:- A SystemDesignAppro ach ",PHILearning,1996.3. M.JFlynn,"ComputerArchitecture,PipelinedandParallelProcessorDesign";NarosaPublishing.1998,4. Hw angandBriggs,"Compu terArchitectureand ParallelProcessing";MGH ,

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P a g e I 1 52000.

    5 David E Callav & Aswinder Pal Sng h MargeK aufm ann2 'Advan ceComputer A rchi tecture6 h h n L Hennessey and Da vid, Comp uter Architecture, A Quant i tat iveApproach 4th ed itio n, E lsevie r, 2007.

    Term Work:A t Least threeassignmen tA t least 8experiments based on theva rious methods i n the syl labus.I Twoclasstests

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    C o m p u t e r Engineering P a g e I l l(Computer Engineering) ~ e m e s t e r : ~ l l

    ourse Advanced Database Management Co de BTC00701 1Eva luat ion SchemeInterna l Cont inuou s

    1 Marks)Assessment cA )IS per ln st i tu te ~ o r m s50 50Pre-requisite: Database Management Sjstem(BTC003006)tObject ives: Expand on th e knowled ge gained in Database Management Sjstems inseveral directions l i k e Non-Relational data models, deductive(Intel1igent) databasesystems, we b based systemsa nd object oriented

    O u t m e s :After successfully complet ion of thiscourse, thestu den tsmu st b ea ble to1. Design database using extended concept of El R model.2 The students must be able to write functions and procedures using concept ofPL I SQL.3.They must b ea wa re of d ifferent type so f database management systems l ikeobjectoriented, parallel and dis tribu ted and ad vance databases li k e active database,t e m ~ o r a ldatabase manageda tabaseusing conceptsof databaseadministrat ion.

    Dura t i onThe Extended Ent i t y Rela t ionsh ip Mo de l and Objec t Mo del : 5The ER model revisited, Motiv atio n for com plex data types, UserI defined abstract data types and structured types, subclasses,super classes, lnheritance, Specialization and 'Generalization,Constraints and charaderisit ics of special ization andgeneralization, relationship type sof degree higher than tw o.2 Procedural Qu ery ( 7 1a n g ~ e l ~ t r u c t u r e d languageSQL and advantagsntroduct ion to PLI &L. ~ i s a d v a n t a ~ s b fof PL I SQL, P LI SQL block structure, block da ta types, blockvariable declaration, exception handling. Cursors, types ofcursors. functions procedures, tuggers3 object-nted Databases: Overvlew of object or le nt ed l 5ident ity , objed st ructure and typ e knst ru ct ion s,Encapsulation of operations, Me thod and persistence, Ty pehierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and queries, Complexobjects; Database schema design for OODBMS; OQL, Persistentlanguage; OODBMS architecture and

  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    ,/ C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r ~ n g a g e I 7- - T s s F T ransac tion and Concurrency control , examp le o f

    ODBM S.4. Ob ject Re lat ional a nd Extended Relat ional Databases. Database 4design for an OR DBMS , Nested relations and collections, storageand access methods, Query processing and optimization, Anoverview of SQL3, lmolementation issues of extended tvoe:t System comparison o f RDBMS, OODBMS, and ORD BMS.5(~arallel an d D is tri b ut ed Databases an d Clie nt-S ew erArchitecture: Architectures for parallel database, Parallel queryevaluat ion, Paral lel izing individual operat ions, Sort ing, bins,Distribu ted Database Concepts, Data Fragmentation, Replication,and allocation techniques for distributed database design; Queryprocessing in distributed databases; Concurrency control and

    I Recovery in distributed databases. An overview of Client-Server

    interfaces of the we b. Overview of XM L; data XM L applications;The semi structured da ta mod el, Implem entation issues, IndexesEnhanced data models for Advanced appl icat ions: Act ivedatabase concepts, Tem poral database concepts, a a t i a l database

    I concepts and architecture. Deductive databases and Quervprocessing, Mo bi le d a ta b a s , Geographic information systems.Database Administration: Managing a database instance,Maintaining an Online Redo Log fi les, Managing table spacesand data f i les, Managing undo data, Managing users andprivi leges, Man aging rolesand audi t ing.Total

    Tex t Books:l.Elmarsi, Na vathe, Funda men talsof DatabaseSystems, hedi t ion, Add isonWeslev. 2006Reference Books:1. Stefano Ceri and Giuseppe Pelagatti, Distributed Databases Principles andSystems. Mc Gra w H il l, 1985.2. R.Ramakrishnan, Database Management Systems, ed it ion , McGraw H il l ,

    2002 I3. Hennery Korth, Abraham Slberschatz, Database System Concepts, 5thedi t ion, McGraw H i l l , 2005.4. Bipin Desai, A n Introdu ction t o Database %stem, Galgotia.5. C.J Date, A n Introdu ction to Database System, 8th edi t ion, Addiso n Wesley.


  • 8/12/2019 Syllabus Semester Vii


    / o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g P ag e 1118as ter n, ACM Press, Add ison Wesley, 1995.7. George Koch, Oracle 8i -The com plete Reference, Tata McGraw H il l , 2001

    8. Iva n Bayross, Ora cle Developer 2000, BPB.1Term Work A s per Internal Cont inuous Assesmen t ( ICA) no rms of the inst i tuteNo o f Practicals: 15No of Assignments: 02 0r mo re