Swr Ancients 20130820a

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    STANDARD WARGAME RULES for Ancient and Medieval warfare Page 1/2

    v! 2"!#!2"1$


    Please note that this rule version is a

    draft. The estimated publication datefor the 1.0 version is 1.6.2013.

    Parts written in redare still under


    Download the latest version at:


    [1.1] FAIR PLAY

    [1.1.1] Dice throwing

    !se one of the followin dice throwin methods

    to avoid conflicts with dice that land unevenl".

    Dice are thrown on the pla"in area.#f a die did not land entirel" on the

    plain table it is rerolled. $ven if thedie is onl" partl" on top of a paper or

    a terrain piece% or an"thin else% it isrerolled.

    !se a throwin area or bo&. $ach die

    which did not land in the bo& isrerolled.

    !se a throwin cup. $ach die which

    lands on top of another die isrerolled.

    [1.1.2] Moving units and measuring

    Pla"ers can measure distances at an" time

    durin the ame.

    'll moves must be measured. (ever move the

    units without measurin unless "our opponentarees that the move is short enouh and does

    not re)uire measurin.

    #f "ou are uncertain with the movement "oucan add a mar*er behind the unit+s initial

    position so that the move can be ta*en bac* tothe e&act initial position. #f a mar*er is not

    used% the move cannot be ta*en bac*.

    [1.1.3] Terrain pieces

    Terrain pieces should be made accordin tofair pla" uidelines. Do not ma*e nast" corners

    or unrealistic edes% such as sawteeth etc.Pla"ers can and should optimise their terrains

    for their own arm"% but within fair pla".


    [1.2.1] Base width

    'll distances in the ame are defined in a unit,sbase width - .

    ne base width is 0mm in 1mm fiure


    [1.2.2] Unit's edge lines 7ront ede line

    The front ede line is a line e&tendin alonthe unit+s front ede. 8ide ede lines

    The side ede line is a line e&tendin alon theunit+s side ede. $ach unit has a left and a

    riht side ede lines. 9ear ede lines

    The rear ede line is a line e&tendin alon the

    unit+s rear ede.

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    [2.1] UNITS

    [2.1.1] Unit

    The word unitis used for a rectanular base

    with one or more fiures fi&ed on it. The sie ofthe base and the number of fiures depends on

    unit t"pe. 8ee section 52.1..

    !nits are defined with three parameters:

    lass% T!peand "peci#ication.

    A unit represents 200 to 500 men on thebattlefield. This is the smallest group of men

    that makes a difference from the armycommanders point of view.

    [2.1.2] lass

    Class is a combination of the units uality!e"perience! training! and morale. Class affectsthe units resilience in combat! as well as its

    ability to manoeuvre on the battlefield.

    !nit class can be:

    Militia [M]$Troops recruited from ordinary

    citi#ens! or other unwilling or poorly euippedtroops.

    %arrior [%]$ Troops e"perienced in or

    capable of engaging in warfare! especiallywithin the conte"t of a tribal or clan$basedsociety that recognises a separate warrior


    &egular [&]$ %ermanent troops maintainedunder arms even during peacetime.

    eterans []$ Troops with long service in thearmy and e"perience from the battlefield.

    [2.1.3] "peci#ication

    !nits ma" have one of the followin

    specifications to their t"pe:

    Bows [()ow]$&nits armed with bows!crossbows! or slings.

    *+penda)les [(e+p]$ 'eavy chariots driveninto troops with full speed! the driver often

    (umping out of the chariot before it hits theenemy.

    1,)ase,deep [(1]$ 'eavy or medium foot

    that prefer a thin formation! usually ) or lessranks. Also chariots that dismount to fight.

    2,)ases,deep [(2]$'eavy or medium footthat prefer a deep formation ! usually *$+)


    3,)ases,deep [(3]$ 'eavy foot in so calledphalan" formation! often more than +) ranks


    [2.1.-] T!pe

    Type is a combination of the units battleformation! tactics! and euipment. ,ight troops

    were mostly used for skirmishing! whereasheavily armoured troops usually fought in

    dense formations.

    7oot troops

    ight #oot [/]$ -oot fighting in skirmishformation. Their task was usually to harass the

    enemy or to fight in difficult terrain.

    ase sie: 0mm & 20mm idth & Depth4

    7iures: 2

    ;7/7/1$ 'eavy foot in shieldwall formation! such

    as oman legionaries! 7ikings! or 6reekhoplites when using shallow formation. Also

    heavily armoured and skilled soldiers! such asthe 7arangian guard or amurai.

    >7/2$ 8nfantry armed with long spears and in

    deep formation able to stand against impactcavalry. -or e"ample cottish and ,owcountries spearmen or 6reek 'oplites in deep


    >7/3$ 'eavy foot armed with 2$handed pikesin deep formation! such as the 4acedonian

    phalan" or wiss and ,andsknecht infantry.

    ev! [e]$&ntrained bodies of men andwomen forced on the battlefield to increasenumbers! or who were unable to avoid battle.

    9ften carrying only improvised weapons.

    ase sie: 0mm & 1mm idth & Depth47iures:

    =ounted troops

    ight cavalr! []: ?avalry fighting inskirmish formation. eluctant to fight hand$to$

    hand and able to evade enemy foot or heavycavalry.

    ase sie: 0mm & 30mm idth & Depth47iures: 2


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    ;?/bow$ kirmishing chariots carryingbowmen and (avelinmen. &sually shootingfrom the chariot! but also able to charge into

    close combat. -or e"ample 3gyptian or &gariticchariots.

    Medium )attle chariot [MB]$ Chariots with

    armoured crew and drown by two or three

    horses. &sually charged into close combatrather than skirmishing. -or e"ample 4inoan

    chariots with crew wearing dendra armour.

    ase sie: 0mm & 0mm idth & Depth47iures: 1 chariot with crew

    =?/?/< < Chariots with armoured crew and

    drown by four horses. Able to make powerfulcharges into close combat! but lacked

    manoeuverability. -or e"ample :eo$Assyrianor :eo$?/e&p$ cythed chariots that were driventowards enemy formations in full speed.

    ther t"pes

    %ar wagon [%%]$ =ar wagons were used

    on the battlefield to stop the charge of enemycavalry! or as shooting platforms. =ar wagons

    were e"tensively used by the 'ussites.

    ase sie: 0mm & @0mm idth & Depth47iures: 1 war waon with crew

    0eav! artiller! [0]$ 'eavy artillery includessiege engines such as stone throwers and


    ase sie: 0mm & 0mm idth & Depth47iures: 1 artiller" piece with crew

    Medium artiller! [M]$ 4edium artilleryincludes light cannons and bolt shooters used

    for e"ample by the omans ,egions.

    ase sie: 0mm & 0mm idth & Depth47iures: 1 artiller" piece with crew

    ight artiller! []$ ockets and small

    artillery such as rope pulled stone throwers.

    ase sie: 0mm & 0mm idth & Depth4

    7iures: 1 artiller" piece with crew

    Baggage [Bg] $ s camp and non$combatants who

    followed the army on campaigns. 1estroying

    the enemy camp can have a dramatic effect onthe enemys morale.

    ase sie: @0mm & @0mm idth & Depth4

    7iures: 'n" depictin camp life

    This is all the information reuired to define allunit types in the game. -or e"ample V

    HC/bowis veteran heavy cavalry with bows!and W HF/2is warrior heavy foot that fightsin two ranks.

    [2.1.] Unit class limitations

    8ome unit t"pes and classes cannot becombined. The followin limitations appl":

    >eav" cavalr" or battle chariots

    cannot be militia.

    $lephants% >?/e&p and lev" canonl" be warrior or militia.


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    [2.3.1] rm! lists

    This ruleboo* includes a selection of arm" listsbased on historical campains. =ore arm" lists

    and the latest updates can be found on ourwebsite at www.ancientwarame.com.

    'n arm" list contains the followin information:

    ?ampain / Time period% which tellsthe historical period covered b" the

    arm" list.

    'rm" t"pe 8ection 52.2.24

    >ome terrain t"pe 8ection 53.3.14

    Troop availabilit" 8ection 2.2.34

    'llies 8ection 2.3.@4

    Example Armylist

    oman epublic in the econd 4acedonian=ar 2007%=7%;=7

    2 2% 3 3%

    ;e 1 1% < ?% >7% =7%

    or $l.

    ;? in open aainst >?% >?% >7% or


    ;7 in open aainst =7% >7% >?% =? or


    =? in open aainst >7.

    The evade move is optional if the unit causin

    the evade is in the effective close battle oneof an" other non

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    than sinle ran* is placed behind the last unit.

    56..2.1 =oves which starts behind the

    friendl" unit

    The unit must strart the move behind and fromthe same roup as a such friendl" unit which it

    can move throuh. #t can then move throuhthe front ran* b" followin move t"pes:

    ;7 which moves straiht forward

    ther units which moves straiht

    forward b" usin a tactical move.

    The movin unit is immediatel" placed front ofthe that unit which it moved throuh and in a

    such position it is in the same roup. #.e. themovin units rear corners must touch the front

    corners of that unit which it moved throuh4.

    ;7 unit which moves throuh deeper formationthan sinle ran* is placed front of the unitinitiall" in the front line of the roup.

    3"ample &nit AB ends its move behind A+.&nit A5 cannot move through A+! because it is

    partly behind the A+>s front line. A) unit isfleeing from the combat! but cannot move

    through because the initial retreat hits afriendly unit.


    [:..1] Units moving out #rom a#orti#ied village

    !nits which moves out from a fortified villae

    must be ordered b" a manoeuevre orderd.

    !nits which moves out from a villae in themovement se)uence must use a tactical

    moves. The pla"er deplo"es units to positionwhere it has at least full rear ede inside thevillae before the move. The unit must end the

    move totall" outside of the villae. The unitcannot start or move at or into an" enem"

    unit,s close battle rane.

    The movin units are counted movin indifficult terrain.

    The move number is 1 when movin out fromthe fortified villae.

    [:..2] Moving into a #orti#ied village

    !nits which starts the movement se)uence ator closer than 1 to a fortified villae% canmove into that villae in the followin cases:

    The defender units can move to the villae

    finishin the move a position where it touch oroverlaps the villae. Those units are moved

    inside the villae immediatel" after the move.'fter that the e&act position is irrelevant.

    The attac*er which move hits to a fortifiedvillae is counted as Hattac*in aainst the

    villaeH. Those units are also put inside thevillae and the close combat is resolved

    accordin chapter 5E.1.3.

    'ttac*er units are left closer to the ede of thevillae to record that the battles ta*e place inthe walls.

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    The combat se)uence comprises three differentsteps.

    1. ?lose battle declarations

    2. Distance battle actions

    3. ?lose battle actions


    The active pla"er first chooses which units will

    ma*e close battle actions. ' unit can be chosento ma*e a close battle action if both of the

    followin appl":

    1. #t received an order this bound whichallows it to ma*e a close battleaction 'dvance or attle order4 or it

    is a eneral unit%

    2. #t has a taret in its frontal close

    battle one.

    'n" unit which has an enem" baae unit in

    its frontal battle one ma*es a close battleaction even passive pla"er,s units4

    'll the passive pla"er+s units which are in thefrontal battle one of the selected active

    pla"er,s unit will ta*e part to the close battles.


    'll units of both the active and passivepla"ers4 which have adistance battle capabilit"

    ma*es a distance battle action if it fulfills allfollowins:

    #t is not oin to ta*e part in close

    battle this bound.

    #t has an eliible taret within the

    distance battle one.

    The active pla"er choose the order of the battleactions.

    [;.2.1] Distance

    )attle capacit! and


    The followin units havedistance battle capabilit"for the iven distance

    battle rane.

    'rtiller" has no distancebattle rane if it moved at

    last movement se)uence orat the enem" turn.

    5E.2.1.1 arwaonsdistance battle capacit"

    arwaons have nodistance battle capacit"

    if it moved at last movement


    arwaons can ma*e two distance battleactions at same se)uence. The front ede

    which is 2 wide is counted two 1

    frontaes which both can ma*e individualdistance battle action.

    ' warwaon can ma*e a distance battle action

    even it will ta*e part to a close battle or thetaret is oin to ta*e part to a close battle.

    The taret must be inside the warwaons closebattle one.

    #f the warwaon is not oin to ta*e part to aclose battle% then the pla"er can choose to

    replace both of these distance battle action toa sinle distance battle action with rane of

    1/2 all around the warwaon unit.

    [;.2.2] *ligi)le targets

    The taret must be at least partl" in

    front of a line e&tendin alon theshootin unit+s front ede.

    The shortest distance between the

    taret and the shootin unit must bee)ual to or less than the distance

    battle rane.

    The taret must be at least partl"

    inside 1 from the parrallel linewith either of the side ede of the

    shootin unit.

    !nit cannot be tareted for distance

    battle action if it is oin to ta*e partin close battle.

    The taret must be visible for the

    shootin unit accordin the chapter53.3.3.

    [;.2.3] Target priorit!

    #f several eliible tarets e&ist thenthe taret which is the closest one to

    the shooter and at least partl" directl" front ofthe unit must be chosen. #f no such taret

    e&ist% then the closest one must be chosen.

    [;.2.-] /riendl! )locing unit

    #f a friendl" unit is partl" directl" in the frontof the shootin unit and the shortest distance

    between these two units e)uals to or is smallerthan the distance to taret unit then the

    distance battle is bloc*ed and cancelled thisbound.

    [;.2.] Target unit has also distance

    )attle capacit!

    #f the taret unit has also distance battlecapacit" the unit is counted as Mreturn fireM.

    The orinal shootin unit is eliible

    taret. The taret priorit" rules5E.2.3 are inored% but friendl"

    bloc*in rules 5E.2. appl".

    The taret unit has not "et return to

    or made a distance battle action atthis bound.

    !nit is not oin to ta*e part to theclose battle action or bein side

    contact with such a unitaccordin the rules at


    #f the unit is not counted as MreturnfireM% then rule 5E..6.1 applies.

    UnitDistance )attle


    >' or =' 6


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    'll units which are declared for close battle atstep 1 < close battle declarations < of the

    combat se)uence will ma*e close battle action.The order of all close battles is determined b"

    the active pla"er.

    $nem" units which are tareted fiht bac*.

    'fter all the active pla"er,s declared units havemade close battle actions% then the passivepla"er,s units which have not "et been the

    taret of close battle action will also ma*eclose battle actions.

    ' close battle action cannot be done with such

    a unit which has no enem" units in the frontalbattle one. This unit can still be taret of anenem" close battle action.

    [;.3.1] lose )attle 5ones

    5E.3.1.1 ?lose battle one?lose battle rane for each unit is N . That

    are is called as a close battle one.

    5E.3.1.2 7rontal close battle one

    The frontal close battle one is the part of theclose battle rane which is above the line

    parallel to the unit,s front ede.

    5E.3.1.3 $ffective close battle one

    The effective close battle one is the area ofthe frontal close battle one which is between

    the unit,s side ede lines.

    [;.3.2] *ligi)le targets

    To ma*e a close battle action all the followin

    must appl":

    The attac*in unit has not "et made

    a close battle action this bound.

    The tareted unit must be at leastpartl" at the frontal battle one.

    [;.3.3] Target priorit!

    #f there are several possible tarets in close

    battle rane% then the pla"er must select a

    taret which is at least partl" in the effectiveclose battle one. #f more than one of such

    taret e&ists the pla"er must choose one whichhas not alread" been tareted this bound.

    [;.3.-] /riendl! )locing unit

    !nit cannot be nominated as attac*in unit forclose battle action if the closest unit in the

    effrective close battle one is a friendl" unit.


    1. The active pla"er chooses attac*inunit and a taret.

    2. The active pla"er ma" announce

    feint if the unit is able to do so.

    3. ?hec* the battle values.

    . oth pla"ers roll combat dice.

    . ?hec* if the units maintained a

    cohesion or not.

    6. #f the cohesion was lost% unit mustma*e a retreat move and flee roll to

    see if it destor"ed.

    [;.-.1] /eintThe active pla"er ma" choose to feint withunits of the followin t"pes:

    ;?% ;?/bow% ;?% =?% =?/bow

    7eint is not possible if

    it starts or moves in terrain which

    counts as difficult for movement orclose battle.

    it starts at a frontal battle one of anenem" unit with distance battlecapacit".

    ' unit which chooses to feint is immediatel"

    moved 1 bac*wards accordin to the evaderules. Thus the unit avoids the battle and the

    battle is cancelled.

    !nit which feints or has been taret of the unitwhich feinted cannot ma*e a battle action. #tcan still be tareted for a battle action but tit is

    counted as alread" made a battle action.

    [;.-.2] Battle values 6B7

    attle values are shown in the table below.

    #f two units without an orinal battle valuefihts aainst each other% then enem" F - .

    [;.-.3] om)at dice

    oth pla"er a combat die at the same time.oth pla"ers roll sinle D6 e&cept if enerals

    ta*e part for the combat.

    5E..3.1 Aeneral unit,s combat dice

    Aenerals, units roll two combat dice anddiscard the lowest one.

    5E..3.2 Aeneral unit dice adLustment

    efore an" combat dice are rolled in the

    current se)uence the active pla"er can chooseto spend morale points to improve enerals inthe battle. ' morale point from the morale die

    can be used for followin units:

    Aeneral unit

    !nit which is in the same front lineand side ede to side ede contact

    with the ?

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    E1foot unit without /bow

    specification aainst a unit with a/bow or /< specification. Does not

    appl" if a unit ma*es itself a distancebattle action or return fire.

    ,1unit which ma*es a distance

    battle action out from a fortified


    ?;8$ 'TT;$ (;K

    ,1if the unit is in the enem" unit,seffective close battle one% and that

    enem" unit is not in an" opponentsunit,s effective close battle one.

    ,1cavalr" or chariots aainstcamelr" or $l

    ,1camelr" aainst foot

    ,1a unit% e&cpet ;7 or ;=7% which is

    or which opponent is in terraincounted difficult for the close battle.

    E1unit with /1 specification aainst

    enem" foot unit without /1specification in own bound.

    E1;7/< unit aainst ;7/bow unit

    E1?avalr" or chariot unit aainstfoot unit with /1 specification at thatunit,s bound.

    E1foot unit in a defendin position.8ee 5E...2

    ,1each supportin ran* the enem"unit has more than the own unit in

    close combat. 8ee 5E...3

    ;ost of a cohesion is onl" temporar" effect andaffects onl" durin a sinle combat.

    ' unit which die score is 1 before the modifiersalwa"s loses a cohesion.

    ' unit which die score is 6 before the modifiers

    alwa"s maintains a cohesion.

    5E...1 >eav" O =edium O ;ihtclassifications

    $lephants are counted as heav" as

    the opponent unit in close battle.

    'ainst shootin the" are medium.

    ar waons are heav"

    ;oose medium is medium

    ;ev" is medium

    'rtillet" is medium in close battle

    aae is medium

    7oot unit without /bow specification

    is alwa"s heavier than a unit ma*indistance battle action aainst it%

    unless aainst artiller".

    5E...2 7oot unit in a defendin position

    ' foot unit is in a defendin position in thefollowin situations:

    !phill' unit is closer to the centre point ofthe hill than the opponent,s unit. The

    shortest distance between the unitand the centre point of the hill is


    7ortified villae

    ' unit is defendin a fortification if itis attac*ed b" a enem" unit which

    has not "et won a close battleaainst a unit in that villae.

    Temporar" fortification#f the unit is declared to defend a

    temporar" fortification in thedeplo"ment step and it has remain

    stationar" after the deplo"ment.

    9iver ban*

    ' unit is defendin a river ban* if itdoes not touch a river and the

    opponent unit touch at least partl"the river.

    5E...3 8upportin ran*s!nit which has /2 specification can have one

    supportin ran*. !nit which has /3 specificationcan have two supportin ran*. 8upportin unitsmust fullfill the followin criteria:

    The supportin ran*s4 must bedirectl" behind and in the same

    roup with the supported unit in thecombat.

    The supported and supportin unitsmust have same t"pe% class and


    (either the supported unit nor the

    supportin ran*s can be even partl"in terrain which counts difficult for

    close battle.

    [;.-.] om)at results

    The unit which maintained a cohesion remains

    it position.

    The unit which lost a cohesion ma*esaretreat moveand must do a flee roll.

    5E..6.1 !nits which do no lose the cohesion

    after failed cohesion test

    #n the followin cases the unit does not losecohesion i.e. not ma*e a retreat move or flee


    !nit in distance battle action withoutbein shot bac* at or Hnot subLectto return fireH4.

    >7/3 in a close battle which

    opponent lost the cohesion.

    [;.-.:] &etreat move

    ' retreatin unit moves directl" bac*wards /@ without chanin the facin.

    [;.-.;] Bloced retreat move

    ' retreatin unit is destro"ed if:

    #f the unit hits an enem" unit before

    the full move is complited.

    #f the unit must push bac* or its

    move is bloc*ed b" elephant%artiller"% warwaon or baae unit.

    #f the move ends to an enem"effective close battle one.

    #f the unit e&ceeds the table ede or

    enters a terrain where it cannotmove no move number4.

    efore bein destro"ed the unit moves bac* as

    far as possible.

    $&cept ;7 the retreat move can never passthrouh friendl" units.

    [email protected] $lephants units retreat/flee movewhich is bloc*ed

    #f an elephant unit cannot ma*e full retreat orflee move% then the unit which first bloc* themove is destro"ed.


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    [;.-.18] /lee roll

    'fter the retreat move the unit ma*es the fleeroll b" rollin one D6. #f it is pass the roll% then

    it remains its position after the retreat move. #fit fails the roll the unit is destro"ed and

    removed from the ame.

    There are five different levels for the flee rolls:

    'uto 8uccess




    'uto fail

    The flee roll is succesful if the score e)uals oris hiher than the unit,s battle value

    5E..10.1 'utomatic success

    #nstead of one D6 the pla"er roll two die and

    chooses hihest one.

    5E..10.1 $as" flee roll

    #nstead of one D6 the pla"er roll two die andchooses hihest one.

    5E..10.1 rdinar" roll

    #nstead of one D6 the pla"er roll two die and

    chooses hihest one.

    5E..10.3 Difficult flee roll

    #nstead of one D6 the pla"er roll two die andchooses smallest one.

    5E..10. 'utomatic fail

    The flee roll fails automaticall"

    5E..10. 7lee roll advantaes anddisadvantees

    $ach of the followin advantaes ma*es flee

    roll one level easier:

    The opponent unit lost also cohesion

    $&tended retreat move

    Feteran unit

    #f the opponent unit did not lost the cohesion%

    then the flee roll can never upraded to MautosuccessM.

    $ach of the followin disadvantaes ma*es fleeroll one level worse:

    The full retreat move is bloc*ed

    =ilitia unit

    [;.-.11] 4eneral's retreat prevention

    #f a eneral,s unit must ma*e a retreat move

    the pla"er whose unit it is ma" choose to tr" tohold the position and cancel the retreat. This

    decision must be made before a flee roll andan" retreat move.

    #n this case the pla"er ma*es a D6 roll. Theretreat move inc. flee roll4 is cancelled if the

    result or 6.

    #f the roll is not successed% then the retreatmove and the flee roll is done accordin the

    normal rules.

    [;.-.12] Battles in village

    5E..12.1 Distance battle actions aainstvillae

    'rtiller" units can ma*e a distance battle action

    aainst a villae. This battle action is doneaainst an imainar" =ilitia ;ev" unit. #f the

    taret is destro"ed it is counted as an e&tracasualt" for the defender.

    ther units cannot ma*e a distance battleaction aainst a villae.

    5E..12.2 Distance battle actions from a

    fortified villae

    'rtiller" and /bow units inside a fortified villaecan ma*e a distance battle action aainst a

    unit outside of that villae. #t can choose itsposition freel" before the battle action as lon

    as it is full" inside the villae. The villae doesnot bloc* the visibilit". 'll /bow units has raneof 1 % which is measured from the ede of

    the fortified villae.

    5E..12.3 ?lose battle actions in a fortifiedvillae

    'll attac*er units which are Hattac*in aainst

    villaeH must ma*e a close battle action. Theattac*er chooses the order. 'fter the attac*er

    has chosen a unit% the defender must choosetaret from one of the defendin units insidethe villae. $ach unit can ta*e part onl" one

    close battle. #f there are no options left% theattac*er units ma*es a close battle action

    aaisnt an imainar" =ilita ;ev" unit. #f theimainar" unit is destro"ed% it is counted as an

    e&tra casualt" for the defender.

    /** &? **

    U@CT T9*

    UT? /C DC//CUT ?&DC@& *" UT? "U*""

    !nit is destro"ed 2D6 Discard thehihest4 attle value

    D6 attle value 2D6 Discard thelowest4 attle value

    !nit automaticall"pass the test


    >7% =7% ;=7 'll units with a /bow


    'rtiller" thers

    ?avalr"% ?hariots%

    ?amelr"% $l


    >'% ='% ;'% % ;e 'll (T P88#;$ $F$( #T> 7;$$ 9;; 'DF'(T'A$8


    >7/1% >7/2% =7/1% =7/2%

    ;=71% ;=72

    >?/?/bow% =?/bow% ;?%

    ;?% $l


    ;=7/bow% =7/bow ?avalr"% chariots% $l%

    camelr"% >7% =7% ;=7


    ;7 ?avalr"% chariots%camelr"

    ;=7% ;7 thers

    =?% >?% ?hariots%?amelr"

    ?avalr"% chariots%camelr"

    ;=7/bow% =7/bow%;7/bow


    ;? ;?/< =?% ;?/bow% =?%;?


    % >?/e% 'rtiller"% ;e

    'll (T P88#;$ $F$( #T> 7;$$ 9;; 'DF'(T'A$8

    >7/3% $l 'll (T P88#;$ $F$( #T> 7;$$ 9;; 'DF'(T'A$8

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    v! 2"!#!2"1$

    #f the attac*in unit wins the battle that unit ismoved closer to the centre to record that thedefender does not et an"more the defend

    bonus aainst that unit.

    'll modifiers for the cohesion die roll areinored for close battles in a fortified villae.

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    STANDARD WARGAME RULES for Ancient and Medieval warfare Page 2$/2

    v! 2"!#!2"1$


    't the strateic movement se)uence the pla"ercan move units which are far enouh from the

    enem" units. The active pla"er issues orderse&catl" accordin the rules at chapter 5.


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    STANDARD WARGAME RULES for Ancient and Medieval warfare Page 2%/2

    v! 2"!#!2"1$


    't the beinnin of the morale se)uence theactive pla"er needs to calculate the arm" rout

    level. Then active pla"er chec*s if an" of hisunits are disordered. Those units ma*e a rout


    [F.1.1] rm! rout level

    To calculate the rout level subtract the moraledice from the total number of the destro"ed

    units includin baae% but e&cludin lost>?/e units. 'dd followin modifiers:

    BD6I if the arm" has lost a eneral

    after or at the active pla"er,s lastmorale se)uence. B1 modifier is

    added to the die roll if more thanone eneral loss causes this roll.

    BD6 if the arm" has lost it,sbaae.

    BD6 if the arm" has less units insidea friendl" villae than the opponent.!nits must have at least three

    corners inside "he villae to becounted.

    I Tribal arm" rolls D3 instead of D6.

    [F.1.2] Disordered units

    !nits of the active pla"er are counted as

    disordered if both of the followin appl":

    The unit is not a member of a roup

    which contains more units than thearm" rout level.

    There is an enem" unit within and:

    The disordered unit must be atleast partl" in front of the

    enem" units front ede line.

    The disordered unit must beat least partl" inside 1 from the side ede line of

    such enem" unit.

    Disorderin is a temporar" effect whichlasts one morale se)uence and is chec*ed

    aain at the ne&t rall" se)uence. Aroup sie

    The roup sie is the total number of theunits which are members of the roup.

    ' unit is not counted to the sie of theroup if it is in the effective close battle

    one of an enem" unit% which is not in theeffective close battle one of an" opponent


    ;7 units are not counted for the roup sie.

    The minimum roup sie is one. !nits in a fortified villae

    !nits inside a fortified villae are not countedas disordered.

    [F.1.2] 4eneral's morale

    The eneral adds B1 to the roup sie for aroup which member the" are. This bonus can

    be doubled b" rule 5.1.3.

    [F.1.3] 4enerals' encouragement

    $ach sub eneral can choose double a sie of aroup which at least partl" closer than

    from eneral doublin the sie.

    The ?

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    v! 2"!#!2"1$


    't the end of the morale se)uence the activepla"er chec*s if their arm" is bro*en. The arm"

    is bro*en if the number of destro"ed anddisordered units e)uals or e&ceeds 0C of the

    total number of units in the arm".

    aae is couned as a unit for casualties% butnot for the arm" sie.

    #f the arm" is bro*en the ame is finished. Theunbro*en arm" is the winner.

    #f the arm" is not bro*en% then start a new

    bound / turn.

    5.2.2 8corin for tournaments4 inner,s victor" points

    The winner,s vicotr" points are

    - 2 < number of turns started after the first turns.

    8.e. the winner can get +5$25 victory points ;osers,s victor" points

    The loser,s vicotr" points are

    - number of turns started after the first .

    8.e. the loser can get 0$+0 victory points Draw

    #f neither of the armies are bro*en after 1turns% then the ame is draw. oth pla"ers are

    awarded with 10 victor" points.