Swiss Experience with Future Earth Future Earth is a very essential next step in Global Change...


Transcript of Swiss Experience with Future Earth Future Earth is a very essential next step in Global Change...

Swiss Experience with Future Earth

Future Earth is a very essential next step in Global Change research

The Swiss academies stand behind Future Earth The science community needs time to adjust to the

new mode of research

What can science contribute to the challenges?To much emphasis so far on Systems Knowledge

Source: Visions by Swiss Researchers, ProClim 1997

What can science contribute to the challenges?To much emphasis so far on Systems Knowledge

Source: Visions by Swiss Researchers, ProClim 1997

Not possible without Stakeholder involvement

Swiss Experience with Future EarthThe place based and the systems centered research community

were not able to collaborate in joint projects

Knowledge alone does not lead to action

Source: Visions by Swiss Researchers, ProClim 1997

Many different stakeholder group must act

Example: Climate Change Mitigation

Example: Climate Change Mitigation

Germany: 50%

Effect on CO2-Emissions:-20% replacing coal by gas in Germany+20% replacing Nuclear by Gas in Switzerland

Example: Climate Change Mitigation

Source: ESC/ETH 2011

World and Switzerland follow similar trends, but there are large differences behind the similar trends=> Needs nationally differentiated research partnerships with stakeholders

Climate Mitigation is a challengeFuture Earth is far more challenging

Future Earth adds many additional challenges:Climate Change is only one pice in the puzzle: Biodiversity depletion of resources Many different political constraints • Unemployment• Economic competitiveness• Regional and sectoral needs and pressures


Activities along the Future Earth spirit by the Swiss Academies (Example ProClim since 1993)

Many projects supporting federal agencies

IPCC Contact to the research community

An equivalent of 4 full time scientists are employed by ProClim

Activities along the Future Earth spirit by the Swiss Academies

Similar approaches for the other partner organization • Swiss Biodiversity Forum • Kommission for Research Partnership with developing countries• Transdisciplinary Network• Network for Alpine Research

1 to 3 full time scientific employees each

Plans to stimulate cooperation with Future Earth projects

Sponsorship of core project offices of special relevance for the Swiss science community

Encouragement and Advertisement of Future Earth• Within the Science Community and Federal Agencies

Need: Clear labeling of core projects and their events with

Future Earth (we advertise only Future Earth labeled Events outside Switzerland)

Royal Irish Academy

Future Earth

Questions from the Audience