Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

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Transcript of Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Page 1: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

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Page 2: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a• Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a• Swine Influenza (swine flu) is aSwine Influenza (swine flu) is a i di f irespiratory disease of pigsrespiratory disease of pigsrespiratory disease of pigs p y p g

d b T A i flcaused by Type A influenzacaused by Type A influenzacaused by Type A influenza y ypi th t lviruses that causes regularviruses that causes regularviruses that causes regular g

tb k i ioutbreaks in pigsoutbreaks in pigs.outbreaks in pigs. p g

Swine flu is a type of virus that• Swine flu is a type of virus that• Swine flu is a type of virus that S e u s a ype o us ah i f i l i Ithat infects mainly pigs Itthat infects mainly pigs Itthat infects mainly pigs. It y p g

ll d t i f t lnormally does not infect peoplenormally does not infect peoplenormally does not infect people, y p p ,b t i f ti t h dbut infections to human can dobut infections to human can dobut infections to human can do h It i t i ihappen It is a contagious virushappen. It is a contagious virushappen. It is a contagious virus pp g

d d f hand can spread from one humanand can spread from one humanand can spread from one human to anotherto anotherto another.to a ot e

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Page 3: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

V i i t ti l i (US C t f• Various international agencies (US Centers for• Various international agencies (US Centers forVarious international agencies (US Centers for g (Di C t l & P ti W ld H lthDisease Control & Prevention World HealthDisease Control & Prevention, World HealthDisease Control & Prevention, World Health Organization) have determined that this swineOrganization) have determined that this swineOrganization) have determined that this swine O ga at o ) a e dete ed t at t s s ei fl A (H1N1) i i t i d iinfluenza A (H1N1) virus is contagious and isinfluenza A (H1N1) virus is contagious and isinfluenza A (H1N1) virus is contagious and is ( ) g

di f h t hspreading from human to humanspreading from human to humanspreading from human to human.p g

WHO has escalated the orld Pandemic Phase• WHO has escalated the world Pandemic Phase• WHO has escalated the world Pandemic PhaseWHO has escalated the world Pandemic Phase f ( )from Phase 3 to Phase 4 (in a 6 scale Phase)from Phase 3 to Phase 4 (in a 6-scale Phase)from Phase 3 to Phase 4 (in a 6-scale Phase), ( ),i di ti th t ld id d i d t iindicating that a worldwide pandemic due to swineindicating that a worldwide pandemic due to swineindicating that a worldwide pandemic due to swine g pfl H1N1 i iblflu H1N1 is possibleflu H1N1 is possibleflu H1N1 is possible.p

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Page 4: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Th t f i fl i• The symptoms of swine flu in• The symptoms of swine flu inThe symptoms of swine flu in l i il t th tpeople are similar to the symptomspeople are similar to the symptomspeople are similar to the symptoms

f l h fl d i l dof regular human flu and includeof regular human flu and includeof regular human flu and include f h th t b d hfever cough sore throat body achesfever cough sore throat body achesfever, cough, sore throat, body aches, g y

fheadache chills and fatigueheadache chills and fatigueheadache, chills and fatigue. g

Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting• Some people have reported diarrhea and vomitingSome people have reported diarrhea and vomiting p p p gi t d ith i fl I th t illassociated with swine flu In the past severe illnessassociated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness assoc ated t s e u t e past, se e e ess

( i d i t f il ) d d th h(pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have(pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have(pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have ( y )been reported with swine flu infection in peoplebeen reported with swine flu infection in peoplebeen reported with swine flu infection in people. p p p

Like seasonal fl s ine fl ma ca se a orsening of• Like seasonal flu swine flu may cause a worsening of• Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of , y gd l i h i di l ditiunderlying chronic medical conditionsunderlying chronic medical conditions.underlying chronic medical conditions.

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Page 5: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

S d f hi i i fl A• Spread of this swine influenza A• Spread of this swine influenza ASpread of this swine influenza A p(H1N1) virus is thought to be(H1N1) virus is thought to be(H1N1) virus is thought to be ( ) gh i i th th thappening in the same way thathappening in the same way thathappening in the same way that

l fl dseasonal flu spreadsseasonal flu spreads.seasonal flu spreads. p

• Flu viruses are spread mainly from• Flu viruses are spread mainly fromFlu viruses are spread mainly from p yt th h hiperson to person through coughingperson to person through coughing p p g g gi f l ith i flor sneezing of people with influenzaor sneezing of people with influenza.or sneezing of people with influenza.

S ti l b• Sometimes people may become• Sometimes people may becomeSometimes people may become p p yinfected by touching something withinfected by touching something withinfected by touching something with y g gli fl i it d thlive flu viruses on it and thenlive flu viruses on it and then t hi th i thtouching their mouth or nosetouching their mouth or nose.touching their mouth or nose.

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Page 6: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

T di i i fl A i f ti• To diagnose swine influenza A infection• To diagnose swine influenza A infection,To diagnose swine influenza A infection, ga respiratory specimen would generallya respiratory specimen would generallya respiratory specimen would generally p y p g y

d t b ll t d ithi th fi t 4 tneed to be collected within the first 4 toneed to be collected within the first 4 to 5 d f ill ( h i f t d5 days of illness (when an infected5 days of illness (when an infected5 days of illness (when an infected person is most likely to be sheddingperson is most likely to be sheddingperson is most likely to be shedding p y gvirus)virus)virus). )

H i ll• However some persons especially• However, some persons, especially o e e , so e pe so s, espec a yhild h d i f 10 dchildren may shed virus for 10 days orchildren, may shed virus for 10 days orchildren, may shed virus for 10 days or

longerlongerlonger. g

Identification as a s ine fl infl en a A• Identification as a swine flu influenza A• Identification as a swine flu influenza A i i di th i tvirus requires sending the specimen to avirus requires sending the specimen to avirus requires sending the specimen to a

h it l l b t f t tihospital laboratory for testinghospital laboratory for testinghospital laboratory for testing.p y g

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Page 7: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

I f t d l b bl t• Infected people may be able to• Infected people may be able to p p yi f t th b i i 1 dinfect others beginning 1 dayinfect others beginning 1 day g g yb f t d l dbefore symptoms develop and upbefore symptoms develop and upbefore symptoms develop and up t 7 d ft b ito 7 or more days after becomingto 7 or more days after becomingto 7 or more days after becoming i ksicksick.sick.

Th t th t b bl• That means that you may be able• That means that you may be ableThat means that you may be able t th fl t lto pass on the flu to someone elseto pass on the flu to someone elseto pass on the flu to someone else b f k i kbefore you know you are sick asbefore you know you are sick asbefore you know you are sick, as y y

ll hil i kwell as while you are sickwell as while you are sick.well as while you are sick.

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Page 8: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

P l i h i i fl i i f i• People with swine influenza virus infection• People with swine influenza virus infectionPeople with swine influenza virus infection pshould be considered potentiallyshould be considered potentiallyshould be considered potentially p ycontagious as long as they arecontagious as long as they arecontagious as long as they are g g ysymptomatic and possible for up to 7 dayssymptomatic and possible for up to 7 dayssymptomatic and possible for up to 7 days y p p p yf ll i ill tfollowing illness onsetfollowing illness onset. g

Children especially younger children• Children especially younger childrenChildren, especially younger children, , p y y g ,i ht t ti ll b t i f lmight potentially be contagious for longermight potentially be contagious for longer g p y g g

i dperiodsperiods. pe ods

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Page 9: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

B th i i th ill b• Because the virus is new there will be no• Because the virus is new there will be noBecause the virus is new, there will be no ,vaccine ready to protect againstvaccine ready to protect againstvaccine ready to protect against y p g

d i flpandemic flupandemic flu.pandemic flu.p

V i i S i Fl i H1N1• Vaccine against Swine Flu virus H1N1• Vaccine against Swine Flu virus H1N1Vaccine against Swine Flu virus H1N1 gd t l t 6 12 th t bneeds at least 6-12 months to beneeds at least 6-12 months to beneeds at least 6 12 months to be d d E t d b N D 2009produced Expected by Nov Dec 2009produced Expected by Nov – Dec 2009produced. Expected by Nov Dec 2009p p y

Seasonal flu vaccine or past flu• Seasonal flu vaccine or past flu• Seasonal flu vaccine or past fluSeasonal flu vaccine or past flu i i ti ill t id t tiimmunization will not provide protectionimmunization will not provide protection.immunization will not provide protection.p p

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Page 10: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

A th di i t t t i fl ?Are there medicines to treat swine flu?Are there medicines to treat swine flu?Are there medicines to treat swine flu?Are there medicines to treat swine flu?Y Th US CDC d th f• Yes The US CDC recommends the use of• Yes. The US CDC recommends the use ofYes. The US CDC recommends the use of

( f ®) ( ®) foseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (Relenza®) foroseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (Relenza®) foroseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (Relenza®) for ( ) ( )the treatment and/or prevention of infection withthe treatment and/or prevention of infection withthe treatment and/or prevention of infection with pth i i fl i (Pl d d lfthese swine influenza viruses (Please do not do selfthese swine influenza viruses. (Please do not do self-these swine influenza viruses. (Please do not do self

di ti i ti di i h ld b t k dmedication any prescription medicine should be taken undermedication, any prescription medicine should be taken under , y p pf f )supervision of a qualified doctor)supervision of a qualified doctor)supervision of a qualified doctor)

A ti i l d i ti di i ( ill• Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills• Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills,Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, ) f fliquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu byliquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu byliquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by q ) g g y

keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your bodykeeping flu viruses from reproducing in your bodykeeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. p g p g y y

If t i k ti i l d k• If you get sick antiviral drugs can make your• If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your you get s c , a t a d ugs ca a e youill ild d k f l b tt f t Thillness milder and make you feel better faster Theyillness milder and make you feel better faster. Theyillness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complicationsmay also prevent serious flu complicationsmay also prevent serious flu complications. y p p

For treatment anti iral dr gs ork best if started• For treatment antiviral drugs work best if started• For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started , gft tti i k ( ithi 2 d f t )soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms)soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms).soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms).

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Page 11: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Th i b d h• The virus can be spread when a person• The virus can be spread when a personThe virus can be spread when a person p pt h thi th t i t i t dtouches something that is contaminatedtouches something that is contaminatedtouches something that is contaminated

ith th i d th t h hi hwith the virus and then touches his or herwith the virus and then touches his or her eyes nose or moutheyes nose or moutheyes, nose, or mouth. y , ,

• Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an• Droplets from a cough or sneeze of anDroplets from a cough or sneeze of an p gi f t d th h th iinfected person move through the airinfected person move through the air.infected person move through the air. gTh i th b d hThe virus can then be spread when aThe virus can then be spread when a e us ca t e be sp ead e aperson touches respiratory droplets fromperson touches respiratory droplets fromperson touches respiratory droplets from p p y p

th f lik d kanother person on a surface like a deskanother person on a surface like a deskanother person on a surface like a desk, pd k b hild’ t h h d tdoorknob child’s toy or phone handsetdoorknob, child s toy or phone handsetdoorknob, child s toy or phone handset and then to ches their o n e es mo thand then touches their own eyes mouthand then touches their own eyes, mouth y ,or nose before washing their handsor nose before washing their handsor nose before washing their hands. g

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Page 12: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

We kno that some ir ses and bacteria can• We know that some viruses and bacteria can• We know that some viruses and bacteria canWe know that some viruses and bacteria can f flive 2 hours or longer on surfaces like cafeterialive 2 hours or longer on surfaces like cafeterialive 2 hours or longer on surfaces like cafeteria g

t bl d k b d d ktables doorknobs and deskstables doorknobs and deskstables, doorknobs, and desks. , ,

F t h d hi ill h l d th• Frequent handwashing will help you reduce the• Frequent handwashing will help you reduce theFrequent handwashing will help you reduce the q g p ychance of getting contamination from thesechance of getting contamination from thesechance of getting contamination from thesechance of getting contamination from these

fcommon surfacescommon surfacescommon surfaces.

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Page 13: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

C d th ith ti h h• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough orCover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or y y gTh th ti i th t h ft itsneeze Throw the tissue in the trash after you use itsneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. y

W h h d f i h d i ll f• Wash your hands often with soap and water especially after• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially afterWash your hands often with soap and water, especially after h Al h l b d h d l lyou cough or sneeze Alcohol based hand cleaners are alsoyou cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are alsoyou cough or sneeze. Alcohol based hand cleaners are also


A id t hi th Th i• Avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth The virus can• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. The virus can g y y ,d thispread this wayspread this way. p y

• Try to avoid close contact with sick people• Try to avoid close contact with sick peopleTry to avoid close contact with sick people. y

If t i k ith i fl t h f k h l• If you get sick with influenza stay home from work or school• If you get sick with influenza, stay home from work or school y g , yd li it t t ith th t k f i f ti thand limit contact with others to keep from infecting themand limit contact with others to keep from infecting them. p g

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Page 14: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Wh t i th b t t k f diWhat is the best way to keep from spreadingWhat is the best way to keep from spreadingWhat is the best way to keep from spreadingWhat is the best way to keep from spreading y gth i th h hi i ?the virus through coughing or sneezing?the virus through coughing or sneezing?the virus through coughing or sneezing?g g g gIf i k li it t t ith th• If you are sick limit your contact with other• If you are sick, limit your contact with otherIf you are sick, limit your contact with other

l h ibl D t t kpeople as much as possible Do not go to workpeople as much as possible. Do not go to workpeople as much as possible. Do not go to work gor school if illor school if illor school if ill.

C th d ith ti h• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when yhi i It t thcoughing or sneezing It may prevent thosecoughing or sneezing. It may prevent thosecoughing or sneezing. It may prevent those d f i i k P daround you from getting sick Put your usedaround you from getting sick Put your usedaround you from getting sick. Put your used y g g y

tissue in the waste baskettissue in the waste baskettissue in the waste basket.

C h if d t h• Cover your cough or sneeze if you do not have• Cover your cough or sneeze if you do not have y g yti Th l h d d da tissue Then clean your hands and do soa tissue. Then, clean your hands, and do soa tissue. Then, clean your hands, and do so

every time you cough or sneezeevery time you cough or sneezeevery time you cough or sneeze. y y g

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Page 15: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Wh t i th b t t h i f hiWhat is the best technique for washing myWhat is the best technique for washing myWhat is the best technique for washing myWhat is the best technique for washing my g yh d t id tti th fl ?hands to avoid getting the flu?hands to avoid getting the flu?hands to avoid getting the flu?g g

W hi h d ft ill h l t t f• Washing your hands often will help protect you from• Washing your hands often will help protect you fromWashing your hands often will help protect you from W h ith d t l ithgerms Wash with soap and water or clean withgerms. Wash with soap and water or clean withgerms. Wash with soap and water or clean with g

alcohol based hand cleaneralcohol-based hand cleaneralcohol based hand cleaner.

Wh h h d ith d• When you wash your hands -- with soap and warm• When you wash your hands -- with soap and warm y y pt th t h f 15 t 20 d Whwater that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds Whenwater -- that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. Whenwater that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. When

d il bl l h l b dsoap and water are not available alcohol basedsoap and water are not available alcohol-basedsoap and water are not available, alcohol based pdisposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may bedisposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may bedisposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may be p p g y

d Y fi d th i t k t dused You can find them in most supermarkets andused. You can find them in most supermarkets and used ou ca d t e ost supe a ets a dd tdrugstoresdrugstores.drugstores. g

• If using gel rub your hands until the gel is dry The• If using gel rub your hands until the gel is dry TheIf using gel, rub your hands until the gel is dry. The g g y g ygel doesn't need ater to ork the alcohol in it killsgel doesn't need water to work; the alcohol in it killsgel doesn t need water to work; the alcohol in it kills g ;th h dthe germs on your handsthe germs on your hands.the germs on your hands.

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Page 16: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

If you live in areas where swine influenza cases have been• If you live in areas where swine influenza cases have beenIf you live in areas where swine influenza cases have been yid tifi d d b ill ith i fl lik tidentified and become ill with influenza-like symptomsidentified and become ill with influenza-like symptoms,identified and become ill with influenza like symptoms, i l di f b d h th tincluding fever body aches runny nose sore throatincluding fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat,including fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, g y ynausea or vomiting or diarrhea you may want to contactnausea or vomiting or diarrhea you may want to contactnausea, or vomiting or diarrhea, you may want to contact , g , y yth i h lth id ti l l if i dtheir health care provider particularly if you are worriedtheir health care provider, particularly if you are worried p , p y yb t t Y h lth id illabout your symptoms Your health care provider willabout your symptoms. Your health care provider willabout your symptoms. Your health care provider will

fdetermine whether influenza testing or treatment is neededdetermine whether influenza testing or treatment is neededdetermine whether influenza testing or treatment is needed.g

If you are sick you should stay home and avoid contact with• If you are sick you should stay home and avoid contact withIf you are sick, you should stay home and avoid contact with y , y yth l h ibl t k f diother people as much as possible to keep from spreadingother people as much as possible to keep from spreading ot e peop e as uc as poss b e to eep o sp ead g

ill t thyour illness to othersyour illness to others.your illness to others. y

• If you become ill and experience any of the following• If you become ill and experience any of the followingIf you become ill and experience any of the following y p y garning signs (ne t 2 slides) seek emergenc medical carewarning signs (next 2 slides) seek emergency medical carewarning signs (next 2 slides), seek emergency medical care.g g ( ), g y

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Page 17: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

I hild i i th tIn children emergency warning signs thatIn children emergency warning signs thatIn children emergency warning signs thatIn children emergency warning signs that g y g gd t di l tt ti i l dneed urgent medical attention include:need urgent medical attention include:need urgent medical attention include: g

F t b thi t bl b thi• Fast breathing or trouble breathing• Fast breathing or trouble breathingFast breathing or trouble breathing g gBl i h ki l• Bluish skin color• Bluish skin colorBluish skin color Not drinking enough fluids• Not drinking enough fluids• Not drinking enough fluids g gN t ki t i t ti• Not waking up or not interacting• Not waking up or not interactingNot waking up or not interacting g p gB i i it bl th t th hild d• Being so irritable that the child does• Being so irritable that the child doesBeing so irritable that the child does g

t t t b h ldnot want to be heldnot want to be heldnot want to be held Flu like symptoms improve but then• Flu-like symptoms improve but then• Flu-like symptoms improve but then u e sy pto s p o e but t e

t ith f d hreturn with fever and worse coughreturn with fever and worse coughreturn with fever and worse cough gF ith h• Fever with a rash• Fever with a rashFever with a rash

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Page 18: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

I d lt i i th tIn adults emergency warning signs thatIn adults emergency warning signs thatIn adults, emergency warning signs thatIn adults, emergency warning signs that g y g gd t di l tt ti i l dneed urgent medical attention include:need urgent medical attention include:need urgent medical attention include: g

• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breathDifficulty breathing or shortness of breath y g• Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen• Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomenPain or pressure in the chest or abdomenp

S dd di i• Sudden dizziness• Sudden dizzinessSudden dizziness C f i• Confusion• ConfusionConfusion S i t t iti• Severe or persistent vomiting• Severe or persistent vomitingSevere or persistent vomiting g

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Page 19: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Th ti d th di bl it d b th• Throw away tissues and other disposable items used by the• Throw away tissues and other disposable items used by the y p yi k i th t h W h h d ft t hisick person in the trash Wash your hands after touchingsick person in the trash. Wash your hands after touchingsick person in the trash. Wash your hands after touching

used tissues and similar wasteused tissues and similar wasteused tissues and similar waste.

Keep surfaces (esp bedside tables surfaces in the• Keep surfaces (esp bedside tables surfaces in theKeep surfaces (esp bedside tables, surfaces in the p ( p ,b th hild ’ t h h dl d k b ) lbathroom children’s toys phone handles doorknobs) cleanbathroom, children s toys, phone handles, doorknobs) clean ba oo , c d e s oys, p o e a d es, doo obs) c eab i i th d ith h h ld di i f t tby wiping them down with a household disinfectantby wiping them down with a household disinfectantby wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product labelaccording to directions on the product labelaccording to directions on the product label. g p

Linens eating tensils and dishes belonging to those ho• Linens eating utensils and dishes belonging to those who• Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belonging to those who , g , g gi k d t d t b l d t l b tare sick do not need to be cleaned separately butare sick do not need to be cleaned separately, butare sick do not need to be cleaned separately, but

i t tl th it h ld t b h d ith timportantly these items should not be shared withoutimportantly these items should not be shared withoutimportantly these items should not be shared without p ywashing thoroughly firstwashing thoroughly firstwashing thoroughly first. g g y

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Page 20: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

(C td )(Contd )(Contd.)( )

W h li ( h b d h d l ) b i• Wash linens (such as bed sheets and towels) by using• Wash linens (such as bed sheets and towels) by usingWash linens (such as bed sheets and towels) by using ( ) y ghousehold laundry soap and tumble dry on a hot settinghousehold laundry soap and tumble dry on a hot settinghousehold laundry soap and tumble dry on a hot setting. y p y gA id “h i ” l d i t hi it t tAvoid “hugging” laundry prior to washing it to preventAvoid hugging laundry prior to washing it to preventAvoid hugging laundry prior to washing it to prevent

t i ti lf Cl h d ith dcontaminating yourself Clean your hands with soap andcontaminating yourself. Clean your hands with soap andcontaminating yourself. Clean your hands with soap and g y ywater or alcohol based hand rub right after handling dirtywater or alcohol-based hand rub right after handling dirtywater or alcohol based hand rub right after handling dirty g g yl dlaundrylaundry. y

E ti t il h ld b h d ith i di h h• Eating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher or• Eating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher orEating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher or b h d i h dby hand with water and soapby hand with water and soapby hand with water and soap. y p

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Page 21: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

‘D di M k N kh ’‘Dadi Maa ka Nuskha’Dadi Maa ka NuskhaDadi Maa ka NuskhaDadi Maa ka Nuskha(G d ’ h d )(Grandma’s home remedy)(Grandma s home remedy)(G a d a s o e e edy)

Th h b d ti f A d• There has been recommendation from Ayurveda• There has been recommendation from AyurvedaThere has been recommendation from Ayurvedaythat taking 5 7 Tulsi leaves empty stomach earlythat taking 5-7 Tulsi leaves empty stomach earlythat taking 5-7 Tulsi leaves empty stomach earlythat taking 5 7 Tulsi leaves empty stomach early

i d k h fl bmorning every day keeps the flu at baymorning every day keeps the flu at baymorning every day, keeps the flu at bay.g y y, p yT d f L i T (b t i l• Tea made from Laxmi Taru (botanical name:• Tea made from Laxmi Taru (botanical name:Tea made from Laxmi Taru (botanical name: (Si b ) l T l i A l d A tSimarouba) leaves Tulsi Amla and AmrutSimarouba) leaves Tulsi Amla and AmrutSimarouba) leaves, Tulsi, Amla and Amrut)(Gil ) t i it h(Giloy) acts as an immunity enhancer(Giloy) acts as an immunity enhancer.(Giloy) acts as an immunity enhancer. ( y) yAlternatively & additionally Ginger and TurmericAlternatively & additionally Ginger and TurmericAlternatively & additionally, Ginger and TurmericAlternatively & additionally, Ginger and Turmeric (h ldi) d i d i h i h li j i(haldi) powder mixed with either lime juice or(haldi) powder mixed with either lime juice or(haldi) powder mixed with either lime juice or ( ) p jh l b t k t i dhoney can also be taken twice a dayhoney can also be taken twice a dayhoney can also be taken twice a dayy y

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Page 22: Swine Flu H1 N1 Info Symptoms Prevention Treatment Version 2

Li t f H it l f t t t f S i FlList of Hospitals for treatment of Swine FluList of Hospitals for treatment of Swine FluList of Hospitals for treatment of Swine FluCh iChennaiChennai

Ki I tit t f P ti M di i (24/7 S i ) G i d Ch i• King Institute of Preventive Medicine (24/7 Service) Guindy Chennai• King Institute of Preventive Medicine (24/7 Service) Guindy, Chennai g s u e o e e e ed c e ( / Se ce) Gu dy, C e a32 (044) 22501520 22501521 & 22501522- 32 (044) 22501520 22501521 & 2250152232 (044) 22501520, 22501521 & 22501522( )

Comm nicable Diseases Hospital Thondiarpet Chennai (044)• Communicable Diseases Hospital Thondiarpet Chennai (044)Communicable Diseases Hospital Thondiarpet, Chennai (044) p p ( )25912686/87/88 944445954325912686/87/88 944445954325912686/87/88, 9444459543,G G O C S C• Government General Hospital Opp Central Railway Station Chennai• Government General Hospital Opp. Central Railway Station, ChennaiGovernment General Hospital Opp. Central Railway Station, Chennai

03 (044) 25305000 25305723 25305721 25330300- 03 (044) 25305000 25305723 25305721 2533030003 (044) 25305000, 25305723, 25305721, 25330300( )PPunePune

N id H it l N L 'M idi R j B h d Mill GPO P• Naidu Hospital Nr Le'Meridian Raja Bahadur Mill GPO Pune -• Naidu Hospital Nr Le Meridian, Raja Bahadur Mill, GPO, Pune -p , j , ,01 (020) 2605824301 (020) 2605824301 (020) 26058243

• National Institute of Virology 20A Ambedkar Road Pune 11 (020)• National Institute of Virology 20A Ambedkar Road, Pune - 11 (020)National Institute of Virology 20A Ambedkar Road, Pune 11 (020) 260062902600629026006290

K lk tKolkataKolkataID H it l 57 B li h t B li h t R d K lk t 10 (033)• ID Hospital 57 Beliaghata Beliaghata Road Kolkata 10 (033)• ID Hospital 57,Beliaghata, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata - 10 (033) p , g , g , ( )237012522370125223701252

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List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 2List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -2List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -2List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 2C i b tCoimbatoreCoimbatore

G t G l H it l T i h R d C i b t 18 (0422)• Government General Hospital Trichy Road Coimbatore - 18 (0422)• Government General Hospital Trichy Road, Coimbatore - 18 (0422) p y , ( )2301393 2301394 2301395 23013962301393, 2301394, 2301395, 23013962301393, 2301394, 2301395, 2301396

HyderabadHyderabadHyderabad• Govt General and Chest Diseases Hospital Erragadda• Govt General and Chest Diseases Hospital ErragaddaGovt. General and Chest Diseases Hospital, Erragadda,

H d b d (040) 23814939Hyderabad (040) 23814939Hyderabad (040) 23814939y ( )M b iMumbaiMumbai

K t b G dhi H it l A th R d N M J hi M J b• Kasturba Gandhi Hospital Arthur Road N M Joshi Marg Jacob• Kasturba Gandhi Hospital Arthur Road, N M Joshi Marg, Jacob astu ba Ga d osp ta t u oad, Jos a g, JacobCircle Mumbai 11 (022) 23083901 23092458 23004512Circle Mumbai - 11 (022) 23083901 23092458 23004512Circle, Mumbai 11 (022) 23083901, 23092458, 23004512( )Si J J H it l J J M B ll M b i 08 (022) 23735555• Sir J J Hospital J J Marg Byculla Mumbai - 08 (022) 23735555Sir J J Hospital J J Marg, Byculla, Mumbai 08 (022) 23735555, p g y ( )23739031 23760943 23768400 / 23731144 / 5555 / 23701393 /23739031 23760943 23768400 / 23731144 / 5555 / 23701393 /23739031, 23760943, 23768400 / 23731144 / 5555 / 23701393 / 3 3 3 , 3 3, 3 3 3 3 3 3136613661366Haffkine Instit te Achar a Donde Marg Parel M mbai 12 (022)• Haffkine Institute Acharya Donde Marg Parel Mumbai - 12 (022)Haffkine Institute Acharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai 12 (022) y g ( )24160947 24160961 2416096224160947 24160961 2416096224160947, 24160961, 24160962, ,

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List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 3List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -3List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -3List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 3K hiKochiKochi

• Government Medical College Gandhi Nagar P O Kottayam 08 (0481)• Government Medical College Gandhi Nagar P O, Kottayam - 08 (0481) Go e e t ed ca Co ege Ga d aga O, ottaya 08 (0 8 )2597311 25973122597311,2597312,

• Government Medical College Vandanam P O Allapuzha 05 (0477) 2282015• Government Medical College Vandanam P O, Allapuzha - 05 (0477) 2282015Government Medical College Vandanam P O, Allapuzha 05 (0477) 2282015T l k H it l R il St ti R d Al E k l (0484) 2624040 S th jit• Taluk Hospital Railway Station Road Alwaye Ernakulam (0484) 2624040 Sathyajit -Taluk Hospital Railway Station Road, Alwaye, Ernakulam (0484) 2624040 Sathyajit098478400510984784005109847840051T l k H it l P b PO E k l 542 (0484) 2523138 Vi i• Taluk Hospital Perumbavoor PO Ernakulam 542 (0484) 2523138 Vipin -Taluk Hospital Perumbavoor PO, Ernakulam 542 (0484) 2523138 Vipin094473052000944730520009447305200

G &Gurgaon & DelhiGurgaon & DelhiGurgaon & Delhi AIIMS A i N A bi d M Ri R d N D lhi 29 (011) 26594404• AIIMS Ansari Nagar Aurobindo Marg Ring Road New Delhi - 29 (011) 26594404AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, Aurobindo Marg Ring Road, New Delhi - 29 (011) 26594404, 268616982686169826861698 P f R C D k 9868397464 N ti l I tit t f C i bl Di 22• Prof R C Deka - 9868397464 National Institute for Communicable Diseases 22• Prof. R C Deka - 9868397464 National Institute for Communicable Diseases 22, Sh N th M N D lhi 54 (011) 23971272 /060/ 344/Sham Nath Marg New Delhi - 54 (011) 23971272 /060/ 344/Sham Nath Marg, New Delhi 54 (011) 23971272 /060/ 344/D R M h L hi H it l Kh k Si h M N D lhi 01 (011)• Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Kharak Singh Marg New Delhi - 01 (011)• Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi - 01 (011) p g g ( )23741640 23741649 2374163923741640 23741649 2374163923741640, 23741649, 23741639 D N K Ch t di 9811101704 V ll bh i P t l Ch t I tit t U i it E l• Dr N K Chaturvedi - 9811101704 Vallabhai Patel Chest Institute University Enclave• Dr. N K Chaturvedi - 9811101704 Vallabhai Patel Chest Institute University Enclave, yNew Delhi 07 (011) 27667102 27667441 27667667 27666182New Delhi- 07 (011) 27667102, 27667441, 27667667, 27666182( ) , , ,

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List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 4List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -4List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu -4List of Hospitals for treatment of Swine Flu 4

B lBangaloreBangaloregVi t i H it l K R M k t K l i l B l 02 (080)• Victoria Hospital K R Market Kalasipalayam Bangalore - 02 (080)• Victoria Hospital K R Market, Kalasipalayam, Bangalore - 02 (080) p , p y , g ( )26703294 Dr Gangadhar 94480 4986326703294 Dr. Gangadhar - 94480-4986326703294 Dr. Gangadhar 94480 49863

• SDS Tuberculosis & Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest• SDS Tuberculosis & Rajiv Gandhi Institute of ChestSDS Tuberculosis & Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Di H R d H b d N B l 29 (080)Diseases Hosur Road Hombegowda Nagar Bangalore - 29 (080)Diseases Hosur Road, Hombegowda Nagar, Bangalore - 29 (080) , g g , g ( )26631923 Dr Shivaraj 99801 4878026631923 Dr. Shivaraj - 99801-4878026631923 Dr. Shivaraj 99801 48780

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S i Fl S t & P ti• Swine Flu Symptoms & Prevention• Swine Flu – Symptoms & PreventionSwine Flu Symptoms & Prevention y pH t H dl S i Fl P d i• How to Handle a Swine Flu Pandemic• How to Handle a Swine Flu Pandemic• How to Handle a Swine Flu PandemicHow to Handle a Swine Flu PandemicCDC R d ti f S i Fl• CDC Recommendations for Swine Flu• CDC Recommendations for Swine FluCDC Recommendations for Swine FluRi k F t f S i Fl• Risk Factors for Swine Flu• Risk Factors for Swine FluRisk Factors for Swine FluRisk Factors for Swine FluT t t f S i Fl• Treatment for Swine Flu• Treatment for Swine FluTreatment for Swine FluDiff B t S i Fl d• Difference Between Swine Flu and• Difference Between Swine Flu andDifference Between Swine Flu and e e ce et ee S e u a dSeasonal AllergiesSeasonal AllergiesSeasonal AllergiesSeasonal AllergiesgEff ti f M k I S i Fl• Effectiveness of Mask In Swine Flu• Effectiveness of Mask In Swine FluEffectiveness of Mask In Swine FluRecommendations for Travel to Areas• Recommendations for Travel to Areas• Recommendations for Travel to AreasRecommendations for Travel to Areas R ti N l H1N1 FlReporting Novel H1N1 FluReporting Novel H1N1 FluReporting Novel H1N1 Flup g

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