Swimming 1


Transcript of Swimming 1

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A Glimpse of My PastSwimming gives me lesson for life, a couple which Id like to share, right from my childhood

Young and energetic, swimming was a hobby I enjoyed

I tried to learn a thing or two,But never got enough,To ever be a heroine in the water

But jump I did, into the water, and good fun it was, thenLesson 1: Growth and development take time, one can hardly be an expert in a day, a week or a month, yet this is no excuse to kill your dream. Learn the little you can, when you can, and enjoy the process

Putting Purpose into the PoolPoints of preparation for the journey to a successful future

Id hoped to be an expert, and compete in high school,But there were many better than me, and the team trained to build up speed, not to teach armatures.

I opted for basketball, where I made the first team easily, and enjoyed it

Lesson 2: Be quick to spot your strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities available that suit you, to ensure you make the best of any situation, and enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

Time-out he departed, and went and hanged himself. Mathew 27:5

So I kept the battle on hold, with the promise to fight another day, when I am all strong, and well prepared, unsure of when this might beLesson 3: Take time to strategize and build your armory. Sometimes one needs to stop for a gas refill, or rejuvenation, so as to surmount the challenges ahead

Breakthrough Theres time for everythingXXXXXXXXXX Mathew 27:24-26and han

Two years back, I got membership to a sports club, and met a swimming trainer/life saver, who knew how best to coach me

And so I took up swimming again, acting like an armature, with no idea of where to start, or how to move

Neither rain nor cold, would stop me from a 6am swim daily right before work. Keenly I listened, and lots I learned, from the right strokes for different swimming styles, to the appropriate breathing techniques, and the swiftest of motions for speed and agility.Lesson 4: Victory belongs to those who make hay while the sun shines. Do what it takes to succeed, when the opportunity at last unfolds.

My Daily Pool Experiences

he prayed more fervently; his sweat was like drops of blood Luke 22:44he went back to the disciples and found them asleep Luke 22:45

The Ten CommandmentsExodus 20

One of the chapels at the shrine

Ave Maria

The sanctuary

Closer look at the sanctuary

Side viewThe front and the altar

The Chapel of Pope John Paul II

Full view of the Popes chapelAmong the pictures, the late Pope John & the man who tried to assassinate him

The Cross of Jesus

Join the group, have your encounter with Christ, and experience his Divine Mercy Dont miss this experience of a life time..