SWHISA-Project Biannual Report (July 1 st -Dec.31 2010)



SWHISA-Project Biannual Report (July 1 st -Dec.31 2010). Community Development Group. 1. Major Achievements. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of SWHISA-Project Biannual Report (July 1 st -Dec.31 2010)

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SWHISA-ProjectBiannual Report (July 1st -Dec.31

2010) Community Development


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1. Major Achievements.

• Trainings planned by woredas for experts and WUA/IC members have continued in the reporting period: IC management trainings were organized and conducted at Goncha, Wore Illu, Delanta, and West Belessa

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• During the planning period, users’ participation in contributing labor and cash for scheme operation and maintenance has been replicated from the pilot level to other schemes.

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West Belessa• Tebtebta• Dedha• Hota• sewak

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• A consensus has been reached among various stakeholders including ICs, regional level IADP, and CPA with regard the implementation modality and training of irrigation technicians at pilot schemes level.

• All woredas and regional level PIs have officially expressed their agreement on the implementation modality developed by SWHISA.

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• Based on the agreed criteria the recruitment of trainees from the selected pilot irrigation schemes has been finalized.

• IADP has also taken the responsibility to develop a standard manual for the intended training.

• After the preparation of the training material is completed, the training will be delivered during the remaining planning period.

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• Stakeholders’ consultative meetings have been conducted at 11 irrigation schemes (West Belessa, Wore Illu, Delanta and Goncha Woredas) and totally 319 men and 22 women were involved during the meetings

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• The meetings have been organized with the purpose of looking for improvement measures to enhance the performance of the current ICs in the management of schemes operation and maintenance.

• Guiding checklists were prepared and distributed to all woredas.

• These meetings were facilitated by woreda CPA and IADP with a full participation of IC management members, Kebele administration, and the selected IC members and non member water users

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• During the meetings the bylaws of ICs were reviewed and the effectiveness of internal rules and regulations of the ICs were evaluated and discussions were conducted for further improvements.

• The concrete measures taken after the meetings is yet to be assessed

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• SWHISA engaged an international consultant in Participatory Irrigation Management to undertake an assessment of the current status of both planning and development/rehabilitation of small scale irrigation schemes and their management.

• A strategy paper on Participatory Irrigation Development and Management (PIDM) has been also developed and distributed to all stake holders.

• The strategy document has attempted to address many of the shortcomings of the current IC performance and recommendations.

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• Following the development of PIDM strategy document, 4 trainings were organized (Haik, Woreta, Molale, Dangila) for regional, zonal, woreda and kebele level staff of IDDP, IADP, CPA and Koga Irrigation Project.

• Totally 77 (11 F) trainees were participated at four training centers.

• These trainings were a good opportunity to conduct detail discussions on outstanding issues and exchange ideas among PIs with regard to water users’ organizations.

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• Based on the recommendations of the strategy paper and as it was stated in the 5th year annual report, CPA has been agreed to review the existing guideline on a scheme basis and modify within the cooperative law to suit the needs of WUAs and putting greater emphasis on O&M.

• Accordingly, a field level assessment has been undertaken by CPA experts based on a checklist developed by SWHISA and CPA jointly.

• A review meeting is planned to be conducted to modify the current organizational guideline based on the result of the assessment report and the recommendations stated in the PIDM strategy paper.

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• PIDM strategy, have brought a significant attitudinal change among PIs experts at all level to follow a participatory approach in scheme development planning, designing, construction and management phases.

• However, this needs extra effort in institutionalizing of the strategy.

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2. Challenges

• Incomplete /delayed Schemes rehabilitation/upgrading

at selgi, Yedo, Azuari remained unresolved

This has resulted in dissatisfaction of both water users and woreda PIs and for low performance of schemes

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3. Emerging opportunities

• CPA has shown flexibility to improve the current Guideline based on the assessment report

• Most of the recommendations of IPDM strategy are being considered

• We need to keep the support to this effort for a workable guideline

• Improvement in collaboration among CPA and IADP both at woreda and regional level

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• The recent GTP has given greater emphasis for the promotion of water harvesting/ irrigation

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SWHISA: Progress review & Preparation for 6th year SPR

Nov 2010

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Meeting purpose

• Review Progress made and challenges faced so far in the implementation of the 6th year plan

• Where are we in preparing the Semi-Annual Progress report (SPR).

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Progresses Review

• Are you guiding the activities you are entrusted with towards the expected target?

• Which activities have lagged behind?• What are the challenges faced?• What do you have in mind that you plan to do

in the immediate future to meet targets for the first half year.

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Semi-Annual Progress report (SPR).• PROCESS:

• Each expert is responsible for data collection and analysis for the indicators for both Outcomes and Outputs in the Performance Monitoring Framework that corresponds to his/her responsibility area• Results reporting is a longer term and more complex task than

that of activity reporting

• The purpose of this reporting is two-fold: • Learning: a critical management function of reflection on the

impact we are having and the subsequent thoughtful adjustment of our activities to better enable us to reach our results goals.• Reporting: our key stakeholders ANRS and CIDA want to know

the ‘impact’ of our work and not merely what we have done.

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Five points for results reporting:1. Create Action Plan for Preparing the Report2. Collect data

• Survey• Interviews• Records

• Represent Data• Data collection tools

• Created earlier; please check last year’s document by Steve• Collect data other than the indicator in the PMF• If any expert feels that other indicators or measures would

help to flesh out the success or failure of a given result, the expert is free to gather, analyse and present this data as well.

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3. Analyse the data• The report is a continuation of the Annual progress

report.• our key stakeholders ANRS and CIDA want to know the

‘impact’ of our work and not merely what we have done.

4. Present to expert team5. Submission of Results Report and Evidence

• Semi-Annual Report – December 20• The submission of the reports should be accompanied by evidence

to support a subsequent project review or audit by the government or CIDA

6. Format for results report (see Steve’s report)

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Major Achievements and Challenges

Irrigation Research Team

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Achievements (1)

• Development of Draft Research Strategic Plan and its Implementation Strategy

• It recognizes ARARI’s changing roles in technology generation and adoption continuum (people’s livelihoods, long-term sustainability and overall changing conditions)

• It link research proposals and activities to the broader set of goals and objectives so that research is not overlapping and resources are allocated to priority activities

• It transcends program by unifying the efforts of multiple programs and partners on mutual research questions

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Achievements (2)

• Internally, It assist ARARI to work in an interdisciplinary fashion by focusing on issue-based research this has built capacity to critically analyze and think ‘beyond’ their own area of expertise

• Externally, it provides frame work for partnership to collaborate and to ensure research resource are directed to the most crucial research needs

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Achievements (3)

• Development of Koga irritation research sub centers and initiate new on station irrigation research programs

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• Lack of adequate support staff to efficiently manage Kobo and Koga sub-center

• The capacity of the existing support staff in irrigation operation is weak

• The full potential of the sub-center would not be utilized in the absence of an efficient farm operation and management unit

• Power shortage problem at Kobo is very critical to extent that pose difficulties to run research activities as per the plan

• Vehicle problem particularly at Gonder to implement and follow-up on farm trials

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What in next 6 months?

• All out puts pertain to the team are in good progress, with the exception of those under 4500, we have discussed this with SWD and prepared contingency plan to accommodate within the remaining period

• Follow up a capacity development proposal submitted for establishing an efficient operational and management unit at Kobo and Koga research sub center

• Support the on going research activities through continuous field mentoring

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21 January 2011

Communications Team SWHISA

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I. Communications Materials 1.Brochure - Amharic and English 2. Newsletter and Posters - sent to Addis for printing - 2nd newsletter under preparation

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3. Leaflets - Farmers’ Field Day - Crop Diversification to Yield Increase at

Irrigation Schemes - Vegetable Production through Farmers’ Drip

System Using HH Harvested Water - The Role of Watershed Management for

Water Harvesting and Irrigation Development

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4. TV Programmes and Documentary - Started work with AMMA - visits made to 3 project woredas - Programme was not up to par (failed to depict project rightly, a jumble of

interviews, script described little) - a radio programme on Top-It-Up transmitted

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5. Manuals and Guidelines - Albert Engel’s Hydraulic Structures Design

Guideline has been printed and distributed - Not less than 6 modules of Hydraulic Design

Guideline are up for printing - Amharic versions of 3 gender manuals will

also be submitted to printers

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6. What to expect - posters, first SWHISA newsletter - hydraulic design manuals - gender manuals - a TV programme - 2nd newsletter - leaflets

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Thank You!

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SAPR presentation for WHIG

Year 2010/11


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A.Major Achievements in the past 6 months, 2010/11

Output 2100 – Improved study & design of sustainable irrigation schemes

Indicator i) Existence and use of participatory study and design manuals for SSIPs

• The hydraulic deign manual fills the gaps available in Pre-existing manuals and guidelines at the BoWRD and the new manual is adopted by IDDP since January 2010 in all its designs and TOT trainings


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Indicator ii) Existence and use of participatory…

• As a result of SWHISA capacity development efforts, IDDP experts also developed training resource material for the training of experts at the region (BoWRD & BoA) and zone & woreda levels

• The capacity of woreda & zone experts improved through number of trainings & manuals given by SWHISA. Experts of Goncha, Menz, W/Belessa and Delanta are now committed to undertake the design & construction of springs and HDWs in this fiscal year. Zone experts in N/Gondar and S/Wollo are also started supporting woredas in design of small river diversion & rehabilitation in Belessa and ground water development in Delanta woredas


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Output 2300 – Improved quality of rehabilitated & upgraded irrigation schemes

• There will be additional land of 54, 22, 36 & 25 ha to be irrigated in this year because of rehabilitation of Selgi, Yedu, Azuari, and Zana-1 schemes respectively.

• Design of Menti in west Belessa is completed and construction is under bid for this year construction but it has budget contraint


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• Design for upgrading of Maywuha spring and additional rehabilitation works for Azuri is completed and construction will start soon by the WoA.

• The study and design of 7 SSIPs in 5 woredas (except West Belesa) has been initiated through outsourcing to external consultants. Site selection for those sites is done by woreda experts.


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• Gula sand dam in addition to serving to the community for domestic purposes and micro irrigation with drip system, it will be a good demonstration site for northern part of Ethiopia in Amhara & Tigray and other regions


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• The drain cleaning equipment will soon be used to open clogged outlets of Atelekayna reservoir. It may serve for other purposes.


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Output 2600

• Six woredas have adopted HHWH guideline in scaling-up program. In 2009/10 about 997 HHWHS constructed in six woredas and the program of this year is early started in Belessa woredas on 73 geo membrane lined ponds.

• Development of a strategy on farmer/rural technicians for scaling up and sustainable use of HHWHS has accepted by RIADP and its implementation is continuing.


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4100: BoWRD Organizational functions, structures, systems and

outputs strengthened• Continue on-going support is given to the

preparation of WRM guideline including licensing, certification, allocation, contract management, which is new to the region. It will be the first model document to other regions.


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• The other new manual ( draft) is also prepared on water quality standards and protection for rivers lakes water quality test, water pollution prevention methods, lab techniques and operational guide lines for WRMP


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(4200): # personnel trained in WR planning and data analysis functions

• Numbers of trainings (short & long) as well as equipments and materials delivered to BoWRD have contributed to the improved design capacity of IDDP. Short trainings given to experts are highly appreciated by the trainees and the training materials issued to trainees during the training and the software are effectively used by region and zone engineers in the design of SSIS.


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• Six manuals on water resource engineering prepared for woreda & zone engineers and training has been given. These manuals will be printed & distributed soon to concerned organization to serve as field manual for design and construction of SSI projects.


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B.Challenges faced in the period

• Construction quality problems have been identified

• staff turnover and replacement of office heads & administrators by the new staffs

• Lack of staff on specific positions related to irrigation engineering


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• Poor O & M of HHWH and irrigation schemes• Un availability of GPS, spare parts for pumps

and FDS and skills at village level.


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C. Plan in the next 6 months(2010/11)

• Closely working with IDDP, RIADP, WRMP and zone IADP & IDDP

• Invite freelancers to supervise on-going construction projects and preparation of some documents ( manuals, guidelines and so on)

• Implement Farmers technicians strategy in 6 pilot woredas


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Watershed Management Group

21st Jan. 2011

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Major Achievements

Implementation of biological conservation measuresPlantation on: closed areas, backyards, bunds, gullies, etc.

Training for:Farmers on watershed management and integrated

activitiesExperts (on soil mapping, GIS application, laboratory

analysis, environmental management, etc.

Experience sharing for farmers in different areas

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Joint monitoring has been conducted among BoARD_NRDPUP expertsBoARD_PSNP expertsZone OoARD_NRDPUP experts

Assessment of watershed area covered by different SWCMS. Mapping of same.

Nursery activity is going on

Major Achievements

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-Farm bunds –

-Area closure –

-Gully reveg. –

-Irrigation -

-Hay making –

SCALE:- 1:16000

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Area closure -

Farm bund -

Main road -

Gully control -


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Area closure with physical

structures and plantation -

Area closure without -

Plantation -

Farm bunds -


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Gully treatment

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Bund stabilization

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Compost preparation and HHWHs by individuals

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Micro catchment treatment in HHWHSs

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Seedling production

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Joint monitoring

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Catchment rehabilitation

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Runoff is minimized

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Major Challenge

Woreda experts in most of the time are busy, which is difficult to accomplish the activities as per the schedule.

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Major activities in the next 6 months

Major watershed activities are to be performed in

the six 6 months

Model watershed plan shall be revised according to

the observation we have made

Joint monitoring will continue with PIs

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Major activities in the next 6 months

Impact assessment of the watershed development


Survey on adoption of SWHISA methods in watershed

development by woredas

Based on lessons learnt and impact assessment develop

guiding documents on watershed developmentWork with BoEPLAU on finalization of guidelines

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Thank you

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Agriculture Extension Group

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• Achievements over the last six months • Problems/constraints• Envision the next six months

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Major Achievements

• HHs skill to properly handle and operate WHS (land preparation and seedling raising, drip installation and maintenance…etc) has been improved in the six woredas;

482 farmers (66%) trained on water management

Experience tour organized to farmers 52 (25%)

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Major Achievements (cont’d.)

• W-IADP capacity to plan and organize trainings and experience share tours has shown improvement

218 (75%) woreda experts, DAs, supervisors and irrigation technicians trained

264 (87%) DAs and irrigation technicians trained on installation, maintenance and management of geo-membrane, drip system …etc.

101 (98%) woreda experts, DAs and supervisors trained on FTC demonstration and management

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Major Achievements (cont’d.)

• Institutionalization of irrigation extension functions by W-IADP has shown improvement. These include; on job training, planning and implementation of demonstrations, mentoring of DAs and farmers…etc

Implementation of vegetable demonstrations is underway at 51 HHWH, 86 geo-membrane, 87 HDW and 12 FTCs

Implementation of irrigation demonstrations is underway at 169 plots at 17 small-scale irrigation schemes

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Major Achievements (cont’d.)

• With R-IADP report on capacity gap analysis produced and distributed

• With R-IADP three technology packages developed and distributed;

8 vegetable packages, 3 extension leaflets on IWM and irrigation extension operation manual• R-IADP trained 26 (4 F) experts from four zones and

six woredas for six days• Cost-benefit of the WH systems is currently

underway by a recruited external consultant

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Major Problems/constraints

• Continued staff turnover particularly at woredas affected sustainability of capacity development;

demanding refreshment trainings and continued transfer of manuals/guidelines to

woredas/keb• Regular redeployment of woreda officials and DAs

affected timely implementation of planned activities;

quarterly meetings, demonstrations • Shortage of drip package components at woredas.

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Envision the next six months

• Effort will be made to align project activities implementation with the woredas GTP orientation and implementation

• Woredas focus on GTP implementation and the anticipated coordination problems may affect timely implementation of project activities. Due to this, increase availability at woredas to provide technical support particularly at kebeles is important.